Physics Assignment For Grade 10s

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Natural sciences department

Physics grade 10s cat 1

Tuesday periods

N.B. Answer this work in your respective books.

B1. The figure below shows a door well secured on the door frame.

a) What is meant by moment

of force? Include its SI unit.

b) Calculate the moment of

force if a force of 10N is
applied at point 1 to open
or close the door.

c) (c) Explain why it is easier to open or close the door if the handle is fixed at
point 1 than at point 2 or 3. [2]

B2. The figure below shows part of Vernier calipers.

a) What is the reading of the Vernier calipers? [2]

b) Write in words the SI units of the following physical quantities and state
their symbols.
SI unit in words SI unit in symbol

(i) Velocity …………………………………… …………………… [1]
(ii) Temperature …………………………… …. …...……………… [1]
(iii) Acceleration ……………………………… …………………. [1]

B3. Figure 3.1 shows a uniform metre rule of mass 120g suspended at its mid-point
from a spring balance, which is calibrated in Newtons (N).

A stone, suspended at the 20 cm mark, is balanced by a 100g mass suspended

on the 60 cm mark. Assume g =10m/s 2.
a) Calculate the mass of the stone. [2]
b) Why does the mass of the metre rule play no part in the calculation in
(a)? [1]
c) What is the reading on the spring balance? [2]

B4. A girl who has a mass of 50kg runs up some stairs in 7.0s. The stairs are 8.0m
high. Take the gravitational field strength as 10N/kg. what is:
a) The girl’s weight? [1]
b) The girl’s potential energy when she is at the top of the stairs? [2]
c) Her power output? [2]

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