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Performance of a rotating drum skimmer

in oil spill recovery

A H Hammoud1* and M F Khalil2

Mechanical Engineering Department, Beirut Arab University, P.O. Box 11-5020, Beirut, Lebanon
Mechanical Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Alexandria 21544, Egypt

Abstract: Oil spill recovery by means of a rotating drum skimmer was investigated experimentally for a
wide range of design and operating conditions. The effect of drum diameter, drum length, rotating speed, oil
lm thickness, oil properties, and drum centre height above the oil/water interface surface were analyzed
with respect to oil recovery rate of the drum skimmer. Crude, diesel, SAE 10 W and SAE 140 W oils were
used during this investigation. It was found that oil recovery rate increases with increasing drum diameter,
drum length, drum centre height above the oil/water interface, and oil slick thickness oil viscosity, and
increases as oil density and surface tension decreases. The results revealed that the drum skimmer is an
effective device for recovering spills of low viscosity oil, such as light crude oil, which is the type of oil
involved in most serious spills and pollutions of the sea. Furthermore, an empirical equation is proposed for
predicting the oil recovery rate of the device. The equation can be applied to different oils, and gives good
agreement with observed data.

Keywords: drum skimmer, oil recovery rate, oil spills, marine pollution

NOTATION s surface tension of oil (N/m)

