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C62H111N11O12 Summary

▶ Cyclosporin A This section discusses the role of the immune

system in the process of cancerogenesis and its
capability of promoting either host resistance or
tumor formation. The immune system has initially
been hypothesized to provide cancer immunosur-
Cachectin veillance by suppressing tumor growth and
thereby leading to control of neoplastic diseases.
▶ Tumor Necrosis Factor-a More recently, this hypothesis was extended to the
concept of cancer immunoediting encompassing
both positive host-protecting and negative tumor-
forming properties of the immune system. The
activity of the immune system may provoke the
CAMs complete elimination or at least growth control of
the tumor, generate a non-protective immune phe-
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules notype, or favor the development of immunologic
anergy or tolerance against neoplastic cells. New
therapeutic approaches which harness protective
immunological mechanisms by either blocking
inhibitory signaling or directly activating immu-
Cancer and the Immune System nological effector cells have recently shown very
promising results in preclinical model systems and
Jörg Bl€
umel also clinical practice against various cancer types.
Biologics Safety Assessment/Translational
Sciences, MedImmune, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
The Concept of Cancer Immunoediting

Synonyms The immune system offers within both the innate

and adaptive immune function a broad spectrum
Cancer immunoediting; Cancer immunosur- of mechanisms to recognize and eliminate
veillance; Immune-mediated cancer therapy; foreign structures of various origins, e.g., bacteria
Tumor immunology or viruses, thereby protecting the host and
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
H.-W. Vohr (ed.), Encyclopedia of Immunotoxicology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-54596-2
134 Cancer and the Immune System

Cancer and the Immune System, Fig. 1 Concept of immunogenicity are developed and are capable of escap-
cancer immunoediting. In the phase of elimination, (1) the ing the host-protective immune attack. Non-transformed
immune system is able to eliminate tumor cells (purple) cells (grey), lymphocyte subpopulations as marked. Red
and control tumor growth. In the stage of equilibrium, (2) flashes illustrate cytotoxic action of the effector cells,
the interaction of the immune system with the tumor pro- [oval] red stars perforin-mediated cytolysis, and small
motes the selection of tumor cell subpopulations with red circles soluble mediators of the immune response
reduced immunogenicity (blue). In the terminal phase of (Modified after Dunn et al. 2002)
escape, (3) tumor cells with dramatically reduced

maintaining tissue homeostasis. The idea that the (IFN-g) protects against tumor growth (reviewed
immune system may also play a protective role in Ikeda et al. 2002) and the increased susceptibil-
against tumor progression was introduced briefly ity of gene-targeted mice lacking the cytotoxic
early in the twentieth century. This initial idea mediator perforin against chemically induced
was described more in detail by Burnet (1970) tumor formation (Van den Broek 1996) were
and Thomas (1982) resulting in the hypothesis of important results strongly supporting the cancer
cancer immunosurveillance. Both proposed inde- immunosurveillance theory. More recent research
pendently an immunologic response against focused on the impact of a functional immune
tumor tissues induced by nonphysiological anti- response on tumor development and growth in
genic properties of nascent transformed cells. It fully immunocompetent organisms.
was speculated that these mechanisms finally As a result, a modification of the original the-
evoke an effective protective immune response, ory, the concept of cancer immunoediting (Dunn
followed by complete tumor regression. et al. 2002; Fig. 1) was introduced. This modified
The failure of initial experiments using mice approach took into account both a host-protective
with impaired immune function, e.g., athymic and a tumor-promoting function of the immune
mice (Stutman 1974), to support the immunosur- system by distinguishing three stages:
veillance concept led to fading interest in this
• The elimination phase
theory. But advances in gene-targeting techniques
• The equilibrium
as well as the rapidly evolving understanding of
• The escape phase
the processes involved in host-protective immune
function triggered further research resulting finally In the phase of elimination, the immune system
in a revival of the initial concept. In particular, is able to attack neoplastic cells effectively, con-
the experimental verification that Interferon-g trol, and eventually eliminate the tumor
Cancer and the Immune System 135

completely. This phase reflects the original cancer detailed mechanism by which IFN-g achieves its
immunosurveillance concept. In the stage of equi- protective effects remains unclear. It seems that
librium, the interaction of the immune system with non-immunologic mechanisms like antiproli-
the tumor promotes the selection of tumor cell ferative, antimetabolic, angiostatic, and
subpopulations with reduced immunogenicity, proapoptotic effects and immunologic mecha-
e.g., tumor cells that display MHC class I deficien- nisms like chemoattraction of immunocompetent
cies, cells that overexpress inhibitory signaling cells, induction of cytokine or chemokine secre- C
molecules, or cells that present tumor antigens tion, enhancement of tumor immunogenicity, and
but do not deliver a costimulatory signal to specific directing the Th1/Th2 balance are both essential
CD8 cytotoxic T cells. The stage of equilibrium is for IFN-g-induced tumor surveillance. The pro-
characterized by an increased ability of tumor cell posed pathway leading to tumor regression is
subpopulations to survive even in an immunocom- most likely initiated by cells of the innate immu-
petent host. The terminal phase of escape nity such as NK cells or those T cell populations
describes the stage where neoplastic cells with involved in innate immunity, like gdT cells
dramatically reduced immunogenicity are devel- (Girardi et al. 2001). Initially, specific tumor-
oped by the selective pressure of the immune associated antigens (TAA), such as p53 tumor
system. These so-called “immunoedited” tumors suppressor protein, HER2, or CD20, are recog-
are capable of surviving and expanding nized by these cells. To date, a variety of TAA are
uncontrolled in an immunocompetent host. known. These are, for example, derivatives of:
Striking scientific evidence supporting this
• Physiological self-antigens or tissue-specific
modified approach is derived from various preclin-
differentiation antigens that are dramatically
ical experiments. Using gene-targeted mice with
overexpressed by tumor cells in comparison to
a compromised immune system (RAG2/
other cells
mice), it was demonstrated that tumors derived of
• Mutated self-proteins or specific oncogenic
wild-type (intact) as well as gene-targeted
antigens inappropriately expressed by tumor
(compromised immune function) mice grew simi-
larly when transplanted in gene-targeted mice. In
• Antigens derived from virally encoded
contrast, the incidence of tumor rejection increased
significantly when tumors derived of gene-targeted
mice with compromised immune function were The recognition pattern induced by TAA trig-
transplanted in wild-type mice (Shankaran gers the secretion of IFN-g by innate immune
et al. 2001). These data among others indicate cells. This initial level of secreted IFN-g induces
that tumors developed without the selective pres- the secretion of other angiostatic chemokines like
sure of an intact immune system exhibit a higher CXCL10 (IFN-g inducible protein-10, IP-10)
immunogenicity thus providing strong evidence and results in chemoattraction of further immune
for the overall concept of immunoediting. effector cells such as macrophages and more NK
The molecular and cellular mechanisms under- cells to the tumor site. These infiltrating effector
lying the immune response to a tumor seem to be cells themselves secrete immunomodulatory
extremely complex. Beside the cellular compo- cytokines such as IL-12, IL-18, and again IFN-g
nents of innate immunity like macrophages, NK that in turn activates the cytotoxic properties of
and gdT cells, and the main effector cells of adap- the infiltrated cells. Fragments of lysed tumor
tive immunity, CD4 T helper cells and CD8+ cells that are presented in the tumor site draining
cytotoxic T cells, other critical mediators in the lymph nodes by professional antigen-presenting
interaction of the host’s immune system with the cells (APC), e.g., dendritic cells, promote the
tumor are IFN-g and several chemokines. The role immune response modulated by the adaptive
of IFN-g during the process of cancer immune system (adjuvant effect). Such
immunoediting was extensively studied in recent a microenvironment characterized by high levels
years (reviewed in Ikeda et al. 2002). However, the of IFN-g and IL-12 promotes CD4+ T cells
136 Cancer and the Immune System

(via MHC class II recognition) to trigger a regression. Gene transfer studies using
Th1-like immune response with strong activation a combination of both genes encoding for
of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. This results in, e.g., chemokines like XCL-1 and cytokines like IL-2
perforin-mediated tumor cell lysis (via MHC expressed at the tumor site enhanced the lympho-
class I recognition) and again further secretion cyte infiltration and protected also from tumor
of IFN-g. These dramatically increased levels of growth. More recently, approaches blocking
IFN-g enhance the expression of MHC class CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4)
I molecules on the tumor cells thereby increasing mediated signaling or the immune suppressive
their immunogenicity. The angiostatic, antiproli- PD-1/PD-L1 (programmed cell death protein-1/
ferative, and proapoptotic effects of IFN-g are programmed death-ligand 1) axis have been tested
thereby amplified. Overall, IFN-g is a key player successfully using mouse xenograft tumor models.
orchestrating together with other important medi- A potent antitumor activity of monoclonal anti-
ators the complex interaction of various elements bodies (mAbs) blocking binding of CTLA-4
of both the innate and adaptive immunity leading expressed on T cells to the costimulatory mole-
to an effective immune response against the cules CD80 and CD86 has been demonstrated in
tumor that may protect the immunocompetent various in vivo xenograft models (Leach
host (reviewed in Ikeda et al. 2002). Neverthe- et al. 1996; Kwon et al. 1999). CTLA-4 mediated
less, genetic alterations in tumor cells also enable signaling delivers an inhibitory signal to T cells
them to circumvent an effective immune which can be effectively reversed by mAbs
response of the host. targeting CTLA-4. Similarly, engagement of
PD-1 expressed on T cells with its ligand PD-L1
or PD-L2 delivers an inhibitory signal to T cells.
Preclinical Relevance Monoclonal antibodies targeting either PD-1 or
PD-L1 have also been successfully shown to pro-
A better understanding of the basic mechanisms mote effective antitumor activity in several mouse
and regulatory pathways involved in cancer xenograft studies (Curiel et al. 2003; Hirano
immunoediting or immunosurveillance derived et al. 2005). Both mechanisms induce an effective
from preclinical experiments, especially from antitumor response of the immune system by
gene-targeted models, may help to develop alter- reversing inhibitory signals used by tumor cells
native immunotherapeutic strategies to conven- to escape the immunosurveillance.
tional cancer therapy. Preclinical experiments in
which either proinflammatory genes like those
encoding for MHC class I or granulocyte- Clinical Relevance
macrophage colony-stimulating factor
(GM-CSF) were transferred to tumor cells or anti- There is increasing evidence supporting the con-
sense oligonucleotides were designed to inhibit the cept of immunosurveillance in both experimental
expression of immunosuppressive genes, e.g., preclinical setting as well as in clinical practice.
genes encoding for TGF-b, showed an impressive In fact, there is accumulating epidemiologic evi-
stimulation of the antitumor response (reviewed in dence supporting the existence and physiological
Parney and Chang 2003). Another area of research relevance of this concept in humans. Early data
focuses on chemokines as an effective treatment from patients with primary immunodeficiency
against human cancer (reviewed in Homey syndromes or immunosuppressed transplant
et al. 2002). It was shown that genes encoding patients revealed an increased cancer risk in
for chemokines like CCL-3 (macrophage inflam- these populations. However, a significant number
matory protein-1a, MIP-1a) or CCL-5 (RANTES) of the observed tumors in these individuals are of
expressed either in genetically modified cells or viral origin thereby reflecting more the impair-
administered locally as a recombinant or fusion ment of the natural protective function of the
protein can induce protective immunity and tumor immune system against infectious diseases rather
Cancer and the Immune System 137

than the loss of a specific tumor suppressive It binds to CD20 expressed on normal and malig-
function. Nevertheless, there is also broad evi- nant B cells and eliminates B cells by inducing
dence of an increased risk for the development of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
tumor types with no apparent viral etiology in (ADCC). Rituximab-induced ADCC is very
these populations. A study analyzing the tumor effective resulting in a transient depletion of
incidences in 608 cardiac transplant patients more than 90 % of circulating B cells with clin-
showed a 25-fold increased prevalence of lung ical response rates of around 50 % (reviewed in C
cancer compared to the general population (Pham Onrust et al. 1999).
et al. 1995). The principle of cellular immunotherapy is
An assessment of 5,692 patients receiving based on ex vivo priming of autologous APC
a renal transplant revealed an increased prevalence after leukapheresis. Sipuleucel-T was the first
for the development of several tumor types of approved cellular immunotherapy and is used
nonviral origin in these immunosuppressed for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer.
patients (Birkeland et al. 1995). In addition, Patient-derived APC are incubated ex vivo with
a positive correlation was found between lympho- a fusion protein of human GM-CSF and prostate
cyte tumor infiltration, by CD8+ T cells in partic- acid phosphatase (PAP), a prostate-specific anti-
ular, and patient survival. This was, for example, gen. The activated APC are reinfused and induce
shown in a retrospective study investigating more a durable, antigen-specific activation of immuno-
than 500 patients with primary melanoma (Clark logical effector cells leading to statistically sig-
et al. 1989). Patients who developed a significant nificant increase in median survival and reduction
infiltration of lymphocytes in the tumor during the in risk of death (Gardner 2012).
vertical growth phase of cutaneous melanoma Immune-mediated cancer therapy aims in
showed a significant increased survival time com- restoring an effective immune response against
pared to the patients showing low or absent lym- the tumor either by directly activating the patient’s
phocyte infiltration. own immune system or by blocking suppressive
Current clinical research focuses on developing signaling either in the tumor microenvironment or
strategies to restore the physiological cancer on circulating immunological effector cells. Cur-
immunosurveillance of the immune system to rently, a number of immune checkpoint inhibitors
overcome the resistance of several tumor types to are approved or in clinical development (reviewed
conventional therapeutic interventions. Initial in Mellman et al. 2011). Ipilimumab, a mAb
clinical trials conducted with, for example, direct blocking CTLA-4-mediated inhibitory signaling,
intra-tumor MHC class I gene transfer or vaccina- was the first immune checkpoint inhibitor
tion with irradiated autologous plasma cells approved for the treatment of metastatic mela-
engineered to express IL-2 by adenoviral gene noma (reviewed in Wolchok et al. 2013). Therapy
transfer showed somewhat equivocal results and with ipilimumab resulted in a durable and signif-
did not fully replicate the impressive preclinical icant improved overall survival rate but induced
results. Vaccination with DNA encoding for TAA also due to unspecific T cell activation in part
induced also only a limited antitumor response. severe immune-mediated adverse events like
Currently, the most promising clinical rash/dermatitis, diarrhea/enterocolitis, or hepatitis.
approaches using the immune system as powerful In addition, mAbs targeting PD-1 (nivolumab,
effector mechanism include mAbs that bind to pembrolizumab) or PD-L1 (MPDL3280A)
various TAA and directly activate immunological reported promising results in initial clinical trials.
effector mechanisms (e.g., rituximab), autologous Nivolumab was reported to be well tolerated in the
cellular immunotherapy (e.g., sipuleucel-T), or regulatory nonclinical toxicology evaluation
immune-mediated therapy of cancer (e.g., (Wang et al. 2014) and showed an acceptable
ipilimumab, nivolumab). clinical safety profile with durable responses and
Rituximab, for example, is used for the treat- significant improved overall survival (Topalian
ment of B cell-dependent hematological cancers. et al. 2014).
138 Cancer and the Immune System

A more experimental immune-mediated ther- Gardner TA (2012) Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) autologous

apy approach uses autologous T cells that are vaccine approved for treatment of men with asymp-
tomatic or minimally symptomatic castrate-resistant
redirected to specific antigens by ex vivo metastatic prostate cancer. Hum Vaccin Immunother
lentiviral transfection with chimeric antigen 8:534–539
receptors (CAR). CAR-mediated autologous Girardi M et al (2001) Regulation of cutaneous malig-
T cell therapy was introduced to treat certain nancy by gammadelta T cells. Science 294:605–609
Hirano F et al (2005) Blockade of B7-H1 and PD-1 by
hematological malignancies (reviewed Maus monoclonal antibodies potentiates cancer therapeutic
2014). The CAR consists of a receptor specific immunity. Cancer Res 65:1089–1096
for the B cell antigen CD19 coupled to the Homey B et al (2002) Chemokines; agents for the immu-
costimulatory receptor CD137 signaling domain notherapy of cancer? Nat Rev Immunol 2:175–184
Ikeda H et al (2002) The roles of IFN gamma in protection
and a signal transduction component of the T cell against tumor development and cancer immunoediting.
receptor. Reinfusion of these genetically Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 13:95–109
engineered T cells leads to an antigen-specific Kwon ED et al (1999) Elimination of residual metastatic
clonal expansion of the modified T cell popula- prostate cancer after surgery and adjunctive cytotoxic
T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) block-
tion followed by a specific immune response ade immunotherapy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
against CD19-positive B cells and complete 96:15074–15079
tumor remission (Porter 2011). Leach DR et al (1996) Enhancement of antitumor
In summary, the concept of cancer immunity by CTLA-4 blockade. Science
immunoediting describes the various stages Maus VM (2014) Antibody modified T cells: CARs take
(elimination, equilibrium, and elimination the front seat for hematologic malignancies. Blood
phase) of interactions between the host immune 123:2625–2635
system and neoplastic cells. Data obtained from Mellman I et al (2011) Cancer immunotherapy comes of
age. Nature 480:480–489
both experimental preclinical studies and human Onrust SV et al (1999) Rituximab. Drugs 58:79–90
epidemiology strongly support the important role Parney IF, Chang LJ (2003) Cancer immunogene therapy:
of the immune system in tumor suppression as a review. J Biomed Sci 10:37–43
well as the physiological relevance of the concept Pham SM et al (1995) Solid tumors after heart transplan-
tation: lethality of lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg
of cancer immunosurveillance in different spe- 60:1623–1626
cies including man. Moreover, recent clinical Porter DL (2011) Chimeric antigen receptor-modified
successes with immune-mediated therapy of var- T cells in chronic lymphoid leukemia. N Engl J Med
ious cancers like melanoma further emphasize 365:725–733
Shankaran V et al (2001) IFNgamma and lymphocytes
the beneficial action and power of the immune prevent primary tumour development and shape
system in fighting cancer. tumour immunogenicity. Nature 410:1107–1111
Stutman O (1974) Tumor development after 3-
methylcholanthrene in immunologically deficient
athymic-nude mice. Science 183:534–536
References Thomas L (1982) On immunosurveillance in human
cancer. Yale J Biol Med 55:329–333
Birkeland SA et al (1995) Cancer risk after renal trans- Topalian SL et al (2014) Survival, durable tumor remis-
plantation in the Nordic countries, 1964–1986. Int sion, and long-term safety in patients with advanced
J Cancer 60:183–189 melanoma receiving nivolumab. J Clin Oncol
Burnet FM (1970) The concept of immunological surveil- 32:1020–1030
lance. Prog Exp Tumor Res 13:1–27 Van den Broek ME (1996) Decreased tumor surveillance
Clark WH et al (1989) Model predicting survival in stage in perforin-deficient mice. J Exp Med 184:1781–1790
I melanoma based on tumor progression. J Natl Cancer Wang C et al (2014) In vitro characterization of the anti-
Inst 81:1893–1904 PD-1 antibody nivolumab, BMS-936558, and in vivo
Curiel CJ et al (2003) Blockade of B7-H1 improves mye- toxicology in non-human primates. Cancer Immunol
loid dendritic cell-mediated antitumor immunity. Nat Res 9:846–856
Med 9:562–567 Wolchok JD et al (2013) Development of ipilimumab:
Dunn GP et al (2002) Cancer immunoediting: from a novel immunotherapeutic approach for the
immunosurveillance to tumor escape. Nat Immunol treatment of advanced melanoma. Ann NY Acad Sci
3:991–998 1291:1–13
Canine Immune System 139

Cancer Immunoediting Canine Immune System

▶ Cancer and the Immune System Mark Wing

Huntingdon Life Science Limited, Huntingdon,
Cambs, UK
Cancer Immunosurveillance
▶ Cancer and the Immune System

Cancer Vaccine
The mammalian immune system consists of mul-
Vaccine administered to cancer patients to elicit tiple cell types that circulate via the blood and
a therapeutic immune response against tumor lymphatics to specialized lymphoid and
cells. Antigen-based vaccines can be made of nonlymphoid tissues. Following exposure to
whole tumor cells, recombinant tumor antigens, pathogens which include viruses, bacteria,
synthetic peptides, or DNA-encoding tumor anti- fungi, and parasites, the cells of the immune
gens. Dendritic cell-based vaccines consist of system interact at both the cell level and the
dendritic cells isolated from patients and exposed molecular level in the lymphoid tissues, which
in vitro to a source of tumor antigens before drain the site of infection. Activated cells migrate
reinjection in vivo. out of the lymph nodes back to the site of infec-
tion to respond to the threat. As part of the first
encounter with an infectious organism, resistance
Cross-References to repeated infection by the same organism is
mediated through immunological memory.
▶ Tumor, Immune Response to
▶ Vaccines Therapeutic

Superficially, there is little to distinguish the

Cancer-Testis Antigens development, structure, and function of immune
system of one mammalian species from another.
A group of antigens originally discovered in Lymphocyte development takes place in the pri-
human melanoma that are also expressed in nor- mary lymphoid tissues (the thymus and bone
mal testis. Include MAGE, GAGE, BAGE, and marrow) with mature lymphocytes residing in
NY-ESO-1 tumor antigens. Cancer-testis antigens the secondary lymphoid tissues (the lymph
are found in a variety of human tumors but because nodes, spleen, and mucosa-associated lymphoid
of their historical association with melanoma are tissues (MALT)). However, a more detailed
sometimes called “melanoma-testis antigens”. review of the canine immune system reveals
more subtle differences compared to other toxi-
cology species and humans (for reviews, see
Cross-References Felsburg 2002 and Hayley 2003).
The thymus is primarily responsible for
▶ Tumor, Immune Response to T lymphocyte maturation and the deletion of
140 Canine Immune System

Canine Immune System,

Fig. 1 Canine thymus
(original magnification
120). Arrow denotes
follicle containing active
germinal center. C cortex,
M medulla (Kindly
supplied by Dr Andrew
Pilling of Huntingdon Life

autoreactive cells, but recent evidence suggests the percentage of CD4+ T lymphocytes declines
that lymphocyte follicles exist in the medulla of after 10–12 weeks, with the proportion of CD8+
the canine thymus, a situation well documented cells reaching adult levels. Greater than 90 % of
in humans (Fig. 1). the peripheral blood dog T lymphocytes at birth
Immunohistochemical staining of these lym- express the naive CD45RA isoform, which
phoid aggregates revealed that when present, the declines to 40–50 % by 4 months, reflecting
germinal centers were predominantly composed exposure to environmental antigens. Again a
of B lymphocytes, confirming the identity of very similar pattern of CD45RA expression is
these structures (Ploemen et al. 2003). The canine seen in humans. One difference between humans
spleen differs to that of humans and other toxicol- and dogs relates to the degree of maternal IgG
ogy species in its greater capacity to store blood transfer, which in the case of the dog is largely
and sparse lymphoid tissue. The spleen is com- achieved after birth through colostrum, as
monly used as a source of lymphocytes to perform opposed to placental transfer.
ex vivo and in vitro functional assays (see below); The proportion of peripheral blood neutrophils
however, the lymph nodes and peripheral blood to lymphocytes is similar between adult dogs and
may provide a better source of canine cells. humans but is different when compared with
Regarding the development of the immune rodents, which have a greater proportion of lym-
system, the dog is more similar to humans in phocytes. Lymphocyte subset analysis reveals a
that the neonate is born with a largely intact qualitatively similar pattern of peripheral blood
immune system that matures postnatally – in con- B lymphocytes and T lymphocyte ratios in the
trast to the rodent immune system which is less dog compared to other species including humans,
well developed at birth. Other developmental whereby T lymphocytes > B lymphocytes and
similarities to humans include the age-related CD4+ T lymphocytes > CD8+ T lymphocytes
changes in serum immunoglobulins (Ig) with (Table 1).
IgM reaching adult levels first, shortly followed The CD4 antigen is expressed on
by IgG, but with IgA levels lagging behind. T lymphocytes in all mammalian species includ-
Developmental changes in lymphocyte subsets ing the dog; however, it is reported to be uniquely
also mirror those seen in humans. These include expressed at a high density on canine neutrophils.
a decline in the percentage of peripheral blood Further evidence for an overall similarity
B lymphocytes and an increase in T lymphocytes between the immune system of the dogs and
observed in the weeks following birth, and con- humans is provided from studies involving the
siderably higher numbers of peripheral blood X-linked severe immunodeficiency syndrome
CD4+ T lymphocytes are present at birth com- (XSCID). This syndrome, which is seen in
pared to CD8+ cells. As observed with humans, humans, dogs, and mice, is caused by a mutation
Canine Immune System 141

Canine Immune System, Table 1 Flow cytometry analysis of beagle dog peripheral blood lymphocyte populations
Phenotype Antibody clone Cell number (per ml of blood) % of lymphocytes
B lymphocytes CD21+ CA2.1D6 931.8 28.8
T lymphocytes CD3+ CA17.2A12 1911.9 61.5
T helper lymphocytes CD3+CD4+ YKIX302.9 1353.3 47.2
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes CD3+CD8+ YCATE55.9 433.7 16.5

of the gamma chain common to the receptors of with other toxicology species exhibits some
interleukins IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and unique features. Providing these differences are
IL-21. These cytokines are important for the nor- understood, it should be possible to make a ratio-
mal development and functioning of the immune nal decision regarding the suitability of the dog, or
system, and comparison of the XSCID phenotype any species for that matter, for an immunotoxicity
observed in the different species indicates that the study. At this time, the predictability of immunol-
biology of these cytokines is more similar ogy and/or toxicology assays performed in ani-
between humans and dogs. mals is being evaluated, with a view to
In short, although there are differences between harmonizing the geographical differences that
the dog and human immune systems, this is probably exist regarding regulatory requirements for
less than those seen between humans and rodents. immunotoxicity testing for small chemical drugs.
On a case-by-case basis, in the absence of evi-
dence to suggest that the dog is any more or less
Preclinical Relevance relevant to humans compared to rodents, animal
welfare considerations should dictate that the
The rodent is the most commonly employed spe- rodent is the default species. Where the dog is
cies for safety assessment of all types of test justified, functional testing should be incorporated
compound on the immune system, with the onto standard safety assessments where possible,
exception of biopharmaceuticals where the need consistent with the principles of the three Rs.
to use a pharmacologically active species and the
issue of compound immunogenicity often require
the use of the nonhuman primate. As the most Regulatory Environment
commonly used second species for safety assess-
ments, again with the exception of biological Repeated-dose immunotoxicity studies are
drugs, the dog may be a suitable species for increasingly being performed as part of regula-
performing immunotoxicity assessments. Such tory submissions for test substances as diverse as
situations arise where there is evidence food additives, industrial chemicals, and pharma-
suggesting that the dog is a more relevant species ceuticals (see below for regulatory guidelines).
to humans, due perhaps to comparable metabo- While the majority of these studies are performed
lism, or to confirm immunotoxicity findings in on rodents, the regulatory authorities would
the rodent. Finally, the dog would be the relevant accept data from canine studies where this second
species for efficacy studies where the dog is the species, the dog, is considered to be more
intended population to be treated with an immu- relevant.
nomodulatory drug or neutroceutical. Most of the assays employed to assess immune
function can be performed in the dog using blood
and surplus tissue obtained in-life or at necropsy,
Relevance to Humans respectively. Assays include the natural killer
(NK) cell assay, the flow cytometry, the primary
As discussed above, the canine immune system antibody response, the mitogen assay, and
displays many features common to humans but as the phagocytosis assay (Lanham et al. 2002;
142 Carcinogenesis

Finco-Kent and Kawabata 2003). Key differ- T-dependent antibody response. Toxicologist
ences include CTAC, a cell line derived from a 72(Suppl 1):103
Hayley PJ (2003) Species differences in the structure and
canine thyroid adenocarcinoma, as the target of function of the immune system. Toxicology
choice for the functional analysis of NK cells and 188:49–71
the use of peripheral blood or lymph nodes rather Lanham DF, Bidgood J, Hunter EL, Wing MG
than the spleen as a source of cells (as discussed (2002) Immunophenotyping and immune function
assays in beagle dogs. Toxicol Lett 135:136
above). Ploemen J-P, Ravesloot W, van Esch E (2003) The inci-
While reagents are increasingly becoming dence of thymic B lymphoid follicles in healthy beagle
commercially available for performing leukocyte dogs. Toxicol Pathol 31:214–219
phenotyping by flow cytometry, few are canine
specific, and the use of “cross-reactive” anti-
bodies should be undertaken with caution.
Suitable reagents exist to perform a standard Carcinogenesis
B lymphocyte and T lymphocyte subset panel.
In addition to a limited range of antibodies to I. Bernard Weinstein
leukocyte surface antigens, there appear to be Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
very few commercial reagents for the analysis
of canine cytokines. This lack of standard
reagents means that comparison of data from Definition
different laboratories is difficult, with limited
historical data often cited as a significant disad- Carcinogenesis is the process by which cancer
vantage of the dog, a problem confounded by the develops in various tissues in the body.
outbreed nature of the species and the small
group sizes typically employed in toxicology
studies. Characteristics
Regulatory guidelines requesting an assess-
ment of the test substance on the immune system: In most cases carcinogenesis occurs via a step-
wise process that can encompass a major fraction
• Food additives. FDA “Red Book” Draft 1993
of the life span (multistep development). These
and 2000.
progressive stages often include hyperplasia, dys-
• Biochemical pesticides. EPA Biochemicals
plasia, metaplasia, benign tumors, and eventually
Test Guidelines 1996.
malignant tumors. Malignant tumors can also
• Agrochemicals and Industrial chemicals. EPA
undergo further progression to become more
Health Effects Test Guidelines 1998.
invasive and metastatic, autonomous of hor-
• Small chemical drugs. EMEA Repeat Dose
mones and growth factors, and resistant to
Toxicity 2000.
chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
• Small chemical drugs. FDA (CDER)
Immunotoxicology Evaluation of Investiga-
tional New Drugs 2002.
• Small chemical drugs. MHLW/JPMA Draft
Guidance for Immunotoxicity Testing 2003.
Known causes of carcinogenesis include various
chemicals or mixture of chemicals present in
References several sources. This includes cigarette smoke;
the diet; the workplace or the general
Felsburg PJ (2002) Overview of immune system develop-
ment in the dog: comparison with humans. Hum Exp
Toxicol 21:487–492 I. Bernard Weinstein: deceased.
Finco-Kent DL, Kawabata TT (2003) Development This article is reproduced without change from the previ-
and validation of an assay to evaluate the canine ous edition in memoriam of I. Bernard Weinstein.
Cardiac Disease, Autoimmune 143

environment; ultraviolet and ionizing radiation; efficiency of DNA repair, and other factors yet
specific viruses, bacteria, and parasites; and to be determined. Age, gender, and nutritional
endogenous factors (oxidative DNA damage, factors also influence individual susceptibility.
DNA depurination, deamination).
According to the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC), 69 agents, mixtures, Relevance to Humans
and exposure circumstances are known to be car- C
cinogenic to humans (group 1), 57 are probably Cancer is a major cause of death throughout
carcinogenic (group 2A), and 215 are possibly the world. Therefore, the prevention of carcino-
carcinogenic to humans. Some of these agents, or genesis is a major goal of medicine and public
their metabolites, form covalent adducts to DNA health. The carcinogenic process can be prevented
and are mutagenic. Others act at the epigenetic by avoidance of exposure to various carcinogenic
level by altering pathways of signal transduction factors such as cigarette smoking and excessive
and gene expression. These include tumor pro- sunlight, dietary changes, early detection of pre-
moters, growth factors, and specific hormones. cursor lesions, and chemoprevention.
Dietary factors also play an important role.
Fruits and vegetables often have a protective effect.
Excessive fat and/or calories may enhance carcino- References
genesis in certain organs. Hereditary factors can
also play an important role in cancer causation. Kitchin KT (ed) (1999) Carcinogenicity, testing,
predicting and interpreting chemical effects. Marcel
Indeed, human cancers are often caused by com-
Dekker, New York
plex interactions between these multiple factors. Weinstein IB (2000) Disorders in cell circuitry during
An example is the interaction between the naturally multistage carcinogenesis: the role of homeostasis.
occurring carcinogen aflatoxin and the chronic Carcinogenesis 22:857–864
Weinstein IB, Santella RM, Perera FP (1995a) Molecular
infection with hepatitis B virus in the causation of
biology and molecular epidemiology of cancer. In:
liver cancer in regions of China and Africa. Greenwald P, Kramer BS, Weed DL (eds) Cancer
prevention and control. Marcel Dekker, New York,
pp 83–110
Weinstein IB, Carothers AM, Santella RM, Perera FP
Molecular Genetics (1995b) Molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis and
multistage carcinogenesis. In: Mendelsohn J, Howley
Recent studies indicate that the stepwise process PM, Israel MA, Liotta LA (eds) The molecular basis of
of carcinogenesis reflects the progressive acqui- cancer. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 59–85
sition of activating mutations in dominant acting
oncogenes and inactivating recessive mutations
in tumor suppressor genes. It is also apparent that
epigenetic abnormalities in the expression of Cardiac Disease, Autoimmune
these genes also play an important role in carci-
nogenesis. Thus far over 100 oncogenes and at Noel R. Rose
least 12 tumor suppressor genes have been iden- Department of Pathology and Department of
tified. Tumor progression is enhanced by geno- Molecular Microbiology and Immunology,
mic instability due to defects in DNA repair and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
other factors. The heterogeneous nature of human
cancers appears to reflect heterogeneity in the
genes that are mutated and/or abnormally Keywords
expressed. Individual variations in susceptibility
to carcinogenesis are influenced by hereditary Cardiac myosin; Chaugas disease;
variations in enzymes that either activate or inac- Coxsackievirus B3; Dilated cardiomyopathy;
tivate potential carcinogens, variations in the Myocarditis
144 Cardiac Disease, Autoimmune

Synonyms and murine cytomegalovirus (a large DNA her-

pesvirus). Following infection by any one of
Autoimmune heart disease; Cardiomyopathy; these three viruses, an inflammatory response
Immune-mediated heart disease; Inflammatory occurs in the heart, consisting of large numbers
heart disease; Myocarditis of infiltrating mononuclear cells, such as macro-
phages, leukocytes, lymphocytes, and natural
killer cells, distributed focally within the heart
Definition muscle. There may be evidence of cardiac cell
death. Infectious virus can be isolated from the
A number of inflammatory diseases of the heart heart during this early stage of the disease,
have been associated with autoimmune or other suggesting that the virus infection itself produces
immune-mediated pathogenic mechanisms. The the pathology. After disappearance of the infec-
disease can affect any portion of the heart: the tious virus, the myocardial disease gradually
pericardium (surface of the heart), the myocar- resolves and, after a week or so, the heart appears
dium (heart muscle), or the endocardium (lining perfectly normal in most strains of mice. In a few
and valves of the heart). Inflammation may occur strains, however, the disease fails to resolve but
in the coronary vessels that supply blood to the rather changes in its character. The infiltration
heart itself and lead to atherosclerosis. These becomes largely lymphocytic and broadly dis-
inflammatory processes are often accompanied tributed throughout the heart muscle surrounding
by autoimmune responses in the form of anti- the ventricles. Although there is little direct evi-
bodies to antigens found in the heart. There are, dence of cardiac cell death, myocyte dropout
however, very few instances where one can suggests that many of the heart cells have died
clearly state that these autoimmune responses during the previous stages of disease. In the mice
are the cause rather than the result of heart disease that have developed this continuing phase of
in humans. On the other hand, there are a number myocarditis, no infectious virus can be isolated.
of well-defined animal models of autoimmune On the other hand, autoantibodies are evident.
heart disease. They can be cited as indirect evi- The most prominent population of autoantibodies
dence supporting an autoimmune etiology of the is directed to cardiac myosin, a form of myosin
comparable human disorder. that is uniquely produced by heart muscle cells.
Thus, it appears that, in certain genetically
predisposed strains of mice, an autoimmune
Characteristics form of myocarditis has followed the earlier
virus-mediated disease.
All of the autoimmune heart diseases are charac- Direct evidence of an autoimmune basis of the
terized by cardiac inflammation or by extensive later phase of disease comes from experiments in
fibrosis resulting from preceding inflammation. which mice are immunized with purified cardiac
The clearest example of an autoimmune cardiac myosin or even with a short peptide sequence
disease is myocarditis or inflammation of the isolated from the large cardiac myosin molecule.
heart muscle (Cihakova and Rose 2008). The Immunization with cardiac myosin reproduces
disease in humans sometimes follows viral the pathologic appearance of late-phase myocar-
infection. ditis in mice that are genetically susceptible to the
In the laboratory this disease can be produced late-phase disease following viral infection.
in experimental animals by infection with an Immunization with a closely related molecule,
appropriate virus that attacks the heart. skeletal muscle myosin, produces no effect, illus-
A number of different viruses can induce autoim- trating the strict specificity of the autoimmune
mune myocarditis in mice. They include response. Other strains of mice do not respond
Coxsackievirus B3 (a small RNA virus), enceph- to immunization with cardiac myosin, showing
alomyocarditis virus (a related small RNA virus), that the response is genetically restricted.
Cardiac Disease, Autoimmune 145

Thus, immunization with cardiac myosin or the may go on to chronic myocarditis with evidence
myosin peptide is capable of reproducing auto- of impaired cardiac function. Sometimes myo-
immune myocarditis even in the absence of virus. carditis evolves into dilated cardiomyopathy,
a disease characterized primarily by extensive
fibrotic changes in the heart muscle. This disease
Preclinical Relevance is the major cause of heart failure in young adults
in industrialized countries. At this time, the only C
Autoimmune myocarditis produced in mice or available treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy is
rats has proved to be a valuable model for study- cardiac transplantation (Rose and Kaya 2014).
ing the pathogenesis of human myocarditis In addition to viruses, a number of other micro-
(Maisch et al. 2005). It has been shown, for organisms can cause myocarditis (Cihakova and
example, that certain key mediators, called cyto- Rose 2008). The b-hemolytic streptococcus is
kines, are necessary for the progression from associated with rheumatic fever and rheumatic
viral to autoimmune myocarditis. Among these heart disease, a condition that may affect all three
critical cytokines are interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor portions of the heart, producing pericarditis, myo-
necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), and the third com- carditis, and endocarditis, with characteristic val-
ponent of complement (C3). On the other hand, vular lesions. Lyme disease can include
natural killer cells that are prominent in the early myocarditis along with inflammation in other
viral infection tend to diminish the later autoim- sites. In Central and South America, Chagas’ dis-
mune disease. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important ease due to infection by Trypanosoma cruzi is
mediator of protection against the early viral a common cause of myocarditis.
infection which adds to the heart cell damage in In addition to infectious agents, many chemicals
the later autoimmune phase of myocarditis. The have cardiotoxic effects and may cause inflamma-
inflammatory process itself depends upon the tory heart disease. They include ethanol, mercury,
balance of a number of mediators, so of which cobalt, anthracyclines, and the drug Adriamycin.
promote whereas others reduce the severity of A severe dilated cardiomyopathy known as Keshan
inflammation and determine its cellular compo- disease is associated with selenium deficiency.
sition. The production of one particular mediator, In these instances, it is not clear whether the
IL-17, is required for progress to the fibrotic damage is due to direct, acute cardiotoxicity of
outcome seen as dilated cardiac myopathy the chemical or to indirect, immune-mediated
(Cihakova and Rose 2008). These findings may cardiac inflammation triggered by the agent.
prove to be valuable in designing new therapies
for inflammatory heart disease in humans. References

Cihakova D and Rose NR. Pathogenesis of myocarditis

Relevance to Humans and dilated cardiomyopathy. Adv Immunol
99:95–114, 2008.
Caforio ALP, Pankuweit S, Arbustini E, Basso C, Gimeno-
Most cases of myocarditis occur in humans with- Blanes J, Felix SB, Fu M, Helio T, Heymans S, Jahns R,
out warning. Many patients, however, report Klingel K, Linhart A, Maisch B, McKenna W,
a recent viral infection, and in about half of Mogensen J, Pinto YM, Ristic A, Schultheiss H-P,
these cases, serologic evidence of a recent Seggewiss H, Tavazzi L, Thiene G, Yilmaz A, Charron
P and Elliott PM. Current state of knowledge on
Coxsackie B3 infection can be found (Rose and aetiology, diagnosis, management, and therapy of myo-
Kaya 2014). A large number of other viruses, carditis: a position statement of the European Society of
including adenoviruses, cytomegaloviruses, par- Cardiology Working Group on Myocardial and Pericar-
voviruses, and even HIV, have been associated dial Diseases. Eur Heart J 34:2636–2648, 2013.
Rose NR and Kaya Z. (2014) Immune-mediated cardio-
with myocarditis in humans. Although most vascular disease, Chapter 70. In: Rose NR, Mackay IR
humans appear to recover completely from (eds) The autoimmune diseases, 5th edn. Elsevier/
a transient virus-induced myocarditis, a few Academic, London, pp 875–888.
146 Cardiac Output (CO)

Cardiac Output (CO)
▶ Flow Cytometry
Measured in L/min/m2, with a normal level of
2.6–4.2. Lower values indicate impaired myocar-
dial function (heart insufficiency). For exact mea-
surement, heart catheterization is necessary. CD (Cluster of Differentiation)

Cell membrane molecules identified by monoclo-

Cross-References nal antibodies and used to differentiate leukocyte
▶ Septic Shock

▶ Humoral Immunity
▶ Cardiac Disease, Autoimmune

CD Markers
Heddy Zola and Bernadette Swart
An immunogenic macromolecule (usually Child Health Research Institute, Women’s and
a protein) to which a hapten is attached, allowing Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, SA, Australia
the hapten to be immunogenic.

