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Name: Sani, Arham A.

Subject&Section: GEC101/Vv1

I learned a lot from this subject GEC101 Understanding the self, their so many dazzled in my
mind, even other lesson hard for me to deal with it, imagine they have a such theories about how
you much or better to understand yourself. I'm being impressed to the Sigmund Freud's
Psychoanalytic Theory, this theory focuses on the conflicts of the people during thier childhood
to better understand their current behavior and emotional problem. Also this Psychoanalytic
Theory of Sigmund Freud's focus with three parts of your own personality, the ID, Superego, and
the Ego. The id, is our aggressive desires, meanwhile the superego, our sense of right and wrong
and the ego, the balance between the id and superego. Meaning Sigmund Freud's simplifies us
that the way we decide on things or the way we take action in all we want to do is based on our
id, ego, and superego. It is really weird to think about this kind of theory that in your body or
mind there was a unconscious part and being controlled you the way you may think, and what've
learned in this theory of Freud's everybody has a unique personality that influences who we are,
how we act, how we deal with our own behavior and emotions, and the nature of our
relationship. Our personality is inescapable and essentially shapes us as individuals. Even
Freud's theory say that or suggested that the unconscious in you mind emulated us a great power
over our behaviour and personality. Nevertheless, we should also keep in our mind that this
theory of Sigmund Freud's does not claim to get an accurate interpretation on how we deal with
yourself still this is theory, it is up to you if you believe this kind of theory.

Also I want to disscussed here The Psychological View of the Self, which the Abraham Maslow
concepts the hierarchy of our needs. According to Abraham Maslow and from what I've
rememeber, there are five levels of our needs and this are the biological and psysiological, safety,
love or belonging; esteem, and self actualisation. The first level which is the biological and
psysiological needs revolves around to our basics of our lives that we simply cannot live without
like food, air, drink, sleep, and I think shelter, we need this kind of concept the biological and
psysiological of course to live, without having these options available to us the biological and
psysiological needs of hierarchy it is unpleasant to us and we innately cannot live in healthy way.
The second level is the level of safety needs, this level plays an important level it conributes to
your well being and also your basic health, this also relates to your physical safety such as
feeling protected from violence, also you felt safe and free to access all the health care services,
I ador this level of hierarchy the safety level the second this aim you to being not worried all the
time this kind of level influences our life positively because if we have this safety level then we
would be living with beneficial where fear does not exist. The third level in the hierarchy of
Abraham Maslow is the love or belonging level this kind of level it's not talk about your lovelife
however it talk about the intimacy what I mean is the super connection to our family, friendships
and all the people that sorround us. The third level which is the love or belonging influence our
lives because having this need meaning it can help us in overcomming the pain and emotional
stress, also this level often gives people support to keep them going through strength in their
relationship with others. The fourth level of our basic needs is esteem. According to Maslow, we
usually care about how our peers see us and always like to know that they respect and appreciate
the work we do, so that's why when I felt being respect or appreciated all the things I do my self
esteem start to feel higher or good because I start to feel that I'am doing a good job because
finally something special on me that people are noticing it, wow that is amazing. The fourth
level which is the esteem really a great influence on our lives I think because without it we might
feel useless, helpless or much being felt inferior of yourself, that why we need in our lives this
esteem. And the final level of the Maslow hierarchy of needs is self actualization from what I've
remember ma'am Nor-ain said that this level is about my own needs that makes me or you feel
important as a person, it is about knowing what matters most to you, achieving it, and finding
satisfaction because you know yourself and you will find what makes you happy. I loved this last
part of Maslow hierarchy theory because it involves a high level of knowledge on how you felt
being awesome that you don't care what others may say to you because you have a perspective in
yourself and motives about our self, and I think the last one of the Abraham Maslow hierarchy
level of needs it is different from other needs on the hierarchy theory, because it focussed on
your needs and it cannot be achieved without a person's basic needs being met.

At this point of my life, I see myself in the self actualization state or level because nowadays I
started to understand that I have to believe in myself and my own abilities before I felt being
unsatisfied or envy to others that I still have to compare myself from other and not being respect
and also back then I want others to point out the positive sides of me. But today I learned that I
have to know myself first what makes me happy that no matters what happen still I should to
undersatnd the things I like in my life that would make me feel deeply satisfied about my
existence as a person. At this point , my life is more than just a self acceptance stop pretending to
get attention just focus on positive vibes in your own identity. I really loved this kind of
discussion the Psychological View of the Self this lesson which the Abraham Maslow concepts
the hierarchy of our needs get to my nerve I have learned in this kind of lesson also to the
concept of our needs especially to the self actualization I'm being tougher about that. This level
of Maslow hierarchy affected me positively because I started to understand that no one would
ever respect and appreciate you unless you do first. Stop thinking bad about yourself because if
you describe yourself as a worthless person, of course people think it would be hard for others to
point out the unique abilities that you have as a person because you are not making it clear to
them. I remember myself when I was at the very lower point of my own self. I would always feel
embarrassed of who I am. I used to isolated myself from people and underestimate my abilities
because I have no self actualization, I have no esteem or I felt being not love there were a lot of
emotional accidents taking place in me such as, measuring myself against others, not accepting
myself holistically and thinking that I'm not in control. This has affected my self actualization
negatively because I always felt like a finished product as I always wanted perfection in my life
and was so naive to know that humans naturally lack of perfection because their's no perfect, it
took me time to grow up and realize who I am as a person and find my unique powers are. I
realized that this feeling of depreciatimg in my self was basically more than torturing me so I
wanted to move on this kinds of felling. Now, today I decided to conquer my best thing in my
life and move on to the next chapter of my life. I learned from this theory of Abraham Maslow
that the key to grow better is getting a high self actualization from this level you achieve a
professional control on your own independency, creativity and spontaneity. Forget all the
negative within my self and made me free from these torturing ideas that dancing in my heads. I
will do the best part of my life that makes me happy the way I planned my goals and worked o
hard to achieved it and being satisfied by the results were the turning point of my biological and
psysiological, safety, love or belonging; esteem, and self actualisation. I want to love myself
from the inside out and simply eliminate any source of prejudice that would take control over my
life and build some memorable enjoy moment that's make me happy.

