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Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved

You should say:
• What it is
• Why you haven't achieved it
• What you did
• And how you felt about it

Waking up early is extremely difficult for me, so I practiced it for a very long time following
the advice of my relative and friends.
As a New Year's resolution, I decided to plan to practice waking up early within a month,
although, I have more details in the plan, it still makes me feel tired and exhausted to apply. I
also consulted a lot of my relatives about methods to wake up early as well as manage the
Based on their advice, I have applied many different ways including using herbal medicine
and adjusting the diet. However, its success rate is not high. I am also a very hardworking
person. That's why I have to strive to achieve my own goal
After more than a month of trying and trying, I have conquered myself and am able to wake up
at 06.00 am every day ➔ I can be well-done and prepare myself to start a new day.
However, it only lasted for a short period of time because I had too many pressures and
school assignments, so up to now I still haven't achieved my goal completely.


Part 3
1 What ambition do children usually have?
Children have many ambitions. The first ambition is mainly about the profession- in childhood,
everyone has the ambition to do something noble like becoming a doctor or do something exciting
like becoming a pilot or an astronaut. Then, children also have an ambition of earning huge amounts
of money
2 Why are some people very ambitious in their work?
Some people become more ambitious due to deep-seated insecurity. They constantly feel like they
must be better and do better, which drives them to pursue bigger and better. However, this too can
work in reverse, as some insecure people end up withdrawing and giving up on life entirely.
3 Why don't some people have dreams?
For some people who do not have clear goals, they will not have any goals and dreams for themselves
because of laziness and dependence on others. Dreams are a legitimate thing because it helps us
define goals for ourselves to accomplish them within a certain time.
4 How do people balance work and life?
It's not so much about splitting your time 50/50 between work and leisure but making sure you feel
fulfilled and content in both areas of your life. A healthy balance might look like: meeting your
deadlines at work while still having time for friends and hobbies. having enough time to sleep
properly and eat well.


Describe a long walk you ever had

You should say:
• When this happened
• Where you walked
• Who you were with
• And explain how you felt about this long walk

I love to go for long walks in the park➔ I usually do this activity with a friend of mine, Anna
(enjoy taking our time to explore new surroundings and talk about all sorts of different things).
When I walk through the park, I always find myself noticing little details that I never would
have seen before- like flowers on the ground or trees rustling in the wind. It's a great way to
get outside and spend some time alone without feeling lonely at all!
➔ it's been a great experience I enjoy learning from her, so I plan to develop this habit to
regenerate my soul
• help me feel more balanced and calmer when I have a lot going on in my life, and also
because walking outside is just really relaxing for some reasons.

• It's always relaxing to do something you like doing all by yourself or with someone else,
which is why these walks are so important to me! ➔ avoid getting too stressed out from
work and everything.

• It gives me time alone without feeling lonely at all while connecting with nature and it's
a change of scenery and I never know what I'm going to see!
It's also fascinating to look at the wildlife and all of the different types of trees that are around


Part 3
1 What outdoor activities do people like?
The modern people keep myself engaged in mind refreshing activities like hanging out with my
friends, going to dance classes, working in my company, and also going out for badminton club to
refresh their mind. Many people enjoy playing badminton, riding bicycles, and walking.
2 What are the differences between the outdoor activities children did in the past and now?
Children today are busy. Between school, sports, music, fitness and dance, it seems that children
have less free time than ever before. They play cricket, skate, but they like to spend their free time
playing video games. If we talk about a few decades ago, children played racing games, hide and
3 Is leisure time important to everyone? Why?
Well, many studies have shown that free time can reduce stress, depression and improve your
quality of life. Free time is good for everyone because one can recharge for the next task. So, it would
be good if people take their free time to rest or have fun. It makes their mind more creative.
4 Do women have more leisure time than men?
I think men have more leisure time than women. Men only have office jobs, they have a lot of free
time at home. On the other hand, women have to take care of office work as well as housework.
Therefore, they have less free time than men.


Describe a thing you did to learn another language

You should say:
• What language you learned
• What you did
• How it helped you learn the language
• And how you felt about it
Learning is a good thing. Learning opens up new possibilities for a better career. I would like to
talk about a new language that I have learned in the past four months and still am learning. I want
to learn the Spanish language. I work in a multinational corporation that deals with different
countries where French and Spanish are spoken.
Firstly, it is very difficult to find b because most classes are taught only in French or English. I chose
to learn this language online. I felt this language was very difficult at first, but I don’t give up. I
have created a strategy for learning new words. I download loo words and set a learning
objective within a week. So far, I write down the meaning of each word in English as well as in
Hindi so that I can easily use it in sentence form.
The second thing I did was to use a word in my everyday conversation. I also received support from
technology. I bought Alexa, mainly to speak. I instructed him to speak English and Spanish. This
way, I practice. I did it for three months now I’m able to understand and speak the Spanish
language. I am very happy because our company will be launching a project in the next two
months that is based primarily on the Spanish nations. I may have the opportunity to travel to
these countries as only four to five employees are able to speak and understand Spanish.


Part 3
1. What difficulties do people face when learning a language?
One of the challenges is the phonological difference. There are some sounds that exist in one
language but not in the other language. Another difficulty is learning the grammar and the sentence
structure of the new language.
2. Do you think language learning is important? Why?
Yes, I think language learning is important as it develops skills such as communication and cultural
awareness. Learning a foreign language also opens all sorts of career opportunities. Learning new
languages leads to cognitive development. Bilingual and multilingual children do better in other
subjects too.
3. Which is better, to study alone or to study in a group? Why?
It is better to study in a group. Students derive energy from being around other students and are
motivated to study. Concepts that are hard to grasp by yourself are easier to understand from
another person’s perspective. People usually procrastinate when studying alone but, in a group, one
is accountable and must be present.
4. What’s the best way to learn a language?
There are many ways to learn a language. There is no one best way. One must do a combination of
things to get fluent in a language like practicing daily on language learning apps like Duolingo,
watching movies in the foreign language, reading books and newspapers, having a tutor or a native
speaker online to practice with, and traveling to those countries.


Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend

You should say:
• What the discussion was about
• What opinions you and your friend had
• Why you think the discussion was interesting
• And how you felt about it
I remember a really fascinating conversation I had with my friend years ago. The person who I
spoke with was a good friend of mine since when we were little kids. He was studying astronomy
at the university, so he was kind of an expert, he was kind of a wiz on everything related to space:
stars, black holes that kind of thing.
I don’t know anything about that, one time we went out to my cabin which is kind of a beautiful
place. There’s a lake and you can see the night sky really well at night you can see all the stars.
It’s really quite beautiful, we were on the beach, we were kind of just chilling drinking a few
beers and enjoying the really peaceful time.
He started talking about kind of like the history of space which I thought was really interesting
because you know I don’t really know anything and he talked about kind of the different stars;
how far away they were from our planet; how many planets exist in the universe; how much time
until our sun will burn out all these really kind of big things that I don’t know anything about
I learned a lot, I gained a lot of wisdom so I thought this was really interesting. I really enjoy
spending time with this friend because he’s really knowledgeable in a field and he’s kind of a
space buff we could say. Of course, I don’t know anything so I thought it really opened my mind.
It really was mind-blowing to me, so it was a really cool conversation that I had with a friend at
a very beautiful place.


Part 3
1. When do children normally form their own views?
I think when children go to primary school, at about 6 to 7 years old, they begin to have their own
views. In school, teachers instruct them to answer questions, express their feelings and give their
opinions. Also, when children communicate with their peers, they can share different ideas. At the
same time, children begin to learn important values and retain a lot. of information, In this process,
children will form their own views.
2. Do children have strong opinions?
I suppose parents’ guidance and instruction play an important role. Some children are encouraged
to have their own thoughts and they won’t be influenced by other people’s ideas. This group of
children will have strong opinions and they usually make decisions independently. On the other
hand, some children are shy and timid. Maybe they are frequently required by adults to follow their
rules. It is hard for them to have strong opinions.
3. Should parents request their kids to obey them?
As children have limited social and life experience, parents should help them develop good habits.
On some occasions when kids do something wrong or improper, I agree that parents should request
their kids to obey them. At the same time, parents should tell them the reason patiently. Also, they
are supposed to listen to the kids’ opinions. It is necessary for parents to give their kids plenty of
4. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
Nowadays, it seems to me that communication is necessary for almost every industry, especially in
tourism; hospitality, marketing, services, and so on. Many people are supposed to work in a team.
They have to work with their colleagues and talk with their customers or clients. Without
communication skills, it is difficult for them to cooperate with others, finish their tasks or achieve
their goals in their career.


Describe an interesting song

You should say:
• What the song is
• What story the song tells
• Whether the song is popular
• And explain why you think it is interesting
I love listening to music, so I like a multitude of songs. However, one of my favorite songs that I
want to talk about today is “Hall of Fame” by The Script and This song was written for
the 2012 Olympic Games.

When it came out, it quickly became a hit on every single music chart throughout the world, not
just because of its catchy melody, but also for its meaningful lyrics. The song talks about how
each of us can be a champion or anything we want to be as long as we dedicate our time
and efforts to doing what we are passionate about. The song is played at big athletic events to
pump up the crowd, but you can easily relate to the song at other times as well, especially when
you are about to give up.

I think this song has such a powerful message that whenever I was tired or had decided to quit, it
would lift me up right away. It made me think about why I had started in the first place and that I
needed to finish the job that I was currently doing.


Part 3
1 Why are many music competitions popular in Vietnam?
I suppose there are several reasons. Many young people like watching music competitions. They can
listen to a lot of new songs and know some outstanding singers. Another important reason is that
the music competitions offer a platform for people to show their singing abilities. Many people are
inspired to challenge themselves and pursue their dreams. Last but not least, some famous singers
or artists are invited to be the judges in the music competitions. They give professional comments
on the contestants, which attracts a large number of music lovers.
2 What kinds of music do young people like?
Young people are full of energy and they are eager to follow the fashion, so it seems to me that most
of them like to listen to popular music or music with fast tempos, such as R&B, rock and roll or Hip
Hop. In addition, this kind of music is easy to enjoy and it helps young people to relax, so it is
popular among them.
3. What kinds of people like traditional music?
As far as I know, people who are interested in the traditional culture like traditional music.
Traditional music is regarded as a part of traditional culture. Maybe old people prefer traditional
music because they think it is valuable. When old people listen to traditional music, they will recall
their meaningful moments in the past.
4. What are the differences between a live concert and an online concert?
There are several differences. First of all, if people go to a live concert, they have to travel to a
designated place. If they watch it online, they can just stay at home. Secondly, people must pay
money for their tickets when going to a live concert. However, many online concerts are cheaper
than live concerts. Some of them are even free. People don’t need to spend much money on it. What’s
more, it is more exciting to be in a live concert since people can get closer to their favorite singers
and interact with other fans. It is quite different from watching it on the screen.


