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Number problem
*1.1. The result is 46, when you multiply 7 to a number and increased by 4. What is the number?

First, circle what you must find— the number. Letting x stand for the number gives the equation

7x + 4 = 46

Subtracting 4 from each side gives

7x = 2

Dividing by 7 gives

x =6

So the number is 6.

*1.2. If one number is three times as large as another number and the smaller number is increased by
20, the result is 4 less than three times the larger number. What is the larger number?

First, circle what you must find— the larger number. Let the smaller number equal x. Therefore, the
larger number will be 5x. Now, using the problem, set up an equation.


The smaller number increased by 20 is 4 less than twice the larger number

X + 20 = 3 (3x) - 4

x + 20 = 3 (3x) - 4 write the equation.

x + 20 – x = 9x – 4 - x subtract X both sides, then

20 = 8x – 4
20 + 4 = 8x – 4 + 4 add 4 both sides.
24 = 8x devide both sides into 8, in order to get the value of x
24 8x
= 8


Therefore, the larger number, 3 x, is 3(3), or 9.

*1.3 The product of the two numbers is 120. The smaller number is 2 less than the larger number. What is the sum
of the two numbers.

Let x be the larger number

Let x-2 be the smaller number
The product of these two numbers is 120, then this will be the equation.

Simplify to get the value of x.
x-12=0, x+10=0
x=12, x=-10

Since the number is positive, the value of x will be 12 or x=12.

To obtain the value of the smaller number, substitute the value of x.

x-2 = 12-2 = 10
The value of the smaller number is 10.
Finally, we are going to add the numbers to obtain the sum.
12+10= 22
The sum of the two numbers are 22.

2. Age problem
*2.1 Lucy is 12 years older than Daphne. Five years ago, the sum of their ages was 28. How old are they

 The first sentence tells us that Lucy is 12 years older than Daphne (this is the current age)

 The second sentence tells us the age change for both Lucy and Daphne is five years ago (−5)

Filling in the chart gives us:

Person or Object Current Age Age Change (−5)

D + 12 − 5
Lucy (L) D + 12

Daphne (D) D D−5

The last statement gives us the equation to solve:

Five years ago, the sum of their ages was 28

(D + 7) + (D - 5) = 28 L = D + 12

2D + 2 = 28 L = 13 + 12

2D + 2 – 2 = 28 – 2 L = 25
2D = 26

= 26/2
D = 13

Therefore, Lucy is 25 years old and Daphne is 13 years old.

*2.2 The age of Hannah and Mae has a sum of 36. In four years, Hannah will be three times as old as
Mae. How old are they now?

 The first sentence tells us that the sum of the ages of Hannah(H) and Mae is 32. So H + M = 32,
which means that H = 32 − M or
M = 32 − H (we will use these equations to eliminate one variable in our final equation)

 The second sentence tells us that the age change for both Hannah and Mae is in four years

Filling in the chart gives us:

Name Current Age Age Change (+2)

Hannah (H) H H+4

(36 − H) + 4
Mae 36 − H
40 – H

The last statement gives us the equation to solve:

In two years, Hannah will be three times as old as Kristin

H + 4 = 3 (40 – H)

H + 4 = 120 – 3H

3H + H + 4 = 120 – 3H + 3H

4H + 4 - 4 = 120 - 4

4H = 116

4 H 116
= 4

H = 29

If Hannah is 29 years old, then Mae is 36 − 29 = 7 years old.

Therefore Hannah is 29 years old Mae is 7 years old

*2.4. Mang Kepweng has a Grandson, The age of his grandson is about as many days as the son of
Aling Sabel in weeks, and as many months as Mang Kepweng in years. The grandson, son of Aling
sable and Mang Kepweng’s age are 180 years in total. What is the age of Mang Kepweng?"

(Scroll Down for Answer!)

g = Age of the Grandson
s = age of the son of aling Sabel
MK = Age of mang Kepweng
"Mang Kepweng’s grandson is about as many days as Aling sabel’s son is weeks,"
s = 7g

Mang Kepweng’s grandson is as many months as him in years.

MK = 12g
g + s + MK = 180
Substitute for m and s
=g + 7g + 12g = 180
20g = 180
g = 

g = 9 yrs is grandson's age

s = 7(9) = 63 yrs is the age of the son of aling Sabel
MK = 12(9) = 108 yrs is Mang Kepweng’s age.

therefore, Mang Kepweng’s age is 108 years old.

3. Mixture
*3.1 A chocolate milk Coffee worth $5 per pound is mixed with coffee worth 90¢ per
pound to obtain 25 pounds of a mixture worth $2 per pound. How many pounds of
each type are used?

