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Name: Irish Lara A.

Arce Date: 10/16/21

Level & Section: G9-05 English 9 
“The Fairytale that started it all”
By: Irish Arce
Play Outline
I.             Literary Elements
A.   Characters
1. Graphenious
a. handsome, strong, kind Immortal
b. yearns to learn more about the events that happened
outside the barriers
c. has a weakness against any form of iron and steel which
hinders him to see what’s beyond his dynasty
2. Sapphire
a. grew to be a beautiful, independent, serious princess
b. loves to read and write about her past memories
c. left alone most of her life
3. Ranulf
a. mysterious, fake, traitor
b. kingdom’s sorcerer
4. Zelroth
a. envious, selfish, mean Immortal
b. one of Graphenious’ past friends
5. The Captain
a. affectionate, brave, caring man
b. father figure to Sapphire
B.   Setting
1.    Time
      a. Early 18th century
2.    Place
      a. Prague, Czech Republic
C.   Plot
1.    Exposition
a. There was once two peaceful and powerful kingdoms, one
kingdom with immortals but has the weakness of iron and
steel, on the other hand, a kingdom of morals. A moral king
grew envious of the other kingdom which then turned into a
gruesome battle, both Kings dead which left their children,
Graphenious, an immortal and Sapphire, a moral, to become
independent to rule the kingdoms separately.
2.    Rising Action
a. Graphenious wanted to see what was outside the barriers
of his kingdom and so he went on disguise and snuck out of
his castle and charged away, he then made Zelroth in
b. When Graphenious was about to enter in on the other
kingdom, he saw this girl getting ready to jump off a cliff and
end her life, he then stops her from jumping off, which then
the girl turned out to be Sapphire, she offers Graphenious to
stay in her castle as a sign of gratitude for saving her.
c. Graphenious saw the kingdom as very gloomy, he then
lies about his personal life and stayed in Sapphire’s palace
where he met Ranulf, the kingdom’s sorcerer, which then he
felt a little off about him at first but forgets the feeling later
d. After a few months, Graphenious and Sapphire then starts
to learn about the true meaning of love and starts realizing
that they made each other feel like somebody.
e. Ranulf then finds out about Graphenious’ identity and tells
Sapphire, she then gets viscously angry and casted
Graphenious away of her palace.
f. Ranulf then seeks for Zelroth’s help and tries framing
Graphenious, Ranulf then traps and ties up Graphenious
inside an iron plated room in the castle. 
3.    Climax
a. A battle against each kingdom then arises whilst
Graphenious found a way to escape the iron chamber.
Sapphire then learns the truth and tries fighting with Ranulf.
b. Zelroth and Graphenious then fights using their powers,
Graphenious didn’t want to hurt Zelroth but Zelroth didn’t
care about anything and fought aggressively and used a
sword that is made out of iron and steel.
c. Sapphire starts analyzing on what is happening and
sacrifices her life, jumping off the tower of the castle,
Graphenious tries saving her by flying towards her but she
fell very fast and onto her death.
d. Everyone fell silent on the event.
4.    Falling Action
a. Graphenious was paralyzed to see Sapphire on the grass
lifeless and so were the people amongst the crowd, that was
the moment when the people realized that love is worth
more than any fight.
b. Graphenious kissed Graphenious on the forehead and
cries out, after a few seconds later, a wizard appears out of
nowhere and revives Sapphire.
5.    Resolution
a. Graphenious and Sapphire lives a very happy life and the
two kingdoms were in harmony again.
b. They now have one child and the child’s name is
D.   Conflict
1.    Man vs. Man
a. Graphenious and Zelroth aggressively fights, Ranulf and
Sapphire also fought
b. Graphenious and Sapphire had a misunderstanding
2.    Man vs. Him/herself
a. Sapphire tries to end her life then later on realizes her
II.            Technical Elements
A.   Type of Stage
           1. Thrust Stage
B.   Scenery
1.    Backdrop
      a. Red grey skies with a dim and gloomy scenery
b. Grey and gloomy village and castle
c. Delicate, golden and diamond plated insides of a castle
d. Iron plated room
e. High cliff over an ocean
f. Starry nights
2. Set
      a. Gloomy trees and bushes
b. Benches
c. Canons and bombs
d. Medieval Standing Lights
e. Chandeliers
f. Small Tower
g. Throne chair
h. Armor Stands
i. Barriers
C.   Lighting
1.     Sudden fast flashes of light to make it seem like there is
2.     Spotlight focuses on the characters that have lines on their
scenes to highlight them
3. Dim lighting to make the mood gloomy at sad scenes
4. Bright lighting for happy and joyful scenes
5. Red lighting for fighting scenes to make it more dramatic
D.   Sound and Music
1.    Sound
      a. Sound of Thunder
b. Sound of swords clashing against each other
c. Sound of leaves rustling
d. Sound of wind howling
e. Sound of people shouting and fighting
f. Sound of mystic magic
g. Sound of bows shooting arrows
2. Music
      a. You will be found- Ben Platt
b. Everything has changed- Taylor Swift Ft. Ed Sheeran
c. Evermore- Dan Stevens
d. When will my life begin- Mandy Moore
e. Bad- Royal Deluxe
E.   Costume
1. Steel Full Armor, rock hard as titanium for the guards
2. A long bright red sleeveless overdress that had a split skirt with
chemise sleeves which made a contrast to her skin tone and her
sky blue eyes, also wrapped with a brown corset around the waist
and layered with a white petticoat that showed off her elegant body
glass type and her brown long luscious wavy hair for Sapphire
3. A red tailcoat which matched his glowing green eyes, a white
waistcoat with gigot sleeves at the sleeve cap which made a
contrast to his muscular body, and white trousers which made
great contrast to his tanned skin for Graphenious
4. As for the rest of the women, they wore their own custom made
overdress and skirts which reflected on the scale of how rich they
5. As for the rest of the men, they wore their own custom made
tailcoats with gigot sleeves and trousers which reflected on their
F.   Makeup
1. Natural make-up for Sapphire to highlight her dominant and bold
2. Strong cheekbone face makeup for Graphenious to absorb his
masculine and prince-like features
3. Heavy make-up for the rest of the women to show their snobby
4. Bare face make-up for the rest of the men to show their strong
but yet pretentious personalities
G.   Props
1. Swords and spears
2. Fake wings
3. Chains
4. Rope
5. Shields
6. Axes
7. Bow and arrows
III.             Performance Elements
A.   Acting
      1. Protagonists must display their lines in a confident and kind
2. Antagonists must present their lines in a mad and mysterious
type of way.
3. Contagonists must present their lines in a neat and gossiping
type of way.
B.   Speaking
       1. The actors would speak in an Old English accent clearly and
2. The background music would cover an adventurous type of
rhythm to it and it should be lying on top of the fighting scenes where
the actors would speak and get intensely louder and louder but enough
volume so that the actors can still be heard.
3. The background music would show a subtle and swift rhythm to
it but the volume would be low to highlight the heartfelt affection
scenes where the actors would be speaking on top of.
4. The actors would be singing different songs to express what
they feel in the different scenes to make it more dramatic.
5. Actor’s tones would be based off the scene that they will be
C.   Non-verbal Expressions
      1. Fighting scenes would be performed in a form of martial arts to
make it seem like the fighting is real.
2. Some actions would be improvised by the actors to make the
play have a different feel and make it more natural to the audience’s
3. Sad scenes would be performed with red teary eyes and frowns
seen on the actors’ faces.
4. In conversations, actors would display eye to eye contact and
natural hand movements, nothing too exaggerated.

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