CD markers; Cell membrane markers; Human
▶ Local Lymph Node Assay (IMDS), Leucocyte differentiation antigens

CAS Number 17646-01-6 CD molecules; Cluster of differentiation; Human
leukocyte differentiation antigens
▶ Dioxins and the Immune System

CD markers are leukocyte cell surface molecules,
A family of cysteine proteases that cleave after an as well as the respective ligands expressed by
aspartate residue. The term caspase incorporates other tissues. CD markers are used to identify,
these elements (cysteine, aspartate, protease), count, study, purify, destroy, or in some other
which play important roles in the chain reactions way work with leukocytes. The name originated
that lead to apoptosis. from studies using antibodies against leukocytes,
CD Markers 147


N Type V
Type III N

Type I Type II
Type I

CD Markers, Fig. 1 Schematic representation of other way up, with their C terminus outside the cell, but
a number of CD molecules. Type I membrane proteins are otherwise similar in structure. Type III molecules span
have their C terminus inside the cell, a single membrane- the membrane more than once. They may have both N and
spanning region, and an extracellular region which may C termini inside the cell, or only one terminus inside the
consist of several domains with specific functions cell, depending on whether they span the membrane an
enabling interaction with other cells or extracellular sig- odd or even number of times. Type V membrane proteins
naling molecules. The intracellular sequence may contain do not span the membrane at all but are linked to mem-
sequences specialized to interact with intracellular signal- brane lipid
ing molecules. Type II membrane proteins are oriented the

and the term CD marker is used in the context of Characteristics

antibody-based studies, although the CD number
refers to the leukocyte molecule, not to the anti- CD molecules have a wide range of properties.
body used to detect it. Most of them are glycoproteins, but some are
The CD nomenclature was devised to achieve glycolipids. Many are integral membrane proteins,
standardization at a time when many new mono- with at least one membrane-spanning hydrophobic
clonal antibodies were being described against sequence, but others are extracellular proteins
leukocyte antigens. The number of published anti- linked to the cell membrane through lipid anchors.
bodies was increasing rapidly, and in many cases Structures of a small selection of leukocyte
the corresponding antigens were unknown, and it markers are shown schematically in Fig. 1. These
was difficult to establish whether two antibodies molecules mediate a large number of diverse func-
with similar reactivities were in fact against the tions, as might be expected since leukocytes inter-
same antigen or not. The first International Work- act via their cell surface with other leukocytes,
shop and Conference on Human Leukocyte Dif- with endothelium, with foreign antigen, and with
ferentiation Antigens (HLDA) was organized to a large variety of signaling molecules.
compare antibodies in a “blind” manner through Currently the CD nomenclature spans
multilaboratory testing, to identify and character- CD1–CD363, equating to some 500 molecules
ize the corresponding antigens and to develop an (because some molecules have been given desig-
internationally agreed nomenclature (Bernard nations such as CD1a and CD1b). The ninth
et al. 1984). The first HLDA workshop has been HLDA workshop focused on B-cell markers and
followed by a series of workshops, which are still tabulated 18 additional CD molecules (www.
continuing ( It has been estimated that the total
148 CD Markers

number of distinct leukocyte cell surface mole- appropriate CD markers. Figure 2 shows a typical
cules may be as high as 1,000 (Zola and Swart analysis for two CD markers on blood cells from
2003). a control blood donor.
Immunologic consequences, including
changes in leukocyte populations as detected by
Preclinical Relevance CD markers, have been reported in individuals
exposed to a wide range of toxic substances,
CD markers, and the antibodies directed against ranging from lead and mercury to dioxins and
them, are widely used in research studies on the including cigarette smoking and air pollution.
human immune system and animal models of the The fetus and newborn may be particularly
immune system and in studies of hemopoietic susceptible.
malignancies. For a review of the CD system for Antibodies against CD markers are increas-
the laboratory mouse, see Lai et al. (1998). ingly used therapeutically. Initially CD3 and
While the effects of exposure of humans to more recently other antibodies against CD mole-
toxic substances on immunologic parameters is cules are used to treat or reverse organ graft
of major interest, in practice studies are better rejection, while a number of antibodies against
performed in laboratory animals in order to pre- B-cell molecules, especially CD20, are used
dict toxicity, rather than by evaluation of individ- increasingly in the treatment of lymphoma.
uals who have suffered accidental exposure.
Evaluation of immunotoxic effects in animals is
an important aspect of safety evaluation of Regulatory Environment
Many monoclonal antibodies against CD markers
have been accepted as reagents for diagnostic
Relevance to Humans assays, and they are generally superior to the
reagents they have replaced or they allow the use
CD markers are widely used in diagnostic immu- of superior assays. The environment for approval
nology, hematology, and pathology and have of CD monoclonal-antibody-based diagnostics is
added enormous resolving power to these disci- thus favorable. By contrast, monoclonal anti-
plines. For example, the number of circulating bodies as therapeutics are associated with
T cells is monitored using the CD3 marker in a number of potential problems, leading to a very
patients with HIV-AIDS, and treatment decisions stringent regulatory environment. First, the speci-
are based on the result. ficity of a monoclonal antibody – while very
In healthy individuals, the major cell types high – does not rule out side effects due to reaction
occur in proportions which lie within rather with other body components (e.g., CD9 which
defined ranges – the “normal range.” might be useful in lymphoma treatment is ruled
T lymphocytes constitute generally 70 % of the out because it is present on platelets and in the
lymphocyte fraction, with a range of 60–85 %, kidney). Second, antibodies may bind to antigen
while B lymphocytes generally comprise 3–20 % and form complexes which can be deposited in the
of circulating lymphocytes in healthy individuals. kidney and in other organs, causing disease. Even
The proportions in the blood are very variable, for though CD markers are defined as cell surface
example, changing transiently in response to exer- molecules, many are shed from the surface and
cise, and show a diurnal pattern of variation. Nev- are therefore also present in the serum. Thirdly, the
ertheless, the numbers fall outside the normal reaction triggered by the monoclonal antibody
range in a number of disease situations, and these may have undesirable downstream effects. An
changes are measured using antibodies against example is the cytokine release reaction, which
CD Markers 149

CD Markers, Fig. 2 Typical flow cytometric analysis of 77 % expressing CD3. The lower right panel shows that
leukocytes from blood using antibodies against CD CD8 is expressed on 20 % of lymphocytes. The upper
markers. Analysis of light scatter in two directions right panel shows both dyes simultaneously, allowing
(upper left panel) allows the lymphocyte fraction to be enumeration of CD8+/CD3+ (cytotoxic/suppressor
selected, while granulocytes, most monocytes, red cells, T cells, 17.7 %), CD8+ cells that do not express CD3
platelets, and dead cells fall outside the “gated” region (2.8 %, probably natural killer (NK) cells, which can be
(outlined) and are excluded from analysis. In this experi- identified directly with additional CD markers), CD3 cells
ment, antibodies against CD3 (which is on all that do not express CD8 (59 %, probably helper T cells,
T lymphocytes) and CD8 (which is on a subset of which can be identified directly with a CD4 antibody), and
T lymphocytes that characteristically function to kill double-negative cells, which would include B cells, some
cells bearing foreign antigens or to suppress antibody monocytes which have not been excluded by the scatter
responses) have been used, with different fluorochrome gates, and some NK cells. Each of these cell types can be
dyes. The lower left panel shows that CD3 divides the identified with other CD markers (see Table 1). Data from
population of lymphocytes into two, with approximately a Coulter Elite flow cytometer/cell sorter

happens when antibodies against CD3 are admin- CD Markers, Table 1 The most widely used CD markers
istered to patients. The antibodies bind to the cells in diagnostic immunology
and induce the release of cytokines, which have Most useful CD
powerful pharmacological effects. Finally, mono- Cell type to be identified marker
clonal antibodies are potentially immunogenic, T lymphocyte CD3
leading to adverse reactions from the recipient’s B lymphocyte CD19
immune system. Nevertheless, increasing num- Monocyte CD14
bers of monoclonal antibodies have been approved Natural killer cell CD56, CD16
for therapeutic use (see, e.g., Zola et al. 2013), and T helper lymphocyte CD4
some are among the leading therapeutic agents in T suppressor/cytotoxic CD8
terms of market size.
Naive T lymphocyte CD45RA
The methodology of leukocyte marker deter-
Memory T lymphocyte CD45R0
mination is the subject of numerous
150 CD Molecule

recommendations and requirements bearing the

authority of regulatory bodies such as the CD28
National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) A homodimeric molecule present on T cells.
(Mandy et al. 2003). It acts as a receptor for CD80 and CD86 mole-
cules. Cross-linking of CD28 with anti-CD28
antibody restores proliferation in the presence
References of suboptimal concentrations of anti-CD3,
while ligation of CD28 with its natural
Bernard AR, Boumsell L, Dausset J, Schlossman SF ligands costimulates T-cell effector and helper
(1984) Leukocyte typing I. Springer, Heidelberg/Ber-
lin/New York
Lai L, Alaverdi N, Maltais L, Morse HC 3rd (1998) Mouse
cell surface antigens: nomenclature and immunophe-
notyping. J Immunol 160:3861–3868 Cross-References
Mandy FF, Nicholson JK, McDougal JS (2003) Guidelines
for performing single-platform absolute CD4+ T-cell
determinations with CD45 gating for persons infected ▶ Lymphocyte Proliferation
with human immunodeficiency virus. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. MMWR Recomm Rep 52:1–13
Zola H, Swart BW (2003) Human leukocyte differentia-
tion antigens. Trends Immunol 24:353–354
Zola H, Thomas D, Lopez AF (2013) Monoclonal anti- CD3
bodies: therapeutic applications (revised 2013) ency-
clopaedia of life sciences (eLS). Wiley, Chichester. A five-chain molecular complex associated with
the T-cell receptor in the T-cell plasma mem-
brane. It occurs on all T cells, as well as on
some subsets of natural killer cells, and anti-
CD Molecule CD3 antibodies can thus be used as a marker for
T cells. CD3 plays a key role in signal transduc-
A marker expressed on the surface of leukocytes, tion and in the formation of the immunological
which may be recognized by a monoclonal anti- synapse, but many aspects of its function remain
body and thus may be used to differentiate cell to be elucidated.

Cross-References Cross-References

▶ Canine Immune System ▶ Lymphocyte Proliferation

▶ CD Markers

CD Molecules
A single-chain glycoprotein, also referred to as
▶ CD Markers the T4 antigen, that has a molecular weight of
56 kD and is present on approximately two-thirds
of circulating human T cells, including T helpers
or T inducers. It is therefore a marker for T-helper
CD25 Regulatory T Cells cells and functions as a receptor for class II mol-
ecules of the major histocompatibility complex
▶ Suppressor Cells (MHC).
Cell Adhesion Molecules 151

▶ Idiotype Network
▶ Suppressor Cells An antigen, also referred to as the T8 antigen, that
▶ Trace Metals and the Immune System has a molecular weight of 32–34 kD. The CD8
antigen consists of two polypeptide chains, a and
b, which may exist in combination as the a/a C
homodimer or the a/b heterodimer. This antigen
CD4+ binds to class I mixed histocompatibility cell
molecules on antigen-presenting cells and may
▶ Trace Metals and the Immune System stabilize interactions between antigen-presenting
cells and class I cells.

CD4+ T Cells
▶ Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes
▶ Helper T Lymphocytes ▶ Idiotype Network
▶ Trace Metals and the Immune System

CD40 Ligand
Antigen-dependent T-cell/B-cell activation
▶ Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes
requires costimulatory signals. Immune deficien-
cies have shown that the interaction between
CD40 on the B-cell surface and CD40 ligand on
the T-cell surface is essential for the initiation of
a germinal center reaction. CD40 belongs to the
Cell Adhesion Molecules
family of tumor necrosis factor-like receptors.
Kris Vleminckx
Department of Molecular Biology, Department
of Molecular Biomedical Research, VIB,
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
▶ B-Cell Maturation and Immunological
Memory Synonyms

Adhesion molecules; CAMs; Cell adhesion


Cell surface marker found on lymphocytes, acti- Definition

vation dependent, and a developmental marker.
Cell adhesion molecules are transmembrane or
membrane-linked glycoproteins that mediate the
Cross-References connections between cells or the attachment of
cells to the substrate (such as stroma, basement
▶ Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue membrane). Dynamic cell-cell and cell-substrate
152 Cell Adhesion Molecules

adhesion is a major morphogenetic factor in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor or by

developing multicellular organisms. In adult ani- a membrane-spanning region. In the latter case
mals, adhesive mechanisms sustain tissue archi- the cytoplasmic part of the molecule often asso-
tecture, allow the generation of force and ciates indirectly with components of the cytoskel-
movement, and guarantee the functionality of eton (e.g., actin, intermediate filaments,
the organs (e.g., creating barriers in secreting submembranous cortex). This implies that adhe-
organs, intestines, and blood vessels) as well as sion molecules, which by themselves establish
generation and maintenance of neuronal connec- extracellular contacts, can be structurally inte-
tions. Cell adhesion is also an integrated compo- grated with the intracellular cytoskeleton, and
nent of the immune system and wound healing. they are often clustered in specific restricted
At the cellular level, cell adhesion molecules do areas in the membrane – the so-called junctional
not just function as molecular glue. Several sig- complex (see Fig. 1b). This combined behavior of
naling functions have been attributed to adhesion linkage to the cytoskeleton and clustering consid-
molecules, and cell adhesion is involved in pro- erably strengthens the adhesive force of the adhe-
cesses such as contact inhibition, growth, and sion molecules. In some cases, exposed adhesion
apoptosis. Deficiencies in the function of cell molecules can be in a conformational configura-
adhesion molecules underlie a wide range of tion that does not support binding to its adhesion
human diseases, including cancer, autoimmune receptor. A signal within the cell can induce a
diseases, and impaired wound healing. conformational change that activates the adhe-
sion molecule (e.g., for integrins; see below).
These mechanisms of regulation allow for a
Characteristics dynamic process of cell adhesion which, among
others, is required for morphogenesis during
At the molecular level, cell adhesion is mediated development and for efficient immunological
by molecules that are exposed on the external defense.
surface of the cell and are somehow physically
linked to the cell membrane. In essence, there are Classification of Cell Adhesion Molecules
three possible mechanisms by which such Based on their molecular structure and mode of
membrane-attached adhesion molecules link cells interaction, five classes of adhesion molecules
to each other (see Fig. 1a). First, molecules on one are generally distinguished: the cadherins, the
cell bind directly to similar molecules on the other integrins, the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily,
cell (homophilic binding). Secondly, adhesion the selectins, and the proteoglycans (Fig. 2).
molecules on one cell bind to other adhesion
receptors on the other cell (heterophilic adhesion). Cadherins
Finally, two different adhesion molecules on two Cadherins and protocadherins form a very large
cells may both bind to a shared secreted multiva- and diverse group of adhesion receptors. They are
lent ligand in the extracellular space. Also, cell- Ca2+-dependent adhesion molecules, involved in
cell adhesion between two identical cells is called a variety of adhesive interactions in both the
homotypic cell adhesion, while heterotypic cell embryo and the adult. Cadherins play a funda-
adhesion takes place between two different cell mental role in metazoan embryos, from the earli-
types. In the case of cell-substrate adhesion, the est gross morphogenetic events (e.g., separation
adhesion molecules bind to the extracellular of germ layers during gastrulation) to the most
matrix (ECM). delicate tunings later in development (e.g.,
molecular wiring of the neural network). The
Cell Adhesion Molecules and the extracellular part of vertebrate classical
Cytoskeleton cadherins consists of a number of so-called
Adhesion molecules can be associated with cadherin repeats, whose conformation is highly
the cell membrane either by a dependent on the presence or absence of calcium
Cell Adhesion Molecules 153

Cell Adhesion Molecules,

Fig. 1 Different modes of
cell-cell and cell-substrate
adhesion and the
mechanism of cytoskeletal
strengthening. (a) Three
possible mechanisms by
which cell adhesion C
molecules mediate
intercellular adhesion.
A cell-surface molecule can
bind to an identical
molecule (homophilic) on
the opposing cell or interact
with another adhesion
receptor (heterophilic).
Alternatively, cell adhesion
molecules on two
neighboring cells bind to
the same multivalent
secreted ligand (linker-
mediated adhesion).
Intercellular adhesion can
take place between
identical cell types
(homotypic) or between
cells of different origins
(heterotypic) independent
of the adhesion molecules
involved. Cell-substrate
adhesion molecules attach
cells to specific compounds
of the extracellular matrix
(ECM). Cell-cell and cell-
substrate adhesion can
occur simultaneously.
(b) Intercellular and cell-
substrate adhesion can be
strengthened by indirect
intracellular linkage of the
cytoplasmic tail of the
adhesion molecules to the
cytoskeleton and by lateral
clustering in the membrane

ions. Only in the presence of calcium can the major adhesion molecules in tissues that are
homophilic interactions be realized, usually by subject to high mechanical stress, such as epithe-
the most distal cadherin repeat. Classical lia (E-cadherin) and endothelia (VE-cadherin).
cadherins are generally exposed as homodimers, However, finer and more elegant intercellular
and their cytoplasmic domain is tightly associ- interactions, such as synaptic contacts, also
ated with the actin cytoskeleton. Cadherins are seem to involve cadherins.
154 Cell Adhesion Molecules

Cell Adhesion Molecules, Fig. 2 The five major classes number of immunoglobulin-like domains (open circles),
of cell adhesion molecules and their binding partners. and more membrane-proximal often fibronectin type III
Cadherins are Ca2+-dependent adhesion molecules repeats are observed (gray boxes). They can bind either
consisting of a varying number of cadherin repeats (five homophilically to other members of the immunoglobulin
in the case of the classical cadherins). The conformation family or to integrins. Selectins contain an N-terminal
and activity of cadherins are highly dependent on the Ca2+-dependent lectin domain (circle) that binds carbohy-
presence of calcium ions. In general, cadherin binding is drates, a single EGF-like repeat (gray box), and a number
homophilic. Integrins are functional as heterodimers of repeats related to those present in complement-binding
consisting of an a subunit and a b subunit. They interact proteins (ovals). Proteoglycans are huge molecules
with members of the immunoglobulin superfamily or with consisting of a relatively small protein core to which
compounds of the extracellular matrix (e.g., fibronectin, long side chains of negatively charged glycosaminogly-
laminin). The immunoglobulin superfamily cans are covalently attached. They bind various mole-
(immunoglobulin-like) is characterized by a various cules, including components of the extracellular matrix

Integrins subunits and 8 subunits have been identified.

Integrins are another group of major players in Of the theoretical 128 heterodimeric pairings, at
the field of cell adhesion. They are involved in least 21 are known to exist. While most integrin
various processes such as morphogenesis and heterodimers bind to ECM components, some of
tissue integrity, hemostasis, immune response, them – more particularly those expressed on
and inflammation. Integrins are a special class leukocytes – are heterophilic adhesion molecules
of adhesion molecules, not only because they binding to members of the Ig superfamily. The a
mediate both cell-cell and cell-substrate interac- subunit mostly contains a ligand-binding domain
tions (with components in the ECM such as lam- and requires the binding of divalent cations for its
inin, fibronectin, and collagen) but also because function (Mg2+, Ca2+, and Mn2+, depending on
they are functional as heterodimers consisting of the integrin). Interestingly, integrins may be pre-
an a subunit and b subunit. To date, at least 16 a sent on the cell surface in a nonfunctional and a
Cell Adhesion Molecules 155

functional configuration. Their cytoplasmic fundamental function in trafficking and homing

domain appears to be responsible for the confor- of leukocytes (e.g., E-, L-, and P-selectin). They
mational change that activates the integrin upon also play major roles in dendritic cells and
appropriate stimuli. Langerhans cells, both as antigen receptors and
as adhesion molecules regulating migration of
Ig Superfamily these antigen-presenting cells. An example of
Among the classes of adhesion molecules the latter is dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grab- C
discussed here, the Ig superfamily is probably the bing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN), important for both
most diverse. The main representatives are the antigen uptake and migration.
neural CAMS (NCAMs) and vascular CAMs
(VCAMS). As the name suggests, the members Proteoglycans
of this family all contain an extracellular domain Proteoglycans are very large extracellular pro-
consisting of different immunoglobulin-like teins consisting of a relatively small protein
domains. NCAMs sustain homophilic and core to which long chains of glycosaminoglycans
heterophilic interactions that play a central role are attached. Although poorly documented, pro-
in regulation and organization of neural networks, teoglycans may bind to each other or may be the
specifically in neuron-target interactions and fas- attachment site for other adhesion molecules. An
ciculation. The basic extracellular structure con- example is the homing receptor CD44 involved in
sists of a number of Ig domains, which are the transmigration of lymphocytes.
responsible for homophilic interaction, followed
by a discrete number of fibronectin type III
repeats. This structure is then linked to the mem- Preclinical Relevance
brane by a GPI anchor or a transmembrane
domain. The VCAM subgroup, including Maintenance of Tissue Barriers
intercellular CAMs (ICAMs) and the mucosal vas- Adhesion molecules are crucial for maintaining
cular address in adhesion molecule (MAdCAM), functional and physical barriers in the organism.
is involved in leukocyte trafficking (or homing) Barriers with the external world (e.g., in the
and extravasation. They consist of membrane- intestine, the skin, and the oral mucosa) are
linked Ig domains that make heterophilic contacts important not only to avoid the penetration of
with integrins. CD2 molecules are found on cyto- chemical compounds and pathogens but also to
toxic and T-helper cells and enhance their binding prevent leaking out or evaporation of fluid. Also
to antigen-presenting T-cells. CD2 binding is barriers within the body are vital, e.g., the blood-
pseudohomophilic to highly homologous adhesion brain and blood-neuron barrier in the central and
receptors. Other members of this family are LFA-3 peripheral nervous system, respectively. Estab-
(leukocyte function-associated antigen-3), lishment and maintenance of these barriers is
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), “deleted in essential for normal body function.
colon cancer” (DCC), and platelet endothelial
Migratory Behavior of Leukocytes
In order to be able to fulfill their immense task,
leukocytes migrate through the body and specif-
These types of adhesion molecules depend on
ically traffic and home to the sites where they are
carbohydrate structures for their adhesive inter-
needed. In general, three ways of migration are
actions. Selectins have a C-type lectin domain,
observed in the immune system:
which can specifically bind to discrete carbohy-
drate structures present on cell-surface proteins • Dendritic antigen-presenting cells are found in
(often sialyl Lewis X). Intercellular interactions peripheral organs like the skin and the intesti-
mediated by selectins are of particular interest nal epithelia where they make strong contacts
in the immune system, where they have a with the surrounding cells and the ECM.
156 Cell Adhesion Molecules

When they capture and process antigens, they Consequently, the neutrophils are arrested, attach
become highly mobile and migrate to the lym- firmly to the endothelium, and migrate through
phoid organs where they present their antigens it. Knowing that for lymphocytes also CD44 is
to the lymphocytes. This migratory behavior involved in transmigration, and considering that
requires a change in cell adhesion molecules, to pass through the endothelial cell layer
e.g., reduction of E-cadherin expression in the VE-cadherin-mediated cell-cell contacts have to
case of Langerhans cells. be disrupted, we can state that this “multistep
• T and B lymphocytes survey the body, scan- adhesion cascade” of leukocytes involves all the
ning for infectious pathogens, and for this major families of adhesion molecules discussed
purpose they constantly circulate in the vascu- earlier.
lar and lymphatic compartments. Lympho-
cytes can leave the blood vessels at the Other Adhesive Interactions in the Immune
lymph nodes where they are confronted with System
the antigen-presenting cells, after which they Other adhesive interactions are involved in the
proliferate and differentiate, traverse the lym- immune system. It is, for instance, found that
phatic system, and then return to the vascular immature thymocytes require intimate interac-
system. tions with the epithelial cells in the thymus.
• Granulocytes and monocytes circulate in the These contacts seem to be established by
blood and extravasate into the surrounding homophilic but heterotypic E-cadherin adhesion.
tissue in response to inflammatory stimuli. Interestingly, E-cadherin can also form
Leukocyte migration involves a highly regu- heterophilic interactions with a aE b7 integrin
lated adhesive mechanism, also known as the on certain T lymphocytes. Aggregation of plate-
“multistep adhesion cascade.” For simplicity, lets also involves adhesion receptors, in this case
we will only discuss the homing and extrava- members of the integrin family, and also here the
sation of neutrophils, but the mechanism can integrins need to be activated by agonists like
be easily extrapolated to lymphocyte thrombin in order to induce effective adhesion.
trafficking. Finally, T-cells interact with antigen-presenting
cells through binding of the T-cell receptor with
The Multistep Adhesion Cascade the antigen-major histocompatibility complex
The multistep adhesion cascade starts with the (MHC). However, this binding is of very low
selective and local expression of selectins on the affinity. Efficient interaction between the T-cell
cells of the vessel wall in response to inflamma- and the antigen-presenting cell requires the for-
tory stimuli. These selectins can bind to carbohy- mation of an immunological synapse with the
drates expressed on the neutrophils that pass by in cooperation of adhesion molecules, in most
the bloodstream. This interaction, known as teth- cases a heterophilic interaction between an
ering, is of low affinity and transient and is easily LFA-1 and ICAM-1 or a pseudohomophilic inter-
disrupted by the continuous blood flow. As a action between CD2 adhesion molecules (see
result, the neutrophils roll along the surface of above).
the endothelium. The neutrophils express
integrins on their cell surface, but these are in a
nonfunctional state. However, chemokines Relevance to Humans
released from the endothelial cells on which the
neutrophils are rolling induce a G-protein- Inflammation: Impaired Immune Response
mediated conformational change in the integrins
of the neutrophil. As a result these integrins General Involvement
are activated and can bind their targets, which The central role of adhesion molecules in the
are ICAMs, on the endothelial cells. immune response makes these molecules
Cell Adhesion Molecules 157

interesting therapeutic targets for controlling who have to rely on immunosuppressive drugs
inflammatory diseases in humans (Marshall and for their entire life. In some cases, the targets
Haskard 2002). Several potential scenarios can recognized by antibodies or T-cells associated
be envisioned: with autoimmunity are cell adhesion molecules.
Paramount examples of the latter are pemphigus
• The activity of specific adhesion molecules
foliaceus and pemphigus vulgaris, where
(e.g., integrins involved in extravasation of C
antibody-mediated autoimmune reactions are
leukocytes) can be blocked with humanized
directed against desmoglein 1 and desmoglein
monoclonal antibodies or with
3, respectively (Moll and Moll 1998).
Desmogleins (and desmocollins) are members
• The influence of the cell on the activity of the
of the cadherin family that are localized at the
adhesion molecules (inside-outside signaling)
desmosomes and are responsible for epidermal
and, vice versa, the signaling properties of the
cell-cell adhesion in keratinocytes. The autoim-
adhesion receptors (outside-inside signaling)
mune diseases result in severe intraepidermal
and their intimate and functionally important
association with the cytoskeleton opens other
roads for intervention.
Adhesion Molecules as Pathogen Receptors
• As the expression of adhesion molecules on
The food-borne pathogen Listeria
leukocytes and endothelial cells is under strict
monocytogenes is able to enter nonphagocytic
control of cytokines and chemokines, also spe-
cells. Entry in target cells is mediated mainly by
cific interference with the expression or the
two proteins: internalin (InlA) and Inl-
function of these secreted factors is therapeu-
B. Interestingly, InlA binds specifically with
tically used to temper exaggerated immune
E-cadherin, which is used as a receptor for inter-
nalization (Cossart et al. 2003). This is achieved
by cross-talk between the bacterium and the host
Specific Genetic Diseases cell through activation of specific signaling pro-
Rare genetic leukocyte adhesion deficiency teins inducing phagocytosis.
(LAD) diseases are associated with mutations in The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1)
adhesion molecules. LAD type I is characterized surface protein gp120 is able to bind the selectin
by a b2integrin deficiency and is associated with DC-SIGN in dendritic antigen-presenting cells in
the inability of leukocytes to emigrate from the peripheral tissues such as the mucosa or the skin
vasculature (Marshall and Haskard 2002). This (Benoist and Mathis 2001). Binding of gp120
results in recurrent pyogenic infections often occurs without viral entry. Rather, the virus pig-
leading to death from septicemia in the first or gybacks on the dendritic cell when it travels to
second decade. LAD type II is another genetic secondary lymphoid organs. In this compartment
disease, associated with defects in the it is presented to T-cells expressing CD4 and
GDP-fucose transporter. This causes aberrant chemokine receptor, thus permitting infection.
fucosylation of glycoproteins, including the spe-
cific ligands of the selectins. Aside from devel- T-Cell Epitope Mimicry
opmental abnormalities, the affected patients also In some specific cases, autoimmunity is thought
suffer from diseases associated with impaired to occur as a by-product of the immune response
leukocyte trafficking. against a microbial infection (Figdor et al. 2002).
An example is Lyme arthritis induced by the
Autoimmune Diseases bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme arthritis
Autoimmunity is characterized by the reaction of is an inflammatory joint disorder resembling
the immune system against self-antigens. This rheumatoid arthritis. It occurs relatively late
has of course detrimental effects on the patients after infection and is frequently resistant to
158 Cell Adhesion Receptors

antibiotic treatment, suggesting it is actually an

autoimmune-like disease. This appears to be the Cell Separation Techniques
result of a T-cell response against an epitope
in the outer surface protein A (OspA) of Mario Assenmacher
B. burgdorferi. The recognized peptide OpsA Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach,
(165-173) is also present in the human LFA-1a Germany
protein (residues L326-345). Hence, the T-cell
reaction against the OpsA(165-173) epitope auto-
matically provokes an autoimmune response Synonyms
against the integrin LFA-1a.
Cell sorting; Depletion; Enrichment; Isolation;
Adhesion Molecules as Proteolytic Targets for Selection
Interestingly, some pathogens are disrupting
intercellular adhesion through proteolytic activ-
Short Description
ity. This is the case for Staphylococcus aureus,
which secretes an exfoliating toxin that specifi-
This essay focuses on ex vivo and in vitro cell
cally binds and cleaves the desmosomal cadherin
separation methods in the field of immunology
desmoglein 1 (Amagai 2003). This generates the
and hematology. It does not include methods for
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, a severe
in vivo depletion of certain cell types, for exam-
epidermal blistering disease that resembles the
ple, by antibody treatment or – in animal models,
autoimmune disease pemphigus foliaceus (see
in particular in mice – by gene targeting.
The aim of cell separation methods is to create
defined compositions of cells starting from a het-
erogeneous cell population for:
• Ex vivo or in vitro analysis (e.g., for phenotypic,
Amagai M (2003) Desmoglein as a target in autoimmunity functional, biochemical, or genetic analysis)
and infection. J Am Acad Dermatol 48:244–252
• In vivo analysis (after adoptive transfer)
Benoist C, Mathis D (2001) Autoimmunity provoked by
infection: how good is the case for T cell epitope • Cellular therapy
mimicry? Nat Immunol 2:797–801 • Other purposes, like immunization or genera-
Cossart P, Pizarro-Cerda J, Lecuit M (2003) Invasion of tion of cell lines
mammalian cells by Listeria monocytogenes: func-
tional mimicry to subvert cellular functions. Trends In general, there are different possible strate-
Cell Biol 13:23–31 gies to create defined compositions of cells:
Figdor CG, van Kooyk Y, Adema GY (2002) C-type lectin
receptors on dendritic cells and Langerhans cells. • Positive enrichment of target cells is the most
Nat Rev Immunol 2:77–84
direct way to isolate target cells and typically
Marshall D, Haskard DO (2002) Clinical overview of
leukocyte adhesion and migration: where are we gives the best purity and recovery; however, if
now? Sem Immunol 14:133–140 positive selection is not feasible (e.g., because
Moll R, Moll I (1998) Epidermal adhesion molecules and labeling of the target cells would change their
basement membrane components as target structures
functionality), then depletion of unwanted
of autoimmunity. Virchows Arch 432:487–504
cells can be used too.
• Depletion of unwanted cells is the indirect
enrichment of “untouched” target cells.
• Depletion of target cells is sometimes a good
Cell Adhesion Receptors strategy, for example, to indirectly analyze
their function by comparison of depleted
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules with non-depleted cell populations.
Cell Separation Techniques 159

% positive cells in enriched fraction x % negative cells in original fraction

Enrichment rate =
% positive cells in original fraction x % negative cells in enriched fraction

% positive cells in original fraction x % negative cells in depleted fraction

Depletion rate =
% positive cells in depleted fraction x % negative cells in original fraction

Cell Separation Techniques, Fig. 1 C

Using different cell separation techniques, Purity and recovery of target cells are two key
which do not interfere with each other, multiple parameters for the analysis of the quality of a cell
sequential separation steps can be performed, separation. In general, there is an inverse relation
e.g., subsets of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells between purity and recovery. The purity of
might be isolated from human peripheral blood enriched cells is strongly dependent on the fre-
by first density gradient centrifugation to prepare quency in the original sample before separation.
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), With a low starting frequency of target cells
followed by magnetic cell sorting to isolate (1 %), it can be difficult to obtain a high purity
CD34+ cells, and finally flow cytometric cell by one separation step and method, that is, repe-
sorting to isolate a subset of the CD34+ cells. tition of separation steps and/or combination of
However, sequential separations are also pos- different separation methods can increase the
sible with the same method (in various ways and final purity.
orders). For example, target cells defined by the Since the purity is dependent on the starting
expression of two different markers (e.g., CD4+ frequency before separation, enrichment and
CD25+ regulatory T cells (where CD is cluster depletion rates are often more useful parameters
designation)) – of which one marker (CD25) is to control the efficiency of a cell separation
also expressed by non-CD4+ cells – can be iso- (Fig. 1).
lated by first depletion of unwanted non-CD4+ In addition, for many applications, it is impor-
cells, followed by the positive enrichment of tar- tant that cells are viable and functionally intact
get cells according to CD25. after separation.
Selectable parameters used for cell separation
are often “naturally” expressed markers or intrin-
sic cell properties, but can also be “artificially” Characteristics
introduced markers (e.g., genetically), for exam-
ple, for the selection of transfected cells. The first cell separation techniques were based on
The development of monoclonal antibody physical properties of cells like cell size and
technology was a major milestone in the devel- density.
opment of efficient and specific techniques for the
identification and separation of specific cell types Separation Methods According to Intrinsic,
of the immune system. Physical Properties
With the use of antibodies, cells are usually
separated according to surface marker expres- Sedimentation/Centrifugation
sion. Cells can also be separated according to In conventional centrifugation methods, cells are
intracellular markers after fixation and permeabi- sediment through a liquid under gravitational
lization, but the use of these cells is limited to force. In centrifugal elutriation, also called coun-
certain applications, because they are obviously terflow centrifugation or counter-streaming centri-
dead. However, viable cells can be separated fugation, cells are in addition subject to an
according to secreted molecules using the affinity opposing force from counterflowing fluid. Where
matrix (or secretion assay) technology. the resulting force equals zero cells will remain.
160 Cell Separation Techniques

Conventional centrifugation is the standard enrichment as well as depletion of monocytes and

procedure to separate cells from a liquid, i.e., macrophages. The preferential adherence of
for all kinds of cell washing steps; however, monocytes, macrophages, and B cells to nylon
sometimes it is also used to separate different wool columns was used to enrich for T cells from
cell types, such as platelets from PBMC mononuclear cell suspensions. Cotton wool col-
(see section “Density Gradient Separation/ umns have been used for the depletion of dead
Centrifugation”). cells and cell debris.

Density Gradient Separation/Centrifugation E-Rosetting (Erythrocyte Rosetting)

These techniques are based on discontinuous or Human T cells can be separated from other mono-
continuous density gradients. Cells of density nuclear cells by their ability to bind to and form
lower than the gradient will stay or move to the rosettes with sheep red blood cells (SRBC), espe-
top; cells of density greater than the gradient will cially if the SRBC are pretreated with neuramini-
sediment at the bottom; and cells of density dase or 2-aminoethylisothiouronium (AET).
within the gradient range will remain in the por- CD2 was identified as the antigen on the T cells
tion of the gradient corresponding to their responsible for binding to the SRBC. T cells can
density. be separated from non-rosetting cells (B cells and
Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient centrifuga- monocytes) by density gradient centrifugation
tion is a standard method for the preparation of (see section “Density Gradient Separation/
PBMC. While mononuclear cells (lymphocytes Centrifugation”). After separation, T cells can be
and monocytes) and platelets collect on top, red recovered from the rosettes by erythrocyte lysis
blood cells (RBC) and granulocytes collect at the (see section “Osmotic Lysis”).
bottom of the Ficoll-sodium metrizoate and solu-
tion with a density of 1.077 g/ml. Contaminating LME Killing
platelets can subsequently be separated from Cells with high content of lysosomal enzymes,
PBMC by centrifugation at 200 g. Density gradi- especially monocytes/macrophages, but also natu-
ent centrifugation is also often used to remove ral killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T cells (CTL)
dead cells from cell suspensions, because dead can be depleted using L-leucine methyl ester
cells have a higher density than viable cells. (LME). LME is a lysosomotropic agent that is
taken up and concentrated in lysosomes. There
Osmotic Lysis LME is converted by lysosomal enzymes
Different resistance to osmotic stress is used in (dipeptidyl peptidase I) to the toxic
another standard method: the preparation of (membranolytic) L-leucyl-L-leucine methyl ester.
peripheral blood leukocytes (also called white
blood cells, WBC (lymphocytes, monocytes, and (Immuno)Separation Methods Using Specific
granulocytes)) from blood by the selective lysis Probes (Especially Antibodies)
of erythrocytes in hypotonic ammoniumchlorid
solution. Alternatively, although less often used, Complement Lysis
erythrocytes can be lysed by a very short (few Antibodies are used to selectively lyse antigen-
seconds) incubation in distilled water. expressing cells via complement fixation. In the
first step, cells are incubated with specific anti-
Separation Methods Based on Functional bodies, which are able to fix complement (e.g.,
Properties of Cells mouse immunoglobulin M or IgG2a), against tar-
get antigen(s). After washing, cells are incubated
Adhesion with rabbit or guinea pig serum as source of com-
Monocytes and macrophages rapidly adhere to plement. The method requires serum with low
plastic when incubated at 37  C, whereas lym- unspecific lysis caused by “natural” antibodies
phocytes do not. This property has been used for against nontarget cells in the serum. After cell
Cell Separation Techniques 161

lysis, dead cells are removed (e.g., by Ficoll den- Particle Sedimentation
sity gradient centrifugation, as described above). Antibodies are attached to large, high-density
Because antigen-expressing cells are lost in this particles (e.g., 10 mm diameter nickel beads),
method, it can only be used for depletions. for example, by passive adsorption. Cells are
mixed with the antibody-coated high-density par-
E-Antibody Rosetting ticles. Then, particles are allowed to settle. Set-
This method is a modification of the classical tled particles and the bound cells form a pellet; C
E-rosetting technique described previously. Eryth- thus, unbound cells stay in suspension and can be
rocytes, which do not spontaneously bind to easily recovered. Unbound cells might be
leukocytes, are coated with antibodies. Antigen- subjected to several rounds of processing to effi-
expressing cells bind to and form rosettes ciently remove antigen-expressing cells. Because
with antibody-coated erythrocytes. Rosetting recovery of the cells bound to the high-density
cells can be separated from non-rosetting cells by particles is difficult and inefficient, particle sedi-
density gradient centrifugation (see above). After mentation is mainly used for depletion
separation, rosetting cells can be recovered from approaches.
the rosettes by erythrocyte lysis, as described
above. Magnetic Cell Sorting (MACS)
For immunomagnetic cell separation, antibodies
Panning are attached to super-paramagnetic beads
Antibodies are immobilized on the plastic consisting of iron oxide and polymer. Signifi-
(polystyrene) surface of a cell culture dish or cantly different types of magnetic cell separation
plate by adsorption (as for an enzyme-linked methods have been evolved.
immunosorbant assay, ELISA). After washing, In one technique, cells are labeled with anti-
free binding sites on the plastic surface are bodies attached to large polystyrene beads
blocked with irrelevant protein to prevent (2–5 mm diameter) under continuous mixing.
unspecific adherence of nontarget cells to the Magnetically labeled cells are then separated
plastic surface. Then, cells are incubated in the from unlabelled cells in a separation vessel
antibody-coated dishes/plates at low temperature. (e.g., tube) by exposing the cell mixture to a
Cells expressing the antigen recognized by the magnetic field using a permanent magnet.
coated antibody are immobilized. The unbound Unlabelled cells stay in suspension and can easily
cells are then gently removed. After washing, be recovered. Labeled cells and free beads are
immobilized cells might also be recovered by attracted to the magnet and retained on the side of
vigorous pipetting or with a cell scraper. the separation vessel. They can be recovered after
removal of the magnetic field. Because these
Affinity Chromatography types of beads interfere with some subsequent
In principle similar to the panning technique, applications of the cells (e.g., immunofluorescent
antibodies are also immobilized on a solid sup- analysis or cell culture), it might be necessary to
port. For affinity chromatography, antibodies are release the beads from the labeled cells (which
conjugated to different kinds of beads (e.g., poly- can be achieved in a number of different ways).
acrylamide), which are then used to prepare In the MACS technology, cells are labeled
immunoaffinity columns. Cells are applied to with antibodies covalently coupled to very small
the immunoaffinity column. While cells recog- super-paramagnetic MicroBeads (20–100 nm
nized by the antibodies bind to and are retained diameter) within minutes. The cell suspension is
on the column, unbound cells flow through and then passed over a column containing a ferromag-
are easily recovered. Recovery of the cells bound netic matrix (e.g., iron spheres) placed in a strong
to the column is also possible, but can be difficult external magnetic field, which creates a high-
and inefficient. Therefore, affinity chromatogra- gradient magnetic field in the column. The mag-
phy is mainly used for cell depletion approaches. netically labeled cells are retained in the column,
162 Cell Separation Techniques

while unlabelled cells pass through. After in vivo with adoptive transfer experiments or
removal of the column from the magnetic field, in vivo manipulation.
the magnetically retained cells can be eluted. Beside particular advantages and limitations
Both labeled and unlabeled cells can be recov- of each of the cell separation methods, there are a
ered and directly used for analysis as well as cell number of “general” separation parameters,
culture (including in vivo transfer). Due to their which are important for the decision of which
size and composition (iron oxide and polysaccha- method(s) to choose for the separation of a spe-
ride), MicroBeads do not affect light scattering or cific target cell population from a given starting
fluorescent properties of labeled cells, and they population:
are biodegradable.
• Purity and starting frequency of target cells
(enrichment/depletion rate)
Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)
• Recovery (or yield)
For immunofluorescence analysis and separation
• Viability and functionality of target cells
by flow cytometry, cells are labeled with specific
• Total starting cell number
probes, especially antibodies conjugated to fluo-
• Total number of target cells
rochromes. A flow cytometer is an instrument to
• Reproducibility, complexity, time, and costs
measure the optical properties of individual
stained cells. Cells focused in a liquid stream Several methods can result in reasonable
are sequentially passing a laser beam. Scatter purity if the starting frequency of target cells
and fluorescence signals of illuminated cells are before separation is high (e.g., for CD3+ T cells
detected. A fluorescence-activated cell sorter is a among PBMC). However, only a few methods
flow cytometer equipped to separate individual result in a good purity, if the starting frequency
cells based on their detected properties. of target cells before enrichment is low (e.g., for
Use of different antibodies with different fluo- CD34+ cells from PBMC). Methods leading to
rochromes, that is, with distinct fluorescence comparable purities of target cells might differ
colors (i.e., emission spectra), allows analysis significantly with respect to the recovery of target
and separation of cells for multiple parameters cells or the time required for separation. The
at the same time. Because cells are processed latter is especially relevant for FACS, the only
sequentially (one at a time), flow sorting allows “serial” separation method (compared to the
sorting of single cells, e.g., for single cell analysis other “parallel” separation methods). In flow
or cloning. However, sorting of large cell num- cytometric sorting, the separation time is strongly
bers can take substantial time. Flow cytometry influenced by the total cell number to be
allows the quantitative analysis of the density of processed. A conventional flow sorter can sepa-
antigen expression on single cells over a large rate about 10,000 cells per second (separation of
dynamic range and thereby allows very precise 107 cells takes 17 min), but separation of 1010
defining of the target cells for separation. cells (e.g., from leukapheresis harvest) takes
278 h (compared to minutes with some “parallel”
separation methods).
Pros and Cons Some of the old methods are not frequently
used anymore, e.g., methods of group II, because
Specific methods for the identification and sepa- they give lower purity and often also lower recov-
ration of cells from the immune system have, in ery and they are less versatile than modern
the last 30–40 years, tremendously improved our immuno-separation methods of group III. Among
understanding of the nature and the function of methods of group III, MACS and FACS are state
many different cell types of the immune system. of the art and are commonly used nowadays.
However, especially cell functions observed However, especially methods of group I are
in vitro and their relevance need to be confirmed still widely used, because they allow processing
Cell-Mediated Immunity 163

of large cell numbers in a short time with low

costs. They are primarily used for “general” cell Cell-Based Bioassays
preparation (like PBMC from peripheral blood).
In addition, they can significantly improve qual- ▶ Cytokine Assays
ity, time, and/or costs of other subsequent cell
separation methods, e.g., as “pre-enrichment”
steps before MACS or FACS. C

Cell-Mediated Allergic Reaction

Relevance to Humans
▶ Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity
Beside the impact of cell separation techniques
on biomedical research, some techniques have
also particular relevance to humans in the field
of cellular therapies.
The large-scale isolation of hematopoietic
Cell-Mediated Hypersensitivity
stem cells from leukapheresis or bone marrow
▶ Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity
harvests, e.g., with automated magnetic cell
selection devices, is used for autologous as well
as allogenic transplantation.
Furthermore, there are many ongoing attempts
to use different cell types of the immune system
Cell-Mediated Immunity
for the treatment of infectious diseases, tumors,
Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) is part of the
or autoimmunity. This includes, for example,
acquired arm of immunity and is mediated by
dendritic cells (either derived from monocytes
the direct actions of cells on foreign (nonself)
or hematopoietic stem cells or directly isolated
agents such as viruses, bacteria, and other anti-
from leukapheresis harvests), NK cells, T cells,
gens. Cell-mediated immunity is more specifi-
or particular T cell subsets (CD4 cells, CD8 cells,
cally defined as the T-cell-mediated responses
antigen-specific T cells, or regulatory T cells). In
such as delayed hypersensitivity or cytotoxic
addition, clinical research is investigating the
T-cell activity, antibody-dependent cellular cyto-
potential use of (adult) stem cells for tissue engi-
toxicity mediated by natural killer cells, and
neering and regeneration.
soluble-factor-mediated macrophage cytotoxic
responses. It protects against intracellular bacte-
ria, viruses, and cancer and is responsible for
References graft rejection.

