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Chapter 10: Development Experience of India,

Pakistan and China

Q1. The great Leap Forward (GLF) campaign in China focussed on:

a) Widespread industrialisation c) new agricultural strategy

c) privatisation d) economic reforms

Q2. The terms of the sectoral contribution to GDP, economies of India and Pakistan
are now relying more on:
a) Primary sector b) Secondary sector
c) tertiary sector d) None of these

Q3. In terms of sectoral contribution to GDP, the economy of China is relying more on:

a) Primary sector b) Secondary sector

c) tertiary sector d) None of these

Q4. Which of the following countries has adopted one child policy?
a) India b) China
c) Pakistan d) None of these

Q5. Growth rate of population is highest in which of the following countries?

a) India b) China
c) Pakistan d) None of these

Q6. The geographical areas in which special laws are applied to attract foreign
investment are called:

a) G8 b) SEZ
c) BRICS d) None of these

Q7. How many countries are included in G-20?

a) 20 b) 18
c) 19 d) 21

Q8. Which of the following is not included in BRICS?

a) Brazil b) Canada
c) China d) Russia

Q9. Pakistan started its economic reforms in:

a) 1988 b) 1991 c) 1978 d) 1947

Q10. Which type of economic system India has adapted?

a) Mixed b) Centrally Planned

c) Capitalism d) None of these

Q11. China started its economic reforms in:

a) 1988 b) 1991 c) 1978 d) 1947

Q12. Republic of China was established in:

a) 1988 b) 1991 c) 1978 d) 1949

Q13. Which of the following is an indicator of human development?

a) Life Expectancy b) Infant Mortality Rate
c) Adult Literacy rate d) All of these

Q14. The ‘Great Leap Forward’ campaign of China started in:

a) 1978 b) 1958 c) 1965 d) 1979

Q15. The reason for slow growth rate and re-emergence of poverty in Pakistan is:

a) Growing dependence on foreign loan b) Decline in poverty rate

c) Earning more foreign exchange d) All of these

Q16. How many countries are present in European Union?

a) 20 b) 15 c) 25 d) 8

Q17. When did China discontinue its one child policy?

a) 2014 b) 2016 c) 1970 d) None of these

Q18. When was the first five-year plan started in China?

a) 1954 b) 1951 c) 1953 d) 1952

Q19. In China reforms were introduced in 1978 because

a) Per capita gain output was stagnant b) Slow pace of growth
c) Shunning of foreign technology d) All of these

Q20. Which of the following is false?

a) India and Pakistan got independence in 1947 and People’s Republic of China was established
in 1949.
b) India announced its First Five-year Plan in 1951, Pakistan announced in 1956 and China in
c) Economic Reforms were initiated in China in 1978, in Pakistan in 1988 and in India in 1991.
d) None of these

Q21. Which policy was adopted by China in 1979?

a) Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution b) SEZ
c) GLP d) One child Policy

Q22. Which sector is contributing more to GDP in India and Pakistan?

a) manufacturing b) Service
c) Agriculture d) None of these

Q23. Which of the following is not an indicator of human development?

a) HDI b) Liberty Related Indicator
c) Life Expectancy d) Maternal Mortality Rate

Q24. Which of the following statement is false with India’s context?

a) A majority of its people still depend on agriculture

b) Infrastructure is lacking in many parts of the country
c) It is yet to raise the level of living of more than one-fourth of its population that lives below
the poverty line
d) India’s growth rate of GDP is higher than China

Q25. Which of the following statement is correct with Pakistan’s context?

a) Political instability b) Over dependence on remittances

c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

Q26. Indian, Pakistan and _______________ have many similarities in their

development strategies.
a) Nepal b) China c) Srilanka d) Bangladesh

Q27. Which type of economic system is followed in China?

a) Mixed Economy b) Socialist Economy
c) Capitalist Economy d) None of these

Q28. Which sector of the economy contributes the highest to India’s GDP?

a) Service b) Agriculture c) Industry d) None of these

Q29. Which one of the following is an indicator of human development?

a) Life Expectancy at birth b) Maternal Mortality Rate

c) Infant Mortality Rate d) All of these
Q30. ______________ programme was started in China with the aim of

a) Great Leap Forward b) Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

c) One Child Policy d) None of these

Q31. _______________ has the highest life expectancy at birth.

a) India b) China c) Pakistan Both (a) and (b)
Q32. _______________ performance in providing sanitation is better in comparison to
a) Pakistan’s, India b) China’s, Pakistan
c) China’s, India d) India’s, Pakistan
Q33. Great Leap Forward campaign was initiated in:
a) India b) China c) Pakistan d) Both (a) and (b)
Q34. Rank India, Pakistan and China in terms of better value of human development
a) 1st – Pakistan, 2nd – China, 3rd – India
b) 1st – Pakistan, 2nd – India, 3rd - China
c) 1st – China, 2nd – Pakistan, 3rd - India
d) 1st – China, 2nd – India, 3rd – Pakistan
Q35. In which year, a program named “The Great Leap Forward” Campaign was
initiated by Mao to modernise China’s economy?
a) 1957 b) 1958 c) 1959 d) 1968
Q36. Which of the following two countries have adopted the Mixed Economic system?
a) India and China b) India and Pakistan
c) China and Pakistan d) None of these

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