Chatbot Script

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last year the pandemic forced 1.6 billion kids out of school many of who were
in countries where online learning simply wasn't possible at rising academies
we created rising on-air a free distance learning program that is expected to
reached more than 12 million children across 25 countries especially in Africa
we're trying to achieve something even more ambitious.I'm Vishaal G from
Little kingdom school and my team and I want to tell you about Q-Alonso
(person 1)
Q-Alonso is an interactive chatbot that harnesses engaging audio and artificial
intelligence to deliver personalized learning to any student on any phone
given the challenges in education parents understandably are demanding new
Solutions one of the ways we can see this is through the proliferation of the
private tuition market
(person 2)
over 70 percent of school children across africa are receiving some kind of
private tuition to supplement what they receive at school but the quality of this
tuition is often variable and the cost is often prohibitive to parents.Q-Alonso
seeks to address this inequity. Q-Alonso makes personalized learning
available for all it is a private tutor available to children in every home on
any phone.
(person 3)
Q-Alonso asks students questions and understands their answers to assess
the level of the learner by using unique ids the chatbot continues to recognize
the student every time they engage with the bot progressing them at the right
level through their learning content over time.
(person 4)
what makes Q-Alonso particularly special though is that it can feed students
personalized audio and image content when a student are finding particular
concepts hard to grasp this is a real breakthrough in places where video
online learning is just not possible whether due to a lack of internet access
or a lack of smartphones importantly Q-Alonso will also be able to gather data
from the students inputs and interactions with the bot this data can then be
used to optimize both the chatbot's adaptive learning engine but also help
teachers identify children in need of additional attention.
(person 5)
we want Q-Alonso to provide students with 15 to 20 minutes of personalized
tutoring after school every day in the unfortunate situations when students
cannot be in school Q-Alonso will enable learning to continue in a
way significantly improving on current distance learning opportunities
(person 6)
R-Alonso is currently being tested in our school we own and operate
ourselves in India going forward we plan to expand Q-Alonso across other
foundational subjects into new languages and different age ranges and to
other countries and contexts where children are also being left behind.
imagine a future where a child living in a refugee camp in northern kenya or a
student who attends school in rural liberia has access to a personalized
tutor for any subject in any language on any phone well it's time we stop
imagining and time we start building.

Q-Alonso making the world a better place.

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