Submitted To:: Mrs. Pooja Mahajan Submitted by

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Mrs. Pooja mahajan
Rotary is a global membership organisation made up of individuals who share a passion
and commitment for enriching local communities and bettering people's lives all over the
world. There are Rotary clubs in practically every nation. Our members work on international
projects that tackle today's most important issues while also making a local impact on people's
lives. Being a member offers the chance to take action and change the world while also bringing
about personal rewards and lifelong friendships.

Structure of rotary
Around the world, there are more than 1.2 million Rotarians, or members of Rotary
As a Rotarian, you have much more opportunity than you did before to improve your
community. Working alongside other professionals will be an honour, and you'll have the
chance to improve the lives of others by pooling your knowledge, abilities, and resources.

The most significant part of Rotary's organisational structure is the club. There are more
than 35,000 Rotary clubs spread throughout more than 220 nations and regions. Because Rotary
clubs are independent, member experiences vary from club to club. But they all function
relatively similarly. For instance, all clubs have committees that assist the president, secretary,
and treasurer.

At the regular meetings held by Rotary clubs, members come together to network, talk
about other Rotary issues, and discuss personal and professional matters. While most clubs
hold their meetings in person, some do it mostly online or occasionally both in person and
online. Rotary clubs are urged to foster an open atmosphere for all club members at their
meetings because the organisation is neither political nor religious. Meetings can be official or
informal, and they can have refreshments, speakers, a public discussion area, or team-building
exercises. The more you participate in the meetings and events of your club, the more
enjoyment you will derive from being a member.


Districts are collections of Rotary clubs. District governors have a crucial function in
Rotary. They are put forward by clubs in their districts because to their demonstrated leadership
abilities, Rotary background, and commitment to public service. Both locally and collectively
in the International Assembly, they receive significant training. District governors oversee a
group of assistant governors and district committees for a year while encouraging clubs to
engage in charitable endeavours. Governors make yearly visits to every club in the district,
supervise the formation of new clubs, and organise the district conference and other special
occasions. Regions are divided into zones, each of which is governed by a group of regional
leaders. Last but not least, your Rotary club is a member of Rotary International (RI), a world
organisation that is run by its president and board of directors.


The first four Rotarians, from roughly 1905 to 1912: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele,
Hiram Shorey, and Paul P. Harris.

For more than a century, we have been writing history and bringing the globe closer
together. Paul Harris, an attorney, founded the first Rotary club in Chicago, Illinois, USA, in
In order to foster meaningful interactions and idea exchange, Harris intended to assemble a
group of experts with various educational and professional backgrounds. The National
Association of Rotary Clubs, today known as Rotary International, was founded in August
1910 by the 16 Rotary clubs operating in the United States at the time. Rotary began to grow
in a few more nations in 1912, and by July 1925, there were clubs on six different continents.
There are already more than 35,000 clubs, located in practically every nation on earth. Visit for additional details about Rotary's history.


Our areas of concentration are the issues we concentrate on to have the greatest impact.
These are the areas in which our most fruitful and long-lasting projects and initiatives are
located. We assist clubs in concentrating their service efforts in the following areas through
international funding and other resources:
There are seven pillars of Rotary International:
 Peace and Conflict Prevention / Resolution.
 Disease Prevention and Treatment.
 Water and Sanitation.
 Maternal and Child Health.
 Basic Education and Literacy.
 Economic and Community Development.
The foundational values of Rotary still guide the organisation today. These values-
Integrity, diversity, service, leadership, and fellowship—reflect our essential beliefs.
Our guiding principles contain themes that reflect our underlying values.

Five Avenues of Service, the cornerstone of club activities, are how we channel our
dedication to service.
• Club Service aims to strengthen clubs. An aggressive membership growth plan and good
relationships are the foundation of a successful organisation.
• Vocational Service encourages all Rotarians to work ethically and provide their knowledge
to address societal issues and needs.
• Community Service inspires each Rotarian to look for methods to advance the common good
and enhance the lives of those in their communities.
• International Service is a prime example of our ability to spread peace and understanding on
a worldwide scale. We promote this route by providing financial or volunteer support for
overseas projects, utilising the skills of regional members to create long-term alliances for
sustainable projects, looking for service partners abroad, and more.
• Through leadership development initiatives like Rotary, Interact, Rotary Youth Leadership
Awards, and Rotary Youth Exchange, Youth Service emphasises the value of empowering
youth and young adults.