Radbruch A (ed) (1999) Flow cytometry and cell sorting,

2nd edn. Springer, Berlin
Recktenwald D (ed) (1997) Cell separation methods and
applications. Marcel Dekker, New York
▶ Flow Cytometry Technique
▶ Graft-Versus-Host Reaction
▶ Leukemia
▶ Lymphoma
Cell Sorting ▶ Primate Immune System (Nonhuman) and
Environmental Contaminants
▶ Cell Separation Techniques ▶ Rabbit Immune System
164 Cell-Mediated Lysis

and differentiation of naive CD8+ T cells that are

Cell-Mediated Lysis specific for a particular peptide presented by an
antigen-presenting cell (APC) in the context of
B. Paige Lawrence major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, molecules. This activation process requires
College of Pharmacy, Washington co-stimulatory signals that are provided by the
State University, Pullman, WA, USA APC. Following this process, differentiated
CD8+ T cells are now mature CTL that recognize
and destroy target cells. CTL recognize their spe-
Synonyms cific targets using T cell receptors (TCR) on the
CTL, which bind to peptide-MHC class
ADCC; Antibody-dependent cell-mediated I molecules on the surface of target cells.
cytotoxicity; CTL activity; NK cell killing; CTL can kill antigen-bearing target cells via
Target cell killing three different mechanisms (Russell and Ley
2002) which are described more fully in the sec-
tion on cytotoxic T lymphocytes. One of these
Definition mechanisms involves the release of perforin and
granzymes by the CTL in response to TCR
Cell-mediated lysis describes the killing of spe- engagement with peptide-MHC molecules on
cific cellular targets by cells of the immune sys- the target cell.
tem. The effector cells are most often Upon secretion, perforin monomers self-
differentiated CD8+ T cells (i.e., cytotoxic assemble, creating membrane-spanning pores.
T lymphocytes or CTL) or natural killer cells These pores compromise the integrity of the tar-
(NK cells). In some instances CD4+ T cells can get cell membrane, which permits granzymes
acquire a cytolytic phenotype, but this is access to the target cell through the holes created
considered rare. With regard to host defense, by perforin. Granzymes are serine proteases that
cell-mediated lysis plays an important role in stimulate programmed cell death machinery via
resistance to intracellular pathogens. Specifi- the activation of caspase enzymes and other
cally, CTL primarily kill host cells that are proapoptotic proteins.
infected with viruses, whereas NK cells kill In addition to the perforin-granzyme system,
virally infected and bacterially infected host CTL can also destroy antigen-bearing targets
cells. Additionally, both CTL and NK cells rec- using Fas ligand (FasL) and tumor necrosis factor
ognize and kill certain types of tumor cells, and (TNF)-a. Both Fas, the cognate co-receptor for
on rare instances cells infected with bacteria are FasL, and type I TNF receptors contain “death
targets of CTL-mediated killing. domains” in their cytoplasmic tails. Binding of
receptors with death domains by their respective
ligands activates an intracellular signaling
Characteristics cascade, leading to apoptotic cell death.

An obligatory feature of cell-mediated lysis is NK Cell-Mediated Lysis

that it involves cell-cell contact between the While NK cells are lymphocytes, they do not
effector and target cells. However, this interac- require prior exposure to antigen in order to
tion is directed by different molecules, leading to acquire cytolytic activity, nor do they exist as
three distinct mechanisms of cell-mediated lysis. naive precursors. Instead, mature NK cells
constitutively synthesize and store perforin
MHC-Restricted Lysis and granzymes, and the powerful cytolytic capac-
The acquisition of killing ability by CD8+ T cells ity of NK cells has been recognized for many
requires the initial activation, clonal expansion, years.
Cell-Mediated Lysis 165

In contrast to T cells – which have antigen- into the NK cell upon ligand binding. Quite often
specific receptors and undergo a maturation pro- the expression of particular KIR or Ly49 family
cess that deletes cells with self-reactive TCR – NK members overlaps on a given NK cell; however,
cells lack antigen-specific receptors and do not no single type of receptor is expressed on the
undergo clonal selection or screening. Instead, entire population of NK cells. While the precise
target cell recognition and the cytolytic activity anatomical and functional role of the different
of NK cells are controlled by the expression of a receptor subsets remains unclear, the expression C
large family of cell surface receptors referred to as of different inhibitory receptors likely enhances
the NK gene complex (NKC). Members of this the ability of NK cells to recognize a large variety
family act as either inhibitory or stimulatory of peptide-MHC complexes.
receptors (Makrigiannis and Anderson 2001; The third category of inhibitory receptors,
Yokoyama and Plougastel 2003). referred to as NKG2/CD94, is expressed on both
human and mouse NK cells (Ho et al. 2002). Rather
Inhibitory Receptors than bind classical MHC class I complexes, mem-
While other mechanisms likely also exist, one bers of this family of inhibitory receptors bind
well-established pathway by which NK cells rec- nonclassical MHC-like molecules, such as human
ognize target cells as “self” is the interaction of leukocyte antigen HLA-E and mouse Qa1b.
inhibitory receptors on NK cells and MHC class
I molecules on another cell. This concept is often Stimulatory Receptors
referred to as the “missing self hypothesis” and is In contrast to inhibitory receptors, less is known
predicated on the idea that NK cells require a about the stimulatory receptors expressed on NK
constant “off” signal, delivered through cell sur- cells. Like inhibitory receptors, the stimulatory
face inhibitory receptors. In the absence of this receptors fall into three families: KIR, Ly49, and
signal, NK cells become activated and kill the NKG2. Some bind members of the MHC class I
cell in which they have come in contact. This superfamily – others do not. However, the ligand
inhibitory signal would be absent, for example, specificity of these receptors remains to be defined
when aberrant MHC molecules are expressed or in greater detail; in contrast to the inhibitory recep-
when a cell has down-modulated MHC class I tor family, whether in the Ig- and lectin-like struc-
expression due to viral infection. tural families, stimulatory NK cell receptors
In support of this theory, three different cate- contain immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation
gories of inhibitory receptors have been identified motifs (ITAMs) in their cytoplasmic domains
on NK cells from mice and humans. Rodent NK (Yokoyama and Plougastel 2003). Once activated,
cells express members of a large family of cell NK cells release perforin and granzymes, driving
surface receptors called Ly49, while inhibitory death of the target cell in a manner similar to CTL.
receptors on human NK cells are called KIRs In summary, healthy syngeneic cells are not
(killer cell immunoglobulin-related receptors). killed by NK cells because of the interaction
Although structurally dissimilar, the KIR and between inhibitory receptors on the NK cell and
Ly49 family of molecules are functionally members of the MHC class I superfamily on host
homologous and bind the same ligand – an intact cells. While this aspect of NK cell function is
MHC class I complex, containing the “heavy well accepted, the overall mechanisms that con-
chain,” b2-microglobulin, and bound peptide. trol target cell recognition by NK cells remain an
Both KIR and Ly49 are large, polymorphic active area of study, and the ligands for many NK
families of molecules, and different genes are cell receptors have yet to be identified.
differentially expressed on NK cell subsets. It is
thought that these receptors share common mech- Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated
anistic features, such as the use of cytoplasmic Cytotoxicity
immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs The underlying mechanism of antibody-
(ITIMs), which underlie the inhibitory signal sent dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) is
166 Cell-Mediated Lysis

driven by NK cell recognition of an antibody- 51-chromium release assay. For NK cells, the
bound target cell. NK cells express CD16 standard cellular targets are Yac-1 cells if one is
(FcgRIII), which binds to IgG1 and IgG3 antibody working with murine NK cells or K562 lympho-
subclasses. Binding of these antibody isotypes to mas if one is working with human cells. For CTL,
antigen-bearing cells renders these cells suscep- there is no agreement on a specific target cell.
tible to recognition and killing by NK cells. Often, host resistance assays, such as a viral
Cross-linking of CD16 by IgG signals an NK infection, are used, and the CTL-mediated lysis
cell to release perforin-containing and of a virus-infected target cell is measured ex vivo
granzyme-containing granules, and the target (EPA 1996; CDER 2002).
cell dies due to membrane damage and the induc- Testing for cytolytic activity is discussed in
tion of apoptotic machinery. the following documents:
It is important to point out that the overall
• EPA OPPTS 880.3550 Immunotoxicity.
contribution of ADCC to functional host resis-
Environmental Protection Agency (1996)
tance and tissue damage is not entirely clear.
Biochemicals Test Guidelines: OPPTS
Moreover, while NK cells are considered compo-
880.3550 Immunotoxicity. Prevention,
nents of the innate immune system, ADCC
Pesticides and Toxic Substances. EPA
requires a functional adaptive immune response
because antibody class switching by B cells is a
• CDRH Immunotoxicity Testing Guidance.
T cell-dependent process.
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
(1999) US Department of Health and Human
Services, Food and Drug Administration.
Preclinical Relevance
Guidance for Industry and FDA Reviewers:
Immunotoxicity Testing Guidance
As described below, cell-mediated lysis plays an
important role in host resistance to pathogens and
the destruction of tumor cells. In addition to
• CPMP/SWP/1042/99cor (2001) European
defects in components of the cytolytic machinery
Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Prod-
per se, defective T cell activation and impaired
ucts (2000) Committee for Proprietary Medic-
antibody production can also affect cell-mediated
inal Products (CPMP) Safety Working Party
(SWP) Note for Guidance on Repeated Dose
Toxicity 1042/99
Regulatory Environment
• CDER Guidance for Industry: Immuno-
Given that cell-mediated lysis forms an important
toxicology Evaluation of Investigational New
aspect of both innate and adaptive immune
Drugs. Center for Drug Evaluation and
function, testing for the effects of a chemical on
Research (2002) US Department of Health
this process should be considered during
and Human Services, Food and Drug Admin-
immunotoxicity screening. However, assessing
istration. Guidance for Industry: Immuno-
the effects of a test chemical on the molecules
toxicology Evaluation of Investigational New
that drive the process of cell-mediated lysis is not
directly part of a specific regulatory guideline.
Instead, CTL and NK cell functions are typically
examined by measuring cytolytic activity. Relevance to Humans
Generally, screening for NK-mediated and
CTL-mediated lytic activity is performed sepa- Impaired ability to lyse target cells leads to
rately. Measuring cytolytic activity against a par- increased susceptibility to intracellular patho-
ticular target cell is typically conducted using a gens. In addition to killing infected host cells,
Cellular Immune Reactions 167

cell-mediated lysis also plays an important role in References

the destruction of tumor cells; thus individuals
with impairment of this lytic machinery are more Ho EL, Carayannopoulos LN, Poursine-Laurent J et al
(2002) Costimulation of multiple NK cell activation
susceptible to certain types of tumors.
receptors by NKG2D. J Immunol 169:3667–3675
Cell-mediated lysis is a process that is Makrigiannis AP, Anderson SK (2001) Mechanisms
exploited by monoclonal antibody-based controlling the expression and diversity of the Ly49
antitumor therapy. In addition to rendering target gene family. Mod Asp Immunol 1(6):228–232 C
Russell JH, Ley TJ (2002) Lymphocyte-mediated
cells susceptible to complement-mediated lysis,
cytotoxicity. Ann Rev Immunol 20:323–370
the binding of certain antibody isotypes (IgG1 Yokoyama WM, Plougastel BFM (2003) Immune func-
and IgG3) to target cells provides an anchor for tions encoded by the natural killer gene complex.
NK cells to kill antibody-bearing targets by Nat Rev Immunol 3:304–316
ADCC. Thus, via the generation of tumor cell-
specific monoclonal antibodies, it is possible to
exploit ADCC by directing NK cells to selec-
tively destroy antibody-coated cells. Likewise, gdT Cells
the generation of tumor-specific CTL will make
it possible to utilize cell-mediated lysis to eradi- T cell receptors are composed of two different
cate selected targets while mitigating toxicity to polypeptide chains, a and b chains (abT cells)
healthy cells. or, in a minor population of T cells, of g and d
In contrast to the beneficial activity of chains (gdT cells). The maturation of T cells
pathogen-specific and tumor-specific cytolytic occurs either in the thymus or, under special cir-
activity, there are also examples of cytolytic cumstances, (gdT cells) extrathymically. The first
responses that are detrimental to the host. This is critical stage in T cell maturation is the successful
more pronounced for CTL-based mechanisms, rearrangement of the TCR b chain (pre-TCR com-
due to the unique features of the adaptive immune plex). A functional TCR b chain initiates the
system, in particular immunological memory. For arrangement of the TCR a locus and expression
example, CTL mediate some forms of delayed- of both the CD4 and CD8 molecules (CD4+CD8+
type (type IV) hypersensitivity reactions, such as double positive thymocytes). In contrast to these
contact dermatitis. Likewise, autoreactive-CD8+ subsets of ab T cells only little is known of the
T cells underlie the destruction of healthy cells in physiological effector function or antigen specific-
autoimmune diseases, such as insulin-dependent ity of gdT cells. The receptor of these T cells is
diabetes mellitus. Therefore, diminution of target- much more homogenous compared to ab T cells.
specific cytolytic activity is often a therapeutic They are found in epithelia from where they do not
goal for the treatment of hypersensitivity and auto- recirculate. One hypothesis is that they participate
immune diseases. in the pre-adaptive immune response.
Finally, in addition to causing tissue damage
in hypersensitivity and autoimmune diseases,
CTL play a role in the rejection of transplanted Cross-References
tissue. In fact, about 10 % of T cells in the body
recognize allogeneic MHC molecules. Further- ▶ Cancer and the Immune System
more, even in a good HLA match, transplant
rejection often occurs via the recognition of
minor histocompatibility molecules, of which
most are associated with MHC class I molecules. Cellular Immune Reactions
Therefore, rejection due to incompatible type I
HLA and minor histocompatibility molecules is An adaptive immune reaction mediated by
often due to lysis of grafted tissue by alloreactive antigen-specific (allergen-specific) effector
CD8+ T lymphocytes. T cells. Such an immune response is directed to
168 Cellular Response

cell-bound antigens and cannot be transferred to

naive recipients by injection of antibodies. CFU-Meg

▶ Colony-Forming Unit Assay: Methods and

▶ Hypersensitivity Reactions

Chagas Disease

Cellular Response Chagas disease is caused by the protozoan para-

site Trypanosoma cruzi which is transmitted by
▶ Human Artificial Lymph Node (HuALN) various Reduviidae (bloodsucking bugs) and
occurs in South and Central America. In the
chronic phase of the disease, trypanosomes live
Central Tolerance intracellularly as amastigotes in various tissues
including muscle cells.
Tolerance mechanisms induced in the thymus for
T cells and in the bone marrow for B cells.

Cross-References ▶ Trypanosomes, Infection, and Immunity

▶ Tolerance

Chemical Allergen

Centroblast ▶ Hapten and Carrier

Intermediately differentiated B lymphocyte pre-

sent in germinal centers; a medium to large cell
with a round to ovoid nucleus. Chemical Structure and the
Generation of an Allergic Reaction
David A. Basketter
DABMEB Consultancy Ltd, Sharnbrook,
▶ Germinal Center
Bedford, UK

Centrocyte Synonyms

Quantitative structure-activity relationships

Intermediately differentiated B lymphocyte pre-
(QSARs); Structure-activity relationships
sent in germinal center; medium-sized cell with
irregular nucleus.
The structure of a chemical and its associated
▶ Germinal Center physicochemical properties are fundamental
Chemical Structure and the Generation of an Allergic Reaction 169

determinants of the nature, type, and degree of means to provide a more general characterization
allergic reaction(s) that it may cause. Typically, of potential allergens. None of the computer sys-
chemicals which cause allergic reactions have a tems has undergone any formal validation;
molecular weight in excess of 1,000 Da, allowing indeed there has only been one significant inde-
ready penetration through epithelial surfaces, pendent assessment of a system, DEREK, under-
including the skin. However, exceptions do occur. taken by representatives of the German
regulatory authority. The review was positive, C
but indicated much work to be done.
Characteristics Allergy is not an all-or-none phenomenon, so
an important question is whether any information
Chemicals must bind firmly with proteins in order on allergen potency can be derived from a consid-
to behave as haptens. For organic chemicals, this eration of its structure. Initial attempts to derive
means the formation of covalent bonds; for the quantitative structure-activity relationships
few allergenic metals (like nickel), the formation (QSARs) for skin sensitizers by Roberts and Wil-
of coordination complexes is key. Extremely liams in 1982 tried to relate the elements of dose,
rarely – for example, for some drug allergens – skin penetration, and electrophilic reactivity. This
tight interactions of organic chemical with pro- proved successful for several families of chemical
tein, such as those encountered in ligand-receptor allergens. Work has continued with successful
interactions, have been proposed. Thus, the pri- QSARs recently being reported for groups of alde-
mary elements examined in relating structure to hydes. However, QSARs cover only a tiny fraction
allergy are those chemical substructures which of the world of chemistry, and to date, more gen-
are – or can lead to – reactive moieties capable eral rules relating reactivity to skin sensitization
of covalently binding with proteins. Theoretical have not been elucidated. The only exception to
predictions on this topic were made more than this state of affairs has come from the work of
20 years ago by Dupuis and Benezra. However, Dave Roberts, a pioneer of QSAR, who with his
the broadest identification of chemical substruc- colleague Grace Patlewicz from Unilever
tures associated with allergic sensitization has succeeded in developing a QSAR which appeared
been compiled into a computer-based expert sys- to cover both aldehydes and ketones – a small but
tem DEREK (Deductive Estimation of Risk from perhaps significant step.
Existing Knowledge). The original skin sensiti- A vital component in the appreciation of how
zation rulebase contained around 40 rules, which chemical structure relates to sensitization may
were derived from a historical database arise from the development of a fuller knowledge
containing data from guinea-pig maximization of how chemical allergens actually react with pro-
tests on 135 chemicals that had been classified tein. This challenge has come under renewed scru-
as skin sensitizers according to European Union tiny in recent years. A body of work has been
criteria, as well as a similarly sized group of published by Lepoittevin and colleagues describ-
non-sensitizers. As a result of the development ing in details the reactions of selected haptens with
of the system over subsequent years, the number protein nucleophiles. Unfortunately (though
of structural alert rules for skin sensitization cur- importantly), these studies suggest that protein
rently stands at 61 in version 6 of the program. hapten interactions may be more complex than
Other expert system approaches to the predic- previously thought. For example, it is suggested
tion of skin sensitization include TOPKAT that reaction specificity, rather than rate of reac-
(TOxicity Prediction by Computer-Assisted tion, might be a key determinant of whether a
Technology) and CASE (Computer Automated chemical can behave as a hapten. Such thoughts
Structure Evaluation) systems. These computer- are echoed in the work of others who have also
based systems are built upon varying approaches, presented views on the role of derivatization of
but all employ physicochemical descriptors of specific amino acids, notably cysteine, as the pri-
chemical sensitizers and non-sensitizers as a mary driver of the allergic response. Currently,
170 Chemoattractants

however, what is most evident is that more data is Relevance to Humans

needed before general conclusions can be drawn.
Finally, it is important to remember that the The predictivity of (Q)SARs for humans has not
structure of the chemical applied to skin may been assessed in a formal manner. Much of what is
differ from that which actually reacts with endog- known concerning how chemistry drives allergy
enous protein. Two primary routes exist which has been based on data from guinea-pig and mouse
can convert otherwise unreactive chemicals into predictive tests. Although these may have up to
reactive species-air oxidation and metabolic con- 90 % correlation with humans, important gaps
version in the skin. The first of these has been remain in our knowledge – not least the impact
extensively studied by the group of Karlberg and of intraspecies differences, notably in metabolism,
colleagues, with particular focus on colophony and how this impacts not only specificity but also
and on limonene. In contrast, skin metabolism the intensity of the allergic response.
of chemicals in relation to allergy is largely a
theoretical science. The probable important
Regulatory Environment
routes of metabolism, as well as the current
state of knowledge, have been condensed into a
Both contact and respiratory allergy represent
book by Smith and Hotchkiss. At present, how-
important human health risks and so are addressed
ever, it is still very hard to predict to what, if any,
in regulatory toxicology. Currently, the impact of
extent either oxidation or metabolism may
(Q)SAR on these regulations is limited.
impact upon skin sensitization.
It is worth noting that in contrast to contact
allergy, very little progress has been made on References
understanding the relationship between chemical
Barratt MD, Basketter DA, Roberts DW (1997) Quantita-
structure and respiratory allergy. It is a paradox tive structure activity relationships. In: LePoittevin
that, although (it is assumed that) chemical respi- J-P, Basketter DA, Dooms-Goossens A, Karlberg
ratory allergens must also bind covalently with A-T (eds) The molecular basis of allergic contact
protein, the great majority of contact allergens dermatitis. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 129–154
Dupuis G, Benezra C (1982) Allergic contact dermatitis
appear not to present significant respiratory aller- to simple chemicals: a molecular approach. Marcel
genic potential. This implies that there exists a Dekker, New York
level of complexity in the relationship between Patlewicz GY, Wright ZM, Basketter DA, Pease CK,
chemical structure and the generation of aller- Lepoittevin J-P, Gimenez Arnau E (2002) Structure
activity relationships for selected fragrance allergens.
genic reactions which we have still to understand. Cont Derm 47:219–226
Roberts DW, Williams DL (1982) The derivation of quan-
titative correlations between skin sensitization and
Preclinical Relevance physico-chemical parameters for alkylating agents
and their application to experimental data for sultones.
J Theor Biol 99:807–825
There are special guidelines regulating the inves- Rodford R, Patlewicz G, Walker JD, Payne MP
tigation of contact allergy for chemicals, agro- (2003) Quantitative structure-activity relationships
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, and for predicting skin and respiratory sensitization.
Environ Toxicol Chem 22:1855–1861
some attention is paid to the ability of chemicals Smith CK, Hotchkiss SAM (2001) Allergic contact der-
to cause respiratory allergy. For contact allergy, matitis: chemical and metabolic mechanisms. Taylor
SARs may be taken into account in the general & Francis, London
consideration of whether a chemical may be a
sensitizer, although the information is not suffi-
cient to classify a substance. For respiratory Chemoattractants
allergy, SAR essentially is not considered; how-
ever, isocyanate chemicals are assumed to be ▶ Inflammatory Reactions, Acute Versus
respiratory allergens unless proven otherwise. Chronic
Chemokines 171

Chemokine Chemokines

A cytokine that causes chemotaxis in leukocytes by Rafael Fernandez-Botran

inducing a directional movement up the concentra- Department of Pathology and Laboratory
tion agent. Most of the around 50 chemokines are Medicine, University of Louisville, Louisville,
rather preferential chemoattractants for certain KY, USA C
leukocyte subclasses. Chemokines also induce
adhesiveness and leukocyte activation.

Angiogenesis; Chemotaxis; HIV; Homeostaiss;

Immunoregulation; Inflammation; Seven trans-
membrane receptors
▶ Cytokines

Chemokine Receptor Antagonists
Chemotactic cytokines; Small secreted cytokines
These are chemokine receptor-blocking agents
that do not induce receptor-mediated signal
transduction. Numerous antagonists have been
generated by means of chemokine structure mod-
Chemokines are a group of small molecular
ifications. For potential use in the treatment of
weight (7–12 kDa) cytokines with chemotactic
inflammatory diseases, small molecular weight
properties that signal through the seven-
(non-peptide) compounds are favored over che-
transmembrane receptors coupled to Gi-proteins
mokine-derived inhibitors.
(Oppenheim et al. 1991; Sallusto et al. 2000;
Rossi and Zlotnik 2000). Although the first
chemokines were originally identified and charac-
Cross-References terized based on their biological activity, many
members of this family have been recently identi-
▶ Immune Cells, Recruitment and Localization of fied through the application of bioinformatics and
expressed sequence tag (EST) databases (Sallusto
et al. 2000). It is now recognized that the chemo-
kine superfamily consists of a large number of
Chemokine Receptors ligands (approximately 48) and their receptors
(Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Chemokines have
Seven-transmembrane domain receptors respon- been classified into four subfamilies based on the
sible for transducing signals generated upon motif displayed by the first two cysteine residues
binding of chemokines. They belong to a subset located near their N-terminal end: CC-, CXC-, C-,
of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) and CX3C chemokines (Rossi and Zlotnik 2000;
superfamily. Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). The CXC subfamily is
further divided into two groups depending on the
expression of an ELR motif before the first cyste-
Cross-References ine (i.e., ELR-CXC and non-ELR-CXC
chemokines). Functionally, some chemokines
▶ Chemokines function during immune responses to recruit
172 Chemokines

leukocytes and are considered inflammatory, Chemokines, Table 1 List of human chemokines,
whereas others are involved in regulating the nor- showing their systematic and classical names and the
main receptors with which they interact (Zlotnik and
mal trafficking of cells and are considered homeo- Yoshie 2012)
static (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Traditionally,
Systematic Chemokine
chemokines were named based primarily on their name Classical name receptors
cellular sources or functional properties, creating a CXC subfamily
great deal of ambiguity and confusion. A new CXCL1 GROa/MGSA- CXCR2
systematic nomenclature based on the different a
subfamilies has been proposed for the chemokines CXCL2 GROb CXCR2
(ligands) and their receptors (Zlotnik and Yoshie CXCL3 GROg CXCR2
2012). The human chemokines, with their system- CXCL4 PF4 CXCR3-B
atic and classical nomenclature, are listed in CXCL5 ENA78 CXCR2
Table 1. CXCL6 GCP2 CXCR1, CXCR2
Chemokine Genes CXCL9 MIG CXCR3
In humans, the genes encoding most CXC and
CC chemokines are tightly clustered in chromo-
somes 4q13.3-q21.1 and 17q12, respectively
CXCL14 BRAK Unknown
(Blanchet et al. 2012). These correspond to the CXCL16 SR-PSOX CXCR6
inflammatory chemokines. In contrast, the CXCL17 DMC Unknown
homeostatic chemokines are found in small clus- CC subfamily
ters or isolated in different chromosomes (Zlotnik CCL1 I-309 CCR8
and Yoshie 2012; Blanchet et al. 2012). CCL2 MCP-1 CCR2
CCL3 MIP-1a/LD78a CCR1, CCR5
Chemokine Molecules CCL5 RANTES CCR1, CCR3,
Structurally, chemokines are small proteins, usu- CCL7 MCP-3 CCR1, CCR2,
ally 60–90 amino acids in length. With exception
of the XC chemokines, they have four CCR5
highly conserved cysteine residues that form CCL11 Eotaxin CCR3, CCR5
two disulfide bonds, which function to stabilize CCL13 MCP-4 CCR2, CCR3
their structure and limit their configuration. CCL14 HCC-1 CCR1, CCR3,
Because of this, most cytokines have similar CCR5
three-dimensional structures (Zlotnik and Yoshie CCL15 HCC-2/Lkn-1 CCR1, CCR3
2012). Although monomeric chemokines are bio- CCL16 HCC-4/LEC CCR1, CCR2,
logically active, their activity is modulated by
their ability to form dimers and even homo- or
hetero-oligomers, which may exhibit antagonis-
tic or synergistic effects (Blanchet et al. 2012).
Most chemokines possess the ability to bind to CCL21 6Ckine/SLC CCR7
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which function as CCL22 MDC CCR4
cofactors for chemokine receptor activation CCL23 MPIF-1 CCR1, FPRL-1
(Handel et al. 2005). (continued)
Chemokines 173

Chemokines, Table 1 (continued) Biological Activities

Systematic Chemokine
name Classical name receptors The chemotactic function of chemokines was the
CCL24 MPIF-2/ CCR3 first of their activities to be discovered and char-
Eotaxin-2 acterized (Oppenheim et al. 1991). Initially,
CCL25 TECK CCR9 chemokines were thought to be involved in
CCL26 Eotaxin-3 CCR3, CX3CR1 C
directing the extravasation and migration of neu-
trophils and other cells of the innate immune
system. It is now well established, however, that
XC subfamily
chemokines function to attract different types and
XCL1 Lymphotactin/ XCR1
SCM-1a subsets of lymphocytes and many other types of
XCL2 SCM-1b XCR1 cells (Sallusto et al. 2000; Rossi and Zlotnik
CX3C subfamily 2000; Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Moreover, it is
CX3CL1 Fractalkine CX3CR1 now recognized that chemokines play many
PITPNM3 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein important roles besides chemotaxis, including
membrane-associated 3, FPRL-1 formyl peptide receptor- regulation of angiogenesis/angiostasis, lymphoid
like-1 traffic, lymphoid organ development, CD4+
T cell subset differentiation, wound healing, and
Chemokine Receptors malignant cell metastasis (Oppenheim
et al. 1991; Sallusto et al. 2000; Rossi and Zlotnik
The biological effects of chemokines are exerted 2000; Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012; Blanchet
through interaction with receptors (chemokine et al. 2012). Some chemokine receptors also
receptors) located on the membrane of target play an important role in viral infections, acting
cells. The chemokine receptors are also grouped as co-receptors for different viruses, notably
into four subfamilies corresponding to the sub- HIV-1 (Rossi and Zlotnik 2000; Zlotnik and
family of their chemokine ligands (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Some of the most important func-
Yoshie 2012). Chemokine receptors are all seven- tions of chemokines are discussed below.
transmembrane-domain receptors that belong to
the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfam- A. Leukocyte Migration and Activation: A key
ily (Sallusto et al. 2000; Rossi and Zlotnik 2000). function of chemokines is the recruitment of
Like the chemokines, the genes encoding chemo- different subsets of leukocytes to different
kine receptors are also tightly clustered, most of locations/tissues within the body.
them located in chromosomes 2 and 3 (Zlotnik and Chemokine-induced cell migration takes
Yoshie 2012). Up to 18 different chemokine place, not only in the classical context of
receptors have been identified (see Table 1). inflammation but also in the context of normal
There, in addition, several atypical GPCR with leukocyte homing and lymphoid homeostasis
high similarities to chemokine receptors may (Rossi and Zlotnik 2000). These functions are
function as decoys to regulate the availability and mediated by “inflammatory” and “homeo-
function of chemokine ligands (Sallusto static” chemokines, respectively:
et al. 2000; Blanchet et al. 2012). A salient char- 1. “Inflammatory” chemokines mediate the
acteristic of chemokine receptors is the high recruitment and activation of neutrophils,
degree of redundancy and binding promiscuity, monocytes, and other cells of the innate
particularly for the inflammatory chemokines. immune system. In addition, effector and
Receptors for homeostatic chemokines show, in memory T lymphocytes are also attracted.
contrast, a higher degree of specificity (Zlotnik They are produced by endothelial cells,
and Yoshie 2012; Blanchet et al. 2012). epithelial cells, and leukocytes in response
174 Chemokines

to inflammatory stimuli, such as endo- expressing their ligand, CXCL12, such as

toxin, TNFa, and IL-1 (Sallusto the bone marrow, has been demonstrated
et al. 2000; Rossi and Zlotnik 2000; (Rossi and Zlotnik 2000).
Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Examples are E. Lymphocyte Development: Chemokines are
CXCL8, CXCL10, CCL2, CCL5, and involved in the development of both B and
CCL11. T cells and in regulating the migration of
2. “Homeostatic” chemokines are constitu- mature and immature lymphocytes to lym-
tively produced within lymphoid tissues phoid organs (Rossi and Zlotnik 2000; Zlotnik
and function to regulate normal leukocyte and Yoshie 2012). For example, several
homing, cellular compartmentalization, chemokines, such as CCL17, CCL21,
and lymphoid organ development (Rossi CCL22, and CCL25, are highly expressed in
and Zlotnik 2000). Examples are the thymus, where they function to promote
CXCL13, CCL14, CCL21, and CCL25. migration of immature thymocytes. Indeed,
B. Angiogenesis/Angiostasis: ELR-CXC thymocytes at different stages of differentia-
chemokines have potent angiogenic activity tion express different chemokine receptors
and can induce chemotaxis on endothelial (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Moreover, the
cells (e.g., CXCL1-3, CXCL6, and CXCL8). expression of CXCL12 and its receptor
In contrast, non-ELR-CXC chemokines pos- CXCR4 in the bone marrow are essential for
sess angiostatic activity and inhibit chemo- B cell development (Rossi and Zlotnik 2000;
taxis of endothelial cells (e.g., CXCL9, Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). The homing of
CXCL10, and CXCL11) (Rossi and Zlotnik different lymphocyte subsets to secondary
2000). lymphoid organs (e.g., lymph nodes, spleen)
C. Hemopoiesis/Stem Cells: Several chemokines and the cellular architecture of those organs
have been shown to have inhibitory activities are regulated by different chemokines (Rossi
on hemopoietic progenitor cell proliferation. and Zlotnik 2000; Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012).
For example, CCL23 and CCL24 inhibit com- F. Immunoregulatory Activities/T Cell Subsets:
mitted progenitors of granulocyte and mono- Besides regulating lymphocyte development
cyte lineages (CFU-GM) but not erythroid or and homeostasis, chemokines play important
megakaryocytic precursors (Blanchet roles in several aspects of immunologic
et al. 2012). The CXCL12/CXCR4 axis has responses. For example, dendritic cell-derived
been shown to play a role in keeping hemato- chemokines such as CCL17 and CCL22 play a
poietic stem cells in the bone marrow. Indeed role in the initiation of immune responses by
a CXCR4 antagonist has been used to release recruiting different subsets of T cells and may
or mobilize HSCs from the bone marrow of even have adjuvant effects (Zlotnik and
patients undergoing bone marrow reconstitu- Yoshie 2012). Chemokines and chemokine
tion (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). receptors (e.g., CCR7) regulate the migration
D. Metastasis: Chemokines have the potential to of dendritic cells to lymph nodes, promoting
affect tumor growth and metastasis through antigen presentation (Rossi and Zlotnik 2000;
their effects on angiogenesis and cell migra- Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Moreover, differ-
tion (Rossi and Zlotnik 2000). Alterations in ent chemokine receptors are associated with
the expression of angiogenic chemokines by specific subsets of CD4+ T cells. For example,
tumor cells may promote an angiogenic envi- Th1 cells express CCR5 and CXCR3, Th2
ronment, contributing to tumor growth, while cells express CCR4, and Th17 cells express
expression of chemokine receptors on tumor CCR6 (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012).
cells may determine differential migration/ G. Tissue Specificity: Several chemokines appear
metastasis to certain tissues. For example, to be constitutively and specifically expressed
the role of CXCR4 expression by breast can- in particular tissues, where they attract spe-
cer cells in their metastasis to tissues cific subsets of immune cells expressing their
Chemotaxis 175

appropriate chemokine receptors. For exam- of donors previous to autologous transplantation

ple, CCL20 attracts dendritic cells and mem- (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Other potential appli-
ory T cells to the intestine through CCR6; the cations of chemokine-based therapies being eval-
CCL25/CCR9 axis is involved in the recruit- uated in clinical trials include antagonists of
ment of T cell subsets to the lamina propria of receptors for inflammatory chemokines, such as
the intestine and CCL27/CCR10 participate CCR9 (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012; Blanchet
in the recruitment of T cells to the skin et al. 2012). Several types of cytokine antagonists C
(Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). have been generated, including monoclonal anti-
H. Role in HIV Pathology: Chemokine receptors bodies against chemokines or their receptors,
play a significant role in the pathogenesis of modified or truncated chemokines, and small
HIV infection. Two receptors, CXCR4 and molecule receptor inhibitors.
CCR5, act as the primary co-receptors for
the entry of HIV-1 into cells (Zlotnik and
Yoshie 2012). Moreover, the ligands of References
these receptors (CXCL12, CCL2, CCL3, and
Blanchet X, Langer M, Weber C, Koenen RR, von
CCL5) act as HIV-1-suppressive factors by Hundelshausen P (2012) Touch of chemokines. Front
interfering with viral entry (Zlotnik and Immunol 3(175):1–18
Yoshie 2012). Handel TM, Johnson Z, Crown SE, Lau EK, Sweeney M,
Proudfoot AE (2005) Regulation of protein function
by glycosaminoglycans – As exemplified by
chemokines. Annu Rev Biochem 74:385–410
Relevance in Health and Disease Oppenheim JJ, Zachariae COC, Mukaida N, Matsushima
K (1991) Properties of the novel supergene
From the brief discussion of their multiple activ- “intercrine” cytokine family. Annu Rev Immunol
ities above, it is clear that chemokines are Rossi D, Zlotnik A (2000) The biology of chemokines and
extremely important molecules in human physi- their receptors. Annu Rev Immunol 18:217–243
ology. Given their important regulatory roles, it is Sallusto F, Mackay CR, Lanzavecchia A (2000) The role of
not surprising then that alterations in their expres- chemokine receptors in primary, effector, and memory
immune responses. Annu Rev Immunol 18:593–620
sion or production often result in pathological Zlotnik A, Yoshie O (2012) The chemokine superfamily
consequences. Indeed, the involvement of differ- revisited. Immunity 36:705–716
ent chemokines in a wide variety of inflamma-
tory, infectious, and autoimmune diseases has
been established (Sallusto et al. 2000; Rossi and
Zlotnik 2000; Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012; Blanchet
Chemotactic Cytokines
et al. 2012). Moreover, the recently recognized
▶ Chemokines
roles of chemokine receptors, both in promoting
tumor metastasis and in acting as co-receptors for
the entry of HIV-1 into cells, underscore the great
importance of the chemokines and their receptors Chemotaxis
in human disease. Because of their important
physiological roles and their involvement in dif- Movement of cells along a concentration gradient
ferent types of disease, a great deal of interest has of a diffusible, chemotactic substance. The che-
been generated in the potential therapeutic uses motaxis of leukocytes is mediated by gradients of
of chemokine agonists and antagonists. chemokines.
Two recently approved chemokine-based
therapeutic agents are a CCR5 antagonist that
targets the entry of HIV-1 into CCR5-expressing Cross-References
cells and a CXCR4 antagonist (AMD3100) used
for mobilization of HSCs from the bone marrow ▶ Chemokines
176 Chemotaxis of Neutrophils

fragments, interleukin-8, chemokines) and/or

Chemotaxis of Neutrophils pathogen-derived (e.g., formylated peptides)
chemoattractants released at the site of inflamma-
Lasse Leino tion and/or infection.
DelSiTech Ltd, Pharmacity, Turku, Finland Chemoattractants bind to specific plasma
membrane receptors on the neutrophil cell sur-
face. In seconds, this binding initiates intracellu-
Synonyms lar reactions that lead to alterations in cellular
metabolism, facilitating and orchestrating neu-
Migration of neutrophils trophil locomotion. Typically, very low concen-
trations of chemoattractants (e.g., 109 mol/l) are
needed for chemotaxis compared to other func-
Definition tional responses (e.g., respiratory burst, degranu-
lation) mediated by the same receptors in
Chemotaxis is the reaction by which the direction neutrophils.
of neutrophil locomotion is determined by chem- Upon stimulation with chemoattractant, neu-
ical substances in the environment of the cell. trophils undergo rapid morphological changes
This is distinct from chemokinesis where the from rounded and relatively smooth cells to
speed, or frequency, of locomotion is determined elongated and ruffled cells with pseudopodia.
by chemical substances while lacking a direc- Pseudopodia are formed very quickly, within
tional component. Typically, a chemical sub- minutes, and they form broad, thin lamellipodia
stance, often called a chemoattractant in this that are extended anteriorly in the direction of
connection, determines both cell speed and direc- an increasing chemoattractant concentration gra-
tion; thus a neutrophil moving directionally and dient. Also, a contractile uropod is formed
also accelerating is showing both chemotaxis and posteriorly, which results in a polarized cell.
chemokinesis. Transmigration is a special form Neutrophil chemotaxis is a complex event in
of chemotaxis which defines neutrophil locomo- which the cells repetitively extend lamellipodia
tion through a cell barrier, e.g., endothelial cell in the direction of the chemoattractant
monolayer, along an increasing concentration of gradient and retract uropodia toward the cell
chemoattractant. body. Several comprehensive reviews dealing
with the cellular and molecular events in leuko-
cyte chemotaxis have been published, and
Characteristics readers wishing to obtain more information
about this area are encouraged to read this litera-
Neutrophils are the first cells of the body’s ture (Cicchetti et al. 2002; Worthylake and
defense system to be recruited at sites of inflam- Burridge 2001).
mation and infection. The circulating neutrophils The assessment of neutrophil chemotaxis
are selectively accumulated into inflamed tissues relies mainly on in vitro assays of the net migra-
by proinflammatory molecules within minutes of tion of large cell populations. Of these assays, the
the generation of these mediators. The initial filter assay is the most popular and widely used.
recruitment of neutrophils is prompted by the This assay was first introduced by Boyden in
expression of specific adhesion receptors on leu- 1962, and since then it has been used successfully
kocytes and their counterparts on activated endo- as such, or with some variations, to study the
thelial cell surface, which interact with each other mechanisms of chemotaxis and identify new
to promote neutrophil tethering and adherence on chemoattractants.
endothelium. After transmigration (see above), Briefly, in this method, neutrophils are sepa-
neutrophils progress toward a gradient of increas- rated from a solution of chemoattractant by a
ing levels of endogenous (e.g., complement porous filter or membrane. The assay is typically
Chemotaxis of Neutrophils 177

run in a chamber or more recently in multiple- Therefore, an in vitro exposure test with isolated
well microtiter plates with cells on the top of the cells should always be done in parallel with
separating filter and the chemotactic substance in vivo testing.
below. A chemoattractant concentration gradient
is formed through the filter, inducing the migra-
tion of neutrophils into the pores of the filter. Preclinical Relevance
Eventually the cells will reach the surface of the C
chemoattractant side. The quantification of the Due to the lack of guidance in the investigation of
neutrophil chemotactic activity is based on neutrophil chemotaxis, its relevance is discussed
counting the cells found on the filter surface at below.
the lower side. Alternatively, the cell count can
be determined in the solution under the filter, or a
biochemical marker (such as myeloperoxidase Relevance to Humans
activity) can be use as a quantitative indicator of
neutrophil presence in the solution. In a leading As neutrophil chemotaxis is an essential part of
front-filter assay, first described by Zigmond and host defense against infection, a chemotaxis defi-
Hirsch in 1973, cells were not allowed to pene- ciency, either innate or acquired, may lead to
trate the whole depth of the filter, but the distance increased susceptibility to infections. Several
migrated by the front of the leukocyte population human conditions are known where a defect in
was scored. the chemotaxis of neutrophils has been noted.
Also other forms of chemotaxis assays have For example, chemotaxis disorders have been
been developed. For instance, there are assays reported in patients with diabetes, cirrhosis, hairy
where neutrophils are loaded onto the upper sur- cell leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, Job’s syndrome
face of an attractant-containing collagen or fibrin of hyper-IgE, systemic lupus erythematosus, juve-
gel, and they are allowed to migrate into the gel nile periodontitis, cancer, and leukocyte adhesion
matrix. Finally, many visual techniques have been deficiency. As is evident from this nonexhaustive
developed to study chemotaxis at a single-cell list of diseases with a broad range of pathophysi-
level. These range from a simple microscopic visu- ological mechanisms, a chemotaxis deficiency in
alization of cell movement to computer-assisted neutrophils may be a disorder with multiple ori-
time-lapse video recording systems. A common gins. Therefore, the human relevance is obvious
feature of all these methods is that they provide for exogenous chemicals with potential systemic
very important information about cellular locomo- exposure. In particular, pharmaceuticals targeting
tion in single cells, but they are usually laborious cells of the immune system should be evaluated
and time-consuming to perform and thus not as for their effect on neutrophil chemotaxis.
suitable, for instance, for a screening assay. In addition to causing functional suppression,
A reader interested in methodological aspects of chemical substances may act also as immunosti-
chemotaxis assays should see Wilkinson (1998). mulators. As discussed above, chemotaxis is usu-
In practice, chemotaxis measurements are ally the first neutrophil response responding to low
made only with neutrophils obtained from levels of a potential activator. When the activator
peripheral blood. This should be considered concentration is increased, the response repertoire
when carrying out in vivo exposure tests of exog- is accompanied with other forms of responses,
enous substances in test animals or human sub- such as respiratory burst and degranulation,
jects: only agents with systemic access either which bear the potential for self-destructive tissue
directly or indirectly (e.g., via a mediator) are damage, that is, they may promote inflammation.
expected to show alterations in the chemotaxis Therefore, a chemical substance showing
of circulating neutrophils. A negative result with chemoattractant-like properties should be tested
a topically applied substance does not rule out the in other neutrophil functional assays at a broad
possibility of chemotaxis modulation locally. concentration range.
178 Chimera

Regulatory Environment cell type. Small unique sequences of thousands of

different genes are spotted on a small chip, which
There are no direct guidelines determining the can be hybridized with suitably labeled RNA (or
testing of neutrophil chemotaxis. However, assays cDNA thereof). RNA types present in the sample
for testing drug effects on neutrophil functions are will bind and give a signal (radioactive of fluo-
recommended in several immunotoxicity guid- rescent). Comparison of different samples, e.g.,
ance documents for pharmaceutical industry. TCDD treated hepatocytes versus untreated
hepatocytes, then allows identification of
• Guidance for Industry and FDA Reviewers:
upregulated or downregulated genes.
Immunotoxicology Testing Guidance,
FDA-CDRH, 1999.
• Guidance for Industry: Immunotoxicology
Evaluation of Investigational New Drugs
FDA-CDER, 2002.
▶ Dioxins and the Immune System

Cicchetti G, Allen PG, Glogauer M (2002) Chemotactic

signaling pathways in neutrophils: from receptor to Chlorobiphenyl
actin assembly. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 13:220–228
Wilkinson PC (1998) Assays of leukocyte locomotion and ▶ Polychlorinated Biphenyls and the Immune
chemotaxis. J Immunol Methods 216(1–2):139–153
Worthylake RA, Burridge K (2001) Leukocyte System
transendothelial migration: orchestrating the underlying
molecular machinery. Curr Opin Cell Biol 13:569–577

Chimera The hexavalent monomeric base salt or ester of
chromic acid (H2CrO4).
An organism composed of two genetically distinct
types of cells. In the case of knockouts, a mouse in
which some cells and tissues are derived from
embryonic stem (ES) cells bearing an engineered
mutation, while the others originate from stem
▶ Chromium and the Immune System
cells present in the blastocyst into which the
gene-targeted ES cells were introduced.

