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Assalamu’alaikum wr wb, my name is rindy ani pratiwi.

I will give a little explanation about

social psychology.

Social psychology is one branch of psychology that studies the relationship between humans and
their groups. This is influenced by human behavior itself so that in an environment there will be
such things as quarrels, fights to disputes.

Based on this knowledge, social psychology makes interventions to shape human personality and
behavior to be more adaptive and effective in situations where humans are present.

As for the basic concepts of social psychology:

1. The concept of emotions towards social objects

2. Concepts of attention

3. Concepts of interest

4. Concepts of intelligence in dealing with social problems

5. Concept of mental attitudes

There are many benefits that can be obtained from studying this science. First, it can provide an
image to humans about how to establish ideal relationships between fellow humans as social
beings. In addition, to prevent conflicts between human lives caused by the ego of each human

The goal of studying social psychology is to deal with social situations that are all bad.
Therefore, everyone needs knowledge about this in order not to be easily influenced. In addition,
it is also to equip oneself with the knowledge of identifying, analyzing, constructing alternatives
and solving social problems.

There are several social psychology figures, namely:

 Skinner
 Jean Piaget
 Sigmund Freud
 Albert Bandura
 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
 Watson
 Kurt Lewin
Okey, that's the explanation from me, sorry if there's a wrong word

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.

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