Giải Các Đề Ielts Speaking Giữ Lại Quý 1 - 2023 by Ngocbach

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(Dùng cho kỳ thi IELTS Speaking từ tháng 11 đến quý 1/2023)

1. Describe a difficult decision you made that had a very good result
What the decision was
When you made your decision
How long it took to make the decision
And explain why it was difficult to make

(What the decision was) I was fortunate enough to not have to make lots of difficult
decisions in my life so far. But there was one which I’d consider a dilemma and I was
reluctant to decide on. It was my decision regarding what to study in university: whether
to pursue my childhood dream of fine art or to stick with English which is my strength.
(When you made your decision) As high school students, we all had to decide what we
wanted for our life at some point during those years. Some people were at a loss, luckily I
was not one of them as I already knew what I wanted and what my strength was. However,
they weren’t the same and thus my problem started there.
(How long it took to make the decision) I didn’t really think about it in my first year of
high school, but the problem became clearer and clearer afterwards. And it was not until
my final semester in high school was I able to make up my mind that I’d go with English.
So, I’d say I spent two years thinking about it.
(Why it was difficult) It was indeed a tough one. I was torn between my dream and the
reality before my eyes: fine art was what I had always wanted to do, but there wasn’t much
place for it in the market as far as I know, and the competition was intense; while English
was not quite what I dreamed of, but it was more realistic and easier to get a job. I ended
up studying English to make a living and chose to let art stay by my side as my ultimate
hobby. I have no regrets regarding my choice, at least until now.

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1. Dilemma (n): tình trạng khó xử, lưỡng lự
The president is clearly in a dilemma about how to tackle the crisis.
Tổng thống rõ ràng đang ở trong tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan về cách giải quyết cuộc
khủng hoảng.

2. Be at a loss (phrase): không biết nên nói gì / làm gì

I’m at a loss to explain what happened.
Tôi không hiểu chuyện gì đã xảy ra.

3. Make up one’s mind (phrase): quyết định (= decide)

I haven't made up my mind where to go yet.
Tôi vẫn chưa quyết định sẽ đi đâu.

4. Be torn between (phrase): giằng xé giữa 2 bên, khó để quyết định 1 trong 2 lựa
She’s torn between her loyalty and her desire to tell the truth.
Cô ấy bị giằng xé giữa lòng trung thành và mong muốn nói ra sự thật.

5. Make a living (phrase): kiếm sống

You can make a good living in sales if you have the right attitude.
Bạn có thể kiếm nhiều tiền bằng việc bán hàng nếu bạn có thái độ tốt.

Part 3:

1. What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?

Our lives are basically us going around making decisions: what to eat, what to wear, where
to pursue higher education, where to work, whether to go to this place on holiday or not,
etc. Everything from big to small are decisions, and a great number of things we meet in
our daily lives are the result of the decisions of one or another human being.
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2. Which is easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after group
Social interactions greatly affect the eventual outcome of a decision. This can make
deciding something even more difficult regardless of the person’s stance on the matter, as
the decision then would involve some kind of peer pressure – the personal feelings of the
participants of said discussion. On the other hand, making a decision by yourself can be
challenging when you don’t have enough knowledge about such topics of discussion. So
I’d say none of them are easier or more difficult, we just have to use them both wisely.
3. Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’ advice?
Being young and inexperienced, combined with the generation gap in both knowledge and
lifestyles, most younger people would think that they know better than their parents. If their
parents approached them with an imposing tone, they would tend to take the advice as the
parents saying “You cannot do this, but I can”, therefore triggering a rebel response from
4. Why would middle-aged people tend to second-guess their own decisions?
As far as I know, middle-aged people have been through a lot more than younger people.
They have seen the world developing for a longer time, and their life experiences hence
are way more complicated. It is natural that they tend to consider everything more
carefully, as they have more memories to reflect upon.

1. Interaction (n): tương tác

There's not enough interaction between the management and the workers.
Không có đủ sự tương tác giữa ban quản lý và người lao động.

2. Stance (n): quan điểm

The doctor's stance on the issue of abortion is well known.
Lập trường của bác sĩ về vấn đề phá thai ai cũng biết.

3. Peer pressure (phrase): áp lực từ xã hội / những người xung quanh

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There is tremendous peer pressure to wear fashionable clothes.
Có áp lực lớn từ xã hội về việc mặc những trang phục thời thượng.

4. Imposing (a): uy nghiêm, hùng vĩ

He was an imposing figure on stage.
Anh ấy là một nhân vật hùng vĩ trên sân khấu.

5. Complicated (a): phức tạp

I had to fill in this really complicated form.
Tôi đã phải điền vào biểu mẫu vô cùng phức tạp này.

2. Describe a time when someone asked you for your opinion

You should say:
When she/he asked you
So, I’ll start by talking about the time a friend of mine asked for my opinion. In fact, it was
quite recently that we had a conversation, the details of which I still have in my mind. I am
certain that she reached out to me for some advice in late April, before the big national
holiday. The conversation was definitely out of the blue because when we met up that
day for some work-date, I had only anticipated questions about how she could do well on
her assignments and the sort. So, the conversation was something along the lines on how
to improve the functioning of the club that she was acting as the president of and that I
am also a member of too. So, as she brought up the issue, I was all ears to her and after
she was all done, I started to offer my perspective on the issue.
How she/he felt while listening to your opinion
As I commented, she was attentive to what I was saying. She did pose some interesting
questions as I gave out my opinion. I did some reading of her facial expressions, and I was
certain that she breathed a sigh of relief as I constantly reassured her that everything
would quickly fall into its place, after kickstarting some transition processes.
And explain why she/he needed your opinion
For sure, she sought my opinion because she was very wound up with the prospect of the
club, as she intended to assume another hat in another club and there was no one ready at

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hand who could take up the position. But I think it was largely because I was kind of more
of her senior and had more insight on how clubs in other schools actually worked. My
guess would be that my opinions would serve somehow as a reference that she could use
as she tried to figure out what to do and how to keep the spirit and the activity of the club
around in the upcoming semester after she left.

1. reached out
cố gắng giao tiếp với ai đó
The new mayor is reaching out to inner city communities to involve them in his plans for
the city.

2. out of the blue

bất ngờ, không ngờ tới
One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.

3. met up
gặp mặt
They suggested we meet up at Mustafa's.

4. along the line

dựa trên một cái gì đó tương tự
I was thinking more along the lines of you going in there and claiming her.

5. acting as someone
đóng vai trò gì đó
You speak Greek – will you act as interpreter?

6. brought sth up
khơi mào, nhắc một vấn đề gì đó

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She's always bringing up her health problems.

7. all ears to her

chờ nghe điều gì đó
I'm all ears - tell us what they had to say.

8. breathe a sigh of relief

Thở phào nhẹ nhõm
We all breathed a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe.

9. quickly fall into its place

sẽ diễn ra tốt đẹp, không gặp vướng mắc; đâu sẽ vào đó
After a lot of work over the past few years, my career goals are beginning to fall into place.

10. wound up
lo lắng, lo âu về một vấn đề nào đó
She gets pretty wound up before a game

11. take up
chiếm lấy, lắp đầy một vị trí nào đó
He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.

Part 3
1. Have you ever asked someone for his/her opinion?
I have asked a lot of people for their opinions. In fact, it is something that I constantly do
when I’m unclear about a matter that I’m facing. For sure, as a student myself, I always let
people, especially those who I don’t share the same major with, to read through my essays
and have their say on my writing. By knowing where they stand on my essay, I can easily
identify whether I have made my points clear. This is definitely something that is difficult
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to point out if there is no outside voice on the matter, when personal biases cloud my
thinking. Therefore, if there are issues, I can immediately correct them.

2. Why do some people react impolitely when listening to someone’s story?

I think there are a lot of reasons why people react impolitely when listening to someone’s
story. Maybe, the listener doesn’t know how to react so their facial expressions after
hearing the story as they may not exactly align with what they feel like inside, so the
storyteller may consider this somewhat offensive. Other times, because some people like
to tell their stories to seek not only advice but also understanding, the lack of sympathy or
empathy from the listener is definitely considered impolite, if not rude to the storyteller.
But I don’t think the listener is the only one to blame here. If the story is really screwed
up then of course, people will react outrageously.

1. have their say

có cơ hội được nói lên suy nghĩ của mình
We aren't going to make a decision until everyone here has had their say.

2. Know where they stand on

Biết mình sẽ đứng ở vị trí / phương diện nào
When we've paid all our debts we'll know where we stand.

3. cloud
làm mờ, vẩn đục
When it came to explaining the lipstick on his collar, he found that drink had clouded his

4. align with
Liên kết, ủng hộ ý kiến của ai, của một nhóm hay một vài ý kiến nào đó
The company has a commitment to align itself closely with specialty retailers.

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5. screwed up
làm một cái gì đó quá tệ, quá dở, làm be bét, làm hỏng chuyện

There's been a screw-up with our hotel reservation.

3. Describe a place you have visited that you would recommend as a good place to live
(Where it is): During my trip to Singapore last year, I had an opportunity to visit the
Singapore Botanic Gardens, which impressed me with tons of different colors. The gardens
are located quite far away from tourist traps, but very accessible by bus.
(What it is like): Being the biggest botanic garden in Singapore, covering more than 74.000
square meters, it showcases Singapore’s biggest collection of flowers comprising hundreds
of species with a wide variety of colors, such as red, yellow, orange, pink, or even blue,
and their shades. The national flower of Singapore, which is the orchid, can be found easily
in this garden. Moreover, the park’s entrance is also naturally decorated with colorful
(What it is used for): Besides bringing a green environment to the city, which is always
humid around the year, the Botanic garden is also an ideal spot for not only foreign visitors
but also Singapore citizens to immerse themselves in natural beauty and get away from
it all after hard-working days. You can easily see hordes of tourists going sightseeing or
leisure activities being taken place at this place, especially on the weekends.
And explain why you remember it well
Well, I think the primary reason why the memories about this place are still vivid in my
mind is because it was the first time I have ever witnessed such a wide variety of colorful
flowers in my life, although I have travelled to different countries. The moment I entered
the garden, I was completely blown away by its beauty. To be honest, it was a once in a
life time experience. I hope that I will have opportunities to visit this garden again.
Part 3 questions:
• Is color important for clothing?
➔ Yes, I do think that colors play a vital role in clothes since it shows how the clothes
make us look and appear to other people. Sometimes the colors of your outfits even express
your feelings. For example, when I’m not in a good mood, I will choose a black outfit. It
will be dull if a person wears the same colors on a daily basis.
• Should course books be colorful?
➔ Absolutely. I believe that course books should be lively in order to help the
transmission of knowledge to readers be more effective. Using illustrations helps to aid in
learning and may be more effective than just describing something. For example, kids are

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usually in favor of books with colorful pictures rather than those with only words. If course
books include colorful contents, they will be more likely to be sold faster than other ones.
• Tourist trap
Meaning: somewhere where too many tourists go
Example: There are a lot of people visiting Hoi An Ancient Town these days, which makes
this town become a tourist trap.
• Accessible
Meaning: possible to approach, enter, or use
Example: The island is accessible only by ferry.
• To get away from it all
Meaning: to take a holiday to escape a busy or stressful lifestyle
Example: Why don’t you get away from it all and have a weekend in the mountains?
• Hordes of tourist
Meaning: crowds of tourists
Example: During summer, we can see hordes of tourists in these islands.
• To go sightseeing
Meaning: to look around the tourist sites
Example: Last year we went to London, and we spent most of the trip going sightseeing,
there was so much to see!
• To showcase
Meaning: to show the best qualities or parts of something
Example: The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase British design.
• Immerse oneself in something
Meaning: to become completely involved in something
Example: She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history
and culture.
• Vivid
Meaning: brightly colored or (of descriptions or memories) producing clear, powerful, and
detailed images in the mind
Example: He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in
• To be blown away
Meaning: To be surprised so much
Example: Winning first prize and a full scholarship blew her away.
• Once-in-a-lifetime
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Meaning: An once-in-a-lifetime experience or opportunity is very special because you will
probably only have it once
Example: A tour of Australia is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
• Dull
Meaning: not interesting or exciting in any way
Example: I find his art rather dull and conventional.
• Lively
Meaning: full of energy and enthusiasm; interesting and exciting
Example: There was some lively discussion at the meeting.

4. Describe an occasion when somebody said something positive about some work that
you did
You should say:
Who it was
What work it was
When she/he told you that
And explain how you felt when hearing it

(Who it was) In 2019, I joined an outreach programme in which I had the chance to deliver
lessons for the first time as a teacher. I was chosen as one of the Vietnamese volunteers in
charge of interpreting as well as helping Singaporean students with their lessons prior to
class. The programme lasted from 25th November to 5th December 2010. During the
project, I was complimented by the facilitator on my ability to engage students into the

(What work it was) As we had to teach two classes comprised of two different age groups,
we struggled a lot in planning lessons since there was a big gap between the level of
English proficiency of the students in each class. We received some negative feedback
from the students on our lesson plan as some wanted to play games while some others were
interested in studying. I came up with an idea of sticking pieces of paper around the walls
as children were required to find match a word with a photo depicting that word.

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(When she/he told you that) The morning after that, the children were pretty interested in
the game and the facilitator seemed to be pretty pleased with the result. So, she
complimented me on my idea in the daily briefing which took place that evening.

(And explain how you felt when hearing it) That was the first time I’d worked with
foreigners. I always felt that they were superior to me. However, after this, I could be
pleased that I’m not behind my international peers. That compliment really motivated me
to try better, instead of being complacent about my skills and knowledge.

1. Deliver a lesson (phrase): giảng bài
You should pay attention to the teacher when she delivers the lesson.
2. Compliment (v): khen ngợi
I was just complimenting Robert on his wonderful food.
3. Proficiency (n): sự thành thạo
A high level of oral proficiency in English.
4. Superior to (adj): thượng đẳng
I can't stand Amanda - she's so superior.
5. Complacent (a): chủ quan
We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.
Part 3
1. Will you be affected when hearing a number of negative stories?
As a fresh graduate without too much experience in the world of work, I tend to be affected
by negative stories. Office politics and gossip tend to exert a strong impact on my
behaviours. There was a time when my bosses treated my colleagues unfairly. Although
this issue was not really related to me, hearing my colleagues gossip behind my bosses’
back also made me develop unfriendly attitudes towards her. Later on, the relationship
between me and my boss also deteriorated.
2. How will you react when someone pays you a compliment?
First, I’ll show my appreciation for their compliment by thanking them. Then, I tend to
ask them what I’ve done that they find good so as to develop myself even more. Most of
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the time, I will also ask them whether they have any constructive criticisms so that I can
avoid such mistakes. I do feel proud, of course! But I’m not an attention seeker who posts
compliments on themself on social media so that others also know they’ve received
3. Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work?
While positive feedback lets people know what they’re good at so as to continue to do that,
a negative one allows people to know their mistakes so as to avoid repeating these in the
future. I know that most people don’t like to hear negative reviews, but they play a crucial
role in self-development. Without them, we’d continue to make mistakes, which leads to
many bad consequences for ourselves and work.
1. Office politics (phrase): phe phái trong công ty
She seems good at handling office politics.
1. Behind someone’s back (phrase): sau lưng ai đó
What do they say about me behind my back?
2. To show appreciation for sb (phrase): thể hiện sự biết ơn ai đó
Children rarely show any appreciation of/for what their parents do for them.

5. Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding)

You should say:
− How did you get that money
Answer: In my life, I have had numerous gifts and presents and among them, the most
exciting and best gift was a sum of money I received when I was 18 years old. After
excelling at an English competition at the national level with flying colors, I was rewarded
2 million VND thanks to school policy. I consider myself a competitive person; therefore,
I always try my best at every single English competition, so that I could get the money as
a gift for my effort and dedication.
− Who gave it to you
Answer: It was the principal of my high school who gave the money to me. To be honest,
I didn’t expect him to give us a lot of money since my school was on a tight budget
dedicated to help unprivileged students. The moment I heard the announcement from my
head teacher, I was over the moon.
− When you received it
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Answer: The deputy headmaster was taking school assembly that day and my name and
others were announced in a particular order. I still remember walking on stage with pride
and everyone gave us a really big round of applause. Then, the principal showed up with
certifications and envelopes with money inside them. He gave each of us a warm hug and
then shook our hands, and then we received the money from him. While returning home, I
found myself flying with joy. I opened the envelope after returning home and showed it to
my mother and other relatives.
− And explain why it was the best gift/ present you have ever received.

Answer: As a student, that was a long unexpected gift that my principal gave me and till
now it’s the best gift I have ever received.
1. Flying colors (expression): Điểm số cao.

Example: He made his parent proud by passing the test with flying colors.
2. Dedication (noun): Sự cống hiến.

Example: He dedicated his life to teaching English to children.

3. On a tight budget (expression): Thắt chặt chi tiêu, tiết kiệm.

Example: It is important that we travel on a tight budget.

4. Unprivileged (adjective): Những người thiếu thốn về mặt vật chất.
5. Over the moon (idiom): Hạnh phúc.

Example: She was over the moon when her boyfriend came up with a ring.
6. Deputy headmaster (noun): Phó Hiệu Trưởng.

Example: She was assigned as the new Deputy Headmaster in our university.
7. School assembly (noun): Lễ chào cờ.

