Grove of Sorrows

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Changed Peasant (Grove of Sorrows)

Str 6, Dex 6, Sta 6

Int 1, Wits 2, Per 4
Cha 1, Man 2, App 3 (Disturbing)

Brawl 3, Stealth 4, Athletics 5,

Essence: 2
Personal 20/20

Health: -0x4/-1x4/-2x4/-4x2/Incap
Willpower: 3/3

Claws 9 dice, 8 lethal damage
Howl 6 dice (May not be dodged or parried without magic, being hit by the howl debilitates the
target with overwhelming sadness, suffering a -3 penalty)

Natural: 6B/3L

This creature may jump as high as its horizontal movement.

This unfortunate soul had tasted the fruit from the Grove of Sorrows. Once a man, this pale thing
stands at 7 feet tall, hunched over, with dark sockets for eyes and a twisted frown upon its face.
Four-fingered claws end at gangly arms, and vestigial legs prop up a bloated abdomen. The thin,
wispy wings emerging from its back does littel to offer flight, but the being may use them to hop
towards its victim. Far into its transformation, it no longer remembers its family, home, or much of
its previous life, only a name which it calls out every now and then, not recalling why it's so

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