The purpose of Rotary is to promote the idea of service as the cornerstone of worthwhile
endeavours, and in particular, to promote:
• FIRST: The growth of a friendship as a chance for service;
• SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; acceptance of the value of all
worthwhile professions; and respect for each Rotarian's vocation as a chance to serve society;
• THIRD: The implementation of the goal of service in each Rotarian's personal, professional,
and community spheres.
• FOURTH: The promotion of world peace, goodwill, and understanding through a global
business and professional fellowship.

The diversity of Rotary, an international organisation, is valued both globally and
within each club. Each organisation makes an effort to represent the diversity of its
neighbourhood by recruiting people from a variety of occupations, genders, ages, and
ethnicities. Your club will be better able to discover solutions and have a greater grasp of the
community and its issues if its members come from diverse backgrounds and points of view.
Fostering an inclusive culture where these diversity are valued, supported, and appreciated is
equally vital. Rotary does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, colour, religion,
national origin, or sexual orientation and is neither political nor religious.

The main website of Rotary,, provides details on membership, scholarships,
events, possibilities for online donations, the most recent Rotary news, and tales of Rotary
service and other endeavours around the world. When you create an account, you have access
to a number of resources, including:
• Brand Center: Here you can find customizable materials to help you promote your club,
projects, and programmes as well as messaging and visual guidelines.
• Discussion Groups: Discuss issues with other participants. Worldwide Rotary family on
thousands of issues
• Grant Center: Manage and apply for funding for your club. Learn more about Rotary and
other organisations in the learning centre. themes for professional development
• Rotary Club Central: View the objectives and profile of your club. Discover our
member perks by visiting Rotary Global Rewards. programme to receive savings on lodging,
food, and entertainment
• Rotary Ideas: Locate resources, partners, and volunteers for charitable endeavours
• Rotary Showcase: Display your completed work and peruse using the work of others to
generate fresh ideas for your own.

The chance to make contacts and experience abroad is another advantage of belonging
to a Rotary club. Rotary offers a variety of opportunities to interact with people from all over
the world, whether you choose to host a young exchange student, go to an international Rotary
meeting, or collaborate on a project with a club abroad.


All members and their families are invited to the Rotary International Convention,
which is held in May or June. Each year, it's often conducted in a different city throughout the
world and between 20,000 and 40,000 people attend. At the conference, Rotarians from all
around the world can network, celebrate Rotary, and form connections.


The interests and pastimes of Rotarians are as varied as they are. Rotary Fellowships,
which centre on recreational or professional interests, and Rotarian Action Groups, which
concentrate on particular service areas, are two types of international organisations that give
Rotarians avenues to explore interests they share with other members worldwide.
Tennis, music, and canoeing are just a few of the hobbies and professions represented
by Rotary Fellowships. Others include law enforcement, medicine, and photography. Their
interests are as diverse as their activities.


Participants in Rotary Friendship Exchange have the chance to experience various cultures and
Being a part of an exchange is a great way to meet new people, build relationships with people
around the world, and advance global understanding. As of July 1, 2017, both members and
non-members are welcome to take part in the program.


We think that developing young leaders, assisting them in developing their leadership
abilities, and providing them with opportunity to engage in cross-cultural experiences is an
investment in our future.


Rotary Youth Exchange encourages cross-cultural understanding and enduring

connections by allowing young people to travel to different regions of the globe. There are both
long-term and short-term exchanges. Short-term exchanges typically take place when school is
not in session and can last anywhere from a few days to many months. In addition to staying
with a local family, students may travel around the host nation with other international students
or attend a youth camp. In a long-term exchange, students live with host families and spend a
year attending school abroad. Exchanges differ greatly between districts, so to find out what's
available in your region, get in touch with the youth exchange chair for your district.


Young people between the ages of 12 and 18 may collaborate and have fun while
learning about service and advancing global understanding through Interact groups. Each group
is supposed to finish at least two significant projects year, one to benefit the neighbourhood
and the other to advance global understanding.
Rotary clubs are service organisations for young people ages 18 to 30 that place a strong
emphasis on civic engagement and leadership. Until they leave Rotaract, Rotaractors can join
Rotary clubs and take advantage of dual membership. Rotary clubs in the area fund Interact
and Rotaract clubs.

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