Describe a city that you think is very interesting

You should say:
• Where it is
• What it is famous for
• How you knew this city
• And explain why you think it is very interesting
There are many beautiful cities across the world. I am quite fascinated by a few European cities
but the one I find most interesting is Amsterdam. It is the capital city of Netherlands and is a
remarkable feat of planning and development. For a metropolitan city, it has quite laid-back
feel to it. The city has managed to gel in the modern world aptly while preserving its culture
and heritage at the same time.
I am a well-informed person when it comes to cities and my geography is pretty good too. Even
though I have known about Amsterdam for a long time it’s only recently that my friend came back
from there and he gave me a lot of information in detail about the city. At first, I wasn’t
impressed and thought it to be like any other city but after seeing pictures on his phone, I realised
that I was mistaken and promptly started searching for the city.
Well right now, I am a bit occupied with other work and studies. I’ll be free in the coming
summer so that’s when I am planning to visit Amsterdam. It’ll be once in a life kind of experience
and shortage of funds is something that should not bother me while, I am on the trip. I am working
overtime right now and saving every last penny for the trip. As of now there are two of us
planning to go and currently in conversation with a few more friends as the more the
merrier. We might even go to France from there but let’s see how it goes.
It is a beautiful place, and it has great infrastructure. The city is full of canals and coffee shops. What
fascinates me the most is the preferred mode of transport of the locals. More than half the population
uses bicycle as a mode of transport, and I’ll be doing the same too. The national history museum is
quite famous too and it houses some of the most lucrative pieces of artefacts mankind has ever
witnessed. Since I am quite fond of clubbing and Amsterdam is the EDM (electronic dance music)
capital of the world I’d try and visit as many as I can on my trip


Part 3
1 What advantage can tourism bring to a city?
Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructures
of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens. The number
of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant
2 Why do some young people like to live in cities?
Cities provide so many opportunities for the youths, such as career growth, personal development
and recreation. Youths are full of energy and are eager to accomplish things and they want to live
their life to the fullest. Major cities have entertainment hubs, shopping malls and modern transport
3 Do most elderly people live in the city or in the countryside?
Their physical abilities when it comes to doing different things may have diminished. Seniors living
in an urban setting are often forced to adjust to the changing world around them. A city may be a
crowded place, but it could also be a good place for seniors to reside.
4 Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects on local people?
Tourism has also caused more disruption in host communities. Crowding of locals and tourists may
create a vibrant ambiance, it also causes frustration and leads to the withdrawal of local residents in
many places. Increased tourists also result in increased traffic which can hinder daily life of the local


Describe a course that impressed you a lot

You should say:
• What the course was about
• Where you took the course
• What you did during the course
• And explain why it impressed you a lot

Well, I would like to do an English course. Today, English is considered to be the most important
language in the world. That’s why it’s become one of the compulsory subjects and we now have
to study English from elementary onwards.
I’d like to get admitted to the Foreign Trade University which offers a professional course in
Business English. They have a good reputation for teaching this course effectively to a high
standard. As I have other classes in the morning, I would like to enroll in the afternoon course.
Also, the course fee is both cheap and convenient for me to pay with my salary.
There are so many reasons why I’d like to enroll in an English course. First of all, English is an
international language, hence, having a knowledge of English can help people around the world to
communicate better. Second, it also gives us countless opportunities to become more
acquainted with other cultures. We depend on English to keep up to date with the latest news
from all over the world since almost all the books and magazines are written in this language.
Finally, learning English can really help us in our careers and enhance our CVs, as these days,
many firms need good office employees to conduct international business.


Part 3
1 Why do some people have better memory?
Genetically speaking, studies have found that certain genes affect the density of dopamine receptors
in the brain; dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps us to recall episodic memories from the past.
2 Do people like things of memorial significance?
Memorial gifts and memorial objects are valuable spiritual gifts to help us keep great memories of
life as well as long-standing historical values that he life that the previous generation sacrificed to
3 Which can help people remember things better, words or photos?
Psychologists confirm that pictures are more immediately recognized, and more quickly recalled,
than either the spoken or written word. When we read a text, or listen to an audio version of it, we
are likely to remember only 10 percent of the information 3 days later
4 Can technology help people remember things better? How?
We can imagine technologies that prompt people to identify and retrieve positive memories and
negative thoughts. This can help support a more balanced perspective on life, and help increase the
accessibility and value of positive memories.


Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• When you met him/her
• Why you want to know more about him/her
• And explain how you feel about him/her

I am keen on music. One of my favorite singers is Hye-sang Park who is a vocal singer in South
Korea. Several years ago, I traveled to South Korea and spent my summer vacation with my family
members. During my stay there, I was lucky enough to go to her live concert.
I was attracted by her warm and absorbing voice. I felt excited when she interacted with her
fans. After the live concert, I got a chance to take photos with her. That was my first time getting
close to her. She was such an excellent singer that I wanted to know more about her.
I searched online and read a lot of articles about Hye-sang Park. When Hye-sang Park was in high
school, she was a confident girl. Due to her beautiful voice and hard work, she graduated from
the Juilliard School in America. After that, she became a famous opera actress. She won a lot of
prizes at home and abroad. Also, she has got a lot of fans.
I admire her very much because she not only has a charming voice but also has a pleasant
personality. Although I only met her once, I take her as my role model. I will try my best to pursue
my dream and become an opera artist like her.


Part 3
1. How do people make friends in China?
There are three main ways in China. First of all, the most common places where people make friends
are probably schools or workplaces. People spend a lot of time with their classmates or colleagues
so they have more chances to make friends with them. Also, people usually make friends when
attending some social activities, such as meetings, parties or summer camps, and so on. What’s more,
with the aid of social media, many people make friends online with strangers or foreigners.
2. On what occasions do people like to make friends?
People like to make friends when their friends or family members introduce someone to them. It is
more reliable to know new people on such occasions. Besides, people tend to make friends when
they participate in some important events, like sports games, weddings or seminars, because it is
easy for them to know someone who has similar hobbies or work experience. Moreover, people like
to make friends on social media where they can tell something that they may be unwilling to share
in their real life.
3. Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends?
Yes, I think it is very important. When people have a lot in common, they will talk about their
hobbies and interests. At the same time, they can do similar activities together, which will strengthen
their friendship. However, if people don’t like the same things, they may not know what to talk
about or what to do when they spend time together. It is impossible for them to keep their friendship
for a long time.
4. What qualities make true friends?
First of all, true friends are honest, trustworthy and genuine. They never tell lies so people can count
on them all the time. Also, true friends are good listeners who express empathy for others. They will
always show up during tough times. People will feel comfortable when asking them a favor. Apart
from that, true friends respect other people’s boundaries and make theirs clear. They will receive
permission first before offering their advice or opinion about someone else’s life decisions or choices.


Describe a time you visited a new place

You should say:
• Where the new place is
• When you went there
• Why you went there
• And explain how you feel about the place
When reading this cue card, I immediately think of the time when I went on a hiking trip to Fansipan
with my best friends.
Normally, if ever given a long holiday, we would go for chilling by the beach. But to make a little
change, we decided to spice things up by going off the beaten track. Living in Ho Chi Minh city,
we had to take a long car trip up North to reach the mountains. The only thing I remember during
the trip was how spectacular the scenery was, which was chalk and cheese different from where
we live. From afar, I could spot many waterfalls, with the water cascading down the side of one
of the Rocky Mountains.
The height of the Fansipan was 3,143 meters, which is the highest on the Indochinese Peninsula,
hence its nickname “the Roof of Indochina”. This is an ideal hiking spot for those who wish to
challenge themselves with a steep and fairly strenuous hike. Hiking with a small group of
friends, I could enjoy the beauty of silence. I could listen to the rhythm of my breath, look at the
small details and lose myself in the look of magnificent scenery, trying to engrave it in my
memory, forever. I was fully immersed in the nature surrounding me, with thousands of trees
along the way and the sounds of exotic animals, which I couldn’t normally see in the city.
After almost 3 days of hard work, we finally reached the summit of the mountain. From the very
top of Fansipan, we could see the whole panoramic view of the forests, which was absolutely
out of this world. I had been to the mountainous areas before but never had I felt such a sense of
achievement like I did that time, maybe it was because I had to get there on foot. Fansipan was
truly a picturesque destination, and I thought it was best experienced on a hike, not cable cars,
because only through hiking can you really enjoy the beautiful natural landscape while
spending time with your loved ones.
That was my first time going on such an extraordinary trip, but I guess it was probably one of the
most exciting experiences in my entire life.


Part 3
1. Which do you prefer, living in a new city or only visiting it as a tourist?
Everyone has a place they call “home” and I am no exception. I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh
city, and I am used to the weather, food as well as the people here. Being happy in a place isn’t
always a quantifiable or logical thing. A lot of it comes down to just, well, how a place makes you
feel. So even though I’m an avid traveler who has been to many cities around the world, I would
always come back here, instead of being a tourist-turned resident in a new place.
2. How do young and old people react differently to new things?
From my observation, when unexpected sequences arise older adults are less able to overcome their
habitual responses and they also take longer to learn to adapt. When asked to vary their learned
routine on multiple occasions, they did not improve as much as younger adults. Older adults took
less time to plan movements but more time to execute them, possibly because they were unsure of
their actions. Young people, on the other hand, tend to keep an open mind, making it much easier
to make adjustments to better fit a new living place, a new job, or a new relationship.
3. Why do some people want to go to college far away from home?
For those who wish to become independent, moving away from their parents is the first and also the
biggest step. Living on their own means that people need to deal with almost everything on their
own, which is the key factor in building self-assurance and confidence. Leaving home for college, in
addition, gives people the opportunity to experience living in a new region. Not only does it
introduce them to a new state or country, but it also opens the door to so many road trips or possible
traveling experiences, thus helping them broaden their minds.
4. How do young children react when they go to school for the first time?
I haven’t got kids yet, but as far as I know, the move from home to school is a major change for
everybody. Most children are bound to have mixed feelings about leaving behind a familiar
environment. They are oftentimes reluctant to go to school, which reflects a child’s anxiety about
leaving home. There are so many adjustments to make that it may take some time to settle in.
Children who have not made the usual moves towards independence, find it difficult to be separated
from their mothers. Plus, it may take children some time to get used to the unfamiliar school
environment, make new friends or simply to take studying as a habit.


Describe a skill that you learned from older people

You should say:
• What the skill is
• Who you learned it from
• How you learned it
• And how you feel about it

Waking up early is extremely difficult for me, so I practiced it for a very long time following
the advice of my relative and friends.
As a New Year's resolution, I decided to plan to practice waking up early within a month,
although, I have more details in the plan, it still makes me feel tired and exhausted to apply. I
also consulted a lot of my relatives about methods to wake up early as well as manage the
Based on their advice, I have applied many different ways including using herbal medicine
and adjusting the diet. However, its success rate is not high. I am also a very hardworking
person. That's why I have to strive to achieve my own goal
After more than a month of trying and trying, I have conquered myself and am able to wake up
at 06.00 am every day ➔ I can be well-done and prepare myself to start a new day.
However, it only lasted for a short period of time because I had too many pressures and school
assignments, so up to now I still haven't achieved my goal completely.


Part 3
1 What can children learn from their parents?
Our family values reflect who we are and how we parent. When we articulate and live those values,
our children learn life lessons. They learn to express themselves, solve problems, grow from
mistakes, and develop other skills and abilities that lead to fulfilling lives
2 What knowledge can children learn from their grandparents?
They help children learn by playing, talking and reading together while giving them focused
attention. And they teach more directly by telling stories and sharing family and cultural traditions
3 What kind of help do you think older people need?
Social welfare fund and good medical care are necessary help to enable the elderly to have a
prosperous and happy life as a reward for their sacrifices and contributions for the development of
the country throughout life
4 What skills can young people learn from older people?
The elder citizens are known as the treasures of human knowledge with many experiences and
necessary skills that young people need to learn a lot from them. Calmness and tactful
communication skills can be prerequisite skills that young people should focus on through valuable
lessons imparted by older people.