Chromium and the Immune System

Mitchell D. Cohen
▶ Knockout, Genetic
Department of Environmental Medicine,
▶ Transgenic Animals
New York University School of Medicine,
Tuxedo, NY, USA

Chip Array
Chip arrays are a molecular gadget used to iden-
Chromate; Chromium; Immune; Lymphocyte;
tify the relative abundance of RNAs in a given
Chromium and the Immune System 179

Definition O atoms, making it chemically difficult to

displace the latter.
Pallas discovered chromium (Cr) in 1765; the ele-
Ultimately, it seems that by being a factor in
ment itself was not isolated until 1797 by Nicolas
Cr agent composition and structure, valency also
Vauquelin. Fourcroy and Hauy (1798) were first to
has a role in how each might interact with cells.
suggest the name chroma (Greek for color) due to
As Cr6+ compounds at neutral pH are predomi- C
the many colored compounds found to contain the
nantly Th chromate anions, these enter cells
element. By 1816, manufacture of Cr chemicals
using a general anion transport system – a rela-
had begun; by 1820, mordant dyeing with Cr
tively nonselective anion channel used by other
agents was initiated; by the mid-1800s, leather
Th physiologic anions (SO42+ and PO43+). Con-
tanning with chromic acid became a common prac-
versely, as the majority of Cr3+ complexes exist
tice; by 1879, chromite was routinely used in
as Oh cations (though a few anionic forms can be
manufacturing refractory furnaces; by 1910, use
found), these only can cross membranes very
of Cr for metallurgy became common; and, in the
slowly by simple diffusion or, with less soluble
1920s, Cr agents became important for the manu-
forms, via endocytic/pinocytotic uptake after
facture of metal alloys and found extensive appli-
adherence to membrane cationic binding sites.
cation in growing markets for automobiles and
home appliances.
Putative Interaction with the Immune
Molecular Characteristics
Contact Dermatitis
Chromium (Cr), a Group VI B transition element, Allergic contact dermatitis due to Cr is most com-
can exist in oxidation states from +2 to +6. Only monly observed during occupational contact with
Cr0, Cr2+, Cr3+, and Cr6+ forms are routinely low-moderate levels of chromates. This hypersen-
encountered; Cr5+ and Cr4+ complexes have sitivity usually occurs in the presence of other
been seen, but are not stable, with a half-life of metal allergens, like nickel or cobalt; however,
minutes. Valence factors into: the coexisting hypersensitivities are not due to
immune cross-reactivity but rather concomitant
• Types of ligands that complex chromium:
host sensitization. Most reports of severe Cr der-
hexavalent chromium compounds (Cr6+)
matitis are limited to the hands and forearms, but it
exist almost exclusively as oxides/
is not uncommon for it to develop at other body
oxocomplexes while Cr2+ and Cr3+ are primar-
sites with frequent contact with Cr. Dermatitis on
ily halide, sulfide, oxide, or amine complexes.
the neck, ear, and ankle can arise from contact
• Complex stereochemistry: Cr2+ complexes
with jewelry containing Cr; foot dermatitis is asso-
exist mostly as high-spin distorted octahedral
ciated with shoes made with Cr-tanned leather;
(d-Oh) or tetrahedral (d-Th) structures. Nearly
and dermatitis on arms and thighs is related to
all Cr3+ complexes are hexacoordinate
wearing military uniforms dyed with water-
low-spin Oh, and Cr6+ compounds exist uni-
soluble Cr dyes. Contact hypersensitivity reactions
formly as Th structures.
in conjunction with stainless-steel prosthetic
• Potential Cr-(bio)ligand interactions: while
devices have been observed near the site of
ligand displacement reactions in some triva-
implantation. The occurrence of allergic contact
lent chromium compounds (Cr3+) – such as
dermatitis due to Cr exposure is peculiar because
those mediated by hydroxo-, amino, or oxo
several factors need to be overcome for a response
groups – give rise to polynucleated bridge
to manifest. These include:
complexes, Cr6+ compounds do not readily
form bridges because of the greater exert of • A lack of universal contact sensitivity despite
multiple bonds between chromium and widespread Cr distribution in environment.
180 Chromium and the Immune System

• Relatively weak allergenic potency for Cr. immunoglobulin IgM and IgA levels, increased
• Variations in skin penetrability by different Cr chromium-induced lymphocyte transformation
compounds. and proliferation, increased formation of imme-
• Long periods of exposure are required for diate (E) rosettes, and decreased suppressor index
clinical manifestations to become evident. values reflective of changes in relative numbers
of CD4+ T-helper (Th) and CD8+ T-suppressor
While the levels of Cr needed to induce sensi- (Ts) cells. Overall reduction in T-cell activity
tization are often only slightly above physiologic (either via decrease in cell number or
ones, Cr at very low or high concentrations is Cr-mediated alteration in function) is thought
known to induce immunologic unresponsiveness. responsible, at least in part, for increases in levels
Under conditions of repeated exposure, immune of circulating antibodies and immune complexes.
tolerance rather than allergic reactions occurs. While the Cr-induced lymphocyte proliferation is
Elicited contact sensitivity is a four-stage monocyte dependent, it is not clear whether
response that depends on T-cell activation rather monocytes (or mature macrophages) themselves,
than on formation of antibodies against or even inflammation-associated polymorphonu-
Cr-containing allergen. In the first phase (the clear leukocytes, are affected by Cr in ways that
refractory period) after contact, Cr6+ ions pene- might contribute to onset/development of the
trate cells and undergo intracellular reduction; allergic response.
resulting Cr3+ ions bind cellular proteins to form
Cr-protein complexes. Precisely which protein is Asthma
conjugated is uncertain, but serum albumin, hep- Asthma, a chronic illness characterized by
arin, and glycosaminoglycans are suggested as persistent bronchial hyperactivity, is an
potential allergens (some question the import of immune-mediated response historically linked
specificity of carrier conjugate protein). If a level with exposure to common allergens. Over
of damage is sufficient to cause cell death, the cell 200 industrial compounds have been associated
is processed by resident antigen-presenting cells with high incidences of occupational asthma,
(APC); similarly, APC can engulf Cr-protein including Cr. Cases of occupational asthma
complexes if cell lysis occurs and complexes have been reported in conjunction with exposure
are released into the tissue microenvironment. to dichromates, ammonium bichromate, chromic
The APC then present the Cr-modified proteins acid, chromite ore, chromate pigments, and
to naive T-cell and initiate an expansion and welding fumes. Evidence suggesting that Cr
proliferation of effector and memory cells spe- exposure is a “cause” of occupational asthma is
cific for individual Cr-bearing protein/peptide limited to a small number of case reports and case
complexes. Any subsequent exposure of the indi- series. In most instances, a consistent pattern
vidual to Cr will then induce a Type IV hyper- between Cr exposure and the onset of asthma is
sensitivity response characterized by induction noted. In some cases, hypersensitivity to Cr is
and elicitation. Induction occurs as a result of confirmed either by patch testing or by challeng-
the APC presentation of Cr-protein/peptide com- ing a Cr-bearing bronchodilator. Both immediate
plexes to memory T-cells. Elicitation arises from and delayed asthmatic reactions have been
subsequent T-cell release of lymphokines to stim- reported suggesting that Cr-induced asthma may
ulate chemotaxis, inflammation, and edema. This be mediated by both immune and nonimmune
event cascade also enhances further Cr-peptide/ mechanisms. It has more recently become clear
protein-specific effector T-cell proliferation. The that Cr is able to induce effects in nonimmune
final phase, persistence, is achieved via continu- (i.e., airway epithelial) cells in the lungs that, in
ous renewal of memory T-cells specific for each turn, contribute to the onset/progression of these
APC-expressed Cr-protein/peptide complex. pathologies. Still, a direct causal association
Hosts with Cr-dependent allergic contact der- between Cr and allergic asthma has not been
matitis also display increased serum established; instead, recent studies suggest that
Chromium and the Immune System 181

the inhalation of particulate forms of Cr6+ may • Cr3+ treatment induced DNA single strand-
augment the severity of an ongoing allergic breaks in J774A cells while Cr6+ had no effect.
asthma, as well as alter its phenotype.
Immunotoxic effects arising from Cr exposure
also occur in lymphocytes. Lymphocytes exposed
to Cr6+ in vivo or in vitro display an increased
Effects on Immune System Cells incidence of chromosomal aberrations (including C
strand-breaks, gaps, interchanges) and increased
As inhalation is the most likely means of maximal levels of DNA-protein complex formation. The
Cr exposure by humans, studies have examined implications from the defects are uncertain; it was
the impact of Cr on the function of cells essential suggested that genetic alterations/damage to DNA
to maintaining lung immunocompetence – lung integrity might result in changes in lymphocyte
macrophages. Morphologically, macrophages proliferation. At the immunologic level, lympho-
recovered from experimental animals after inhala- cytes recovered from Cr-exposed hosts display
tion of Cr6+ or Cr3+ agents display increased num- alterations in mitogenic responsiveness. At low
bers of Cr-filled cytoplasmic inclusions, enlarged levels, soluble Cr6+ was slightly stimulatory but
lysosomes, surface smoothing, and decreased became overtly inhibitory with increased levels;
membrane blebs for cell mobility and target con- Cr3+ was ineffective at all doses tested. Effects
tact. Functionally, macrophages display reduced similar to those in cells from Cr-exposed hosts
phagocytic activity, oxygen consumption rates, were observed in vitro using cultured human and
and production of reactive oxygen intermediates rat lymphocytes. Rat splenocytes in mixed lympho-
used for killing. Other studies have, however, cyte cultures or in combination with B-cell-specific
reported opposite effects on macrophage numbers or T-cell-specific mitogens (LPS or PHA) again
and function – as well as no effect on demonstrated a very narrow concentration-
morphology – after inhalation of Cr. Clearly, dependent biphasic (stimulatory, then inhibitory)
choice of agent, exposure regimen, dose, and effect from Cr6+. However, when using peripheral
cumulative length of exposure are critical for the blood lymphocytes from Cr-treated rats, mitogenic
type of immunomodulation that may manifest. responsiveness was enhanced overall, with an even
The majority of these effects of chromium on greater effect when exogenous Cr was added.
macrophage structure and function have also been Analysis of cell Cr content found that altered pro-
reproduced in vitro using alveolar macrophages liferation (and immunoglobulin production) was
from a variety of hosts. However, unlike in in vivo related to total amounts of Cr in the cells. One
studies, Cr3+ compounds are mainly ineffective. reason for the discrepancies between the in vitro
Treatment of U937 monocytes or isolated human and vivo outcomes is that Cr added to naive
monocytes and macrophages with chromium splenocyte cultures may have reacted with cell
enhanced release of interleukin (IL)-1 and tumor surface proteins (surface mitogen receptors) to
necrosis factor (TNF)-a, suppressed release of block proliferative effects, while extensive periods
transforming growth factor (TGF)-b, and induced of exposure to Cr (via ingestion) may have resulted
proliferation of the monocytes/macrophages. in host sensitization and, ultimately, selection of
The involvement of oxidative stress in the lymphocytes that would proliferate in the presence
toxicities in macrophages was based on several of chromium ions/chromium-conjugated haptens.
interrelated findings. These include: Other Cr-induced alterations in macrophages/
lymphocytes include changes in production and
• Ex vivo exposure of primary rat lung macro-
release of proteins required for proper immune
phages with Cr3+ or Cr6+ reduced cell chemi-
cell function and induction of cell activation in an
luminescence/oxygen consumption.
immune response. These include:
• Exposure of J774A.1 macrophages led to
increased nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide • Alterations in levels of circulating antibody in
(O2) production. response to viral antigens
182 Chromium and the Immune System

• Decreased formation of interferons in Levels of Cr in water are variable and dependent

response to viral or antigenic stimuli on salinity. Average Cr levels in American rivers
• Reduced production of IL-2 for B-cell prolif- and lakes range from 1–30 to 0.1–5 mg/l in seawa-
eration/differentiation for humoral immunity ter. Drinking water often contains higher Cr levels
than river water. International and national drinking
These Cr-induced disturbances of immune
water standards have been established that allow
cell intercommunication likely serve as a basis
municipal drinking water to not contain more
for the reductions in cell-mediated and humoral
than > 50 mg/l (as Cr6+). Most municipal supplies
immunity observed in vivo, and for the subse-
(except in regions of naturally high Cr levels or
quent increases in incidence/severity of infec-
intensive industrialization) rarely have burdens
tious diseases, and (possibly) for the cancers
>0.5 mg/l. As a result, daily intake of Cr solely
manifest in animals and humans exposed to Cr
from water ingestion is estimated at 4 mg/day.
compounds over extended periods of time. It is
Significant Cr exposure is via ingestion of food;
also important to note that the Cr agents might
high Cr sources are vegetables, unrefined sugars,
also be able to actively impact on immune cell
and meats, while fruit, fish, and vegetable oils
numbers outright and so lead to immunomo-
contain fairly low levels. Estimated adult intakes
dulation by altering immune system capacity to
are 100–200 mg/day, though large interindividual
respond in general. Recent studies have shown
variations occur. The highest bioavailability of Cr
that exposure to Cr6+ or Cr3+ caused an increase
is from glucose tolerance factor (GTF) predomi-
in the levels of apoptosis/necrosis among macro-
nantly found in Baker’s yeast, liver, and meat.
phages or lymphocytes in vitro; whether this is
Regardless of source, ingested Cr3+ is less well-
also a key mechanism underlying Cr-induced
absorbed than Cr6+, though uptake of either spe-
immunomodulation in situ remains to be
cies is still a function of solubility, and most
ingested Cr6+ is converted to Cr3+ as a result of
stomach acids and other gastrointestinal compo-
nents. Overall, human intestinal absorption effi-
Relevance to Humans ciencies for chromates average 2–6 % but only
0.4–1.0 % for Cr3+ agents. Because Cr deficiency
Chromium is ubiquitous in nature and found at results in impaired glucose and lipid metabolism, a
levels ranging from <0.1 mg/m3 in ambient air to recommended dietary intake of 50–200 mg/day
>4 ppt Cr in contaminated soils. Global input of has been established for adults. To assure Cr suf-
Cr into the environment is only 30 % from natural ficiency, direct supplementation with various Cr
sources (volcanic emissions, rock weathering); compounds was initially a common medical prac-
70 % is of man-made emissions (fossil fuel com- tice. However, when it was shown that optimal
bustion, coal burning, welding, general metal-use uptake of Cr3+ occurred after chelation to GTF,
processes). Almost all naturally occurring Cr is in inclusion of products containing Baker’s or
the Cr3+ form; environmental Cr6+ is almost uni- Brewer’s yeast was accepted as a safer approach.
formly derived from human activity. Cr3+-picolinate is widely used because this form
Ambient Cr levels in most nonindustrialized greatly enhances cell absorption of Cr3+.
areas are at <0.1 mg/m3 and average rural air The other major means for introducing Cr into
levels are estimated at <0.01 mg/m3; average the body is dermal contact. Overall, because Cr3+
levels in most American cities are around binds readily to skin constituents, it is not dermally
0.1 mg/m3. Overall distribution of Cr3+ to Cr6+ is absorbed to any significant extent – soluble Cr6+
about 2:1 in atmospheric Cr; this is because most passes more readily through the epidermal barrier.
Cr6+ that enters the air is reduced by environmen- There are cases where contact surfaces (like walls)
tal constituents/other pollutants. In general, have elevated Cr levels and the majority is found
intake from air is estimated at <1 mg/day by as Cr6+. This differs from a scenario involving skin
average human populations. contact with soil as walls are conducive to
Chronic Beryllium Disease 183

permeation by solubilized Cr6+ agents while

excluding Cr3+ agents. Significant dermal expo- Chromophore
sure can also arise from daily contact with house-
hold materials (e.g., bleaches, detergents). Since Light-absorbing molecule.
sweat is a primary vehicle for liberating Cr and
concentrating it on skin during evaporation, cloth-
ing (particularly tanned leathers) are another Cross-References C
major Cr source; lesser sources include match
heads, magnetic tape, felt, and tattoo dyes. ▶ Photoreactive Compounds
Lastly, there is increasing evidence that human
exposure to Cr can occur via two novel means. One
is a prolonged low-level exposure due to wearing
down of surgically implanted prosthetics made of Chronic Beryllium Disease
Cr-bearing alloys (i.e., CoCr implants). Another is
potential inhalation exposure (mostly occupational Sally S. Tinkle1 and Ainsley Weston2
hazard) to Cr-containing nanoparticles, mainly dur- Division of Extramural Research and Training,
ing the manufacturing processes. National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Research
Triangle Park, NC, USA
References National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health, CDC, Morgantown, WV, USA
ATSDR (2012) Toxicological profile for chromium. US
Public Health Service, Atlanta
Cohen MD (2004) Pulmonary immunotoxicology of
select metals: Aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chro- Synonyms
mium, copper, manganese, nickel, vanadium, and
zinc. J Immunotoxicol 1:39–69 Berylliosis; Beryllium disease
Gill HS, Grammatopoulos G, Adshead S, Tsialogiannis E,
Tsiridis E (2012) Molecular and immune toxicity of
CoCr nanoparticles in M-o-M hip arthroplasty. Trends
Mol Med 18:145–155 Definition
Jomova K, Valko M (2011) Advances in metal-induced oxi-
dative stress and human disease. Toxicology 283:65–87
Keegan GM, Learmonth ID, Case CP (2008) A systematic
Beryllium, an alkaline earth metal, is the fourth
comparison of the actual, potential, and theoretical health element of the periodic table, with an atomic
effects of cobalt and chromium exposures from industry weight of 9.012. It is the 44th most abundant
and surgical implants. Crit Rev Toxicol 38:645–674 element, dull gray in color, and occurs naturally
in the environment. Beryllium was discovered by
Vanquelin in 1797, but commercial manufacture
of beryllium products did not begin until after
Chromium Release Assay beryllium-copper-aluminum alloy was patented
in 1926 (Kolanz 2001).
Cytotoxicity assay that utilizes the radioisotope A chemical pneumonitis was described in
51 chromium as a marker to assess lytic capacity beryllium workers in the early 1940s, but it was
of effector cells such as natural killer cells and not attributed to their beryllium exposure. Beryl-
cytotoxic T cells. lium toxicity was first recognized in workers
engaged in the manufacture of fluorescent lamps
and was termed acute beryllium disease (ABD).
Cross-References In 1949, the Atomic Energy Commission
implemented an 8-h exposure limit of 2 mg/m3,
▶ Cytotoxicity Assays and ABD became rare. ABD is commonly
184 Chronic Beryllium Disease

associated with very high exposures to soluble and nuclear protein kinases and inhibits substrate
salts, whereas chronic beryllium disease (CBD), phosphorylation. Additionally, beryllium causes
a debilitating, persistent granulomatous lung dis- arrest of cell division in lung and skin fibroblasts
ease, is associated with exposure to insoluble through a blockade of the G1 restriction point.
beryllium materials. Although involvement of
liver, spleen, skin, lymph node, kidney, and mus-
cle may accompany CBD, the lung is the primary Characteristics
site of disease.
CBD begins as a delayed type IV hypersensi- Immunopathology of Beryllium Sensitization
tivity that, over time and in the presence of The beryllium-stimulated type IV hypersensitiv-
persistent pulmonary beryllium, progresses to a ity is a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
non-caseating granulomatous lung disease class II-restricted, T helper 1, CD4+ T cell
(Rossman 2001). The HLA-beryllium-TCR response (Rossman 2001). Consistent with the
interaction is critical in the initiation of beryllium model of a cell-mediated immune response,
sensitization. Given the highly polymorphic beryllium – probably in association with a
nature of HLA (human leukocyte antigen) and peptide and in the context of human leucocyte
TCR (T cell receptor) and the small subset antigen (HLA) – is presented by an antigen-
(about 20 %) of exposed workers who become presenting cell to the T cell. Antigen presentation
sensitized, the genetic structure (and, hence, requires direct contact between the HLA mole-
the protein structure) of these molecules will cule, beryllium, and the T cell receptor (TCR;
significantly impact upon – if not determine – Fig. 1). Activation of a T cell causes clonal
susceptibility to beryllium disease. expansion and the generation of beryllium-
Beryllium’s adverse effects, although primar- specific memory T cells. This cellular process is
ily immunotoxicologic, also include disruption of driven by proinflammatory cytokines, including
homeostatic metabolism in liver and vascular tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) and the interleukin
endothelium. Using mammalian cell lines, (IL) -6, and culminates in the development of a
researchers determined that beryllium binds T helper type 1 lymphocytic response. This
covalently to a serine residue in the active site T helper type 1 cytokine response has been dem-
of alkaline phosphatase, phosphoglucomutase, onstrated in vitro with beryllium-stimulated

Antigen presenting cell T cell clonal expansion


TNF-α, IL-6

Chronic Beryllium
Disease, Fig. 1 The
interaction is pivotal in the
development of beryllium
sensitization and disease
Chronic Beryllium Disease 185

bronchoalveolar lavage cell production of inter- Little is known about the mechanism that
feron g (IFN-g) and IL-2. causes pulmonary fibrosis in CBD. The patho-
Beryllium sensitization (BeS) is asymptom- genesis of dust-induced fibrosis relates chronic
atic; however, diagnosis is supported by a activation of macrophages to activation and pro-
positive beryllium-specific peripheral blood lym- liferation of fibroblasts. Increasing numbers of
phocyte proliferation test (BeLPT). This test fibroblasts in the pulmonary interstitium in CBD
exploits the antigen-specific, cell-mediated patients and the close association of the C
immune response and measures increased cell profibrotic, basic fibroblast growth factor
proliferation in response to beryllium in vitro. (bFGF)-positive mast cells with beryllium gran-
ulomas have been shown.
Immunopathology of Chronic Clinical symptoms of beryllium disease gen-
Beryllium Disease erally correlate with the development of pulmo-
In its initial stages, CBD is characterized by nary granulomas and fibrosis. Individuals with a
chronic pulmonary inflammation and T cell low granuloma and fibrosis lung burden fre-
alveolitis. Recent studies have identified the quently have no respiratory impairment. As the
CD4+/CD28+ effector memory phenotype of the disease progresses, individuals experience short-
beryllium-specific pulmonary T cells (Fontenot ness of breath, especially on exertion, conditions
et al. 2003). Effector memory T cells are primed that are confirmed by abnormal lung function
for immediate cytokine release when antigen is tests and chest x-ray, fatigue, and night sweats.
detected in the microenvironment but have At present, treatment options are limited to palli-
diminished proliferative capacity and an ative measures such as anti-inflammatory
increased rate of apoptosis. As disease pro- steroids.
gresses, beryllium stimulates phagocyte accumu-
lation, granuloma formation, calcific inclusion
formation, and deposition of fibrotic materials. Preclinical Relevance
The pathogenesis of CBD is similar to other pul-
monary granulomatous diseases, and the pulmo- Genetic Susceptibility to Beryllium
nary lesions in beryllium-, aluminum-, and The molecular specificity of the HLA-beryllium-
titanium-induced granulomas are virtually indis- TCR interaction, coupled to the 2–10 % sensiti-
tinguishable from each other and from sarcoido- zation rate in the exposed worker population,
sis (Rossman 2001). suggests genetic susceptibility to beryllium
Non-caseating granuloma formation is the (Kreiss et al. 1997; McCanlies et al. 2003). Sev-
hallmark pathobiologic response to persistent eral laboratories confirmed the requirement for
beryllium lung burden. In the response to antigen, this interaction by blocking beryllium-stimulated
the CD4+ T cells release proinflammatory mole- CBD bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocyte prolif-
cules that attract macrophages and other inflam- eration with monoclonal antibodies directed
matory cells to the site of antigen deposition. against the HLA-antigen-presenting moiety. The
Antigen persistence maintains the cell-mediated HLA-DP antibody provided the strongest inhibi-
immune response, and over time, inflammatory tion of the BeLPT.
cells – and the CD4+ T cells in particular – Genes coding for HLA-DP, HLA-DR, and
accumulate in the lung. This proinflammatory HLA-DQ are all located on chromosome 6p12.3,
microenvironment promotes macrophage differ- and several laboratories have evaluated their asso-
entiation into multinucleated giant cells. The ciation with risk of CBD and beryllium sensitiza-
granuloma forms as a discrete nodule containing tion. These studies have shown that among
a cluster of multinucleated giant cells surrounded beryllium-exposed workers, inheritance of a
by a ring of densely packed lymphocytes. Lami- HLA-DPB1 gene coding for a glutamic acid resi-
nated calcific densities can be observed in the due in the 69th position of the mature protein
multinucleated giant cells. (Glu69) carries a high risk of BeS and CBD (Fig. 2).
186 Chronic Beryllium Disease

Chronic Beryllium DOB

Disease, TAP2 DRA
Fig. 2 Chromosome 6p,
indicating the relative DOA DMB DQA1
positions of MHC Class II
loci. The HLA-DP locus is DPA1 LMP2 LMP7 DQB3
found at 6p12.3 Ch. 6p23
300 500 700 1000

1 2 3 4 5 6
(169) (263) (281) (110) (23) (228)

5 8 9 11 69 84 85 86 87 92

There are 108 known polymorphic variants at occurring in complementarity-determining region

the HLA-DPB1 locus, 36 coding for glutamic (CDR) 3 (CDR3). The amino acid sequence of
acid at codon 69, 67 coding for lysine, and 5 cod- CDR3 and its central location in the TCR make it
ing for arginine. Among the 36 coding for a critical region in HLA-antigen-CR recognition
glutamic acid, it has been suggested that some and binding. Studies of beryllium-stimulated
alleles carry a higher risk of CBD in exposed T cell oligoclonality have identified a homologous
workers than others. motif in the CDR3 region of the TCR Vb chain in
The mode of interaction between beryllium 11 of 28 CBD subjects studied. Of the approxi-
and HLA-DPB1 is speculative. Several laborato- mately 100 possible TCRA V combinations, eight
ries have suggested that the negatively charged clones from two CBD subjects expressing VB3
glutamate at position 69 of HLA-DPB1 may be co-expressed the same a chain, TCRA V22S1.
the binding site for the positively charged beryl- Direct involvement of this TCR motif and
lium ion. This would place beryllium directly in HLA-DPB1*0201in beryllium-specific T cell
the antigen-binding groove of the Glu69- clonal expansion has been confirmed in vitro.
containing HLA isomers. In addition to Glu69, TNF-a is a potent proinflammatory cytokine
a comparison of the electrostatic potential in the beryllium-stimulated bronchoalveolar
of nine isoforms of HLA-DPB1 Glu69 lavage cell-mediated immune response. At least
(HLA-DPB1 *0201, *0401, *0601, *0901, nine genetic polymorphisms in the TNF-a pro-
*1001, *1301, *1601, *1701, *1901) suggests a moter region have been described and linked to
possible role for the negatively charged amino variability in TNF-a production and to autoim-
acids, at positions 55, 56, 84, and 85 on the mune and infectious disease severity and disease
HLA beta chain. These data are consistent with progression. Published reports link the TNF-a*02
a previous molecular epidemiologic analysis. allelotype to the magnitude of beryllium-
A critical component of the T cell activation stimulated bronchoalveolar lavage TNF-a pro-
paradigm, the TCR, is a heterodimeric transmem- duction and to disease severity; however, differ-
brane protein formed by significant genetic recom- ences in the TNF-a promoter genotype were not
bination with the highest degree of recombination linked to the magnitude of TNF-a production.
Chronic Beryllium Disease 187

These data on genetic susceptibility to occu- sensitized individuals develop pulmonary,

pational exposure to beryllium provide a frame- non-caseating granulomas.
work for understanding beryllium sensitization Epidemiologic studies suggest that disease
under a defined set of molecular interactions. prevalence varies by exposure type and intensity
Continued analysis of the immunologic mecha- (Kreiss et al. 1997). The exposure limit for most
nism for sensitization and determination of the work environments was set in 1971 and remains
relationship of these findings to larger patient 2 mg/m3 (OSHA PEL, 8-h time-weighted average); C
populations will add a third component, response, however, occurrence of CBD among workers with
to gene-exposure studies. low exposure levels prompted the Department of
Energy to set an action level of 0.2 mg/m3 for their
facilities. Although most industrial exposures are
Relevance to Humans measured as mass per unit area, other physico-
chemical characteristics, rather than mass, may be
Beryllium has unique physicochemical properties; associated with increased risk of disease. This is
it is light and strong (stiffer than steel), highly consistent with the observation that tasks that gen-
conductive (of heat and electricity), a neutron mod- erate beryllium dust (machining and lapping) con-
erator, x-ray transparent, springy, non-sparking, vey a higher risk of disease. Although pulmonary
noncorrosive, and wear resistant and has a melting exposure to beryllium has been considered to be
point of 1560  K (Kolanz 2001). These properties the primary route for sensitization, recent evidence
make it ideal for a large number of specialized also suggests that sensitization may be related to
technological applications. Beryllium, as a metal, skin exposure or to systemic burdens of beryllium.
an oxide, or an alloy, has become indispensable to Beryllium was classified as a potential human
multiple industries: aerospace (satellites, gyro- carcinogen by the International Agency for
scopes, tools, landing gear), automotive (springs, Research on Cancer (IARC) in 1993, but the car-
brake terminals, air-bag triggers), telecommunica- cinogenic potential of beryllium remains contro-
tions (cell phones, transistor mountings, undersea versial. Evidence to support beryllium
housings), electronics (switches, microwaves, carcinogenicity includes an increased risk of lung
nuclear reactors, heat exchangers), fire prevention tumors following beryllium inhalation in rodents,
(tools, sprinklers), biomedical (x-ray windows, rabbits, and monkeys and in vitro, beryllium-
lasers, dental prostheses, electron microscopes), induced sister chromatid exchange, chromosomal
defense (mirrors, sights, springs, missile guidance, aberrations, HPRT gene mutations, and other mor-
nuclear triggers), and others (camera shutters, phological cell transformations that are potentially
molds, bellows, phonographic equipment). tumorigenic. Epidemiological evidence supports
the carcinogenic potential of beryllium; however,
crude exposure classifications and tobacco
Regulatory Environment smoking may be confounders. In contrast to
these published studies, a recent meta-analysis of
Environmental exposure to beryllium is well several beryllium worker cohort mortality studies
below the EPA standard in the absence of a pol- found no statistically significant standard mortal-
luting event. For example, the permissible ity ratio that supports causal association between
concentration of beryllium in drinking water is occupational beryllium exposure and lung cancer.
4 mg/L, and the average measurable concentra-
tion is 0.19 mg/L with a range of 0.1–1.22 mg/L References
(Kolanz 2001). Immunological sensitization to
beryllium is generally associated with beryllium Fontenot AP, Gharavi L, Bennett SR, Canavera SJ,
Newman LS, Kotzin (2003) CD28 costimulation
workers. On average, 2–10 % of exposed workers independence of target organ versus circulating
become sensitized to beryllium. After a variable memory antigen-specific CD4+ T cells. J Clin Invest
latency period of months to decades, many 112:776–784
188 Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease

Kolanz ME (2001) Introduction to beryllium: uses, regu-

latory history, and disease. Appl Occup Environ Hyg Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Kreiss K, Mroz MM, Zhen B, Wiedman H, Barna B (1997)
Risks of beryllium disease related to work processes at ▶ Leukemia
a metal, alloy, and oxide production plant. Occup
Environ Med 54:605–612
McCanlies EC, Kreiss K, Andrew M, Weston A (2003)
HLA-DPB1 and chronic beryllium disease: a huge Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
review. Am J Epidemiol 157:388–398
Rossman MD (2001) Chronic beryllium disease: a hypersen- ▶ Leukemia
sitivity disorder. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 16:615–618

Classical Pathway
Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease
A pathway of the complement system that is
▶ Graft-Versus-Host Reaction activated by antigen-antibody complexes. This
pathway includes the complement components
C1, C4, and C2, resulting in the formation of
Chronic Inflammation a C3 convertase to cleave C3.

Chronic inflammation consists of a sustained

inflammatory reaction, perpetuated by persis- Cross-References
tence of the causative agent and far more often
by an autoimmune response. Elevated levels of ▶ Complement and Allergy
proinflammatory cytokines are a major part of its

Clonal Deletion
Negative selection which eliminates high-affinity,
▶ Cytokine Inhibitors self-reactive T cells and B cells.

Chronic Inflammatory Disease
▶ Autoimmunity, Autoimmune Diseases
Chronic inflammation is the pathophysiological
cause of many diseases, some of which are of great
economical importance, including rheumatoid
arthritis, osteoarthritis, and inflammatory bowel dis- Clonal Expansion
ease. It also contributes to diseases such as arterio-
sclerosis, chronic lung diseases such as chronic The lymphocyte receptors for antigens are
obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma, or neu- uniquely expressed on individual lymphocyte
rological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. clones. While individual lymphocytes are mono-
specific, within secondary lymphoid organs,
a broad repertoire of antigen reactivity exists.
Cross-References Engagement of the B-cell receptor (BCR, surface
immunoglobulin) or T-cell receptor (TCR) by
▶ Cytokine Inhibitors a specific antigen induces the selective activation
Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) 189

of the receptor-bearing lymphocyte clone. Con-

sequently, the activated clone undergoes multi- Cluster of Differentiation
ple, successive rounds of cell division. This
proliferative phase leads to a large population of ▶ CD Markers
daughter cells capable of responding to the same
antigenic determinant as the progenitor cell.
Cocultured C
The in vitro cultivation of two distinct cell types
or populations.
▶ B Lymphocytes
▶ Humoral Immunity
▶ Memory, Immunological

▶ Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction

Clonotypic Antibodies, T Cell

The clonal expansion of T cells from a single

Cold Agglutinin Disease
precursor yields a population in which all cells
bear the same unique T-cell receptor. Antibodies
Cold agglutinin disease (cryopathic hemolytic
raised against this specific receptor are said to be
disease) is an IMHA caused by autoantibodies
that bind optimally to erythrocytes at below
body temperatures.
▶ Antigen-Specific Cell Enrichment
▶ Hemolytic Anemia, Autoimmune

Clophen (Germany)
Cold Autoantibodies
▶ Polychlorinated Biphenyls and the Immune
Autoantibodies that react as well, or more
strongly, at 4  C than at lower temperatures.

Cluster Determinant (CD)

This abbreviation, followed by a number, indi-
▶ Hemolytic Anemia, Autoimmune
cates the cell surface receptor or ligand.

Colony-Forming Unit (CFU)
▶ Leukocyte Culture: Considerations for In Vitro
Culture of T cells in Immunotoxicological Colony-forming unit or CFU assays are in vitro
Studies limiting dilution assays of hematopoietic cells.
190 Colony-Forming Unit Assay: Methods and Implications

When bone marrow cells are seeded in semisolid Short Description

culture medium in the presence of hematopoietic
growth factors, colonies develop from a small Hematopoiesis is sustained by uncommitted stem
subfraction of precursor cells which have a cells that give rise to progenitors capable of pro-
high proliferation potential. According to the ducing mature blood cells (Morrison et al. 1997).
hematopoietic growth factors that are added This process is governed by numerous factors
and the differentiation potential of the progeni- that regulate the differentiation of these progeni-
tors present, development may be limited to tors into specified lineages (Domen and
cells of one lineage or include multilineage Weissman 1999). Distinct subclasses of primitive
differentiation. CFU is termed accordingly, e.g., cells defined by functional assays have led to the
CFU-GM for granulocytic-macrophage colonies identification and hierarchical arrangement of
or CFU-GEMM for colonies containing mega- stem cells comprising the human hematopoietic
karyocytic, erythrocytic, granulocytic, and mac- system.
rophage cells. In the late 1970s, Dexter et al. (1977) devel-
oped culture conditions that permitted the growth
of bone marrow cells ex vivo. Over the subse-
Cross-References quent years, culture conditions have improved
the expansion of immature hematopoietic cells.
▶ Bone Marrow and Hematopoiesis In the early 1990s, a closed clinical-scale biore-
▶ Colony-Forming Unit Assay: Methods and actor system with continuous medium perfusion
Implications was developed for the ex vivo expansion of cells.
▶ Rodent Immune System, Development of the Mature blood cells have a limited lifespan and
are continuously replaced by the proliferation and
differentiation of a very small population of plu-
ripotent hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) found
Colony-Forming Unit Assay: primarily in the bone marrow of healthy adults.
Methods and Implications HSCs have the ability to replenish themselves
because of their self-renewal capabilities and to
Hava Karsenty Avraham, Byeong-Chel Lee and differentiate into progenitor cells and mature
Shalom Avraham blood cells of all hematopoietic lineages.
Division of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel Hematopoietic culture assays are used to detect
Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Institutes of the proliferation and differentiation ability of
Medicine, Boston, MA, USA hematopoietic cells and their distinct, successive
stages of differentiation, as well as to measure the
frequency of these cells in hematopoietic tissues
Synonyms and purified cell populations. The most common
approaches to quantify multi- or single lineage-
CFU-Meg; Committed precursor of megakaryo- committed hematopoietic progenitors, called
cytes; FBS; Fetal bovine serum colony-forming cells (CFCs) or colony-forming
units (CFUs), utilize viscous or semisolid matrices
and culture supplements. These methods promote
cell proliferation and differentiation and allow the
clonal progeny of a single progenitor cell to form a
This work was supported in part by National Institutes colony of more mature cells.
of Health Grants HL55445 (SA), HL51456 (HA), In vitro clonal assays provide an environment
CA096805 (HA), CA 76226 (HA), and K18 PAR-02-069
for hematopoietic cells to proliferate, and the
(HA). This work was done during the term of an
established investigatorship from the American Heart number of colonies formed is proportional to the
Association (HA). number of viable progenitors. In these assays,
Colony-Forming Unit Assay: Methods and Implications 191

the progenitor cell populations are detected by The growth efficiency of colonies in these
in vitro clonogenic soft gel systems where the assays is increased by using methylcellulose in
clonogenic cells proliferate and form colonies the semisolid phase instead of agar. This results
of recognizable mature cells. The cells giving in tighter colonies that are easier to evaluate and
rise to colonies are identified in standard count (see also (Freshney et al. 1994)). For now,
assays for GM-CFU (granulocyte/macrophage we will focus on the human clonal assays.
colony-forming unit), BFU-E (burst-forming C
unit-erythroid, where “burst” describes the Bone Marrow Cell Collection
appearance of the colony), mixed colony- Human bone marrow (BM) is aspirated from the
forming units (CFU-mix), and granulocyte, iliac crest of normal volunteers under a protocol
erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte approved by the Committee on FDA Research
colony-forming units (CFU-GEMM). Involving Human Subjects. Mononuclear cells
The development of long-term cultures has (MNC) are collected after gradient centrifugation
allowed investigators to study cell-cell interac- (density 1.077 g/ml) on Ficoll-Paque PLUS
tions in vitro with a system that incorporates an (Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ) and then washed
order of complexity close to that exhibited by and suspended in Iscove’s modified Dulbecco’s
hematopoiesis in vivo. In addition, the availabil- medium (IMDM; GIBCO, Grand Island, NY).
ity of these hematopoietic cultures has led to the Enrichment of CD34+ cells is accomplished by
isolation and characterization of at least 50 cyto- positive selection using a hapten-conjugated
kines that interact in a complex network involved CD34+ antibody (QBEND/10, mouse IgG1),
in the control of hematopoiesis, including inflam- which is then magnetically labeled and selected
matory and immune responses. over a column in a magnetic field (MACS separa-
tor; Miltenyi Biotec, Sunnyvale, CA). Average
purity of the resultant CD34+ population is then
Characteristics calculated by flow cytometry analysis. MNC or
CD34+ cells are counted with a hemocytometer
Culture media have been optimized for the out- and cell viability determined by phase microscopy.
growth of erythroid, monocyte/macrophage,
granulocytic, megakaryocytic, and multipotent In Vivo Hematopoietic Stem Cell Assay
progenitor cells. Colony assays are used to quan- The severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
titate and characterize hematopoietic progenitors repopulating cell (SRC) xenotransplant system
from different sources (e.g., bone marrow, umbil- (SRC assay) provides a powerful tool for analyz-
ical cord blood, mobilized peripheral blood, fetal ing human hematopoietic stem cells. SCID mice-
tissues, patient samples) and for ensuring quality engrafting cells are more primitive than most
control of clinical stem cell collections, cells that can be assayed in vitro. This in vivo
processing, and cryopreservation. model allows us to monitor whether HSCs or
Two key elements of hematopoietic colony gene-modified primitive HSCs can sustain their
assays are: self-renewal capacity or maintain the potential to
differentiate into different blood cell lineages.
• The use of a culture medium that maximizes
However, the frequency and/or homing effi-
the growth and differentiation of progenitors
ciency of SRC in bone marrow is inefficient. In
of interest.
addition, transduced SRCs are often associated
• The use of a gelling agent which increases the
with the loss of reconstituting activity, posing a
viscosity of the medium without converting it
problem for the development of clinical HSC
to a solid; this allows the clonal progeny of a
gene therapy.
single progenitor cell to stay together.
Six- to eight-week-old mice are sublethally
These properties greatly facilitate the recogni- irradiated with 275 cGy (dose rate 50 cGy/min)
tion and enumeration of distinct colonies. in a cesium irradiator. Twenty-four hours after
192 Colony-Forming Unit Assay: Methods and Implications

