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Reaper Daiklave    (5-dot Artifact)

Spd +9, Acc +5, Dam +4L, Def +1, Rate 4, Req: 2 Str, 3 Dex.
Soulsteel: +1 Accuracy (factored into profile), and drains Essence

Known by many names, Finality, Gracious Tears, the Edge of Darkness. This weapon was forged in an
age long past through inhuman machinations and dreams. Its purpose was to end even the Unendable. It
is a weapon of finality, and has been used in several momentous deaths. Anything alive or dead that's
slain by this daiklave remains dead. Furthermore, by spending 4 motes of essence as a reflexive action,
the wielder may call upon Death itself to manifest in the blade for a turn. The weapon deals aggravated
damage and ignores soak granted by Stamina. Anyone struck must roll up to the wielder's (Essence) or
their remaining health levels, whichever is lower and suffer as many aggravated damage as successes;
this damage cannot be soaked. Anyone suffering damage this way
Furthermore, it can call upon the shades of past monstrosities and dark dreams. Any wielder
who slays a sufficiently powerful being may incorporate an aspect of the being in an attack with the
daiklave. These details must be worked out between player and ST.

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