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Exercise Problems for the Midterm

MAST 218 / MATH 264, Winter 2016


Problem 1: Sketch the curve given parametrically

x(t) = et sin t , y(t) = et cos t , t ∈ [0, π] .

Find its length. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve and the y-axis.
Solution: If the curve was x(t) = sin t , y(t) = cos t , t ∈ [0, π] , then it would be
half of the circle starting at (sin 0, cos 0) = (0, 1), going through (sin π/2, cos π/2) =
(1, 0) and ending at (sin π, cos π) = (0, −1). Since both coordinates are multiplied
by et, the distance from the origin grows with t, from e0 = 1, through eπ/2 ∼ 4.8 to
eπ ∼ 23.1. See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Curve of the Problem 1.

The length of the curve is calculated as follows:

x0(t) = et sin t+et cos t , (x0(t))2 = e2t(sin2 t+2 sin t cos t+cos2 t) = e2t(1+2 sin t cos t),

y 0(t) = et cos t−et sin t , (y 0(t))2 = e2t(cos2 t−2 sin t cos t+sin2 t) = e2t(1−2 sin t cos t),
Z πp Z π√ √ Z π t √  π √
L= 0 2 0 2
(x (t)) + (y (t)) dt = 2t
e · 2dt = 2 e dt = 2 et 0 = 2(eπ −1).
0 0 0
The area between the curve and the y-axis can be calculated from the formula
Z b
A= xdy,

where a = y(0) = 0 and b = y(π) = −eπ . See below for an easier method. Since a > b
we actually have A equal to minus integral shown above. We have
Z −eπ Z π Z π
t t
xdy = e sin t · e (cos t − sin t)dt = e2t sin t cos t − e2t sin2 tdt.
0 0 0
We have
e sin t cos tdt = e2t sin(2t)dt.
Calculating twice by parts we obtain
1 2t 1 2t 1 2t
e sin(2t)dt = e sin(2t)− e cos(2t)dt = e sin(2t)− e cos(2t)− e2t sin(2t)dt,
2t 2t
2 2 2
e2t sin(2t)dt = e2t(sin(2t) − cos(2t)).
On the other hand,
2t 2
e sin tdt = e2t(1 − cos(2t))dt.
Similarly as above we obtain
e2t cos(2t)dt = e2t(sin(2t) + cos(2t)).
1 1 1 2t 1 2t
2t 2 2t
e sin tdt = e (1 − cos(2t))dt = e − e (sin(2t) + cos(2t)) .
2 2 2 4
All together we obtain:
Z π
e2t sin t cos t − e2t sin2 tdt
1 1 2t 1 2t 1 2t
= e (sin(2t) − cos(2t)) − e − e (sin(2t) + cos(2t))
2 4 2 4 0
1 1 2t 1 1
= e sin(2t) − e2t = − (e2π − 1)
2 2 2 0 4
Thus, area is 14 (e2π − 1).
Another method for area: We can represent this curve in polar coordinates:

r2 = x2 + y 2 = e2t sin2 (t) + e2t cos2 (t) = e2t, or r(t) = et.

1 2 1 π 2t 1
A= r (t)dt = e dt = (e2π − 1).
0 2 2 0 4
Problem 2: Consider the curve given parametrically

x(t) = t3 − 12t , y(t) = t2 − 1 , t ∈ R .


dy d2 y
Find dx
and dx2
. For which t the curve is convex upward? At which points the tangent
to the curve is horizontal? At which points the tangent to the curve is vertical?

Figure 2. Curve of Problem 2.

Solution: We have
dy dt 2t
= dx
= .
dx dt
3t2 − 12
d2 y d dy dx
dt 2(3t2 − 12) − 6t(2t) −6(t2 + 4)
= = dx
= = .
dx2 dx dx dt
(3t2 − 12)3 27(t2 − 4)3
The curve is convex upward when the denominator is negative, i.e., for t ∈ (−2, 2).
The tangent to the curve is horizontal when dy/dx = 0, i.e., for t = 0, at point
(0, −1) (blue at Figure 2).
The tangent to the curve is vertical when dy/dx = ∞, i.e., for t = ±2, at points
(±16, 3) (green at Figure 2).
Problem 3: Sketch the curve given by

r(θ) = 1 − sin θ , 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π .

Calculate the area enclosed by the curve. Find the length of the curve.
Solution: First we sketch r(θ) in rectangular coordinates (θ, r), Figure 3:
Then, we sketch the curve in polar coordinates, Figure 4:
The area:
Z 2π Z 3π/2 Z 3π/2
1 2 2
A= r (θ)dθ = (1 − sin θ) dθ = (1 − 2 sin θ + sin2 θ)dθ
0 2 π/2 π/2
Z 3π/2 Z 3π/2  
2 1 1 3 11 3π/2 3
= π−0+ sin θdθ = π + − cos(2θ) dθ = π − [sin(2θ)]π/2 = π.
π/2 π/2 2 2 2 22 2

Figure 3. Problem 3: r(θ) in rectangular coordinates.