Describe an important river/lake in your country

You should say:
• Where it is located
• How big/long it is
• What it looks like
• And explain why it is important

I am going to talk about the Mekong river, one of the biggest and most important rivers located
in southwestern part of Vietnam. With a length of about 2,700 miles, the river is the 7th longest
is Asia. Locally, it’s called “River of the Nine Dragons” because the small branches of the river
are, since time immemorial, associated with the image of nine majestic dragons. Needless to
say, the river is mentioned in a variety of poems and songs.
In terms of agriculture, the mighty river together with its surrounding delta has been known as
the agricultural heart of southern Vietnam and the ‘rice bowl’ of the whole country. The Mekong
is also Vietnam’s most important fishing region.
If you are a discerning tourist who really has ‘wearing a conical hat in a sampan boat in Vietnam’
on your bucket list, a trip to Mekong Delta is a must. It is carpeted in a dizzying variety of
greens and is also a place where boats, houses and markets float upon the innumerable rivers,
canals and streams that crisscross the landscape like arteries. Embarking on a Mekong River
cruise provides tourists with fascinating insight into the local rural way of life, including the
opportunity to visit some of the region’s best-known sites, along with plenty of hidden gems.


Part 3
1 How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?
Water is the very essence of life. It is as simple as – no water, no life. That if why when space
exploration is done, the first thing to see is signs of water. Otherwise no life is possible there.
2 Do you think rivers/lakes attract tourists?
A romantic river with extremely beautiful natural scenery will be a great experience for visitors and
an ideal place to visit to relax after a hard day's work. Therefore, beautiful rivers have become
famous tourist attractions in certain cities. for example, …...
3 How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?
In order to fully exploit the tourism potential of the rivers, financial investors have poured a huge
amount of capital into the construction of embankments and surrounding utilities as a firm basis to
provide adequate facilities and the comfort for visitors when visiting this breathtaking scenery
4 Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?
The sitting river is seen as a major freight channel in certain areas of our country. It is considered
as a relatively cheap and fast means of transportation in the southern region of Vietnam due to its
dense river system.


Describe an interesting neighbor

You should say:
• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• What you do together
• And explain why he/she is interesting
I live in a crowded high-rise building, and have neighbors next door, below and above. I guess,
about a hundred people in total. So, it's not surprising that most of them are nameless and faceless
to me. The only person who stands out is my next-door neighbor.
This is an elderly man whose name is John. He's been living next door ever since I can remember.
So I can say I've known him since my childhood though for many years I just greeted him politely
and smiled. I was too young to appreciate an opportunity to communicate with such a truly
remarkable person. Just imagine, now he is in his late 70s, but he seems to be more energetic
than me and most of my peers. He is literally a person of indomitable energy. John is retired.
And if I were him, I would sleep late, but he wakes up at 5 or 6 a.m. and always starts his day with
morning exercises. He goes jogging, I think, every day regardless of the weather and the
season. I know about this cause when I go to work we often have small talk while waiting for an
elevator because it usually doesn't come for ages. Another thing that draws people to him is
that he will never say 'no' if you ask him to water your flowers when you're away, keep an eye on
your flat or feed your pets. I used to think he does it not to feel lonely, but some time ago I understood
that this is just because he is a really caring and considerate person.


Part 3
1 Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
Due to heavy work pressure and the abuse of modern information technology, the distance between
people and neighbors has become more and more distant compared to the previous generation. Most
modern residents today are too dependent on information technology devices and communicate
with each other through them, so this is an inevitable consequence.
2 How can people improve the relationship with neighbors in a community?
The local leaders build and establish public facilities to serve the common good of the people
including community areas and play spaces for children, which in turn will help improve the
relationship between people with each other stronger and stronger
3 How do children build relationships with others in a community?
We should set up some competitions and outdoor activities so that local kids can participate and
make friends together through these fun activities. Besides that, this will build a more complete and
cohesive sense of community for children
4 Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
I think the relationship among neighbors is an inevitable part of modern life nowadays. In
dangerous and emergency situations, neighbors are considered as a savior to help us promptly solve
and respond to problems.


Describe a time you were very busy

You should say:
• When it happened
• Where you were
• What you did
• And explain why you were busy
Last month, to say that I was busy is to say nothing. I was like a hamster on a wheel trying to get
everything what I'd planned done.
It was an absolutely crazy time. I was working on several projects at the same time to cover for a
colleague who was on holiday. I couldn't say 'no' because we usually cover for each other, and I
knew that I wouldn't be able to count on her in the future if I had refused to pick up her workload.
So I had to push myself beyond my limits to get all the work done. I had a constant flow of emails
coming in. Also, I had to deal with customer requests and phone calls, let alone my daily reports.
Even when I came home after work, I couldn't relax because I had to walk the dog and make
sandwiches and tea so as not to collapse from hunger as I didn't even have time for lunch. Also, in
the mornings I woke up at the last minute, so breakfast was out of question in most cases.
To tell the truth, the only thing that literally saved me from burnout and overwork was my paper
planner called Slice Planner. This planner presents a work day as a diagram which looks like a clock
face. This diagram is divided into 12 sectors, like 12 hours. You have to shade the sector representing
some time slot if you plan to do something during that period of time. Although I saw what fitted
into my schedule and what didn't, I tried to do more work.


Part 3
1 Are you often busy?
I'm usually quite busy with school assignments and extracurricular activities. I really feel very
exhausted because the curriculum is quite heavy in Vietnam. With heavy study pressure and exams,
I often have to stay up late to complete the home assignments and this affects a lot of my life and
the quality of my study
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?
Being busy helps us forget negative thoughts in life, it helps us to feel that we have a certain value
and builds a sense of responsibility to contribute to society. However, with heavy work pressure
and too great responsibility, this will greatly affect the quality of work and the mental health of each
individual. Specifically, the suicide rate among children today is increasing with the main cause
stemming from heavy work pressure.
3 Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?
I think children should be built with an environment that harmoniously combines the strict
management of their parents and playing games. Therefore, they themselves can easily learn the
needful lessons for life. while maintaining a balance between theory and practice. Under a stressful
learning environment, it will eliminate boredom and laziness for students, but parents should not
abuse them to avoid unfortunate consequences.
4 What kind of pressure people may experience at work?
KPI is probably the heaviest pressure in any job that young people straightly face. Obviously, an
individual's work efficiency will be determined and proven based on that month's KPI, therefore, all
employees always work hard and worry a lot to achieve the KPI and prove his ability to maintain a
stable job and salary


Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• Whether you worked together before
• What kind of work you would like to do with him/her
• And explain how you feel about this family member

Well, the family business is quite common in my country in which family members work together
as a unit.
If given a chance, I would like to work with my elder brother. Actually, it is my longtime dream
that I set up an educational institute with my brother and together, we can make it a great
success. The fact is that my brother is extremely good at management right from childhood,
and at present, he is pursuing MBA.
If I talk about myself, I have a great inclination towards teaching, and it is my dream to become a
teacher one day. In fact, I have a bit of experience of teaching poor children in my locality.
Unfortunately, the area we live in, the education standard is pretty poor. Students often have to
move to nearby cities for better or quality education. However, our institute will ensure that they
get quality education in their own hometown.
This business, I must say, has a lot of potentials as well, which would ensure that we are having
good earnings as well. The best part is that my brother and I have a very good understanding. We
never have conflicts, and we blindly trust each other, and these things would ensure the smooth
running of our business.
Overall, I can say that I am pretty sure that we both will enjoy a lot working together, and I wish
one day I will have the opportunity to work with my elder brother.


Part 3
1 What kinds of family business are common in Vietnam?
Restaurant business is the most popular form of household ones in Vietnam. We will easily come
across many restaurants from large to small everywhere in Vietnam, in which, the serving staff are
almost all family members working together to contribute to the operation of family business. This
is a popular and labor-saving form to build the family's common economy
2 Is it good to work with family members? Why?
it depends entirely on the personality and outlook on life of family members. To keep the family
business up and running well, it requires understanding and listening among family members.
Therefore, the answer depends on the personality of the person and the type of work that really
requires cooperation between family members or not.
3 Why do people want to do family business?
With the traditional concept of the Asian, operating a family business will help us maintain trust as
well as ensure that business secrets are not disclosed to the outside. Therefore, these types of
businesses are often popular and quite popular among Vietnamese households
4 What benefits are there when working for big companies?
Working for a large company will open up many career advancement opportunities for us as well
as expand valuable relationships for our future. In a professional environment, it will teach us how
to behave and deal with problems in the most effective way


Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in

You should say:
• What the contest/competition is about
• Where the contest/competition will take place
• When it will be held
• And explain why you would like to participate in it
When I was in school, I participated in many competitions. Once I participated in a science fair.
I was part of a team. Here, I would like to talk about a competition, I would like to take part
It is a painting competition. Every year there is an environment fair held in my home town. The
Rotary Club organises this in the month of December. Many competitions are organised,
such as mono-acting competition, poetry recitation, flower arrangement, salad decoration,
painting and so on. Individuals can participate, and even schools can send their students. My friend
participated in flower arrangement competition last year and won the 1st prize. The prize was a
small trophy and a book ‘The Wings of Fire’ by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. I am very food at drawing
and painting.
So, I would love to compete in painting competition and try to do my best and win a prize. The
theme of the painting is announced at the spot only. The brushes and paints have to be carried with
you, but the drawing sheets are provided by the organisers. I have made many paintings with
poster colours and gifted them to my friends and relatives. Everyone in my circle knows that
I love drawing and painting.
I am waiting for the fair this year, so that I can participate and try my luck at winning a prize.


Part 3
1 What are the contests commonly seen on TV programs?
Miss Universe Vietnam is probably quite a popular program currently being shown on television.
With the professional playground section, it has facilitated for beautiful people to show their abilities
and achievements to reach further in the international arena. there's also a lot of other shows, to be
honest, they don't really make a big impression on me
2 Why are competition shows popular?
these programs are quite popular because of the interest of the global audiences. Besides that, with
its thrilling nature, it extremely attracts viewers with the challenges and the players' ability to
respond to solve and handle situations.
3 What kinds of industries need competition? Why?
Where there is power and economic interest, there is certainly competition, so I always think that
any industry needs competition in it to determine the quality of products for customer. In addition,
this will maintain a fairly reasonable price for the people by avoiding the monopoly position
4 Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with others in companies?
A healthy competitive working environment will be an ideal working environment for anyone to
integrate into and contribute to the overall development of the company. Therefore, competition is
an inevitable thing, but it needs to be determined and properly oriented to avoid the wrong thinking
and possible unfortunate consequences.


Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study

You should say:
• What it is
• How it helps you concentrate
• When you do it
• And explain how you feel about it

I’m going to tell about a piece of technological device which helps me focus on my study
and my work. It is a state-of-the-art headphone.

When I passed the entrance exam to Language university with flying colors, my mom gave me this
headphone as a congratulation gift because I really needed it to improve my English. She took me to an
electrical store and made a choice for the latest model. It was in white and pink color with a long string to
connect to my computer or phone. It is also portable and convenient to bring on my pocket.

It is so useful that I still use it for many purposes until now. I can concentrate on my study no matter where
I am and how noisy the surrounding environment is. Only by wearing the headphone and listening to music
or English talks, nothing can break my concentration. For instance, whenever studying in a café, I usually
wear the headphone so that I can pay full attention to my study or my work. Also, thanks to this habit, my
English listening skill is enhanced a lot because I am now more willing to devote hours each day to practice.

All in all, I will keep it as a treasure and use it more frequently.


Part 3
1 Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the past?
With the constant onslaught of information technology and other temptations in life, today's young
people find it very difficult to focus on studying hard, even neglect the task of studying and truant.
Therefore, it requires the leaders of the education sector to have some effective measures to
overcome the above problem.
2 Do you think technology will harm children's ability to concentrate?
Violent games with the attraction of game characters are considered to be the main reason leading
to the distraction of children today. As a new trend of the times, children who are equipped with
mobile phones by their parents from a young age can easily access games regardless of whether the
content is appropriate for their age, this is really an alarming issue that parents need to consider
3 What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?
In any job, there needs to be concentration and best efforts to achieve high performance and
efficiency at work. However, jobs related to the medical profession are probably jobs that require
high concentration and a sense of responsibility to help patients overcome immediate difficulties.
4 Can exercise help people improve concentration?
Exercise can help us improve our mental health including our ability to focus and relieve stress in
our lives. However, we need to have the right balance to achieve the highest efficiency through a
balanced and effective training regimen.


