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MARCH 2021





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Front cover 1

Declaration student 2

Content paperwork 3


2.0 FACTS 6

2.1 Issue and problem 6

2.2 Solution 7

2.3 Methodology used 16

2.4 Strengths and improvement of articles 18

2.5 Suggestion of articles 18




Food hygiene constitutes a necessity of Good Manufacturing/Agricultural Practices and the

development of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), as well being as a component of all
GFSI-benchmarked food safety standards. Government, industry, and consumers all play a role in
safe sanitation and food hygiene practices.

Studies have shown that an appreciable percentage of foodborne illness cases can be attributed to
poor sanitation and food hygiene, including poor personal hygiene and contamination of equipment
and/or environments. Examples of food recalls related to sanitation issues include the
contamination and subsequent recall of deli meats in Canada in 2008, when cells of Listeria
monocytogenes were transferred to the product after surviving in equipment niches, where they
were protected from sanitation procedures. The company was very public about the changes made
to the sanitation program since then, including regular testing to monitor the success of the strategy
in reducing environmental contamination.

Due to the risk, the Codex Alimentarius Commission provides an international code of practice
concerning food hygiene: . Within it, the
following general prerogatives of the guidelines are laid out:

 Identify the essential principles of food hygiene applicable throughout the food chain
(including primary production through to the final consumer), to achieve the goal of
ensuring that food is safe and suitable for human consumption
 Recommend a HACCP-based approach to enhance food safety
 Indicate how to implement those principles
 Provide guidance for specific codes which may be needed for – sectors of the food chain;
processes; or commodities; to amplify the hygiene requirements specific to those areas

When designing a food hygiene and sanitation program, a total supply chain approach is crucial. The
major areas to cover are:

 Personal hygiene
• Equipment
• Environment
• Air
• Water

A key thing to note about these areas is that they function not as a static entity, but as a constantly
evolving system. This is why good food hygiene programs need to be responsive to the dynamics of
the plant environment and emerging risks – the same proactive approach used when developing

According to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, food hygiene should cover all these elements
throughout the supply chain (all GFSI-benchmarked standards have similar requirements for
housekeeping and food hygiene, with details laid out in their respective guidance documents):

• Primary Production (environmental hygiene, hygienic production, handling

storage & transport, cleaning, maintenance, and personnel hygiene)
• Establishment – design and facilities (location, premises and rooms, equipment,
• Control of operation (food hazards, hygiene control systems, incoming
materials, packaging, water, management & supervision, documentation &
records, recall procedures)
• Establishment – maintenance and sanitation (maintenance & cleaning, cleaning
programmes, pest control systems, waste management, monitoring
• Establishment – personal hygiene (health status, illness and injuries, personal
cleanliness, personal behaviour, visitors)
• Transportation (general, requirements, use & maintenance)
• Product information and consumer awareness (lot identification, product
information, food labelling, consumer education)
• Training (awareness & responsibilities, training programmes, instruction &
supervision, refresher training


2.1 Issue and problem statement

What we can talk about based on article 1 and 2 about poisoning food, one of issue between of
that two article that I can take about the nasi lemak served by the organiser of the Kongres Maruah
Melayu (Malay Dignity Congress) held here Sunday (Oct 6) was found to be the cause of the food
poisoning that affected 197 participants where is food poisoning comes from when people eat it, the
symptom of diarrhoea and vomiting and, based on the issue, according from Selangor Health
Director Datuk Dr Khalid Ibrahim said this was based on analysis of food samples taken at the
location of the event it has been identified that it is no good and is not enough to eat it , so that
students have food poisoning.

Furthermore, referring to the issue in article 3 Segambut “noodle factory gets closure notice over
rat droppings, dirty equipment “where is the premise was ordered to close by DBKL because hygiene
is not maintained in a tooltip that is used to produce a food product. The equipment and food
processing machineries were dirty and in poor condition.

Last but not least, based on article 4 and 5 states that food manufacturing factories here with have
been found to be operating under poor hygiene condition, and one of them, producing a variety of
cereal products, the read operation after ordered to close and clean up after a Health Traverse.
HACCP can withdraw the halal certificate and seize the premises.