Example: Wearing Ao Dai on Monday is a must for female students since it’s a school
8. A round of applause (expression): Vỗ tay.

Example: We gave him a round of applause after making it to the finals.

9. Flying with joy (expression): Ngập tràn trong niềm vui.

Example: They found themselves flying with joy when their son got admitted to FTU.
10. Showed up (verb): Xuất hiện.

Example: He finally showed up at the very last minute.

Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money?

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Yes, I totally agree that children should be given financial education, including pocket
money management. As children learn to spend or save wisely, they will likely become
smart consumers in the future. Plus, being taught about the value of money can promote a
sense of appreciation and responsibility, which can prevent future overspending or even
running into debt.
What do you think of the saying love of money is the root of all evil?
Personally, I disagree with that opinion. There’s no problem with monetary aspirations,
such as becoming a billionaire or pursuing investment opportunities. In fact, people with
serious financial problems are statistically more likely to commit crimes than the wealthy.
If we properly understand the role of money and learn to avoid manipulation and
temptation, we can avoid any wrongdoing.
Is it important for children to have a right attitude towards money?
Definitely. Many people say children are too young to learn about money, but I think
having the right mindset about monetary issues early in life has multiple benefits. Firstly,
it helps children appreciate what they have and avoid unreasonable demands. Secondly,
children will likely be shielded from monetary temptation when they realize money is not
their end goal. This not only increases their own safety but also gives parents a sense of
security knowing their children are independent and wise spenders.
In your country, do parents give children money for doing the housework?
It depends. Some parents provide monetary reward for their children after they complete
household chores as a way to educate them about financial issues. Others, like mine,
however, do not because doing housework is considered one of our responsibilities. They
apply other methods to teach lessons related to money, such as letting children go shopping
when they have to decide what to buy with a limited amount of money.
What kinds of occasions that require people to send money as gifts?
Weddings are a typical occasion when people send money as presents. A traditional
wedding party in Vietnam often includes inviting a large number of guests, many of which
may be distant relatives. As a result, they may not know what the bride and groom really
desire, so gifting money is a practical way to congratulate the couple. Apart from that,
people also send money to pay tribute at funerals. This can also act as a means of support
for families in sorrow?

6. Describe a person you know who is from a different cultural background

You should say:

(Who he/she is) Since my passion for foreign languages was ignited, I have tried my best
to befriend as many people around the world as possible. So, today I’m going to talk about
one of my best pen pals, whose name is Carmen.

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(Where he/she is from) Carmen was born in Spain but he started his career as a journalist
in the US after graduating from a well-known university with flying colours. Although his
office is in Boston, he rarely stays put in one city for a fortnight.
(How you knew him/her) Regarding our first rendezvous, it was during an online
gathering which was organized by my English centre 3 years ago where he was a guest
speaker. To my surprise, I was really impressed by the way Carmen broke the ice with all
the strangers in the meeting. To be honest, I must admit that he is the kind of person who
never struggles in starting small talk with someone he meets for the first time. After the
online session was over, I got in touch with him and luckily he accepted to drop me a line
whenever possible.
(And explain how you feel about him/her) Since then, I have always considered him not
only my best friend but also my mentor because I can rely on him for suggestions, aid and
guidance. What I mean is he supports me a lot when I feel under the weather or stressed
due to an intense school schedule. He is also very enthusiastic when sharing with me many
fascinating stories or exotic experiences of every destination he has visited. This frequent
correspondence allows me to not only reduce my study-related stress but also broaden my
horizons about places I might never set foot in.

1. Befriend with (v): kết bạn với ai đó.
Shortly after my arrival at the new school, I befriended all of my classmates.
Không lâu sau khi đến trường mới, tôi đã kết bạn được với tất cả các bạn cùng lớp.
2. Stay put (idiom): ở yên tại chỗ.
Just stay put with the suitcases while I go and find a cab.
Cứ đứng yên ở đó với chỗ hành lý trong khi tôi đi tìm một chiếc taxi.
3. Break the ice (idiom): phá tan bầu không khí ngượng ngùng.
Someone suggested that we play a game to break the ice.
Ai đó gợi ý rằng chúng ta nên chơi một trò chơi để phá tan bầu không khí ngượng ngùng.
4. Under the weather (idiom): không khỏe.

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I’m feeling under the weather - I think I’m getting a cold.
Tôi cảm thấy không khỏe - tôi nghĩ mình bị cảm lạnh rồi.
5. Broaden someone’s horizons (idiom): mở rộng tầm hiểu biết.
Travelling certainly broadens your horizon
Du lịch chắc chắn sẽ mở rộng tầm hiểu biết của bạn.

Part 3

1. Where and how can we get to know people of different cultures better?

As a youngster with a desire to explore the world, I’m personally of the opinion that
participating in international camps is a convenient means to get acquainted with
representatives of all cultures around the globe. What I mean is that such camps always
attract like-minded participants who are willing to share and get acquainted with any
customs however strange they are. Indeed, if fully exploited, this friendly atmosphere will
offer campers golden chances to get to know more friends from various cultures.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?

There is no doubt that cultural diversity has both pros and cons. On the bright side, a
variety of viewpoints in the workplace can boost creativity and drive innovation as
employees with different backgrounds can put forward out-of-the-box ideas.
Additionally, a culturally diverse working environment always requires faster adaptability,
so the development of each individual in the company will be a natural fruit. However, an
inevitable side-effect of cultural diversity is discrimination, which can pose a threat to less
privileged communities. Another challenge is the cultural barriers, language in particular,
which can affect the efficiency of communication among multicultural colleagues or

3. How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?

This is a controversial one; the position of local cultures when dealing with the arrival of
exotic ones. From my viewpoint, they can all develop harmoniously however disparate
their characteristics are. Firstly, coexistence can be realized by being open to cooperation
which is built on shared values among communities. In addition, people of one culture
should come to terms with other beliefs as such diversity in the world gives spice to life

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and induces the revolution of all civilizations. In short, through mutual support and
understanding, diverse cultures can always progress in harmony.


1. like-minded (adjective): có cùng quan điểm.


Membership of the club allows you to meet like-minded people.

Trở thành thành viên của câu lạc bộ giúp bạn gặp được những người cùng chung quan

2. pros and cons (idiom): ưu điểm và nhược điểm


Let’s hear all the pros and cons before we make a decision.

Hãy cùng nghe mọi ưu và nhược điểm trước khi chúng ta đưa ra quyết định.

3. put forward (phrase): đưa ra, trình bày


The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration.

Những đề nghị bạn vừa đưa ra cần được cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng.

4. come to terms with (phrase): hiểu và chấp nhận


He made little effort to come to terms with his critics.

Anh ấy hầu như không muốn chấp nhận những lời phê bình.
7. Describe a disagreement you had with someone

You should say:

Who you had the disagreement with

Life would be tedious if everyone shared the same views on all topics. I think there is
nothing wrong with voicing disagreements, but we should try to resolve them peacefully.

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Many years ago, I had a quite heated exchange with Huy, one of my friends about our

What the disagreement was

Huy is rather conservative and he insists that the reason why our country does not prosper
is brain drain. I, on the other hand, believe that there is a lack of opportunities in Vietnam
for youngsters and thus they can rightfully opt for foreign countries to study and start a

What happened

The disagreement took place when we discussed our future plans after graduating from
high school. Huy told me he was planning to join the armed forces while my plan was to
settle abroad as soon as I completed my higher education. This was the moment the debate
grew intense. To my surprise, normally Huy is a placid person, but on this issue, he lost
his cool. I think we had an argument for about 1 hour. At last, we both reached a consensus
on the idea that we had the right to choose what was best for our own future.

And explain how you felt about it

That minor disagreement of course could not spoil our friendship and we often recall it
when having the chance to catch up with each other. Obviously, differences in viewpoints
are inevitable, but the way we handle them can be decisive to the quality of relationships.


1. brain drain (noun): tình trạng chảy máu chất xám


Britain has suffered a huge brain drain in recent years.

Nước Anh đang phải hứng chịu một đợt chảy máu chất xám lớn trong những năm gần đây.

2. opt for (phrase0: lựa chọn


Mike opted for early retirement.

Mike đã lựa chọn nghỉ hưu sớm.

3. lose one’s cool (idiom): mất bình tĩnh và trở nên tức giận.


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I lost my cool and shouted at them.

Tôi đã mất bình tĩnh và hét lên với họ.

4. catch up with (phrase): liên lạc với


She spends hours on the phone, catching up with old friends.

Cô ấy dành hàng giờ nói chuyện điện thoại để liên lạc với những người bạn cũ.

Part 3

1. What would you do if you disagree with someone?

When having disputes with anyone, instead of raising my voice to prove a point, I will
often leave and give myself some time to calm down. This makes sure that I will not get
too emotional and give offence to others.

2. How do we stop an argument from escalating into a fight?

Well, let’s face it, disagreements are an integral part of all relationships, and sometimes,
things can take a turn for a worse. Therefore, to avoid unwanted scenarios, people should
always stick to the issue they are discussing instead of taking it personally or driving the
conversation in a different direction. It is also highly recommended that the two sides agree
on a pause so they can reconsider their stance or figure out better arguments.

3. Who do you think should teach children to respect their teacher?

It is believed that family is the very first school of every child. Therefore, I am of the
opinion that parents should be in charge of tutoring moral lessons to their children, like
how to respect their teachers. Indeed, such early education at home will ensure that children
will put all they are taught into practice right at the moment they enter school.

4. What disagreements do parents and children usually have?

There is no doubt that the generation gap shows up when family members get older. As a
result, disagreements usually arise between parents and their children on various topics
such as schooling, lifestyle, future plan and so on. Different generations have their own set
of attitudes towards aspects of life, so it comes as no surprise that family disputes can
take place on a frequent basis.

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1. raising my voice (idiom): nói to, hét to


I don’t want to have to raise my voice to you again.

Tôi không muốn phải hét lên với bạn nữa.

2. give offence (phrase): xúc phạm


I don’t mean to give offence as I was just stating my opinion.

Tôi không có ý xúc phạm vì tôi chỉ muốn nêu ra quan điểm của mình thôi.

3. let’s face it (idiom): hãy chấp nhận sự thật


Let’s face it. You won’t be able to achieve anything unless you work hard.

Hãy chấp nhận sự thật đi. Bạn sẽ không thể đạt được gì nếu bạn không làm việc chăm chỉ.

4. it comes as no surprise (idiom): không có gì đáng ngạc nhiên


It came as no surprise to learn that they broke their promises.

Không có gì đáng ngạc nhiên khi biết rằng họ đã thất hứa.

8. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently

You should say:

What the activity is

I usually go out for a walk in the morning every day and play some outdoor games every
now and then, but what I did last Saturday was something different. That day, I went out
on my bicycle as part of my morning exercise. When cycling past a park, I saw a group of
cyclists discussing something enthusiastically, so I came closer. After a few minutes, I
found out that they were planning to ride round the city in 3 hours with their bicycle and
they would start that in the next 30 minutes.

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Who invited you to participate in it

The team leader asked me to join them just when I was about to leave. They said it was
free so I started cycling with them through the major parts of the city.

Whether you asked for help in the activity

Cycling for the whole 3-4 hours was not as easy as I expected but that was not a problem.
I tried my best to finish the route all by myself, though other group members were willing
to give me a hand. Before the roads got crowded, we managed to get back to the park and
I found that I was dead-tired, yet completely proud of myself.

And explain what change you had in the activity

After that thrilling experience, I felt lucky to meet new friends from every walk of life
with the same hobby. I was also very impressed by the beauty of my city, which I had never
had a chance to appreciate during rush hours. This is certainly an invaluable memory and
I will definitely join the group in their future gatherings.


1. every now and then (idiom): thỉnh thoảng


We still get together for lunch every now and then.

Chúng tôi sẽ thỉnh thoảng cùng nhau ăn trưa.

2. give someone a hand (idiom): giúp đỡ ai đó


Could you give me a hand with these suitcases?

Bạn có thể giúp tôi cầm hành lý không?

3. dead-tired (adjective): kiệt sức

After 10 hours working in the office, he came home dead-tired.

Sau 10 tiếng làm việc ở văn phòng, anh ấy kiệt sức trở về nhà.

4. every walks of life (idiom): đủ mọi thành phần, tầng lớp


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Members of the gym include lawyers, teachers, plumbers, and hairdressers - people from
all walks of life.

Thành viên của phòng tập thể hình có cả luật sư, giáo viên, thợ sửa ống nước và thợ cắt tóc
- những người từ đủ thành phần, tầng lớp trong xã hội.

Part 3

1. What outdoor activities are popular in VietNam?

In my country, many people are fond of playing badminton, riding bicycles, and walking
in the mornings and afternoons. Some sports that have been adopted from other cultures
are also popular, such as basketball, especially among youngsters. One outdoor activity
that is enjoyed by all generations is volleyball. It can be adjusted in various ways to suit
the players’ sex and age without any impact on the health benefits.

2. What are the differences between after-class activities done by middle and older

In Vietnam, it can obviously be observed that children in each age group will partake in
different sets of activities after school although this gap is fading over time. While middle
schoolers enjoy skill-oriented experiences, their brothers and sisters are attending extra
classes to help them pass exams with flying colours. Nevertheless, children in big cities
are now sadly under study pressure regardless of their age.

3. Do you think it's better for people to change jobs when there are new chances?

I am certainly in favour of job hopping whenever the timing is right. Firstly, if one
employee has outgrown his role in the company, it is be reasonable to look for more room
to prosper in a new position. Also, people switch jobs with a view to gaining valuable
experience. It makes sense in the case that the company they are at is not advancing in
technology or size and they feel static.

4. Should young people try as many new activities as possible?

From my point of view, doing new things frequently will help the young broaden their
horizons, so I am totally leaning towards this suggestion. First, trying unfamiliar things
helps them gain valuable experience, which will provide vital preparation for adulthood.
Additionally, succeeding in something you have never done before will give you the chills
that can help to ease pain and stress.


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1. fond of (adjective): yêu thích


She was very fond of horses.

Cô ấy rất yêu thích những chú ngựa.

2. with flying colours (idiom): rất thành công, với thành tích cao.


They pass the university entrance exam with flying colours.

Họ đã thành công đỗ kỳ thi tuyển sinh đại học với thành tích cao.

3. job hopping (noun): nhảy việc


Many graduates view job hopping as a quick way to develop their career at the start.

Nhiều sinh viên mới tốt nghiệp xem nhảy việc là một cách nhanh chóng để phát triển sự
nghiệp lúc sơ khởi.

4. give the chills (idiom): gây phấn khích


The ending of the movie gives me the chills whenever I think about it.

Cái kết của bộ phim làm tôi rất phấn khích mỗi khi nghĩ về nó.

9. Describe a programme that you enjoyed very much (e.g. on TV or the internet)
You should say:
What it was
How often you watched it
What it was about
And explain why it could make you laugh

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(What it was) I’ve found the TV program Mr. Bean funny. Albeit set in the UK, the sitcom
expanded to reach other countries, including Vietnam, my home country. The drama series
went viral in Vietnam in the early 2010s when dozens of people watched and imitated Mr.
Bean’s oafish behaviour.

(How often you watched it) The series was aired every Sunday afternoon on the Disney
channel, and I don’t think I missed a single episode.

(What it was about) The central plot revolves around Mr. Bean, a neurotic Brit. Each
episode of Mr. Bean tells a totally different story, unlike a normal drama series that uses
one main story that gives birth to many other smaller and less important ones. Based on a
character originally developed by Atkinson while he was studying for his master's degree
at Oxford University, the series follows the exploits of Mr. Bean, described by Atkinson
as "a child in a grown man's body," in solving problems presented by everyday tasks, and
often causing disruption in the process.

(And explain why it could make you laugh) The awkward and crazy behavior of Mr.
Bean makes me laugh. In one episodes that split my sides, Mr. Bean designed an oafish
hairstyle for a kid when the hairdresser was away. It was even more hilarious when the
kid’s mom went back to complain, and Mr. Bean hid in a corner. Mr. Bean is one of my
favorite sitcoms so far. I still sometimes watch it to relieve stress.

1. Albeit (conjuction) = although: mặc dù.

Example: The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.

Buổi tối hôm ấy khá thoải mái, mặc dù hơi im lắng.

2. Sitcom = situation comedy (n): hài kịch dựa trên tình huống.

Example: Mr. Bean is a British sitcom created by Rowan Atikinson and Richard Curtis.

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Mr. Bean là một bộ phim hài theo tình huống được sản xuất bởi Rowan Atikinson và
Richard Curtis.

3. To go viral (v): rất thịnh hành.

Example: Within days the film clip went viral.

Trong vòng mấy ngày, video clip đã rất thịnh hành.

4. Oafish (adj): lạ lạ, ngộ ngộ.

Example: Being a country bumpkin from Newfounland, Jake is often teased for his oafish
clothes and hair.

Là một người vụng về quê mùa, Jake thường bị chọc vì anh ấy mặc đồ và để tóc khá ngộ.

5. To revolve (v): xoay quanh

Example: The earth revolves around the sun.

Trái Đất quay quanh mặt Trời.

6. Neurotic (a): bị thần kinh/bị mát.

Example: neurotic behaviour/tendencies

Tính cách ngộ ngộ mát mát.

