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Sem/Session 1 2021/2022


(CIVE 3112)

Date of Experiment 28/12/2021


2. ROBIN F M (1838241)



ABU AHMAD (1919468)


Lecturer’s Name DR. NADIAH MD. HUSAIN

Due Date of Submission 18/1/2022

Lecturer’s Comment(s)

Lecturer’s Stamp and Sign:

Date Received:

Influence lines are useful in the construction of structures that can withstand huge live

loads. As a focused force moves over a member, an influence line represents the variation in

response, shear, moment, or deflection at a specific point in the member. Once this line is drawn,

it is easy to see where the moving load should be applied to the structures in order to have the

most impact at the stated position. The ordinates of the influence-line diagram can also be used to

calculate the magnitude of the related reaction, shear, moment, or deflection at the point. The

fluctuation of an external or internal force as a unit load travels throughout the length of a

structure is depicted by an influence line.

When a pure moment is reacted or a shear load is transported by beam action from the site

of application to distant locations of reaction, the bending moment is formed within the bending

element. An influence line for a particular function, such as a reaction, axial force, shear force, or

bending moment, is a graph that depicts the variation of that function at any position on a structure

as a result of the application of a unit load at any location on the structure. A shear, axial, or

bending moment diagram is not the same as an influence line for a function. The value of the

function due to this load, such as shear, axial, and moment at the required site, can be determined

by independently applying a unit load at multiple points on a structure and determining the value

of the influence line.


First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to Allah The Almighty, as with

His Blessings, we managed to complete this lab report within the estimating time and finish it

before the deadline. Secondly, we would like to dedicate our work to our lovely parents and

family, who are always by our side through thick and thin. not to forget also to all group members

and other colleagues who keep motivating and helping us in order to finish this writing and

perform until this level.

Finally, a very big special thanks to the lecturer and Civil Engineering Department and

IIUM community for continuous support, encouragement, leadership and opportunity that has

been given to us in order to become a good student of engineering course. special thanks also to

Dr. Nadiah Md. Husain or Madam Nadiah who had been involved together with us when

conducting this experiment together with the lab assistant.


ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………………….…(ii)


TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………….(iv)

LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………………………………….(v)

LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………………………………..…(vi)

LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATION………………………………………………….(vii)

CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………….………….(1)

1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT….…………………………………………………………(1-
1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE EXPERIMENT…………………………………………………(2)
1.3 BACKGROUND STUDY……………...……………………………………………..(2-3)

CHAPTER 2 : METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………………………...….(4)

2.1 APPARATUS…………………………………………………………………………....
2.2 GENERAL STARTUP METHODOLOGY……………………………………….….(4-5)
2.3 ELABORATION OF METHODOLOGY……………………..………………….….(5-6)
2.4 GENERAL SHUT DOWN METHODOLOGY………………………………………...(6)
2.5 FLOWCHART OF METHODOLOGY (PICTURE BASED).....................................(7-8)

CHAPTER 3 : RESULTS …………………………………………………………………...….…..(9)

3.2 EXAMPLE OF MANUAL CALCULATION……………………………………...(18-

CHAPTER 4 : DISCUSSION ……………………………………………………………..……...(25)

4.1 EXPERIMENT ANALYSIS……………………………………………………..…(25-
4.2.1 SYSTEMATIC ERROR…………………………………………………..…(26)
4.2.2 RANDOM ERROR…………………………………………………….……(27)
CHAPTER 5 : REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………….......(28)

figure 2.1 : bending moment and shear force ideology

figure 2.2 : measuring tape

figure 2.3 : load hanger and load of 5N, 10N, 15N, 20N, and 25N


W 1=load weight( N )

Moving loads on a beam are a typical design feature. Many road bridges are made of

beams, and as a result, they must be designed to withstand a knife edge load, a string of wheel

loads, a uniformly distributed load, or the worst of all three. The influence line is used to pinpoint

the important moment in a section. Influence lines are a scalar way for graphing the magnitude

variation in a function at a given position. It also refers to a section of a beam, and is a curve

drawn in such a way that the ordinate at any position indicates the value of the reaction, vertical

shear, bending moment, or deflection produced at that section by a unit force applied at that

location. The best way for showing variation in shear and/or moment for a structure subjected to

varying loading is to use influence lines as it will illustrate where loads will have the most impact

on any of the functions under consideration. An influence line can be used to indicate the effect of

load position on any quantity that is reliant on it, such as the stress in a particular truss member,

the truss deflection, the twisting moment in a shaft, the maximum moment of a beam, and so on.