Describe something that surprised you

You should say:
• What it is
• How you found out about it
• What you did
• And explain whether it made you happy

Life is full of surprises, some good and some bad. However, today I would like to talk about a
situation which was completely unexpected.
In my 10th standard, I took part in a Maths Olympiad. I am good at maths, but I was nowhere near
good enough to get a medal in the Olympiad. I took part just for getting the participation
certificate. Anyways, on the day of the Olympiad, I had a school exam as well for which I had to
study the whole night.
The Olympiad was after my school exam from 2 to 5 PM. After my school exam, I was so tired that
I wanted to skip the competition. However, I went for it because my teachers convinced me that I
should. In that drowsy state, I did what I could. It was a multiple-choice exam and I barely
attempted 40 questions out of 100.
For the rest of the questions, I just marked a random option as there was no negative marking. After
a few days, I got a call from the Olympiad Organisers that I had won a Silver medal. At first, I
thought it was a prank by my friends as they knew what was my state that day. After the call,
I started thinking which of my friends was to blame and how I would get back at him.
To be honest, in my mind, I had even formed an idea who it was. However, the next day, my class
teacher announced that I had won a medal in the competition in the whole exam. I was in utter
shock. Nevertheless, I pretended that I had expected it all along. I didn’t tell anyone about it for
many days. But I really loved the attention and respect I got from my classmates. They
thought I was a maths wiz. However, my happiness slowly transformed to guilt as I felt I
didn’t deserve it.
At last, when I shared with my friends that I think I just got lucky with guesswork, they didn’t
believe me at all. They thought I was being humble.


Part 3
1 How do people express happiness in your culture?
For Asians, they will express their happiness by laughing loudly or jumping for joy. For some
people, they can burst out crying because they can't control the happiness in their hearts. No matter
how it is expressed, happiness is a feeling we can't hide
2 Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?
Happiness is doubled if we share that happiness with others. When we feel happy, the people
around us will feel the same excitement and happiness. This is clearly shown through the good
academic performance of their children, which will be the biggest motivation for parents to work.
3 How can people be happy?
People will feel happy when they achieve achievements worthy of their efforts and sacrifice over a
long period of time. For parents, with too high expectations of their children, when they achieve
good academic results, it is seen as a great consolation and encouragement for parents.
4 Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?
Comfort and encouragement to lift spirits is the most effective way for those who are unhappy. In
some serious cases, for example the death of a loved one, they need someone to listen and be ready
to support them mentally, and for that reason, their loved ones are always standing by their side to
help them. have a motivation to keep living


Describe an important event you celebrated

You should say:
• What the event was
• When it happened
• Who attended the event
• And explain how you feel about the event

I would like to talk about the time I held a birthday party for my younger sister. It was back in 2015
when she passed the university entrance examination with flying colors and immediately got
admitted to three top universities in Ho Chi Minh city, which came as a surprise to all of my
family. Therefore, to mark her resounding success as well as her turning point in life, I celebrated
her 18th birthday, just a few days after she received the acceptance letters.
Moving on to the details, I would say that it was more of a family dinner which only involved my
own family and some of my sister’s close friends. However, I still tried my best to make it become
one of the most unforgettable events of her life by cooking many kinds of dishes that she adored,
ranging from Bun Cha to Pho, all of which were Vietnamese specialties. On top of that, I also
invited a music band to perform many of her favorite songs, which made the atmosphere at that
particular moment become cozier than ever before. In the end, we sang the birthday song when my
sister cut the cake. We congratulated her and wished her a successful college life ahead. Then
we ate cake and had a good feast together.
After the party, my sister came to me and said that was the best birthday party she had ever had in
her life. My parents at that time also felt moved because the bond between us was strengthened a


Part 3
1 Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?
Celebrating important events has become an inevitable part of my life in order to engrave important
milestones in my life. On my birthday, I usually hold a small party with friends and relatives to
engrave my great feelings and witness my growth after a long year.
2 What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?
Wedding and birthday party are the two most important and most often celebrated events in our
country. Wedding day is the most important day in the life of every human being with the witness
and participation of relatives and friends with congratulations and prayers for the couple to have a
long happy and stable life. Besides, birthday is also a day for us to gather with friends to celebrate
as well as pray for a peaceful new year.
3 Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or just a few people?
it depends on the importance as well as the financial ability of each individual to decide the size of
a party. For some people, the wedding day is the most important event and happens only once in
their life, that's why they are willing to spend a huge fortune to organize their wedding day as a
memorable event.
4 Do people often celebrate festivals with families?
Of course, yes, family anniversaries are occasions to review memories through reunion meals.
Events like these help people to slow down and appreciate the precious things that family gives us
instead of rushing to work and looking for money.


Describe a popular/well-known person in your country

You should say:
• Who this person is
• What he/she has done
• Why he/she is popular
• And explain how you feel about this person
Ever since I was a little girl/boy, I have always had such passion for all things beautiful. So it is no
surprise that I am a big fan of beauty pageants. I think beauty queens are not only physically
gorgeous, but they are also highly intelligent. Many of them have been able to use their
celebrity status to do good and inspire others. One of them is H’Hen Nie whom I admire so
much, and if you know her incredible story, I bet you would too.
H’Hen Nie was born into poverty in the central highlands of Vietnam. Therefore, she got used to
manual labor as such a young age. As a matter of fact, she spent most of her childhood working
on coffee farms as a way to support her family. Being an ethnic minority, she faced a lot of
challenges with backward traditions, one of which is to get married as a minor. However, she
was a rebel and determined to continue on with her education, a life changing decision that
ended up taking her on a once in a lifetime journey.
H’Hen Nie was crowned as Miss Universe Vietnam in 2017 even though she remained as a dark
horse throughout the entire competition. With an incredible story and a genuine heart, this
exotic beauty went on to make history as the first Vietnamese contestant to enter the top 5 at
Miss Universe. She garnered the attention from the press and won over the hearts of millions of
fans around the world. She became an A-lister overnight and started to live the life of a role
model to many people, especially those who share the same background as hers.
Since making history, this 27 year old beauty queen has consistently been giving back to the
community and motivates others to join her. If I’m not mistaken, she spent the majority of her
winning prize to build a free public library in her old village as she understands firsthand that
education plays a significant role in the life of young children. And that is the very reason why
I’m a die-hard H’Hen Nie fan.


Part 3
1 What kinds of people are popular at work?
There are two extremes that divide different types of people in the workplace. Specifically, there
will be a lot of people who are active and industrious in their work, who are willing to give their
best and work overtime to prove their ability and complete the work. However, there will be some
people who are very lazy and feel that work is a shared responsibility and they do not need to put
in too much effort, even shirk responsibility.
2 Are bosses more popular than employees at work?
Workers will, of course, be more in number than the boss. Bosses are often people with visions and
deep plans to operate their labor apparatus to achieve the highest results at work. Workers will
often follow the rules and orders given by the boss and therefore their numbers are often very large.
3 Which one is more important, keeping a good relationship with colleagues or doing well
at work?
We cannot get the job done brilliantly and quickly without the teamwork and support of those
around us. Therefore, maintaining a good relationship with colleagues is considered as one of the
top prerequisites for maintaining good work quality as well as shortening the working process.
4 What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?
In a comprehensive learning environment, children easily develop their instincts in all aspects of
life. They easily develop their hidden talents as well as expand their soft skills, serving for their
future. This requires support and direct interaction between teachers and students in order to
achieve the best results for children.


Describe a positive change that you made in your life

You should say:
• What it is
• Why you did it
• Who you did it with
• And explain how you feel about the change
I’d like to tell you about a life-changing decision that I’ve made lately. It was when I decided to
change my entire career path. You know, 6 months ago I was still a real-estate agent. I’d been
working as a salesman for around a year and a half and I was making some progress and seeing
some positive results. But somehow, as I kept digging deep into this career, I realized it didn’t
really suit me. I mean, when I pictured myself 5 years from then, I didn’t think I wanted to be a
salesman anymore. That’s why I quit my job and went on to test my ability in an unrelated
area. I wanted to be a teacher. As I was searching, I realised that a job teaching IELTS in Hanoi
offers quite a lucrative income, so I started learning everything I could about IELTS.
Of course, the journey was arduous at the beginning, I was overwhelmed with all the self-
learning materials that I found on the internet. I knew at that time that I couldn’t do it alone so I
sought out the help of my friends. I found one who shared the same goals as me and we began
studying together. Mainly what we did was keep each other motivated and disciplined, so we
set out some ground rules to follow, whoever broke the rules would receive harsh punishment.
Just like that, after 2 months, we were ready to take the test, and we took it on the same day. Now,
we are both IETLS teachers and are enjoying our new responsibilities. Of course as a new teacher
I have to figure out a lot of things and do a lot of research to develop a deep-understanding of
teaching methods. But, in retrospect, I have to say that I’ve made the right move. The new job
gives me a lot of fun and opens doors to numerous opportunities for self-improvement. So all
in all, this a positive change in my life.


Part 3
1 Is it easier for young people to change?
Young people today often prefer flexible changes in all aspects of life, especially, choosing their own
career. Young people have a strong passion for constant change and always want to find new things,
that's why they always make efforts and try to find advancements and open opportunities for their
future. However, there are some individuals who give up easily and get bored so they change things
all the time
2 Is it easy for old people to change?
Old people tend to prefer stability and peace in life. Therefore, it is really difficult to change the
thoughts and daily activities of the elderly. The old people prefer quiet, peace and a carefree life
instead of fighting and looking for advancement
3 How can people change their daily routine if they want to?
A detailed timetable with specific schedules will be a great way for us to easily change our daily
activities. Mobile phone with alarm function will be a good support tool to help us remind ourselves
with new activities in the beginning.
4 What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?
Disturbance in the order of daily activities as well as psychological adaptation will be great obstacles
when we change something. Everything has to be re-acquainted from scratch and this will take
quite a while


Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn't cost you much
You should say:
• When the day was
• Where you went
• How much you spent
• And explain how you feel about the day

Well, these days, due to inflation, things do not come for cheap, and often we end up spending
a lot of money even on little things.
But I would share one such experience when I had great enjoyment, but I did not spend too much.
The time was of the new year celebration, the recent new year eve when I planned with my friends
to go for the new year celebration but when we enquired in different hotels or restaurants where
they were organising a special party, the price was approximately 4-5 thousand.
Being students we really couldn’t afford this much and we were of course little disappointed but
we got to know that the city council is planning to have a mega new year celebration in the city
park. We got excited to hear that because they had invited famous singers and comedians for
the entertainment of the public. Since it was a public invitation, we didn’t have to pay anything.
At 9 pm the concert started, and I went there with my friends. The environment was completely
electrifying, and there were thousands of city dwellers who were pouring to have enjoyment. We
enjoyed to the fullest to be honest, because we really enjoyed dancing along the tunes and the
comedy of the comedians. That time, it was around 11 pm, and we were a little hungry, so we
checked out some food because there were hundreds of food stalls, especially of fast food, and we
enjoyed our favourite snacks.
At sharp 12 am, the fireworks started, and everyone wished Happy New Year to each other and
everyone was screaming and hooting to celebrate the special moment. We also clicked many
photographs during the celebration, and later we came home, but overall we had great fun for
which we hardly have to pay anything.