o angular speed (2pN/60) (rad/s)
d drum diameter (mm)
h drum centre height above oil/water
interface surface (mm) 1 INTRODUCTION
H normalized drum centre height
L drum length (mm) Oil spills can have a serious impact on coastal activities and
N drum rotational speed (rpm) on the resources of the sea as well as on marine life. The
q normalized oil recovery rate quantity of oil spill and the length of the affected area
Q oil recovery rate (m3/s) require a well-prepared plan and proper selection of a clean-
Re Reynolds number up technique to assure rapid and effective oil spill contain-
t oil spill thickness (mm) ment and recovery. The response to the spill was found to be
T normalized oil lm thickness relatively successful due largely to the existence of effective
Voil oil volume (m 3) clean-up methods. The limitation of spill control techniques
Vwater water volume (m3) must be appreciated and the most suitable equipment
Vtotal total volume of mixture (m3) selected for the anticipated range of weather conditions
W drum submergence in water (mm) and oil types. As an example, chemical dispersants can be
We normalized Weber number used in stronger currents and bad sea conditions, but they
are not effective for all types of oil and sea conditions [1].
m dynamic viscosity of oil (N s/m2) In addition, the possible effects on marine organisms must
r density of oil (kg/m3) be considered, as well as the disadvantages of chemical
dispersal that should be part of the contingency planning
The MS was received on 14 June 2002 and was accepted after revision for
publication on 4 December 2002. In short, any method of response that can help to
*Corresponding author: Mechanical Engineering Department, Beirut Arab minimize the damage caused by oil spill is worthy of
University, P.O. Box 11-5020, Beirut, Lebanon. consideration. The mechanical clean-up techniques have
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proved to be among the best alternatives for quick response, The objective of the present study was to investigate
as concluded by Tsocalis et al. [2]. The skimmers are the performance characteristics of the drum skimmer in
designed to recover oil from the water surface using the oil recovery under a wide range of operating conditions.
adhesive property of their surfaces, whether disk, belt, Extensive experimental work has been carried out under
brush, or drum in conguration. In the case of the drum controlled conditions in order to collect ample oil recovery
skimmer, which is partially submerged below the oil/water data. The collected data were used to obtain an empirical
interface surface, as the skimmer is rotated through the oil equation useful in the prediction of oil spill recovery rate.
slick, oil adheres to the drum surface and is recovered by a
scraper into a central collector where it is pumped to
containment equipment. 2 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND
Over the last two decades Turner and his group presented PROCEDURE
extensive studies towards understanding and improving the
hydrodynamic performance of disk skimmers [3–9]. Figure 1 shows the general features of the test rig used in the
Recently, Hammoud and Khalil presented several studies on present investigation. The apparatus consists of a rectangu-
the hydrodynamics of both disk and belt skimmers [10–12]. lar water reservoir (1) of dimensions 0.60 6 0.6 6 1.00 m
The drum skimmer was one of the very rst mechanical made of Plexiglas and built inside a rigid steel frame (2).
methods used and is one of the simplest that can be applied The drum (3) dimensions are of 200, 250, and 300 mm
to recover oil or oil–water mixtures from the sea surface. diameter, with lengths of 450, 300 and 200 mm, respec-
Although drum skimmers are used for oil recovery, tively. Each drum was mounted separately on the shaft in a
published information about their hydrodynamic perfor- xed position using two 50-mm diameter steel washers and
mance is limited. screw bolts. The shaft (4) is connected through one of its
In a study carried out by Environment Canada [13], free ends to a variable speed motor (6) via a V-belt and
counter-rotating drums were used to investigate the effect pulley arrangement (7). The shaft rotational speed was
of drum speed and the gap between the drums on the oil regulated through a variable frequency inverter (8) (Hitachi
recovery, rate for two types of oil. This study reported that, 4SB) used with the motor.
at drum speeds greater than 10 rpm, turbulence occurred in Each drum has its own scraper. The scraper (9) is made of
the region between the two drums and caused a build-up of Plexiglas, having exible rubber in the drum contact area.
emulsied oil of up to 12 cm thick. It was stated that the gap The scraper length is 100 mm longer than the corresponding
width between the drums had a minor effect on oil recovery drum length. The scraper is mounted with an inclination of
rate. In 1993, a dual drum skimmer was tested under 5¯ with respect to the horizontal to wipe the oil. A guide bar
controlled calm wave and current conditions at xed slick (10) is used to adjust the inclination of the scraper. The
thickness to determine the effect of drum rotational speed on scraped oil is directed to the collecting tank (12) through a
oil recovery rate [14]. It was concluded that the rate of tray (11).
maximum oil recovery is dependent on drum rpm and oil The water reservoir was lled with water up to a certain
viscosity. For low viscosity oil, maximum oil recovery rate level indicated by a graduated scale of 1 mm accuracy on
occurs at a higher speed than for high viscosity oil. In one side of the tank away from the rotating drum.
addition, oil recovery rate increases with oil thickness for Oil of controlled volume was poured on the water
both low and high viscosity oils. Furthermore, oil recovery surface. Oil slick thickness was measured using the grad-
rate decreases with wave height for both low and high uated scale and then compared with the calculated value
viscosity oil and increases with current velocity. The based on oil volume divided by cross-sectional area of the
double drum simply offers a greater surface for skimming water tank. Both methods gave the same oil lm thickness
and consequently a larger oil recovery rate. with an accuracy of 5 per cent for oil lm thickness (t)
Lorenzo et al. [15] investigated experimentally the perfor- equal to or more than 20 mm, and 10 to 20 per cent for
mance of single and double drum skimmers for various t º 10 mm or below. Crude oil, diesel fuel, SAE 10 W and
viscosities of emulsied and non-emulsied oils, with drum SAE 140 W were used during this investigation. The
speed varying between 35 and 44 rpm. They indicated that drum used in this study is made of PVC, and its
oil recovery rate and recovery efciency increase with oil selection is based on a previous study by Hammoud and
viscosity. Khalil [11].
Finally, the performance of a drum skimmer during the Before each run, the oil lm thickness and the drum
recovery of oil spill oating on the water surface is depen- height above the water/oil interface surface were measured.
dent on a large number of parameters and needs more However, in order to keep the oil lm thickness constant
thorough investigation. In addition, the available studies during the experiment, the stored oil in the compensating
were performed on commercial oils that do not have any tank (13) was poured above the water reservoir surface
bearing on what is actually found in oil spill situations. For through a manual control valve (14).
that reason the main focus of the present study was on crude During the experimental programme, the oil lm thickness
oil since it is the one that is involved in most of the serious was varied from 10 to 40 mm through the variation of oil
spills and pollutions of the seas. volume poured over the water surface in the water reservoir.
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Fig. 1 Drum skimmer assembly