Colony-Forming Unit Assay: Methods and Implications, Table 1 Myeloid clonal assay components
rhG-CSF 20 ng/ml – – 20 ng/ml
rhGM-CSF – 20 ng/ml 10 ng/ml 20 ng/ml
rhIL-3 – – 10 ng/ml 20 ng/ml
rhIL-6 – – – 20 ng/ml
rhSCF – – 50 ng/ml 50 ng/ml
rhEPO – – 3 U/ml –
Cell type MNC MNC CD34+ CD34+
Cells/dish 100,000 100,000 1,000 300
Incubation 13 days 13 days 16 days 15 days

irradiation, human HSCs are injected via the tail growth factors as detailed in Table 1 (StemCell
vein with normal carrier cells. After 6–8 weeks, Technologies).
mouse bone marrow cells or peripheral blood Cells are plated in the culture mixture in
cells can be analyzed using antihuman CD45 35 mm Petri dishes (three per group) and incu-
(Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, bated at 37  C in a humidified atmosphere with
San Jose, CA) or southern blot analysis with 5 % CO2 for 13–16 days (Table 1). All colony
specific human cDNA probes. countings are performed according to standard
methodology under an inverted 3D microscope
Hematopoietic Clonal Assays (Eaves and Lambie 1995). CFU-G colonies are
Methylcellulose is widely used as a gelling agent comprised of small cells, whereas CFU-GM col-
because it is inert, with no ionic charge, and is onies contain both small and large cells in tight
stable over a wide pH range. In addition, it per- formation.
mits better growth of erythroid colonies than Both erythroid and myeloid elements are
other types of semisolid support systems while found in CFU-GEMM colonies giving them a
allowing optimal granulocyte/macrophage col- reddish tint in culture. Large clusters of myeloid
ony formation. Committed progenitors for both cells greater than 2 mm in diameter are indicative
erythroid and granulocyte/macrophage lineages, of HPP-CFC colonies (high proliferative poten-
as well as multipotential progenitors, can be tial colony-forming cell).
assayed simultaneously in the same culture dish.
Briefly, there are four main steps: Data Analysis
Colony counts are expressed as plating efficiency
1. Prepare the cells.
(PE), that is, by the number of colonies per 105
2. Add cells to methylcellulose-based media
nucleated marrow cells. Percent colony inhibi-
with the appropriate growth factors.
tion is determined by comparing the PE in the
3. Plate and incubate human cells for 14–16 days
treated groups (T) to the PE in the negative
and murine cells for 7–14 days in a humidified
controls (C), thus:
incubator at 37  C and 5 % CO2.
4. Count colonies and evaluate colony types
% Inhibition ¼ ðC þ TÞ=ðCÞ  100
using an inverted microscope and gridded
scoring dishes. Alternatively, individual colo-
Pros and Cons
nies may be used for staining, PCR analysis, or
cytogenetic analysis.
These batteries of clonal assays for myeloid pro-
Briefly, methylcellulose (0.9 %) is used as the genitor cells are highly powerful tools for evalu-
semisolid matrix for the clonal assays supple- ating the effects of drugs, compounds, radiation,
mented with fetal bovine serum (FBS), 1 % bovine and therapeutic treatment on hematopoiesis. The
serum albumin, 0.1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, and recent advances in recombinant growth factors,
Colony-Forming Unit Assay: Methods and Implications 193

media, sera, the purity of reagents, and standard- expansion, and to assess gene transfer efficiencies
ization of these assays have led to less heteroge- to stem cells and progenitor cells.
neity of results. While myeloid colony assay In addition, myelosuppression is the most
systems have been well established, efficient common dose-limiting toxicity in cancer treat-
T- and B-lymphoid progenitor assay systems ment. Conventional antineoplastics, high-
still need to be developed. dose therapies, and drug combinations lead to
Several applications of clonal assays include: severe bone marrow suppression with the C
potential for infection and hemorrhagic
• Quantitation and characterization of hemato-
complications. Therefore, it is highly advanta-
poietic progenitors
geous to predict during drug development
• Assessment of cells from patients with mye-
whether a new antineoplastic agent will be clini-
loproliferative disorders
cally myelosuppressive, including severity
• Screening for new growth factors and/or
(grade of cytopenia), onset, and duration
(time of recovery).
• Quantitation of progenitor numbers following
The in vitro clonal assays provide an environ-
ex vivo expansion
ment for hematopoietic cells to proliferate, and
• Testing in vitro sensitivity of hematopoietic
the number of colonies formed is proportional to
the number of viable progenitors. The degree of
However, there is still a lack of easy, accessi- inhibition of colony formation resulting
ble, and optimal in vitro assays for human from in vivo or in vitro drug exposure can be
stem cells, which rely on stroma cell-based used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of a variety of
methods to detect primitive cells by their ability compounds. Using these clonal assays, a com-
to give long-term hematopoietic reconstitution pound can be classified as toxic or not, and
in vivo. Nevertheless, the CFU assays are more erythroid-myeloid progenitor cells can be
established in the literature and the cytokines qualitatively predictive of clinical cytopenia
required are well defined. and utilized to determine the hematologic
effects of chemotherapeutics. Thus, the CFU
assays for in vitro studies can be recommended
Predictivity for their correlations to drug-induced neutrope-
nia, predictive value, and technical simplicity.
The establishment of cell culture conditions, The battery of a primitive and highly proliferative
growth factors, media, and serum has led to the progenitor population (HPP-CFU), a
standardization and predictivity of these clonal multilineage myeloid-erythroid-megakaryocytic
assays. Of note, StemCell Technologies progenitor (CFU-GEMM), a bipotent progenitor
(Vancouver, Canada) has developed a variety of for granulocytes and monocytes (CFU-GM) and
reagents and kits for hematopoietic cells, which a mature progenitor restricted to neutrophil pro-
include negative and positive controls. These kits duction (CFU-G), will allow analysis of the most
include detailed information on experimental sensitive precursor cells.
procedures and technical suggestions which are
very useful to the investigators.
Relevance to Humans Dexter TM, Allen TD, Lajtha LG (1977) Conditions con-
trolling the proliferation of haemopoietic stem cells
Clonal assays can be used to investigate progen- in vitro. J Cell Physiol 91:335–344
Domen J, Weissman IL (1999) Self-renewal, differentia-
itor responses to growth factors, inhibitors, and
tion or death: regulation and manipulation of
drugs, as readouts for LTC-IC assays, to quanti- hematopoietic stem cell fate. Mol Med Today
tate progenitor cell numbers after ex vivo 5:201–208
194 Committed Precursor of Megakaryocytes

Eaves CJ, Lambie K (1995) Atlas of human hematopoietic

colonies. StemCell Technologies, Vancouver Complement
Freshney RI, Pragnell IB, Freshney MG (eds) (1994)
Culture of hematopoietic cells, Ch 16. Wiley-Liss,
New York Complement is a collective term for a large fam-
Morrison SJ, Wandycz AM, Hemmati HD, Wright DE, ily of proteins with enzymatic activity that inter-
Weissman IL (1997) Identification of a lineage of act in a classic or alternate pathway to lyse target
multipotent hematopoietic progenitors. Development
124:1929–1939 cells or stimulate immune adherence, chemo-
taxis, or opsonization. The cascade of the classic
pathway is initiated when an antigen and anti-
body react, leading to the binding of C1, C4,
and C2 to activate C3. The alternate pathway
Committed Precursor of does not involve the binding of C1, C2, or C4
Megakaryocytes by the antigen-antibody complex.

▶ Colony-Forming Unit Assay: Methods and

Implications Cross-References

▶ Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity

▶ Complement System
▶ Humoral Immunity
▶ Opsonization and Phagocytosis
Common Chain
▶ Streptococcus Infection and Immunity
In some families of cytokine receptors, discrete
a-chains specifically bind their corresponding
ligand and then associate with one or more com-
Complement and Allergy
mon signaling subunits which are shared between
members of related cytokines and cytokine recep-
Jean F. Regal
tors (e.g., the common g-chain in the Interleukin-
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University
2 receptor family).
of Minnesota, Medical School Duluth, Duluth,

▶ Cytokine Receptors
Anaphylatoxin was originally described as a toxin
produced in the blood after incubation with
immune precipitates. This toxin caused adverse
Common Cold symptoms resembling severe systemic anaphy-
laxis and allergy when injected into animals. As
▶ Respiratory Infections the biochemistry of the complement system was
revealed, anaphylatoxin activity was found to
originate from the complement components C3
and C5. These initial observations formed the
basis for the longstanding idea that the comple-
Competitive PCR ment system is important in allergy. The
anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a are approximately
▶ Polymerase Chain Reaction 10 kD fragments of the amino terminus of the
Complement and Allergy 195

alpha chain of C3 and C5, respectively. C4a is also augment the signal to the B cell and the induction
an anaphylatoxin, but is less potent than C3a and phase of asthma may be affected. Also, in the
C5a, and its relevance in vivo is less clear. When absence of C3, C3a cannot be generated so that
injected into animals, C3a and C5a cause symp- any contribution of C3a to the effector phase of
toms resembling immune-mediated hypersensitiv- asthma will be eliminated. Using animals genet-
ity. This provides the rationale for investigations ically deficient in complement will affect both the
of the complement system in allergy and hyper- induction and elicitation phases, whereas use of C
sensitivity. Increasing information on the bio- enzyme inhibitors or antagonists can selectively
chemistry of the complement system, as well as target induction or elicitation separately.
the availability of animal models of complement Redundancy of inflammation and immunity
deficiencies, has recently allowed more rigorous is a consideration in mechanistic investigations
investigation of the role of the complement system of hypersensitivity. In asthma, it is not clear that
in allergy and hypersensitivity. any single mediator is responsible for the
bronchoconstriction or eosinophilia. Numerous
substances can cause bronchoconstriction and
Characteristics cell infiltration, including C3a and C5a. Many
endogenous substances likely contribute, and
Complement and Immune-Mediated Disease the extent of the contribution may differ with
Gell and Coombs in the 1960s proposed a method the allergen, the dose, the induction versus elici-
of classifying immune-mediated disease, with the tation phase, and the acute or chronic state of the
terms type I, type II, type III, and type IV hyper- disease.
sensitivity. Various modifications of this classifi-
cation scheme have evolved. Classically, Complement in Respiratory Hypersensitivity
complement system participation in immune- Evidence for a role for the complement system in
mediated diseases or hypersensitivity states is respiratory allergy in humans is circumstantial.
relegated to type II and III hypersensitivity, Information is not available regarding allergy or
where antigen-antibody complexes or antibody asthma incidence in individuals genetically defi-
fixed to cells results in classical pathway comple- cient in complement components. In segmental
ment activation and all of its consequences. Both allergen challenge of asthmatics, studies demon-
type I and type IV hypersensitivity are classically strated increased levels of C3a and C5a in the
considered complement-independent mecha- asthmatic lungs at time of the allergic response
nisms of immunopathology. However, it is (in the elicitation phase of the disease). Asthma is
increasingly recognized that representing any a chronic disease, but therapeutics aimed at
disease as a distinct type I, II, III, or IV hyper- inhibiting complement activation long term
sensitivity is too confining. Current evidence sug- have not been vigorously pursued because of the
gests that the complement system is important essential role of complement in host defense.
in asthma and contact dermatitis, which have However, more targeted therapy at effector mol-
historically been regarded as complement- ecules such as C3a and C5a may prove beneficial,
independent type I and IV disease. without compromising host defense.
Because of the known links between comple- In animal models of asthma, where specific
ment system activation and adaptive immunity, antibody to the antigen is present, the evidence
interfering with complement function can have indicates that the importance of an intact comple-
multiple effects in hypersensitivity. It is impor- ment system in respiratory allergy differs
tant to differentiate effects in the induction depending on the allergen, animal model, and
(or sensitization) vs. the elicitation (challenge or endpoint being examined (Gerard and Gerard
effector) phase of the allergic response. For 2002). Most studies have examined the allergic
example, in the absence of C3, the complement response to ovalbumin as a prototype antigen.
system via complement receptor 2 cannot Whether the results would be similar if examining
196 Complement and Allergy

food allergens or various occupational allergens is was completely inhibited in the absence of the
unknown. Studies have concentrated on the role C3a receptor, but lung eosinophilia was unaf-
of C3, C5, C3a, and C5a, because anaphylatoxins fected. The asthmatic response in C5a receptor-
can mimic the symptoms of respiratory allergy. deficient mice has not been reported. The
Asthma in animal models is characterized by existence of a second C5a-binding receptor,
antigen-induced bronchoconstriction, airway C5L2, complicates interpretation of experiments
hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, and lung in mice lacking only the originally described C5a
eosinophilia. Animals deficient in C3 and C5 pro- receptor CD88.
vide information on the role of complement in A strain of guinea pigs deficient in the C3a
both induction and elicitation of the asthmatic receptor has been described. Anaphylaxis
response. Mice deficient in C3 have reduced air- induced by intravenous allergen exposure in
way hyperresponsiveness and lung eosinophilia in these animals is partially reduced; the hypoten-
the elicitation phase of the asthmatic response, sive response is inhibited but the bronchocon-
using ovalbumin in combination with Aspergillus striction is minimally affected (Regal and
as the antigen. Consistent with what we know Klos 2000). In this same strain of C3a receptor-
about the links between complement and adaptive deficient guinea pigs, the bronchoconstrictor
immunity, these C3-deficient mice had a reduced response to aerosol allergen challenge was
number of IL-4-producing cells and attenuated reduced by about 30 %, suggesting a minor role
antigen-specific IgE and IgG1 responses, for C3a in this event. Lung eosinophilia was not
suggesting a critical role for C3 in induction of affected. Similar to the mouse, the induction
respiratory allergy and a Th2 immune response. It phase of asthma was not affected by C3a receptor
is not clear whether the reduced airway deficiency in the guinea pig.
hyperresponsiveness and eosinophilia observed Studies to examine the importance of entire
in the elicitation phase was caused by lack of C3 complement pathways in the allergic response
during the induction phase. A number of inbred have used either cobra venom factor or soluble
mouse strains show spontaneous deficiencies in complement receptor 1 (sCR1). Cobra venom
complement component C5. Using these mice, factor intraperitoneally is used to activate the
C5 has been shown to be a susceptibility locus alternative pathway of complement and deplete
for airway hyperresponsiveness in the mouse C3 and C5, as well as C6–9 from the circulation,
asthma model. C5-deficient mice are more respon- thus eliminating the influence of all terminal
sive to methacholine after allergen sensitization complement components. CR1 is a normal
and challenge when compared to mice with nor- membrane-associated controller of complement
mal C5 levels. Whether sensitization was equiva- activation that acts by causing decay of the C3
lent in C5-deficient versus C5-sufficient mice was convertase and C5 convertase. sCR1 was created
not reported. From studies to date, it appears that by eliminating the membrane-spanning region of
the complement components C3 and C5 have the molecule so that it could limit complement
opposing influences on the asthmatic response. activation in the fluid phase. sCR1 inhibits com-
Using mice deficient in the receptors for C3a plement activation from C3 to C9, but does not
and C5a, the role of complement activation prod- activate the pathway and deplete the components
ucts C3a and C5a can be determined. Mice defi- like CVF. CVF and sCR1 treatments are effective
cient in the C3a receptor appear to have a normal for a limited time period because an immune
immune response to ovalbumin, that is, with no response to the foreign protein ensues, limiting
difference in levels of ovalbumin-specific anti- its complement depleting activity.
body in C3a receptor-deficient animals compared A clear drawback of the use of CVF is massive
to controls. This suggests that the induction phase activation of the complement system with asso-
of asthma is unaffected by C3a receptor defi- ciated effects, including temporary neutrophil
ciency. In the elicitation phase of asthma, sequestration in the lungs, and release of mast
antigen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness cell mediators and cytokines. In fact intravenous
Complement and Allergy 197

injection of CVF results in an enhanced response required (Acevedo and Vesterberg 2003). The
to intravenous antigen, most likely due to the authors suggest that the ability of nickel and
temporary sequestration of neutrophils in the cobalt to act as contact sensitizers may be related
lung. An advantage of CVF and sCR1 is that to the increased stimulation of complement acti-
complement depletion can be targeted to a spe- vation. Again, the role of the complement system
cific phase of the asthma – the elicitation phase. in contact dermatitis varies depending on the
Using CVF in the guinea pig, complement deple- complement component or pathway investigated. C
tion significantly inhibited antigen-induced lung
injury and eosinophil infiltration into the airspace Activation of the Complement System by
using the occupational allergen trimellitic anhy- Allergens and Environmental Pollutants
dride (Regal 1997). As indicated previously, allergen exposure of
In contrast, with ovalbumin as the antigen, asthmatics results in increased levels of C3a and
complement depletion using CVF did not signif- C5a in the lung washings. Also, ragweed allergen
icantly inhibit cell infiltration in a similar guinea extracts activate the complement system in the
pig asthma model. With intravenous antigen serum of ragweed allergic patients, with the
challenge, sCR1 significantly reduced both degree of complement activation correlating
bronchoconstriction and hypotension in response with the nasal allergy symptoms. Both asthma
to ovalbumin. In a rat model of asthma using and nasal allergy are generally associated with
ovalbumin, inhibition of complement activation increased IgE which does not activate comple-
with sCR1 significantly attenuated both the early ment in vitro. Any involvement of IgG in com-
and late airway responses to intratracheal anti- plement activation in these allergic patients was
gen. Thus, the effectiveness of complement inhi- not investigated. Clearly complement activation
bition differs with species and antigens, and occurs in sensitized individuals, and complement
generalizations regarding the role of the comple- activation products can produce symptoms
ment system in respiratory hypersensitivity resembling asthma and nasal allergy. At this
cannot be made. point, the mechanism or pathway leading to com-
plement activation is unknown.
Complement in Contact Dermatitis In occupational asthma, a clear relationship
Contact dermatitis is often cited as the classical between specific antibody and symptoms is not
example of type IV or delayed-type hypersensi- always evident. The suggestion is that, in some
tivity that lacks involvement of antibody and instances, asthma symptoms may be due to a
complement. However, studies have shown mechanism other than antigen interaction with
involvement of C5a and IgM anti-hapten anti- specific antibody (i.e., pseudoallergic reaction).
body produced by B-1 cells in the mechanism of Various triggers of asthma are also known to
induction or initiation of contact sensitivity. Acti- activate complement in the absence of antibody.
vation of the classical complement pathway by Plicatic acid, the occupational allergen from
antigen binding to natural IgM antibody results in Western red cedar, activates complement via the
the generation of C5a. C5a appears to be crucial classical pathway in the absence of antibody.
for local early T cell recruitment in contact sen- A number of allergens have serine protease type
sitivity, making sure that the effector T cells get activity (e.g., dust mites, Bacillus subtilis prote-
to the skin site (Tsuji et al. 2002). Other studies ase) and can cleave C3 and C5, generating
suggest that C3 fragments through stimulation of active complement fragments. Besides allergens,
the CR3 receptor inhibit induction of contact various toxic substances and environmental pol-
sensitivity via IL-12. Nickel and cobalt are two lutants also can activate the complement system.
metals that cause contact dermatitis. Recent evi- Asbestos fibers and crystalline silica, along with
dence indicates that nickel and cobalt stimulate many biomaterials, activate the complement sys-
alternative pathway activation up to four times tem, generating C5a. Evidence also indicates that
faster than magnesium, the endogenous metal diesel exhaust particles, cigarette smoke,
198 Complement Cascade

endotoxin in dust, house dust, and particulate reaction – a reaction where no specific antibody is
matter activate the complement system. Recent involved. Alternatively, the substance could be
studies in a C3-deficient mouse demonstrate the reacting with specific antibody to cause comple-
critical importance of C3 in airway hyperrespon- ment activation and a hypersensitivity reaction.
siveness induced by particulate matter in a mouse Whether with or without antibody, participation
model (Walters et al. 2002). of the complement system needs to be considered
if symptoms of allergy occur with administration
of a substance.
Preclinical Relevance

Currently, screening for potential allergenicity of References

compounds does not include evaluating their abil-
ity to activate the complement system. Screening Acevedo F, Vesterberg O (2003) Nickel and cobalt acti-
however does look for IgE induction as an indica- vate complement factor C3 faster than magnesium.
Toxicology 185:9–16
tor of airway or respiratory hypersensitivity. As Gerard NP, Gerard C (2002) Complement in allergy and
mechanisms are clarified, it may be advantageous asthma. Curr Opin Immunol 14:705–708
to examine the ability of a suspected allergen or Regal JF (1997) Hypersensitivity reactions in the lung. In:
pollutant to activate complement. Sipes IG, McQueen CA, Gandolfi AJ, Lawrence DE
(eds) Comprehensive toxicology, vol 5, Toxicology of
the immune system. Pergamon Press, New York,
pp 339–352
Relevance to Humans Regal JF, Klos A (2000) Minor role of the C3a receptor in
systemic anaphylaxis in the guinea pig. Immunophar-
macology 46:15–28
Circumstantial evidence indicates that C3a and Tsuji RF, Szczpanik M, Kawikova I et al (2002) B cell-
C5a are putative mediators of allergy and asthmatic dependent T cell responses: IgM antibodies are required
responses. Because of the known link between to elicit contact sensitivity. J Exp Med 196:1277–1290
complement and adaptive immunity, a com- Walters DM, Breysse PN, Schofield B, Wills-Karp
M (2002) Complement factor 3 mediates particulate
pound’s ability to activate C3 could significantly matter-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. Am
affect its ability to be immunogenic. However, the J Respir Cell Mol Biol 27:413–418
role of the complement system in the induction and
elicitation of the allergic response is still under
active investigation.

Complement Cascade
Regulatory Environment
The consecutive activation of complement serum
The 2002 Guidance for Industry from the Food proteins by enzymatic activity. This activation
and Drug Administration entitled can be induced by interaction with antibodies
“Immunotoxicology Evaluation of Investigational (classical pathway) or bacteria (alternative path-
New Drugs” ( way). Activated components are important for
index.htm) does not directly recommend evalua- the stimulation of phagocytes and result in lytic
tion of effects of new drugs on the complement attack on cell membranes.
system. However, in instances where the adminis-
tration of a substance results in an anaphylactic-
like reaction, complement activation and genera- Cross-References
tion of anaphylatoxins could be suspect. The com-
plement system could be causing a pseudoallergic ▶ Hypersensitivity Reactions
Complement Deficiencies 199

infection, or in conjunction with chronic autoim-

Complement Deficiencies mune disorders. Exposure to certain chemicals
(e.g., tetrachloroethylene) can alter serum com-
Michelle Carey plement levels. Most complement deficiencies
NIEHS ND D2-01, Laboratory of Pulmonary are inherited as autosomal recessive conditions
Pathobiology, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA with the exception of properdin deficiency, which
is sex linked. Inherited deficiency is rare in the C
general population with an estimated frequency
Synonyms in the order of 0.03 %.

Relevance to Humans

Definition Diagnosis
The patient’s history and clinical presentation
A group of inherited and acquired disorders char- are important in making the correct diagnosis.
acterized by reduced levels of specific proteins – Complement deficiencies should be suspected,
complement – necessary for proper functioning for example, when there is:
of the innate and adaptive immune systems
• A patient history or family history of recurrent
systemic meningococcal infection
• Meningococcal disease (especially non-group
B meningococci) in patients older than 10 years
• A family history of systemic lupus
The complement system is a group of at least
30 different serum proteins, produced primarily
• A family history of meningococcal disease in
in the liver, which circulate in their inactive
males which might be suggestive of properdin
forms. These proteins, when activated, produce
various complexes that play critical roles in
immunity. Examples of such roles include The two most common screening tests are the
opsonization, chemotaxis and activation of leu- complement hemolytic activity (CH50) and the
kocytes, lysis of bacteria and cells, augmentation alternative pathway hemolytic activity (AP50)
of antibody responses, and clearance of immune which identify the group of complement compo-
complexes and apoptotic cells. nents that have a defect. These tests measure the
Complement activation can occur via three complement activity in dilutions of patient
different pathways: plasma on sheep erythrocytes that have been
coated with anti-sheep erythrocyte antibody.
• The classical pathway
The antibody-coated sheep erythrocyte immune
• The alternative pathway
complex activates the complement cascade. If all
• The mannose-binding lectin pathway.
components of the complement system are pre-
There are deficiencies associated with each sent and functioning, the erythrocytes are lysed
pathway and with complement regulatory pro- and the hemolysis can be measured and compared
teins and receptors (Table 1). to a reference range.
Complement deficiency can be acquired or More specific blood tests to identify compo-
inherited. Acquired deficiency can be caused by nents are then performed. Additional tests, such
ailments that involve a lot of protein loss, such as as C1 esterase level, Ham’s (acidified serum) test,
serious burns, liver and kidney disease, by acute and white blood cell count, may also be useful.
200 Complement Deficiencies

Complement Deficiencies, Table 1 Complement deficiencies and disease associations

Proteins and
pathways Consequences of deficiency Clinical manifestations
Classical pathway
C1q Failure to activate classical Immune complex disease (e.g., systemic lupus
pathway erythematosus)
C1r Defective immune complex Recurrent infections (Streptococcus pneumoniae,
clearance Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae)
C1s Impaired immunoregulation
MBL pathway
MBL Impaired first-line defense Recurrent infections
MASP against microbes Accelerated course of systemic lupus erythematosus and
rheumatoid arthritis
Alternative pathway
Properdin Defective clearance of immune Severe fulminant pyogenic neisserial infections with high
complex mortality rate
Factor B Impaired first-line defense
Factor D against microbes
C3 Major opsonin critical to all Severe infections
Failure to activate membrane Severe autoimmune disease
attack complex
C5 9 Critical for lysis of cells and Neisserial infections
C5 important for chemotaxis Autoimmune disease
Plasma regulatory Loss of regulation of C1 and Hereditary angioedema
proteins failure to activate kallikrein
C1 inhibitor Failure to regulate activation of Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Factor H and Severe secondary C3 deficiency Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
factor I
Cell membrane Important in degrading C4 and Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
regulators C3 and regulating lysis
PI-linked proteins Leukocyte adhesion defect
(DAF, CD59)
CR3 Important in phagocytosis Infection

Treatment individual complement deficiencies, and thus

There are no specific treatments available for gene therapy may be a potential therapeutic
genetic complement deficiencies. However, anti- option in the future.
biotics are used to treat infections, and vaccina-
tions are given to reduce the risk of disease. In Morbidity/Mortality
some cases (e.g., paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglo- The prognoses for individuals with complement
binuria), a bone marrow transplant may be deficiency vary widely due to the range of disor-
recommended. Acute attacks of hereditary ders associated with such deficiencies. Some defi-
angioedema have been successfully treated with ciencies are associated with a high mortality rate
infusion of vapor-heated C1 esterase inhibitor, (e.g., paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria).
and androgen therapy may be used to prevent Other patients are hospitalized frequently due to
such attacks. Genes have been cloned for infections which are sometimes life threatening.
Complement System 201

Patients with autoimmune disorders may have a bacterial cell membrane. The complement also
normal life expectancy, and other patients remain helps to eliminate antigen-antibody complexes in
healthy and asymptomatic throughout their lives. the body. Complement proteins circulate in the
blood in an inactive form. When the first of
the complement substances is triggered, usually
References by an antibody interlocked with an antigen, it
starts a sequence of biochemical events C
Folds JD, Schmitz JL (2003) 24. Clinical and laboratory where each component is activated in turn, the
assessment of immunity. J Allergy Clin Immunol
“complement cascade.” Simultaneously, various
111(Suppl 2):S702–S711
Frank MM (2000) Complement deficiencies. Pediatr Clin fragments of complement proteins are cleaved
N Am 47(6):1339–1354 during the course of the cascade, which then can
Ross SC, Densen P (1984) Complement deficiency states produce other consequences. For instance, one
and infection: epidemiology, pathogenesis and conse-
fragment, C5a, is able to stimulate and attract
quences of neisserial and other infections in an
immune deficiency. Medicine (Baltimore) neutrophils.
Walport MJ (2001) Complement. First of two parts.
N Engl J Med 344(14):1058–1066

▶ Chemotaxis of Neutrophils

Complement Fixation Test

The complement fixation (CF) test has tradition- Complement System

ally been used for the screening of antibodies
against a variety of possible pathogenic microbes Jean F. Regal
(viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi). The detection Department of Biomedical Sciences, University
system is complement consumption by the anti- of Minnesota, Medical School Duluth, Duluth,
bodies of a patient. The test is performed in two MN, USA
steps: first, the serum is mixed with a standard
amount of the antigen and complement (usually
guinea pig complement is used); second, Keywords
antibody-sensitized indicator cells (rabbit
antibody-coated sheep erythrocytes) are added Alternative pathway; Classical pathway; Com-
to detect unconsumed complement. plement; Host defense; Immune complex clear-
ance; Inflammation; Innate immunity; Lectin

▶ Complement Fixation Test Synonyms

Alexin; Complement

Complement Fragments
The complement system is made up of a series of
about 25 proteins that work to “complement” the When originally discovered, the complement
activity of antibodies in destroying bacteria, either system was defined as a heat-labile substance
by facilitating phagocytosis or by puncturing the that assisted or “complemented” killing of
202 Complement System

Complement System, Fig. 1 Major functions associ- mannose-binding lectin, MASP-1, MASP-2 mannose-
ated with complement system pathways. Dashed arrows binding-lectin-associated serine protease 1 and 2
depict functions of portions of the pathways. MBL

bacteria by heat-stable antibodies in the blood. Characteristics

Over time, it has come to be recognized as
a group of proteins functioning as a humoral General Considerations
immune amplification system in innate immunity A combination of more than 30 plasma and
as well as a regulator of the adaptive immune membrane-associated proteins make up the com-
response. Besides playing an integral role in plement system (Ricklin and Lambris 2013). By
host defense against infection, the major func- the use of three different activation pathways
tions of the complement system include acting (Fig. 1), the complement system can respond to
as an interface between innate and adaptive varied stimuli or activators. Both conformational
immunity and clearing immune complexes and changes and enzymatic cleavage of complement
apoptotic cells. The complement system consists proteins lead to the sequential formation of the
of three activation pathways (classical, alterna- enzymes, C3 convertase and C5 convertase. As
tive, and lectin), a terminal lytic pathway, plasma their names imply, the enzymes cleave C3 and
and membrane-associated control proteins, and C5, respectively. Cleavage of C3 in the presence
cell surface receptors for the effector molecules of an activator leads to covalent attachment of the
generated on activation of the system. Activation fragment C3b to the activator. C4 activation via
of the complement proteins occurs in the plasma either the classical or lectin pathway leads to C4
and extracellular space, utilizing cell-associated cleavage and covalent binding of C4b to the
proteins as regulators and membrane receptors. activator. C3 activation is central to each of the
Complement System 203

activation pathways and, in conjunction with absence of any specific antibody. Classical path-
activation of C5, leads to the generation of impor- way activation is primarily initiated by antigen-
tant effector molecules, including molecules for antibody complexes. However, C1q in the
opsonization and clearance of immune com- absence of specific antibody can also recognize
plexes, the pro-inflammatory anaphylatoxins a variety of pathogens and ligands, e.g.,
(C3a and C5a), and the membrane attack complex C-reactive protein and DNA, and initiate classi-
(C5b-9). The ultimate goal of activation of the cal pathway activation. The lectin pathway rec- C
pathways is the elimination of foreign organisms, ognizes foreign carbohydrates and is activated by
by lysis or opsonization, and clearance of sugar residues such as N-acetylglucosamine and
immune complexes and apoptotic, infected, or terminal mannose groups interacting with
malignant cells. In addition, activation of the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) or ficolins. The
complement pathway leads to the production of alternative pathway is activated by pattern rec-
inflammatory mediators and products that regu- ognition of foreign surfaces or molecules, includ-
late the adaptive immune response for continued ing cells and negatively charged surfaces, and is
protection of the host through specific immunity. closely controlled in order to prevent damage to
the host. In the alternative pathway, low-grade
Activators hydrolysis of C3 continually occurs
As depicted in Fig. 1, complement system acti- (C3 tickover). If proteins controlling complement
vation can be initiated via three different path- system activation are absent or overwhelmed,
ways, each resulting in the formation of an this low-grade hydrolysis is allowed to amplify
alternative pathway or classical pathway C3 and alternative pathway activation ensues. Pro-
convertase. Each pathway is activated differ- perdin or factor P stabilizes the C3 convertase
ently, with a major distinction being participation produced by alternative pathway activation.
of adaptive immunity (Table 1). The classical However, properdin can also bind to some bacte-
pathway relies on specific immunity and anti- ria as well as to apoptotic or necrotic cells and
body, whereas activation of either the lectin path- initiate activation of the alternative pathway lead-
way or the alternative pathway occurs in the ing to the formation of active C3 convertase and
C5 convertase. Interactions between the comple-
ment and coagulation system also occur, and pro-
Complement System, Table 1 Select activators of the
complement system teases of the coagulation cascade including
plasmin and thrombin are capable of generating
Classical pathway
both C3a and C5a from their parent molecules.
Antigen-antibody complexes
C1q interaction with ligands such as DNA and
C-reactive protein Controlling Complement Activation
Lectin pathway Control of complement activation is essential to
Sugar residues such as N-acetylglucosamine and prevent damage to host cells. The system is reg-
mannose ulated partially by the short half-lives of the many
Alternative pathway participating enzymes. This confines activation
C3 tickover to a local area. The critical control, however, is
Properdin the presence of numerous proteins in the host,
Proteases from the coagulation cascade both soluble and membrane-associated, that pre-
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from gram-negative bacteria vents complement activation on the host and
Teichoic acid from gram-positive cell walls
limits activation to foreign molecules or surfaces
Fungal cell walls (zymosan)
(Table 2).
Aggregated immunoglobulins
Just as with other plasma enzyme systems,
Cobra venom factor
continued activation is dependent on the laws of
Anionic polymers (dextran sulfate)
Pure carbohydrates (agarose, inulin)
mass action, a continuous competition between
activation and decay of the proteolytic enzymes.
204 Complement System

Complement System, Table 2 Proteins controlling complement activation

Inhibition of
C4 C3 and C5 MAC
Synonym or abbreviation activation activation formation
Protein soluble in plasma
C1 inhibitor C1INH +
C4b-binding protein C4bp + +
Factor H FH +
Factor I C3b inactivator +
S protein Vitronectin +
Clusterin Apolipoprotein J, +
C3a/C5a inactivator C3a/C5a INA
Carboxypeptidase N
Membrane-associated protein
Complement receptor 1 CR1, CD35 +
Decay-accelerating factor DAF, CD55 +
Membrane cofactor MCP, CD46 +
CD59 Protectin +

Fluid-phase inhibitors prevent widespread sys- Effect of Complement Deficiencies

temic activation at multiple steps in the activation Individuals genetically deficient in complement
pathways. For example, C1INH in binding to C1 system proteins have provided insight into the
will inhibit C4 activation. Primary control of all critical functions carried out by the pathways
3 pathways is focused at the level of C3 and C5 (Pettigrew et al. 2009). Consequences of defects
activation and formation of the membrane attack in the complement system in humans include
complex (C5b-9). uncontrolled edema, gaps in host defense, and
As an example, host cells are protected from the appearance of immune complex diseases
alternative pathway activation in a number of such as systemic lupus erythematosus and glo-
ways. Membrane-associated control proteins on merulonephritis. In the absence of components of
autologous cells limit action of the alternative the classical pathway, an increased incidence of
pathway C3 convertase, and fluid-phase inhibi- infection and immune complex disease has been
tors cause decay of the convertase, so activation noted. Deficiency in MBL, an early component of
does not continue. Pathogens in general lack the the lectin pathway can result in serious infections
membrane-associated control proteins that limit and is also associated with immune complex dis-
complement activation, so activation continues ease. Defects in C3 and the alternative pathway
unabated on the foreign surface. In addition, are associated with more severe infection, includ-
host cell sialic acid limits activation of the system ing Neisseria. Deficiencies in any of the compo-
by binding Factor H. Factor H then inactivates the nents of the terminal lytic pathway (C5 through
C3 convertase before amplification and further C9) also contribute to an increased risk of
cleavage of C3 and C5 can occur. The surface of Neisseria infection. Defects or deficiencies in
many pathogens is low in sialic acid so Factor complement control proteins also lead to pathol-
H does not bind and limit convertase activity on ogy. In the absence of C1 inhibitor (C1INH),
the pathogen. In the absence of sufficient control, hereditary angioedema occurs, likely by
complement activation will continue until the uncontrolled activity of kallikrein and generation
membrane attack complex is inserted in the lipid of kinins with resultant edema. Factor H defects
bilayer, resulting in lysis of the foreign organism. can cause hemolytic uremic syndrome from
Complement System 205

uncontrolled complement activation and resul- membrane attack complex formed. As its name
tant vascular damage. Paroxysmal nocturnal implies, the membrane attack complex is a pore-
hemoglobinuria (PNH) results from decreased like structure assembled in the membrane of the
expression of glycosylphosphatidylinositol- foreign organism resulting in lysis. The comple-
linked proteins including CD59 and DAF, leav- ment system also functions in viral neutralization
ing the red blood cells more susceptible to by facilitating removal of virus, as well as inter-
complement-mediated lysis. PNH can be treated fering with viral infectivity by blocking attach- C
with eculizumab, an antibody that binds C5 and ment to host cells.
limits formation of the membrane attack complex Depending on the situation, if activation of the
and resultant lysis of red blood cells. complement system does not continue to the ter-
Complement is recognized for its key role in minal lytic pathway, the complement system can
the solubilization and elimination of immune still participate in host defense by opsonization or
complexes. In deficiencies of classical pathway generation of C3a and C5a anaphylatoxins. That
components, particularly C1q, the risk of immune is, if activation proceeds through C4 and/or C3
complex disease is clearly increased both because cleavage, then the foreign organism is covalently
immune complexes are not eliminated and tagged with C4b, C3b, or the degradation prod-
because of the potential for increased autoanti- ucts C3d, C3dg, or iC3b. These tags on the sur-
body production. C1q binds to surface-bound face of the foreign organism are ligands for the
DNA on apoptotic blebs. In the absence of C1q corresponding receptors on phagocytes (CR1,
binding, apoptotic cells are not cleared and may CR2, and CR3). This receptor-ligand interaction
increase the risk of exposure to autoantigens and promotes phagocytosis (Table 3). Tagging of the
development of autoimmune disease. Because of foreign surface by deposition or covalent binding
redundancies in the innate and adaptive immune
response, deficiencies in complement compo- Complement System, Table 3 Receptors of the com-
nents do not always result in disease expression. plement system
Clinically relevant disease may only emerge after Major
the immune system is overwhelmed by multiple Receptor Synonyms ligand Selected functions
insults. Thus, complement deficiencies increase CR1 CD35 C3b, Immune complex
the risk of infection and immune complex dis- C4b clearance
ease, but do not necessitate that disease will Phagocytosis
occur. CR2 CD21 C3d, Augments B cell
iC3b stimulation
CR3 CD11b/ iC3b Phagocytosis, cell
Complement System in Health
18, Mac1 adhesion
Recent studies have demonstrated a clear role for CR4 CD11c/18 iC3b Phagocytosis, cell
the complement system outside of the immune adhesion
system including cell migration and synaptic C3aR C3a C3a Inflammation
remodeling during normal neural development receptor Smooth muscle
as well as normal placental development contraction
(Ricklin and Lambris 2013). The majority of Antigen-
presenting cell and
complement system activities identified, how- T cell regulation
ever, relate to the immune system. C5aR C5a C5a Inflammation
Host Defense CD88 Smooth muscle
The complement system functions in host contraction
defense by lysis of a variety of microorganisms, Antigen
presenting cell and
viruses, and nucleated cells. Regardless of the
T cell regulation
activation pathway, if activation exceeds control, C5L2 GPR77 C5a ?
the terminal lytic pathway is initiated and the
206 Complement System

of the C3 and C4 fragments leads to cell adhesion Proinflammatory Effects of Complement

and the facilitation of uptake of particulate anti- Activation
gen by phagocytes. Molecules such as C3b and Cleavage of C3 results in covalent attachment of
C4b that bind to the antigen and the phagocyte to C3b to the activator with subsequent liberation of
enhance phagocytosis are called opsonins. The a small molecular weight fragment of C3 (C3a)
inflammatory mediators C3a and C5a induce into the fluid phase. An analogous situation
inflammation and attract phagocytes to the site occurs when C5 is activated and the small frag-
of injury and influence the activities of antigen- ment C5a is released into the fluid phase. C3a and
presenting cells and T lymphocytes. Even in the C5a are classically termed anaphylatoxins. This
absence of the terminal lytic pathway, the com- terminology came from the observation by
plement system can be very effective in inflam- Friedberger in 1910 that incubation of immune
mation and host defense. precipitates with serum resulted in the formation
of a toxin. When injected into a guinea pig, the
Clearance of Immune Complexes and toxin caused adverse symptoms resembling
Apoptotic Cells severe systemic anaphylaxis. To cause these
Besides functioning in host defense, the comple- effects, C3a and C5a interact with their respective
ment system plays a critical role in the contrac- receptors present on numerous cell types. The
tion of the immune response including biological effects associated with C3a and C5a
solubilization and clearance of immune com- receptor occupation include, but are not limited
plexes and clearance of apoptotic cells. In the to, smooth muscle contraction, histamine release
presence of excess antigen, antigen is bound by from mast cells and basophils, chemotaxis of
antibody in the circulation to form immune com- white blood cells, increased vascular permeabil-
plexes that are small and soluble. Continued ity, vasodilation, and regulation of antigen
binding of antibody forms large insoluble com- presenting cell and lymphocyte function. The
plexes. However, if complement is present, clas- C3a and C5a receptors are seven transmembrane
sical pathway activation occurs, and C3b is G protein-coupled receptors. A second C5a
covalently attached to the complexes, preventing receptor designated C5L2 has also been identi-
formation of large insoluble complexes that can fied. Evidence suggests that C5L2 does not cou-
cause tissue damage. CR1 receptors on red blood ple to G proteins and significant controversy
cells then interact with C3b on the immune com- regarding its exact role in health and disease
plexes, carrying the immune complexes to the continues (Li et al. 2013). C3a and C5a activity
reticuloendothelial system for clearance. The are controlled by the regulation of receptor
complexes are transferred from red blood cells number as well as by cleavage of the carboxy-
to CR1 receptors on macrophages. The macro- terminal arginine by the plasma enzyme carboxy-
phages then internalize and degrade the immune peptidase N (Table 2). Loss of the terminal
complexes. If classical pathway function is arginine generally reduces the potency of C3a
impaired or absent, immune complexes are not and C5a.
cleared, and an increased risk of immune com-
plex disease results. Recent evidence indicates Relationship Between Adaptive Immune
that C1q is instrumental in clearing apoptotic Response and Complement
cells by binding to exposed DNA on apoptotic The complement system is generally considered
blebs. This initiates classical pathway activation part of innate immunity, but it is increasingly
with C3 deposited on apoptotic cells and clear- clear that locally produced complement plays
ance by phagocytes. This process also assists in a very important role as a link to both humoral
the elimination of lymphocytes initially gener- and cell-mediated components of adaptive immu-
ated in the proliferative phase of the immune nity. Of course, specific antibody production is
response but undergoing apoptosis because they important in activation of the classical pathway
are no longer needed. by antigen interaction with IgG or IgM. As an
Complement System 207

interface with humoral immunity, interaction of Direct activation of the complement system by
C3b degradation products (iC3b, C3d, and C3dg) therapeutic agents, in the absence of specific anti-
with CR2 on the B lymphocyte augments stimu- body, is also a clinically important issue. Termi-
lation of the humoral immune response. CR2 nology in these situations is varied, with the use
associates with CD19 and CD81 in the B cell of the terms pseudo-allergic or nonallergic being
membrane (Carroll and Isenman 2012). An anti- used to indicate reactions that resemble allergy
gen coated with C3d binds to CR2 and cross-links but with no specific antibody implicated. In C
the CR2/CD19/CD81 receptor complex with the addition the acronym CARPA (complement
B cell receptor to significantly augment immuno- activation-related pseudo-allergy) has been
globulin production. Thus, by activation of C3, more specifically used when evidence points to
humoral immunity is amplified. Complement complement in the pathophysiology. Infusion of
also plays a role in induction of Th1 immunity radiographic contrast media, heparin or heparin
by acting both on antigen-presenting cells and on substitutes, antibodies as therapeutics, phosphor-
the T cell itself with involvement of complement othioate oligonucleotides, or anticancer drugs in
regulatory proteins and C3a and C5a (Sacks and liposomal formulations can lead to complement
Zhou 2012). activation systemically with elaboration of C3
fragments, C3a and C5a, and the membrane
Complement System in Disease attack complex, all with pathological effects.
Simplistically, problems with the complement
system can result from either too little comple-
ment or too much activation of complement. As Preclinical Relevance
seen in the natural experiments with humans, the
normal functions of host defense and clearance of As is evident from the preceding discussion, the
immune complexes and apoptotic cells are complement system is an important player in host
impaired if complement deficiencies occur. The defense and clearance of immune complexes and
more common problem, however, is too much apoptotic cells. Exposures that reduce complement
complement activation. Complement activation system activity for an extended period of time may
contributes to pathology in many situations have immunotoxic effects. These effects may be
including pregnancy complications, ischemia apparent in decreased resistance to infection or
reperfusion injury, cardiopulmonary bypass, increased risk of autoimmunity or immune complex
renal dialysis, periodontitis, age-related macular disease. Compromising the complement system in
degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, and reactions the short term is probably not an issue. But just as
to implanted biomaterials (Ricklin and Lambris with any immunotoxic insult, long-term suppres-
2013). In hypersensitivity reactions or immune- sion of inflammation and immunity can have dele-
mediated disease with aberrant responses to anti- terious effects. In addition, in the assessment of risk,
gen, complement activation can lead to systemic determining which complement component or acti-
injury (e.g., sepsis or anaphylaxis) or local tissue vation pathway is compromised is important. If
injury (e.g., glomerulonephritis). a key element such as C3 is affected for an extended
Complement has traditionally been implicated time period, the consequence can be severe.
in mechanisms of type II and III hypersensitivity, Generally too much complement activation is
leading to deposition of complement fragments and of greater concern than deficiencies of comple-
tissue injury in organs such as the kidney and lung. ment. Once an individual is sensitized to
However, studies have also pointed to the impor- a substance, an allergic response involving com-
tance of the complement system in mediating type plement activation via the classical pathway
I (asthma) and type IV (delayed type) hypersensi- could ensue, leading to all the adverse effects
tivity. Thus, excessive complement activation or associated with products of complement system
chronic uncontrolled activation in response to anti- activation, including anaphylaxis and death. The
gen can have serious consequences to the host. route of administration needs to be considered,
208 Complementarity-Determining Region (CDR)

with intravenous exposures more likely to cause ICH S8 “Immunotoxicity Studies for Human Phar-
adverse effects from complement activation com- maceuticals” (
pared to other routes. formation/Guidances/ucm129118.htm) do not
Substances may also directly activate the com- directly recommend evaluation of the effects of
plement system without antibody, leading to the drugs on the complement system. However, in
symptoms of allergy. Clinically relevant exam- instances where the administration of a substance
ples include adverse reactions to radiographic results in an anaphylactic-like reaction, comple-
contrast media or infusions of liposomal prepara- ment activation and generation of anaphylatoxins
tions of taxol. In addition, complement activation could be suspect. If the administration of a sub-
by nanoparticles or particulate matter may have stance results in increased meningococcal infec-
adverse effects. tions, a breach in the terminal lytic pathway of
complement could be suspected. If autoimmunity
is a side effect of a substance, then the ability of the
Relevance to Humans complement system to solubilize immune com-
plexes or apoptotic cells may be hindered. Partic-
Studies involving individuals genetically defi- ipation of the complement system needs to be
cient in certain complement components have considered if host defense is compromised by
provided definitive information in the human exposure to a toxic substance, if an allergic-like
regarding the consequences of reduced comple- reaction occurs with administration of the sub-
ment activity. Thus, any exposure which compro- stance, or if the incidence of immune complex
mises the complement system for an extended disease increases.
time period can also be expected to have similar
deleterious effects. However, as also seen from
the natural experiments, because of redundancy
of systems, the impairments in the complement Carroll MC, Isenman DE (2012) Regulation of humoral
system may not be revealed unless the insult is of immunity by complement. Immunity 37:199–207
sufficient intensity and duration to also compro- Li R, Coulthard CG, Wu MCL, Taylor SM, Woodruff TM
mise some of the backup systems of host defense. (2013) C5L2: a controversial receptor of complement
anaphylatoxin, C5a. FASEB J 27:855–864
Eculizumab, an antibody to C5, is being used Pettigrew HD, Teuber SS, Gershwin ME (2009) Clinical
as a therapeutic for the treatment of immune- significance of complement deficiencies. Ann NY
mediated diseases including PNH. This provides Acad Sci 1173:108–123
an example where immunotoxicity involving Ricklin D, Lambris JD (2013) Complement in immune
and inflammatory disorders: pathophysiological mech-
complement should clearly be considered. anisms. J Immunol 190:3831–3838
Administration of antibody to C5 leads to Sacks SH, Zhou W (2012) The role of complement in the
a significant reduction in C5 concentrations, the early immune response to transplantation. Nat Rev
intended therapeutic endpoint. However, because Immunol 12:431–442
of our knowledge of the functions of the comple-
ment system, it is very important to monitor these
individuals for the immunotoxic effect of
increased risk of infection with Neisseria. Complementarity-Determining
Region (CDR)

Regulatory Environment The complementarity-determining regions

(CDRs) are those parts of the variable regions of
The 2002 Guidance for Industry from the Food BCR and TCR which participate in the binding of
and Drug Administration regarding the epitopes and peptide fragments, respectively.
“Immunotoxicology Evaluation of Investiga- The three CDRs of each of the two receptor chains
tional New Drugs” and the more recent 2006 (H/L chains of BCR and a/ß chains of TCR)
Conditional Gene Expression 209

together form the epitope-binding paratope. Cross-References

A synonymous expression for CDR is hypervari-
able (hv) region. CDR1 and CDR2 are encoded in ▶ Statistics in Immunotoxicology
the germ line and positioned over the residues at
either end of an antigenic peptide. CDR3 is posi-
tioned over the central peptidic residues and gen-
erated by genetic recombination. The variability of ConA, Concanavalin A C
the CRD3 amino acid sequence and its central
location make it a critical region in HLA-antigen- ▶ Polyclonal Activators
TCR recognition and binding.