Part 3
1 Do people like to spend their leisure time out in your country?
Entertainment is an indispensable part of life to help us relax and remove the heavy pressures in the
present life. Therefore, in any social class, people also need to be entertained and relaxed to make
up for lost energy as well as build a life with a more optimistic and quality spirit.
2 How do people spend their leisure time in your country?
It depends on the age to decide the answer. Young people tend to often gather friends to cinemas
or sidewalk eateries to chat and exchange ideas. However, old people tend to play chess, drink tea
and discuss among the latest news
3 How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?
Technology has had a significant negative impact on children's entertainment activities today. They
are constantly glued to the computer screen for hours on end to play games and other violent
activities. Both are the main causes of social isolation as well as changes in children's personality
adversely, it requires parents to take appropriate measures to overcome.
4 Do you think only old people have time for leisure?
Anyone will have time to relax and do outdoor activities as long as they know how to balance typical
daily activities in work and life. The elderly will of course have more time for themselves, but this
does not mean that they will take advantage of the time for leisure.


Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way

You should say:
• What it is
• What benefits it has brought
• How it influences people of different ages
• And explain how it changed people's lives

I would like to talk about the telephone which, in my opinion, is one of the most revolutionary
creations that has changed our lives.
As far as I know, Alexander Graham Bell was the father of this terrific device and he invented it
in the last century through a lot of trial and error.
It is no exaggeration to say that human life has completely changed since the first telephone was
devised. A few centuries ago people could only communicate long distances through writing
letters, which could take ages to be delivered. And in the case of emergencies or confidential
information, writing letters really wasn’t an effective way of communicating.
So, one of the main reasons that I believe that the telephone has changed people’s lives is simply by
making communication between people so much faster, easier and more convenient than ever
before. These days when you need to get in contact with somebody, all you need to do is pick up
your phone, dial a few numbers and wait for them to answer. And if they don’t answer, then
you can usually just leave a voice message for them to let them know what it is you wanted
to tell them.
Furthermore, I believe that communication is at the core of social development, and I think that the
advent of the telephone has made a great contribution to this area of life.
So, whether the information is urgent, confidential, or even down right unnecessary, I think
that the telephone has made a massive difference to people’s lives and our societies as well.


Part 3
1 What is the most helpful innovation at home?
In my personal opinion, washing machine is a useful invention that has helped a lot for housewives
in the family. With its outstanding functions, the washing machine saves a lot of time for washing
and drying activities in households. thanks to it, the woman is qualified to take care of her family
and herself.
2 What household appliances make us lazy?
The vacuum cleaner is considered a tool that has made people today lazier and quite passive. With
its elite function and easy usage, modern people tend to overuse it quite a lot instead of performing
the house cleaning task by themselves. However, it is undeniable that in the era of high technology,
machines and devices have helped people a lot
3 What kind of invention can be used at school?
Projector is a prerequisite and extremely necessary tool to serve the learning and teaching process
in schools. It helps teachers easily reproduce and present content and examples of historical events
and scientific theories in a vivid way through a variety of images and sounds.
4 Do you think AI will replace human teachers?
Artificial intelligence is a support, but cannot completely replace, for human teachers. a human
teacher can fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of the students easily, which all
technology devices can't meet at all.


Describe an occasion that you lost something

You should say:
• What you lost
• When and where you lost it
• What you did to find it
• And explain how you felt about it

During the beginning times of the eleventh grade, I used to get pocket money for items like lunch
and buying stationery. It was exciting to deal with your personal costs. I used to treat this pocket
money as a treasure.
I purchased a shiny new wallet only to lose it a day after. I really don’t quite remember how I dropped
it because if I did, I’d remember where it was, right? The only thing I recall was, it was a Monday
morning, and I had it with me when I stopped the school bus. The small sum of money and also the
cost of the new wallet put together looked like a lot to me at that time, because my parents never
awakened my pocket money, in case I ended it. I searched for it the whole day in courses,
washrooms, and wherever I was all day long. I retraced my steps back home, thinking that I might
have thrown it from my bus window, so it was a very long shot, but at the time no attempt seemed
The next morning, sitting on the aisle seat of my bus, I had completely accepted the fact that I had
lost it forever. I bent down and appeared for the last time under the chair, and only at that moment,
I spotted my wallet under the exact same chair that I had occupied the last day.
Thus, once I alighted from the bus that I felt like a rich person again. I felt Very relieved to have
finally found it, and I don’t think I will ever keep a pocket in shallow pockets.


Part 3
1 What kinds of things do people usually lose?
The little things are often easily lost in our day-to-day lives. For a child, school supplies will be the
easiest to lose because they are often left in class or out of their backpack by accident. For adults,
pens and personal notebooks are often the things we easily forget at home
2 What do people often do when losing things?
Humans tend to try to recall where we last placed it and will assemble and run around looking for
those items. That's why people should attach outstanding accessories to small items so that we can
easily find them when lost.
3 Is it an effective way to use rewards to find lost things?
Any effort must be rewarded. It is entirely appropriate and respectful to find lost items and receive
rewards. It is a way of showing our gratitude and respect for the efforts of others to help us find
our lost items.
4 What kinds of people may lose things often?
The elderly and those suffering from amnesia often easily lose the little animals in life. Sometimes
people who usually focus on other people are also an object we need to pay attention to. In life we
need to try to remember and identify everything that is important to us to avoid losing and losing
time searching.


Describe a traditional product in your country

You should say:
• What it is
• When you tried this product for the first time
• What it is made of
• And explain how you feel about it

Well, I come from a country which is famous for its rich culture and heritage. And there are so many
traditional objects which reflect the Indian culture and it is commonly found in most part of the
country, is the earthen pot.
Let me tell you what an earthen pot is and how it is made. The earthen pot is a clay pot that is used
to store and keep the drinking water cool, and there is no need of any kind of refrigeration, and it is
made on the potter wheel by rotating the wheel and giving it different shapes. Earthen pots come in
a variety of shapes and are often painted in different colours, which make them extremely attractive.
In past, when there was no option of refrigeration, people often store and keep fresh water in these
pots, but even today, when almost every household has refrigerators, people still use the earthen
pots, especially in the summer season and the reason behind is the medicinal properties of the water
kept inside a pot.
It remains cooler than the room temperature for a long time. At the same time, the water that we
drink from an earthen pot is much more nutritious. It really helps to improve digestion and also
cures gastro problems. We have been using earthen pots for a long time. I remember when I was
hardly 7-year-old that was the very first time we purchased an earthen pot. Unfortunately, I
accidentally broke the pot. Since these pots are extremely fragile but the good thing is that these are
quite reasonably priced, so one can easily replace it with a new one.
In fact, it’s such an interesting object of my country that the tourist who come from different parts
of the world, they always purchase a small pot on their way back to their country as a souvenir to
keep the memories of the visit to India.
Overall, it is one traditional object of my country which is extremely popular.


Part 3
1 Why are traditional products important?
Traditional and cultural products are seen as symbols of a country's longstanding culture and
traditions. It shows the unique identity of the nation as well as the long-standing and talented way
of life of the indigenous people
2 Do you think tradition is important for a country? Why?
Tradition helps people cultivate a sense of soul and great values of life. Tradition has recreated the
ancient life and culture of thousands of ancestors left to us. Culture and tradition also help people
appreciate and be grateful for the sacrifices their ancestors made to preserve the independence and
peace of the country.
3 What are the traditional Chinese products?
Traditional cakes to celebrate the country's major holidays are considered the most popular products
to honor the country's traditional values and culture. Chung cake and Day cake are one of the
typical examples to celebrate and inscribe the merits of farming to help maintain living conditions
for people so far.
4 Why is it important for children to learn about traditional products?
Children need to learn a lot about culture and tradition, especially learn how to create a traditional
product, because they are the future foundation of the country and its successors to maintain and
promote the value of traditional products. the country's long history and culture


Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

You should say:
• What it is
• When you do it
• Who you do it with
• And explain why you think this method is important
I would like to share with you something that I am keen on doing in my leisure time to stay healthy,
which is jogging.
I took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with study to prepare for
my graduation examination so I was a little bit stressed out. Then I thought that I needed to do
something energetic to release some stress, so I decided to have a crack at jogging.
At first, doing this was quite challenging for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle. I just sat in front
of my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a few days of suffering from
muscle aches, I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evenings.
Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening my physical health as well as
my mental health. Thanks to jogging, I was able to lose my fat belly and get lean. Now, to be honest,
I’m quite satisfied with my youthful appearance and trying to maintain it. Also, jogging allows me
to unwind and enjoy fresh air, and whenever I go jogging I feel like my mind is being refreshed.
In the future, I am going to keep doing this to stay healthy and maybe I will try some other sports
too. That’s all!


Part 3
1 How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?
The resistance of children and the elderly is relatively low, so they need to regularly practice sports
to improve and maintain the stability and endurance of the body, which is considered a necessary
condition to maintain a healthy and quality lifestyle in the long run
2 What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?
Running and participating in a number of other sports are considered the top effective ways to
maintain a supple and durable health. In addition, we can also participate in the Gym with suitable
equipment to practice for each muscle group and stimulate muscles.
3 How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?
Parents should guide and guide their children about healthy eating and exercise habits from a young
age to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the long run. Having good health is the biggest asset of any
individual in society towards sustainable development in the future.
4 Do you think it is a good way for governments to use the power of idol to help people to
build health awareness?
I think this makes perfect sense because people are often influenced by herd responses and social
policies. With such an effective policy, it will cultivate awareness not only for adults but also for
children about exercising and building a beautiful body towards the development of Truthfulness,
Compassion and Beauty.


Describe a time when you helped a child

You should say:
• When it was
• How you helped him/her
• Why you helped him/her
• And how you felt about it

Helping is the most beautiful quality of a human being one should help others whenever it is needed
or required. Especially children, they are so curious to learn everything. We should always help
them in their academics and extracurricular activities.
Here I am going to talk about a time when I helped a kid.
It was my vacation time and I was chilling on a beach with my family and I was having a wonderful
time with my family.
On the beach I saw one small kid trying to make a sand house. He was struggling to make it. I
observed him failing many times. The mud was not shaping according to him. And I decided to help
him make a sand house.
I like helping kids and I especially help them when I find them struggling. And when I saw him
failing in making a sand house I immediately went and sit with I also started making a new one just
beside him. When he joined me we together made a wonderful sand house. That kid kept
continuously talking about different shapes he wanted in the house and I tried to make them.
At the end we finally did it. We made a wonderful sand house together and saw a victory smile on
his face and I lived my childhood once again. It was such a satisfying movement. His parents were
watching us doing this when we completed the house. They also came with us and we clicked some


Part 3
1 Do you often help kids? How?
With incomplete awareness and deep thinking in life, children need to be guided and help adults a
lot to build a solid foundation for their future. Children are easy to form erroneous and lazy
thoughts, so they need parents beside them to protect and protect them.
2 Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?
It is absolutely necessary to do voluntary and public works. With these beneficial activities, people
can easily contribute to the common development of the country and build equal rights among
people. Voluntary activities are one of the noble acts to build the consciousness of human soul and
3 What can schools do to develop students' awareness of volunteering?
Schools can organize propaganda campaigns as well as add necessary knowledge to the educational
program to stimulate thinking and awareness about volunteering for children. It is a fact that
volunteering has brought to children to help them have a clearer direction
4 Who benefit more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people helped?
Volunteering is a mutually beneficial activity for both the volunteer and the recipient. It is a fact
that the sense of community to help us tighten relationships as well as build a community spirit
towards the common development of the country


Describe a quiet place you like to go

You should say:
• Where it is
• How you knew it
• How often you go there
• What you do there
• And explain how you feel about the place
Frankly speaking, I am an introverted girl, so in general, spaces with tranquillity enchant me the
most. However, living in a bustling city like Hanoi with almost every corner full of chaos and
motorbike horns barely give me any chance to immerse myself in such an enjoyable feeling of
So, today, I would like to tell you about one unique place with perfect peace and quiet that I always
wish to come, especially whenever my life throws me a curveball and push me to be in the depths
of despair. It’s my dad’s well-manicured flower garden in my peaceful provincial hometown. To be
honest, my dad is a dedicated florist. So, since I was a little girl, I spent most of my time helping my
parents with small gardening tasks like seeding, getting rid of weeds, and trimming undesired stems
for chrysanthemums. Because the garden is right in the middle of an immense paddy field, most of
the time – you can just hear the sounds of breezes gently blowing through rice leaves, birds chirping
on the tops of some far big banian trees, and frogs croaking when the evening falls. During springs
when Tet is approaching, my dad’s garden would be packed with colorful flowers blossoming
gorgeously such as white and lacy heath-bells, elegant saturated red dahlia, and yellow mellow
chrysanthemums waving in the wind. I’m always enraptured by this glorious moment.
Unfortunately, now the garden is shrinking down with more perennial fruit trees, in replacement
for delicate blossoms as providentially, my brother, sister and I have been mature enough and settled
down with our stable jobs. So, my dad no longer has to shoulder a heavy financial burden like before.
However, whenever I return to my hometown and contemplate the current lush green garden, all of
my idyllic childhood memory is still just conjured up vividly and vigorously. Therefore, the garden
until now is my most cherished place, which helps me remain aware of my true self, my deep root.
In the future, no matter where I live, who I become, deep down inside, I am still a humble countryside
girl with lots of ambition and passion for life.


