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CHI-SQUARE: Goodness of fit


A Gambler is playing at the casino that using 4 dices. The winnings are directly related to the
number of reported sixes. The game is fair then what is his probability to outcome his throw if he has
120 trials of throws?

Test the null hypothesis of the gambler on what is his probability distribution that outcome each throw
with the 5% level of significance.

SIXES 0 1 2 3 4
FREQUENCY 36 46 15 9 6

Please refer in the excel file:

SIXES % E O O–E O – E^2 O – E^2/E

0 33% 39.6 36 -3.6 12.96 3.0556

1 46% 55.2 48 -7.2 51.84 0.9391
2 11% 13.2 12 -1.2 1.44 0.1090
3 7% 8.4 18 9.6 92.16 10.9714
4 3% 3.6 6 2.4 5.76 1.6000
100% 120 16.6751

Test-statistic = 16.6751

Level of significance = 0.05

Degrees of freedom = k – 1= 5–1=4

Critical value = 9.49

Therefore 16.6751 > 9.49 this enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis and to think that there is a
significant difference in the proportion in the community.
Chi – square: test for independent

Problem 2:

We conducted a survey on an internet café there are 700 people that is playing and using PC’s,
we’ve asked the 700 people how often they are here in the internet café. Below are the results of the
survey that we’ve make. Find if this survey have enough evidence to conclude how often people come
here at the internet café with 10% level of significance.


FREQUENCY 90 118 122 65 207 96 102

DAY E O E–O (E – O)^2 (E – O)^2/E

MONDAY 700/7 = 100 90 -10 100 1.0000
TUESDAY 700/7 = 100 118 18 324 3.24
WEDNESDAY 700/7 = 100 122 22 484 4.84
THURSDAY 700/7 = 100 65 -35 1225 12.25
FRIDAY 700/7 = 100 207 107 11449 114.49
SATURDAY 700/7 = 100 96 -4 16 0.16
SUNDAY 700/7 = 100 102 2 4 0.04
1350 136.02

Test statistics = 136.02

Level of significance = 0.1

Degrees of freedom = k – 1 = 6

Critical value = 10.64

Since 136.02 > 10.64 there is enough critical value to reject the null hypothesis to think that there are
significant difference proportion playing each day of the week.

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