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Welcome back to Fox Recaps.

Today we're recapping the 2022 adventure comedy

drama film seven, seven seven Charlie. As usual, spoilers ahead. So be ready. Let's
begin in a lonely house. Somewhere in India, hundreds of dogs are being held as
prisoners by an extremely cruel breeder. However, one night, one brave puppy makes
the leap and escapes the house never to come back again. Elsewhere, in a quiet and
peaceful society, lives a hard headed, lonely man named Dharma. Dharma has been
living a lonely life ever since his parents died in a tragic accident when he was very
small. His every day now begins with waking up, getting some food and then heading to
work. He then comes back home, drinks his regular beer, has a cigarette and goes to
sleep despite living in quite a lovely society. Dharma has no friends and neither does he
intend to have anyone in his life. Dharma has well settled into his life of loneliness and
is okay with it. In his office, Dharma has never taken a single day's leave and is
considered the best employee in the whole company. However, there too, he has no
one that he can call a friend and often stays away from all the chaos that people bring to
him. But all of this was about to change as the puppy from earlier stumbles into Dharma
society. Dharma unknowingly had been feeding the puppy since he always threw out
the food that he felt was extra as he lived alone.

This had already increased the puppies affinity to the man and she had taken a liking to
Dharma. One day there's a huge party going on in the society hosted by some local
politicians, despite the society's people's wishes. There is loud music and noises and
most importantly, fireworks. At first, Dharma doesn't care what the others are doing and
refuses to meddle with the party planners, even when requested by the society's
people. However, when nighttime arises, the loud noise and fireworks disturb Dharma
so much that he can't sleep. Outside the puppy is also super scared due to the loud
noises and she cowers behind her usual garbage disposal. Just then, Dharma wakes up
in a fit of rage and marches to the party. He trashes the whole place and one by one
beats up all the hooligans creating a ruckus. After decimating the party, Dharma finally
breathes a sigh of relief and heads back to his home. The puppy watches all of this
happen, and now there's no doubt in her mind about whom she can trust for the next
few days. The puppy starts following Dharma around, much to his annoyance.
Anywhere he goes, she shows up, and most importantly, she also shows up at his
home. Dharma is super annoyed at the dog showing up everywhere he goes and tries
to ignore it all he can.
However, one day, as he's coming back from work, being followed by the puppy, one of
the hooligans from his colony drives recklessly and ends up hitting the puppy with his
motorbike. Everyone flocks to the hooligans rescue and curses the puppy who is wailing
in the streets. Dharma gives one look at the puppy and then walks back to his home.
However, the guilt of leaving a helpless animal by the streets is not something that
Dharma can bear. And he quickly rushes to the puppies aid and takes it to the local vet.
At first the puppies extremely scared of the needles and the doctors, but soon she
calms down and they treat her properly. Thankfully, the puppy escapes with very little
damage and will recover soon enough. Dharma had now done his job and wanted to get
back to his normal life. But the doctor Ashwin won't just let him leave the puppy at the
hospital. Dharma is adamant that it was not his puppy and that he wanted nothing to do
with the little one. But Ashwin is also pretty pushy about the fact that they can't add
more puppies to their already large list of puppies. Instead, the doctor proposes that if
anyone comes to adopt a dog at his hospital, he would recommend the puppy. Until
then, however, Dharma had to take care of the puppy.

It would only be a matter of days. Four days to be exact, and everything would be
settled by then. Dharma once again calmly tells the doctor that dogs aren't even allowed
in his society. So this whole idea was a no go. But the doctor shows no sign of budging.
In the end, Dharma takes the dog back to his place, hidden under his shirt. Over the
next few days, Dharma takes care of the dog, but with little care. And the puppy isn't
really a good girl either. She pretty much wrecks his place every time and gives him a
lot of trouble, especially when the ice cream ads come on TV with snow flakes falling
from the sky. The puppy gets super excited and barks and screams. She. She seems to
be too fond of snow and ice cream, but Dharma just finds all of this irritating. At one
point, Dharma even leaves the puppy at the park, but one of the local schoolgirls brings
it back to his place. Dama had no way that he could escape from taking care of Charlie
soon. The promised four days are over and time passes on to two weeks, but there's no
response from the doctor, so Dama calls him up to find some solution for the puppy as
soon as possible. Dr. Ashwin tells Dama that the puppy is too thin and looks barely
healthy, which is why they needed to feed her properly and make her look better so that
adopters would snatch her away.

Up until now, Dama had been feeding the puppy the same idli that he had been eating.
But now he starts bringing in proper dog food just so that she could get healthier and he
could get rid of her. A few more weeks passed by and soon the puppy grows big and
strong, but its shenanigans still have no end. The doctor had finally managed to find a
family for the puppy. All she had to do was be a good girl. On the day that the family
arrives to check her out. The puppy creates a big mess and almost trashes Damas
entire home. There was no way the family was taking in such a poorly trained dog. And
so the deal was off. Dama was stuck with the puppy. Even so, Dama was still adamant
to get rid of the puppy as soon as he could, and the doctor advises him to get a dog
licence, which would make him a proper dog owner and make the whole adoption
process authentic. So Dama goes to the place where they distribute the licence and
meets up with the animal rights officer Devika. Devika needs to gather some information
before she hands out the licence, but Dama hasn't even given the puppy a name.