2.2 Solution

Issues and problems found from article 1 to article 5 there are different solutions where each issue
that occurs through the article is different, some through hygiene and sanitation in terms of personal
food handler, equipment used to produce products and environmental areas which is conducive.

Based on the solutions of issue in article 1 and 2 is related with personal hygiene food handler
because good personal hygiene can prevent food poisoning. Bacteria that cause food poisoning can
be on everyone – even healthy people. You can spread bacteria from yourself to the food if you
touch your nose, mouth, hair, or your clothes, and then food. Good personal hygiene also makes
good business sense. Customers like to see food-handling staff who take hygiene seriously and
practise safe food handling. Watch how your co-workers handle food and consider it from a
customer’s point of view. Would you want to eat at, or buy food from, the place you work? here
attached some tips of hygiene for product handlers. Besides that, hygiene hand also so important.
What is hand hygiene? Hand hygiene means cleaning hands with soap and water or alcoholic hand
washing liquid.

Why is it important? Hand hygiene is the most effective way to prevent bacterial infections. Many
illnesses, such as colds and flu, occur because of infection from person to person. Despite looking
clean, hands can still carry germs. Germs are so small that at all invisible. When we touch other
people or things, we can spread germs without realize it. We should wash our hands thoroughly and
often, especially before, during and after preparing food, after defecating or replacing diapers, after
clearing a runny nose, sneezing, or coughing, when hands clearly look dirty, after smoking, after
managing or petting animals, before and after managing a sick person, when entering and leaving a
clinic or hospital.

Next, personal body hygiene like long nails is a good place for bacteria. Keep nails short, dry, and
clean. Avoid using nail polish. Nails need to be taken care of well and properly. Clean it often
because dirty materials and germs like E. coli and S. aureus are present on long and dirty nails.
While hair must be neatly combed, tied, and covered. Do not scratch or hold the hair while handling
food. Do not comb the hair while in the food preparation area the hair must be cleaned with
shampoo. Also, mouth, nose, teeth & ears which is to avoid holding and scratching the ears while

working, Staphylococcus aureus is usually found in the mouth, nose, and ears. Bacterial transfer can
occur and can contaminate food if coughing or sneezing while handling food and feeling food using
fingers. Digging nose while preparing food spitting everywhere biting nails or licking fingers smoking
while preparing food. Finally, the skin surface of the body usually contains germs S. aureus (one of
the pathogenic germs often involved in food poisoning) can be detected at the wound site. Cover all
wounds with a clean, waterproof bandage. Do not place any chemical agents on the feet or hands
do not scratch the injured skin while near food.

Furthermore, wearing single hand glove because hands are limbs that are in frequent contact
with food. Therefore, it should be cleaned every time before starting food preparation work or after
going to the toilet, after touching the face especially the nose, mouth or ears, after handling raw
food, garbage and other cleaning-related tasks. In addition to hand washing, use clean and proper
gloves; can reduce cross -contamination. In handling ready-to-eat or raw foods such as salads and
salads eaten directly, the use of chopsticks, spoons or forks or other utensils is best but sometimes
using hands speeds up the work of food preparation such as cutting cooked chicken, preparation of
chicken rice, kerabu rice, salads, and other foods. Food handlers who prepare, package, or serve
food for sale must always ensure that the preparation, packaging or serving of food is free from any
contamination. Example do not use unlined hands to handle any unpackaged food and take all
reasonable steps to prevent customers from using unlined hands to pick up any unpackaged food.
Do not use breath to open any bags or wrappers specifically for the preparation of packaging and
serving. Do not store any raw materials, ingredients, intermediate food products or finished food
products at temperatures that may assist in the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms or the
formation of toxins. Ensure that the food heater maintains the temperature of the food at a
temperature above 60°C if the food to be served is hot.