First, circle what you are trying to find— how many pounds of each type. Now, let the
number of pounds of $5 chocolate milk coffee be denoted as x. Therefore, the number
of pounds of 90¢‐per‐pound coffee must be the remainder of the twentyfive pounds, or
25 – x. Now, make a chart for the cost of each type and the total cost.

cost per lb. x amount in lbs. = total cost of each

$5 CMcoffee $5 x $5 x

$ .90 coffee $ .90 25–x $ .90(25–x)

mixture $2 20 $ 2(25)

Now, set up the equation.

Total cost of one type + total cost of another type = total cost of mixture

$ 5x + $ .90(25-x) = $ 2(25)

5x + 22.5 - .90x = 50

22.5 + 4.10x = 50

-22.5 + 22.5 + 4.10x = 50 – 22.5

4.10x = 27.5

4.10 x 27.5
4.10 = 4.10

X= 6.71
Therefore, 6.71 or 7 pound of coffee worth $5 per pound are used. And 25 – x , or 25 –
7, or 18 pounds of 90¢‐per‐pound coffee are used.

*3.2 A tank has a capacity of 15 gallons. When its full, it contains 20% alcohol how many gallons
must be replaced by an 90% alcohol solution tto give 15 gallons of 70% solution?

No added Removed Added Result

Amount 20% 20% 90% 70%
Concentration 15 y y 15
0.20(10) 0.20(y) 0.90(y) 0.70(10)

Original amount - Removed Amount + Amount added = Result
0.20(15) – 0.20(y) + 0.90(y) = 0.70(15)
3 – 0.20y + 0.90y = 10.5
3 + 0.70y = 10.5
3 + 0.70 – 3 = 10.5 – 3 subtract 3 both sides
0.70y = 7.5 divide both side to 0.70 to obtain y
0.70 y 7.5
0.70 0.70
Y = 10.71 gallons
therefore 10.71 gallons of alcohol solution need to be replaced.

*3.3 How many liters of water need to be evaporated from 30 liters of a 10% salt
solution to produce a 18% salt solution?

Let the amount of water be equal to x.

Amount Value Equation

Water x 0 0

NaCl (a) 30 0.10 0.10 (30)

NaCl (b) 30 - x 0.18 0.18(30 – x)

Value of NaCl (a) times amount of NaCl (a) = NaCl (b) times amount of NaCl (b)

0.10 (30) = 0.18(30 – x)

3.0 = 5.4 – 0.18x
3 – 5.4 = 5.4 -0.18x – 5.4
-2.4 = -0.18x
-2.4/-0.18 = -.18x/-0.18
X = 13.33 L
Therefore it need 13.33 liters of water to evaporate to produce 18% solution.

4.1 There is a sports car that travel at the speed of 180 km/hr. How far will it travel in 40
Using the unitary method;
In 60 minutes, distance covered = 180 km
In 1 minute, distance covered = 180/60 km
Speed = 180 km/hr
Time = 40 minutes or 40/60 hours
We know, formula of distance = speed × time
                                        = 180 × 36/60
                                        = 48 km
Therefore, the train will travel 108 km in 40 minutes.

4.2. A man jogging in a circular track and covers 5 rounds on a circular track of
radius 70 m. Calculate the total distance(in kilometer) and displacement
travelled by him.

The total distance the athlete covered =5x circumference of track

2199.11m 1 km
Distance = 5 × 2π × 70 ×
1 1000 m
=700π m = 2.119 kilometer

Distance = 2199.11 m

4.3 Shanameh and Masha start from the same point and walk in
opposite directions. Joey walks 2 km/h faster than Natasha. After 3
hours, they are 30 kilometres apart. How fast did each walk?

Who or What Rate Time Distance

Natasha rr 3 h3 h 3 h(r)3 h(r)

Joey r+2r+2 3 h3 h 3 h(r+2)3 h(r+2)

The distance travelled by both is 30 km. Therefore, the equation to be solved is:
r= 4
5. Work

5.1. Peter pan can mow the lawn in 50 minutes and can mow the lawn in 60
minutes. How long will it take for them to mow the lawn together?

Step 1: Assign variables:
Let x = time to mow lawn together.

Step 2: Use the formula:

1 1 1
+ =
50 60 x
Step 3: Solve the equation
The LCM of 40 and 60 is 300
Multiply both sides with 300

1 1 1
(300) + =
50 60 x

300 300 300

  + =
50 60 x

11 =
11x = 300
X = 27.4 minutes

Answer: The time taken for both of them to mow the lawn together is 27.4

5.2 Natsu takes twice as long as Gildart to complete a project. Natsu and Gildarts can complete
the project in 15 hours. How long will it take each of them to complete the project alone?