7. To split someone’s sides (idiom): cười bể bụng.

Example: Your jokes are perfect for your speech tonight. You'll have them splitting their

Những bản tấu hài của bạn sẽ hoàn hảo cho buổi tối hôm nay. Bạn sẽ làm mọi người cười
bể bụng.

Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children?

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(Give a direct answer to the question) Honestly, I don’t think so. (Explain your reason
or reasons) Given the enormous social and domestic responsibilities most adults have to
shoulder, it would be hard for them to be as joyful and carefree as children. (Give an
example (often a personal example)) While young adults concern themselves with career
prospects, the need to balance between different relationships exhausts the middle-aged.
(Explain the opposite or alternative) Yet, irrespective of age, one’s cheerful disposition
largely depends on his or her attitude to life.
Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Scientifically, laughing does wonders to a human’s
well-being (Explain your reason or reasons) Children laugh to exhibit their emotions as
well as to interact with others. For older people, laughter is just as necessary, if not an
inevitable aspect. (Give an example (often a personal example)) A genuine laugh would
help one to let off steam and momentarily forget about the stresses and strains of adulthood.
(Explain the opposite or alternative) Without laughter, our spiritual life would be
What kinds of things do Vietnamese people do to be happy?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, this answer may vary from person to person,
even for those in the same age group. (Give an example) I guess the majority would take
pleasure from hanging out with friends or immersing themselves in hobbies and
entertaining activities. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Some, in the meantime,
associate their happiness with materialistic and career-related goals, so they may work to
be happy.
Why do children like to laugh?
(Give a direct answer to the question) As I have put it, for kids, laughter is the most
spontaneous means of emotional expression (Explain your reason or reasons) The
younger people are, the more easily they laugh, as there is always a joyful element in the
eyes of innocent minds. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Besides, a child may view
laughter as a way to integrate into social groups.
What do you do when you feel sad?
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(Give a direct answer to the question) When I feel low, I will treat myself to things I adore
(Give an example (often a personal example)) They can be quality time with family
members or a luxurious dinner at a Korean restaurant. (Explain your reason or reasons)
When I cannot change the situation, I change my attitude towards it, and I think doing
justice to my interests is quite effective, at least for now.

exhaust [v]: to make someone extremely tired: làm ai kiệt sức
Eg: Billy's heart was so weak that just climbing a few steps exhausted him.
irrespective of [expression]: without considering; not needing to allow for: không kể đến,
không xét đến
Eg: The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins.
disposition [n]: the particular type of character that a person naturally has: tính khí
Eg: She is of a nervous disposition.
do wonders to [expression]: to cause improvements or have a very good effect: có lợi cho
Eg: Getting the job did wonders for her self-confidence.
exhibit [v]: to show something, esp. a quality, by your behavior: thể hiện, bộc lộ
Eg: Jane did not exhibit a sense of submissiveness.
genuine [adj]: If something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be: thật,
chân thật
Eg: He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project.
unimaginable [adj]: Something that is unimaginable is difficult to imagine because it is
so bad, good, big, etc.: không thể tưởng tượng được
Eg: The situation was explosive to an unimaginable degree.
associate [v]: to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something
else: liên hệ
Eg: Most people associate this brand with good quality.
spontaneous [adj]: happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning
or without being forced: tự nhiên, không gượng gạo
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Eg: His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.
integrate into [v]: to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit
their way of life, habits, and customs: hòa nhập
Eg: It's very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from
your own.
luxurious [adj]: very comfortable and expensive: xa xỉ
Eg: We spent a luxurious weekend at a country hotel.
do justice to [expression]: to treat someone or something in a way that is fair and shows
their or its true qualities: đối xử công bằng với
Eg: This postcard doesn't do justice to the wonderful scenery.

10. Describe a photo you took that you are proud of

You should say:

When you took it

I am going to talk about a photo of my family that I took two years ago. This is a priceless
possession to me and I would like to keep it with me for the rest of my life.

Where you took it

I have seen it thousands of times and still, I look at it with indescribable delight. The picture
captured the memory of a very happy family when we went on holiday to My Khe beach.

What is in this photo

In the picture, my parents were smiling cheerfully. My father’s eyes were sparkling and
the corners of his eyes crinkled. To tell the truth, it was very rare to see my father’s smile
as he has always kept a serious facial expression. Needless to say, my mother was standing
next to him with warm happiness glowing on her face. In the background, the sun looked
like it was gradually receding into the waters below. The sky was a blend of reds, oranges
and yellows. The water below was mirroring this effect. The scene was breathtaking.

And explain why you are proud of it

The reason I take pride in this photo is that it is the first time I have afforded a trip for my
family. My parents have devoted their whole life to my brother and me, which has made it
impossible for them to have a holiday. Therefore, as soon as I managed to save enough
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money, I booked a package tour in Da Nang in the summer for the whole family. It will
always be a memorable relaxing time in our minds.
1. to tell the truth (phrase): thực sự
To tell the truth, I forgot it was your birthday last week.
Thực sự, tôi đã quên tuần trước là sinh nhật của bạn.
2. needless to say (idiom): không cần phải nói
Needless to say, he'll be off work for a while.
Không cần phải nói, anh ấy sẽ nghỉ việc trong một thời gian.
3. take pride in (phrase): tự hào
If you don't take pride in your work, you're probably in the wrong job.
Nếu bạn không tự hào về công việc của mình, bạn chắc đang làm sai việc.
4. package tour (noun): chuyến du lịch trọn gói
We bought a cheap package tour to Spain and stayed in a big hotel by the sea.
Chúng tôi đặt một chuyến du lịch trọn gói giá rẻ đến Tây Ban Nha và ở trong một khách
sạn lớn gần biển.

Part 3

1. Why do some people like to record important things with photos?

There are several reasons why people prefer photographs to other means when it comes to
capturing invaluable moments. In the first place, most people want to preserve vividly the
important memories in their lives such as weddings, birthdays or even funerals of loved
ones. Moreover, I think there are times that we need to be reminded of these precious

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memories, either to reflect upon our progress in life or to find the motivation to keep on
trying and make ourselves better.

2. What can people learn from historical photographs?

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. It is self-evident that old photos
play an irreplaceable role in visually revealing the events of the past. To begin with, looking
back over historical photos can give you an idea of how people enjoyed their lives in the
absence of present day modern technology. Furthermore, the intensity of wars is often
skilfully illustrated by field photographers and displaying them will encourage the public
to further appreciate the value of peace.

3. Is taking photos the best way to remember something?

Pictures can be a helpful assistant when there are lots of moments needing reminding.
Nevertheless, I am not fully convinced that it is the best option. What I’m trying to say is
that focusing on taking photos can make us neglect the little details as we are assigning the
camera to remember them for us. Additionally, when our brain is spared the task of
capturing the moments, our memory will be seriously impaired and completely dependent
on electronic devices.

4. Which is better, taking photos or keeping a diary?

From my own experience, both have their pros and cons that should be taken into
consideration. There is no doubt that using a camera is much faster than writing with a
pen. However, giving yourself some time to reflect on past events and putting them down
in your own words are more meaningful and emotional.

1. when it comes to (idiom): khi nhắc đến
When it comes to playing chess, he’s the best I’ve ever known.
Khi nhắc đến chơi cờ vua thì anh ấy là người chơi giỏi nhất mà tôi từng biết.
2. as the saying goes (idiom): có câu nói rằng
As the saying goes, time heals all the wounds.
Có câu nói rằng thời gian sẽ chữa lành mọi vết thương.
3. self-evident (adjective): rõ ràng

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Solutions which seem self-evident to humans are often beyond the grasp of computers.
Những giải pháp trông có vẻ rõ ràng với con người thì thường lại ngoài khả năng của máy
4. take into consideration (phrase): lưu tâm đến
You must take his illness into consideration before dismissing him.
Cô phải lưu tâm đến bệnh tình của anh ấy trước khi sa thải.

11. Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again
• When you watched it
• Where you watched it
• Whether you like it or not
• And why you want to watch it again

(When you watched it) A great number of movies have been released recently, but the
one that has really caught on is The Incredibles 2, which I am going to talk about today.
The production of the movie came as a huge surprise as it would never cross anyone’s
mind that a sequel to a movie can be brought out after 14 years since the release of the
first part. I watched this movie quite a long time ago, in 2018.

(Where you watched it) I watched the movie and knew The Incredibles 2 by chance when
my friend and I got stuck in Diamond Plaza due to a storm and we made up our minds to
watch a movie while waiting for the storm to stop churning. My friend, John, opted for
The Incredibles 2. After watching the movie, I fell in love with it and figured out why the
movie had been all the rage.

(Where you like it or not) Of course, I really like it. The message that is conveyed by the
film is just very meaningful. I believe that the movie is beyond battles and beautiful

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graphics. Every single battle tells a meaningful story which can only be fully
comprehended after watching the film.

• (And why you want to watch it again) I would like to watch the movie again due to many
reasons. First of all, The Incredibles, both 1 and 2, are not just all about battles and fighting
but they do tell meaningful stories from Brad Bird. As can be seen, the family is close-knit
and the members support each other a lot. Also, a discerning viewer will spot that the value
of women is upheld in the film. A lot has changed since the Incredibles 1 when Bob played
the main role. In this film, Helen, a woman, plays the most vital role in confronting rivals
and putting a stop to devils. So I love the movie due to its colourful animation as well as
its meaningful stories.


1. Catch on (phrasal verb): trở nên phổ biến

Why did the electronic gadget catch on so fast?

Tại sao cái thiết bị điện tử này lại trở trên phổ biến quá nhanh như thế?

2. To come as a/no surprise (idiom): gây bất ngờ/không gây bớt ngờ.

If you didn't study for that test at all, your failing grade should come as no surprise.
Nếu bạn không học bài, thì việc thi rớt sẽ không bất ngờ xíu nào.

3. Cross someone’s mind (phrase): suy nghĩ.

It crossed my mind yesterday that you must be short of staff.

Hôm qua tôi suy nghĩ là bạn ắt hẳn đang thiếu nhân viên.

4. Sequel (n): phần tiếp theo

I'm reading the sequel to "Gone with the Wind".

Tôi đang đọc phần tiếp theo của “Cuốn theo chiều gió”.

5. Make up one’s mind (phrase): quyết định.

I haven't made up my mind where to go yet.

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Tôi chưa quyết định được là sẽ đi đâu hết.

6. Churn (v): chuyển động một cách mạnh

The water was churning and the boat was rocking.

Dòng nước đang chuyển động rất mạnh và con thuyền đang rung lắc.

7. Opt (n): chọn lựa

Instead of a soft drink, she opted for water.

Thay vì chọn nước ngọt, cô ấy chọn nước suôi.

8. To be all the rage (idiom): rất phổ biến

In China, Mercedes-Benz cars are all the rage among the moneyed elite.

Ở Trung Quốc, xe Mercedes-Benz rất phổ biến ở giới thượng lưu nhiều tiền.

9. Put a stop to something (phrase): làm cái gì đó dừng lại

He used to smoke in bed when I first got to know him, but I soon put a stop to that!

Anh ấy từng hút thuốc trên giường khi tôi mới quen anh ấy, nhưng tôi đã làm cái đó dừng
lại sớm sau đó.


1. What films are popular?

Horror and action films are the most popular kinds of films in the world right now.
Blockbusters such as The Conjuring, Fast and Furious, Annabelle have a buzz about them
and make people excited for their sequels. Earnings from these two kinds can be
equivalent to 20% of a small country’s economy.

2. What kind of film do young people like to watch?

Since the majority of cinema goers are young, the most popular films are also horror and
action films. However, youngsters tend to prefer action films to horror ones because not
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everyone watches horror films as they may become obsessed by the films. Apart from these
two kinds, young people also show interest in sci-fi and comedy.

3. Do fewer people choose to watch moves in cinema than people did in the past?

I don’t think so. Box office ticket sales have yet to show any sign of slowing down and a
large number of cinemas are opened on an annual basis. Technology and Netflix are
emerging as the main competitors to traditional cinemas. Yet, the cinema continues to hold
a strong foothold and is yet to lose ground to these competitors.

4. Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?

Everything in this world will come to an end one day. And I believe cinemas are not an
exception. No one knows what will happen in the future and no one can control it either.
Technology is developing at such a fast pace, so are the alternatives to cinemas. However,
cinemas will not disappear in the foreseeable future, but they will perish at some point
down the road.

1. Blockbuster (n): bom tấn

We all felt the movie was a potential blockbuster.

Chúng tôi đều cảm thấy rằng cái phim này hứa hẹn sẽ là một bom tấn.

2. Sequel (n): phần tiếp theo

I'm reading the sequel to "Gone with the Wind".

Tôi đang đọc phần tiếp theo của “Cuốn theo chiều gió”.

3. Equivalent to something (phrase): bằng với.

Is $50 equivalent to about £30?

50 ô Mỹ có bằng 30 bảng Anh không?

4. Sign (n): dấu hiệu

Billy's work at school has shown signs of improvement this year.

Việc học của Billy đã có dấu hiệu tiến triển trong năm nay.
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5. Gain a strong foothold in something (phrase): chiếm được một chỗ đứng chắc trong một
cái gì đó.

In buying their business, the company gains a major foothold in

a market it considers critical to the future of the industry.

6. Lose ground (phrase): thua thiệt

Do you agree that left-wing politics are losing ground among the working classes?

Bạn có đồng ý là bên cánh tả đang trở đang thua thiệt trong tầng lớp công nhân không?

7. Down the road (phrase): trong tương lai.

Lots of things will have changed a few years down the road

Rất nhiều thứ sẽ thay đổi trong vài năm nữa trong tương lai.

12. Describe a friend from childhood who you remember very well

You should say:

Who he/she is

Childhood has its uniqueness and magic and sometimes childhood friends are
unforgettable. One such friend of mine was Minh who I still remember. Our friendship
lasted only for a year and after that, he moved to a different city with his parents.

Where you met each other

Our first encounter took place on the very first day of secondary school. I was late for
school due to bad traffic and I thought that all of the seats in the classroom were occupied.
Thankfully, Miss Loan, my new teacher asked my name and gave me a hand. Then, one of
the boys was asking me to go over and sit beside him. That boy was Minh.

What you often did together

At lunchtime, I shared my food with him and talked about lots of things. From that time
onwards, we started sitting next to each other and our friendship began to flourish. I also
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found out that we had many hobbies in common. At school, we were on the same football
and volleyball team. In the afternoon, we made kites and flew them together near the
riverbank. Furthermore, as amateur collectors, our pastime was to spend hours looking
for unique stamps in the library. We became very close friends but after one year I heard
that he would be moving to Da Nang as his father had been transferred there. Since then, I
have lost touch with him.

And explain what made you like him/her

Although I no longer catch up with him, he has always been the treasure of my childhood.
Minh is a kind-hearted and open-minded person, so he really made that one year a
delightful period for me. I really hope one day, I can contact him and keep our friendship


1. occupied (adjective): có người sử dụng


The bathroom at the back of the plane was occupied, so I waited.

Nhà vệ sinh ở phía sau máy bay đã có người, nên tôi đã đợi.

2. in common (phrase): điểm chung


They have nothing in common – I don’t know why they’re getting married.

Họ không có điểm chung gì - tôi không biết tại sao họ lại cưới nhau.

3. Pastime (noun): sở thích


Playing chess is his favourite pastime.

Chơi cờ vua là sở thích của anh ấy.

4. Treasure (noun): người quý giá và có ích


I don't know what I'd have done without Lizzie when I was ill - she was an absolute

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Tôi không biết tôi sẽ làm được gì lúc bị bệnh nếu không có Lizzie - cô ấy thật sự giúp ích
rất nhiều.

Part 3

1. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from childhood? Why or why not?

It’s a pity that I lost touch with most of my childhood friends when I moved to this city
10 years ago. Getting acquainted with the new surroundings occupied the little amount of
free time I had after school, so I could only catch up with them once in a blue moon.
Gradually, the more time I spend on new relationships, the fewer chances I have to call old

2. What do you think of online social media?

From my viewpoint, social media in general is a double-edged sword. To some people,

online social platforms are great at helping people connect each other regardless of distance
and time. On the other hand, some regard social media as the root of all modern evils as
these sites are full of fake news, violence and cyberbullying.

3. Do you think online social media will replace face-to-face communication?

Some state that online platforms will soon be the most popular rendezvous location for
daily conversations. However, in my opinion, that scenario is unlikely to happen. Humans
have a social nature so we are always looking for interactions with others, both verbal and
non-verbal. Therefore, virtual conversations can never replicate the intimacy of face-to-
face talks.

4. How important is childhood friendship to children?

Along with the family and school, it is undeniable that childhood friends play a vital role
in children’s early development. What I mean is that learning to befriend others at a young
age helps to build up the child’s ability to socialize. Moreover, spending time with a group
of friends can certainly create countless precious childhood memories. Recalling these
moments can help to cheer you up when you are blue and need emotional support.
1. it’s a pity (phrase): thật đáng tiếc
It’s a pity that we couldn’t stay longer in Boston.