Part 3
1 Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?
Public parks and gardens are great places to find peace in my country. In these places, we can easily
find peace through the singing of birds and the sound of the wind whispering in our ears. Everything
is slow and helps us relax
2 Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?
Peaceful and quiet places are great ideal places for the elderly to slow down and enjoy wonderful
years with loved ones and family after years of hard work. Old people don't like noise and they
need quiet to nurture their Soul Consciousness and health value
3 Why are there more noises made at home now than in the past?
Noise pollution is one of the leading pollutions of today's society. With the noises from the works,
public activities, daily life, human interactions have had a great impact on people's quality of life.
This has inadvertently affected the quality of sleep and leisure time for the elderly and children
4 Why do some people like to use noise as background sound when they are working or
There are some people who feel that they need to be mentally stimulated continuously to maintain
an optimistic spirit and effective spirit at work in order to function and get the job done in the best
way. That's why they tend to use background music to help enhance work efficiency


Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in

You should say:
• What it is like
• Where it would be
• Why you would like to live in this house/apartment
• And how you feel about this house/apartment
Today I am going to share with you a description of my ideal apartment that I would like to live in.
Since I live in a big city, it is probably more convenient to buy a condo in a building complex.
I prefer a cozy place, so, I would expect it to be not too big, about 90 to 100 square meters, with 2
bedrooms and 2 balconies. In my opinion, this size is perfect for a small family of parents and one
child. When it comes to cleaning the house, you would not feel discouraged by all the chores you
have to do. It would be great if my apartment overlooked a river or bridge, and it should be located
on a high floor like the 10th or above. As a person who loves color and nature, I would decorate my
house with a lot of paintings and plants. I would make a hanging garden in one of my balconies and
put small chairs and tables out, so that I could sit there and enjoy my small garden. I would use
yellow -tinted bulbs and lamps all over the apartment to make it cozier.
If I got the chance, I would love to make my dream apartment become a reality as soon as possible,
because I have always wanted to move out of my parents’ Owning an apartment would allow me to
do whatever I want, whenever I want.


Part 3
1 What kinds of apartments are the most popular?
Social apartments are the most popular apartments because it fits into the pocket of the average
worker. With a relatively low price, social apartment has become a first choice for people to find
stability and settle down.
2 What are the differences between houses that young people and old people like?
Young people today tend to choose modern apartments with surrounding utilities to respect the
private space between households, however, older people tend to choose townhouses as a valuable
property as well as nurturing the friendship of the village
3 What are the differences between apartments and houses?
The apartment gives us privacy and space separate from the outside. In addition, they also give us
safety because there is always a constant guard. However, townhouses teach us to feel comfortable
and close to nature as well as easily access and nurture the feelings between people.
4 Do people usually rent or buy a house? Why?
It depends on the financial ability of each person to decide whether to buy a house or not. For some
people with moderate and low income, they always choose to rent a house as a method to ensure
income and manage expenses appropriately.


Describe someone you really like to spend time with

You should say:
• Who this person is
• How you knew him/her
• What you usually do together
• And explain why you like to spend time with him/her

Today I would like to tell you about a person I would like to spend my time with.
It is my boyfriend Louis, who is tall and cute in his spectacles. About the time we first saw each
other, it was through a social networking platform where I came across his personal page. I actually
was impressed by his cute smile and his passion for sports, especially rope skipping. After breaking
the ice by texting, we decided to meet up in person. I invited him to come over for a late-night drink
in my house and he agreed. Needless to say, I was so excited about that. We had a great night
chatting and laughing because we in fact have plenty of common interests. The next morning, we
found out that we were so well matched that we ended up updating each other.
Whenever we meet, we will hang out around the city center or chit-chat in a small restaurant with
beer and side dishes. Besides, we also sometimes go shopping for clothes and watch some films in
the cinema. To me, it is a great time to be with him as he always makes me happy.
There are several reasons why I like being with him. First, he works in a pharmacy, so thanks to him
I have learned quite a lot of knowledge about medicines and supplements. Second, besides medicine,
he is pretty clever in communication and marketing skills which are pretty interesting to know as
secondary skills too. Third, we both share the same hobby of reading books. Therefore we never get
bored with each other.


Part 3
1 What kinds of people are easy to get along with?
2 How do leaders get along with their subordinates?
3 Do people have time for themselves nowadays?
4 Do you like talking with older people? Why?


Describe a place in a village that you visited

You should say:
• Where it is
• When you visited this place
• What you did there
• And how you feel about this place
I don’t have a lot of memories traveling, since I am a homebody and prefer to stay put if I can help
it. However, a destination really stands out among the rare occasions that I actually go on trips. It is
a local market in Sapa, which is a small town in the mountainous area of northern Vietnam. I visited
Sapa 2, 3 years ago, I believe, to see the snow that is, you know, quite few and far between in our
tropical country. During our stay, we stopped by an outdoor market where locals usually buy an
assortment of goods. It was a particularly intriguing and new experience to me.
The first thing I’d like to mention is that the market was a stark difference compared to what I was
used to seeing in the city. Hordes of locals were walking around in their traditional attires, which
were incredibly colorful and brightened up the whole atmosphere. Around you were all sorts of
products, like from special clothing items to fresh ingredients that could not be found elsewhere.
But what really attracted me was the collection of traditional ornaments and handicrafts there. After
walking around a few stalls, I decided to buy a scarf with distinct tribal patterns and some local
souvenirs for my family, all of which were good bargains.
All in all, I was glad to visit the market since it offered a chance for me to interact with the very
welcoming people in Sapa and immerse myself in an authentic, local environment. For a city girl
born and raised like me, the market was a definite eye-opening experience. Besides, I could also
support the local communities by buying souvenirs and gifts. If there’s a chance, I would love to
revisit this place.


Part 3
1 Is there anything special about the villages in China?
Villages typically have a communal well, a communal area for washing clothes, and an area for
threshing grain. Sewer facilities are absent. People either go in the fields or in outhouses. If there is
a road it often dead ends in the village.
2 Why do people want to go to the countryside?
The first thing to do in the countryside is to fill your lungs with fresh air. The air in the countryside
is cleaner than the air in the city. It has been proven that people who live in the countryside have a
longer life expectancy than those who live in the towns.
3 What do people usually do when they visit a village?
People will tend to visit the orchards as well as the vast fields to enjoy a fresh air with the singing
of birds and the whispering sounds of the wind. We can also easily own sidewalk shops with a full
range of organic fruits at relatively cheap prices.
4 Do you think people will live in villages in the future?
Population distribution will be more even and effective in the near future due to government policies
to support people in remote areas. The process of urbanization will also in turn develop and expand
to rural areas to improve people's living standards towards the overall development of the country.


Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

You should say:
• What kind of toy it is
• When you received it
• How you played it
• And how you felt about it
To be honest, I am a lucky boy who was born in a family where my parents love me so much. They
never let me feel inferior to my peers, so they tried to offer me many kinds of toys back in my
childhood, among which I love the robot named John the most.
If my memory serves me right, it was on my 6th birthday, my dad and mum gave me a very large
box carefully wrapped in blue colored paper. I was stunned since that was quite a huge size of the
gift that I had ever seen. It was so rapid of me to unwrap it and I was so fascinated when I recognized
that my favorite robot model was standing straight inside. That was the one I had been dreaming of
and had mentioned several times with my dad on my way home every day. It is made of plastic and
metal with the height of 50cm and a sophisticated design.
I was elated to receive that gift and carried it whenever I went, and even to my bed. I have been
regarding him as my close friend. One time, I accidentally dropped him from a height and one of his
arms was broken into pieces, which really hurt my feelings. Fortunately, my dad said it was all ok
and managed to fix it the day after. From that moment on, I promised to myself that I would be more
careful and never let him get any scratch.
I still have the robot in the closet now and sometimes I still carry him to my bed in order to reminisce
about my childhood, which was the best time ever in my life.


Part 3
Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?
Childhood is considered as the most precious asset of every human being. It is the time when we do not need
to worry too much about life expense. The lessons and guidance of parents are prerequisites for the
formation of a child's personality. Children will learn how to listen to their parents, how to behave properly
with others. This cannot be learned through playing with toys at all
What's the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?
Modern children nowadays have many toys with special functions and interesting sound effects. In addition,
the variety of modern toys is also a matter. There are many smart toys for learning and expanding
knowledge, but there are also some toys that will unintentionally harm children's psyche. Whereas toys in
the past seemed so simple and monotonous
Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?
Advertising is a way for manufacturers to easily reach consumers. This is considered a legitimate goal in
business. Toy manufacturers applying marketing tactics that affect children is also a trend to attract
customers, so we should not prevent or hinder them.
How do advertisements influence children?
Today's advertising is very diverse and attractive with many colorful images and vivid sounds. Children are
easily affected by these effects, they are begging their parents to buy unnecessary gifts and toys, so children's
advertising exposure needs to be controlled by parents


Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

You should say:
• How you knew your friend
• How long you have known him/her
• How you would choose a gift for him/her
• And explain why you would choose that gift for him/her

Well, gifting is a way to express our love and affection towards others here I would like to talk about
something special I am planning to gift.
Actually, it’s my mother’s birthday the coming month and I have planned to get her a smartphone.
The fact is that, my mother still uses an old mobile which is not smartphone. She always pretends
that she likes this simple handset but I know her nature.
She always makes compromises when it comes to her because of her caring nature towards others.
But I have planned that I will surprise her with a latest handset on her birthday. I have been saving
my pocket money for a year now and last week I went to the market to check out the latest mobile
phones. I have short listed one which I will gift her and I’m sure she will love it.
This new device would be helpful to my mother in many way. Firstly, when all family members go
out for work she feels alone and bored but on smartphone she can remain active on social
networking applications like Facebook and Instagram to spend her time in an interesting way. In
addition, my mother has profound interest in cooking and loves to cook new food items and on her
new phone, she can easily watch youtube videos to cook something special for family.
Lastly, she is quite religious and fond of listening spiritual music which she can listen all the time
using headphones without any disturbance. Now I am eagerly waiting for the day so that I can
surprise my mother with this very special gift.