Cross-References Concanavalin A (ConA)

▶ Chronic Beryllium Disease A lectin (glycoprotein) extracted from the jack

▶ Humanized Monoclonal Antibodies bean (Canavalia ensiformis). In immunology, it
▶ Idiotype Network is used to stimulate the division of
▶ Rabbit Immune System T lymphocytes and can therefore be used to test
▶ Superantigens their proliferative capacity. See also ▶ PHA,

Complementary DNA (cDNA) Cross-References

Single-stranded DNA that is synthesized from an ▶ Lymphocyte Proliferation

RNA template or complex sample of mRNAs ▶ Polyclonal Activators
using reverse transcriptase. It can be used to
deduce the amino acid sequence of the protein
that it encodes.

Cross-References Statistical term used in this case to determine the

probability of correctly identifying a compound
▶ Polymerase Chain Reaction which is either immunosuppressive or not

Complete Freund’s Adjuvant, CFA
▶ Plaque Versus ELISA Assays: Evaluation of
▶ Autoimmune Disease, Animal Models Humoral Immune Responses to T-Dependent

Completely Randomized Design

Conditional Gene Expression
An experimental design structure where individ-
ual subjects are randomly selected and randomly Gene expression under the control of an outside
assigned to treatment conditions. physical or chemical influence.
210 Conditioning

▶ Transgenic Animals
▶ Respiratory Infections

Conditioning Contact Dermatitis

The pretreatment of a recipient organism before Skin dermatitis reactions instigated by allergen or
transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. In irritant. Allergic dermatitis (contact allergy) is
leukemia, the conditioning regimen has the pur- immunologically mediated, involves T cells sen-
pose to eliminate all malignant hematopoietic sitized to allergen, and is characterized by
clones, in order to allow the permanent replace- delayed reaction 12–48 h after contact. Irritant
ment with normal, nonmalignant transplanted contact dermatitis is a nonimmunologic inflam-
hematopoietic stem cells and the ensuing entire matory response to contact irritant characterized
hematopoietic system. by redness and sharply demarcated vesicles. Con-
tact sensitivity/hypersensitivity is an adaptive
immune response to contact exposure in an exag-
Cross-References gerated form. Type I, II, and III reactions are
antibody-mediated; type IV is a result of an acti-
▶ Hematopoietic Stem Cells vated T-cell response to antigen and is manifest
in four phases: refractory, induction, elicitation,
and persistence.

Connective Tissue Diseases

▶ Systemic Autoimmunity
▶ Chromium and the Immune System
▶ Contact Hypersensitivity

Connective Tissue Mast Cells

Contact Hypersensitivity
▶ Mast Cells
Shayne Cox Gad
Gad Consulting Service, Cary, NC, USA

Constant Regions (C Regions)

The segments of immunoglobulin heavy and light
chains that have identical sequences in chains of Allergic contact dermatitis; Contact dermatitis;
the same allotype and isotype. Local skin immune hyperreaction

Cross-References Definition

▶ B Lymphocytes Contact hypersensitivity is part of the adaptive

▶ Rabbit Immune System immune response and a form of delayed-type
Contact Hypersensitivity 211

Contact Hypersensitivity, Table 1 Classification of hypersensitivity reactions based on immunopathologic

Reaction Immunologic Predominant Gamma Primary
type mechanism Reaction time immunocyte globulin cytokine Tissue injury
Type I Anaphylaxis Immediate Mast cell, IgE, Histamine, Smooth muscle
asthma (10–20 min) basophil (IgG) SRS, kinins contraction
Type II Ig-dependent Variable K cell IgG, IgM None Cell destruction
cytotoxicity (p complement)
Type III Immune Intermediate Polymorphs, IgG, Lysosomal Basement
complex (6–8 h) (complement) IgM enzymes membrane
Type IV Cell-mediated Delayed TDTH None Lymphokines Granuloma,
lymphocyte dermatitis

hypersensitivity (DTH) or cell-mediated immune globulin proteins) or with sensitized

reaction that is expressed in the epidermis. It is T lymphocytes. The term “allergy” generally des-
the most frequent form of DTH reaction and the ignates immediate or humoral antibody reactions,
most prominent clinical manifestation of a type while “hypersensitivity” usually signifies
IV immune reaction. But it is also part of imme- delayed cellular immune reactivity. According
diate contact dermatitis, according to type I to the classification of Gell and Coombs (1968),
immune reactions. Although contact hypersensi- hypersensitivity reactions can be thought of as
tivity may also be directed towards parasites, being of one of four major types. Of these, con-
bacteria, or fungi, the issue of immunotoxicity tact hypersensitivities are primarily types I and
evaluation is focused on the interaction with for- IV (Table 1).
eign proteins and small chemicals acting as hap-
tens (Johansen et al. 2010). Type I
Contact urticaria syndrome is characterized by an
immediate contact dermatitis reaction of normal
Characteristics or eczematous skin within minutes to an hour or
so after agents capable of producing this type of
Dermatitis responses remain the most common reaction have been in contact with the skin. The
industrial hygiene issue in the workplace. Of skin reactions disappear within 24 h, usually
these, contact hypersensitivity responses are the within a few hours. Local wheal and flare is the
most difficult to deal with. Contact hypersensi- prototype reaction of contact urticaria. General-
tivity covers the entire range of nonirritant der- ized urticaria after a single local contact is
mal responses arising from contact with foreign uncommon. Minute vesicles may rapidly appear
substances. Contact (or dermal) hypersensitivity on the fingers in protein contact dermatitis. Apart
reactions are inflammatory reactions of the skin from the dermatitis, effects may also appear in
that can either defend the host against pathologic other organs in cases of strong hypersensitivity,
agents or damage host tissue and cause disease. leading to the use of the term contact urticaria
The protective effects of hypersensitivity are syndrome. In some cases, immediate contact
a desirable part of host “immunity,” while the reaction can be demonstrated only on slightly or
detrimental effects arise from immune-mediated previously affected skin, and it can be part of the
lesions, defined as immunopathologic disease. mechanism responsible for maintenance of
The terms “allergy” and “hypersensitivity” com- chronic eczemas.
monly denote deleterious immune reactions, Confusion has arisen in the use of terms such
which involve the pathophysiologic interaction as contact urticaria, immediate contact reactions,
of antigens (substances that induce an immune atopic contact dermatitis, and protein contact der-
response) with specific antibodies (gamma matitis (Table 2). Immediate contact urticaria
212 Contact Hypersensitivity

Contact Hypersensitivity, Table 2 Terminology of T-cell-mediated variety which occur 24–48 h

contact urticaria syndrome after exposure – either epicutaneously (as in
Term Remarks tuberculin testing) or dermally (as is the major
Immediate Includes urticarial, eczematous, source of concern occupationally and environ-
contact reaction and other immediate reactions mentally). In these, T lymphocytes that have pre-
Contact urticaria Allergic (type I) and nonallergic viously been specifically sensitized to an antigen
(type II) contact urticaria reactions
migrate to the region of exposure “recruiting”
Protein contact Allergic or nonallergic eczematous
dermatitis reactions caused by proteins or macrophages leading to the accumulation of
proteinaceous material basophils. This is accompanied by mediator
release. The result is erythema and edema in the
region of contact. The erythema is the basis of the
includes both urticarial and other reactions, traditional guinea pig-based sensitization tests.
whereas protein contact dermatitis means allergic The edema portion of the sensitization response
or nonallergic eczematous dermatitis caused by can be detected when the site exposure to an
proteins or proteinaceous materials. antigen is the skin, but it is not easily distin-
There are two main mechanisms underlying guished from background and therefore is not
contact reactions: immunologic (immunoglobulin used as an end point marker. Activated T-cell
(Ig)E-mediated) and nonimmunologic immediate migration is the basis for the mouse-based test
contact reactions. However, there are substances systems (LLNA, MEST, and PLNA). The pre-
causing immediate contact reactions whose mech- ferred term for delayed dermal hypersensitivity to
anism (immunologic or not) remains unknown. contact allergens is “allergic contact dermatitis,”
Agents that have been reported to cause imme- clinically known as dermatitis venenata.
diate contact reactions include chemicals in medica- Acute irritant contact dermatitis arises on first
tions, industrial chemicals, latex, and components of contact with an adequate concentration of a
cosmetic products, of foods and drinks, and of direct-acting cytotoxic chemical. On the other
chemically undefined environmental agents. The hand, allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) usually
pathogenetic classification (nonimmunologic versus arises following more than one skin contact
immunologic) is also given, but in many instances, it (induction and elicitation) with an allergenic
is arbitrary, because the mechanisms of various chemical. The skin response of ACD is delayed
contact reactions are unclear or (mainly) because and immunologically mediated and consists of
a pathogenic evaluation was not performed. varying degrees of erythema, edema, and vesicu-
Increasing awareness of immediate contact lation. In the Gell and Coombs system (1968), it
reactions will expand the list of etiologic agents, is classified as a type IV allergy.
and more thorough understanding of pathophys- The best known example of ACD is the skin
iologic mechanisms will lead to a better and more response that is often seen hours after contact
rational classification of these reactions than at with poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), at
present. The international epidemic of latex- which time itching is a prominent symptomatic
protein contact urticaria has led to an awareness feature. Allergenic chemicals penetrate the skin
of the syndrome among surgeons, anesthesiolo- as small molecules (usually <400 MW), and they
gists, pediatricians, and gynecologists. Tests used are incompletely allergenic (haptens) until they
to identify such agents include human single bind to protein and form a complete allergen. In
application prick, scratch, scratch chamber, or ACD, the first significant exposure to a haptenic
open tests and are described in Marzulli and chemical activates the immune system
Maibach (2008) and Martin (2012). (induction) and sensitizes the skin. After sensiti-
zation (which takes a few days to a few weeks),
Type IV subsequent antigenic exposures result in the evo-
The most publicly recognized variety of hyper- cation of an altered (allergic) skin response
sensitivity reactions are the antigen-specific (elicitation), that is, one that is more pronounced
Contact Hypersensitivity 213

than the original response. In order for sensitiza- Contact Hypersensitivity, Table 3 Test systems for
tion to take place, the allergenic chemical must delay contact hypersensitivity potential
first penetrate the skin, so that it can reach and Guinea pig Mouse Human
interact with key elements of the underlying Guinea pig Local lymph Repeat insult
immune system. A certain level of allergen maximization test node assay patch tests
entry must be achieved that represents
Buehler Mouse ear
a threshold for triggering the immune system. swelling test
The threshold can be reached following a single (MEST)
skin exposure to a sufficiently high amount or Open
concentration of allergenic chemical, or after epicutaneous
contact with a large area of skin, or as
a consequence of repeated skin applications.
Thereafter, there is a threshold (lower than the currently employed to evaluate the potential for
inducing level) of exposure which is required to inducing contact dermatitis. The more common
evoke a response from the sensitizing entity of ones, classified by test species, are listed in
a related molecule that the T lymphocytes Table 3.
respond to as “close enough” (cross-sensitization Careful consideration and correlation of
reactions). developments in genetics and molecular biology,
Once the allergenic chemical has transited the based on mouse studies, with the entry of the
horny barrier layer of skin and entered the viable mouse as a test species for ACD potential led
layer of the epidermis, it makes contact and binds ultimately to the finding that cytokines play
with Langerhans cells. These dendritic cells a role in both irritant dermatitis and ACD. A
direct the allergen to a regional lymph node detailed interpretation of cellular and molecular
where interaction with T lymphocytes is followed events of ACD is given in Sauder and Aastore
by replication of sensitized T-lymphocyte popu- (Sauder and Pastore 1993).
lation, completing the induction phase of the sen- At this time, in vitro methods are not yet
sitization process. In the sensitized individual the sufficiently advanced to allow evaluation for
next contact with the allergenic chemical results such regulatory or screening use (Galbiati
in the elicitation of a hypersensitive skin response et al. 2010).
that is due to a reaction between circulating sen- Entrance of an irritant or allergenic chemical
sitized lymphocytes and allergen at the skin site into the epidermis signals the release of a cascade
where allergen has entered the living epidermis. of cytokines from affected keratinocytes,
The development of predictive and diagnostic suggesting a key role for keratinocytes in these
human-, guinea pig-, and mouse-based tests for inflammatory processes. It is not yet clear how
skin sensitization focused further attention on cytokines differ qualitatively and quantitatively
ACD (Schwartz 1941), as did regulatory and during ACD and irritant reactions, but this is
legal requirements for evaluating drug and cos- likely to be an important area of future research.
metic safety (Draize 1959). These tests are While foundations for the overall picture of
employed for identifying (or at least screening events of ACD appear secure, the future may
for) an immense variety of potential commercial unhinge some present interpretations of the
concerns – from the occupational setting to cos- details.
metics, personal care products, medical devices, Keratinocytes comprise the main cellular
and topical drugs. composition of the human epidermis. They are
Early in the study of ACD humans were the involved in synthesis of various cytokines during
primary investigative test species. Later, guinea both normal and abnormal cell functions. Cyto-
pigs were added as the animal model of choice. kines are regulatory proteins that mediate cell
More recently the mouse has been used exten- communication and include interleukins,
sively. A wide range of study designs are growth factors, colony-stimulating factors, and
214 Contact Hypersensitivity

interferons. When keratinocytes are damaged Relevance to Humans

during contact with irritant or allergenic com-
pounds, various inflammatory elements, includ- The human relevance is obvious for topically
ing cytokines, adhesion molecules, and applied pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. People
chemotactic factors, are released (Barker handling agrochemicals or industrial chemicals
et al. 1991; Kupper 1989). Current research inter- also need to know if a compound is a skin sensi-
est in this area has sparked a continuously tizer or not. However, the predictivity or accu-
expanding literature. racy of the preclinical test systems presents
It is virtually impossible to distinguish irritant a problem. Up to the end of the 1980s, contact
dermatitis from ACD with precision, on gross and sensitivity was tested exclusively in guinea pigs
even microscopic inspection. Recently, Brasch (▶ Guinea Pig Assays for Sensitization Testing).
et al. (1992) reported an attempt to identify Overall, this animal model has a positive
a chemical, which was administered to seven predictivity of about 100 % and an accuracy of
sensitized subjects along with the allergenic about 73 %. It had been thought that the introduc-
chemical, on two separate test skin sites, in tion of more objective parameters into such
order to produce experimental irritant and aller- tests – like the measurement of cell proliferation
gic contact dermatitis on a small scale. Both skin or skin reaction instead of assessment of skin
sites responded similarly in clinical appearance, reddening – would improve the accuracy (e.g.,
histology, and immunohistology. A large battery the MEST and the local lymph node assay
of monoclonal antibodies directed against numer- [LLNA]). However, in spite of the huge advan-
ous antigens (surface, intracellular, and nuclear) tages, these mouse tests still present some prob-
failed to uncover and differentiate ACD from lems. It may turn out that some mouse tests are
irritant dermatitis (Enk and Katz 1992; Paludan not more predictive than guinea pig tests.
and Thestrup-Pedersen 1992; Johansen
et al. 2010; Martin 2012).
A special form of allergic or toxic contact der- Regulatory Environment
matitis can be induced by photoreactive chemicals,
i.e., photoirritation or photoallergy. These undesired As described above, testing of industrial
side effects are observed after both dermal and oral chemicals for their skin-sensitizing properties is
administration and are a concern with pharmaceuti- determined by a number of conditions. For exam-
cals, agrochemicals, and industrial chemicals. ple, in Europe new chemicals have to be tested in
relation to the amount produced per year. Also
short-lived intermediates produced during syn-
Preclinical Relevance thesis of any new chemical have to be tested if
they appear as “isolated” intermediates.
As described below, there are special guidelines Compounds have been tested for decades in
regulating the investigation of contact hypersen- guinea pigs for contact hypersensitivity (allergic
sitivity with agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and contact dermatitis). However, in the past few
cosmetics. With respect to industrial chemicals, years, the local lymph node assay (LLNA) or
requests for such tests depend on a number of modifications of it (such as the IMDS) have
factors (see below). been increasingly accepted by the authorities as
stand-alone alternatives. This change in regula-
tory environment found expression in update of
In Vitro Alternatives OECD TG 429 (including determination of skin
irritation) as well as two new OECD guidelines
Work on cell culture-based predictive models describing nonradioactive determination of cell
shows promise, but is not yet suitable for any proliferation for the LLNA (TG 442A and
screening or regulatory use. TG 442B).
C3 Convertase 215

Testing for contact hypersensitivity is regu- Kupper TS (1989) Mechanisms of cutaneous inflamma-
lated by various guidelines: tion. Arch Dermatol 125:1406–1412
Martin S (2012) Contact dermatitis: from
pathomechanisms to immunotoxicology. Exp
• OECD 406 Guideline for Testing Chemicals, Dermatol 21(5):382–389
Skin Sensitisation 1992 Marzulli FN, Maibac HI (2008) Dermatotoxicology,
• CPMP/SWP/2145/00 Note for Guidance on 7th edn. Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia
Paludan K, Thestrup-Pedersen K (1992) Use of the poly-
Non-Clinical Local Tolerance Testing of
merase chain reaction in quantification of interleukin
Medicinal Products 2001 8 mRNA in minute epidermal samples. Soc Invest
• OECD 429 Guideline for Testing Chemicals, Dermatol 99:830–835
Skin Sensitisation: Local Lymph Node Assay, Sauder DN, Pastore S (1993) Cytokines in contact derma-
titis. Am J Contact Dermatol 4:215–224
2002; update TG 429, 2010
Schwartz L (1941) Dermatitis from new synthetic resin
• OECD 442A Guideline for Testing fabric finishes. J Contact Dermatol 4:459–470
Chemicals, Skin Sensitisation: Local Lymph
Node Assay, DA, 2010
• OECD 442A Guideline for Testing
Chemicals, Skin Sensitisation: Local Lymph Contact Inhibition
Node Assay, BrdU-ELISA, 2010
• CPMP/SWP/398/01 Note for Guidance on Contact inhibition occurs when the growth of cells
Photosafety Testing 2002 (as modified lymph grown in a monolayer is arrested when they con-
node assay) tact each other and reach confluency. Under these
• FDA (CDER) Guidance for Industry. circumstances, cancer cells usually continue
Immunotoxicology Evaluation of Investiga- growth and pile up on top of one another.
tional New Drugs 2002
• EPA OPPTS 870.2600, Skin Sensitization 2003
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules
▶ Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity

References Contact Photoallergy

Barker JNWN, Mitra RS, Griffiths CEM, Dixit VM,
Nickoloff BJ (1991) Keratinocytes as initiators of
▶ Photoreactive Compounds
inflammation. Lancet 337:211–215
Brasch J, Burgard J, Sterry W (1992) Common pathoge-
netic pathways in allergic and irritant contact derma-
titis. J Invest Dermatol 998:166–170 C3 Convertase
Draize J (1959) Dermal toxicity. In: Appraisal of the
safety of chemicals in foods, drugs, and cosmetics.
Association of Food and Drug Officials of the United An enzyme that cleaves the complement compo-
States, Texas State Department of Health, Austin, nent C3, converting it to an active state (C3a and
pp 46–49 C3b). The classical pathway C3 convertase is
Enk AH, Katz S (1992) Early events in the induction phase
of contact sensitivity. Soc Invest Dermatol 99:39s–41s
a complex of C4b2a. The alternative pathway
Galbiati V, Mitjans M, Corsini E (2010) Present and future C3 convertase is C3bBb.
of in vitro immunotoxicology in drug development.
J Immunotoxicol 7(4):255–267
Gell PGH, Coombs RRA (1968) Clinical aspects of immu-
nology, 2nd edn. Blackwell, Oxford Cross-References
Johansen JD, Frosch PJ, Lepoittevin J (2010) Contact
dermatitis, 5th edn. Springer, New York ▶ Complement and Allergy
216 C5 Convertase

C5 Convertase
▶ Cytokine Receptors
An enzyme that cleaves the complement compo-
nent C5, converting it to an active state (C5a and
C5b). The classical pathway C5 convertase is
a complex of C4b2a3b. The alternative pathway Coreceptor of the TCR
C5 convertase is C3bBb3b.
CD4 or CD8 stabilizes the TCR interaction with
the MHC-peptide complex, and through the intra-
cellularly bound kinase p56lck, they contribute to
CD3 signaling.
▶ Complement and Allergy

▶ Antigen Presentation via MHC Class II

Coombs Test
An immunological agglutination test used to
help in the diagnosis of hemolytic anaemia. It is
either direct, to detect the presence of antibodies
that have coated the surface of red cells in vivo,
or indirect, to detect the presence of antibodies
During their differentiation process,
that have not coated the surface of red cells
keratinocytes undergo dramatic changes in cell
in vivo.
morphology. Cornification of the cells starts in
the upper spinous layer of the epidermis and
predominantly depends on the intracellular cal-
Cross-References cium ion level. Upon release of free fatty acids,
ceramides, and cholesterol from the laminar bod-
▶ Hemolytic Anemia, Autoimmune ies of keratinocytes to the extracellular space,
▶ Molecular Mimicry epidermal cells form the water-insoluble barrier
of the epidermis. The cornification process of
keratinocytes results in the formation of cornified
cell envelopes (CCE), and this is accompanied by
Coreceptor Competition degradation of cell organelles. After the transi-
tion of keratinocytes from the stratum
In some cytokine receptor families, decoy granulosum to the stratum corneum, the life
receptors exist which have a modulatory cycle of the cells (now called corneocytes) ends.
function. They serve as ligand sinks for the
cytokine and like in the interleukin-1 receptor
system may recruit the coreceptor molecule Cross-References
into a nonsignaling complex, thus depriving the
signaling receptor from its indispensable ▶ Three-Dimensional Human Epidermal Skin
coreceptor. Models and Skin Explants
Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone/Factor 217

Coronavirus Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin

A virus that causes bronchitis, pneumonia, and ▶ Glucocorticoids

possibly gastroenteritis.

Cross-References Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone

▶ Respiratory Infections A neuropeptide released by the hypothalamus

that stimulates the release of adrenocorticotropic
hormone by the anterior pituitary gland.

A chemical that causes visible destruction of, or
irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chem- ▶ Stress and the Immune System
ical action at the site of contact. For example,
a chemical is considered to be corrosive if,
when tested on the intact skin of albino
rabbits by the method described by the US Corticotropin-Releasing Factor
Department of Transportation in Appendix
A to 49 CFR part 173, it destroys or changes ▶ Glucocorticoids
irreversibly the structure of the tissue at the site
of contact following an exposure period of 4 h.
This term shall not refer to action on inanimate
surfaces. Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone

▶ Glucocorticoids

▶ Three-Dimensional Human Epidermal Skin

Models and Skin Explants

Cortex This is released in response to stressors. It is

produced in the hypothalamus and released into
The outer layer of the thymus (in mammals) with a local venous plexus that communicates with the
a high density of (immature) T lymphocytes. anterior pituitary gland (adenohypophysis).

Cross-References Cross-References

▶ Thymus ▶ Glucocorticoids
218 Costimulation

Costimulation CPMP

In order to be activated, T and B cells require This is the committee for proprietary medical prod-
additional activation through specific receptors ucts of the European Agency for the Evaluation of
such as B7 family members for T cells. Medical Products (EMEA) which is responsible for
the evaluation of medicines for human use.
▶ Tolerance
▶ Assays for Antibody Production

Covariance, Analysis of
C-Reactive Protein
A set of procedures similar to the analysis of
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a plasma protein pro-
variance but where statistical methods are used
duced by the liver during acute inflammatory
to adjust for the effects of a variable which is
correlated with the dependent variable.
▶ Fish Immune System
▶ Statistics in Immunotoxicology

An acronym for a variant of scleroderma character-
▶ Prostaglandins ized by calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esopha-
geal involvement, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia.

COX Inhibitors
▶ Systemic Autoimmunity
▶ Anti-inflammatory (Nonsteroidal) Drugs

Criteria Air Pollutants

Six common air pollutants for which EPA has set
A heterogeneous group of small RNA viruses (picor- national air quality standards – ozone, carbon
naviruses) that cause a variety of diseases in humans. monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter,
sulfur dioxide, and lead.

Cross-References Cross-References

▶ Cardiac Disease, Autoimmune ▶ Asthma

Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors 219

Crossover Design CTL Activity

An experimental design in which each subject ▶ Cell-Mediated Lysis

will receive each treatment combination and the
order in which treatments are received is random-
ized. This design allows for the estimation of C
carry-over effects related to each treatment.

▶ Mast Cells

▶ Statistics in Immunotoxicology
Cutaneous Anaphylaxis,
Passive (PCA)

Cross-Reactivity In 1964 Ovary published this technique as

a highly sensitive method for the determination
Development of an allergic response to structur- of antigen-specific IgE antibodies. Different dilu-
ally similar allergens. tions of the serum to be examined for IgE anti-
bodies are injected intracutaneously into guinea
Cross-References pigs followed by an intravenous injection of anti-
gen and dye 3 h later. Evaluation is done 30 min
▶ Food Allergy after this last treatment by analysis of colored
▶ Molecular Mimicry areas in the skin.

Cryopreservation of Immune Cells Cross-References

In 1949 Polge used glycerol successfully to ▶ Assays for Antibody Production

cryopreserve both animal and human spermato- ▶ Cutaneous Anaphylaxis, Passive (PCA)
zoa at 80  C. In recent decades, several
protocols have been adapted to optimize the pres-
ervation of all kinds of immune competent cells
like bone marrow, lymphocytes, and hybridomas. Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
Today cryopreservation techniques in liquid
nitrogen (196  C) permit conservation of large ▶ Lymphoma
numbers of cells of different types for several
months or years.

Cross-References Cyclooxygenase

▶ Prostaglandins
▶ Cryopreservation of Immune Cells

CTL Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors

▶ Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes ▶ Anti-inflammatory (Nonsteroidal) Drugs

220 Cyclosporin A

Cyclosporin A
Molecular Characteristics and Interaction
Peter Ulrich with the Immune System
Novartis Pharma AG (NIBR), PCS - Biologics Cyclosporin A was the first immunosuppressive
Safety, Basel, Switzerland drug to inhibit specifically T cell activation and
proliferation, which play a central role in immune
responses. Upon activation by antigen-presenting
Synonyms cells, which interact with T cells through binding
of their MHC-peptide complex with matching
C62H111N11O12 T cell receptors, a cascade of signaling events is
induced in the T cell leading to the transcription
of the interleukin IL-2 gene. IL-2 or T cell growth
Definition factor induces proliferation of T cells in an auto-
crine and a paracrine way. The initial step is the
Cyclosporin A (CsA), an undecapeptide, was iso- activation of phospholipase Cg1, which activates
lated as a product of a fungus classified as protein kinase C and leads to an increased Ca2+
Tolypocladium inflatum Gams and was shown to influx. Protein kinase C activates transcriptions
inhibit activation by specifically blocking the factors AP1 and NFkB, while Ca2+ influx turns
respective signal transduction pathway (Borel calcineurin into its active, catalytic form. Acti-
et al. 1976). These pharmacological properties vated calcineurin dephosphorylates NFATp,
have made CsA a widely used immunosuppressant a subunit of nuclear factor of activated T cells
for prevention of transplant rejection and for therapy (NFAT), which then can move from the cyto-
of rheumatoid arthritis and diseases with autoim- plasm into the nucleus.
mune features like psoriasis. Rejection of In the nucleus the formation of NFAT by
transplanted organs is mediated by effector T cells, binding of AP1 proteins Fos and Jun with
which have been activated via distinct pathways: dephosphorylated NFATp leads to the activation
of the IL-2 promotor. In parallel, calcineurin
• The direct pathway, in which alloreactive
inactivates the NFkB inhibitor IkB, thus facilitat-
T cells recognize intact major histocompati-
ing nuclear localization of NFkB, which together
bility complex (MHC) alloantigens expressed
with NFAT is required for maximal transcription
by donor antigen-presenting cells (APC) (see
of the IL-2 gene. The molecular targets of CsA
also Alloreaction)
are proteins with cis-trans peptidyl-prolyl isom-
• The indirect pathway, which involves
erase (PPIase) activity, cyclophilin A and
allopeptides derived from processing and pre-
B. These “immunophilins” lose their PPIase
sentation of allogeneic MHC molecules by
activity upon binding to CsA and acquire a new
recipient APC
affinity to the calcineurin B binding domain on
The role of both pathways in allograft rejec- calcineurin. It is noteworthy that PPIase activity
tion is currently discussed; however, it appears is not related to the signal transduction events
that direct activation of T cells plays leading to IL-2 gene transcription. Binding of
a predominant role during acute rejection, the CsA-cyclophilin complex inhibits the phos-
whereas the indirect pathway of T cell activation phatase activity of calcineurin and prevents
contributes to chronic or late rejection nuclear localization of NFAT and NFkB and, in
(Auchincloss and Sultan 1996; Suciu-Foca turn, the initiation of IL-2 gene expression.
et al. 1998). Administration of CsA to transplant FK506, which is structurally unrelated to CsA,
recipients inhibits the activation of T cells by binds to other immunophilins, FK506 binding
direct interference with signal transduction and, proteins FKBP12 and FKBP12.6 with the same
thus, the subsequent clonal expansion of T cells. inhibitory consequences as stated for CsA.
Cyclosporin A 221

Cyclosporin A,
Fig. 1 Chemical structure
of cyclosporin A

Rapamycin, a structural analogue of FK506, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Side effects
binds also to FKBP12 but does not block are opportunistic infections and tumors of the
calcineurin phosphatase activity. The target of skin and the lymphoid system, which are related
the rapamycin-FKBP12 complex is a cellular to the permanent suppression of immune
protein called FRAP/RAFT, which displays function.
kinase activity to phosphorylate the protein The development of post-transplant
kinase p70S6K. The complex leads to dephosphor- lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) in
ylation and inactivation of p70S6K and, as a result, immunosuppressed patients is mainly induced
inhibits IL-2-mediated T cell proliferation and by the failure of immune surveillance of B cells
cell cycle progression rather than the expression infected with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a human
of IL-2. Thus, CsA and FK506 block the progres- gamma herpesvirus with a tropism for B cells.
sion of T cells from the G0 to the G1 phase, More than 95% of the adult population carries
whereas rapamycin interferes with G1/S phase EBV as a lifelong asymptomatic infection, since
transition, which is regulated by IL-2 in T cells the growth-transforming capacity of EBV is usu-
(Thomson and Starzl 1993; Cai et al. 1996) ally controlled by the host’s immune system. The
(Fig. 1). virus defense is mainly mediated by cytotoxic
T lymphocytes, but there is also evidence that
CD4 T cells can respond to virus antigens and
Relevance to Humans therefore contribute to the control of a latent EBV
CsA is used widely used to prevent rejection of The main clinical side effect due to CsA treat-
transplanted organs. CsA is often applied in com- ment is kidney toxicity, which can be subdivided
bination with azathioprine and prednisone to into functional toxicity (increase in serum creat-
reduce the dose and thus the toxicity of each inine, hyperuricemia, increase in serum potas-
single drug. CsA, azathioprine, prednisone and sium and magnesium, metabolic acidosis) and
OKT3 (anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody), or structural toxicity (tubulopathy,
antilymphocyte globulin (ALG) is sometimes microangiopathy), where the first can occur with-
given to manage acute, severe rejection periods. out structural signs of toxicity (Mihatsch
CsA is also applied in patients suffering from et al. 1998). This kidney toxicity can be
222 Cytochrome P450s

associated with decreased levels of calcium- Suciu-Foca NP, Harris E, Cortesini R (1998) Intramolec-
binding protein (calbindin-D 28 kDa) in the kid- ular and intermolecular spreading during the course
of organ allograft rejection. Immunol Rev
ney found in most of the human kidney biopsy 164:241–246
sections (Aicher et al. 1998). However, the intro- Thomson AW, Starzl TE (1993) New immunosuppressive
duction of low-dose regimens together with new drugs: mechanistic insights and potential therapeutic
galenic formulations resulted in a “safer” but still advances. Immunol Rev 136:71–98
immunosuppressive exposure to CsA, making the
incidence of kidney toxicity rare.

Cytochrome P450s
Regulatory Environment
Heme-containing proteins that absorb light max-
The European Agency for the Evaluation of imally at 450 nm when carbon monoxide binds to
Medicinal Products (EMEA) has issued the proteins. Among the phase I biotransforming
a guidance (CPMP/SWP/1042/99), which asks enzymes, the cytochrome P450 system ranks first
for immune function testing in repeated-dose not only for its catalytic versatility but also for the
rodent toxicity studies. The interlaboratory vali- number of xenobiotics it detoxifies or activates to
dation immunotoxicity studies with CsA as reactive intermediates.
a standard conducted by different groups
(ICICIS 1998; Richter-Reichhelm and Schulte
1998) and the report of an international workshop Cross-References
(Richter-Reichhelm et al. 2001) certainly pro-
vided the foundation for the decision of the ▶ Metabolism: Role in Immunotoxicity
CPMP to require immune function testing as reg-
ular preclinical screening in drug development.

