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Revising Poems


Name: _____________________
Assignment Outline


The poem on page 3 titled “A Walk in the Woods” is very poorly written. It
does not have any figurative language, rhyming or even imagery, and the
words the author used are so boring. Your job is to make this poem better!

On page 4 you will create a rough draft of your new and improved poem.
When you are proud of your work your last step will be to write a good copy
on page 5.


Your poem must have at least 10-15 revisions in it, but the more you revise
the better chance you have at getting a great mark. You may only use each
revision a maximum of 3 times. This means your revisions cannot all be
finding synonyms. You can choose to add figurative language, internal
rhymes, end rhymes, repetition, imagery, etc.

For example changing the word “happy” to “exuberant” would count as one

Adding figurative language to the line “the air was cold” and changing it to
“the air was cold as ice” would also count as one revision.


Your poem should be interesting to read and create a detailed image in my

mind as I read it.
A Walk in the Woods

I was walking through the woods

Past the trees and over the river
There were clouds in the sky
This made the air cold
I thought it might rain

There was a deer

It was brown and had long legs
The deer made a lot of noise as it walked
I tried to hide
But it seen me and ran away

I found a field
Filled with flowers
And shrubs with berries
I stopped to pick a few
The berries were sweet

My stomach was full

So I kept on walking
It started to rain
I was right about the clouds
Dark clouds always mean rain

The sound of the raindrops hitting my jacket

Was so annoying
Soon my hair was wet
And my shoes were muddy
So I decided my walk in the forest was over
Rough Draft

By: _______________________

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