Part 3
1 When do people normally send gifts to others?
People in our country love to give gifts to others as a gesture of their good wishes and to show that
they care. If someone invites a person to a birthday party, a wedding ceremony or to a baby shower,
the invited guest always brings gifts
2 Which do people give on traditional festivals, red envelopes or other kinds of gifts?
While the tradition centers on children, red envelopes are given to friends, family, colleagues and
many other relatives - and different amounts of money are customary for each relation. For example,
parents and grandparents get the most, but employees and even casual acquaintances can expect a
red envelope
3 Is it hard to choose a gift?
It is indeed a difficult task to choose the right gift for someone. Each person has a different
perspective on living a religion once their education background is different, so each person's
perspective will determine the everyday items in their lives. Some people love material things but
others like spiritual gifts so it will be difficult for us to determine the right gift if you cannot
understand the person's mind.
4 Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?
Research has actually shown that spending more does not always guarantee a well-received gift.
One study found that the more expensive a gift, the more givers expected recipients to appreciate


Describe a special cake you received from others

You should say:
• When it happened
• Where it happened
• Who you got the cake from
• And explain why it was a special cake

Birthdays are always special and it makes it more enjoyable to add a tasty cake to the celebration.
Everyone gathers several things to make a celebration, but a cake is always a priority. A cake-free
party is not complete because it is consider ed one of the best parts of any celebration. Whether it’s
an adult or a child, people of all ages look forward to a delicious cake. I believe this is a great way to
celebrate and make life happier. Today I want to talk about an occasion where I received a wonderful
and delicious cake from my family
I like to celebrate every anniversary, success or accomplishment with my family. This past year,
when I graduated, I received a cake from one of my cousins. My dad told me that if I got scores above
80%, they would throw me a party at home.
I worked hard and got 82 percent of my degree. My family was really happy with me. When I
completed my father’s application, he was ready to celebrate my success. Then for that, they invite
my friends and family. I have a cousin who’s a good cook. She made a really nice and tasty cake for
me. It was two kilograms of chocolate cake. Top ingredients were cocoa powder, baking soda, baking
powder, salt, egg, milk, vegetable oil. My cousin made it at home. It was decorated with chocolate
The main reason for liking this cake was that it was baked at home and my cousin uses ingredients
that do not harm the body. Along with that, I liked it because I love chocolate. I like eating things
that have chocolate in them.


Part 3
1. What are the differences between the special food in Vietnam and foreign countries?
Vietnam's cuisine is diverse and rich because it combines the cultures of many different countries including
China, Cambodia and other neighboring countries. Each country will have its own culture, It is clearly
shown through the cuisine, therefore, it is really difficult to compare the culinary culture of Vietnam and the
one of other countries.

2. Do you usually cook special food in Vietnam?

I have a special passion for food. When I was a kid, my mother taught me the basics of life. Recently, during
the lockdown period of the COVID 19 epidemic, I regularly learn cooking clips on YouTube, I have drawn a
lot of lessons and experiences for myself to cook many traditional Vietnamese dishes.

3. Should special food be easily available?/ Is there any food in your country that is eaten at special
times or on special occasions?
Special dishes often characterize a particular festival of a country. For example, Chung Cake is a typical dish
on Vietnamese New Year's Day. I think this would be great if we promote and popularize special dishes to
maintain people's sense of history and tradition towards food.

4. Do you think it’s good to communicate when eating with your family?
Family meals are considered a precious time for all family members to interact and share all difficulties in
life together. After a lot of pressure and difficulties from life as well as work, having an intimate meal with
loved ones is considered the only way for us to relieve those pressures as well as slow down our lives a bit.


Describe something that you can't live without (not a computer/phone)

You should say:
• What it is
• What you do with it
• How it helps you in your life
• And explain why you can't live without it
Well, different people are obsessed by different things and often feel they cannot live without those
and one such thing which is very important for me is my wristwatch.
I received this watch from my grandfather when I was in Grade 10. I still remember it was my
birthday and my grandpa took me to a shop from where he got me a very expensive branded
wristwatch with a beautiful dial and a leather band.
From that day it has become a part and parcel of my life. Unfortunately, he is no more so this watch
is the only souvenir of my grandpa that I have. I wear it all the time as I am a very punctual person
and make sure that I do everything on time and this wristwatch helps me to do be on time.
This watch is pretty old but has basic features like I can set alarm on it which was quite unique in
those days, so this watch helps me to get up in time to get ready for school. Every morning I make
a schedule of things to do so that I do not miss anything important and I regularly check time on
my watch to do things promptly.
In fact, after school, I have to attend a couple of extra classes and because of this watch, I never get
late. Unfortunately, once It stopped working and I had to get it fixed which took a couple of days
and at that time I realized how dependent I am on this thing. Overall, it is one that I possess and
cannot live without.


Part 3
1 Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)?
The youths say the new gadgets not only drive them crazy, they are also attracted to new gizmos.
"Even if the gadgets are not used by the younger lot, they prefer new technology either due to peer
pressure or for make them feel important by simple having them
2 Why do some grown-ups hate to throw out old things (such as clothes)?
The first reason for this is the sense of nostalgia that comes with old things, especially heirlooms.
These objects come with a memory and a strong emotion that the person wants to capture forever.
The second reason, however, is a mild paranoia about the future. It's a fear that the things they
throw out might be someday needed or it might be valuable to sell as a collector's item.
3 Is the way people buy things affected? How?
Today's modern people's shopping style is heavily influenced by mass media through the internet
and other public information sources. Specifically, with the profound impact of the media, people
tend to choose products based on advertising information and shopping applications such as Shopee,
4 What do you think influences people to buy new things?
The reason that consumers may purchase your product or services really boils down to 4 different
factors. These include cultural factors, social factors, psychological motivations and personal
motivations. If you think hard enough, every purchase you have ever made has come from one or a
combination of these factors


Describe a person who you follow on social media

You should say:
• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• What he/she posts on social media
• And explain why you follow him/her on social media

The person I’ve been following on Instagram for a while is Marina Mogilko. She is a YouTuber with
2 million subscribers, an Instagram influencer, and entrepreneur. Her YouTube channel is dedicated
to learning English. And, actually, this is how I found her.
One day I was looking for an accent reduction course on YouTube. I watched one of her videos, then
another one. They were really engaging. I just couldn’t stop watching them. I found her personal
account on Instagram and started following her.
Her posts proved to be even more interesting than her videos because she wrote a lot about her life
in America, described her business strategies, shared her insights with the audience. So l’ve been
following her on Instagram for almost a year now. I still find her ideas interesting, so I never miss
her posts, especially those that she writes after attending some events.
I’m sure it is her ideas and beliefs that have helped her achieve the results I’m dreaming about. So I
try to apply some of these things to my life. Some of her ideas are totally different from mine, thus,
they made me look at things from a different perspective.
For example, in one of her recent posts, she said she started to say more noes than yeses. She said
this helps her focus on what’s really important to her although there are lots of people who say that
we should seize every opportunity that we have. Another interesting idea of hers is not to try to
improve more than 2 spheres of your life at a time. Otherwise, you risk spending the whole day
digging deeper and deeper into all kinds of problems. As a result, you’ll just have low self-esteem
and a bad mood. She also writes about difficulties she faces and what she does to overcome them.
She writes about her achievements. It’s inspiring. For example, sometimes she starts her post from
‘This is how I did something, for example, started my own. business at the age of 21 and how you
can too.’


Part 3
1 What can people do on social media?
Social media platforms allow users to have conversations, share information and create web content.
There are many forms of social media, including blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites,
photo-sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and
2 Do older people and younger people use the same kinds of social media apps?
No, younger people prefer the newer Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat platforms. These are new apps,
and their short viral videos are very popular among youth
3 Do older people spend much time on social media?
While young adults continue to use social media sites at high levels, usage by older adults has
increased over the years. People aged 16-29 spend the most time (3 hours daily) on social networking
platforms, while aged adults between 45 and 54 spend 1 hour and 39 minutes every day
4 Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful?
t is true that the popularity of non-social media like TV and newspaper has declined a bit but they
are still very useful. Many people in the world don’t have internet access and rely on TV and
newspapers for news. The older generation also prefers this form of media. Also, TV and
newspaper are much more reliable than social media where anyone can post anything. There is a
lot of fake news on social media that vulnerable people tend to believe.


Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully

You should say:
• What the event was
• How you prepared for it
• Who helped you to organize it
• And explain why you think it was a successful event

Well, celebrations give us an opportunity to celebrate something special in life and share our
happiness with near and dear ones.
Here I would like to talk about a time when I was too much engaged in preparations for a special
day and successfully managed it.
Actually, few months ago it was my father’s birthday and I wanted to give him a surprise party. He
left home at 9 in the morning and I had almost 6 to 7 hours for all the preparations.
I started by calling all his friends, near and dears ones for invitation and after that I went to market
to buy the things to decorate the house.
It took me almost 2 to 3 hours to clean and decorate the house for this party and after that I had to
bake a cake for my father. Actually, my father really enjoys the cakes that I bake and I wanted to
present it as a birthday gift, by the time I baked the cake it was already 3’o clock and now I had to
place the order for food and drinks for the guests.
So, I quickly placed the orders and then I got dressed up. It was around 4’o clock, the guest started
pouring and finally at 5′ clock sharp, when my father knocked the door, everyone welcomed him by
loudly singing the birthday song. My father was overwhelmed with this surprise party and the
arrangements I made.
Overall, it was the time when I successfully managed a special event.


Part 3
1. How can parents help children to be organized?
Parents can help children break school projects or household activities into smaller, more organized
tasks. This will ensure that each task stays manageable from beginning till the end, which can make
projects feel less overwhelming. Moreover, Parents can create a regular schedule that can help kids
learn what to expect throughout the day.
2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?
People generally need to show organizational skills in Scheduling daily office activities, Planning
time for grocery shopping and cooking and Showing up for regular health check-ups.
3. Does everything need to be well prepared?
Everything should be well organized because decluttering can do more good than we realize. For
example, Preparing things in advance reduce stress and increase productivity which in turn make
us feel happier and more relaxed during the activity. Disorganization can wreak havoc on your life
with increased stress levels and depression.
4. Do people need others’ help when organizing things?
Other people can be of great help when it comes to organizing something. They help in clarifying
goals, editing the unessential, guiding the decision-making, and setting up viable, more organized
systems. For example, others can counsel us about how to approach a big meeting or simply foster
a good relationship with colleagues.


Describe something you received for free

You should say:
• What it was
• Who you received it from
• Where you received it
• And how you felt about it
These days, businesses and stores are trying to attract prospective customers by offering different
kinds of lucrative deals in order to increase their sales. One such deal is called “buy one get one free”.
Needless to say, I like this kind of deal, because it helps me save some money. Today, I would like
to talk about one such deal in which, I received a gift item for free.
The free item, I got, as a gift was a soundbox, and I got it from one of the most popular electronic
appliance stores in my city. By the way, this particular store had a good reputation of selling quality
products at an affordable and discounted price, and that’s why customers like me from all over the
city used to flock into it in order to buy their products of choices
Of course, I didn’t have any prior knowledge about the free gift item when I went to buy a LED TV.
But as soon as, I asked the salesperson about a particular TV, I liked, he informed me that I could
actually get a nice sound box for free if I had bought that TV.
I liked what I heard from the salesperson. So, I requested him to show me the soundbox, and he
gladly agreed. To my surprise, I found the soundbox to be very nice looking with gorgeous colour
and a perfect size. On top of that, the soundbox was also manufactured by a famous company. So, I
just went ahead and bought the TV while also getting the soundbox with it.
Anyway, after receiving the free item, I felt really happy and also lucky at the same time. In fact, I
actually needed one such small soundbox to attach with my laptop because its sound system stopped
working a while ago. Besides, I also felt that the soundbox looked really nice and could also be used
as a home decorating item. All in all, it was a great useful item for the price I paid to buy a LED TV.