Other than that, wearing proper attire from an ethical hygiene perspective, the wear of people
handling food plays a very important role in protecting food from contamination during and after
food preparation. Daily dress (street dress)-daily dress is also always worn by food handlers when
doing the work of preparing food in most food premises for example in food stalls and restaurants.
Wearing clean daily clothes and covering all limbs is appropriate if the food preparation work is done
at home, but not appropriate if wearing daily clothes at stalls or restaurants as it can invite
contamination from outside to the kitchen where the food is prepared. There are also food handlers

wearing aprons to protect their daily clothes from being contaminated. Wearing clean, appropriate
and appropriate daily clothing and not contributing to any contamination and clean, appropriate and
brightly colored overalls or brightly colored aprons, headgear and shoes, or any appropriate clothing
is mandatory in under the law.

Uniforms - uniforms supplied by employers in some food premises such as restaurants, canteens,
cafeterias and caterers are a good action to maintain the status (identity) or branding (brand) of the
premises, and indirectly provide protection against contamination to food prepared and served.
However, uniforms should always be cleaned to avoid contamination and they should not be worn
as daily clothes. For food processing factories, this matter needs to be given serious emphasis as a
measure to reduce contamination of the food provided. The use and selection of brightly colored,
clean and appropriate uniforms is also important so that any dirt will be easily detected and also as a
hygiene condition.

Outer clothing (overalls) - the use of outer clothing is to protect the daily clothing worn by food
handlers to reduce contamination during the preparation of the food. Outerwear is more practical
and acceptable in large -scale processing and catering industries. However, this outerwear should be
taken care of from any contamination and always cleaned. The selection of brightly colored
outerwear is also important so that any stains will be easily detected. In addition, food handlers are
reminded not to place any equipment such as pens, pencils or any devices in the pockets or side
pockets of the sleeves of outerwear or daily clothing worn while handling food.

Aprons-the use of aprons is simpler, easier to wear and clean, suitable for wearing at home or in
stalls and restaurants than outerwear. All food handlers for stalls, restaurants, canteens and food
vendors at farmers markets and night markets are encouraged to wear aprons when handling food.
Aprons, as well as other protective clothing must be clean and brightly colored. It is better to wear
the apron to cover all the fronts of the food handler’s daily attire. Proper apron wearing can reduce
cross -contamination between daily clothing worn by food handlers and food prepared or handled.

Headgear - all individuals who handle food or are involved with food handling need to protect hair or
dirt from the head contaminating food. The same part of the head as the other limbs may have

bacteria and fungi (fungi), insects and other dirt. Hair and other contaminants or dirt from the
unprotected head such as the hair itself, dandruff can fall into the food during preparation or serving
of food unless the head of the food handler is covered. By wearing headgear such as hats, scarves,
and other head protection; can prevent contamination of hair falling into the food prepared.

Shoes (boot or footwear) - the floor surface in the kitchen area may be dusty, wet, slippery, and
dirty. Movement of food handlers with improper wearing of shoes such as slippers can cause food to
be contaminated by floor water splashes and dust, apart from slippery floor conditions and can
invite danger to food handlers. Shoes should be clean from any impurities such as soil, feces and
dust and preferably do not wear outdoor shoes or shoes worn from home into the kitchen of the
food premises. Appropriate, clean and safe, and non-contaminating footwear shall be worn by food
handlers especially for food processing industries; stored in a safe place in the plant. The shoes are
not worn outside the processing plant area and these operators must always practice personal

Here attached some pictures that related with personal hygiene:

Proper attire:

Washing hand:

Nail hygiene:

In conclusion, issue of food safety is an issue of integrity. Cleanliness is a human moral responsibility.
In fact, every religion in the world is concerned with the issue of cleanliness. Food hygiene is an issue
of halal and good food that is highly emphasized in Islam. As a food premise operator or food
operator in general, that responsibility must be carried out as best as possible without compromise.
Complying with the rules set by the government and improving the premises with Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Halal certification will not only benefit food operators but will
also ensure that the food served to customers is safe and clean.

Besides that, the solution for an issue in article 3 about dirty equipment, hygiene equipment also too
important and all equipment and utensils must always be clean, easy to wash, and in perfect
condition. Cleaned with clean water preferably hot water and suitable detergent. All utensils and
dishes and bowls that have been washed should be wiped dry and stored in a clean place.

 Equipment Features where is easy to clean, flat surface so that it is easy to clean, rust
resistant, not easily broken or cracked, smooth surface so that food waste does not easily
stick. Most appliances are washed using hot water mixed with detergent.