The height of the drum axis over the oil–water surface At a xed oil thickness, the rotational speed was varied
interface was varied by varying the water level inside the from 20 to 75 rpm. However, in order to estimate random
reservoir by adding or draining a controlled volume of water. error (repeatability), each reading of oil recovery rate was
At the end of each experiment, the oil from the collecting repeated three times and the average value for each para-
tank (12) was returned to the compensating tank (13). meter was recorded. Measurements are estimated to be
In a manner similar to that applied by Khalil and accurate to within §0.5 per cent for rotational speed and
Hammoud [10–12], the oil recovery rate and the oil §2.5 per cent for oil recovery rate. All tests were carried
recovery efciency were recorded . The volume and the out at an approximately constant temperature of ¹27 ¯ C
weight of the collected skimmed mixture (oil and water) and data was collected after the steady-state condition was
during a specic recovery time (1 min) and at a certain attained. The types and properties of oil used in this
oil lm thickness were measured. This mixture was left for investigation are presented in Table 1.
24 h in a graduated cylindrical vessel away from the
experimental apparatus to ensure complete separation
between water and oil. The volume of both oil and water 3 VISUAL INVESTIGATION OF OIL FLOW
was then obtained from measurements and from calcula-
tions by comparing mixture, oil, and water densities. Both
The rst step in the experimental study consisted of visual
methods gave the same values for Voil and Vwater. The oil
investigations to examine the movement of the oil lm over
recovery rate was then calculated by dividing the net oil
the water surface in the vicinity of a drum. Figures 2(a) and
volume (Voil) by the recovery time, then the oil recovery
2(b) present typical results obtained from these investiga-
efciency was obtained by dividing the oil volume by the
tions. In Fig. 3, traces of the oil streamlines shown in
total volume of the mixture (Vtotal), that is oil recovery
Fig. 2(a) were used to indicate the oil ow patterns over
efciency ˆ (Voil/Vtotal) 6 100 per cent. The preliminary
the water surface generated due to drum rotation. A digital
experiments indicated that the oil recovery efciency was
video camera was used to record the oil collection process
in excess of 92 per cent.
and then photos were traced into streamlines using the
AutoCAD program.
The photographs indicate an interesting feature. Oil
Table 1 Properties of oil used at 27¯ C collection occurs symmetrically on either side of the down-
Density Surface Viscosity ward moving part of the drum as shown in Fig. 3. In
Oil type (kg/m3) tension (N/m) (N s/m2) addition, it can be observed that the attached oil lm,
Diesel oil 825 4.188 6 10¡2 2.6 6 10¡3 which is drawn below the water surface, is carried through
Heavy oil 140 W 900.5 16.75 6 10¡2 2.2071 the water body as the drum rotates and some oil droplets
Crude oil 839 2.094 6 10¡2 2.65 6 10¡2 move radially outward and are thrown off into the water
Light oil 10 W 840 6.28 6 10¡2 4.5 6 10¡2
body. This depended on the rotating speed. This behaviour
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Fig. 4 Skimming process using light oil SAE 10 W


4.1 Heavy oil recovery test

Heavy oil recovery tests were conducted using SAE 140 W
oil. During the test, it was observed that recovery was
intermittent and non-uniform. This is due to the fact that
the oil cannot move towards the skimming region with a rate
equal to that recovered by the drum even at a very low
rotational speed. This may be caused by high oil viscosity,
which results in high shear stress and, consequently, high
resistance between oil layers, which reduces the oil approach
velocity over the water surface towards the drum skimmer.
Fig. 2 (a) Thick oil disappears on water surface in front of the This can be seen in Fig. 2(a) where the periphery of the
drum; (b) Heavy oil SAE 140 W drum is almost covered with the adhered oil before
the scraping operation takes place. Figure 2(b) indicates
that the rotating drum surface is bare as it is not covered by
oil after the scraping process, and no oil was found to adhere
was recorded by direct observations of the drum where oil
to the drum surface.
is the rst of the two liquids (oil and water) to be
Figure 3 shows the streamlines of the oil owing over the
encountered by the cleaned drum as it rotates below the
water surface towards the drum. Figures 2(a) and 3 show
water surface. From this observation, and noting that
also that, after oil sticks to the drum surface, oil disappears
the two liquids are immiscible, it is clear that water
from the water surface skimming region and no oil reaches
cannot form a boundary layer on the drum surface. The
the skimming region in front of the drum.
operation of the drum skimmer indicated also that oil was
However, in the case of lighter oils (diesel or 10 W), for
thrown upward by the drum where it emerged through the
example, the required time for oil movement to the skim-
water surface.
ming area is much shorter (Fig. 4). For this reason, it can be

Fig. 3 Oil streamlines over water surface due to drum rotation

in thick oil (SAE 140 W) Fig. 5 Skimming process, using crude oil
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Fig. 6 Effect of oil lm thickness on oil recovery rate at

different rpm; d ˆ 300 mm, L ˆ 450 mm, crude oil Fig. 7 Effect of drum centre height on oil recovery rate,
t ˆ 20 mm

concluded that the drum skimmer is not suitable for heavy

oils as oil does not ow out quickly. No further tests were 4.2.2 Effect of drum centre height on crude oil
run using heavy oil. recovery rate