The equation to solve is:

1/R+1/2R=1/15 h,

where Natsu”s rate (1/N)=1/2× Gildart's (1/G) rate.

Sum of the rates: 1/G+1/2G

Solve for G:  3/2G=1/15h

which means 1/G=1/15×2/3h

so 1/G = 2/45 

or G = 45/2

G = 22.5 hours

This means that the time it takes Gildarts to complete the project alone is 22.5hours.

Since it takes Natsu twice as long as Gildarts, the time for Natsu is 22.5(2) = 45hours.
Therefore, the time it takes Gildarts to complete the project alone is 22.5hours, and for Natsu
is 45 hours

5.3 Nanang Amy has a large drum that can be filled by a pipe in 7 minutes, but nanang Amy
don’t know that drum has a small hole that takes 9 minutes to drain a full drum. How long will
it take to fill the drum?

The 7 minutes to drain will be subtracted.

The equation to solve is 1/7 − 1/9 = 1/X

To remove the fractions,multiply each term by the LCD (7)(9)(X)

This leaves (9)(X) − (7)(X) = (7)(9)

Multiplying this out gives 9X − 7X = 63

Which simplifies to2X=63 or X=63 / 2 or 31.5

Therefore it need 31.5 min or 31 min 30 sec to fill the sink

6. Percentage
6.1. In an exam Ash got 332 marks. If she secured 83 % makes, find the
maximum marks.


Let the maximum marks be m.

shley’s marks = 83% of m
Ashley secured 332 marks
Therefore, 83% of m = 332
⇒ 83/100 × m = 332
⇒ m = (332 × 100)/83
⇒ m =33200/83
⇒ m = 400
Therefore, Ashley got 332 marks out of 400 marks.

6.2. A basket that full of Papaya fruits, 15% of them are rotten and 50 are in
good condition. Find the total number of apples in the basket.
Let the total number of apples in the basket be m
15 % of the papaya fruits are rotten, and papaya fruits in good condition are
Therefore, according to the question,
85% of m = 50
85/100 × m = 50
m = (50 × 100)/85
m = 59 apples
Therefore, total number of apples in the basket is 59.

6.3 Gray went to a mall and spent 30% of his money and now he has only left
3650 Pesos after spending the money he took for shopping. Now How much
money did he take along with him?


Let the money he took for shopping be m.

Money he spent = 30 % of m

                      = 30/100 × m

                      = 3/10 m

Money left with him = m – 3/10 m = (10m – 3m)/10 = 7m/10

But money left with him = 3650 pesos

Therefore 7m/10 = 3650 pesos          

m = P3650× 10/7

m = P 36500/7

m = P 5214.29

Therefore, the money he took for shopping is 5214 pesos and 29 centavo.

Khf 7.Buisness Mathematics

A deposit of $5000 earns 6% interest compounded semiannually.
How much money is in the bank after 4 years?

B  = P( 1 + r)n

P = $5000

r = 6% annual interest rate / 6 interest periods

n = number of payment periods
number of interest periods times number of years
n = 6 (4) = 24
B  = 5000( 1 + 3%)24 

B = 5000(2.03279410646)

B = 10163.9705323 pesos
After four years, there will be 10,163.9705323 pesos in the bank account.
B. $800 is invested in compound interest where the rate of interest is 20% per
year. If interest is compounded half yearly, what will be the accumulated value
and compound interest after 2 years? Solution :
The formula to find accumulated value in compound interest is
A = P(1 + r/n)nt
A ----> Accumulated value (final value)
P ----> Principal (initial value of an investment)
r ----> Annual interest rate (in decimal)
n ----> Number of times interest compounded per year
t ----> Time (in years)
P = 800
r = 20% = 0.2
Then, the accumulated value is
A = 800(1 + 0.1)4
A = 800(1.1)4
A = 800 ⋅ 1.4641
A = $1171.28
Compound interest is
= 1171.28 - 800
= $371.28

8. Geometry
1. A triangle has a perimeter of 50. If 2 of its sides are equal and the third side
is 5 more than the equal sides, what is the length of the third side?

Step 1: Assign variables:
Let x = length of the equal side.
Sketch the figure.

Step 2: Write out the formula for perimeter of triangle.

