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➢ Name: Brain Mutai

➢ Age: 24
➢ Gender: Male
➢ Marital status: Single
➢ Current Occupation: Freelancer
➢ Education: Bsc. Industrial Chemistry
➢ Race: Black
➢ Any particular interests, hobbies, or cultural traditions:
I’m interested in football, swimming and travelling to various places.
➢ What were your family's expectations regarding work?
Finishing my degree and later getting employed.
➢ Are there any significant health issues that would affect employment or career choices?
No, I’m in perfect shape and health.
➢ What has been a significant work experience for you, and what stood out most?
Getting promoted from an intern to a quality controller.
➢ How has work changed for you during your lifetime in terms of positive or negative changes
(e.g., more computerized, required more advanced training, reduced independence, etc.)?
Fatigue from work but mostly it has been a happy journey.
➢ What did you like about your jobs thus far, and what didn’t you care for?
I like the openness to new ideas from anyone.
➢ How do your education and your current job align, and if not, why do you think so?
No, they do not align. I studied chemistry but currently I’m a freelancer.
➢ Please share a favorite career moment:
Getting promoted from an intern to a quality controller.
➢ Top three previous challenges or problems with employment settings:
Loads of work without break, poor pay, wasn’t the path I wanted to take careerwise.
➢ If you could have your dream job, what would it be?
Having a company of my own and being the CEO.
➢ What was the best/worst job you ever had and why? Working in a retail shop as a package
handler and packer. The air conditioning was poor.
➢ What did you learn from the career assessments?
I’m more of a person that deals with physical production and technical parts.
➢ What do you think makes a career or job good?
A place that enables you to grow and appreciate the work that you put for the growth of the
➢ Why do you work?
To be able to grow careerwise and to sustain myself.
➢ If you didn't need any money, would you still work? If yes, why?
If it leads to growth of my career I’d consider and the period of time I should work there.
➢ Aside from money, what else do you want to get out of work?
Skillset that will take my career to the next level and be able to develop something of my own.
➢ What would need to happen for work to turn into a pleasure for you?
Having to do something that I enjoy and good at.
➢ Which of your top three strengths would most likely help you succeed in any job? Microsoft
suite, Problem solving, quality assurance.
➢ Which of your weaknesses would prevent you from getting your dream job? Impatience, I like
➢ Do you believe you can have the best job that provides for all your needs? Please explain. Yes.
I’m qualified for the job I dream of having. My career growth will lead me there.
➢ What did you gain or lose from this experience, and what would you have done differently? It
has given me a chance to reflect on y life and how far I’ve come and where I want to be in the

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