When Devika asks him for a name, the guy simply calls the puppy choo choo. During
the whole process, Devika finds Damas behaviour strange and feels that the guy is not
someone to be trusted with the life of another being. So the very next day, Devika and
her colleagues appear at Damas House to check if he was treating the dog properly,
even though there are no signs of any torture in the room. Devika still warns Dama that
there are severe punishments for people who do not treat their animals properly. Soon
after she leaves, Dharma notices that the puppy had gone outside and had not
returned. He goes out to call the puppy back but has a panic attack and falls to the
ground on his way to the hospital. The puppy follows the ambulance and races behind
it. There's no one to take care of Dharma at the hospital. As for his whole life, he had
been alone. However, this time the puppy is there for him. Dharma watches as the dog
wails for him and now has a change of heart. He starts liking the dog and the changes
in his life that it had brought. But soon enough, another set of adopters arrive at his
home to take the puppy away. This time, the family takes the dog without any question.
And Dharma, who had always been in favor of giving her away, can only sit and watch
her leave with tears in his eyes.

A few days later, however, Dharma is called to sign the papers for the puppy and
reaches the house of the family, which has been trashed by the puppy as she did with
Damas House. He smiles and carries the puppy back to his home and the family doesn't
even stop him, probably because of how much trouble she had been to them. Dharma
had finally gotten his life back. He was no longer the lonely and hard headed man that
he was before. He feels happy after such a long time with a puppy entering his life,
everything changes and he finds a different perspective on life with his new found
happiness in his life. Dharma names the puppy Charlie after his favourite showman,
Charlie Chaplin. Life has been going all too well for the two, until one day Charlie
doesn't want to let Dharma head to his work. Dharma can't figure out why Charlie is
acting up and hands her the ball before leaving for his work anyway. When Dharma
finally comes back from his office, he still sees Charlie at the same place where he had
left her earlier. At first, Dharma thinks that she had swallowed the bull and quickly takes
her to the hospital, apologizing for his mistake. However, the doctor tells him that it
wasn't that which was making Charlie sick, but that she had cancer.

Dharma is shocked. He had taken care of Charlie the best he could. How could she
have such a disease? The doctor assures him that it wasn't his fault. It was, in fact, a
genetic disease common in dogs that were inbred for selling. And this was all the fault
of the breeder. The cancer had already spread, and there was no way that it could be
treated. The medicines could help prolong her life. But that's it. Dharma is devastated.
All he had wanted was Charlie. And now she, too, was being taken away from him. At
home. Dharma sulks and is sad and doesn't know what to do, but suddenly decides that
it's better to do something rather than sulking about everything. He decides to show
Charlie Snow. Since he knew that this was what she had always been very excited
about, the two partners then head out on their journey all the way from South India to
Shimla, where they plan to see the snow on the mountains. But before everything else,
Dharma manages to locate the location of the cruel breeder who is responsible for
Charlie's issues with the help of the doctor. He heads straight to his lonely house and
beats the man to a pulp, burying him neck deep inside the ground as a punishment.
Elsewhere, Devika, who had cheekily placed a tracker on Charlie, realises that Dharma
had left with Charlie and sends her people to the location where they find hundreds of

And the breeder, they take the breeder into custody. And while the others manage the
newly found puppies, Devika pursues Dharma and eventually finds him locked up in a
jail cell. Apparently, Charlie had gone berserk on the streets, chasing a mouse and
broke the window of a police car. And so she and her owner, Dharma, were locked up.
Devika reluctantly frees them both and tags along with Dharma and Charlie so that she
can free Charlie from the evil man when she has the chance. Halfway along the journey,
however, she's informed that Charlie was the one who had stopped the breeder in his
tracks and saved all those dogs. Devika finally accepts her mistake and even helps the
duo out a little. She contacts her friends from Travel Diaries and helps Dharma and
Charlie tell their story to the world. Finally, Devika parts ways as well, and it's once
again Dharma and Charlie on the road. The journey goes smoothly, but soon the duo
starts having financial problems. Dharma is unable to get the money he was promised
from his company, and they're forced to sell whatever they have for food and supplies.
Soon, even their gas runs out and the bike is no longer of any use. Thankfully for them,
a helpful man named Bakshi and his dog Blackie give the two a ride and even a place to
stay for a couple of days.

Bakshi is also a broken man whose wife left him because of their failing relationship.
Blackie, his dog, was the only one who had remained to his side till the very end. And
so he will love the dog to his death while on their stay with Bakshi and Blackie. Charlie
develops quite the relationship with Blackie and the two are almost inseparable.
However, their journey had to be made, so the two are forced to part. A few days later,
once more, the bike's gas runs out, and this time with no choice left. Dharma sells the
bike and the two make the rest of their journey by bus. Everything seems in order still,
and they're poised to reach the destination on time. But turns out the road ahead was
blocked by a landslide and the army would not let anyone pass due to safety reasons.
Dharma goes ballistic and demands a passage through, but the army won't just let
anyone through. When Dharma tries to force his way through, the soldiers drag him to
their superior. Luckily for them, the Army head is also a fan of Travel Diaries and has
read their entire story and allows them to stay at the army camp and head to the hill the
next morning after everything is cleared by the Army.

Early next morning, the duo then set out to see the snowfall for the very first time, and
the two have an amazing time together and perhaps the final few moments with each
other. After having a fun day, they return back to the camp, set to return back home the
next day. That night, suddenly, Dharma jolts from his sleep and sees that Charlie is
nowhere around. He runs around looking for his friend and finds her in a small shed on
the hill, tired and almost devoid of life. Dharma finds her there and holds her in his arms,
hugging his only friend one last time as she takes her final breath. He screams in agony
as she dies. But then suddenly Dharma hears another dog cry from inside the shed. It's
a small puppy, Charlie's puppy that she had given birth to. Dharma finally realizes the
purpose of his life and returns back home along with Charlie's pup. Back at home,
Dharma opens up a new animal rescue center named after his dear friend Charlie.
Although Charlie was already gone, Dharma still remembers his dear friend and how
she changed his life. That was all from the video. I hope you liked it. Subscribe for more
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us to recap your favourite movie. Until next time, take care.

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