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Assessment in Science V
Quarter 1

Direction: Read the questions and copy the letter of the correct answer:
1. What process where substtance burns in the presence of oxygen?
a. combustion b. oxidation c. evaporation d. rusting
2. What process where subtance combine with oxygen?
a. rusting b. combustion c. oxidation d. melting
3. it is the process where solid changes into gas.
a. sublimation b. freezing c. melting d. vapor
4. It is a process that iron reacts to the moisture and humidity of the air.
a. combustion b. oxidation c. rusting d. sublimation.
5. What kind of change where only appearance , size and shape will change but the composition of the
material reamin the same?
a. physical change b. chemical change c. absolute change d. changeable.
6. What kind of change where new substance is formed and irreversible?
a. physicsl change b. chemical change c. absolute change d. changeable
7. What is applied where it could result mayeb physical or chemical change?
a. Heat b. oxygen c. potato d. alcohol
8. What happen to the apple when it is exposed to the oxygen after a few minutes it was sliced?
a. its turns to yellowish b. it melts c. it turns into brownish d. it floats.
9. What is present when there is rusting/
a. heat b. oxygen c. oil d. coffee
10. what substance found in the fruits and vegetables that react to the oxtgen/
a. Enzymes b. peeling c. sweetnes d. hardness

II. Idenfiy if the following whether it is physical change or chemical change

11. souring of milk-________________

12. baking bread_-___________________________

13. drying clothes-______________________

14. making paper fan-_____________________

15. arranging books- ___________________

16 boiling water-________________________

17. evaporating water-____________________

18. prunning trees-__________________________

19. frying fish-_______________________________

20. cultivating soil-__________________________

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