Furthermore I learned a lot of really good lessons, besides that there so many theory that you
discussed to us that being vivid in my mind. Like the Erik Erikson’s Theory he said that the
personality of the human are being developed in a eight stages of psychosocial development
from your infancy to adulthood, if I’m not mistake I think the fist stage is the trust vs mistrust or
autonomy vs shame and so on. These stage will help you to understand the concept of who you
are like if your personality have a positive or negative outcome for personality development.
Also according to the theory that successful completion of each stage results in a healthy
personality and if you get failure in any of the stage therefore you are more unhealthy. But you
know if I think this kind of theory, I think I did not success to the stages of Erik Erikson’s theory
because during this stage in my life I felt that when I was young I was rebelling and doing things
that were not appropriate in my age in that time, I did respect others and my thought it was ok to
do what I wanted to do even I’m always rude. But anyway there are other theories that need to be
explained like the Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning, also the Social and Cultural
Views of the self my own understanding in this concept is the way our societies view us for
example like today’s world if you ask them what are the standards of beauty may be their answer
are based on the models or actors that we see in the movies or magazne, like if we were to praise
this kind of believe of beauty, this would be like they are saying that everybody should have
surgeries and as such to make themselves beautiful. This is what may people would understand
from my opinions about the concept of beauty. But if you ask me you should not be affected in
this kind of concept because everybody has their own definition of beauty, so that’s why you or
we should not be affected in the society’s opinion but still you should believe in your own
You know if I think this all theory that you discussed to us, you will questions yourself that what
they have a theory about you know how much you should appreciated yourself and to much
know about yourself. But for me do I should believe in all the kinds of theory that we discussed,
my answer is I don't but still I can see myself or my behavior, attitude that still I may reflect to
the theory they said. Anyway it’s just me experiencing each moment from my own unique
perspective. You know beyond our daily struggle to survive to know our self, are there any
questions more important than “Who am I?” “Who are you?” and “What are we doing here
together?” Yeah! you definitely questioning yourself. Yet none of these questions can be
addressed independently. But remember without “you,” there can be no “me,” and without our
relatedness, there is nothing for us to share. In the human journey, then, relating to Self and
relating to others are essential aspects of the same developmental process, still it up to you to
believe this kinds of theory from them.

Throughout this discussion, I can see at least I understand myself little by little. All the theory
that being discussed its help me to developed myself better, it's improve me to get knowledged
all the theory, even other theory hard to seek in my mind. But the best part of this is I get a lot of
learning regarding to all our topic that I should keep it to my heart. I will treasure all the learning
in my mind, no matter what happens still it up to me to understand myself, and I would like to
share also my experience throughout the discussion that I felt I'am not alone because all of us are
also struggling to find our self better and by doing that is you should be able to accept yourself
first, and understand the concept of who you are as a person and find your peace in mind to
achieve all you want in life. On other hand all the theory that you discussed to us is to inform or
aims us to explore the issues and concerns regarding to our self and identity to have more
understanding our self, I really love this concept on how you better understand ourselves because
now I'am aware of who I'm I or who I'am as a person. All the theory give us warrants and
discovery of information about our self with respect to our perspectives in our own life.
Furthermore all the theory aims to generate a new appreciation for the learning process and
develop a more critical and reflective attitudes while enabling our self to manage and improve
our self to attain a better quality of life. It is very important to have a such a learning in all the
concept of the theory of self, it helps us to overcome our fear in our self and being gratitude of
what we have. I see myself becoming more comfortable in all the aspects of myself. I'am very
satisfied to the results of my life now back then I felt insecure about my own identity because I
felt that I'am they only want to feel this kind of situation that you are struggling to know yourself
better but thanks to the new learning that I achieve, it gives me freedom to explore more about
myself it is alright to become low at least you have the power, I have the power to conquer that
sadness in myself and being able to enjoyed my own self without worries. It is very mportant to
Understand the Self about yourself to know your own identity, the more you know about
yourself, the better who you are in adapting life, and such changes that suit your needs. I also get
that the more you pay attention to your emotions and how you work, the better you will
understand why you do the things you did. The more you know about your own habits, the
easier it is to improve yourself. When it comes to human identity, Self awareness I think is
important when we have a better understanding of ourselves; we are able to experience
ourselves as unique and separate individual. We are then empowered to make changes and
to build on our areas of strength as well as identify where we would like to make improvements
in our selves.

I’ve learned from all the theory that having a clear understanding of one’s thought and
behavioral patterns helps you understand other people also. This ability to empathize
facilitates better personal and professional relationships to others. To know yourself is your
first priority! How can you realistically set goals, go about life and have successful
relationships, if you don't know who you are or what you want? You really can't. We tend
to underestimate the importance of knowing ourselves. Many of us go through each day
reacting to the events and just getting by rather than making conscious choices based on who
we are and what we want. When we do not know where we are headed for and it's hard to
set goals, get motivated and determine the best course of action. Before we can do any of
these things we must establish who we are. I have learned a lot more on knowing myself
to be aware of my strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes, observe and be aware of
my moods, reactions and responses to what is happening around me. Becoming aware of
how these moods and emotions affect my state of mind. Examine how can I interact
with other and be observance on how my environment affects myself, I really appreciate all
the theory that we have been discussing.

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