The most common application of an influence line is determining the location of a load for

which a given response has a maximum value. These contain the value of the bending

moment and shear force at a specific position. In designing structures, bending moment

and shear force influence lines are critical because they help define the amount of

reinforcement to be provided at a certain structural element. The bending moment and

shear force effect line can be calculated or obtained from experimental results. These

diagrams can be used to quickly determine the type, size, and material of a structural part

in order to support a certain set of loads without visible structural collapse.


The objectives of this experiment are to determine the shear force influence line when the

beam is subjected to a load moving from left to right and to plot the shear force influence

line when the beam is subjected to a point load moving from left to right.


This experiment aims to produce the bending moment and shear force influence line when

the beam is subjected to a “point load” moving from left to right or vice versa. The basic

principle for capturing the bending moment and shear force value at section x-x is shown in

the diagram and calculations below. Both figures are from a beam that is simply supported

on both sides by two (2) pinned supports. Figure 2.1 shows the theory for both bending

moment and shear force for a simply supported beam.

Bending Moment

When the load is to the left of x – x,

Bending moment at section x – x is;

B.M x-x = RA x LA - W1 x Lx


B.M x-x = RB x LB

When the load is to the right of x - x

B.M x-x = RA x LA
Shear Force

When the load is to the left of x - x

Shear force at section x – x is;

S.F x-x = W1 - RA


S.F x-x = RB

When the load is to the right of x - x

S.F x-x = RA



Figure 2.2 : measuring tape


Figure 2.3 : load hanger and load of 5N, 10N, 15N, 20N and 25N

c. Special beam with a cut section

d. Shear force indicator

e. Bending moment indicator


Before starting conducting the experiment, the support on the left and right side is identified

first and the position is correct or not. Then, the beam specimen is measured from the center

of the left support to the center of the right support by using measuring tape. distance from

left support to the cross section, distance from cross section to the right support are

measured. The indicator is switched on 10 minutes before starting the experiment to make

sure the shear force and bending moment indicator are ready to present the data of the


First and foremost, set the shear force and bending moment indicator to be zero. if it is not

zero, the tare button on the indicator is pressed. by using one load hanger, a load of 5N is

hanged 100mm from the left support. The indicator of the two readings is recorded where

this represents the experimental value of shear force and bending moment at cut section. This

experiment can show both values at the same time with two different indicators of shear

force and bending moment. The load is removed from the hanger and it is moved by

increasing 100mm from the left support and this action is repeated with the increasing of

100mm until the end of the beam including also the distance after beam’s cross section.

These steps are repeated by replacing the load with 10N, 15N, 20N and 25N.

After that, for the second case, two load hangers are hanged with a difference of distance

between these two hangers is 100mm where the first one is 100 mm from the left support of

the beam. First, tare the indicator to make sure zero value appears as the value and a set of

5N loads is hung on these two load hangers. Shear force and bending moment reading on the

indicator is recorded. Then, these two load hangers with the load are moved to the next 100

mm increased from the left support until the second load hanger reaches the end of the beam.

These steps are repeated by using the set of forces of 10N, 15N, 20N, and 25N. The indicator

needs to be tare when every support or distance is changed to make sure the reading is


As for the third case, this experiment is using three load hangers with a fixed distance

between these three hangers is 100mm. The indicator is identified first whether it is shown

zero value or not. Then, three loads of 5N are hung to each of the load hangers and the

reading is recorded in the data of the experiment. Then, the load is removed from the load

hangers and the load hangers are moved to a new distance with the increase of 100 mm from
the actual distance. After that, the load of 5N is placed again on the load hangers and the

reading is recorded. These actions are repeated until the third load of anger has reached the

end of the beam. Moreover, this experiment also repeated with replacing the load with 10N,

15N, 20N and 25N.