Types of Equipment can be categorized into: -

a) Processing equipment
b) Cooking equipment
c) Carrying and parking equipment
d) Refrigeration equipment

Processing Equipment Examples of processing equipment are: - Mixer, Blender, Food processor.

Here attached how to handle equipment, place the batter bowl neatly, select a suitable mixer. Put
the ingredients into the mixing bowl. Slow down the movement of the mixer before mixing the
ingredients. Stop the movement of the mixer before raking the dough. Close the adjuster switch
before changing the speed. Also here attached how to clean equipment and utensil with proper way.
First, remove the mixer as well as the mixing bowl and wash with hot soapy water. Rinse and pat dry.
Secondly, wipe the mixer machine with a damp cloth. If dirt is difficult to remove, use warm soapy
water. Thirdly, avoid using strong detergents or soaking the mixer in water. Lastly, Arrange the mixer
in place neatly.

Cooking Utensils. Examples of cooking utensils are: - Gas stove, Oven, Microwave oven, Pressure
cooker, Deep fat fryer, Griddle, Electric and gas rice cooker, Coffee maker.

Deep Fat Fryer. This device is used to fry food in a lot of oil. Has a thermostat that can turn off or
slow down the flame once the oil temperature reaches a high level. Made of high-quality steel to
ensure the quality of frying and requires high electrical power.

There are three types of deep fryers, namely: -

 Standard deep fryers

 Automatic deep fryers
 Pressure deep fryers

Deep Fat Fryer Deep Fat Fryer Cleaning with close the gas or electric source, cool the oil, filter the oil
through a filter, wash the appliance using hot soapy water, attached dirt can be removed by using a
soft brush, and Rinse with clean water and pat dry.

Holding Equipment for examples of holding equipment are: -

- Bain-marie
- Chafing dish, Hot and cold cabinet

Bain-Marie Container or kettle made of stainless-steel iron that holds hot water. Which is Water is
heated using gas or electricity. Also, it has various sizes and shapes. And This device is used to
maintain the temperature of the food so that it is always hot when served.

The way how to Use of Bain-Marie which Water is introduced up to cover the heater (iron) plate and
turn on the switch. Then Heat from hot water will flow to the food container and directly to the food

Bain-Marie Cleaning with Turn off the gas or electric switch. Then, remove excess food. After that,
Drain the immersion water through its channel. Hence, Wash with warm soapy water or detergent.
Last but not least Rinse and wipe dry.

Refrigeration Equipment  Examples of refrigeration equipment are: -

- Refrigerator
- Freezer
- Refrigerator (chiller)

Refrigerator is to store materials or food that are durable and not perishable. It must be sturdy,
made of quality steel and not easily rust.

Refrigerator handling. The refrigerator is placed in a place that has good air circulation. Organize and
arrange food in the fridge. Hot food should be refrigerated before being stored.

Cleaning and Maintenance. Turn the temperature control dial up to the ‘0’ mark. Close the switch
and unplug. Empty the refrigerator. Then Frozen food is packaged or stored in suitable containers to
maintain its temperature. It also Remove the ladder, wash with warm water and wipe dry. After that,
Wash the inside of the refrigerator with warm water. Rinse with cold water. Wipe dry. Then, reinstall
the floor and rearrange the food containers. Lastly, Wash the outside of the refrigerator with warm
soapy water. Rinse and pat dry.

The conclusion, Importance of Keeping Equipment, clean prolongs the life of equipment, prevents
the reproduction of microorganisms, and prevents the occurrence of accidents due to the use of
damaged and unclean equipment.

Here attached hygiene for equipment:

Last but not least a solution of article 4 and 5 about hygiene and sanitation environment like
Workspace/premise hygiene practices are very important to individuals working in the food service
industry. Tools and materials to maintain the cleanliness of the workspace and kitchen are as
follows: broom ammonia brush floor cleaner mop soap trash can steel wool wet suction cleaner
washing powder dry suction cleaner washing powder.

Hygiene of Premises like Ventilation system must be in good condition especially heat or steam/oil
while preparing food should be taken out using extractor fan. Also, Adequate lighting and Availability

of cold and hot water supply. Then, sink facilities for hand washing, detergent, paper towels and
hand dryer.

