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1.A decision table is a table of rows and columns, separated into two quadrants.


False **


2.__________ are the methods available for documenting and analyzing the logic of structured decisions
which include structured English, decision tables, and decision trees.

a. Process Specifications **

b. Utilization Process

c. Decision Tools

d. Data Store


3.A __________ is a meaningful combination of related data elements that is included in a data flow or
retained in a data store.

a. table

b. record **

c. data flow

d. data store


4.__________ is based on structured logic and simple English statements such as add, multiply, move,
and so on.

a. Decision Table

b. Decision Tree

c. All of the options given

d. Structured English **


5.It is the smallest piece of data that has meaning in a data dictionary.

a. data dictionary

b. record

c. data element **

d. table


6.A decision table can have more than two possible outcomes, and often is the best way to describe a
complex set of conditions.

True **



7.Which of the following should be contained in a process specification? (Multiple choice, multiple

a. the output data flows **

b. the project number

c. a brief description of what the process accomplishes **

d. the project name


8.Structured English is different from a pseudocode.


False **


9.In the context of relational databases, a __________ is a field or collection of fields in one table that
uniquely identifies a row of another table or the same table.

a. foreign key **

b. unique key

c. data key

d. primary key

10.It is used to describe the conditions, identify possible decision alternatives, indicate the actions that
should be performed, and describe actions.

a. decision table **

b. decision tree

c. structured English

d. data dictionary


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