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Thật đáng tiếc khi chúng ta không thể ở lại Boston lâu hơn.
2. lose touch with (idiom): mất liên lạc
I lost touch with Katie after she moved to Canada.
Tôi mất liên lạc với Katie sau khi cô ấy chuyển đến Canada.
3. a double-edged sword (idiom): con dao hai lưỡi
The government’s program to boost exports is a double-edged sword because it has created
a local food shortage.
Chương trình thúc đẩy xuất khẩu của chính phủ là một con dao hai lưỡi vì nó đang tạo ra
một đợt thiếu lương thực cục bộ.
4. cheer someone up (phrase): làm ai đó vui
She was sick so I sent her some flowers to cheer her up.
Cô ấy bị bệnh nên tôi gửi một ít hoa để làm cô vui lên.

13. Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visit

You should say:

Whose home it is

My older sister, Lan, who is married to a doctor, lives in a large apartment and this is quite
an elegant apartment in my opinion. Therefore, I would like to talk about this apartment
which is located in the centre of Ho Chi Minh City.

How often you go there

The apartment is on the third floor of a six-storied building. It is only 20 minutes' walking
distance from my school. On average, I visit my sister and her husband twice a month.

What it is like

Originally, my sister and her husband had wanted to buy a house in the suburb but they
changed their mind and settled down in the city centre. The apartment is comparatively
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spacious but it has a cosy atmosphere. The rooms all have attached bathrooms and most of
the furniture was bought from the most renowned and branded shops. My sister had an
interior design diploma and she has put every effort to make her own house look beautiful.
From a neutral point of view, I would say she is a talented interior designer as she has been
quite successful in making the interior of her own house impressive. The large wooden
furniture, the modern and sophisticated design of most of the furniture and handpicked wall
frames gives a rich impression to a guest who visits this apartment.

And explain how you feel about the home

I like this apartment because it has got a lot of space, unlike many other apartments I have
visited. The rooms give complete privacy to the house members as they are not adjacent to
each other. The interior of the apartment is quite attractive. Moreover, my sister, as an
interior designer has designed it perfectly. The apartment gives me the impression of
beauty and comfort. For these reasons, I love this apartment.


1. changed one’s mind (idiom): đổi ý


I was planning to work late tonight, but I changed my mind. I’ll do extra work on the
weekend instead.

Tôi đã dự định tối nay sẽ ở lại làm muộn nhưng tôi đã đổi ý. Thay vào đó tôi sẽ làm thêm
việc vào cuối tuần.

2. settle down (phrase): ổn định chỗ ở


She quickly settled down in her new house.

Cô ấy nhanh chóng ổn định trong ngôi nhà mới của mình.

3. put every effort to (phrase): cố gắng hết sức


Make every effort to take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.

Hãy cố hết sức để tự chăm sóc thể chất, tinh thần và cảm xúc của bản thân.

4. give somebody the impression of something (phrase): khiến ai đó nghĩ về cái gì đó

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I didn’t want to give him the impression of the job.

Tôi không muốn khiến anh ấy nghĩ về công việc.

Part 3

1. What are the differences between houses or buildings in the city and in the

It is clearly seen that buildings in rural and urban areas have different characteristics.
Firstly, while houses in the countryside are more spacious, apartment buildings in cities
have higher density. It’s also observed that urban flats focus on a level of modernity and
convenience whereas houses in rural towns tend to place more emphasis on cosy
atmosphere and home comfort.

2. Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside?

The atmosphere in the countryside is preferable for me. But it’s much easier to earn a
living in big cities. That’s why I’ve opted to stay in the city centre and work for a branch
of a multinational corporation. However, I’ve made up my mind that once I can afford a
house in the countryside, I will definitely settle down there.

3. What safety risks are there in residential buildings in cities?

Although high-rise buildings are constructed in compliance with strict safety standards,
there are still chances that some unwanted problems such as electricity failure, pipe leakage
or lift breakdowns occur in such crowded residences. Among them, fire can be considered
the most hazardous type of incident as it can inflict heavy damage on a large scale.

4. Is it expensive to decorate a house or an apartment in the place where you live?

It really depends on the size of the house and the owner’s intentions to figure out the total
cost of decoration. For some people with high incomes, it can cost an arm and a leg to
realize their dream house with luxurious furniture. On the other hand, some with a small
budget opt for more affordable decorative items.


1. earn a living (idiom): kiếm sống


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She’s just trying to earn a living.

Cô ấy đang cố kiếm sống.

2. made up my mind (idiom): quyết định


He finally made up his mind about the job.

Anh ấy cuối cùng đã quyết định công việc của mình.

3. settle down (phrase): ổn định ở


She quickly settled down in her new house.

Cô ấy nhanh chóng ổn định trong ngôi nhà mới.

4. cost an arm and a leg (idiom): rất đắt đỏ


The repair work cost an arm and a leg.

Việc sửa chữa rất đắt đỏ.

14. Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on a beach etc.)

You should say:

Where and when you saw the plastic waste

Why there was a lot of plastic waste

What you did after you saw them

And explain what your thoughts were about this

The experience I will tell you about happened three years ago when I was paying a visit
to Vinh Hy, a small bay in the south of Vietnam. To get a good view of the sea, I chose a
hotel on the coast, where I could enjoy the wonderful sunset from my balcony. But when I
actually sat on the terrace and watched the sun sinking into the sea, it caught my eye when

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a strip of white plastic waste constantly rose and fell with the waves at the rim of the shore,
which completely ruined the ambience.

It seemed that the ocean returned what human beings had dumped into it. And because this
was not a famous tourist spot, the government had not employed anyone to clean the waste.
As time passed, the plastic bags, bottles, jars, and packages piled up, forming an ugly scene.

Although I felt sad about it, I did nothing. It was far beyond my capability to change the
situation, and I did not know which government department I should complain to.

I had heard thousands of times about how plastic was polluting the ocean and endangering
marine species, but I thought it was just a strategy adopted by scientists and
environmentalists to draw people’s attention. This experience changed my perception and
prompted me to believe that we are reaping what we have sown and that if we do not take
immediate action, we might reach the tipping point soon.


1. pay a visit to (phrase): ghé thăm


He paid a visit to the most famous destination in New York.

Anh ấy ghé thăm điểm đến nổi tiếng nhất ở New York.

2. catch someone’s eye (idiom): khiến ai đó chú ý


A sudden movement caught my eye.

Một cử động đột ngột khiến tôi chú ý.

3. ambiance (noun): nét đẹp, đặc tính


Despite being a busy city, Dublin has the ambience of a country town.

Dù là một thành phố tấp nập, Dublin có nét đẹp của một thị trấn vùng nông thôn.

4. reap what you have sown (idiom): gánh chịu hậu quả


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It seems to me that if we continue exploiting fossil fuel at this speed, we should expect to
reap what we have sown.

Tôi thấy rằng nếu chúng ta tiếp tục khai thác nhiên liệu hóa thạch với tốc độ này thì chúng
ta sẽ sớm gánh chịu hậu quả.

Part 3

1. Do you think we should use plastic products?

Instead of boycotting plastic products, I highly recommend focusing on using them in an

environmentally-friendly way. People tend to think that many companies have shifted to
using more plastic packaging just because it’s cheaper. It is cheaper, but there are other
good reasons. Plastic is durable and provides protection from contaminants. It reduces food
waste by preserving food and protecting food against pests and humidity.

2. How can we reduce our use of plastic?

It seems to me that cutting down on the consumption of plastic products doesn’t require
too much effort. Indeed, such insignificant actions as avoiding single-use plastics or using
cloth bags for shopping can contribute to the overall reduction of plastic waste. And if you
have no choice but to buy a plastic bottle or a plastic container at the supermarket, try to
reuse it instead of throwing it away.

3. What kinds of plastic waste are often seen in your country?

In a developing country like Vietnam, there are multiple sources of plastic waste, the most
alarming of which is single-use plastics. Due to the modern lifestyle, it is easy to see food
containers or drinking bottles lying on the pavements or floating in the rivers. Another
recently-appeared problem is the overuse of cheap face masks which are partially made of
plastics as people are advised to use them once only.

4. Why do people like to use plastic products?

From my viewpoint, there are an countless reasons why people opt for plastic items. Firstly,
plastic packaging helps to preserve food longer and reduce the potential for product waste.
Moreover, plastic containers can protect vulnerable things during transportation at a more
affordable cost than other materials like metal or cardboard boxes.


1. Boycott (v): tẩy chay

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Several countries boycotted the international peace talks.

Một số quốc gia tẩy chay những cuộc thảo luận hòa bình quốc tế.

2. cut down on (phrase): cắt giảm


I’m trying to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat.

Tôi đang cố gắng cắt giảm lượng đường mình ăn.

3. single-use (adjective): dùng một lần


Awareness of environmental damage from single-use bags is growing.

Nhận thức về tác động đến môi trường của túi sử dụng một lần đang dần tăng lên.

4. affordable (adjective): rẻ, giá cả hợp lý


She always buys nice clothes at affordable price when going to the market.

Cô ấy luôn mua những bộ đồ đẹp với giá cả hợp lý khi đi chợ.

15. Describe a time when you needed to search for information

You should say:

What information you needed to search for

To begin with, I’d like to say that I’m always on the internet, but if I have to mention a
specific time I used it, there is one piece of info that I can remember searching for. It was
when I was starting to learn how to do some basic coding.

When you searched for it

A couple of months ago, I was desperately trying to find a structured course where I could
learn how to code. The course had to not only be free or low-cost but also up to date with
the trends of 2022.
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Where you searched for it

I relied on my trusty Google Chrome browser alongside some technology magazines for
this task. Thankfully, in the end, after skimming over a dozen articles, I ended up finding
what I was looking for.

And explain why you needed to search for it

At that time, my main purpose to learn to code was to facilitate my job. My colleagues
said that every task in the office would be accomplished with higher efficiency if you could
take full advantage of the programs. It was such a pity that I had not known that sooner;
otherwise, I had not needed to struggle in the first half of my internship. Besides, there
were lots of freelance positions related to coding, so I could earn a second income if I
stayed focused and tried my best to master this skill.


1. to begin with (idiom): đầu tiên


The hotel was awful! To begin with, our room was far too small.

Khách sạn quá tồi tệ! Đầu tiên, phòng của chúng tôi quá nhỏ.

2. low-cost (adjective): giá rẻ


The 1990s saw a huge increase in the number of low-cost airlines.

Thập niên 90 chứng kiến mức tăng khổng lồ về số lượng hãng hàng không giá rẻ.

3. Facilitate (verb): hỗ trợ


The current structure does not facilitate efficient workflow.

Cấu trúc hiện tại không hỗ trợ luồng công việc hiệu quả.

4. take advantage of (phrase): tận dụng


We are taking advantage of the strong euro and are going to visit the US.

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Chúng tôi tận dụng đồng euro mạnh và sẽ ghé thăm nước Mỹ.

Part 3

1. How can people search for information now?

Along with traditional ways of reading a reference work or turning to experts, there are
numerous means to look for information thanks to the increasing popularity of the Internet.
In fact, nowadays with only one click, people can get access to millions of results in one
second provided by search engines. Moreover, social media are proven to be suitable
platforms to update news daily.

2. What information can people get from television?

There is no doubt that television has played the role of an important source of news,
education and so on since its introduction. To begin with, tuning in to local news allows
people to stay informed about what is happening in their area while international news
shows keep you up-to-date with breaking news around the world. Furthermore, with the
wide range of TV channels, you can certainly find the perfect mix of educational
programming for your children or for yourself.

3. With the development of the Internet, is the library still important?

Some people reckon that libraries will soon give way to modern online archive sites. I
myself disagree with that assumption because of several reasons. First, public libraries play
an important role in supporting education and literacy. They provide countless resources,
such as educational materials, training courses, scientific publications, etc. in an academic
environment where you can expand your network with like-minded people. Besides,
anyone in need of free Internet access can seek support from the libraries as well.

4. Does the development of the Internet have any impact on disadvantaged people?

Although the Internet is gaining increasing popularity, of course, there will be some
obstacles for some groups of the population that cannot keep up with the progress of the
Internet. I mean that in this technological era, the elderly and less privileged will have
difficulty getting access to education, job opportunities and so on. Indeed, they are likely
to be left behind in the rapidly-changing world.
1. turn to someone (phrase): nhờ ai đó giúp đỡ

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Without someone to turn to for advice, making the most appropriate choice can be difficult.
Khi không có ai để hỏi xin lời khuyên, đưa ra lựa chọn thích hợp nhất có thể rất khó khăn.
2. there is no doubt that (phrase): rõ ràng là
There is no doubt that the world is warmer.
Rõ ràng là thế giới đang ấm dần lên.
3. give way to something (phrase): bị thay thế bởi cái gì đó
My excitement gave way to fear when I drove a car for the first time.
Sự hào hứng bị nỗi sợ lấn át khi tôi lần đầu tiên lái xe ô tô.
4. keep up with (phrase): bắt kịp
Wages are failing to keep up with inflation.
Lương đang không thể bắt kịp với lạm phát.

16. Describe an object that you think is beautiful

You should say:
What it is
Where you saw it
What it looks like
And explain why you think it is beautiful

Today I’m going to talk about the vase that I have at my home which I find very beautiful.
That vase is a gift from my grandmother to my mother when my mother got married. I am
unsure about the meaning behind the gift. If my memory serves me right, I think my mother
told me that because the word vase is a homophone to the word peaceful in Vietnamese.

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So, in other words, the vase acts like a blessing from my grandmother to my mother. The
vase is not very big, only around ten inches tall. And it’s not very big either – I don’t think
that it is more than five inches wide. But it’s really heavy because it is made of fine
porcelain. There are two things about this vase that I find very eye-catching. First, the
mouth of the vase bends outward so when you look from the top, it looks like a blossoming
flower. The second thing about the vase that I like is the outer decoration. I remember when
I was young, I always spent hours studying the paintings that the potters decorated on the
vase’s body and every time, I always found something new. One time I even found a small
butterfly – this detail is painted on so tiny that it takes me over an hour of looking for it.
All these details are even more accentuated by the glaze coating. This means that whenever
there are lights, the vase will glimmer.

Homophone (n): từ đồng âm

A word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning or
spelling, or both.
The words "sow" and "sew" are homophones.

Porcelain (n): sành, sứ

A hard but delicate, shiny, white substance made by heating a special type of clay to a high
temperature, used to make cups, plates, and decorations.
They use traditional skills and produce porcelains in some 40 traditional firewood kilns.

Blossom (v): nở (hoa), nở rộ

(Of a tree or plant) to produce flowers that develop into fruit.
The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.
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Blessing (n): điều phước, phước lành
The approval to do something.
My parents finally gave their blessing to my marriage.

Glaze (v): tráng bóng

To make a surface shiny by putting a liquid substance onto it and leaving it or heating it
until it dries.
The pottery was famous for the rich glaze of its vases and jugs.

Coating (n): lớp tô, phết ngoài cùng, ở bề mặt

A layer of a particular substance that covers a surface.
The goggles have a laser-protection coating.

Part 3
1. Do you think there are more beautiful things now than in the past? Why?
I do think that there are more beautiful things now than in the past. But I do know that
some people disagree with me, because they see modern architecture, for example, or
anything modern as essentially visually unappealing, while I think the opposite. One reason
that I can think of that explains why there are more beautiful now is that people have more
time, more opportunity, and more resources to engage in creative works. In the past,
because people had to work very hard to make ends meet, they did not have time to explore

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or enjoy beautiful things. Further, compared to the past, we now have more art forms such
as film or animation, which allow people to engage in creative works.
2. What beautiful scenery spots are there in your country?
In my country, I think one of the most beautiful sceneries is Phong Nha – Ke Bang in
Vietnam’s Central Region. In short, this is one of Southeast Asia’s largest cave systems
and from what I read on the Internet, thanks to geological formations through thousands of
years, they have very magnificent yet very delicate columns of limestone that span several
stories high. I also heard that the cave has its own ecosystem which gives rise to its own
greeneries and animals.
3. Where do you think people usually come into contact with beautiful things?
In my opinion, beautiful things are everywhere so I don’t think that there is any specific
place people “come into contact” with them. Like Phong Nha – Ke Bang or the vase that
I told you about earlier, beautiful things are meant to be appreciated. Even the simplest
thing, the most mundane thing in our daily life can be beautiful, as long as people spend
time studying and understanding it with their hearts.
4. Why do you think people create beautiful things?
I think that people create beautiful things for one main reason. Beautiful things often
require extensive imagination and creative hands to produce them. In other words, to make
beautiful things, people have to think outside the box. By breaking the boundaries that are
so prevalent in modern life today, beautiful things, therefore, allow people to be
themselves. As a result, the eventual spiritual and psychological outcomes are immense.

Make ends meet (idiom): kiếm tiền (nhưng chỉ đủ sống, đủ xoay sở)
To have just enough money to pay for the things that you need.
It’s not easy to make ends meet with a big family but somehow, we manage.

Geological (adj): thuộc về địa chất

Relating to geology, or to the geology of a particular area or place (geology = the study of
the rocks and similar substances that make up the earth's surface).
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This geological map provides a good sense of how rich the natural resources are in the

Formation (n): sự hình thành, sự kiến tạo

The development of something into a particular thing or shape.
The formation of the Grand Canyon involves complex geological processes.

Greeneries (n): mảnh xanh, cây xanh

Green plants, or branches that have been cut off from plants, esp. when used as decoration.
All housings are enhanced in beauty by having greenery and trees around them.