Hygiene and sanitation of Premises

i. The floor is clean, washed daily. The features of the floor are: - easy to wash - flat and not
slippery - no cracked parts - water flows easily.
ii. Sturdy walls, flat, bright color & easy to wash.
iii. Ceiling - no cracks or leaks.
iv. Windows - clean outside and inside.
v. Lighting Natural lighting, windows & glass roofs.
vi. Clean water supply Sufficient and safe clean water supply.
vii. Piping system Availability of hot water supply and cold water.
viii. Drainage system Sewage water can flow perfectly. No food waste Maintained quickly if
ix. Hand washing place and work sink the washing basin is cleaned always with warm water.
Have proper care & cleaning.
x. Ventilation Perfect ventilation: install hood and suction fan.
xi. Toilet facilities cleaned regularly daily. Have adequate soap and tools.
xii. Disposal of garbage and food waste Adequately provided and complete.
xiii. Storeroom Always maintained and cleaned. Have proper care and cleaning.

Here attached bad hygiene environmet :

Here attached food hygiene and sanitation premise:

2.3 Methodology used

The form of descriptive research that is survey and observation methods as well as questionnaires
are used for obtaining information relevant to the title of the study. Mohd Majid (1990) says that
descriptive study is research that aims to explain the methods for get information that is going on.
He also says that every study requires formal digestion to obtain a comprehensive and more to
about picture a situation so that the formulation of the question really covers all aspects of the
study. All that data obtained through descriptive studies can be used as a basis for decision making.
Shape descriptive studies are studies that allow information to be easily collected (McMillan &
Schumacher, 1984). Descriptive studies only involve the description of causes and consequences
based on data obtained as well as having no control over what is to be studied. In this descriptive
study as well must not be manipulated by factors or phenomena that will affect the subject's
behavior or its achievements (McMillan, 1996). The study was conducted using a set of
questionnaires as well as observations and surveys for obtain information. The survey method is to
find out the tendencies, attitudes, perceptions and etc. (Mohd Majid, 1990). Questionnaires are the
easiest and quickest to obtain research information. He also argues that the use of questionnaires
can improve accuracy and the permission given by the sample because it was not influenced by the

The sampling method used in this study was according to Krejci and Morgan’s table. The population
consists of students who live in these colleges where more or less 8,000 total students for six
colleges. A total of 360 respondents consisting of students were involved in this study which was a
total of 60 respondents from each college. Mohd Najib (2000) say researchers are free to choose the
respondents they like. This is because of a good study is determined by the topic of interest of the

The instruments used in this study are in the form of questionnaires and observation methods. The
questionnaire had 33 items that were difficult to answer by the respondents. Mohd Najib (1990) says
the study instrument will determine the type of data obtained and this will influence the type of
analysis researchers and feedback. The set of questionnaires distributed consists of two parts, which
is namely as Part A and Part B. Part A consists of questions related to the demographics of the
respondents. This part should be submitted because demographic factors will be influencing the
feedback from respondent. Part B is a questionnaire section item in the form of a Likert scale ranking
that is (5) represents strongly agree, (4) represent agree, (3) represent uncertain, (2) represent
disagree (1) represent strongly do not agree.

This study was conducted to find out students' perceptions on the level of food hygiene in
cafeterias. The method used in this study is by using a questionnaire containing three questions in
Section A and 33 questions from Section B. Part A is the demographic analysis of the respondents.
Part B is an analysis of the research questions which covers the hygiene, practices and behavior of
employees, infrastructure and the environment. To make it easy analysis was made, Likert scale was
used in this study and compacted into three stages. The ranking of the Likert scale which is
compacted into three levels is to simplify all the data analyzed. The scope of the study was based on
the research question of whether the food served was in a clean and safe condition, the
environment and facilities in the college cafeterias, employees or staff in cafeterias always prioritize
current personal hygiene preparing food. Questionnaires were distributed to 360 respondents. Data
obtained from respondents were processed using manually. Analysis of study data was performed
descriptively by taking into account the frequency, percentage and value min. The results of the
study have shown some weaknesses in food and service hygiene conducted by entrepreneurs within
the HACCP and should be noted by the parties responsible.