When all of the reading is recorded, the load and load hanger is removed from the beam and

placed to its original place. The indicator is switched off and also the plug is turned off.





Beam span, L = 900mm

Distance of the shear section from the left support = L1

Distance of load cell from the beam cross section = 175mm

Bending moment

distance, experimental value, (Nmm)

theoretical value, (Nmm)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N

100 53.33 106.67 160.00 29.75 71.75 106.75

200 106.67 213.33 320.00 70.00 140.00 232.75

300 160.00 320.00 480.00 105.00 215.25 350.00

400 213.33 426.67 640.00 140.00 287.00 465.50

533.33 180.25
500 266.67 800.00 360.50 579.25

600 160.00 320.00 480.00 211.75 434.00 696.50

710 278.67 557.33 836.00 187.25 374.50 218.75

Shear force

distance, experimental value, (Nmm)

theoretical value, (Nmm)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N

100 -0.22 -0.44 -0.67 -0.21 -0.46 -0.69

200 -0.44 -0.89 -1.33 -0.44 -0.89 -1.33

300 -0.67 -1.33 -2.00 -0.66 -1.33 -2.00

400 -0.89 -1.78 -2.67 -0.88 -1.77 -2.66

-2.22 -1.11
500 -1.11 -3.33 -2.20 -3.31

600 -1.33 -2.67 -4.00 -1.33 -2.66 -3.98

710 0.42 0.85 1.27 0.42 0.84 1.25

Percentage error %
Bending moment (%) Shear force (%)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N

100 44.22 32.73 33.28 5.46 -3.55 -3.55

200 34.38 34.38 27.27 0.95 -0.17 0.20

300 34.38 32.73 27.08 0.95 0.20 -0.05

400 34.38 32.73 27.27 0.95 0.39 0.20

32.41 0.05
500 32.41 27.59 0.95 0.65

600 32.34 35.63 45.10 0.20 0.20 0.45

710 32.81 32.81 73.83 0.65 0.65 1.44


Bending moment

distance, experimental value, (Nmm)

theoretical value, (Nmm)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N
100 160.00 320.00 480.00 106.75 204.75 299.25

200 266.67 533.33 800.00 183.75 355.25 535.50

300 373.33 746.67 11120.00 250.25 497.00 796.25

400 480.00 960.00 1440.00 323.75 640.50 1029.00

1173.33 395.50
500 586.67 1760.00 785.75 1272.25

620 413.33 826.67 1240.00 392.00 787.50 507.50

720 381.33 762.67 1144.00 250.25 483.00 285.25

Shear force

distance, experimental value, (Nmm)

theoretical value, (Nmm)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N

100 -0.67 -1.33 -2.00 -0.66 -1.10 -1.71

200 -1.11 -2.22 -3.33 -1.11 -2.04 -3.06

300 -1.55 -3.11 -4.66 -1.55 -3.03 -4.55

400 -2.00 -4.00 -6.00 -1.98 -3.99 -5.88

-4.89 -2.43
500 -2.44 -7.33 -4.87 -7.27

620 -0.92 -1.83 -2.75 -0.99 -1.94 -2.90

720 -0.63 1.26 1.89 0.56 1/09 1.63

Percentage error %

Bending moment (%) Shear force (%)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N

100 33.28 36.02 37.66 0.95 17.46 14.46

200 31.09 33.39 33.06 0.05 8.16 8.16

300 32.97 33.44 28.91 0.31 2.56 2.46

400 32.55 33.28 28.54 0.95 0.20 1.96

500 32.59 27.71 0.55 0.34 0.82

620 5.16 4.74 59.07 -5.74 -5.38

720 34.38 36.67 75.07 11.25 13.70 13.96

CASE 3 :