Mundane (adj): tầm thường

Very ordinary and therefore not interesting.
Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.

Boundaries (n): giới hạn hành vi, chuẩn mực

The limit of what someone considers to be acceptable behaviour.

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We set firm boundaries, and if the children cross them there are consequences.

Spiritual (adj): thuộc về tâm linh

Relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs.
Traditional ways of life fulfilled both economic and spiritual needs.

Psychological (adj): thuộc về tâm lý

Relating to the human mind and feelings.
We are concerned with the physical and psychological well-being of our employees.

17. Describe something you had to share with others

You should say:
What it was
Who you shared it with
Why you had to share it with others
And explain how you felt about it

To get the ball rolling, today, I’m going to talk about a thing that I once had to share and
I have lots of memorable moments doing it. Growing up, I have had a lot of things that I
share with people around me, from my friends to my siblings. But perhaps the most
memorable thing that I have had to share with someone else is a diary at high school. It’s
not a personal diary but a joint diary, which was requested by my homeroom teacher to
encourage students to get to know and get along with each other better. For my turn, I
shared this joint diary with my best friend who by that time had just moved to my school.
The basic idea of this joint diary is that every week, each of us would take turns keeping

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it. When it was my turn to keep it, I would log in everything that I had in my mind, ranging
from personal reflection to thoughts on our academic performance. At the same time, I
would also read my friend’s entries and give comments and words of encouragement. I
remember that I came to understand my friend as someone who loved poetry and doodles;
on every page of his entry, I always found a new poem, written either in Vietnamese or
English and some doodles of his favourite TV characters. I do think that this diary that I
shared with my best friend allowed me to have a deeper friendship connection with him as
well as be a better assistant when it comes to academic matters.

To get the ball rolling (idiom): bắt đầu một việc gì đó

Set an activity in motion; make a start.
To get the ball rolling, the government was asked to contribute a million dollars to the fund.

Homeroom (n): lớp chủ nhiệm

A classroom in which a group of students assembles daily with the same teacher before
dispersing to other classes.
Homeroom teachers play many roles, acting as counselors, administrators, and

Encouragement (n): sự cổ vũ
Words or behaviour that give someone confidence to do something.
I could never have achieved this without the encouragement of my husband and family.

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Entries (n): mục (đề, thông tin, nhật ký…)
A single written item in a list or collection of records
The entries in the cash book need to be presented to the tax office every year.

Doodles (n): hình vẽ nguệch ngoạc được làm ra khi nhàm chán, rảnh rỗi
A picture or pattern that someone has drawn while thinking about something else or when
they are bored.
The textbooks had been defaced by doodles.

Part 3
1 Do you think kids like to share? Why?
I think it is kids’ instinct to share. Kids in general are very social. At the same time, very
young children are often captivated by new and unfamiliar stuff, whether it is a toy or else.
Seeing other kids having something that catches their eyes, they will be very eager to get
to know each other. They will pool in the toys and other eye-catching stuff together so that
way they can share what they have with what other kids have.
2 How can parents teach their children to share?
Teaching children how to share is something that is not easy, I must admit. But I think that
as with any good piece of social behaviour, parents can encourage their children through
exposing them to practical experiences. For instance, one way that my parents taught me
the meaning and value of sharing with other people has been by taking me to a charitable
kitchen. While as a kid, I could not help in the kitchen, I still participated by serving food
to those in need. That way, by being able to see people’s hardship as well as seeing how
hard it is to make food, I understand why it is important to share.
3. What do you think is the benefit of sharing for children?
Sharing brings about many benefits to children, especially their emotional and social well-
being. By understanding deeply the value of sharing, they can be more caring and kinder.
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In our modern world when everyone is too occupied with making ends meet and where
work is extremely competitive, these are the two qualities that need to be re-emphasized,
especially from a young age. Additionally, because sharing means not only using many
tangible things together but also getting to know others, students develop sympathy as a

Instinct (n): bản tính

The way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about
All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help.

Captivate (adj): làm say đắm, làm thu hút (một thứ gì, một ai đó)
To hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or
With her beauty and charm, she captivated film audiences everywhere.

Eager (adj): hăm hở, háo hức

Wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable.
They crowded around the spokesperson, eager for any news.

Charitable (adj): thiện nguyện

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Giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or
have no home.
The entire organization is funded by charitable donations.

Occupied (adj): bận rộn vì một thứ gì đó

Busy or interested.
At that time, I was fully occupied taking care of my elderly mother.

Tangible (adj): chỉ vật có thật, chạm hoặc cảm nhận được
Real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced.
Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours.

Sympathy (n): đồng cảm

An expression of understanding and care for someone else's suffering.
The president has sent a message of sympathy to the relatives of the dead soldiers.

18. Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting
You should say:
When you read it
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What the story or novel was about
Who wrote it
And explain why you read it

To me, the most interesting story that I have read was the story about the origin of milk
fruit. The story was part of the primary school literature curriculum and if I remember it
correctly, I read it in my second grade. On the issue of the author, I am unsure who wrote
it because the story is a Vietnamese folktale, so I guess someone from the very distant past
created this tale and later, everyone learns about it. However, the reason that I remember
this story so fondly is because of its magical element, especially the transfiguration of the
story’s character. In short, the story follows a very naughty boy who frequently upsets his
mom. One day, he was scolded very badly by his mom, and the boy decides to run away.
Only after getting bullied by other older runaways, does the boy realize that he cannot live
without the support and care of his mom and find a way to return. And when he returns, he
can not find his mom’s whereabouts; the only thing that he finds new is a tree standing in
the middle of the field. Hungry and tired, the boy hugs the tree, which magically shivers
and gives him the foodstuff and the embrace that he longs for. The basic idea of this
folktale is to explain why when you cut it in half, the juice of the milk fruit will be white
and sweet like milk, and why the milk fruit tree’s leaves are one side green while the other
side is very red. It also teaches everyone to be obedient and nice to their parents.

Curriculum (n): giáo trình, chương trình học

The subjects studied in a school, college, etc. and what each subject includes.
In primary schools, the class teacher teaches all the subjects in the curriculum to the class,
regardless of his preferences, flair and interests.

Folktale (n): sự tích, truyện dân gian

A traditional story that people of a particular region or group repeat among themselves.

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The stories in this book also serve to introduce many Vietnamese “folktales” that
traditionally pass orally.

Transfiguration (n): phép biến hình, với hàm ý ma thuật, phép thuật
The act or process of transfiguring someone or something (changing their appearance very
much, especially in a spiritual way).
In this light, the junk undergoes a transfiguration; it shines.

Runaway (n): người bỏ nhà đi lang thang

Someone who has escaped or run away from somewhere.
If young people can find a way of playing the system, that will result in an increased
number of runaways.

Whereabouts (n): ở một nơi nào đó

The place where a person or thing is.
He is thought to be in the Caribbean, although his exact whereabouts are/is a mystery.

Shiver (v): run người vì lạnh, ốm, hoặc sợ hãi

When people or animals shiver, they shake slightly because they feel cold, ill, or frightened.

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He shivered with cold in his thin cotton shirt.

Foodstuffs (n): thực phẩm (nói chung)

Any substance that is used as food or to make food.
They lack basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk.

Embrace (v): ôm ấp
To hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when
greeting or leaving someone.
He leaned over to embrace the child.

Part 3
1. How does technology help people tell stories?
I do think technology helps people tell stories in many ways. One way that technology
helps with storytelling is that it gives the story a more visual and aural basis. Instead of
relying on words only, or some still figures, animation or short clips allow people to not
only imagine the faces and the shapes of the characters more easily but also the sound and
ambience where the plot takes place. This, I believe, allows people to focus on other more
important parts of the story, such as the actions of the story’s characters.

2. Do you prefer to read e-books or paper books?

If I had to choose, I would be more biased toward paper books. As someone who reads a
lot, there is something very nice about holding a physical book and flipping the pages with
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your own fingers. Not to mention if you read old books where the pages have turned a bit
yellow, their unique smell is something that excites me.
I think the reason that people tend to read more mystery books nowadays stems exactly
from their mysterious characters.

3. Why are mystery novels so popular nowadays?

Mystery books, to my knowledge, often depict unfamiliar landscapes and include
phenomena that are not explainable or possible in real life. As a result, this literary genre
forces people to imagine more intensely and think more creatively. In other words, mystery
books help people develop the two skills that I think people in our modern-day lack a lot,
precisely because a lot of things can be easily searched online or easily explained by

4. What kinds of novels are suitable for a film adaptation?

On which genre can be made into films, I personally don’t have any preference or
objection, as long as the adaptation follows the plot of the written publication closely,
chooses the actors that reflect the characters well, and includes visually pleasing effects.
However, the genre that I am most wary about in terms of the film adaptation of novels is
autobiography. This is because when it becomes a cinematic production, a lot of
meaningful reflection on the autobiography’s main character is lost at the expense of
visual effects. Also, for a more historical figure, new actors cannot always reflect and
capture their spirit and stamina accurately.

Aural (adj): thuộc về thính giác

Relating to hearing.
She doesn’t speak English well, but her aural comprehension is good.

Ambience (n): môi trường, không gian xung quanh

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The character of a place or the quality it seems to have.
Despite being a busy city, Dublin has the ambience of a country town.

Bias (v): thiên hướng về một thứ gì đó

The fact of preferring a particular subject or thing.
In this light, the junk undergoes a transfiguration; it shines.

Stem from sth (phrase): có nguồn gốc từ một thứ gì đó

To start or develop as the result of something.
Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.

Depict (v): miêu tả bằng hình ảnh

To represent or show something in a picture or story.
Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century.

Phenomenon (n): hiện tượng, thường chỉ những sự kiện kỳ lạ hoặc đáng chú ý

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Something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or
There's evidence to suggest that child abuse is not just a recent phenomenon.

Cinematic (adj): thuộc về điện ảnh

Relating to the cinema.
The cinematic effects in her films are clearly borrowed from the great filmmakers of the

At the expense of sth (phrase): miêu tả một hành động mà nếu thực hiện đối một vật, đối
tượng A sẽ gây hại cho một vật, đối tượng B khác.
If you do one thing at the expense of another, doing the first thing harms the second thing.
He had no need to protect their reputation at the expense of his own.

Stamina (n): khí chất

The physical and/or mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a
long time
The triathlon is a great test of stamina.
19. Describe a place in the countryside that you visited
You should say:
Where it is

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When you visited this place
What you did there
And explain how you feel about this place

(Where it is) Some years ago, I had a chance to participate in an outreach programme in a
rural commune in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. That’s one of the most memorable experiences
I’ve ever had in my life. The programme took place in Phong Thanh, a poverty-stricken
commune in Tra Vinh province, where the majority of residents are of Khmer descent.
(When you visited this place) If my memory serves me right, the programme took place
between May and June in 2019. It was definitely not long, but it was not short either.
Generally, I had enough time to explore the culture, nature and the local way of life, which
really helped me, a city boy, broaden my knowledge about the obstacles and challenges
these people had to face.
(What you did there) I’m glad that it was not merely a leisure trip. I taught English and
STEM to young children there. These young children were more than willing to bring me
around their commune and show me the daily activities of their families and themselves.
Other than that, I encountered some impoverished families, heard their stories and gave
them presents. I’m saying this here not to emphasise I’m a good person who likes to do
good deeds. But it was truly a happy moment I want to share.
(And explain how you feel about this place) Honestly, the trip was eye-opening as I learnt
so much from the locals living there. The ambiance was so peaceful that I could relieve all
the stress of city life. Moreover, I could make my small contribution towards the commune.
Now I can’t wait to return to that commune again to visit the children I taught and their

1. Stricken (adj): bị cái gì đó
Example: She grew up in a poverty-stricken area of the state.
Cô ấy lớn lên trong một nơi nghèo khó của bang này.
2. Descent (n): nguồn gốc
Example: She's a woman of mixed/French descent.
Cô ấy là một phụ nữ gốc lai/gốc Pháp.

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3. If my memory serves me right (idiom): nếu tôi nhớ không lầm
Example: I think he was called Blake, if my memory serves me right.
Nếu tôi nhớ không nhầm thì anh ấy tên là Blake.
4. Impoverished (adj): nghèo khó
Example: Benefits should be targeted at the most impoverished families.
Các lợi ích nên được nhắm vào những gia đình nghèo nhất.
5. Deed (n): viêc làm
Example: She's always helping people and doing good deeds.
Cô ấy luôn luôn giúp đỡ mọi người và làm những việc tốt.

Part 3
1. Is there anything special about the countryside in Vietnam?
The countryside in Vietnam is so special that it attracts millions of visitors annually. It has
beautiful terraced rice fields, magnificent valleys and endless fruit trees, to name but a few.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of tourists would flock to Mekong Delta to
kayak long tight canals and listen to the stories of residents who planted longan trees and
produced honey from those trees. Meanwhile, Sapa, which features breathtaking views of
Vietnam’s highest mountain range, is also a popular destination among both domestic and
international travellers.
2. What do people usually do when going to the countryside?
People mostly go to the countryside on a weekend getaway to escape the hustle and bustle
of urban life. So, they will choose to stay in a farmstay in which they can totally turn off
their work mode. Some more advantaged people will opt for a remote luxury resort like
Six Senses on Con Dao Island or MGallery on Yen Tu Mountain by Sofitel. They can
spend their whole days exploring farming or fishing activities. Those who like to stay
indoors can read books and meditate.
3. Do you think people will live in the countryside in the future?
Yes, obviously. Research indicates that after the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more
young will leave cities for the countryside as they realise that the sustainable and organic
way of life there is best for them, rather than hectic urban life. There will be a shrinkage
in rural areas, but I believe that urbanisation will not be enough to wipe out all rural areas
around the world.
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1. To flock (v): đổ xô
Example: People flocked to the show.
Nhiều người đổ xô đến show diễn.
2. Getaway (n): kì nghỉ
Example: a getaway in the Poconos
Một kì nghỉ ở Poconos
3. Opt (n): chọn lựa
Example: Instead of a soft drink, she opted for water.
Thay vì chọn nước ngọt, cô ấy chọn nước suối.
4. Hectic (adj): hối hả, bận rộn
Example: The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
Khu này đã ở thành nơi trú ẩn của những người đã mệt với cuộc sống thành phố hối hả.

20. Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (e.g.
vegetables/fruits/flowers etc.)
You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she grows
Where he/she grows them
And explain why he/she enjoys growing plants

(Who this person is) I’d like to tell you about my grandmother whose hobby is gardening.
Her interest was sparked after she had pulled through lung cancer a few years ago as she
believes that a healthy lifestyle with organic supplies of food could help prevent this life-
threatening disease and prolong life.

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(Where he/she grows them) My granny started her hobby by laying out a small garden
behind my house. She had my dad clear up the unkempt garden and of course, I also lent
them a hand.

(What he/she grows) After a week of doing the clearance, my grandmother began to plant
lots of vegetables and flowers there, namely tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, etc. During the
process of planting to harvesting, all procedures were manually carried out. My granny
never uses fertilizers and chemicals on her plants and she sets her heart on ensuring the
vegetables my family eat are clean and organic enough.

Every day, at the crack of dawn, she always waters the plants since she said the plants
could absorb more water and nutrients without sunshine, as well as pruning off dead
branches or catching worms. In fact, my dad once offered to help her because her old age
means she can’t stand getting up early, but my granny batted his offer away because she
thinks that doing gardening could help her kill time and find happiness during her twilight
What is more interesting here is that my family now eventually enjoys my granny’s hobby.

At weekends, mom usually brings home a new flowerpot, sometimes it’s a

rose…sometimes a daisy or sunflower to decorate the garden and take care of them. My
dad has also taken up a new hobby. Thanks to my grandmother’s inspiration, he has started
to learn about bonsai trees and is investing money in this new passion.

(And explain why he/she enjoys growing plants) All in all, gardening is such a healthy
hobby that can do wonders for not only our mental but also physical health and thanks to
my granny, our family can now consume clean and organic vegetables free of charge.

1. Spark someone’s interest/hope/…C2: làm nhen nhóm, khơi dậy lên (1 mối quan
tâm, sự hứng thú, niềm hy vọng,...)
Example: How did you spark her interest in making food? (Làm thế nào mà bạn
khơi dậy được sự hứng thú của cô ấy trong việc nấu ăn?)

