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Anders rapidly fell to the ground.

His head knocked the floor, and he was left feeling paralyzed
in the upper part of his body. As he laid on the floor, tears streamed down his face, but he did not
let out a single whisper. While in this state, Anders heard immense screaming and more gunshots
around him. Without moving a single muscle, he thought about his dear little sister Emile.
Although Anders was sarcastic, rude, and often cold-hearted, there was one person in the world
who could penetrate his heart and have him see reason. This was Emile.

Anders thought about their time together and how he would not have the chance to say goodbye.
While he laid there crying, he heard a woman's voice. Unconscious and in pain, Anders believed
that it was all in his head. After a few more minutes the voice grew louder, and it reminded
Anders of his late mother's voice. His mother had a unique voice, one that sounded like a golden
voice often heard in a 60’s radio show.

“Welcome son,” the voice said.

Anders was terrified at first. But then, after realizing the voice resembled his mother, he calmed
down and had no doubt it was her.
“I’m not ready yet mom. I can't leave Emile,” said Anders.
“There is no need to worry my son. Your sister arrived this morning,” said Anders' mom.

Anders let out a sigh, and more tears fell. Not knowing what had happened to Emile, he made a
decision right then and there.

“Very well, let's make this quick," he said.

Anders started screaming to attract the attention of the same robber who shot him minutes
earlier. The robber came over and shot him through the heart four times.

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