Bending moment

distance, experimental value, (Nmm)

theoretical value, (Nmm)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N

100 320.00 640.00 960.00 215.25 425.25 682.50

200 480.00 960.00 1440.00 323.75 645.75 1018.50

300 640.00 1280.00 1920.00 432.25 864.50 1352.75

400 800.00 1600.00 2400.00 537.25 1079.75 1692.25

1760.00 600.25
500 880.00 2640.00 1198.75 1102.50

620 456.00 1061.33 1592.00 470.75 950.25 425.25

Shear force

distance, experimental value, (Nmm)

theoretical value, (Nmm)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N
100 -1.33 -2.00 -2.67 -1.34 -2.66 -3.90

200 -2.00 -3.11 -4.22 -1.99 -3.99 -5.82

300 -2.67 -4.22 -5.78 -2.65 -5.29 -7.73

400 -3.33 -5.33 -7.33 -3.30 -6.62 -9.67

-4.00 -2.12
500 -2.00 -6.00 -4.26 -6.30

620 -0.74 -1.48 -2.22 -0.82 -1.64 -2.43

Percentage error %

Bending moment (%) Shear force (%)

2N 4N 6N 2N 4N 6N

100 32.73 33.55 28.91 -0.55 -33.06 -46.32

200 32.55 32.73 29.27 0.45 -28.31 -37.90

300 32.46 32.46 29.54 0.58 -25.35 -33.85

400 32.84 32.52 29.49 0.95 -24.18 -31.92

31.89 -6.09
500 31.79 58.24 -6.59 -5.09

620 11.29 10.47 73.29 -1.92 -10.91 -9.56


From the experiment, the data value is collected by using different kinds of weights

which are 2N, 4N and 6N. The number of loads used in this experiment varies depending on

the case .

As for case 1, one load is hung at the beam with distance 100mm, 200mm, 300mm,

400mm, 500mm, 600mm and 710mm starting from the left side of the support. Theoretical

bending moment values for 2N weights at each consecutive distance are 53.33N, 106.67N,

160N, 213.33N, 266.67N, 160N, 278.67N. For the theoretical shear moment values for 2N

weights are -0.22N, -0.44N, -0.67N, -03.89N, -1.11N, -1.33N, 0.42N. Experimental bending

moment values for 2N weights at each consecutive distance are 29.75N, 70N, 105N, 140N,

180.25N, 211.75N, 187.25N. For the experimental shear moment values for 2N weights are -

0.21N, -0.44N, -0.66N, -0.88N, -1.11N, -1.33N, 0.42N. The percentage error for 2N weights

of Bending Moments are 44.22%, 34.38%, 34.38%, 34.38%, 32.41%, 32.34%, 32.81%.

Meanwhile for Shear Force are 5.46%, 0.95%, 0.95%, 0.95%, 0.05%, 0.2%, 0.65%.

As for 4N, Theoretical bending moment values for 4N weights at each consecutive

distance are 106.67N, 213.33N, 320N, 426.67N, 533.33N, 320N, 557.33N. For the
theoretical shear moment values for 4N weights are -0.44N, -0.89N, -1.33N, -1.78N, -2.22N,

-2.67N, 0.85N. Experimental bending moment values for 4N weights at each consecutive

distance are 71.75N, 140N, 215.25N, 287N, 360.50N, 434N, 374.50N. For the experimental

shear moment values for 4N weights are -0.46N, -0.89N, -1.33N, -1.77N, -2.20N, -2.66N,

0.84N. The percentage error for 4N weights of Bending Moments are 32.73%, 34.38%,

32.73%, 32.73%, 32.41%, 35.63%, 32.81%,. Meanwhile for Shear Force are -3.55%, -0.17%,

0.2%, 0.39%, 0.95%, 0.2%, 0.65%.