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2. Pull through (something): bình phục, khỏi, vượt qua được (bệnh, tai ương, khó
Example: I didn’t think he’d survive, but he pulled through. (Tôi không nghĩ rằng
anh ta sẽ sống sót, nhưng anh ta đã hồi phục)
3. Life-threatening disease (n): căn bệnh đe doạ tính mạng
Example: Cancer is life-threatening disease (Ung thư là một căn bệnh đe doạ tính mạng)
4. Prolong (life) (v): Kéo dài, làm dài ra (tuổi thọ,...)
Example: We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong our stay by another
week. (Chúng tôi đã có một khoảng thời gian tốt đẹp nên chúng tôi quyết định ở lại lâu
hơn 1 tuần)
5. Lay out (phrasal verb) C1: sắp xếp cái gì (~arrange)
Example: She opened her suitcase and laid her clothes out on the bed. (Cô ta mở vali và
sắp xếp quần áo trên giường)
6. Unkempt (adj): bừa bộn, luộm thuộm (với người), không được chú ý tới
Example:Joe arrived at work unshaven and unkempt. (Joe đến chỗ làm với một bộ dạng
chưa cạo râu và luộm thuộm/bừa bộn)
7. Lend somebody a hand (idiom): giúp đỡ ai
Example: Can you lend me a hand with this? (Bạn có thể giúp tôi việc này không?)
8. Set one’s heart on something (idiom): đặt tâm huyết vào cái gì, rất muốn đạt
được/có cái gì
Example: He had set his heart on winning the prize (anh ta đặt tâm huyết vào/rất muốn
thắng giải)
9. At the crack of dawn (idiom): vào tờ mờ sớm, vào sáng sớm
Example:We'll have to leave at the crack of dawn (Chúng tôi phải rời đi vào sáng sớm)
10. Prune off dead branches: tỉa/cắt các cành chết, già, héo
Example: We need to prune off these dead branches to allow the tree to grow new ones in
their place. (Chúng ta cần tỉa các cành chết để cây mọc ra cành mới ở chỗ đó)
11. Bat something away (idiom): bỏ ngoài tai 1 lời đề nghị, chỉ trích,..
Example: He batted away the suggestion that he should resign. (anh ta bỏ ngoài tai lời đề
nghị từ chức)
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12. Kill time (idiom): giết thời gian
Example: I'm going to walk down to the bookstore to kill time before my flight (Tôi sẽ đi
tới các tiệm sách để giết thời gian trước chuyến bay)
13. Twilight years (idiom): tuổi xế chiều, tuổi già, tuổi gần đất xa trời
Example: I always wanted to spend my twilight years off the coast of Portugal. (Tôi luôn
mong muốn dành những năm tháng xế chiều nơi bờ biển Portugal)
14. Do wonders for something (idiom): có lợi cho, có ích cho…
Example: Doctors have discovered that keeping a pet can do wonders for your health. (Bác
sĩ khám phá ra rằng việc nuôi thú cưng có lợi cho sức khỏe)

Part 3
1. What do you think of the job of a farmer?
From my perspective, farming is such an arduous occupation since it requires lots of
strength, hard work and determination. Specifically, a farmer has to deal with tons of
challenges during a crop cycle, such as the weather conditions, the productivity and the
quality of the plants. Having said that, the profits derived from selling agricultural
products are inversely proportional to the great deal of effort channeled. Consequently,
fewer and fewer students opt for working on farms after graduation.
2. Are there many people growing their own vegetables now?
The way I see it, there’s a growing number of people who have stopped buying vegetables
and fruit from supermarkets to switch to homemade products due to various reasons.
First and foremost, increasing cancer rates have raised the alarm about food safety and
hygiene, therefore more and more households have decided to plant their own vegetables
so that they can control the number of pesticides and fertilizers used, as well as avoid some
toxic chemicals. Secondly, for people who live in metropolitan cities, the prices of
imported agricultural products can cost them an arm and a leg. As a result, some families
who want to tighten their belts are beginning to cultivate their own produce at home,
making full use of their small balconies to grow cabbage, tomatoes or so.
Finally, gardening is such a common interest for many people as we can see many of the
young generations nowadays are considering gardening as an effective way to unwind
after nerve-racking hours at work.

3. Do you think it’s good to let kids learn how to plant?

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Well, I think allowing children to grow plants or get used to farming activities could be a
double-edged sword. Looking on the bright side, learning to plant is an effective way to
teach kids soft skills and reduce the amount of time spent on technology. To be more
specific, when parents show them how to plant at home, they could cultivate care or
patience in their children, as well as the appreciation of food in tandem. It is because when
learning how to grow trees or flowers, kids learn to take care of plants, wait for them to
grow higher and higher and therefore, be able to understand and sympathize with the
misery and difficulties of every farm worker. Having said that, allowing children to gain
access to agriculture could pose a threat to their health since there are a lot of bacteria and
viruses in the soil that could enter the kids’ bodies and give rise to some life-threatening
diseases. All in all, it is advisable for parents to teach their kids to grow plants as long as
the whole process is under tight control.

4. What are the differences between traditional and modern agriculture?

Personally, I think there are a variety of differences between the present and previous
modes of cultivation.
Firstly, thanks to the advent of cutting-edge technologies, the majority of the process of
planting has been mechanized which has relieved greatly the burden on farmers’
shoulders, whereas, in the past, most procedures were carried out by hand.
Secondly, contemporary agricultural practices emphasize productivity and capital gain
while traditional agriculture accentuated biodiversity more. This alteration is quite
negative because there are some greedy individuals who use unlawful means to make
higher profits, regardless of the health and well-being of consumers.
1. Mode of cultivation: phương thức canh tác, gieo trồng
Example: The mode of cultivation is traditional. (Phương thức canh tác là truyền thống.)
2. Advent (n): sự ra đời
Example: Life was transformed by the advent of the steam engine. (Cuộc sống được thay
đổi nhờ sự ra đời của động cơ hơi nước)
3. Cutting-edge (adj): hiện đại, tân tiến
Example: I like that kind of cutting - edge design. (Tôi thích cách thiết kế hiện đại đó.)
4. Mechanize (v): cơ giới hoá (được chuyển sang làm bằng máy móc, động cơ)
Example: Farming has been mechanized, reducing the need for labour. (Việc trồng trọt
được cơ giới hoá, giảm sự đòi hỏi sức lao động)

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Relieve the burden on someone’s shoulder (collocation): giảm bớt gánh nặng trên vai ai
Example: A huge burden was relieved from my shoulders when I told my parents about
my problem. (1 gánh nặng lớn đã được trút bỏ khỏi đôi vai tôi khi tôi nói cho ba mẹ vấn
5. Contemporary (adj): đương thời, hiện đại
Example: I wanted to update my kitchen and put in something more contemporary. (Tôi
muốn tân trang cái bếp và đặt vào trong vài món đồ hiện đại hơn)
6. Practice (n): thói quen, thông lệ, …
Example: It's common practice in the States to tip the hairdresser. (Đưa tiền boa cho thợ
làm tóc là 1 thông lệ ở Mỹ)
7. Capital gain (n): lợi nhuận thu được (capital ~ money or possessions: tiền bạc, của
cải, tài sản)
8. Accentuate (v): nhấn mạnh, chú trọng, làm nổi bật lên (SYN: emphasize)
Example: Her dress was tightly belted, accentuating the slimness of her waist. (Chiếc váy
của cô ấy được thắt nơ nhẹ, làm nổi bật/nhấn mạnh sự thon thả của chiếc eo)
9. Greedy (adj): tham lam
Example: It would be greedy to have another slice of cake. (Sẽ thật là tham lam nếu ăn
thêm 1 miếng bánh nữa)
10. Use unlawful means: dùng những thủ đoạn phi pháp, dơ bẩn
Example: Use illegal/unlawful means to get a passport. (Dùng cách thức bất hợp pháp để
có được hộ chiếu)
11. Make a profit (collocations): thu lời, kiếm được tiền lãi
Example: The company has made huge profits (công ty này thu lãi to)
12. Regardless of something: bất chấp cái gì, mặc kệ cái gì
Example: The plan for a new office building went ahead regardless of local opposition (kế
hoạch xây toà nhà mới vẫn tiếp tục bất chấp sự phản đối của địa phương)
13. Arduous (adj): khó khăn, vất vả
Example: In those days, a trip to the West was an arduous journey. (Những ngày này,
chuyến đi tới phía Tây là một hành trình vất vả)
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14. Having said that (idiom): dẫu vậy, tuy vậy ~ despite what has just been said.
Example: He forgets most things, but having said that, he always remembers my birthday.
(Anh ta quên hầu hết mọi thứ, tuy nhiên anh ta vẫn nhớ sinh nhật tôi)
15. Derive from something: đến từ, lấy từ cái gì
Example: The English word "olive" is derived from the Latin word "oliva". (chữ Olive
trong tiếng anh được lấy từ tiếng Latinh Oliva)
16. Inversely proportional to something (phrase): tỉ lệ nghịch với cái gì
Example: Speed is inversely proportional to time. (Vận tốc tỷ lệ nghịch với thời gian.)
17. Channel effort to … (collocations): dồn công sức vào, sức lực vào…
Example:HR has channeled all its efforts towards recruiting new personnel. (Ban nhân sự
đã dùng hết sức để tuyển người làm mới)
18. Switch to something: chuyển sang làm gì, cái gì
19. Raise the alarm (idiom): gióng hồi chuông cảnh tỉnh, khiến ai nhận ra sự nguy hiểm
của việc gì
Example: A local doctor was the first to raise the alarm about this latest virus.(một bác sĩ
địa phương là người đầu tiên gióng hồi chuông cảnh báo về con virus mới)
20. Food safety and hygiene: an toàn vệ sinh thực phẩm
Example: Ensuring food hygiene and safety to prevent food-borne diseases (đảm bảo an
toàn vệ sinh thực phẩm để ngăn ngừa các bệnh qua đường ăn uống)
21. Cost an arm and a leg (idiom): đắt cắt cổ
Example: The repair work cost an arm and a leg. (việc sửa chữa đắt cắt cổ/rất đắt)
22. To tighten one’s belt (idiom): thắt lưng buộc bụng, chi tiêu tiết kiệm
Example: In wartime everyone has to tighten their belt. (Trong thời chiến, mọi người phải
ăn uống chi tiêu kham khổ.)
23. Produce (n) nông sản
Example: She sells fresh produce at the farmer's market (cô ấy bán nông sản tươi ở chợ)
24. Make (full) use of something (idiom): tận dụng (triệt để) cái gì
Example: I made use of my friends garage to keep some of my tools. (Tôi tận dụng cái ga-
ra để đựng vài dụng cụ)

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25. Unwind (v): thư giãn ~ relax
Example: A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work. (1 ly rượu buổi
tối giúp tôi thư giãn sau giờ làm việc)
26. Nerve-racking (adj) căng thẳng, đau đớn
Example: Taking a pregnancy test can be a nerve-racking situation. (Thử thai là một tình
huống vô cùng căng thẳng)
27. A double-edged sword (n) con dao 2 lưỡi - nói về 1 vấn đề có mặt lợi và hại.
Example: Wealth and fame can be a double-edged sword (Sự giàu sang và danh vọng có
thể là con dao 2 lưỡi)
28. Looking on the bright side: Nhìn về mặt tích cực (từ nối tăng điểm CC)
Example: Look on the bright side - no one was badly hurt. (Cũng có cái may là không có
ai bị thương nặng cả.)
29. Cultivate (v) nghĩa đen - gieo trồng cây cối, nghĩa bóng - vun đắp 1 đức tính, sở thích
gì đó
Example: We’re trying to help these kids cultivate an interest in science. (Chúng tôi đang
cố giúp vun đắp sở thích khoa học trong trẻ em)
30. In tandem (idiom): đồng thời, cùng một lúc
Example: The heart and lungs will be transplanted in tandem. (Tim và phổi sẽ được cấy
ghép cùng 1 lúc)
31. Pose a threat to: đe doạ đến…
Example:Drunken drivers pose a serious threat to other road users. (Tài xế say xỉn đe dọa
nghiêm trọng đến các tài xế khác)
32. Give rise to (idiom): gây ra, dẫn đến ~ cause
Example: Heavy rains have given rise to flooding over a large area. (Mưa lớn đã dẫn đến
ngập lụt diện rộng)
33. Be under tight control: dưới sự kiểm soát chặt chẽ
Example: Managers need to keep a tight control on costs. (Quản lý nên kiểm soát chặt chẽ
giá cả)

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21. Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment
When it was

Who you made it with

Why you missed it

And how you felt about it

(When it was) Today, I’d like to share with you a time that I missed an appointment. This
occasion occurred some months ago when I applied for a position at Park Hyatt Hotel and
received an interview offer from the recruitment team. The interview was due to take place
at 3 pm on a day in September. However, I arrived at the interview venue at around 3.30
pm, which was 30 minutes late. Because of this, my application was rejected directly right
at the entrance.

(Who you made it with) It was my teammates and I that were late for the interview. We
were interested in the opening for banquet servers as we majored in hospitality
management, which also included the banquet department. To our surprise, we all received
an interview offer from the recruitment team just some days after the deadline for the first
round of applications.

(Why you missed it) Everyone was supposed to be at the venue around 10 minutes prior
to the interview time. My presence at 3.30 pm, which was attributable to certain factors,
was way too late. I underestimated the amount of time it would take to commute from my
place to the interview venue, which was approximately 20 kms in length and took around
one hour travelling by bus. However, I boarded the bus for the interview at 2 pm and
reached the venue at slightly over 3.30 pm.

(And how you felt about it) When realising that we couldn’t make it to the site in time, I
was on edge hoping that they would allow me to participate in the interview. I felt a lot of
contrition for being late and making my friends late with me. This was the first time ever
I had been late to such an important occasion and felt so guilty and bad about myself.
However, that was probably one of the biggest lessons I’d learnt in my life. It also made
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me realise that I should not underestimate anything because it may cost me money or even
a career ahead and try to ward off any recurrences in the future.

1. Take place (phrase): diễn ra

The concert takes place next Thursday.

Buổi hòa nhạc sẽ diễn ra vào thứ năm tuần sau.

2. Prior (adjective): trước khi

the weeks prior to her death

những tuần trước khi cô ấy qua đời.

3. Attributable (adjective): bị gây ra bởi …

Do you think that these higher-than-average temperatures are

attributable to global warming?

Bạn có nghĩ là việc nhiệt độ cao hơn bình thường bị gây ra bởi hiện tượng nóng lên toàn
cầu không?

4. In length (phrase): chiều dài

The boat is ten metres in length.

Cái thuyền này dài 10 mét.

5. Board (v): bước lên tàu/xe/máy bay

At London airport she boarded a plane to Australia.

Tại sân bay London, cô ấy bước lên máy bay để đi Úc.

6. to be on edge (phrase): lo lắng

Is something wrong? You seem a bit on edge this morning.

Có gì đó không ổn hả? Bạn trông có vẻ lo lắng sáng nay.

7. Contrition (n): sự cảm thấy hối lỗi

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He feels no contrition for what he did.

Anh ấy chẳng cảm thấy hối lỗi vì những gì anh ấy đã làm.

8. To ward off (phrase): tránh

He used his umbrella to ward off the fierce sun.

Anh ấy sử dụng cây dù để tránh nắng gắt.


1. Is it important to have a daily plan?

Absolutely yes! A daily plan is a prerequisite for an efficient day. It is not necessary for
a person to make a schedule with a time and to-do-things list though. They only need to
list things that are important and need to be done as soon as possible and incorporate them
into different time slots in a day. That’s it. Sometimes, this list can be altered depending
on the progress of their work. But most of the time, it can help people keep track of their
work and prevent them from missing an appointment for anything that is crucial.

2. What kind of things people need to plan carefully?

When it comes to detailed planning, different small tasks and assignments should be given
priority. For example, it is imperative that a part-time essay corrector who must correct up
to 30 essays per day sketch a schedule out. In that draft, he’ll evaluate the amount of time
needed for one essay and breaks before coming up with a complete schedule for a day.

3. Is there anything that cannot be planned?

A big fat yes! There are actually many unexpected situations that may get in the way of a
schedule, and these unexpected situations are unforeseeable and unplannable for. Of
course, people should dedicate a small part of their schedules to such situations but that is
all they can do as these situations may cost them more time than planned, or sometimes
they just cannot be tackled at all.

4. Do you think it is important to have a work life balance?

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Striking a work life balance is a prerequisite for a happy life. Perhaps money can buy
happiness in certain circumstances, but if you spend all of your time working or thinking
about work then it’s more than likely that it won’t. Worse still, the stress caused from such
a lifestyle can lead to other physical issues like high blood pressure and heart disease. It’s
just not worth it. If your life revolves around work, then you lose a lot of the other positive
dimensions that make you attractive to employers (and other people).


1. Prerequisite (n): điều kiện tiên quyết

Public support is a prerequisite for/to the success of this project.

Sự ủng hộ của công chúng là điều kiện tiên quyết cho sự thành công của dự án này.

2. Incorporate (v): đưa vào

Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.

Những gợi ý từ khảo sát đã được đưa vào bản thiết kế cuối cùng.

3. Keep track of sth (phrase): theo dõi cái gì đó

My sister has had so many different jobs, it's hard for me to keep track (of what she's

Chị gái tôi có rất nhiều công việc khác nhau, rất khó để tôi theo dõi cô ấy đang làm gì.

4. Sketch out something (phrase): phác thảo ra cái gì đó

She sketched out the plan in a few brief sentences.

Cô ấy phác thảo ra kế hoặc trong một số câu ngắn.

5. Get in the way (phrase): chắn ngang đường.

She had a job which never got in the way of her leisure interests.

Cô ấy có một công việc mà không chắn ngang những sở thích của cô ấy.

6. To strike a balance (phrase): Đạt được sự cân bằng

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We must strike a balance between reckless spending and penny-pinching

Chúng ta phải đặt được sự cân bằng giữa chi tiêu nhiều và keo kiệt.

7. To revolve (v): xoay quanh

The earth revolves around the sun.

Trái Đất quay quanh mặt Trời.

22. Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed

You should say:
What it was about
When you had it
What the teacher did
And why you enjoyed the lesson

I’d like to talk about an English lesson that has left a lasting impression on me.

