Bar Matter 979, 986 and 1222

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13DA PasiC legal EBhrtu


(BMNos 979 and 960: Io Deuember v00: J. Bellosilo

Whie Mark ua phepunno for the uptomino 1999 bar eyaminahoa, he got
ready-made fam" m whh he affred hs T2nahune in he space prowded,
qave it to his sctholmale and frend Hs Dilan to surther compele Hhe dehik
in Hhe sond form, and ewenhualy gave id to the óhue of the Bor Confiudaort
The ehhoner took he exam ahd possed- UnprhunaHey, by vntue of the
Bar Resoluhd the Suprtme Coutt disqualftd him for falure to submd the
Hqukd certf ule of omplehon of thë pre bar renw care under odth
for hs wndihono) admissiv h the 1999 or Exaninatas noded as Bar Hater
99 dnd for (ommito, seribcs dushoneiy pr momng ît appear that he
emroled and ompleied h De evtM 'lourse suhjecs H 4he Philppne
La Sohol uheen mtuh and mfau the Sad Sthuo) did ot offer a
CutTriaulum or 9e EvEW Couges noted as Bar Muter 9%

In 200 mBorMutr 9%, ugon he moho) of MorksfuHher,a tetnd Paqrd

Toal Court Judoe, the Court texdud the cak that no oledngs uhall be
eHertomed wAh afirther note "noted withovt acton'

in 002 , n ne same bar maHer, upen +N Moton fpr Due Poues, the
pertoner admi Hed that he drd notsoiesee the Rlf-dental tror made
n hs form by his frrend , ond he prëseted enidlence of enollmat and
even he compehon of hi pH Evieh) conse at the UniVersity of Sh Tomy
through "aaavis
In the sane yent, nBar Mutr 399, the peBuner admted mawiten
leHer to former Chref Jushte Hilano Davile Jr- via former Sendr ksouitk
Jushte JougPelasiló thut he did not sbmifHe the suid cerhfiathod
because hebelrtbed that he cevhjruhon submitled b hs ean în the
luHer school, whith certfed hs complehin of hs lawschool aswell as
the pe-bur rMe COure , Jufhrad wth the requnemont pnvded under he
In allfprtgomg, the Ofie of the Bar Confdont recomflended thet the
pekihonar be nen the benefit of the doubt Honce, Hhs fur:her evnew
the Coutt
ssue, Whether pelihoner did tnrol îm and complele his pr-baf reved Courte
imihe Unversty of Sto Tomas
Yes, he selitoner gemunely enoled and compleled hia courehe suaid unveiy

In ule 190, Sectön le of he Mules ofour, enrolmant and complehon

pe-bar evioD COuTe is a condihon sme qua non for Hhore who failed three'
Hmes m the bar exaninations.

The testimon and documertany evclen pesented by Ms ihan, the

Deun and een he offie dert of the unipersiby conáiderma,also the
3 yeor denidofhe petrhorer fpr takhy an oth sufied altudy the
fact of eihonerks 'eligibiliby pr he o beome member of theber

In allfrtpona the Court graied and albned te pelHtoner to tuke

uuyan s Dau and son Hhë nol of Hhonty uwpon prymord of fees


B M No 1222. 04 Febugny 004:EN BAANU)

The fllowno dau atr 4he bor examahons, the frmer dhuitperson of ne
bar exom Kssoudle dushe Vibuo, reported the legkaae f the queshonhues
hRT Chiej JushLe tilno Davide uh- ond eommentid Hhut he exam m
tht HercanHe' law be Dulified In he subsenuern onts, he Cortsprmed
on méshoche CommHee conisted of rebtd Atsouük Jushia of he
Supene Cout n uhih Hhe futhkr meshaeltd m4he cak Appaertly
on of the as Tn) atorneys of AHY Balgs dmitled to the dhstibutron
bu fnino o hix co-fratenty brothers that caugd he "bor sandal
Ntwithsthndimg Hhe sout tmed +He seuehory of ty Pales had auess to
he ohia ompuer ofthe atbvnty and 'hehue inolnid îm the coce
Fonal, Aty Boles admtd of hig lotk of unowlkdg t or Compukr uSuge
5Sue Whehter Hhe shf menhored of thy Ratlgos t dminzuehnely biabe
or the Crme Or act thorago

Yes, he Stnf eRadmmsholndy labe mtlahn ko Conshiturhona) nott of
Prvacy of communictom as vel as aomst ileal seorh and sdiue

Cunon poudJes thet "a lovuyr shalluphold the Conshrtuhon, obey the
laws of Hhe ond and pomok eskct pr low and far letal pneeg "
huk 1:01 of e a d PiefeSonad Nujponsbily phodks tha a
dwyer shll not engagë in unlauoful, dshonet,immora of deeitful
onduct Conon 7 piouds +hat'a lawyor shall t a imel uphold
the mhegriby and support the actvithes af the mhegreked ba
By Yransmiting and dsriaurnd omken Hest questons of De 6Pmlh fo
his coitnhy brothes is gbetkd cheuhma or dishonéiy- Heuidkeded
and deguded 4he noble peje sion of lno Mead fupholoumg As denit
and inhtégriby be Impankd publt rtped sor Hhe Cout, anddamaged
the mery of orexmnhon
In al fdrtomg, De Guamon debamed to betono momber o the bur
msthced by4h tout o wri a pubh apolugy Und puy "damage h
th Couvt Athy Palor ual epriandto f beirg roY thuse as hot
eXeruima du dibgénoe, n prepanhg and rumg the popORd kst
qUhons 0Hhes hvoled MeH meGHioakd pr pioRahn for Co"onsphnalos
m theft and edlage of }he ¥esH qusTDN

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