As for 6N, Theoretical bending moment values for 6N weights at each consecutive

distance are 160N, 320N, 480N, 640N, 800N, 480N, 836N. For the theoretical shear moment

values for 6N weights are -0.67N, -1.33N, -2.0N, -2.67N, -3.33N, -4N, 1.27N. Experimental

bending moment values for 6N weights at each consecutive distance are 106.67N, 232.75N,

350N, 465.50N, 579.25N, 696.5N, 218.75N. For the experimental shear moment values for

6N weights are -0.69N, -1.33N, -2N, -2.66N, -3.31N, -3.98N, 1.25N. The percentage error

for 6N weights of Bending Moments are 33.28%, 27.27%, 27.08%, 27.27%, 27.59%,,

45.10%, 73.83%. Meanwhile for Shear Force are -3.55%, -0.2%, 0.5%, 0.2%, 0.65%, 0.45%,


As for case 2, two loads are hung at the beam with distance 100mm, 200mm, 300mm,

400mm, 500mm, 620mm and 720mm starting from the left side of the support. Theoretical

bending moment values for 2N weights at each consecutive distance are 160N, 266.67N,

373.33N, 480N, 586.67N, 413.33N, 381.33N. For the theoretical shear moment values for

2N weights are -0.67N, -1.11N, -1.55N, -2N, -2.44N, -0.92N, 0.63N. Experimental bending

moment values for 2N weights at each consecutive distance are 106..67N, 183.75N,

250.25N, 323.75N, 395.50N, 392N, 250.25N. For the experimental shear moment values for

2N weights are -0.66N, -1.11N, -1.55N, -1.98N, -2.43N, -0.99N, 0.56N. The percentage error

for 2N weights of Bending Moments are 33.28%, 31.09%, 32.97%, 32.55%, 32.59%, 5.16%,
34.38%,. Meanwhile for Shear Force are 0.95%, 0.05%, 0.31%, 0.95%, 0.55%, -7.93%,


As for 4N, Theoretical bending moment values for 4N weights at each consecutive

distance are 320N, 533.33N, 746.67N, 960N, 1173.33N, 826.67N, 762.67N. For the

theoretical shear moment values for 4N weights are -1.33N, -2.22N, -3.11N, -4N, -4.89N, -

1.83N, 1.26N. Experimental bending moment values for 4N weights at each consecutive

distance are 204.75N, 355.25N, 497N, 640.5N, 785.75N, 787.5N, 483N. For the

experimental shear moment values for 4N weights are -1.1N, -2.04N, -3.03N, -3.99N, -

4.87N, -1.94N, 1.09N. The percentage error for 4N weights of Bending Moments are

36.02%, 33.39%, 33.44%, 33.28%, 33.03%, 4.74%, 36.67%. Meanwhile for Shear Force are

17.46%, 8.16%, 2.56%, 0.2%, 0.34%, -5.74%, 13.7%.

As for 6N, Theoretical bending moment values for 6N weights at each consecutive

distance are 480N, 800N, 1120N, 1440N, 1760N, 1240N, 1144N. For the theoretical shear

moment values for 6N weights are -2N, -3.33N, -4.66N, -6N, -7.33N, -2.75N, 1.89N.

Experimental bending moment values for 6N weights at each consecutive distance are

299.25N, 535.5N, 796.25N, 1029N, 1272.25N, 507.5N, 285.25N. For the experimental

shear moment values for 6N weights are -1.71N, -3.06N, -4.55N, -5.88N, -7.27N, -2.9N,

1.63N. The percentage error for 6N weights of Bending Moments are 37.66%, 33.03%,

28.91%, 28.54%, 27.71%, 59.07%, 75.07%,. Meanwhile for Shear Force are 14.46%, 8.16%,

2.46%, 1.96%, 0.82%, -5.74%, 13.96%.