(When you had it) To the best of my recollection, it was during my senior year in high
school that the teacher in charge of English retired, which meant that our class had a new
English teacher. At first, I didn’t show any interest in this alteration because English is not
my cup of tea, to tell the truth…I’m into science subjects more. However, the new teacher
was like a breath of fresh air, inspiring me to learn English harder.

(What it was about ) In our first lesson with the new teacher - Ms Rosie, her confidence
and wide source of knowledge blew our minds. Unlike our old teacher whose accent was
difficult to interpret, our new teacher drew our eyes with her soft and lovely voice with
faultless pronunciation. We were entirely immersed in that lesson thanks to her voice and
her advanced teaching methods.
(What the teacher did) Ms Rosie organized some fun games to create an electric
atmosphere in the class and help us revise the previous lesson. Moreover, she also opened
a small debate contest during that lesson to encourage us to speak our minds using

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English, which is such a novel idea compared to the conventional and boring lessons we
used to have.
(And why you enjoyed the lesson) Our classmates were kept on the edge of our seats
throughout the lesson because we were weary of the long boring lessons that focus too
much on theory and grammar. Surprisingly, after that intriguing lesson, I could remember
all the new vocabulary and grammar structures, with no need to sit for hours trying to learn
them by heart as usual. I think it is the innovation and creation incorporated into each
English lesson by Ms Rosie that helped us enjoy learning this subject more.
1. Leave a lasting impression on someone (collocation): để lại ấn tượng sâu đậm,
lâu dài trong ai
Example: She left a lasting impression on me. (Cô ấy để lại một ấn tượng lâu dài đối với
2. To the best of my recollection: theo như tôi nhớ thì,...
Example: To the best of my recollection, I've never met her. (Nếu tôi nhớ không nhầm thì
tôi chưa bao giờ gặp cô ta.)
3. A breath of fresh air (C2): một làn gió mới
Example: Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office. (Nụ cười của cô ấy là một
luồng sinh khí mới làm vui tươi văn phòng u ám này.)
4. Source of knowledge (collo): nguồn kiến thức
Example: The only source of knowledge is experience. (Nguồn tri thức duy nhất là kinh
5. Blow someone’s mind (phrasal verb): khiến ai cảm thấy háo hức, thích thú, thú vị
Example: There was one scene in the film that really blew my mind. (có một phân cảnh
trong phim khiến tôi thích thú)
6. Interpret (v): hiểu
Example: It's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.
(Thật khó để hiểu những số liệu này mà không biết chúng được thu thập như thế nào)
7. Draw someone’s eyes (collo): thu hút sự chú ý
Example: Her eyes were immediately drawn to the tall blond man standing at the bar. (Cô
ấy ngay lập tức bị thu hút bởi người đàn ông da trắng cao đang đứng trước quầy bar)

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8. Be immersed in something (phrasal verb): đắm chìm vào, say mê với cái gì
Example: He immersed himself totally in his work. (Anh ta hoàn toàn mê mải với công
9. electric atmosphere: bầu không khí sôi động
Example: The atmosphere here last night was absolutely electric. (Bầu không khí ở đây
hôm qua rất sôi nổi.)
10. Be weary of: chán ngán cái gì
Example: I feel weary of life. (Tôi thấy chán đời)
11. Learn something by heart (idiom): học thuộc lòng cái gì
Example: The children were forced to learn the poem by heart. (Trẻ em bị bắt phải học
thuộc lòng bài thơ)
12. Incorporate something into something (v) lồng ghép, bao gồm cái gì vào cái gì
(lồng ghép A vào B)
Example: Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.
(Những đề xuất từ cuộc khảo sát đã được bao gồm vào thiết kế chính thức)
Part 3
1. Why do people learn foreign languages?
Judging from what I saw, people choose to learn a new language for many reasons.
Firstly, the majority of language learners want to enhance their career prospects so they
learn to use other languages besides their mother tongue in order to work in multinational
corporations and receive higher salaries and better job opportunities.
Secondly, the motives behind learning a language could be the predilection for a nation
and its culture. For example, a student who loves reading Japanese cartoons or reading
comic books written by Japanese authors often learns Japanese to gain a deeper insight
into the culture or to realize the dream of visiting Japan one day in the future.
1. Judging from what I saw: Đánh giá theo góc nhìn của tôi thì…
Example: Judging from what I saw, the traffic accident was mainly the truck driver's fault.
(Đánh giá từ những gì tôi thấy, vụ tai nạn giao thông chủ yếu là do lỗi của tài xế xe tải.)
2. Enhance (v): nâng cao
Example: These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation. (Những xì căng
đan này sẽ không thể nâng cao danh tiếng công ty)
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3. Career prospects: triển vọng nghề nghiệp
Example: Our graduates have excellent career prospects. (Các sinh viên tốt nghiệp của
chúng ta có triển vọng nghề nghiệp xuất sắc.)
4. Multinational corporations (n): các công ty đa quốc gia
Example: There are many large multinational corporations in my country. (Có nhiều công
ty lớn đa quốc gia ở nước tôi.)
5. The predilection for (n) sự yêu thích cái gì
Example: Ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection for spicy food (từ khi còn
nhỏ cô ấy đã rất mê đồ cay)
6. Gain a (deeper) insight into (phrase): hiểu sâu hơn về…
Example: These tours allow you to gain an authentic insight into Venezuelan culture.
(Những chuyến đi này cho bạn một cái nhìn xác thực về văn hóa Vê-nê-du-ê-la.)
7. Realize the dream of (phrase): hiện thực hóa giấc mơ gì đó
Example: The common people will be able to realize their dream of owning a private car.
(Người dân bình thường sẽ có thể thực hiện được ước mơ xe hơi riêng của mình.)

2. What makes a good foreign language teacher?

I think there are lots of criteria for a good language teacher.
Firstly, a strong knowledge background is such an indispensable criterion. The foreign
teacher must have extensive knowledge of not only pronunciation but grammar and
vocabulary as well. In fact, many English centres in Vietnam often employ foreigners
without any qualification or experience in teaching. Such centres have overlooked the
importance of teaching skills to run after profits just because hiring untrained teachers
is usually cheaper.
Secondly, because there’s a strong tie between a nation’s culture and its spoken language,
an ideal language teacher should have real-world experience living in the countries where
the language is spoken so that they can understand the culture thoroughly, the origins of
some idioms and suitable contexts to apply them - for instance.
1. Have an extensive knowledge of (collo): có kiến thức sâu rộng về …
Example: He has an extensive knowledge of history. (Anh ta có kiến thức rộng lớn về lịch

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2. Run after profits (collo): chạy theo lợi nhuận
Example: Peter ran after profits.(Peter chạy theo lợi nhuận)
3. Untrained (adj): chưa được đào tạo
Example: A large percentage of the untrained teachers are in the non-government sector.
(1 phần lớn các giáo viên chưa được đào tạo nằm trong các khu vực tư nhân)
4. A strong tie between: 1 sự liên kết giữa, mối quan hệ giữa …
Example; Family ties are weaker if you move a long way away. (Mối quan hệ gia đình sẽ
yếu dần nếu bạn đi xa)
5. Real-world experience (collo): trải nghiệm thực tế
Example: Students alternate between work and study terms to gain real-world experience.
(Học sinh vừa học vừa làm để lấy kinh nghiệm thực tế)
6. Understand thoroughly (collo): hiểu sâu về cái gì
Example: I understand thoroughly your difficulties. (Chúng tôi đã hiểu rõ các khó khăn
của ông.)

3. Do you think grammar is important when learning foreign languages?

It’s quite essential to have a good grasp of grammar when you start learning a new
language. I am of the opinion that grammar helps lay the foundation for other skills like
speaking, listening or reading because you can only understand or use a sentence if you
know the way the subjects, objects or verbs are arranged. However, there are some
language learners who seem to be too immersed in learning grammar and they
marginalize the need of putting these grammar points into use.
1. Have a good grasp of something (collo): hiểu rõ, nắm vững cái gì
Example: Mary has a good grasp of French. (Mary has a good grasp of French.)
2. Be of the opinion that …: tin rằng, cho rằng, nghĩ rằng
Example: I 'm firmly of the opinion that smoking should be banned in all public places.
(Tôi kiên quyết cho rằng nên cấm hút thuốc ở mọi nơi công cộng.)
3. Lay the foundation for something (collo): đặt nền móng cho cái gì
Example: The entertainment industry can lay the technology foundation. (Ngành kinh
doanh giải trí có thể đặt nền móng cho công nghệ.)

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4. Be immersed in (phrasal verb): chăm chú, say mê vào cái gì
Example: To be immersed in a book. (Vùi đầu vào một cuốn sách.)
5. Marginalize (v): coi thường, ít đề cao cái gì
Example: Now that English has taken over as the main language, the country's native
language has been marginalized. (Bởi vì tiếng Anh áp đảo như một ngôn ngữ chính, tiếng
mẹ đẻ ít được đề cao hơn)
6. Put something into use (collo): đưa vào sử dụng
Example: I'm looking forward to putting my new skills to use (Tôi rất nóng lòng áp dụng
các kĩ năng mới)

4. Is it interesting to be a foreign language teacher? Why?

From my point of view, becoming a language teacher in a different country is intriguing.
It’s because you’ll have to move to a new and strange country, starting everything from
scratch like adapting to a new culture and customs or exploring strange traditions. It can’t
be denied that there can be several obstacles such as language barriers at first, but having
the chance to meet children and teaching them your mother tongue is such a wonderful
experience in life.
1. Intriguing (adj): thú vị
Example: Maybe that was what she found so intriguing about him. (Có lẽ đó là điểm mà
cô ta thấy thú vị ở anh ta)
2. Start from scratch (idiom): bắt đầu từ số 0
Example: We should start from scratch. (Chúng ta nên làm lại từ đầu)
3. Obstacle (n): trở ngại, thách thức
Example: The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road. (Trở ngại lớn nhất
trên đường chính là gốc cây)
4. Language barrier (n): rào cản ngôn ngữ
Example: Ballet is entertainment without a language barrier. (Kịch múa là cách giải trí
không vướng phải hàng rào ngôn ngữ.)

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23. Describe a time when you succeeded in doing something that was difficult
What it was

How you did/completed it

Why it was difficult

And how you felt about doing it

(What it was) As a final year university student, I have done a lot of projects. But the
biggest, and most difficult project of my college life so far is the mid-term quality
management project which required us to use the Eight Disciplines (8D) to resolve a certain
problem in the hospitality industry.

(How you completed it) I worked with 10 other students, the majority of whom I had
already worked with before. Thus, I thought we would complete the project with ease.
However, things didn't go as expected as the issue which needed resolving turned out very
challenging for such inexperienced students like us.

(Why it was difficult) As the case was assigned to us 2 weeks prior to the Lunar New
Year, we planned to get it done before the festival so that we could enjoy the festival
without being concerned about any deadlines. However, the issue turned out way more
difficult than we had expected. What we found most difficult was identifying the root
cause of the problem. We could not reach a consensus on what the root cause was, which
provoked some arguments among the members. But in the end, we managed to finish the
project 2 weeks after the Lunar New Year.

(And how you felt about doing it) As difficult as the project was, I learnt a great deal
from the project. First, I learnt the way to solve a problem by identifying its root cause.
Second, as a leader, I managed to resolve the arguments between the team members, which
was something I had never dreamed of before.


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1. With ease (phrase): một cách dễ dàng.

Example: She defeated her opponent with ease.

Cô ấy đánh bại đối thủ một cách dễ dàng.

2. Turn out (phrase): thành ra

Example: The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.

Sự thật thành ra lạ hơn so với những gì chúng tôi dự đoán.

3. Reach a consensus on sth (phrase): thỏa thuận được về cái gì đó.

Example: Could we reach a consensus on this matter? Let's take a vote.

Liệu chúng ta có thể thỏa thuận chung được về vấn đề này không? Hãy bầu chọn đi.

4. Root cause (n): nguyên nhân gốc rễ

Example: In the 1980s, it was recognized that the over-use of insecticides was the root
cause of outbreaks.

Trong những năm 1980, người ta nhận ra rằng việc lạm dụng thuốc diệt côn cùng là nguyên
nhân gốc rễ của dịch bệnh.

Part 3

1. What kinds of jobs require people to be confident?

I believe that it is important to be confident in all kinds of jobs. Most people say only those
working in the field of media or celebrities need to be self-assured, which I disagree with.
White-collar employees also need to believe in themselves so that they can overcome
obstacles and gain recognition. Without self-confidence, even white-collar employees like
back-office accountants and IT engineers can’t complete their tasks successfully.

2. How important is being confident in work?

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Self-confidence plays a crucial role in the world of work as it allows people to take risks
while simultaneously analysing areas for growth, both of which are beneficial to their
professional development. In some cases, being confident can influence people’s thoughts
about how successfully they can do tasks that match performance requirements. Those with
strong self-confidence can expand their networks easily and are better equipped to deal
with obstacles, in my opinion.

3. Which one do you think is more important? Confidence or knowledge?

As much as I consider confidence essential in the world of work, it is knowledge that is

more important than confidence. Foundational knowledge needed in a job is the best
determinant of people’s likelihood of success in work. Without essential knowledge,
people’s job prospects would be gloomy as hardly could a person land a job, or move up
the career ladder into higher positions.

4. How do you help children stay focused?

It’s pretty hard to keep children focused on an activity that they find tedious, for example
practising the piano. Honestly, I don’t have any clue how to help children stay focused.
However, I suggest allowing children to learn their favourite subjects which they are more
drawn to. Also, participating in physical activity can also improve their concentration


1. Self-assured (adj): tự tin

Example: The interview showed her as a self-assured and mature student.

Cuộc phỏng vấn cho thấy cô ấy là một sinh viên tự tin và trưởng thành.

2. White-collar (adj): liên quan đến việc văn phòng

Example: These days, few white-collar workers actually wear white shirts.

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Ngày nay, hiếm nhân viên văn phòng nào mặc sơ mi trắng đi làm.

3. Determinant (n): yếu tố quyết định

Example: Soil and climate are the main determinants of how land is used.

Đất và khí hậu là yếu tố quyết định cách mà mảnh đất được sử dụng.

4. Gloomy (adj): ảm đạm

Example: Despite gloomy predictions, the stock market remains strong.

Mặc dù được dự báo ảm đạm, thị trường chứng khoán vẫn mạnh mẽ.

5. To move up the ladder into sth: thăng tiến lên cái gì đó.

Example: While Vietnam is quickly moving up the ladder into smartphones and
semiconductors, the biggest chunk of its exports to the US remained textiles.

Trong khi Việt Nam đang thăng tiến lên sản xuất điện thoại thông minh và dụng cụ bán
dẫn, phần lớn xuất khẩu của quốc gia này tới Mỹ vẫn là sản phẩm dệt

24. Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting

You should say:
Who it was
When he/she inspired you
What she could do to inspire you
And explain why he/she inspired you

(Who it was) I would like to recount when my grandmother gave me the inspiration to
take up a new hobby called knitting and avoid technology addiction.

(When he/she inspired you) At first, I found this hobby boring to death, unlike playing
computer games or surfing Tiktok. However, after I failed my final exam and had my phone
confiscated by my mom, I couldn’t gain access to any means of entertainment. As a
youngster growing up in the 4.0 industry, living without a smartphone was sheer torture
to me. My grandma ...of course...knew everything. One afternoon, she came to sit next to
me and asked me whether I wanted to practice knitting with her. I initially intended to

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refuse her offer but on second thought, I did say yes because I didn’t want to let my
grandmother down.