The oil recovery rate was found to increase remarkably with

4.2 Performance of drum skimmer using crude oil the variation of drum centre height above the water surface
interface, as demonstrated in Fig. 7, at a constant rotational
The general view of the drum during the skimming process speed of 60 rpm, and an oil lm thickness of 20 mm. The
of crude oil is shown in Fig. 5. drum centre height above the oil/water surface interface was
reduced in steps of 5 mm in each run. The tests were carried
out on drums of two diameters, d ˆ 250 and 300 mm, having
4.2.1 Effect of drum speed and oil lm thickness
the same length. The results indicated that the oil recovery
on crude oil recovery rate
rate increases with decreasing water level. This is due to the
Figure 6 indicates the oil recovery rate of the drum skimmer increase of centre height (h), the reduction in drum submer-
using crude oil at different rotational speeds. The tests were gence lowering the holding time of oil lm that adheres to
carried out at xed drum centre height above the oil/water the drum surface below the water surface. In turn, this
interface surface, h ˆ 90 mm, whereas the oil lm thickness reduces the oil loss from the drum surface to the water body.
above the water surface was varied from 10 to 40 mm. The
results indicate that for certain oil lm thicknesses, as the 4.2.3 Effect of drum diameter on oil recovery rate
speed of rotation increases, the oil recovery rate increases.
However, the recorded oil recovery efciency was found to The effect of drum diameter was examined using three
be 97 per cent at 60 rpm and reduced to 95 per cent at different drums of the same length, and of diameters 200,
75 rpm. This may be caused by the increase in water 250 and 300 mm. The tests were carried out at the same
percentage in the oil–water mixture, which is due to the centre height above the water surface (the same water
increase in the drum rotational speed. immersion W, see Fig. 8), with respect to drum centre line
Figure 6 indicates also the effect of oil lm thickness on with h ˆ 40 mm for d ˆ 200 mm diameter, h ˆ 65 mm for
oil recovery rate. It is clear that at certain speeds, the increase d ˆ 250 mm, and h ˆ 90 mm for d ˆ 300 mm. The results
in oil lm thickness increases the drum contact area with oil showed that in all cases oil recovery rate increases with
and consequently increases the oil recovery rate. increasing drum diameter (Figs 9(a)–(d)).

Fig. 8 Centre height location, h

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4.2.4 Effect of drum diameter on oil recovery

rate at constant peripheral velocity

In order to investigate the effect of the drum diameter

unaffected by the rotational speed of the drum, the data of
the above tests was examined and plotted at equal peripheral
velocity in Fig. 10. For a constant peripheral velocity as an
example (Fig. 10(a)), at 10 m/s and t ˆ 10 mm, the 250-mm
drum recovers 3.3 6 10¡4 m3/s, whereas the 300-mm drum
recovers 6 6 10¡4 m3/s. That is to say, there is an increase
of about 45 per cent in oil recovery rate. Similarly

Fig. 9 Effect of drum diameter on oil recovery rate

(a) t ˆ 10 mm, L ˆ 450 mm, crude oil; (b)
t ˆ 20 mm, L ˆ 450 mm, crude oil; (c) t ˆ 30 mm,
L ˆ 450 mm, crude oil; (d) t ˆ 40 mm, L ˆ 450 mm, Fig. 10 Effect of drum diameters on the oil recovery rate at
crude oil constant peripheral velocity
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the middle region of the drum. Oil recovery rate increases

with increasing drum length up to a certain value, after
which drum length has a relatively minor effect on oil
recovery rate. In the present study, the effective length
obtained from the available drums is 300 mm. The results
showed that, for d ˆ 300 mm, the recovery rate increased by
24 per cent when the drum length was changed from
150 mm to 300 mm, whereas the rate increased by only
2 per cent when the 300-mm length drum was replaced by
the 450-mm length drum.

4.3 Effect of oil type on oil recovery rate

Experimental results were obtained for both diesel oil and
SAE 10 W oil. The results show the same physical trend for
Fig. 11 Effect of drum length on oil recovery rate, t ˆ 30 mm, the effect of different operating parameters and drum
d ˆ 300 mm, h ˆ 90 mm, crude oil dimensions on oil recovery rate. Owing to space limitation,
it was decided not to present all the experimental data and
graphs for these kinds of oils, but they are included with that
(Fig. 10(b)), at 10 m/s and t ˆ 20 mm, the 250-mm drum of the crude oil in the dimensional analysis (Fig. 12).
recovers 3.5 6 10¡4 m3/s, whereas the 300-mm drum reco-
vers 6.5 6 10¡4 m3/s. This demonstrates clearly that the
drum diameter has a signicant effect on oil recovery rate. 5 DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS
A possible explanation for this increase is that the thickness
of oil that adheres to the drum surface increases with 5.1 Proposed empirical equation
increasing drum diameter. This indicates that the rotational
When oil spill is recovered by a rotating drum skimmer, the
speed and the drum diameter are the main factors affecting
following variables are involved:
skimmer performance. This is clearly indicated by the
results presented in Figs 10(c) and (d).
f1 (Q; d; L; o; h; t; r; m; s) ˆ 0 (1)