As for case 3, three loads are hung at the beam with distance 100mm, 200mm,

300mm, 400mm, 500mm and 620mm starting from the left side of the support. Theoretical

bending moment values for 2N weights at each consecutive distance are 320N, 480N, 640N,

800N, 880N, 456N. For the theoretical shear moment values for 2N weights are -1.33N, -2N,
-2.67N, -3.33N, -2.N, -0.74N. Experimental bending moment values for 2N weights at each

consecutive distance are 215.25N, 645.75N, 864.5N, 1079.75N, 1198.75N, 950.25N. For the

experimental shear moment values for 2N weights are -1.34N, -1.99N, -2.65N, -3.30N, -

2.12N, -0.82N. The percentage error for 2N weights of Bending Moments are 32.73%,

32.55%, 32.46%, 32.84%, 31.79%, 11.29%,. Meanwhile for Shear Force are -0.55%, 0.45%,

0.58%, 0.95%, -6.09%, -1.92%.

As for 4N, Theoretical bending moment values for 4N weights at each consecutive

distance are 640N, 960N, 1280N, 1600N, 1760N, 1061.33N. For the theoretical shear

moment values for 4N weights are -2N, -3.11N, -4.22N, -5.33N, -4N, -1.48N. Experimental

bending moment values for 4N weights at each consecutive distance are 425.25N,645.75N,

864.5N, 1079.75N, 1198.75N, 950.25N. For the experimental shear moment values for 4N

weights are -2.66N, -3.99N, -5.29N, -6.62N, -4.26N, -1.64N. The percentage error for 4N

weights of Bending Moments are 33.55%, 32.73%, 32.46%, 32.52%, 31.89%, 10.47%.

Meanwhile for Shear Force are -33.06%, -28.31%, -25.35%, -24.18%, -6.59%, -10.91%.

As for 6N, Theoretical bending moment values for 6N weights at each consecutive

distance are 960N, 1440N, 1920N, 2400N, 2640N, 1592N. For the theoretical shear moment

values for 6N weights are -2.67N, -4.22N, -5.78N, -7.33N, -6N, -2.22N. Experimental

bending moment values for 6N weights at each consecutive distance are 682.5N, 1018.5N,

1352.75N, 1692.25N, 1102.50N, 425.2N. For the experimental shear moment values for 6N

weights are -3.90N, -5.82N, -7.73N, -9.67N, -6.30N, -2.43N. The percentage error for 6N

weights of Bending Moments are 28.91%, 29.27%, 29.54%, 29.49%, 58.24%, 73.29%.

Meanwhile for Shear Force are -46.32%, 37.9%, -33.85%, -31.92%, 5.09%, -9.56%.


load, W 1=2 N

distance, L1=100 mm

shear force :

i i −0.733
= =
L1 100 660


V c =−0.11106× 2 N =−0.22212 N

bending moment :

q q 176
= =
L1 100 660

M c =26.67 ×2 N=53.33 Nmm

load, W 1=2 N

distance, L1=710 mm

shear force :

i i i −0.733
= = =
Lspan−L1 900−710 190 660


V c =−0.211× 2 N =−0.422 N

bending moment :

q 176
( L¿ )= = ¿
900−710 240


M c =139.33 ×2 N=278.67 Nmm


load, W 1=2 N W 2=2 N

distance, L1=100 mm a=100 mm

shear force :
j j −0.733
= =
L1+ a 100+100 660


V j=−0.22212 ×2 N=−0.44424 N

V c =−0.44424 N +(−0.22212 N )=−0.66 N

bending moment :

r r 176
= =
L1+ a 100+100 660

r =53.33

M r=53.33× 2 N =106.67 Nmm

M c =106.67 Nmm+ 53.33 Nmm=160.00 Nmm

load, W 1=2 N W 2=2 N

distance, L1=720 mm a=100 mm

shear force :

j k −0.733
( Lspan −L ¿ ¿ 1)−a= = = ¿
(900−720)−100 80 660


V j=−0.0888 ×2 N=−0.1776 N

V c =−0.1776 N +(−0.4534 N )=−0.631 N

bending moment :