(What she could do to inspire you) First, she taught me how to get the yarn onto the
needles ... It's quite simple and I succeeded on my first go. After that, I learned how to knit.
Unlike the first lesson, this stage is so arduous and painstaking as I tried a thousand times
but I still remained clumsy. However, those failures didn’t dishearten me at all, instead,
they made me want to challenge myself more and manage to knit skillfully,
and...surprisingly, all my stereotypes of this hobby completely disappeared. Moreover, I
did appreciate my grandmother’s attentiveness as she sat by me for a long time just to
teach me a simple skill repeatedly.
(And explain why he/she inspired you) Not only did I take up a healthy hobby but also
eliminated the generational gap between me and my grandma.
1. Take up (a hobby) (phrasal verb): bắt đầu 1 sở thích
Example: I’m not very good at golf – I only took it up recently. (Tôi không giỏi chơi gôn
lắm, tôi chỉ mới bắt đầu chơi gần đây)
2. Knit (v): đan len
Example: She's busy knitting baby clothes. (Cô ấy bận đan quần áo em bé)
3. Technology addiction (n): sự nghiện công nghệ
Example: Technology addiction is a growing problem and harm stemming from excessive
computer use. (Sự nghiện công nghệ là một vấn để nguy hiểm đang ngày càng gia tăng bắt
nguồn từ việc sử dụng quá mức vi tính)
4. Be bored/boring to death (adj): chán muốn chết
Example: I pretended to listen, but I was bored to death. (Tôi giả vờ nghe nhưng tôi chán
muốn chết)
5. Confiscate (v): tịch thu
Example: Miss Edwards confiscated my phone! (Cô Edwards thu điện thoại con!)
6. Gain access to (v): tiếp cận
Example: It is mainly through the English language that we gain access to the various
sources of knowledge. (Chủ yếu nhờ thông qua tiếng Anh mà chúng ta có thể tiếp cận nhiều
nguồn kiến thức đa dạng.)
7. Means of entertainment (n): phương thức giải trí, thư giãn
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Example: This was the means of my entertainment. (Đây là cách thư giãn của tôi.)
8. Sheer torture (collocation): sự tra tấn, cực hình
Example: The waiting is sheer torture! (Chờ đợi đúng là cực hình!)
9. Clumsy (adj): vụng về, lóng ngóng, hậu đậu
Example: That's the third glass you've smashed this week - you're so clumsy! (Đó là cái ly
thứ 3 bạn làm vỡ tuần này rồi - bạn thật hậu đậu quá!)
10. Dishearten (v): làm nhụt chí, nản lòng
Example: Don't let this setback dishearten you. (Đừng để cho thất bại này làm bạn nản
11. Stereotypes (n): các định kiến
Example: The play's main characters counter the familiar racial stereotypes. (Các nhân vật
chính của vở kịch chống đối những sự rập khuôn về chủng tộc quen thuộc.)
12. Attentiveness (n): sự tận tâm, tận tình, nhiệt tình
Example: Parents worry over a school’s quality and the attentiveness of its staff. (Bố mẹ
lo lắng về chất lượng trường học và sự nhiệt tình của đội ngũ nhân viên)

Part 3
1. Which types of people become role models in your society?
Sad to say, it seems that more and more teenagers these days hold singers, movie actors
and actresses or TikTok influencers in high repute, instead of talents, national heroes or
the good as compared to the past. In light of the explosion and omnipresence of social
media, the young generations tend to admire and follow suit their idols on TikTok or
Instagram although they don’t have any special talents or good personalities. In my
country, there used to be some teens trying to imitate the antisocial behaviours of a so-
called idol and the police had to interfere to prevent this phenomenon.
1. Hold someone in high/low repute (idiom): tôn trọng ai
Example: My father was held in high repute by his colleagues. (Bố tôi được tôn trọng bởi
các đồng nghiệp)

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2. National heroes (n): anh hùng dân tộc
Example: Vietnam has many national heroes. (Việt Nam có nhiều anh hùng dân tộc)
3. The good (n): người tốt
4. Omnipresence (n): sự lan rộng
Example: We have to accept the omnipresence of power lines in the countryside. (Chúng
ta phải chấp nhận sự lan rộng/sự có mặt mọi nơi của mạng lưới năng lượng ở miền quê)
5. In light of something (idiom): bởi vì
Example: In light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care
of their personal belongings. (Do những sự cố gần đây, chúng tôi bảo khách hàng giữ hành
lý cá nhân)
6. Follow suit (phrasal verb): bắt chước
Example: When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually follow suit. (Khi một
hãng hàng không giảm giá vé, các hãng còn lại cũng làm theo)
7. So-called (adj): tự xưng
Example: Where are your so-called friends? (những kẻ gọi là bạn của anh bây giờ đang ở

8. Antisocial behaviors (n) những hành vi chống đối xã hội

Example: More and more teenagers these days develop antisocial behaviours (Nhiều người
trẻ có những hành vi chống đối xã hội)
9. Interfere (v) can thiệp
Example: It's their problem and I'm not going to interfere. (Đó là vấn đề của bọn họ và tôi
sẽ không can thiệp vào)

2. Do you agree that famous people have more responsibilities than ordinary people?
Yes, I do believe that celebrities have to shoulder more responsibilities than others. Since
they’re in the limelight, all their actions or behaviours can exert a profound influence on
the public, especially youngsters. Therefore, celebrated people are responsible for setting
a good example for everybody to follow and taking the initiative in community activities.
1. Shoulder responsibility (phrase): gánh vác trách nhiệm
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Example: I shoulder the entire responsibility for my words. (Tôi hoàn toàn chịu trách nhiệm
về những lời tôi nói.)
2. Be in the limelight (idiom): nổi tiếng, đứng dưới ánh đèn sân khấu
Example: I'd hate to be a pop star, in the limelight all the time with no privacy. (Tôi không
thích thành ngôi sao nhạc pop, lúc nào cũng bị mọi người chú ý không có một chút riêng
3. Exert influence on (phrase): ảnh hưởng tới
Example: A great power is a nation that has the ability to exert its influence on a global
scale. (Cường quốc là một quốc gia có khả năng gây ra những ảnh hưởng của nó trên phạm
vi toàn cầu.)
4. Take the initiative (idiom): tiên phong, đi đầu
Example: You should take the initiative to improve relations with her.(Bạn nên chủ động
cải thiện mối quan hệ với cô ấy.)

3. What happens when young people lack good role models?

In my opinion, if a youngster doesn’t have any role model to follow, it can hinder his or
her development. Because when you have an ideal type to follow suit, you will have the
motivation and ínspiration to keep going the extra mile and bettering yourself gradually.
If not, you can become unambitious and rest on your laurels, tend to be satisfied with
what you already have. Besides, teenagers are prone to imitating some ‘bad’ models these
days as they could regard some bad elements of society such as notorious criminals as an
ideal type to follow suit. As a result, this can lead to a new generation devoid of good
morals and values who would bring no good but crime and social issues.

1. Go the extra mile: cố gắng, nỗ lực hơn bình thường

Example: My teacher really went the extra mile to help us, and our English improved a lot.
(Cô giáo chúng tôi nỗ lực rất nhiều để giúp chúng tôi học, và vốn tiếng Anh của chúng tôi
đã tiến bộ rất nhiều)
2. Rest on one’s laurels: ngủ quên trên chiến thắng, tự cao với những gì đạt được
Example: Just because you've got your degree doesn't mean you can rest on your laurels.
(Không phải vì bạn có được cái bằng là bạn có thể tự mãn với nó)
3. Be prone to (adj): dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi

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Example: He was prone to depression even as a teenager. (Anh ta rất dễ bị áp lực kể cả khi
anh ta còn trẻ)
4. Notorious (adj): khét tiếng, tai tiếng
Example: She is notorious for wickedness. (Bà ta nổi tiếng là độc ác.)
5. Follow suit (idiom): bắt chước, làm theo
Example: When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually follow suit. (Khi một
hãng hàng không giảm giá vé, các hãng còn lại cũng làm theo)
6. Be devoid of something: thiếu cái gì
Example: Their apartment is devoid of all comforts. (Căn hộ của bọn họ thiếu đi sự thoải
7. Good morals (n): những phẩm chất đạo đức tốt
Example: Having good moral quality, being honest, impartial and objective (Có phẩm chất
đạo đức tốt, trung thực, vô tư, khách quan)

4. What standards of behaviour should teachers set?

In addition to the duty of imparting valuable knowledge to students, teachers are also a
friend and a counsellor at school. In fact, there are some teachers whose pedagogic skills
are so excellent, they seem to be unfriendly with their students or too strict in class, this
could negatively affect the learning outcomes, creating stress during class and making
students feel too scared to speak their mind, as well as widening the gap between teacher
and students. A teacher’s main role is not only teaching but also giving helpful advice and
encouraging students. Therefore, teachers should set some standards such as teaching
discipline, and good qualities such as kindness, diligence and friendliness.
1. Learning outcomes (n): chất lượng, kết quả học tập, giảng dạy
Example: I would like to reserve the learning outcomes. (Tôi xin bảo lưu kết quả học tập.)
2. Speak one’s mind (idiom): phát biểu ý kiến cá nhân
Example: He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind. (Anh ta chắc chắn không e sợ nói lên
ý kiến cá nhân)
3. Diligence (n): sự cần cù, chăm chỉ
Example: Success lies in diligence. (Sự thành công tùy thuộc vào sự chuyên cần.)

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Part 3
1. Which types of people become role models in your society?
2. Do you agree that famous people have more responsibilities than ordinary people?
3. What happens when young people lack good role models?
4. What standards of behaviour should teachers set?

25. Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something

You should say:
When it happened
Who you were with
What you were waiting for
And explain how you felt about the decision

(When it happened) Waiting is such a nuisance that we encounter often in our life. Today,
I’d like to tell you about a time that I had to wait for an hour to buy food, which took place
a few years ago.

One day, when surfing the internet, I suddenly came across an advertisement for a small
restaurant selling Korean street foods including rice cake, milk tea, and the like. But it's a
candy called Dagolna that tempted me to give it my first try. In case you don't already
know, this candy has become well-known thanks to its appearance in a household series
- Squid games. This movie and the candy have been taking the world by storm for a long
time. In fact, I have tried to make this candy at home a thousand times but all my efforts
went down the drain. For that reason, when reading it on the menu, I jumped for joy and
made up my mind to hunt down this restaurant on google maps.

As I arrived, the first thing that struck my eyes was a lot of people queuing to wait to be
served. At first, this sight really put me off, my friends all told me to find another food
stall but eventually, I decided to stand in line, waiting to buy my dream food. After an hour,
I ultimately managed to buy a Dalgona candy. Then, I found a table nearby and started to
give it a try. Needless to say, the taste of the candy was out of this world and it was
certainly worth my efforts. I felt so lucky because of my decision to stay and wait, and I
have to admit that patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
1. Take place (idiom): xảy ra ~ happen

Example: It will take place in ten days. (Nó sẽ diễn ra trong 10 ngày.)
2. Come across something (phrasal verb): tình cờ gặp, thấy….

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Example: I came across an interesting story in the newspaper last week. (Tôi tình cờ thấy
một câu chuyện thú vị trên báo tuần trước)
3. Tempt (v): dụ dỗ, lôi kéo

Example: Don't tempt me! (Đừng dụ dỗ tôi!)

4. In case you don’t already know: trong trường hợp bạn không biết,

5. Household (adj): quen thuộc, nổi tiếng, ai cũng biết đến

Example: Google has become a household name. (Google đã trở thành một cái tên quen
thuộc mà ai cũng biết.
6. Take (the world) by storm (v): làm chao đảo thế giới (vì sự nổi tiếng, độ hot)

Example: As everyone knows, the Beatles took the US by storm. (Như mọi người đều biết,
The Beatles khiến nước mỹ chao đảo)
7. Go down the drain (idiom): đổ sông đổ bể

Example: If the factory closes, that will be a million dollars' worth of investment down the
drain. (Nếu công ty đóng cửa, hàng triệu đô đầu tư sẽ đổ sông đổ bể)
8. Jump for joy (idiom): nhảy cẫng vì vui sướng

Example: When their horse won the race, they jumped for joy. (Khi ngựa của họ thắng
cuộc đua, họ nhảy lên vì vui sướng)
9. Hunt down (phrasal verb): tìm kiếm, truy lùng cái gì

Example: Hunt down a criminal (truy lùng 1 tên tội phạm)

10. Queue (v): xếp hàng

Example: They queue everywhere I go. (Đi đến đâu tôi cũng thấy họ xếp hàng.)
11. Put someone off (phrasal verb): làm ai thấy nản lòng

Example: Personally, I didn't enjoy the film, but don't let that put you off going. (Thật ra
tôi cũng không thích bộ phim cho lắm, nhưng đừng vì thế mà hết hứng thú)
12. Ultimately (v): sau cùng ~ finally

Example: Ultimately, you will have to make a decision yourself (Sau cùng thì tự bản thân
bạn phải đưa ra quyết định)
13. Be out of this world (idiom): rất tốt, rất ngon (extremely good)
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Example: What a restaurant - the food was out of this world! (Nhà hàng này tuyệt quá -
thức ăn ngon xỉu!)
14. Worth my efforts (collo): không phí công sức bỏ ra, rất đáng công sức bỏ ra

Example: Therefore, all their hard work and sacrifice will be worth the effort. (Do đó, mọi
sự cố gắng và hy sinh của họ đều không phí phạm)

1. Do people in your country like to take public transportation?
Sad to say, the majority of Vietnamese enjoy using their private vehicles more than public
ones. This is because the public transport system in Vietnam is still inconvenient and old-
fashioned for users and the lack of a coherent transport policy aimed at promoting the
use of public transportation. The increasing number of private vehicles poses a threat to
our country’s environment, causing traffic congestion and a high rate of road accidents
which really need the government's action.
1. Old fashioned (adj): lạc hậu, lỗi thời, cổ hủ

Example: You are so old-fashioned. (Bạn thật lỗi thời)

2. Pose a threat to (collo): đe doạ đến

Example: Nuclear weapons Pose a threat to the whole world. (Vũ khí hạt nhân là một Mối
đe dọa đối với toàn thế giới.)
3. Coherent policy (collo): chính sách chặt chẽ

Example: The government lacks a coherent economic policy. (Chính phủ thiếu một chính
sách kinh tế chặt chẽ.)

2. Why do some people like a slow-paced life?

The way I see it, living at a slow pace can bring about lots of benefits, that is why some
people choose to lead this kind of life. First, you can keep a relaxed and pleasant state of
mind because you don’t need to keep up with the Joneses so there won’t be onerous
financial or material burdens placed on your shoulders. Secondly, sometimes people get
caught up in the rat race and keep chasing rainbows but overlook smaller joys in life,
whereas a slow-paced life could enable you to appreciate what you have in life such as
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your family, your efforts,...and therefore, when you realize and love these little things, you
can be happier.
1. State-of-mind (n): tâm trạng

Example: Who can pull me out of this state of mind? (Ai có thể kéo tôi ra khỏi tâm trạng
2. Keep up with the joneses (idiom): chạy theo xu hướng, đu trend

Example: Their buying a new van is just another attempt to keep up with the Joneses. (Việc
họ mua một chiếc xe tải mới cũng chỉ là một nỗ lực khác để cho bằng anh bằng em.)
3. Onerous (adj): nặng nề, khó nhọc

Example: This is the most onerous task I've ever undertaken. (Đây là công việc khó nhọc
nhất xưa nay tôi chưa từng làm.)
4. Financial/material burden (n): gánh nặng về tài chính và vật chất

Example: The scholarship would ease the financial burden for my family. (học bổng này
sẽ giúp giảm bớt gánh nặng kinh tế cho gia đình tôi)

5. Get caught up in (phrasal verb): bị cuốn vào

Example: You sometimes get too caught up in details. (Đôi khi bạn đi quá sâu vào chi tiết.)
6. The rat race (n): cuộc sống bon chen, tranh đua

Example: They longed to escape from the rat race and move to the country side.(Họ ước
mong thoát khỏi cảnh bon chen và dọn về miền quê sống.)
7. Chase rainbows (idiom): theo đuổi những điều viển vông, mơ tưởng.

Example: My old school friend is always chasing rainbows and he never achieves anything.
(bạn cùng trường cũ của tôi lúc nào cũng mơ mộng hão huyền và chưa đạt được gì cả)
3. Is being patient good for people? Why?
Absolutely, patient people’s self - control could be advantageous since it can help maintain
inner peace and the ability to make better judgments even when they are walking a
tightrope. For instance, if a person gets into trouble but can’t calm their mind, and just
keep worrying and being negative, they can never make wise decisions or put an end to
their problems. Moreover, being able to take a grip on yourself can bring you golden
opportunities in life, as well as being respected by your colleagues.

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1. Walk a tightrope (idiom): ở trong giai đoạn khó khăn, chênh vênh

Example: We are walking a tightrope. (Chúng ta đang ở vào tình trạng chênh vênh khó
xoay sở.)
2. Put an end to (idiom): chấm dứt cái gì, dừng cái gì

Example: The policeman came and put an end to the fighting. (cảnh sát tới và dừng cuộc
đánh nhau)
3. Take a grip on oneself (idiom): kiềm chế bản thân, giữ bình tĩnh

Example: For goodness'sake, get a grip on yourself. (Vì Chúa, anh phải tự kiểm soát cảm
xúc của anh chứ.)
4. Golden opportunities (collo): cơ hội vàng

Example:It paved the way for golden opportunities to work in other countries (Điều ấy mở
đường cho những cơ hội đáng giá ngàn vàng để làm việc tại các quốc gia khác nhau)

4. Are people less patient now than people in the past? Why?
Honestly, it’s hard for me to say. But from my point of view, people are becoming hastier
these days due to the rushing development of technology and the increasing amount of
workload, stress and demands of life. Since advanced technology has made our life more
and more convenient such as we can get new information or have a parcel delivered with
just a click on our smartphone, it is understandable why some have started feeling
uncomfortable and impatient if they have to wait for something. Meanwhile, our ancestors
in the past seemed to be more patient, they could wait over a month for a letter from their
beloved ones which the young generations these days can’t bear.
1. Hasty (adj): hối hả, hấp tấp

Example: You are a hasty person.(Bạn là một người vội vàng.)

2. The rushing development (collo): sự phát triển như vũ bão

Example: A healthy development pace should reduce errors caused by rushing

development. (Tốc độ phát triển lành mạnh sẽ làm giảm các lỗi gây ra bởi sự phát triển như
vũ bão.)
3. Understandable (adj): thấu tình đạt lý, có thể hiểu được tại sao…

Example: Understandable delay (Sự chậm trễ có thể hiểu được)

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: 96
4. bear (v): chấp nhận, chịu đựng

Example: It's your decision - you have to bear the responsibility if things go wrong. (Đó là
quyết định của bạn - bạn phải chịu trách nhiệm nếu có chuyện gì xảy ra)

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