Part 3
1 Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why?
higher education should be paid for by the people because this is their own need, tt would really be
a burden on the government to ask the government to bear such costs. When the government has
to take on too much responsibility for education, they will have to cut budgets for other areas
including public transport and protecting the health of the elderly.
2 Is it good or bad for people to have free education in the future?
Free education is an important and prerequisite condition to serve the learning needs of the people
in the country. It is seen as an effective measure to create conditions for people in remote areas to
improve their intellectual ability and expand job opportunities to escape poverty and reduce poverty.
3 What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?
Medals or keychains can be meaningful gifts that the company should give to customers. Keychain
is a way to make it easy for customers to remember and at the same time This is considered a false
advertising way of the company to make an impression on consumers.
4 Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?
Free gifts always have a deep impression and attract any customer because they always think that
free gifts will bring joy to themselves, and this is also a way for the company to win customers'
continued support and maintain their loyalty to the product


Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
You should say:
• What it is
• How it was broken
• How you got it repaired
• And how you felt about it
We live in a modern and fashionable era. In our life we used many things which look very stylish
and breakable such as glass material, showpieces etc. Here I would like to talk about “Microwave
oven”. Last month on my mother’s birthday, we arranged a get-together at home for our near and
dear ones. I planned to bake a special cake for my mother So that I worked on it. Firstly, I helped my
mother with cleaning and dusting. While doing cleaning accidentally “Microwave oven” fell down
and the main plate of the oven which is made of glass broken.
I felt very sad at that moment because without glass plate it is not possible to do baking in the oven.
On that time, my all planning which I made for my mother’s happiness also suffered. My heart was
beating fast, and I do not understand what to do now. Then I tried another oven’s glass plate, but it
makes my day bad to worse. While using another glass plate, oven electrical wire got short-circuited.
Everything was going wrong then with strong heart I told all things to my mother. She said to me
be relaxed and calmed.
After that, we ordered a cake and celebrate my mother’s birthday. Next day, I went to an electrician
shop to repair my oven. Fortunately, it was in warranty till so store manager replace my oven with
a new one, but he charges some amount for a glass plate. On the end, I learned a lesson electronically
thing needs extra care and safety also.


Part 3
1 Are IT-related jobs valued more by society?
Information technology careers are greatly valued by society due to their widespread applications.
People depend on Information Technology (IT) for communication, banking, social media,
investments, research & development, and so much more.
2 Is the quality of products worse than before?
With the improvement of high technology and modern machines, the quality of products is
continuously improved and enhanced to a considerable extent. Thanks to the achievements of
science and technology, the products have been mass-produced with outstanding features and high
3 What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?
Simple household items will usually be repaired by how many different family members. This is
because their operation are quite simple and people want to save a small amount of money instead
of having to ask a repairman. However, in larger and more valuable items, we also need
knowledgeable professionals to solve the problem.
4 Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?
Professional mobile phone repair centers will have a team of highly qualified staff to fix as well as
easy replacement parts for our mobile phone. In addition, they will also tell and list the details that
need to be tracked of the mobile phone so that we can easily understand and capture the information.


Describe a person who contributes to the society

You should say:
• Who this person is
• How you knew him/her
• What type of work he/she does
• And explain why you think he/she contributes to the society
I’m gonna go with my mom, I think my mom contributes a lot to society.
How do I know her she’s my mom: I’ve known her my entire life, she’s one of the most she is the
most important person in my life. What she does for society is a lot, I mean she was a teacher for 40
She recently retired and she’s been doing a lot of volunteering because in Canada it’s quite normal
after you retire. You don’t want to feel useless, you don’t want to feel like you’re stuck at home and
you’re just you know you have nothing to do, you can’t contribute to society. So my mom still
travels to some remote areas of our province and helps children with improving their their reading
ability, which is a really noble thing to do and a really compassionate thing to do I think.
She’s also writing a book right now which will help other teachers with what’s called Reading
recovery, which means taking kids and helping them to improve their reading. So my mom hopefully
my mom’s book will contribute a lot to the second generation of teachers right now that are teaching
in Reading recovery.
I think my mom contributes to society because she really feels like even though she has a lot of
energy left and she doesn’t just want to sit around and watch tv. I think she wants to take part in
society, she wants to be somebody who makes a difference, she wants to be remembered as
somebody who did actually really affect in a positive way many younger people. So I think my mom
does a very good job of keeping active and giving back to the society that gave her a lot.


Part 3
1 What jobs are well-paid?
Jobs associated with intellectual development often enjoy higher wages than manual labor jobs.
Specifically, these jobs require us to work and exploit our brains, therefore, in some certain fields,
intellectual labor should always be respected and deservedly high wages.
2 What are the changes in working conditions?
Working methods and civility are things that are easily changed in working conditions. In a certain
company, the company culture will be something that is maintained and existed for a long time,
however, the personnel and job requirements in a certain time will always be flexible and change to
adapt from time to time
3 What are the impacts of the epidemic on the work environment?
During the recent epidemic, information technology has been fully exploited to meet the needs of
long-term work as well as ensure the health of employees. Working from home is considered a
leading effective tool to meet the requirements of the times and ensure efficiency at work.
4 Do you think younger people should be lower-paid than older people?
The salary should depend on their working capacity instead of focusing on age. Young people with
outstanding talents and effective working methods should be respected and deservedly compensated
with a high salary as a motivation to help them continue to contribute and build the common
development of the company.


Describe a rule that you don't like

You should say:
• What it is
• Why you don't like it
• How others feel about the rule
• And explain whether you've followed the rule
School plays an important role in our life as this makes our platform is the first step of our journey
of education. However, there are certain rules in schools which I don’t prefer, and today I am going
to talk about one of these rules.
This rule was regarding Internet lab. I was studying in school in my hometown, and it was an era
when computers were just introduced in schools. We were certainly amazed by these machines at
that time and wanted to practice as much as possible. However, there was an annoying rule by our
school administration, which was not allowing us to access these computers.
As per that rule, we were not allowed to enter the computer lab, and only the 10th and 12th class
was allowed to practice on these computers. I was studying in 8th class at that time and wanted to
have my hands on that computer. All other students were also angry due to this rule and approached
the principal several times, but all was in vain.
However, I got access to the computer room once secretly. Actually, once I missed the morning
player as I was late and I found that the IT lab door was open and all teachers were attending
morning prayers, I found this situation as an opportunity to fulfil my desires and approached that
computer. I closed the door from inside and started using a computer, but soon after that, I was
caught by our IT teacher, who later on punished me and made a complaint to my parents.
I certainly did not like that rule because knowledge shall be available to everyone irrespective of
class and grade. Because of this rule, I felt that my school administration was a bit polarized towards
higher education classes.


Part 3
1 What are the rules students should follow at school?
Rules about school hours and respect for teachers are considered the top rules that children need to
follow at school. The school builds a system of laws to ensure fairness and form good habits for
students. Therefore, children need to respect school rules even the smallest ones.
2 Are the rules at school good or bad? Why?
School is a miniature society, so it needs to have a certain system of laws to regulate behaviors and
orient children to become useful citizens for society. School rules are seen as moral lessons that
children must strictly follow to build a solid foundation for the future.
3 What rules should children follow at home?
Family traditions and moral lessons from parents will be a solid foundation and equip for children
so that they can integrate into the social community environment. Society is built and formed by a
group of people, it requires the flexibility and problem-solving skills. Therefore, these lessons should
be equipped at home.
4 How are people punished when parking at a wrong spot?
Parking in the wrong place can greatly affect traffic on the roads. Therefore, besides reminding us
that we need to have a fine to deter wrongdoings from continuing to re-offend. Besides, the
government should also encourage and propagate to raise people's awareness to build a street
civilized consciousness.


Describe a story someone told you and you remember

You should say:
• What the story was about
• Who told you this story
• Why you remember it
• And how you feel about it
Well, I have read and heard many stories in childhood and I especially enjoyed listening to stories
from my grandmother.
And here I would like to narrate my favourite childhood story of a farmer who taught his sons the
lesson of unity. One day I was having a fierce fight with my brother and at that time our
grandmother told us this story of a farmer.
There was a farmer having four sons who always used to quarrel with each other and the farmer
was really worried about them. To teach them the importance of unity he brought few sticks and
asked to break them into two. All sons immediately snapped the stick taking no time. Later the father
gave a bunch of sticks to each of his to break and no one could break this time.
Then the farmer said dear sons if you will remain together no one can harm you else you will be
like those broken sticks. Listening to the story we realized our mistake as sons of the farmer and felt
sorry to our grandmother and promised we will never fight again.
I admitted listening to this story brought a huge change in our behaviour and developed our
relationship. In fact, I have told this story later to my nephew and niece too.
Overall, it is a story which is my favourite that I heard in my childhood.


Part 3
1. Do young children like the same stories as older children?
Of course not. Children's imagination and thinking ability will grow with time. Older children usually have
better thinking ability because they have discovered a lot of things in real life, besides, they are also
influenced a lot by the media around them. That is why they will be interested in more complicated stories
with many mystical characters

2. How has technology changed storytelling?

Nowadays, people depend a lot on technology, parents have gradually ignored their role in telling stories to
their children in the evening. they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy storytelling devices or find
audio samples on YouTube as an alternative to their role.

3. How do people tell stories to children?

In my opinion, we have to set up a story with simple content but still full of information and necessary
knowledge to educate children's personality. Each story should be life lessons to help children have a better
orientation as well as contribute greatly to the process of forming their personality.

4. Why do children like stories?

The childhood stage of a person is the period of exploring and learning new things in life. Therefore, at this
stage, children constantly ask questions and like to listen to stories to increase their real-life knowledge,
besides, stories always bring a lot of interesting elements. The stories helps to attract and inspire young


Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you

You should say:
• What the clothing was
• Who gave it to you
• When you got it
• And explain why this person gave you the clothing
I would like to describe a coat my parents gave me as a present on my 18th birthday. I must say that
it is really smart and exactly to my liking.
The coat is made of cotton only and by a Vietnamese clothes brand. It is a kneelength black coat,
which was in fashion at that time. What I like the most is that there are two deep side pockets, so in
winter, I always put my hands into those pockets to avoid the cold. Besides, I can button the coat
from top to bottom and it’s also got a decorative waist belt.
I am so fond of this coat that I usually wear it every winter. It fits me perfectly and makes me feel
comfortable and warm, no matter how cold the weather is. I keep myself warm by wearing the coat
with jeans and boots, which match it well.
In fact, I have never thought whether it will be out of fashion. As this coat is a gift from my parents,
I treasure it a lot and – for sure – I will keep wearing this coat in the future.


Part 3
1 Have you ever given clothes to others?
I often give clothes to others as a gift on any important occasion. Clothes are one of the necessities
in daily life, so giving clothes can easily show your love for them as well as tighten good
relationships among people.
2 Why do people dress casually in everyday life but dress formally at work?
Casual clothes will help us feel comfortable and free when working and doing daily tasks. However,
on important occasions and important events, dressing well is seen as how we respect those around
us and show the sense of ourselves.
3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work and school?
Uniforms will help us cultivate a sense of collective identity and realize our role as a building block
for the solidity of a team. However, the uniform will often be coordinated with the community
element, so it may not be consistent with our preferences and dressing aesthetic.
4 Why do people from different countries wear different clothing?
Clothing shows the cultural and lifestyle characteristics of each different ethnic group, so each
ethnic group will have a separate lifestyle and costume to express its cultural characteristics. The
clothes also understand the long history and civilization of that country. Therefore, different
politeness means that the clothes will also be different.


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