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Experiment No.

02: Verification of Superposition Theorem

Aim: To verify Superposition Theorem.
After performing the practical, the learner will be able to:
PRO 1: Use bread board and digital multimeter.
PRO 2: Understand the concept of Superposition theorem.
PRO 3: Verify the concept of superposition theorem practically by measuring current through

Digital Multimeter, Power Supply, Resistors, Bread board and connecting wires.

Superposition Theorem: It states that in a linear network containing more than one active
source (i.e. the constant voltage source and / or constant current source), the resultant
current in any element is algebraic sum of the currents that would be produced by each source
acting alone and all the other sources being represented meanwhile by their respective internal
resistances. The constant voltage source is replaced by its internal resistance (with zero resistance
if not given). The constant current source is replaced by infinite resistance i.e. open circuit.
Electrical Circuit Diagram:

Source A: 12 V
Source B: 5 V
Resistor under observation: 33 Ω

Observation Table:
A = 12 V IA (mA) IB (mA) Iactual (mA)
Cal. Obs. Cal. Obs. Cal. Obs.

1.1 Construct the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram with a short circuit in place of the
place of the source A.
PRO 1: source B and connect 12 volts in
PRO 2: 2.1 Measure the current through 33 Ω resistor. Let it be IA.
2.2 Now replace source A with a short circuit and connect 5 volts in place of the source B.
2.3 Measure the current through 33 Ω resistor. Let it be IB.
2.4 Measure the current through 33 Ω resistor due to both, source A (12 V) and source B (5
V) acting simultaneously. Let it be Iactual.
PRO 3: 3.1 Calculate the theoretical values for IA, IB and Iactual. Compare it with practical values.

Result & Discussion:

PRO 1: Digital Multimeter has to be calibrated properly before using it. Values of all resistors should
be verified at the start of the experiment.
PRO 2 & 3: Verification of values theoretically and practically verifies Superposition

In any bilateral network having more than one source current in any resistance can be found
out by algebraic sum of currents that would flow when each source is acting independently and
other is replaced by its internal resistance. This was verified through our experiment wherein we
took 12 V and 5V individually and calculated the current through 33 ohm. On algebraically adding
the two currents, we get the value of the current when both 12 V and 5V are acting together. This
verifies the superposition theorem.
While performing the experiment, a learner has to:
1. Mount and unmount the resistors carefully.
2. Be careful while handling voltage sources.
3. Carefully check the values of voltages before switching on the circuit.

Quiz :
1. What is the use of digital multimeter?

2. What do you mean by superposition theorem?

3. What are the different types of sources?



Weight 20 30 30 Date of Performance:

_________ Date of
Roll No:_________
Marks: ______/100

Earned Points (EP) = Total Score/100 Marks in 100 = EP *20 Signature of

= _____ Faculty:

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