4.2.5 Effect of drum length on crude oil recovery rate

where Q ˆ the oil recovery rate (m3/s), d ˆ drum outer
The effect of drum length on oil recovery rate is presented in diameter (m), L ˆ drum length (m), o ˆ rotational speed
Fig. 11. It is clear that as the length of the contact area (rad/s), h ˆ height of the drum centre above the oil/water
increases, oil recovery rate increases. However, visual interface surface (m), t ˆ oil lm thickness (m), r ˆ oil
inspection of the wetted drum suggests that the oil thickness density (kg/m3), m ˆ dynamic viscosity of oil (Pas), and
covering the drum during the skimming operation is not s ˆ oil surface tension (N/m). In this investigation, the oil
uniform. In fact, it is thick at the drum edges and thinner in ow rate was normalized by (o ¢ d ¢ L ¢ t).

Fig. 12 Effect of oil type on oil recovery rate, d ˆ 300 mm, L ˆ 450 mm, t ˆ 30 mm

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By applying the Buckingham p theorem, this equation An advantage of this equation is that it can be applied to a
can be arranged as wide range of drum diameters, drum lengths, rotating
speeds, oil lm thicknesses, oil properties, and drum
q ˆ f (Re; We; H ; T ) (2) centre heights. Because it has an acceptable value of relative
average error of 17.32 per cent, the equation can be applied
where q ˆ normalized ow rate ˆ Q/(o ¢ d ¢ t ¢ L), Re ˆ to the design and operational stages of drum skimmers to get
Reynolds number ˆ r ¢ o ¢ d2/m, We ˆ Weber number ˆ quick, reasonable, and reliable values.
r ¢ o2 ¢ d3/s, T ˆ normalized oil lm thickness ˆ t/d, and Finally, an expression for the oil recovery rate Q can be
H ˆ normalized drum centre height ˆ h/d. obtained from equation (4) as
In this study, the functional form in equation (2) is
assumed to be a power equation: Q ˆ 0:026521
o1:23 £ d 1:75 £ h0:17 £ t0:1 £ L £ m0:65 3
q ˆ K ¢ Rea ¢ Web ¢ H g ¢ T z (3) £ m /s
r0:21 £ s0:44
The constants in equation (3) are determined from the
collected experimental data for the three oils (crude, diesel Note: units for all parameters in the equation should be S.I.
and SAE 10 W). A regression analysis of the functional units.
relationship given in equation (3) leads to

q ˆ 0:026521 £ Re¡0:647 £ We0:436 £ H 0:168 £ T ¡0:89

From the results of the experimental work carried out, the
Equation (4) is valid for PVC drum material and the
following conclusions are drawn.
conditions under which the experiments were conducted in
this study, that is, 1. The drum skimmer can be used effectively to recover
spills of low viscosity oils, such as light crude oil.
0:2 < d < 0:3 m; 0:15 < L < 0:45 m; 2. The oil recovery rate of the drum skimmer increases with
25 < N < 75 rpm; 0:01 < t < 0:04 m; increasing drum diameter, drum length, drum centre
height above the oil/water interface, oil slick thickness
0:05 < h < 0:12 m; 3300 < Re < 22 300; and oil viscosity, and as oil density and surface tension
2000 < We < 69 000 decrease.
3. An empirical equation is proposed for predicting the oil
The basic parameter used to determine the accuracy of the recovery rate of the drum and is derived from a range of
formula is data of drum dimensions and operating conditions. It can
be applied to different types of oils and gives good
qcalculated ¡ qmeasured agreement with the observed data.
%error ˆ £ 100

Equation (4) has a correlation coefcient of 0.9 and an

average rms value of relative error as 17.32 per cent (Fig. 13). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

The authors wish to thank the Mr J. Smith (Foss Environ-

mental Worldwide, USA) and L. Pertile (Aquaguard
company, Canada) for their technical support.


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