Cytogenetics is a diagnostic process that analyzes
Aicher LD, Wahl A, Arce O, Grenet SS (1998) New both the number and the shape of the chromo-
insights into cyclosporin A nephrotoxicity by prote-
ome analysis. Electrophoresis 19:1998–2003
somes within cells. In addition to identifying
Auchincloss H Jr, Sultan H (1996) Antigen processing and chromosome alterations, such as those character-
presentation in transplantation. Curr Opin Immunol istic of specific disease states, sometimes specific
8:681–687 genes affected can be identified.
Borel JF, Feurer C, Gubler HU (1976) Biological effects
of cyclosporin A: a new antilympholytic agent. Agents
Action 6:468–475
Cai W, Hu L, Foulkes JG (1996) Transcription- Cross-References
modulating drugs: mechanism and selectivity. Curr
Opin Biotechnol 7:608–615
ICICIS (1998) Report of validation study of assessment of ▶ Leukemia
direct immunotoxicity in the rat. The ICICIS Group ▶ Lymphoma
Investigators. International Collaborative
Immunotoxicity Study. Toxicology 125:183–201
Mihatsch MJ, Kyo M, Morozumi K, Yamaguchi Y,
Nickeleit V, Ryffel B (1998) The side-effects of cyclo-
sporin A and tacrolimus. Clin Nephrol 49:356–363 Cytokeratin
Richter-Reichhelm HB, Schulte AE (1998) Results of
a cyclosporin A ring study. Toxicology 129:91–94
Richter-Reichhelm HB, Stahlmann R, Smith E et al (2001) Intermediate filament found in epithelial cells
Approaches to risk assessment of immunotoxic effects (molecular mass 40–68 kDa) as supportive fil-
of chemicals. Toxicology 161:213–228 ament for cell shape. Highly sulfated.
Cytokine Assays 223

Cross-References Characteristics

▶ Immunotoxic Agents into the Body, Entry of Antibody-Based Assays (Immunoassays)

The most common and well-established immu-
noassay used for detecting cytokines in superna-
tants and biofluids is the sandwich ELISA. In this
Cytokine Assays assay, one antibody is coated onto a solid support, C
such as a plastic microwell plate, and used to
Curtis C. Maier capture the cytokine of interest from the superna-
R&D, Toxicology Preclinical Safety Assessment, tant or biofluid. The plate is then washed, and a
GlaxoSmithKline, King of Prussia, PA, USA second antibody, directed against a different site
on the cytokine, is added to detect the captured
cytokine. The second antibody is labeled with
Synonyms an enzyme (e.g., alkaline phosphatase or peroxi-
dase), and a color reaction develops upon
Cell-based bioassays; Gene expression analysis addition of substrate. The intensity of the color
(e.g., RT-PCR and microarray); Intracellular reaction, read on a spectrophotometer, is corre-
staining by flow cytometry; Microsphere-based lated with the amount of cytokine captured from
multiplex assays the biofluid. The amount of cytokine is quantified
against a standard curve of titrated recombinant
cytokine run on the same plate. The sensitivity of
Short Description the assay, usually in the low picogram/mL range,
can be enhanced by using a biotinylated detection
Cytokines are immunomodulatory proteins that antibody and adding the enzyme conjugated to
mediate proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory avidin (or streptavidin) in a tertiary step. Sand-
responses as well as hematopoietic development. wich immunoassays that use fluorescently
Assays that measure cytokines use specific labeled antibodies in place of enzyme-linked
reagents capable of detecting production and antibodies are also commercially available. The
secretion of cytokines at the protein or mRNA largest limitation to the ELISA is that only a
level. Antibody-based assays, or immunoassays, single cytokine can be measured at once, while
are used to measure cytokines at the protein level limitations to immunoassays in general are that
that have been secreted into supernatants or found the antibody reagents may cross-react with struc-
in body fluids and tissue extracts (biofluids). turally homologous or biologically inactive
A variation of the immunoassay, intracellular forms of the cytokines.
staining, uses fluorescently labeled cytokine- Microsphere-based fluorescent immunoas-
specific antibodies to detect cytokines directly in says, like the sandwich immunoassays, also mea-
the cells that manufacture them. Cell-based bio- sure the amount of cytokine in biofluids (Vignali
assays, which utilize cells dependent on a specific 2000). In this assay fluorescently labeled
cytokine for a given functional endpoint, are used microspheres (e.g., a mix of orange and red
to measure the presence of cytokines specifically fluorophores) are covalently coupled with cap-
in their bioactive form. Since many cytokines are ture antibodies specific for a given cytokine.
regulated at the transcriptional level, assays have After incubating the microspheres with biofluid
also been developed to detect cytokine mRNAs, samples, a biotinylated detection antibody and
including real-time reverse transcriptase- tertiary streptavidin conjugated with a different
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and fluorophore (e.g., phycoerythrin or PE) is used to
multiplexed microarray assays. Detailed methods detect any captured cytokine. The microspheres
for selected and broadly used assays can be found are read on a flow cytometer and the intensity of
elsewhere (Coligan et al. 1991). the PE signal is correlated with the amount of
224 Cytokine Assays

cytokine captured. The key advantage of this allows for the simultaneous identification of the
assay is that it is readily multiplexed or used to cell type (Pala et al. 2000). In this assay, cells are
simultaneously measure several cytokines in a activated in vitro in the presence of a protein
single sample. In multiplexed assays, a panel of transport inhibitor (e.g., brefeldin A) that pre-
microspheres are combined, where each subgroup vents the secretion of newly synthesized cyto-
in the panel has its own unique fluorescence wave- kines. The cells are then fixed and
length (by using different proportions of orange permeabilized and cytokines detected with fluo-
and red fluorophores) and is conjugated to a rescently labeled antibodies. While sensitivity is
unique cytokine-specific capture antibody. The sacrificed in the flow-based assay compared to
flow cytometer distinguishes the different micro- the ELISPOT, it has other advantages including
sphere subgroups (and hence different cytokines) the capability to measure multiple cytokines and
based on their emission wavelength and reads the cell surface markers in a single sample by
intensity of the PE signal for each microsphere multicolor analysis.
subgroup. Panels that measure 12 or more cyto-
kines in a single sample are routinely assembled. mRNA Detection Assays
This assay is as sensitive as the ELISA, requires Induction of cytokine production is also routinely
less sample, and is quantitative over a larger measured at the mRNA level. There are two
dynamic range. One limitation of the assay is the general approaches to mRNA analysis, either
need for a specialized flow cytometer that can read rational-based targeted analysis of specific
and analyze the multiplexed samples. genes, usually done by RT-PCR, or nontargeted
The ELISPOT is another sandwich-based explorations, usually done by microarray analy-
enzyme-linked immunoassay used to detect the sis. The RT-PCR method recently underwent a
frequency of individual cells secreting a cytokine dramatic transformation where the generation of
of interest. In this assay, the capture antibody is the PCR product can now be measured during the
coated onto a tissue culture microwell plate, and amplification reactions (real-time RT-PCR)
cells are cultured in these plates with a stimulant (Heid et al. 1996). This is done by adding fluo-
to induce activation and secretion of the cytokine. rescently labeled probes specific for the cytokine
To improve sensitivity and background, tissue PCR product to the reaction and measuring the
culture plates with PVDF membranes rather fluorescence signal at end of each amplification
than plastic bottoms are available. Cytokine is cycle. The earliest cycle that the PCR product is
captured as it is secreted and concentrates at the first detected is tightly correlated with the number
location of the cell. The cells are then washed of copies of cytokine mRNAs that were present in
away and any captured cytokine is detected with the sample. When the appropriate standard curve
a secondary enzyme-conjugated antibody. When is run on the same plate, the data can be quanti-
substrate is added, colored spots develop at the tative and reported as copy number, but more
site where the cells were located that secreted the frequently the copy number is normalized to an
cytokine. Enumerating the spots gives the fre- endogenous reference gene signal, such as rRNA.
quency of cells secreting the cytokine of interest. Real-time RT-PCR is extremely sensitive,
Instruments are available that automate spot detecting approximately five to ten copies of
counting. The ELISPOT assay is sensitive template per reaction, and linearly quantitative
enough to detect one cytokine-producing cell in over a broad dynamic range (up to 108 copies).
approximately 105 cells. Microarray assays, either in the microchip
The frequency of cells elaborating a cytokine format or more limited membrane format,
of interest can also be determined in a can simultaneously measure the upregulation
fluorescent-based intracellular staining method and downregulation of many genes, including
that, when analyzed on the flow cytometer, also cytokines and the pathways mediated by the
Cytokine Assays 225

cytokines. In this assay, mRNA is converted to critical analysis of cytokine expression patterns,
cDNA and amplified, labeled, and hybridized to more than one assay is usually employed. The
gene-specific oligos fixed on a chip or membrane. most important consideration in the selection of
The signal for each gene is generally normalized an assay is whether the endpoint measured satis-
to the geometric mean of several housekeeping factorily addresses the needs of the investigation.
genes. Microarray analysis is neither as quantita- For example, the activity of TGF-b is not neces-
tive nor as sensitive as real-time RT-PCR; how- sarily correlated with its protein or mRNA levels C
ever, because thousands of genes are represented due to latent forms being secreted, so a bioassay
in the microarray, genes or pathways can be iden- would be more appropriate than an immunoassay
tified that were not previously known to be or RT-PCR when measuring this cytokine. In
involved or thought significant in a particular other situations, such as evaluating drug hyper-
biological or immunopathological process. sensitivity, knowing the frequency of sensitized
Changes in targets identified by microarray are T cells may be more important in risk assessment
generally confirmed in more accurate assays such than the precise pattern of cytokines elaborated
as real-time RT-PCR. by those cells (Lebrec et al. 2001). Other factors
to consider are ease of use, throughput and cost,
Cell-Based Bioassays and, in the regulated environment, standardiza-
Cell-based bioassays detect the presence of cyto- tion of operating procedures.
kines by measuring bioactivity of biofluids or
supernatants. In these assays, a cell line depen-
dent on a particular cytokine for growth or spe- Predictivity
cific cell functional response is cultured with the
biofluid samples. The magnitude of the func- Cytokines usually act in a local microenviron-
tional response (e.g., proliferation of CTLL-2 ment, either in a paracrine or autocrine manner,
cells to IL-2 or cytotoxicity of WEHI 164 cells making it difficult to measure or interpret mea-
to TNF-a) is correlated with the amount of cyto- surements of cytokines directly from sera or
kine present in the biofluid. Standard curves of plasma samples. Therefore, cytokines are gener-
titrated recombinant cytokine are run simulta- ally measured after ex vivo stimulation of
neously to quantify the amount of cytokine in tissues or peripheral blood cells. Furthermore,
the sample. In general, bioassays should also be because cytokines act in concert with others,
run with anti-cytokine neutralizing antibodies to measuring the expression of several cytokines to
demonstrate that the functional response is spe- determine a profile is usually more beneficial in
cific to the cytokine of interest and not a result of understanding biological significance than mea-
other cytokines in the sample that have redundant suring a single cytokine in isolation. It is not
biological activity. While bioassays tend to be the always clear whether the patterns of cytokines
more sensitive than immunoassays and detect induced ex vivo actually recapitulate the in vivo
only bioactive forms of the cytokines, they are microenvironment; however, when the inducible
cumbersome and lengthy, requiring specific cell cytokine patterns are compared between drug-
lines and are therefore generally run when con- treated and control groups, differences could
firmation of immunoassays is necessary. indicate potentially adverse effects on the
immune system. For example, decreased IL-2,
IFN-g, and IL-4 production suggests immuno-
Pros and Cons suppression, while polarization toward type 1 or
type 2 T-cell responses suggests propensity for
Each of the cytokine assays have advantages and inflammatory or allergic diseases (Romagnani
disadvantages, as detailed above, and in the 1997).
226 Cytokine Genes and Immunotoxicology, Genetic Variations

Relevance to Humans
Cytokine Genes and
All of the assays and reagents available for Immunotoxicology, Genetic
nonclinical assessment of cytokine production Variations
are also available for human samples. The most
common source of cells for evaluating cytokine Berran Yucesoy1, Victor J. Johnson2 and
induction in humans is peripheral blood. When Michael I. Luster3
there is a risk of immunotoxicity, such as immu- University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,
nosuppression, hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, Cincinnati, OH, USA
or inflammation, monitoring changes in inducible BRT-Burleson Research Technologies, Inc.,
cytokine profiles can be useful in understanding Morrisville, NC, USA
the progression of the immunopathology. School of Public Health, Department of
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences,
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA
Regulatory Environment

The FDA and EMEA guidance papers on Keywords

nonclinical immunotoxicity evaluation of inves-
tigational new drugs do not directly request mea- Cytokine; Genetics; Immunotoxicology; Single
suring cytokines. However, when drugs are nucleotide polymorphism
suspected to have potential adverse effects on
the immune system, cytokine measurements can
be incorporated into follow-up functional studies Synonyms
to better characterize the nature of the adverse
response. Single amino acid polymorphisms (SAPS);
Single base transition; Single nucleotide poly-
Relevant Guidance Documents morphisms (SNPs)
CPMP/SWP/1042/99, Note for guidance on
repeated dose toxicity, 2000.
FDA (CDER) Immunotoxicology Evaluation Definition
of Investigational New Drugs, 2002.
A polymorphism is a variation in DNA sequence
that has an allele frequency of at least 1 % in the
References population. There are several types of polymor-
phisms in the genome: single nucleotide polymor-
Coligan JE, Kruisbeek AM, Margulies DH, Shevach EM, phisms (SNPs), tandem repeat polymorphisms,
Stober W (eds) (1991) Current protocols in immunol-
copy number variations, gross chromosomal aber-
ogy. Wiley, New York
Heid CA, Stevens J, Livak KJ, William PM (1996) Real rations (inversions, translocations of large DNA
time quantitative PCR. Genome Res 6:986–994 fragments), and insertions/deletions (ranging from
Lebrec H, Kerdine S, Gaspard I, Pallardy M (2001) a single base pair to thousands of base pairs in size).
Th1/Th2 responses to drugs. Toxicology 158:25–29
Most of the DNA sequence variation in the human
Pala P, Hussell T, Openshaw PJM (2000) Flow cytometric
measurement of intracellular cytokines. J Immunol genome is in the form of single nucleotide poly-
Methods 243:107–124 morphisms, which result from single base changes
Romagnani S (1997) The Th1/Th2 paradigm. Immunol that substitute one nucleotide for another. SNPs
Today 18:263–266
that affect phenotype are referred to as “functional”
Vignali DAA (2000) Multiplexed particle-based flow
cytometric assays. J Immunol Methods 243:243–255 polymorphisms or variants. Cytokines are
Cytokine Genes and Immunotoxicology, Genetic Variations 227

important mediators of the immune complex human diseases. SNPs are highly abun-
and inflammatory responses. The vast majority of dant, stable, and distributed throughout the
the genetic variation in cytokine genes is of genome and thus represent biomarkers of disease
the SNP variety. Cytokine SNPs can have profound susceptibility. SNPs also exhibit patterns of link-
influences on their expression and thus age disequilibrium (LD) and haplotypic diversity
impact the development and clinical outcomes of that can be used to enhance gene mapping
inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases (Shastry et al. 2007). Haplotype-based (the com- C
(Hollegaard et al. 2006). Tumor necrosis factor bination of alleles along a region of
(TNF-a) (308, 238), interleukin-1 (IL-1b) a chromosome) analyses are important for dis-
(+3953, 511), IL-6 (174), IL-10 (819, ease gene mapping. The human genome consists
1082), and transforming growth factor (TGF)-b of haplotype blocks of variable length in which
1 (+915, +869) polymorphisms represent examples there is a strong LD and limited diversity. Since
of functional SNPs in cytokine genes in that they common haplotypes share a number of SNPs in
affect expression levels. Research over the past common, it is possible to identify a minimum
several years has implicated that, similar to poly- subset of “tagging” SNPs that characterize the
morphism in drug metabolizing enzymes respond most common haplotypes and genetic informa-
differently to toxins, cytokine polymorphisms tion in a region. In silico approaches using LD,
modify xenobiotic-induced immunotoxicity and tag SNPs, and haplotypes allowed characteriza-
immune-mediated disease processes. tion of disease-related regions of the genome
(Patnala et al. 2013). Using this strategy,
asthma-related risk haplotypes were identified
Characteristics on chromosomes 7 and 11.

The frequency of SNPs across the human genome SNPs and Human Disease
is higher than for any other type of polymor- The most common human diseases are thought to
phism. SNPs are evolutionarily stable; therefore, be multigenic and multifactorial. SNPs have been
they may serve as surrogate biologic markers in used increasingly for investigating the genetic
population studies. SNPs that are most likely to etiology of such diseases and understanding
have a direct impact on the protein product of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions.
a gene are located in the coding region (cSNPs). The advent of high-throughput genotyping,
Non-synonymous SNPs (nsSNPs) in coding coupled with advances in computational
regions result in an alteration of the encoded methods, has greatly improved our understanding
protein and more likely to affect the function of of the genetic basis of complex diseases. Figure 1
the protein. The 20–30 % of nsSNPs have been shows a model for gene-gene and gene-
estimated to affect protein function. Some SNPs environment interactions.
are located in regulatory regions (rSNP) and Asthma is a good example of a complex, mul-
affect expression indirectly, by altering the func- tifactorial disease with strong environmental/
tion of regulatory sequences that control gene occupational and genetic influences (Bijanzadeh
expression or the rate of synthesis or degradation et al. 2011). In particular, variants of IL-4,
of the mRNA transcript. It has been estimated IL4-RA, IL-13, b-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2),
that there are approximately 10–30 million human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR, the
potential SNPs in the human genome. However, b-subunit of the high-affinity IgE receptor
only a small portion of identified SNPs can influ- (FceRI), and CD14 genes have been consistently
ence phenotype (functional). associated with asthma-related phenotypes in
There are potential advantages of employing independent association studies. The potential
SNPs to identify the genetic components of for gene-gene interaction in disease initiation
228 Cytokine Genes and Immunotoxicology, Genetic Variations

Cytokine Genes and

Genetic Variations, Environmental/
Fig. 1 A model showing Occupational
gene-gene and gene-
environment interactions
Genotype/ Haplotype/
Polymorphism Polymorphism

difying Factors


Altered - xenobiotic immunotoxicity

- disease outcome
- drug responses

and severity also exists for polygenic diseases The potential areas of application for SNP
such as asthma. For example, a significant gene- technology are much broader than just cytokines
gene interaction exists between IL-4RA S478P and include gene discovery and mapping,
and IL-13 1111 SNPs, such that individuals pharmacogenetics, tracking the evolution of the
both homozygous for the IL-4RA variant and human genome, diagnostics and risk profiling,
heterozygous or homozygous for the IL-13 vari- and the prediction of response to environmental
ant are five times more likely to develop asthma stimuli. Genetic polymorphisms are also impor-
than the general population (Howard et al. 2002). tant variables for future biomonitoring studies
Functionally, individuals with this haplotype dis- with the aim of risk assessment and understand-
play elevated serum IgE levels and bronchial ing the molecular basis of diseases.
hyperresponsiveness. Gene-environment interac- Inconsistent results have been reported regard-
tions also play particularly important roles in the ing the associations between cytokine gene vari-
pathogenesis of asthma. For example, association ations and complex diseases. One of the major
between SNPs in immune response genes limitations is related to the statistical issues such
(IL-4RA, IL-13, and CD14) and occupational as the rate of false-positive tests and the level of
asthma was investigated in a group of statistical significance. Problems of replication
diisocyanate-exposed workers. Increased fre- may also be due to a number of factors including
quencies of IL-4RA I50V allele and combinato- phenotype characterization, population admix-
rial genotypes of IL4RA (I50V), IL-13 (R110Q), ture, technical issues in SNP genotyping, other
and CD14 (C159T) were found only in potentially modifiable risk factors such as life-
hexamethylene diisocyanate-exposed workers style, and the complexity of the genetic structure
suggesting an exposure-specific interaction itself. Despite the limitations of current genetic
(Bernstein et al. 2006). Identification of gene- biomarker studies, a number of common gene
gene and gene-environment interactions can variants have been identified by candidate gene
expose biological interactions that are vital to and genome-wide association studies, and some
our understanding of the disease pathogenesis of these markers have been replicated in indepen-
and treatment. dent studies. These progressions are contributing
Cytokine Genes and Immunotoxicology, Genetic Variations 229

to the development of improved diagnostic, ther- factors acting during pregnancy, UV radiation,
apeutic, and preventive strategies. However, and diet. Specific examples of occupational and
denser SNP maps and new approaches capturing environmental diseases where cytokine SNPs
both common and rare alleles as well as statistical have been shown to contribute to disease pro-
models that allow incorporation of this informa- cesses include chronic obstructive pulmonary
tion are still needed to fully understand the under- disease (COPD), silicosis, chronic beryllium dis-
lying genetic architecture of complex diseases. ease (CBD), occupational asthma, coal workers’ C
pneumoconiosis (CWP), and allergic contact der-
matitis (Table 1) (Yucesoy et al. 2003). Some
Relevance to Humans polymorphisms are effect modifiers in that they
influence disease severity. For example, the
SNPs can be used to predict adverse drug reac- TNF-a 238 variant was associated with more
tions or the efficacy of drug treatment. Stratifica- rapid development of severe silicosis, while the
tion of populations into responders, TGF-b1 codon 10 polymorphism was found to be
nonresponders, and those with adverse side a disease modifier in cystic fibrosis (Arkwright et
effects due to genetic determinants would help al. 2000; Yucesoy et al. 2001).
in developing targeted drug discovery and more
efficient drug-based interventions. In addition to Genotyping Techniques
immune-mediated diseases, there are several A variety of techniques are used for SNP
reports showing examples of the influence of genotyping (Edenberg and Liu 2009; Kim and
cytokine SNPs on drug responses. The IL-10 Misra 2007). Current technologies use different
1082 and TGF-b (+29) genotypes are reported methods such as single base extension generating
to be associated with resistance to combined allele-specific products with distinct masses
antiviral therapy (Vidigal et al. 2002). The poly- (Sequenom MassARRAY), oligonucleotide
morphic TNF-a2 microsatellite and TNF-a 308
SNP are associated with a risk of chemotherapy- Cytokine Genes and Immunotoxicology, Genetic
induced pulmonary fibrosis and severe carbamaz- Variations, Table 1 Examples of associations between
epine hypersensitivity reactions, respectively cytokine polymorphisms and occupational and environ-
(Libura et al. 2002; Pirmohamed et al. 2001). mental diseases
However, the frequency of a gene affecting Disease Cytokine polymorphism
responsiveness to a particular drug and potential Alcohol and chemical- TNF-a 308, 238; IL1b
interactions with other genetic and environmental induced hepatitis +3953, 511
factors must be assessed in genetically heteroge- Chemical-induced TNF 308; IL-1a 889
neous populations using case-control or cohort
Allergic contact IL-16 295; TNF-a 308
association study designs. dermatitis
Figure 1 depicts a model of gene-gene and Asthma IL-4Ra I50V, IL-13 R110Q,
gene-environment interactions as modifying fac- CD14 C159T; TGF-b1
tors in immunotoxicity. This is particularly 509
important for extrapolation from specific clinical Chronic beryllium TNF-a 308; TGF-b1
disease (CBD) (codon 25); HLA-DPB1-
trials to general clinical use in the highly Glu69
admixed, heterogeneous industrialized Chronic obstructive TNF-a 308; TGF-b1
populations where the diseases are most com- pulmonary disease codon 10
mon. Examples of potentially important environ- (COPD)
mental factors that might interact with underlying Coal worker’s TNF-a 308; IL18 137;
genetic susceptibilities include exposure to ciga- pneumoconiosis (CWP) IL6 174
Farmer’s lung disease TNF-a 308; CD14 159
rette smoke, exposure and sensitization to com-
Silicosis TNF-a 238, 308;
mon inhalant allergens, exposure to viral IL1RA +2018
infections, housing and lifestyle factors, in utero
230 Cytokine Inhibitors

hybridization (microarrays), cleavage of hybrid- carbamazepine-hypersensitivite patients. Neurology

ized oligonucleotides (TaqMan), light intensity 10:56(7):890–896
Shastry BS (2007) SNPs in disease gene mapping, medic-
(pyrosequencing), melting curves (LightTyper), inal drug development and evolution. J Hum Genet
and primer extension and oligonucleotide 52:871–880
ligation-based methods with detection by capil- Vidigal PG, Germer JJ, Zein NN (2002) Polymorphisms in
lary electrophoresis (SNaPshot and SNPlex, the interleukin-10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and
transforming growth factor-beta1 genes in chronic
respectively). Recent next-generation sequencing hepatitis C patients treated with interferon and ribavi-
technologies enabled the detection of several rin. J Hepatol 36(2):271–277
hundred thousands to millions of reads simulta- Yucesoy B, Vallyathan V, Landsittel DP, Sharp DS, Wes-
neously. These advances in SNP genotyping ton A, Burleson G, Simeonova PP, McKinstry M and
Luster MI (2001) Association of TNFa and IL-1 gene
improved the degree of multiplexing and cost polymorphisms with silicosis. Tox Appl Pharmacol
per genotype. Over the last decade, advances in 172(1):75-82
genotyping technology and novel bioinformatics Yucesoy B, Kashon ML, Luster MI (2003) Cytokine poly-
approaches have opened up new possibilities in morphisms in chronic inflammatory diseases with ref-
erence to occupational diseases. Curr Mol Med
understanding the genetic basis of complex 3:485–505

Cytokine Inhibitors
Arkwright P, Laurie S, Super M, Pravica V, Schwarz M,
Webb A, Hutchinson I (2000) TGF-B1 genotype and
Detlef Neumann and Klaus Resch
accelerated decline in lung function of patients with
cystic fibrosis. Thorax 55(6):459–462 Institute of Pharmacology, Hannover Medical
Bernstein DI, Wang N, Campo P, Chakraborty R, Smith School, Hanover, Germany
A, Cartier A, Boulet LP, Malo JL, Yucesoy B, Luster
M, Tarlo SM, Hershey GK (2006) Diisocyanate
asthma and gene-environment interactions with
IL4RA, CD-14, and IL-13 genes. Ann Allergy Asthma Keywords
Immunol 97:800–806
Bijanzadeh M, Mahesh PA, Ramachandra NB (2011) An Cytostatic drugs; Fusion proteins; Glucocorti-
understanding of the genetic basis of asthma. Indian
coids; Immuno suppressive drugs; Monoclonal
J Med Res 134(2):149–161
Edenberg HJ, Liu Y (2009) Laboratory methods for high- antibodies; Regulatory cytokines
throughput genotyping. Cold Spring Harb Protoc
Hollegaard MV, Bidwell JL (2006) Cytokine gene poly-
morphism in human disease: on-line databases, Sup-
plement 3. Genes Immun 7:269–276
Howard TD, Koppelman GH, Xu J, Zheng SL, Postma DS, Anticytokines
Meyers DA, Bleecker ER (2002) Gene-gene interac-
tion in asthma: IL-4RA and IL13 in a Dutch population
with asthma 70(1):230–236
Kim S, Misra A (2007) SNP genotyping: technologies and Definition
biomedical applications. Annu Rev Biomed Eng
9:289–320 Cytokines are (glyco)proteins (with molecular
Libura J, Bettens F, Radkowski A, Tiercy JM, Piguet PF
weights of 8–75 kDa) which play a vital role in
(2002) Risk of chemotherapy-induced pulmonary
fibrosis is associated with polymorphic tumor necrosis hematopoiesis, immune reactions, and inflamma-
factor-a2 gene. Eur Respir J 19(5):912–918 tion (see “▶ Cytokines”). In disease situations
Patnala R, Clements J, Batra J (2013) Candidate gene where immune and inflammatory reactions are
association studies: a comprehensive guide to useful
prevailing, cytokines offer a useful therapeutic
in silico tools. BMC Genet 14:39
Pirmohamed M, Lin K, Chadwick D, Park BK (2001) target. Cytokine inhibitors consist of
TNFalpha promoter region gene polymorphisms in a heterogeneous group of drugs which:
Cytokine Inhibitors 231

Cytokine Inhibitors,
Fig. 1 Suppression of
immune and inflammatory
reactions: inhibition of

• Decrease the synthesis of cytokines Cytokine Inhibitors, Table 1 Cytokine inhibitors

• Decrease their concentration in free active form Modes of action Drug examples
• Block their interaction with specific receptors Inhibition of cytokine synthesis
• Interfere with the signaling of cytokine recep- Reduction of the Cytostatic Azathioprine,
tors (see Fig. 1) number of drugs mycophenolate
producing cells
Characteristics Monoclonal Muromonab
antibodies to CD3
Inhibitors of Cytokine Synthesis
Regulation of Regulatory Interleukin-4,
All drugs which decrease the number of produc- cell activity cytokines interleukin-10
ing cells implicitly also inhibit cytokine synthesis Inhibition of Cyclosporine Cyclosporin,
(Table 1). Examples are general cytostatic drugs, signal and related tacrolimus
some of which – such as azathioprine or transduction drugs
methotrexate – are approved as immunosuppres- Regulation of Glucocorticoids Prednisone
gene expression
sants or anti-inflammatory agents. A cytostatic
Inhibition of cytokine-induced activity
drug with a higher selectivity for immune cells
Inhibition of Protein kinase Sirolimus
is mycophenolate which is used mainly in trans- cytokine inhibitors
plantation. Antibodies directed against structures dependent
of T lymphocytes selectively decrease the circu- signaling
lating pool of this lymphocyte subpopulation and
in this manner are immunosuppressive. A good
major mechanism of their action. Glucocorti-
example of such antibodies is the monoclonal
coids bind to the glucocorticoid receptor in the
antibody muromonab which is directed against
cytoplasm of cells, releasing it from binding to
the CD3 part of the antigen receptor of
the heat shock protein HSP 90. The receptor then
T lymphocytes (Mantovani et al. 2001).
translocates to the nucleus and binds to
Cytokine synthesis can be inhibited without
a “glucocorticoid responsive element” (GRE)
affecting viability of cells. Such a mode of action
that is present in the promoter of more than
is exerted by the glucocorticoids (e.g., predni-
100 genes. It inhibits cytokine gene expression
sone), the anti-inflammatory or immunosuppres-
by several mechanisms (Resch et al. 2010).
sive effects of which were in clinical use long
before it became known that inhibition of the • The GRE interacts negatively with other pro-
synthesis of cytokines, such as interleukin-1, moter elements implicated in their activation
tumor necrosis factor, or interleukin-2, is the such as the NFkB site.
232 Cytokine Inhibitors

• Glucocorticoids induce the synthesis of pro- Cytokine Inhibitors, Table 2 Inhibition of the function
teins such as IkB, the inhibitor of NFkB, of secreted cytokines
which interfere with signaling pathways. Cytokine/
• The glucocorticoid receptor in its ligated form cytokine Drug
receptor (example) Indication Status
directly binds to signaling elements of recep-
Antibodies against cytokines
tors which induce cytokine synthesis (e.g.,
IL-1 Canakinumab CAPsa, RAb appc,
NFkB or the p38 kinase) and blocks their pIIId
action. IL-5 Mepolizumab Asthma pIII
Note that the first two of these mechanisms IL-9 Enokizumab Asthma pIII
IL-12/23 Ustekinumab Psoriasis app
depend on the binding of the glucocorticoid
IL-13 Tralokinumab Psoriasis pIII
receptor to its promoter site, while the third is
TNF Adalimumab RA, Crohn’s app
independent of it. Most likely the combined disease,
action of these multiple mechanisms provide the psoriatic
basis for explaining why glucocorticoids are so arthritis
effective in inhibiting cytokine synthesis (Resch Antibodies against cytokine receptors
et al. 2010). IL-2R Basiliximab Transplant app
While glucocorticoids inhibit the synthesis of
IL-6R Tocilizumab RA app
many cytokines involved in immune responses
IL-17R Brodalumab Psoriasis pIII
and inflammation, some modern immunosup-
Soluble receptors
pressive drugs predominantly affect the
IL-1 Rilonacept CAPs, RA app,
T lymphocyte growth factor interleukin-2 and pIII
thus prevent expansion of these cells which is TNF Etanercept RA app
a prerequisite for an effective cellular immune Receptor antagonists
reaction. This includes cyclosporine and IL-1 Anakinra RA app
tacrolimus. Both drugs, after binding to different IL-4/13 Pitrakinra Asthma pIII
intracellular receptors, as their predominant way a
Cryopyrin-associated symptoms
of action inhibit the activity of calcineurin, Approved
a protein phosphate phosphatase. This phospha- Rheumatoid arthritis
Phase III clinical trial
tase is required so that the transcription factor
NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) can
which bind the cytokine and thus prevent it from
shuttle from the cytoplasm into the nucleus and
activating its receptor. An increasing number of
bind to the promoter of the interleukin-2 gene.
antibodies have been approved to be of sufficient
The nearly exclusive occurrence of NFAT in
clinical value, predominantly for chronic inflam-
T lymphocytes explains the high selectivity of
matory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
cyclosporine or tacrolimus for these cells (Martin
They are directed against tumor necrosis factor,
and Resch 2009; Resch et al. 2010).
interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and interleukin-12
In some cases, cytokines behave antagonisti-
(Table 2). In order to increase their half-lives in
cally to the effects of others. Thus, interleukin-4
human beings and to decrease the chance of
and interleukin-10 exert strong anti-
eliciting blocking antibodies in clinical use, vary-
inflammatory actions. Especially interleukin-10
ing parts of the antigen-binding site of the origi-
is tested – also in some clinical studies for this
nal murine monoclonal antibodies were
indication (Fitzgerald et al. 2001 and Gemsa et al.
exchanged into human IgG by gene technology
methods (humanized monoclonal antibodies).
The first – and most important so far – diseases
Blockers of Cytokines in Free Active Form in which cytokine antibodies entered the central
A very specific way, in principle, to block stage of treatment are chronic inflammatory dis-
cytokines is to generate monoclonal antibodies eases. More recently, allergic diseases, especially
Cytokine Inhibitors 233

bronchial asthma, have come into focus. Several With the potential of modern molecular bio-
monoclonal cytokine antibodies which inhibit the logical methods, cytokines (being proteins) can
expansion of cells critically involved in be modified with the aim to change their biolog-
allergy – mast cells or eosinophilic granulocytes – ical properties. Thus, a mutated protein (mutein)
are in end stage clinical development, including of interleukin-4 has been generated which
anti-IL-9 (enokizumab) and anti-IL-5 behaves as an IL-4 receptor antagonist (and also
(mepolizumab). Similarly, antibodies against as an IL-13 receptor antagonist as both two chain C
IL-13 (tralokinumab) which prevent the develop- receptors share one common receptor chain).
ment of Th2 cells crucial for IgE production have This mutein is at present tested in clinical studies
shown clinical effects (Martin and Resch 2009; for its effectiveness to treat allergic diseases
Resch et al. 2010). (predominantly asthma) (Resch et al. 2010).
Cytokines exert their biological activities by Similarly, chemokines mutated to chemokine
binding to membrane receptors of target cells. As receptor antagonists have been evaluated in
a physiological regulatory mechanism, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections
extracellular – cytokine binding – parts can be as this virus uses chemokine receptors such as
released, which curtails the biological action of CCR5 and CXCR4 as co-receptors for its entry
the respective cytokine. This principle of “solu- into cells. A synthetic CCR5-neutralizing drug,
ble receptors” has been successfully exploited. maraviroc, has been approved for the therapy of
To enhance effectiveness and half-life in vivo, HIV as well (Resch et al. 2010).
soluble receptors were transferred (by gene tech-
nology) to non-antigen-binding parts of the IgG Blockers of Cytokine Receptor-Dependent
molecule. Such constructs are etanercept Signaling
containing the soluble receptor for tumor necrosis After the binding of a cytokine to its receptors,
factor (TNF) or rilonacept containing the soluble the biological response is transduced by meta-
receptor for interleukin-1 (IL-1). Similar to anti- bolic signals, generally involving multiple sig-
bodies against TNF or IL-1, these “cepts” have naling cascades. Sirolimus (rapamycin) by
a strong anti-inflammatory efficiency (Ciliberto selectively inhibiting the protein kinase mTOR
and Savino 2001; Resch et al. 2010). (target of rapamycin) is an effective immunosup-
pressive drug as mTOR is an essential component
Cytokine Receptor Blockers of the signaling of the receptor for interleukin-2.
Similar to cytokine inhibitors, monoclonal anti- mTOR plays a central role in several biological
bodies can also be effective against their receptors processes, including cell cycle control, and thus,
by preventing the activation of the receptor by its its inhibition prevents proliferation of activated
cognate cytokine. Basiliximab and daclizumab are T lymphocytes (Table 1) (Resch et al. 2010).
humanized monoclonal antibodies against the From the great number of efforts to elucidate
interleukin-2 receptor. By blocking the receptor the signal transducing mechanism of receptors
for this central T lymphocyte growth factor, they for proinflammatory cytokines, as well as the
suppress cellular immune reactions. Similarly, availability of some lead compounds interfering
tocilizumab, directed against the interleukin-6 with signaling components, it can be anticipated
(IL-6) receptor, prevents excessive inflammation that a plethora of new drugs which inhibit protein
(Resch et al. 2010). kinases will emerge in the near future.
Interleukin-1 (together with tumor necrosis fac-
tor) is a very efficacious proinflammatory cyto-
kine. Nature has created a secreted antagonist Preclinical Relevance
which dampens the action of interleukin-1.
Anakinra represents this antagonist which is pro- The possibility of inhibiting the specific function
duced by gene technology and displays anti- of a cytokine – together with generation of mouse
inflammatory properties (Martin and Resch 2009). mutants lacking the cytokine in question – is vital
234 Cytokine Inhibitors

for elucidating its role in disease models. Anti- osteoarthritis, or inflammatory bowel disease.
inflammatory or immunosuppressive drugs, act- Cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and sirolimus
ing at the level of signal transduction, can help to (together with glucocorticoids) are components
elucidate specific signaling cascades, as in the of standard regimens in the lifelong prevention of
case of cyclosporine with the antigen receptor rejection in organ transplantation (often in com-
of T lymphocytes (Martin and Resch 2009). bination). They are also used to suppress graft
versus host reactions after bone marrow or stem
cell transplantation. They are also effective in
Relevance to Humans autoimmune diseases which require immunosup-
pression. Muromonab CD3, basiliximab, and
Inflammation as part of the body’s defense sys- daclizumab are used in the initial phase of organ
tem against infection is indispensable for survival transplantation, as well as to combat acute rejec-
in a natural habitat. When it becomes tion episodes. Further cytokine inhibitors –
dysregulated, as occurs in chronic inflammatory regulatory cytokines, monoclonal antibodies to
diseases where the inflammatory reaction is per- various cytokines or their receptors, and muteins,
petuated by autoimmune reactions, or mounts an with antagonistic properties or inhibitors of sig-
inadequate and exaggerated response to an (often nal transduction – are in the pipeline as new drugs
rather bland) causative agent as in allergy, it turns for treating, with increasing selectivity, inflam-
into a disease itself. Thus, chronic inflammatory matory or allergic diseases (Resch et al. 2010).
diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflam-
matory bowel disease, or allergic diseases includ-
ing asthma, make up a high percentage of Regulatory Environment
diseases requiring adequate medication. More-
over, it becomes increasingly clear that in rather As for all drugs to be used in humans or animals,
important diseases, such as arteriosclerosis, or cytokine inhibitors are regulated by specific
even neurologic “degenerative” diseases such as laws – in Germany the “Arzneimittelgesetz.”
Parkinson’s disease, inflammation plays a large Government agencies approve drugs for specific
role in the pathophysiology (Murphy et al. 2009). indications – in Germany either the
Cytokine inhibitors have developed to core “Bundesinstitut f€ur Pharmaka and
anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive drugs. Medizinprodukte” (BfArM) or for biologicals,
Glucocorticoids such a prednisone, though inter- such as antibodies or cytokines, the Paul-Ehrlich-
fering with several processes relevant for inflam- Institut (PEI). Such biotech products are interna-
mation or immune reactions, owe their tionally regulated by the ICH Harmonised Tri-
effectiveness predominantly to inhibition of the partite Guideline: Preclinical Safety Evaluation
synthesis of many cytokines. Thus, they are still of Biotechnology-Derived Pharmaceuticals, July
the most effective drugs for treatment of diseases 16, 1997.
involving chronic inflammation like rheumatoid
arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease, or aller-
gic diseases like hay fever, asthma, or anaphylac- References
tic shock, as well as allergic skin diseases. Their
usefulness, however, is limited by various side Ciliberto G, Savino R (2001) Cytokine inhibitors. Marcel
Dekker, New York
effects. Thus, more selectively acting cytokine- Fitzgerald KA, O’Neill LAJ, Gearing A, Callard RE
inhibiting drugs have been developed, the first of (2001) The cytokine facts book, 2nd edn. Academic,
which have been approved for several diseases San Diego
(Resch et al. 2010). Gemsa D, Kalden JR, Resch K (1997) Immunologie,
4th edn. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Drugs such as infliximab, etanercept, and
Mantovani A, Dinarello CA, Ghezzi P (2001) Pharmacol-
anakinra are indicated in rheumatoid arthritis, ogy of cytokines. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Cytokine Receptors 235

Martin MU, Resch K (2009) Immunologie. Verlag Eugen

Ulmer, Stuttgart Cytokine Receptors
Murphy KM, Travers P, Walport M (2009) Janeway
immunologie, 7th edn. Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg
Resch K, Martin MU, Kaever V (2010) Immunphar- Michael U. Martin
makologie. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart Institute of Immunology, Justus-Liebig
University Giessen, Giessen, Germany

Cytokine Network
Receptors for mediators of the immune system
The interaction of various cytokines with their
target cells whereby one cytokine may induce
the production of another cytokine which either Definition
enhances the overall reactivity of a cell or leads to
a downregulation of a cell response. A cascade- Cytokine receptors are specific binding proteins
like production of cytokines, often in a certain for mediators of the immune system. Usually,
hierarchical order. binding of a cytokine to its specific transmem-
brane cytokine receptor initiates signal transduc-
tion and results in cell activation. However, some
Cross-References forms of cytokine receptors function as decoy
receptors and modulate cytokine responsiveness.
▶ Cytokines Soluble cytokine receptors may activate cells in a
process known as trans-signaling, but more
often, soluble cytokine receptors specifically
bind and neutralize their respective cytokine. Sol-
Cytokine Receptor Complexes uble cytokine receptors have proven to be effec-
tive as highly specific ligand scavengers in
Maybe with the exception of the class of recep- anticytokine therapies.
tors with seven transmembrane spanning regions In this context the term cytokine is solely used
(e.g., chemokine receptors), all signaling cyto- for mediators of the immune system and includes
kine receptors are complexes of two or more interleukins, interferons, and chemokines
transmembrane molecules. The basic principle but excludes hematopoietic growth factors
of translating the docking of the cytokine on the (although there is a clear cross talk between
outside of the cell to an event inside the target cell these different mediators).
is the ligand-mediated association of two or more
identical or different transmembrane molecules
with the result that the intracellular domains of Characteristics
the receptor subunits form a novel scaffold for the
association of adapter molecules or enzymes such Cytokines are mediators of the innate and
as protein kinases. adaptive arms of the immune response. All cyto-
kines are proteins or glycoproteins. They may be
produced constitutively regulating differentiation
and homeostasis of naive leukocytes and the
Cross-References formation of secondary lymphoid organs such as
the lymph nodes. Or they may be synthesized de
▶ Cytokine Receptors novo in the course of an immune reaction with the
236 Cytokine Receptors

Cytokine Receptors, proliferation and

Fig. 1 Principles of differentiation
cytokine action and target cell: leukocyte
cytokine signaling activation

Cytokine production Cytokines
in the course of an
immune response
target cell: tissue cell
alteration of biosynthetic profile:
release of bioactive molecules

aim of organizing the communication between

leukocytes themselves or between leukocytes
and tissue cells. As cytokines are relatively
large proteins, ranging from 8 to 100 kDa, they
cannot pass the plasma membrane and therefore
require specific receptors on the surface of target
cells. Cytokine receptors translate the docking
of the respective ligand on the outside of the
cell into intracellular signals which result in an
altered behavior of the target cell, very often due
to gene induction and de novo protein biosynthe-
sis. Cells may express an individual panel
of discrete receptors for different cytokines;
thus, responses to cytokines are cell-type
specific. Cytokine responses include the induc-
tion of proliferation and/or differentiation or the
production and release of effector molecules
which often are secondary cytokines
(schematically summarized in Fig. 1).
Cytokine Receptors, Fig. 2 Prototypic cytokine recep-
Cytokine Receptors Are Often Complexes of tor complexes
Transmembrane Molecules
Some receptors for cytokines are monomers. awaiting their ligand or they form after ligand
More often, signaling cytokine receptors form binding to the a-chain by recruitment of the
complexes of two or more subunits. In many coreceptor(s). Four examples of prototypic
cases the subunit, which binds the ligand first or cytokine receptor complexes are depicted
exclusively, is designated the a-chain. The in Fig. 2.
a-chain binds its ligand with an intermediate or Typically, cytokine receptors are highly
high affinity, which may be increased by further specific for their individual ligand, but some
subunits. Normally, the subunits which form a cytokine receptors may bind different ligands.
signaling cytokine receptor complex are different In some cytokine receptor families, a certain
but may also be identical. They may exist in degree of pleiotropy exists at the receptor level,
preformed complexes in the plasma membrane so that one cytokine may bind to two different
Cytokine Receptors 237

cytokine receptors and initiate (partially) differ- • Regulation at the gene level: Many cytokine
ent signals. A further feature of related cytokine receptors are constitutively expressed, but
receptors of one family is the sharing of one or some are synthesized de novo only after
more common chains. This may cause redundancy appropriate stimulation. Frequently, the
on the receptor level, as cytokines from one cyto- expression of cytokine receptors is enhanced
kine family may initiate partially overlapping sig- after activation of a cell in the course of an
nals due to usage of common signaling subunits in immune response. In contrast, at a later stage C
their specific receptor complexes. in the immune response, the gene transcription
of some receptors for proinflammatory
Signaling Through Cytokine Receptors cytokines may be downregulated by anti-
Signal transduction is mainly achieved through inflammatory cytokines.
the association of previously separated trans- • Regulation at mRNA level: It remains to be
membrane receptor components. This results in shown whether the stability of mRNA for
the close positioning of either signal-transducing cytokine receptors is modulated as has been
moieties or protein interaction domains, thereby demonstrated for some cytokine mRNAs.
creating scaffolds for protein interactions. Some However, mRNA for some cytokine receptors
cytokine receptors are already associated with is differentially spliced resulting in
kinases in the quiescent state, whereas other membrane-inserted or soluble cytokine
cytokine receptors recruit kinases either directly receptors.
or by the means of adapter proteins after ligand • Regulation at protein level: Once cytokine
binding. These kinases may be protein tyrosine receptors appear on the surface of the cell,
kinases; however, some cytokine receptors regulation (removal from the surface) may
utilize serine/threonine-specific kinases. Chemo- occur by two mechanisms. First, cytokine
kine receptors typically employ trimeric receptors can be internalized after ligand
G proteins to initiate intracellular signaling binding. In some cases internalization seems
cascades. Different classes of cytokine receptor to be required for efficient signaling. After
families employ different signaling mechanisms, internalization, the ligand and receptor
which may in part overlap. The consequence of become either degraded or are recycled.
signal transduction and cell activation is an Alternatively, or in parallel, cytokine recep-
altered behavior of the target cell, which is cell- tors are cleaved from the cell surface by
type specific. This includes rapid changes, by ektoproteases. Both mechanisms lead to a
remodeling of the cytoskeleton or activation of transient disappearance of these cytokine
existing enzymes. Frequently, kinase cascades receptors, resulting in a transient nonrespon-
are activated, which result in the activation of siveness of the target cell to the respective
transcription factors, leading to induction of cytokine, before newly synthesized receptors
gene transcription and subsequently to de novo or recycled receptors reach the surface.
protein synthesis. Although each cytokine
induces its individual set of signaling pathways, Decoy Receptors
an abundance of cross talk exists between differ- Decoy cytokine receptors are highly specific
ent signaling pathways. This explains the receptors, which bind their ligand with a high
complexity of the bioresponse of a given cell affinity but do not initiate and transduce a signal.
type which faces a cocktail of cytokines in an They act as molecular traps for the cytokine and
ongoing immune response. in some cases for coreceptor molecules required
for efficient signal transduction. This concept
Regulation of Cytokine Receptors was first identified in the interleukin IL-1 receptor
The availability of cytokine receptors on the sur- system, where the type II IL-1 receptor (which is
face of a cell can be regulated on different cellu- incapable of signaling due to the lack of a
lar levels: cytoplasmic signaling domain) is able to bind
238 Cytokine Receptors