r 176
( L¿ )= = ¿
900−720 240

r =132.00

M r=132.00× 2 N =264.00 Nmm

M c =264.00 Nmm+117.33 Nmm=381.33 Nmm


load, W 1=2 N W 2=2 N W 3 =2 N

distance, L1=100 mm a=100 mm b=100 mm

shear force :
k k k −0.733
= = =
L1+ a+b 100+100+100 300 660

k =−0.33318

V k =−0.33318 ×2 N =−0.66636 N

V c =−0.66636 N +(−0.67 N )=−1.33 N

bending moment :

r r 176
= =
L1+ a+b 100+100+100 660

r =80.00

M r=80.00× 2 N =160.00 Nmm

M c =160.00 Nmm+160 Nmm=320.00 Nmm

load, W 1=2 N W 2=2 N W 3 =2 N

distance, L1=620 mm a=100 mm b=100 mm

shear force :

k k −0.733
( Lspan −L ¿ ¿ 1)−a−b= = = ¿
(900−620)−100−100 80 660

k =−0.0888

V k =−0.0888 ×2 N =−0.1777 N

V c =−0.1777 N +(−0.5623 N )=−0.74 N

bending moment :

s s 176
( Lspan −L ¿ ¿ 1)−a−b= = = ¿
(900−620)−100−100 80 660


M s=21.33× 2 N =42.67 Nmm

M c =42.67 Nmm+ 413.33 Nmm=456.00 Nmm



To construct a shear force influence line diagram based on this experiment, different

amounts of external load were applied throughout the span of the beam at varied intervals.

The beam will bend downwards as a result of the external load, producing external force,

shear force, and moment.

The value of the bending moment influence line was calculated using the moment

from the left support and the load distance. The result was given a negative number to

demonstrate that it was in the other direction. Theoretical values were obtained using the

formula B.M x-x = RBLB, whereas experimental values were obtained by multiplying the

distance from the beam to the sensor of the metre reading. The sliced segment of the beam

had the maximum moment. Furthermore, the moment value before the cut part continuously

increased, whereas the moment value after the cut section gradually decreased until it

reached zero. The moment rises when the weight is pushed closer to it. Similarly, as the load

moves further than the hinge, the value of the moment decreases as the load moves closer to

the support at the end. As focused force passes across the member, the bending moment

influence line reveals the bending moment at a certain position. The magnitude of the related

bending moment at the site may be estimated using the ordinates of the influence line once it

has been created.

The external load formed at the cross section of the beam creates shear force, which acts as a

resisting force. In the plane of area, both sides of the cross section move past each other.

Shear force is required to provide friction and keep the beam from collapsing. The shear

force decreased positively at the section x-x from the left support, according to the data and
acquired. Shear force was then calculated using the value of reaction at the right hand

support before the cut portion, and the value of reaction at the left hand support following the

cut section. Because the load is at its greatest position at the cut part, the shear force changes

substantially. After the distance from the left increases to reach the load point, the shear force

value decreases until it reaches the load point, and when it passes the load point, the shear

force value continues to decrease, but at a higher rate than on the left side of the load. When

the shear passed through the cut section, its value jumped.


Because the reading of the instrument kept changing while we conducted the experiment, the

practical results were sometimes different from the theoretical results. This was attributable

to systematic error and random error.


The term "systematic error" refers to the fact that your measurements of the same

item will vary in predictable ways: each measurement will depart from the correct

measurement in the same direction, and in certain situations, by the same amount. In

our experiment systematic error may happen due to poor handling of apparatus, not

pressing the tare button before placing the load, wrong reading of data, error in

determining the length, the load at the left and the right is not being placed at the

same time etc.


Random error is a natural aspect of measuring and isn't always a mistake. Even when

measuring the same object again, there is always some variation in measurements due

to changes in the environment, the equipment, or your own perceptions. For this

experiment, the material of the beam was steel. And as we know steel has its own

characteristic and behavior under different circumstances. Due to environmental

gestures, there might be a possibility for the steel beam to behave differently during

conducting the experiment, which may cause excessive or minimum deflection of

beam as well as random error.


Dhingra, S. D. P. L. (n.d.). Shearforce and bending moment experiment - Experiment 2: Shear Force

and Bending Moment Objective 1. StuDocu.


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