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Domain: Embedded System

Technology: IOT



Now energy management is a major issue of whole world. Due to our mistakes, lots of energy is
lost. We always forgot to switch off light, fan and other appliances that consumes electricity. In
the developing nations, the attempt of gathering electricity usage and recognizing illicit usage of
power is a troublesome and tedious undertaking which requires abundant human resources. The
network of smart home system is powerless against theft. The goals of undertaking are the
measure of energy being utilized by the business. Industry, home, hospital etc. just as giving
suggestion through IOT.

This Smart Energy Meter Billing System will detect the cause of energy loss in our home,
residential building etc. here we are using a wireless Technology to control home loads. And
also, we are checking energy meter theft detection by using energy meter with help of LDR

Keywords: Raspberry Pi, WSN, IOT.

Existing System

In existing systems, we have power consuming details and the user can check the power
consumption but it doesn’t have adding of additional units of power and controlling of loads
from long distances.


In the existing system meter tampering can be done easily

Manual Work is more and errors may happen

Web: Further Details Contact: 08772261612

Email: +91-9030333433
Domain: Embedded System
Technology: IOT

Proposed system:

The proposed system presents friendly expense design and implementation of home load control
by maintaining of power consumption. The energy meter is connected to Raspberry Pi. When the
energy meter started then the LDR will read the units and displays it on LCD. The values are
sent to cloud and if the units are consumed then SMS will be sent using GSM.

Block Diagram:

Hardware Requirements:

 Power supply
 Raspberry Pi
 LDR Sensor
 Relay
 Bulb
 Energy meter
Web: Further Details Contact: 08772261612
Email: +91-9030333433
Domain: Embedded System
Technology: IOT

Software Requirements:

 Python IDE
 Raspbian OS
 NOOBS Software
 Thingspeak


 It is easy to operate
 Cost effective.
 Another advantage of the prepaid system is that the human errors in taking meter
readings and processing bills can be reduced to a large extent.


 In houses
 In offices
 In Factories

Learning outcomes

 Raspberry pi pin diagram and architecture

 How to install NOOBS software
 Setting up and installation procedure for Raspberry Pi
 How to connect Raspberry Pi through VNC viewer
 Introduction to Python3 IDE
 Commands in Python
 Basic coding in Python
 Working of LCD

Web: Further Details Contact: 08772261612

Email: +91-9030333433
Domain: Embedded System
Technology: IOT
 How to interface LCD with Raspberry Pi?
 Working of LDR Sensor
 How to interface LDR Sensor with Raspberry Pi?
 Working of Energy Meter
 How to interface Energy Meter with Raspberry Pi?
 Working of GSM
 How to interface GSM with Raspberry Pi?
 Working of Relay
 How to interface Relay with Raspberry Pi?
 How to send data to cloud server?
 About Project Development Life Cycle:
o Planning and Requirement Gathering (Hardware components, etc.,)
o Hardware development and debugging
o Development of the Project and Output testing
 Practical exposure to:
o Hardware tools.
o Solution providing for real time problems.
o Working with team/ individual.
o Work on Creative ideas.

 Project development Skills:

o Problem analyzing skills

o Problem solving skills
o Creativity and imaginary skills
o Testing skills
o presentation skills
o Thesis writing skills

Web: Further Details Contact: 08772261612

Email: +91-9030333433

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