Cytokine Receptors, Signaling IL-1RAcP non-signaling

Fig. 3 Decoy receptor in IL-1RI IL-1RII
the interleukin-1 receptor complex complex
system IL-1

(decoy receptor)

the ligand and compete with the signaling type autoimmune disorders. Almost always is the
I receptor for the essential coreceptor (coreceptor cytokine production dysregulated, that is, the
competition; Fig. 3). The decoy receptor sets the cytokine levels are too high and/or persist for
threshold at which a given cell type responds to too long. Therefore, the specific and effective
IL-1. In the meantime decoy receptors have been sequestration of these surplus cytokine molecules
identified in several cytokine receptor families as is highly desirable.
additional levels of regulating cytokine action This is in principal possible by targeting the
(Mantovani et al. 2001). cytokine-cytokine receptor system at several
levels (induction of cytokine production, release
Soluble Cytokine Receptors of cytokine, neutralization of circulating cyto-
A series of cytokine receptors exist in a soluble kine, blocking of cytokine receptor, inhibition
form. Intact soluble cytokine receptors are capable of cytokine-specific signaling pathways; for
of binding their respective ligand. Soluble cyto- details see Cytokine inhibitors).
kine receptors can be generated either by differen-
tial mRNA splicing or by receptor shedding from Cytokine Receptors as Target for
the plasma membrane. Different functions of Pharmaceutical Intervention
soluble cytokine receptors are conceivable. They In principal three options are available:
may bind and protect the ligand from proteolysis
• Blocking of cytokine receptors by natural or
(chaperon function), serve as a carrier, or even
recombinant receptor antagonists
pass the ligand (ligand passing) to the plasma
• Blocking the ligand binding site of the recep-
membrane-inserted receptor. Agonistic soluble
tor with blocking antibodies
cytokine receptors may associate with a trans-
• Using soluble coreceptor molecules as com-
membrane subunit and induce signal transduction
petitive antagonists (summarized in Fig. 4)
in a process termed trans-signaling in the presence
of ligand. Trans-signaling renders a cell respon- In animal models all three strategies work;
sive to a cytokine for which it lacks a receptor. however, to date only the IL-1 receptor antago-
However, most soluble cytokine receptors behave nist (anakinra) is approved for clinical use.
as ligand scavengers, which sequester and neutral-
ize the cytokine in a fashion comparable to a Soluble Cytokine Receptors as Drugs to
neutralizing anticytokine antibody (Jones and Neutralize Cytokines
Rose-John 2002; Schooltink and Rose-John 2002). Soluble cytokine receptors ideally fulfill the
requirement of highly specific drugs, which
combine high-affinity binding with very low
Preclinical Relevance immunogenicity. As the natural soluble receptors
have a rather short protein half-life in vivo, genet-
Cytokines are centrally involved in many acute ically modified molecules have been generated,
and chronic inflammatory diseases or in which show greater stability. Most of these
Cytokine Receptors 239

Cytokine Receptors, a Natural antagonist (example IL-1Receptor Antagonist)

Fig. 4 Cytokine receptors
as targets for drugs in the
interleukin-1 receptor

b Blocking antibodies (example sIL-1RII)

c Recombinant soluble coreceptor molecules as competitive antagonists

recombinant molecules are fusion proteins IL-6) was very potent in activating cells that
consisting of the constant part of a human immu- express only the transmembrane signaling
noglobulin chain and the soluble part of the cyto- subunit (gp130) in a process called trans-
kine receptor. In order to increase the affinity of signaling. This type of agonistic cytokine recep-
soluble receptors, ligand traps were designed in tor fusion protein may develop into a very potent
which the relevant parts of the a-chains and reagent in situations where IL-6 effects are desir-
b-chains of high-affinity cytokine receptor able on certain cell types (e.g., in hematopoiesis)
complexes were fused individually to one Fc (Jones and Rose-John 2002).
part or together “in line” (Dinarello 2003).
These heterodimeric ligand traps show an
enhanced affinity compared to those consisting Relevance to Humans
of a homodimeric cytokine receptor fusion pro-
tein (Ecconomides et al. 2003) (summarized Soluble cytokine receptors are very attractive and
in Fig. 5). potent reagents to neutralize cytokines. Since its
In the IL-6 receptor system, a fusion protein of approval by the FDA in 1998, the soluble tumor
soluble IL-6 receptor a-chain and IL-6 (hyper necrosis factor (TNF) receptor (as the fusion
240 Cytokine Receptors

Cytokine Receptors, a Homodimeric Fc fusion protein (example sIL-1RII-Fc)

Fig. 5 Recombinant
soluble cytokine receptors extra-cellular part
as cytokine scavengers in of human type II Interleukin-1
the interleukin-1 receptor Interleukin-1
system receptor

Fc part of Disulphide
human IgG1 bridges

b Heterodimeric Fc fusion protein (example sIL-1RII / sIL-1RAcP-Fc)

extra-cellular part
extra-cellular part of human Interleukin-
of human type II 1 Receptor
Interleukin-1 Accessory Protein

c “inline” heterodimeric Fc fusion protein (example sIL-1RI/sIL-1RAcP-Fc)


Fc part of
human IgG1

extra-cellular part extra-cellular part of

of human type I human Interleukin-1
Interleukin-1 Receptor Accessory
receptor Protein

protein etanercept) is used successfully in the clinical trials (Dinarello 2003; Ecconomides
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other et al. 2003).
chronic inflammatory diseases. Etanercept is a
disulfide-linked homodimeric fusion protein
consisting of two constant regions of the Fc part Regulatory Environment
of the human immunoglobulin G (IgG1) chain
and the soluble part of the human p75 receptor Recombinant proteins designed as therapeutic drugs
for tumor necrosis factor containing the TNF are regulated by specific laws, in Germany the
binding site. Its size equals that of an antibody. “Arzneimittelgesetz.” Governmental agencies
It is produced by recombinant DNA technology approve drugs for specific indications: in Germany
in a mammalian expression system. A similarly generally the Bundesinstitut f€ur Pharmaka und
constructed fusion protein of the soluble type II Medizinprodukte (BfArM) and for biologics such
IL-1 receptor is in clinical trials also for the as antibodies and cytokines the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut
treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. (PEI). To date only one soluble cytokine receptor
Novel strategies including the cytokine-specific (Etanercept) has been approved by the FDA in the
ligand traps (discussed above) are present in USA and subsequently by a series of other countries.
Cytokines 241

References concentrations, they are high-affinity ligands for

specific membrane receptors on other cells
Dinarello CA (2003) Setting the cytokine trap for autoim- (occasionally their own cells) and alter or regu-
munity. Nat Med 9:20–22
late their function.
Ecconomides AN et al (2003) Cytokine traps: multi-
component, high-affinity blockers of cytokine action.
Nat Med 9:47–52
Jones SA, Rose-John S (2002) The role of soluble recep- Characteristics C
tors in cytokine biology: the agonistic properties of the
sIL-6R/IL-6 complex. Biochim Biophys Acta
1592:251–256 Originally discovered as biologically active fac-
Mantovani A, Locati M, Vecchi A, Sozzani S, Allavena tors in the supernatants of in vitro cultured leuko-
P (2001) Decoy receptors: a strategy to regulate cytes, they were defined and received their name
inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Trends
because of their specific activities on other leuko-
Immunol 22:328–336
Schooltink H, Rose-John S (2002) Cytokines as therapeu- cytes. Usually they are soluble components (some
tic drugs. J Interferon Cytokine Res 22:505–526 also exists in membrane-bound forms) that do not
transfer antigen specificity, as soluble antibodies
do, but efficiently alter cell functions. Preferen-
tially they exert paracrine activities (i.e., modulat-
Cytokine Release ing functions of neighboring cells), but some also
exhibit autocrine (action on producing cell itself)
▶ Human Artificial Lymph Node (HuALN) and endocrine (action at remote sites) activities.

Classification of Cytokines
With the advent of gene-cloning techniques, the
Cytokines identification, purification, and production of cyto-
kines from cloned genes was facilitated. Mean-
Diethard Gemsa1 and Holger Garn2 while, far more than 200 cytokines have been
Institute of Immunology, Philipps-University of identified. Based on structural studies, many of
Marburg, Marburg, Germany them belong to one of six following groups:
Institute of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular
• Interleukin 1 family (e.g., IL-1a/b, IL-1RA,
Diagnostics, Philipps-University of Marburg,
IL-18, IL-33)
Marburg, Germany
• Hematopoietin (class I cytokine) family (e.g.,
many interleukins [e.g., IL-2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -12,
-15, -21, -23], G-CSF, GM-CSF,
• Interferon (class II cytokine) family (e.g.,
Adaptive and innate immune responses; Growth
interferons [IFN]a/b/g, IL-10 family cyto-
factors; Immunoregulation; Intercellular crosstalk;
kines [e.g., IL-10, -19, -20, -22, -24])
Interleukins; Lymphokines; monokines; Soluble
• Tumor necrosis factor family (e.g., TNFa/b,
• Interleukin 17 family (IL-17 A-F)
• Chemokine family (CCL-, CXCL-, XCL-,
Cytokines are low-molecular-weight proteins or Similarly, cytokine receptors may be structur-
glycoproteins of usually less than 30–40 kDa. ally allocated to six families:
They are mainly released from leukocytes, to
a lesser degree from other cell types, in response • Immunoglobulin superfamily receptors
to exogenous stimuli. At picomolecular • Hematopoietin (class I cytokine) receptors
242 Cytokines

• Interferon (class II cytokine) receptors and they interact with a broader spectrum of
• Tumor necrosis factor receptors different target cells.
• IL-17 receptors Cytokines act as “first messengers” which,
• Chemokine receptors upon binding to its receptors, initiate an intracel-
lular signal transduction cascade (“second mes-
Particularly in class I and class II receptors,
sengers”) that leads to gene activation and
multiple subunits with different ligand binding
expression of specific cell function(s). For most
affinities and a common signal transduction
class I and class II cytokine receptors, binding of
chain significantly modulate the cellular response
the specific ligand induces dimerization of recep-
to a given cytokine (see ▶ Cytokine Receptors).
tor subunits with subsequent activation of Janus
family kinases (JAK) and phosphorylation of
Biological Effects intracellular receptor subunits. This generates
Although initially thought to be produced exclu- docking sites for selective transcription factors
sively by and to act within the immune system, it of the STAT (Signal Transducers and Activators
was later found that other cell systems, such as of Transcription) family which also become
endothelial or epithelial cells, may also secrete phosphorylated. They dimerize and enter the
and respond to cytokines. Thus, some cytokines cell nucleus where they activate transcription of
create a link between the innate and adaptive a distinct set of genes that are permitted to be
immune, neuronal, endocrine, and other systems expressed in a given cell type.
in which one compartment mutually affects the
other. Cytokine Network
Most cytokines are not stored inside the cells Most cytokines are produced by and their recep-
but are produced and released upon appropriate tors are expressed on different cell types; thus,
stimulation. Depending on the property of the most cytokines exert pleiotropic effects, i.e., reg-
released cytokine and the addressed target cell ulate activity of a variety of cells. Additionally,
population, either proliferation, differentiation, multiple cytokines are often induced in a cascade
antimicrobial activation, cytotoxicity, further of subsequent events. They may act synergisti-
regulatory activities, or other cell functions cally or antagonistically or may exert redundant
are induced. A classical example is the de novo effects. All together, these mechanisms establish
synthesis and release of TNFa and IL-1b from a cytokine network which is essential for the fine-
macrophages after stimulation with bacterial tuned development of effective innate and adap-
components. Both cytokines are tive immune responses but also for cell prolifer-
proinflammatory, aid in antigen stimulation of ation, differentiation, and lastly controlled cell
lymphocytes, and lead to IL-2 and further succes- death (apoptosis). Despite the immunological
sive production of other cytokines which, when unspecificity of cytokines, a high degree of selec-
taken together, construct an entire network of tivity is achieved by strongly regulated cytokine
cytokines with the intention to enforce the inter- receptor expression and close interaction of cyto-
action of cells to effectively defeat the invading kine producer and cytokine responder cells.
agent. Once this has been accomplished, the cyto- A prominent example of a complex cytokine
kine network is downregulated, and finally cyto- network is the regulation of differentiation and
kine production is abolished. functional diversity of different subgroups of
activated CD4+ T helper (Th) cells. The different
Signaling by Cytokines Th cell populations indicated in Fig. 1 develop
In some aspects, cytokines resemble classic hor- from the common precursor Th0 cells under the
mones in that the soluble product of one cell local influence of a specified cytokine milieu.
affects the function of another cell. However, Once differentiated, the different Th subpopula-
cytokines are not produced by special glands, tions are characterized by the production of
their action is in most cases locally restricted, a typical set of cytokines by which they initiate
Cytokines 243

IL-12/IL-18 • Cell-mediated immune responses

Th1 IFNγ • Macrophage activation

IL-4 • B cell help

Th2 IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 • Antibody production
• Eosinophil inflammation
TGFβ/IL-4 • Mast cell growth
Th9 IL-9 • Mucus production
• Tissue inflammation

TGFβ/IL-6 • Neutrophil inflammation

Th0 Th17 IL-17A, IL-17F, IL-22
IL-21/IL-23 • Tissue remodelling

• Epidermal hyperplasia
IL-6/TNFα Th22 IL-22, TNFα • Wound healing
• Tissue remodelling

? • Germinal center B cell help

TFh IL-4, IL-21 • Plasma cell differentiation
• Memory B cell development

TGFβ • Tolerance development

Treg IL-10, TGFβ • Suppression of immune responses
• Resolution of inflammation

Cytokines, Fig. 1 Cytokine network involved in interferon, Th T helper cell, TFh follicular helper T cell,
T helper cell subset differentiation and involvement of Treg regulatory T cell, TGF transforming growth factor,
subsequent effector mechanisms (IL interleukin, IFN TNF tumor necrosis factor)

appropriate effector mechanisms. At the same reactions. Regulatory T cells require TGFb, in the
time, cytokines produced by a specific Th subset absence of proinflammatory cytokines, for their
may inhibit the development of alternative sub- activation. They specifically release the inhibi-
sets. For example, Th1 cells develop under the tory cytokines IL-10 and TGFb that prevent or
influence of IL-12 and IL-18 and release the downregulate the activation of most other Th
cytokines IFNg, IL-2, and TNFa which are subtypes and thus are involved in the resolution
required for cell-mediated immune responses, of inflammatory processes and the underlying
specifically for the activation of macrophages. immune responses.
On the contrary, Th2 cells require IL-4 for their
differentiation and secrete the interleukins IL-4, Chemokines
IL-5, and IL-13, which are required for antibody A prominent group of cytokines, the chemokines,
production and attraction and activation of eosin- has attracted special attention as key mediators of
ophil granulocytes. The critical balance is pro- inflammation. Four major chemokine families
vided on the one hand by IFNg antagonizing the have been identified, which are characterized by
activity of Th2 and on the other hand by IL-4 specific patterns of cysteine (C) amino acids in
antagonizing the development of Th1. In addi- their sequence: the CCL-, CXCL-, XCL-, and
tion, Th17 cells develop in the presence of IL-6 CX3CL-chemokine families. More than
and TGFb (+IL-21, IL-23) and produce high 50 chemokines and about 20 receptors have
amounts of IL-17 family cytokines by which been characterized. Chemokines are usually
they induce neutrophil-dominated inflammatory induced by infectious agents in first-line defense
244 Cytokines

cells (e.g., epithelial cells, macrophages). They interferons, chemokines, and TNFa. More than
mediate leukocyte immigration to affected tissue 50 viral homologs of cytokines, cytokine recep-
sites by establishing a concentration gradient that tors, or cytokine binding proteins have been
attracts leukocytes towards the highest chemo- described which all manipulate antiviral immu-
kine concentration. In addition, chemokines nity to the advantage of virus survival.
promote leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells
and induce antimicrobial activation. The seven-
transmembrane chemokine receptors may bind Preclinical Relevance
several chemokine ligands, and signal transduc-
tion proceeds via heterotrimeric G proteins and Under- or overexpression of cytokines and cyto-
second messengers such as cyclic AMP and ino- kine receptor defects in several diseases manifest
sitol triphosphate IP3. Of particular human rele- the central importance of cytokines. In X-linked
vance are the chemokine receptors CXCR4 and severe combined immunodeficiency (XSCID),
CCR5 as coreceptors for HIV infection. a genetic defect in the common g-chain gene of
the hematopoietin cytokine receptor family is
Antagonistic Principles and Viral Mimics present which results in loss of function of
Inhibitory cytokines and additional anti- many class I cytokine family members. Classical
inflammatory and antagonizing mechanisms examples of cytokine overexpression are the
adjust the cytokine network to a well-balanced bacterial septic shock and bacterial toxic shock
immune response. Examples are IL-10 and TGFb syndromes. In the first, lipopolysaccharides
that may inhibit the activation of a variety of (LPS; endotoxins from Gram-negative bacteria),
adaptive and innate immune cells. The IL-1 are liberated during Gram-negative sepsis and
receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) binds without own act as exogenous pyrogens. They induce the
activity to the IL-1 receptor and thereby blocks massive release of endogenous pyrogens, such
access of IL-1a and IL-1b. Further cytokine as TNFa and IL-1b and IL-6, mainly by mono-
inhibitors are derived from cleavage of cytes and macrophages. At high systemic
membrane-bound receptors, thus generating sol- concentrations, these cytokines cause fever,
uble receptors that already bind cytokines in the blood clotting, diarrhea, and cardiac shock.
circulation or tissue before they can reach their A quite similar mechanism underlies the bacterial
target cells. Prominent examples are the soluble shock syndrome. Superantigens such as
receptor for IL-2 (sIL-2R), which therefore rep- staphylococcal enterotoxins simultaneously bind
resents a useful diagnostic marker for T cell acti- major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II
vation in immune diseases, and the soluble p75 molecules and the Vb domain of the T cell recep-
TNF receptor which already finds clinical tor, eventually leading to the activation of 5–10 %
application. of all T cells independent of their antigen
The importance of cytokines in “running” an specificity, which results in excessive
appropriate immune response is also underlined cytokine production with subsequent shock
by the fact that certain viruses have developed symptoms.
strategies during evolution to capture or mimic Cytokine or cytokine receptor-deficient mice
cytokines or cytokine receptors, with the goal to provide interesting models for novel drug devel-
undermine the host’s antiviral response. For opment and risk assessment. However, certain
example, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovi- immunological pathways may significantly differ
rus produce IL-10-like molecules capable of between species; thus, predictability of risks for
downregulating Th1-dependent cell-mediated human application may be limited and must be
immunity. Poxviruses, myxoma viruses, and her- carefully assessed. Specifically, the interaction of
pes viruses release cytokine receptor homologs or the cytokine network with other organ systems,
binding proteins directed against as described above, may lead to misinterpretation
proinflammatory or antiviral cytokines, such as of the impact of a drug on the immune system
Cytoskeleton 245

when compared to results obtained in standard Regulatory Environment

toxicologic studies. Therefore, detailed knowl-
edge about this cytokine network and its interre- Cytokines as therapeutic agents are regulated by
lation with various organ systems is important for specific laws, in Germany by the “Arzneimit-
a sound hazard and risk assessment of future telgesetz.” Since they represent biologics, the
drugs. responsible agency in Germany is the “Paul-
Ehrlich-Institut (PEI).” All cytokines listed under C
section “Relevance for Humans” have been
Relevance to Humans approved in the USA by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the PEI in Germany.
As outlined above, dysregulated cytokine pro- Safety evaluation of biotechnically produced drugs
duction may result in severe disease and thus is internationally regulated by the ICH Harmonised
requires adequate therapy. Measures to curtail Tripartite Guideline: Preclinical Safety Evaluation
cytokine overproduction, such as capturing of Biotechnology-Derived Pharmaceuticals
overproduced TNFa by recombinant soluble S6(R1) June 12, 2011.
TNF receptors, antibodies against the TNF recep-
tor or TNFa itself, are described in the entries
Cytokine Inhibitors and Cytokine Receptors.
Here, some cytokine-based therapies in clinical Fitzgerald KA, O’Neill LAJ, Gearing AJH, Callard RE
use are listed that became available after cloning (2001) The cytokine facts book, 2nd edn. Academic,
of cytokine genes and subsequent biotechnologi- San Diego
cal production which provides sufficient, stan- Gemsa D, Kalden JR, Resch K (1997) Immunologie,
4th edn. Thieme, Stuttgart
dardized, and well-characterized cytokine Luckheeram RV, Zhou R, Verma AD, Xia B (2012)
preparations for clinical practice. Therapeutic CD4+T cells: differentiation and functions. Clin
application of the following cytokines has been Develop Immunol. Article ID: 925135
officially approved for the treatment of the Mantovani A, Dinarello CA, Ghezzi P (2001) Pharmacol-
ogy of cytokines. Oxford University Press, Oxford
mentioned diseases (examples): McInnes IB (2004) Cytokines. In: Harris E, Budd R,
Firestein G (eds) Kelley’s textbook of rheumatology,
• Interferon-a2a: hairy cell leukemia, hepatitis
7th edn. Elsevier, London
B and C, Kaposi’s sarcoma Owen JA, Punt J, Stranford SA (2013) Kuby immunology,
• Interferon-a2b: hairy cell leukemia, hepatitis 7th edn. WH Freeman, New York
B and C, Kaposi’s sarcoma, melanoma, follic-
ular lymphoma
• Interferon-b1a/1b: multiple sclerosis
• Interferon-g: chronic granulomatous disease,
Cytomegalovirus causes a systemic infection.
• Interleukin-11: thrombocytopenia during
tumor therapy
• Erythropoietin: anemia
• Interleukin-2: kidney carcinoma, melanoma
• G-CSF and GM-CSF: to stimulate neutrophil
▶ Host Resistance Assays
production in chemotherapeutically treated
tumor patients and after bone marrow
Further cytokines are expected to enter clini- Cytoskeleton
cal development, certainly except those with
clear proinflammatory properties due to their The cytoskeleton is an intracellular network of
undesirable side effects. structural protein filaments (including actin
246 Cytostatic

filaments, microtubules, and intermediate fila- circulate in search of target cells to interact with
ments like keratins, vimentin, desmin, and and to neutralize at the site.
neurofilaments). The cytoskeleton directs cell
shape, mediates the anchoring and movement of Cross-References
cell organelles, and is necessary for cell division.
The cytoskeleton is linked to cell-cell and cell- ▶ Respiratory Infections
substrate adhesion molecules and increases the
structural integrity of tissues and organs.

Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes
B. Paige Lawrence
▶ Cell Adhesion Molecules
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
College of Pharmacy, Washington State
University, Pullman, WA, USA
Inhibition or suppression of cellular growth and
CD8+; CTL; Effector cells

▶ Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are T cells that,
upon contact with antigen-bearing cells, directly
kill the target cell. Generally, CTL-mediated kill-
ing is major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
Cytotoxic Activity
class I restricted; thus, CTL are most often dif-
ferentiated CD8+ T lymphocytes. However, in
Several cell types of the immune system have the
some instances, CD4+ T cells can acquire a cyto-
ability to kill specific target cells via distinct
lytic phenotype (Kagi et al. 1996). With regard to
mechanisms. Examples are cytotoxic
host defense, CTL play an important role in resis-
T lymphocytes (CTL), natural killer (NK) cells,
tance to intracellular pathogens. Specifically,
lymphocyte-activated killer (LAK) cells, and
CTL primarily kill virus-infected cells and, dur-
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic (ADCC)
ing a primary infection, are generally considered
the most important cellular component of
antiviral immunity. Additionally, they recognize
Cross-References and kill certain types of tumor cells, and occa-
sionally bacterially infected cells are targets of
▶ Limiting Dilution Analysis CTL-mediated killing.

Cytotoxic T Cell
CTL can be identified and studied using pheno-
A thymus-derived lymphocyte that is directly typic and functional criteria. Using flow
involved in cell-mediated immunity. These cells cytometry, CTL are most commonly defined
Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes 247

phenotypically as those CD8+ T cells that express CTL-directed killing involves the calcium-
high levels of the activation and adhesion mole- dependent release of perforin-containing and
cule CD44 and which have downregulated granzyme-containing vesicles. The release of
expression of the leukocyte adhesion molecule perforin and granzvyme occurs immediately fol-
CD62L (Doherty et al. 1996). Cells bearing a lowing cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (TCR) engage-
CD8+CD44hiCD62Llo phenotype are typically ment with peptide-MHC molecules on the target
referred to as effector CTL (CTLe). Sorting cell. Upon secretion, perforin monomers self- C
CTLe using a flow cytometer has consistently assemble, creating membrane-spanning pores.
affirmed that cells which express this phenotype These pores compromise the integrity of the tar-
are armed, antigen-specific cells capable of get cell membrane, which by itself may kill the
killing antigen-bearing target cells. cell. However, cell death is more likely driven
CTL synthesize and release several types of by granzymes, which enter the target cell through
molecules (Kagi et al. 1996; Berke 1994). There- the pores created by perforin. Granzymes
fore, they can be characterized functionally by A and B are a family of serine proteases that
the production of specific immunoregulatory and stimulate programmed cell death machinery via
cytotoxic molecules. Whereas the various cyto- the activation of caspases and other proapoptotic
toxic molecules released by CTL are directly proteins.
involved in the destruction of antigen-bearing Experiments using perforin-deficient mice
targets, the immunoregulatory molecules demonstrate that most CTL killing is mediated
secreted by CTL are not exclusively involved in by perforin and granzymes (Kagi et al. 1996;
cell killing. They also drive the activation of Russell and Ley 2002). However, two perforin-
other immunoregulatory cells, thereby facilitat- independent mechanisms also exist. Many CTL
ing multiple mechanisms for the destruction of express two TNF-family members: Fas ligand
antigen-bearing targets. The primary immuno- (FasL) and TNF-a. Both Fas, the cognate
regulatory molecules made by CTL are the cyto- co-receptor for FasL, and type I TNF receptors
kines interferon (IFN)-g and tumor necrosis contain “death domains” in their cytoplasmic
factor (TNF)-a. IFN-g is almost always produced tails. The binding of receptors with death
by CTL and is a potent activator of macrophages domains by their respective ligands activates
and natural killer cells. Furthermore, IFN-g stim- an intracellular signaling cascade, leading
ulates MHC class I and class II gene expression, to apoptotic cell death. In contrast to perforin
inhibits the growth of type 2 helper T cells, and and granzymes, which are stored by CTL,
drives immunoglobulin class switching to IgG2a. FasL is not. Therefore, the killing of target
TNF-a is produced by some CTL and, like cells in an FasL-dependent manner is delayed
IFN+g, sends a powerful activation signal to because it requires the synthesis and secretion
macrophages. In particular, it induces nitric of FasL. The overall contribution of TNF-a-
oxide synthase-2, leading to the production of mediated target cell death is not clear, as it is
nitric oxide. TNF-a is a pleiotropic cytokine, difficult to distinguish the immunoregulatory
and some of its other effects include activation and cytolytic roles of the TNF-a produced
of the vascular endothelium and recruitment of by CTL.
inflammatory cells. As described below, via bind- In summary, via the secretion of granules that
ing to TNF receptors, TNF-a can also cause the contain perforin and granzymes, and by the
death of type I TNF receptor-bearing cells. Thus, expression of membrane-bound and soluble
TNF-a serves dual roles as both an immunoreg- FasL and TNF-a, CTL kill target cells using
ulatory cytokine and a mediator of cell death. multiple cytolytic mechanisms.
Once armed, effector CTL induce apoptosis in In addition to the high degree of specificity
antigen-bearing target cells via three different – with which CTL recognize their targets, another
but not mutually exclusive – pathways (Russell important feature of CTL is their ability to seri-
and Ley 2002). The primary mechanism for ally kill multiple antigen-bearing target cells
248 Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes

in a short amount of time. In contrast to naive Preclinical Relevance

CD8+ T lymphocytes, CTL contain perforin and
granzymes in preformed cytoplasmic granules. As described above, CTL play an important role
This permits immediate release of granule con- in host defense against pathogens, detect and
tents upon TCR engagement. The binding of the destroy tumor cells, and contribute to immune-
TCR by peptide-MHC molecules also stimulates mediated pathology in hypersensitivity reactions
the synthesis of more perforin and granzymes by and autoimmune disease. Thus, it is important to
the cell, a process that actively replenishes intra- consider toxicity of environmental contaminants
cellular stores of these cytolytic molecules. Like- and pharmaceuticals toward CD8+ T cells
wise, TCR engagement stimulates CTL to rapidly and CTL.
synthesize additional FasL. In other words, CTL
are able to rapidly restock their weaponry; a
feature that enables them to kill multiple
Regulatory Environment
targets in rapid-fire succession until the target
cells have been successfully eliminated.
Given that CTL function is a critical aspect of
While most CTL die after the resolution of infec-
host resistance to intracellular viral infection,
tion, a few antigen-specific CD8+ T cells survive,
testing for effects of a chemical on CD8+ T-cell
generating a small population of memory CTL.
function should be considered during immuno-
Upon reexposure to the same antigen, memory
toxicity screening. However, there is not
CTL are activated immediately, resulting in a
currently an agreement on exactly how it should
CTL response that is more rapid and of greater
be tested and whether assessment of a CTL
magnitude than the initial response to that
response should always be performed (Luster
et al. 1988).
Thus, the effects of a test agent on CTL are often
Testing for CTL activity is discussed in the
screened using a tier approach and host resistance
following guidelines:
assays, such as viral infection or tumor challenge
(Luster et al. 1988). Using either type of antigen, • EPA OPPTS 880.3550 Immunotoxicity.
performing a CTL assay (i.e., measuring antigen- Environmental Protection Agency (1996) Bio-
specific cytolytic activity) is considered the hall- chemicals Test Guidelines: OPPTS 880.3550
mark test of CTL function. However, examining Immunotoxicity. Prevention, Pesticides and
the effects of exposure to a test substance on the Toxic Substances. EPA 712-C-96-280.
expansion of CD8+ T cells, IFN-g production, and • CDRH Immunotoxicity Testing Guidance.
acquisition of an effector CTL phenotype should Center for Devices and Radiological Health
not be overlooked as informative endpoints. In fact, (1999) US Department of Health and Human
due to the creation of fluorochrome-labeled MHC Services, Food and Drug Administration.
class I-restricted tetrameric reagents, it is now Guidance for Industry and FDA Reviewers:
increasingly possible to examine the effects of a Immunotoxicity Testing Guidance.
test substance on the activation, clonal expansion,
and death of antigen-specific CTL in vivo. In con- notox.pdf
trast, simply determining the effects of exposure to • CPMP/SWP/1042/99cor (2001) CPMP/SWP/
a test chemical on the percentage or number of bulk 1042/99cor (2001). European Agency for the
CD8+ T cells in a test animal may not be predictive Evaluation of Medicinal Products Committee
of toxicity. In other words, immunophenotypic for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP)
analysis alone generally is not sufficient and the Safety Working Party (SWP) Note for Guid-
data cannot stand alone as an endpoint when one ance on Repeated Dose Toxicity 1042/99.
assesses the potential immunotoxicity of a test • CDER Guidance for Industry: Immuno-
agent. toxicology Evaluation of Investigational New
Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes 249

Drugs. Center for Drug Evaluation and therapeutic exploitation of CTL in mind when
Research (2002) US Department of Health and one considers the possible therapeutic benefits
Human Services, Food and Drug Administra- of harnessing the antigen-specific activity of
tion. Guidance for Industry: Immunotoxicology CTL to kill tumor cells.
Evaluation of Investigational New Drugs. In contrast to the beneficial activity of pathogen- and tumor-specific CTL, there are
also CTL responses that are detrimental to the C
host. CTL mediate some forms of delayed-type
Relevance to Humans
(type IV) hypersensitivity reactions, such as con-
tact dermatitis. Likewise, autoreactive CD8+
Insufficient, excessive, and inappropriately
T cells underlie the destruction of healthy cells
directed CTL responses contribute to human dis-
in several prevalent autoimmune diseases, such
ease. Suppressed CTL function leads to increased
as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. There-
susceptibility to pathogens, particularly those
fore, diminution of CTL activity is often a thera-
that replicate inside host cells. They also play an
peutic goal for the treatment of hypersensitivity
important role in tumor surveillance; thus, indi-
and autoimmune diseases.
viduals with impaired CTL function are more
In addition to causing tissue damage in hyper-
susceptible to certain types of tumors.
sensitivity and autoimmune diseases, CTL play a
The importance of CTL in host resistance and
role in the rejection of transplanted tissue. In fact,
tumor destruction has been known for quite some
about 10 % of T cells in the body recognize
time. More recently, these cells are gaining a
allogeneic MHC molecules. Furthermore, even
larger role in prophylactic immunotherapy. Vac-
in a good human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
cination with live, attenuated pathogens drives a
match, transplant rejection often occurs via the
strong, host-protective memory response leading
recognition of minor histocompatibility mole-
to highly effective vaccines. In contrast, vaccina-
cules, of which most are associated with MHC
tion with killed pathogens or pathogen-derived
class I. Therefore, rejection due to incompatible
constituents generally leads to a less robust
type I HLA and minor histocompatibility mole-
immune response and often does not provoke a
cules is most often driven by CTL.
strong cell-mediated response. In particular, very
few vaccines that employ killed pathogens or
pathogen constituents provoke an effective CTL
response. Therefore, protective immunity in References
humans relies predominantly on the generation
Berke G (1994) The binding and lysis of target cells by
of memory B cells and antibodies. The concern cytotoxic lymphocytes: molecular and cellular aspects.
with this paradigm is that, for some pathogens, Ann Rev Immunol 12:735–773
memory CTL are more important than antibodies Doherty PC, Topham DJ, Tripp RA (1996) Establishment
and persistence of virus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell
for protective immunity. Therefore, the design
memory. Immunol Rev 150:23–44
of vaccines that promulgate cell-mediated Kagi D, Ledermann B, Burki K, Zinkernagel RM,
immunity is an active area of basic and clinical Hengartner H (1996) Molecular mechanisms of
immunology research. lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity and their role in
immunological protection and pathogenesis in vivo.
Given their powerful cytolytic machinery,
Ann Rev Immunol 14:207–232
which can be directed very specifically at Luster MI, Munson AE, Thomas PT (1988) Development
antigen-bearing target cells, CTL are also an of a testing battery to assess chemical-induced
attractive candidate for tumor therapy. While immunotoxicity: National Toxicology Program’s
guidelines for immunotoxicity evaluation in mice.
this is an area that is presently more in the realm
Fund Appl Toxicol 10:2–19
of research and development rather than clinical Russell JH, Ley TJ (2002) Lymphocyte-mediated
application, it is important to keep this cytotoxicity. Ann Rev Immunol 20:323–370
250 Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte (CTL) Assay

the innate immune response, display direct lytic

Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte (CTL) Assay activity that is regulated by cell surface stimulatory
and inhibitory receptors. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
▶ Cytotoxicity Assays (CTLs) kill target cells on the basis of recognizing
specific antigens (viral, tumor, or alloantigens)
expressed in the context of self-major histocompat-
ibility complex (MHC) molecules.

The ability of an immune cell to kill or eliminate Characteristics

a target cell, usually by apoptotic or granulocytic
mechanisms. A procedure for measuring cell-mediated
cytotoxicity by 51chromium (51Cr) release assay
has been well established (Brunner et al. 1976).
Cross-References Measurement of NK cytotoxicity is performed by
incorporating radiolabel into tumor-derived tar-
▶ Natural Killer Cells get cells (e.g., YAC cells and K-562 cells)
followed by coincubation with NK cells at vari-
ous effector/target ratios. NK cells can be derived
from spleen or peripheral blood mononuclear cell
Cytotoxicity Assay (PBMC) populations; purification of NK cells
from heterogenous cell populations is not required
▶ Cytotoxicity Assays but can enhance sensitivity of the assay. In the
presence of NK cells, the labeled target cells are
lysed and subsequent release of 51Cr is measured
quantitatively. Similarly, CTLs can be coincubated
Cytotoxicity Assays with 51Cr-labeled syngeneic cells expressing a spe-
cific antigen. The “primed” CTLs recognize and
Elizabeth R. Gore lyse the labeled cells causing the release of 51Cr.
Immunologic Toxicology Preclinical Safety Cytotoxicity is expressed as a ratio relative to total
Assessment, GlaxoSmithKline R&D, King of release of 51Cr, which can be induced by addition
Prussia, PA, USA of detergent (e.g., triton X-100) to target cells.
Spontaneous release of label should not exceed
15 % of the total release. In some instances (e.g.,
Synonyms comparing lytic activity of different effector cells
over a range of effector/target ratios), it is advan-
Chromium release assay; Cytotoxicity assay; tageous to express cytotoxicity in lytic units (LU).
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) assay; Natural Calculation of a lytic unit has been described pre-
killer (NK) cell assay viously in detail (Bryant et al. 1992). In brief, it
represents the quantity of effector cells needed to
kill a certain percentage of a predetermined number
Short Description of target cells.
Modifications to the conventional 51Cr release
Cytolytic activity is a property of specialized assay have been evaluated, particularly utilizing a
immune cells, such as natural killer (NK) cells non-isotopic label as a marker for target cell lysis
and cytotoxic T lymphocytes, enabling surveil- (Blomberg et al. 1986). In addition, entirely new
lance and ultimate destruction of tumor cells and formats have been assessed, namely, flow
virus-infected cells. NK cells, components of cytometric assay (FCA) for determination of
Cytotoxicity Assays 251

Cytotoxicity Assays, Table 1 Comparison of Cytotoxicity Assays, Table 2 Comparison of human

monkey natural killer cell activity against K-562 natural killer cell cytotoxicity by 51chromium release
target cells by 51chromium and europium3+- assay and flow cytometric assay (FCA)
diethylenetriaminopentaacetate (DTPA) release assays
% cytotoxicity
rHuIL- % cytotoxicity Effector: target ratio
2 Effector: target ratio Format 1.5:1 5:1 17:1 50:1 150:1
Format U/mL 5:1 10:1 20:1 40:1
Flow cytometric assay C
Chromium 0 25.9 35.8 41.1 48.7 Donor 1 2 10 25 34 52
Europium3+- 0 24.0 26.0 32.0 56.0 Donor 2 5 23 58 74 65
Chromium 50 40.9 43.9 53.5 58.8 Donor 1 2 11 14 25 38
Europium3+- 50 30.0 40.0 57.0 62.0 Donor 2 8 12 20 36 53
51 From Piriou et al. (2000)
Chromium 500 51.4 56.9 70.3 78.1
Europium3+- 500 43.0 51.0 63.0 80.0 effector and target cell populations can be made
DTPA and the dead target cells identified based on
Chromium 5,000 50.3 63.9 71.7 87.4
uptake of propidium iodine. Cytolysis of K-562
Europium3+- 5,000 57.0 67.0 83.0 100.0
cells by human NK cells has been demonstrated
by flow cytometric methods with parallel com-
From Gore ER unpublished results
parison to 51Cr release assay. Published results,
shown in Table 2, indicate significant concor-
cytotoxicity (Piriou et al. 2000). Fluorescent and dance (R = 0.96; p < 0.001) between the two
flow cytometric-based cytotoxicity assays, methodologies.
conducted in parallel with 51Cr release assays,
have demonstrated similarity to the conventional
procedure and therefore support use of alterna- Pros and Cons
tive, nonradioactive approaches to cytotoxicity
assessment. Conventional 51Cr release assay is well
The fluorescent-based approach, similar in for- established, is readily adaptable, and does not
mat to the 51Cr release assay, substitutes the lan- require highly trained or specialized staff.
thanide, europium, for 51Cr. Europium, with its Moreover, the application of this method has
chelate diethylenetriaminopentaacetate (Eu3+- been evaluated not only with various sources of
DTPA), is incorporated into target cells and upon NK cells (e.g., whole blood, PBMCs,
its dissociation and release into solution forms a splenocytes, purified cell populations) but also
highly fluorescent chelate that can be measured for assessing CTL responses and antibody-
rapidly and with a high level of sensitivity by dependent cellular cytotoxicity. A drawback to
time-resolved fluorometry. A comparison between the conventional format is radioisotope usage.
Cr and europium release assays in determining The europium release assay by time-resolved
cytolytic activity of monkey peripheral NK cells, fluorometry is a good alternative to the 51Cr
cultured with or without recombinant human IL-2 release assay in that it eliminates radioisotope
(a known inducer of NK activity), against K-562 usage, consists of experimental setup and data
target cells is shown in Table 1. collection/analysis procedures similar to the con-
A novel approach to cytotoxicity assessment ventional assay, and does not require highly
by flow cytometry is described by Piriou trained technical staff. In contrast, the FCA meth-
et al. (2000). The assay is based on the use of odology requires specialized scientists, particu-
two fluorescent dyes: the green fluorescent larly for collecting and analyzing data. Unless
DIOC183, used to label target cells, and the red flow cytometry exists as a core capability,
fluorescent dye, propidium iodine, for determina- adapting this methodology may be time and cost
tion of dead cells. Thus, discrimination between prohibitive.
252 Cytotoxicity Assays

Predictivity regulatory guidelines now recommend incorpora-

tion of these two parameters in the initial screening
Much effort has been made to establish the pre- for immunotoxicity of new chemicals. In the USA,
dictability of various immune function tests in both the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
identifying immunotoxicity of new compounds and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
(Luster et al. 1992). Relationships between NK guidelines on immunotoxicity testing recommend
function and altered host resistance were made conducting the NK cell assay on a case-by-case
with over 30 compounds utilizing mouse basis depending on the outcome of the routine,
models, and the outcome indicated a 70 % concor- standard toxicity evaluations indicated in the
dance between effect on NK function and altered respective guidelines. Relevant guidelines are:
host resistance. When NK cytotoxicity tests
• CPMP/SWP/1042/99 Note for Guidance on
were combined with surface marker expression
Repeated Dose Toxicity 2000
analysis, the concordance with host resistance
• FDA (CDER) Immunotoxicology Evaluation
was increased to 90 %. These findings support
of Investigational New Drugs, 2002
use of NK functional tests for preclinical assess-
• EPA (OPPTS 870.7800) Health Effects Test
ment of immunotoxic potential of development
Guidelines: Immunotoxicity 1998

Relevance to Humans
Blomberg K, Granberg C, Hemmila I, Lovgren T (1986)
Europium-labelled target cells in an assay of
While the clinical significance of altered cyto- natural killer cell activity. J Immunol Methods
lytic activity in humans has not been clearly 92:117–123
established, there is obvious potential for biolog- Brunner KT, Engers HD, Cerottini JC (1976) The 51Cr-
ical consequences due to altered NK and CTL release assay as used for the quantitative measurement
of cell mediated cytolysis in vitro. In: Bloom BR,
activity that include decreased resistance to
David JR (eds) In vitro methods of cell mediated
infectious disease and certain tumor diseases. and tumor immunity. Academic, New York,
Preclinical evaluations on new chemicals for pp 423–428
potential adverse effects on NK cell and CTL Bryant J, Day R, Whiteside TL, Heberman RB (1992)
Calculation of lytic units for the expression of cell
function may provide useful information for clin-
mediated cytotoxicity. J Immunol Methods
ical monitoring, especially as it pertains to 146:91–103
increased incidence of infections. Luster MI, Portier C, Pait DG, White KL Jr, Gennings C,
Munson AE, Rosenthal GJ (1992) Risk assessment
in immunotoxicology I. Sensitivity and
predictability of immune tests. Fundam Appl Toxicol
Regulatory Environment 18:200–210
Piriou L, Chilmonczyk S, Genetet N, Albina E (2000)
Design of a flow cytometric assay for the determina-
Based on a high concordance between NK func-
tion of natural killer and cytotoxic T lymphocyte
tion and surface marker analysis with altered activity in human and in different animal species.
host resistance (Luster et al. 1992), European Cytometry 41:289–297

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