2.4 Strengths and improvements of articles

Based on articles 1 to 5, each article has problems and solutions to prevent the issue from
becoming widespread. Each article has its own strengths regarding the issues discussed but there
are some articles that need some improvement. In articles 1 and 2 have explained the symptoms of
food poisoning only there should be some improvement in the article in terms of stating more
clearly the cause of the food poisoning and more description of the information conveyed through
the issue in the article.

Furthermore, based on articles 3,4, and 5 it is not stated how to make a scaled study methodology
because it is too general, and the strength of the article strongly states the issues and actions taken
based on what has been stated in the article.

In conclusion, every article 1 ,2,3,4,5, has strengths and there should be improvements in terms of
the author's name as sources, and more information for readers to study and get information more

2.5 Suggestion for article

Firstly, from that article we know that food may be the cause of disorders in our body so that we
get sick. One of the ways to maintain health is to consume safe food, which is to ensure that the
food is clean and free from disease.

Secondly, that article also states that food sanitation is more emphasized on the supervision of the
manufacture and supply of food so as not to endanger health. In food sanitation, issues concerning
the nutritional value or the composition of food in accordance with the body are rarely considered.

Thirdly, from that article, we know the issue that relates with hygiene is an effort or action to
maintain/improve hygiene and health by performing early maintenance of all individuals and
environmental factors that affect it. The goal is for everyone not to be exposed to disease -causing

Finally, the whole thing we can conclude is that each issue in the article we can know the cause of
the matter and how to address the matter in more detail for us to be careful so that health problems
such as food poisoning do not occur.


Cleaning and food hygiene procedures for the building, plant and equipment should be validated
using visual, analytical, or microbiological methods – and records should be maintained. For
instance, swab samples can be taken from various places on equipment, floors, walls, or drains, to
test for the presence of contamination. Then, after applying a sanitation step, samples can be taken
again and compared with the original results to ensure that the step is effective at reducing harmful
microbes to safe levels. For certain high-risk materials (e.g., allergens, ruminant protein, or ready-to-
eat products), validation of procedures is mandated, with individual governments designating
acceptable methods for cleaning of high-risk materials.

A comprehensive food hygiene and sanitation program leaves nothing to chance. Responsibility
should be designated for each parameter:

• Frequency of cleaning.
• Method (chemicals used, concentrations, materials – including
colour-coded/segregated tools to prevent cross contamination of high-risk
• Verification records to ensure that procedures are being carried out consistently
and effectively.
• Acceptable limits for CCPs must also be scientifically established and maintained
with regular monitoring.
• Training and communication throughout the organization, with clear leadership
from management on food hygiene and sanitation.

As with other areas of food safety, sanitation and food hygiene should be proactive. End-product
testing is important, but a positive result in the end-product doesn’t tell you where the
contamination originated. The overall food hygiene system, when applied at each point in the supply
chain, is about managing risks before they result in a case of food contamination. Using common
sense and food science-based approaches, a well-designed food hygiene program can provide for
proactive responses and risk-mitigation from farm to fork.



Hana Ames (20 May 2020) Why is personal hygiene important?

The BC Cook Articulation Committee, 2015 go2HR, food safety, sanitation, and personal hygiene.

The BC Cook Articulation Committee, 2015 go2HR, Causes of Foodborne Illnesses

The BC Cook Articulation Committee, 2015 go2HR, An Approach to Food Safety

The BC Cook Articulation Committee, 2015 go2HR, Developing a Food Safety Plan



Bernama Sunday, 06 Oct 2019, Datuk Dr Khalid Ibrahim, Nasi lemak identified as cause of food
poisoning at Malay Dignity Congress.

Bernama Sunday, 06 Oct 2019, Datuk Dr Khalid Ibrahim, Malay dignity congress participant down
with food poisoning.


Farid Wahab, Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020, Segambut noodle factory gets closure notice over rat
droppings, dirty equipment


Bernama, Thursday, 06 May 2021, LO TERN CHERN, two food factories in Penang found with poor
hygiene standards

Imran Helmy, Friday, 18 Sep 2020, Premises closed over filthy conditions


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