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My goal for the end of the unit is for my
1 students to understand the importance of
culture and collaboration. They will be able
to identify what builds culture and how to
use that information to learn more about
their community. Thusly, through that
research, they will be able to accomplish the
goal of learning about themselves and their


The way I want to hook my students is to 2
encourage learning through group efforts. I
believe that allowing students to expand
their learning environment makes them
more willing to create a meaningful product.
By introducing the learning medium of
video, I will encourage my students to
produce a newcast they can share with the
community to gather volunteers for a
community garden project.

I first got the students interested in learning
about culture by learning about themselves
with the help of a graphic organizer. Once
they share about themselves with the aid of
the graphic organizer, we can start to
experience how culture comes together to
form a community. The students can explore
what it means to be a community garden
coordinator and run a collaborative project.


Students will be allowed to
work in a group to gather 4
research about the needs of
their community garden.
During this process the
students will have the chance
to first look over the rubric,
create their video, and then
revisit and revise for maximum
credit once they get their
rubric returned to them.

The students will have a chance to self-assess
their video before submitting it for a grade.
They will also be allowed to self-assess when
they work in a group to research the
information for their newscast. As always, open
discussions are also encouraged where
students can ask questions and get feedback.

The students are provided multiple outlets to
expand their learning in this unit. For example,
we utilize various books, music, video, and
audio. Additionally, students are encouraged to
present their work in various ways such as
video presentations, oral presentations, written
assignments, and group as well as individual

I ensure that my students stay organized by
creating monthly unit plans that are posted
throughout the unit and readily available for
them to access.

Conduct research to learn about

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