P = sum of the three sides

Step 3: Plug in the values from the question and from the sketch.
50 = x + x + x + 5
Combine like terms
50 = 3x + 5

Isolate variable x
3x = 50 – 5
3x = 45
x =15

Be careful! The question requires the length of the third side.

The length of third side = 15 + 5 =20

Answer: The length of third side is 20


The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. The second

angle is 35 degrees more than the first angle and the third angle is 25 degrees

more than the first angle. What are the three angles?


Let 𝑥 represent the first angle. Then the second angle is 𝑥 + 35 and the third

angle is 𝑥 + 25. Write an equation showing the sum is 180 and solve for 𝑥:

𝑥 + (𝑥 + 35) + (𝑥 + 25) = 180

𝑥 + 𝑥 + 35 + 𝑥 + 25 = 180

3𝑥 + 60 = 180

3𝑥 = 120

𝑥 = 40

If 𝑥 = 40, then 𝑥 + 35 = 75 and 𝑥 + 25 = 65.

Answer: 40°, 75°, 65°

The height of a triangle is 12 hm longer than its base. If its area is 270 square hm, what is the
length of the base and the height?
Solution: The formula for the area of a triangle is 𝐴 = 𝑏ℎ where 𝐴 is the area, 𝑏 is the base and ℎ is
the height. Let 𝑏 represent the base and 𝑏 + 12 represent the height. Write and solve an equation:

1 1
270 = 𝑏ℎ = (𝑏)(𝑏 + 12)
2 2
1 2
270 = = b + 6𝑏
b + 12𝑏 − 540 = 0
(𝑏 + 30)(𝑏 − 18) = 0
𝑏 = −30 or 18
The base cannot be negative. Thus, the base is 18 hm and the height is (18 + 12) hm = 30 hm. Answer:
𝑏 = 18 hm, ℎ = 30 hm

9. Probability
1. In a class in which all students practice at least one sport, 60% of students play soccer or
basketball and 10% practice both sports. If there is also 60% that do not play soccer, calculate
the probability that a student chosen at random from the class:
1  Plays soccer only.
2 Plays basketball only.
3 Plays only one of the sports.
4 Plays neither soccer nor basketball.

1  Plays soccer only.

2 Plays basketball only.

3 Plays only one of the sports

4  Plays neither soccer nor basketball
2. There are 18 tickets marked with numbers 1 to 18. What‘s the probability of selecting a ticket
having the following property:

a) even number   
b) number divisible by 3
c) prime number   
d) number divisible by 6
3. A coin is thrown 3 times .what is the probability that atleast one head is obtained?
Sol: Sample space = [HHH, HHT, HTH, THH, TTH, THT, HTT, TTT]
Total number of ways = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8. Fav. Cases = 7
P (A) = 7/8
P (of getting at least one head) = 1 – P (no head)⇒ 1 – (1/8) = 7/8

10. Maxima And Minima

1. Find the dimensions of a rectangle with perimeter 1000 metres so that the area of the
rectangle is a maximum.


Let the length of the rectangle be xx m, the width be yy m, and the area be AA m22.

The perimeter of the rectangle is 1000 metres. So


and hence


The area is given by A=xyA=xy. Thus


Because xx and yy are lengths, we must have 0≤x≤5000≤x≤500.

The problem now reduces to finding the value of x in [0,500] for which A is a
maximum. Since A is differentiable, the maximum must occur at an endpoint or
a stationary point.

From (1), we have

Setting dAdx=0 gives x=250.

Hence, the possible values for A to be a maximum are x=0, x=250 and x=500.
Since A(0)=A(500)=0, the maximum value of A occurs when x=250.

The rectangle is a square with side lengths 250 metres. The maximum area is 62
500 square metres.


Nancy is four times as old as Jenny. Jenny is 3 years older than Ernest. If their total age is 57, how old
will Jenny be in four years’ time?

11.1 Camille is older than Darelin. Darelin is younger than Hanee and younger than Mirajane.
Mirajane is older than Camille and Lucero, who are older than Hanee. If Lucero and Camille
are twins, who's eldest?
Mirajane (Eldest)
Camille & Lucero (Second and Third Child)
Hanee (fourth Child)
Darelin (youngest child)

Answer: Mirajane is the Eldest Child and, Camille & Lucero is older than Hanee.

1. Kelly has four times as much money as Joey. After Kelly uses some money
to buy a tennis racket and Joey uses $30 to buy a pair of sports shorts,
Kelly still has twice as much money as Joey. If Joey has $98 at frst, (a)
how much money does Kelly have in the end? (b) how much money does
Kelly spend on the tennis racket?

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