Figure 4. Problem 3: r(θ) in polar coordinates.

The length: we have dr/dθ = − cos θ and r2 (θ) = 1 − 2 sin θ + sin2 θ.

Z 2π p Z 3π/2 p
L= 2 2
r (θ) + (dr/dθ) dθ = 2 1 − 2 sin θ + sin2 θ + cos2 θdθ
0 π/2
Z 3π/2 p
=2 2(1 − sin θ)dθ.
We need integral 1 − sin θdθ. Substituting sin θ = s, cos θdθ = ds, we obtain
Z √ √
√ √ ds 1−s 1 √
1 − sin θdθ = 1−s = √ ds = ± √ = ±2 1 + s = ±2 1 + sin θ.
cos θ ± 1 − s2 1+s
We will use the − sign since the cos is negative on interval [π/2, 3π/2].
Using the above we obtain:
Z 3π/2 p √ h√ i3π/2 √ √ √
L=2 2(1 − sin θ)dθ = 2 2 · (−2) 1 + sin θ = −4 2[ 0 − 2] = 8.
π/2 π/2

Problem 4: Sketch the curve

x2 y2
+ =1 .
64 100
Find the vertices and the foci. Write the equation of this curve in polar coordinates,
i.e., in the form r = r(θ).
Solution: The longer semi-axis is on y axis and is of length a = 10, the shorter
semi-axis is on x axis and is of length b = 8. The vertices are points (0, ±10) on
y-axis. The foci satisfy the equation c2 = a2 − b2 = 100 − 64 = 36 = 62 . They are
points (0, ±6) on y-axis. See Figure 5. To write the equation of the curve in polar

Figure 5. Ellipse of Problem 4. Foci are the green stars.

coordinates we cannot use the formulas of Section 10.6, since the focus is not at the
origin. We choose a direct method. Since x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ we write
r2 cos2 θ r2 sin2 θ
+ = 1,
64 100
100 · 64 100 · 64
r2 = 2 = .
100 cos θ + 64 sin θ 100 − 36 sin2 θ

80 8
r=p =p .
100 − 36 sin θ 2 1 − (36/100) sin 2 θ
If we want to find eccentricity (just for fun) we can use formulas of Section 10.6:
e = c/a = 6/10 = 3/5 < 1. We also have
c(1 − e2) 6 · 16 32
d= 2
= 9 25 = ,
e 25
i.e., the directrix is the line y = 6 + 3
= 16 23 .
Problem 5: Write a polar equation of an ellipse with the focus at the origin, an
eccentricity 0.5, and a directrix r = 4 sec(θ). Sketch the curve. Write an equation of
the curve in x, y− coordinates.
Solution: The directrix is r = 4/ cos θ, i.e., x = 4. The equation is of the form
r= ,
1 + e cos θ
where e is the eccentricity and d is the distance of the directrix from the origin. Thus,
we have
r= .
1 + (1/2) cos θ
The vertices are on x-axis and correspond to θ = 0 it is point (4/3, 0) and to θ = π it
is point (−4, 0). The center of the ellipse is the point ((4/3 + (−4))/2, 0) = (−4/3, 0).
We can change equation of the ellipse directly into x, y-equation: we have

r + (1/2)r cos θ = 2, or r = 2 − (1/2)x or x2 + y 2 = 4 − 2x + (1/4)x2 .

After some manipulations it becomes

(x + 4/3)2 y2
+ √ = 1.
(8/3)2 (4/ 3)2

The endpoints of the shorter semi-axes are the points (−4/3, ±4/ 3).
Problem 6: Sketch the curve
r= .
4 + 5 sin θ
Find the eccentricity and the directrix. Write an equation of the curve in
x, y-coordinates.
Solution: We have
r= .
1 + (5/4) sin θ

Figure 6. Hyperbola of Problem 6 with the asymptotes.

Thus, the eccentricity is e = 5/4 (hyperbola) and d = 2/e = 8/5, i.e., the directrix is
the line y = 8/5. The vertices correspond to θ = π/2 it is point (0, 8/9) and θ = 2π/2
it is point (0, 8). The center is the point (0, (8/9 + 8)/2) = (0, 40/9).
In x, y-coordinates we have:

r + (5/4)r sin θ = 2,

5 25 9 2
x + y = (2 − y)2, or x2 + y 2 = 4 − 5y + y 2, or x2 −
2 2
y − 5y = 4,
4 16 16
   2  2  2
2 9 2 100 100 2 3 10 64 2 3 40 64
x− y − 5y + = 4− , or x − y − = − , or x − y− =− ,
16 9 9 4 3 9 4 9 9
−x2 y − 40
8 2 32 2
 = 1.
3 9
The vertices can be found from this equation substituting x = 0. Then,
 2  2
40 32
y− = ,
9 9
40 32
=± ,
9 9
which gives y = 8/9 or y = 8 as above. The graph of the hyperbola is in Figure 6.
The asymptotes can be are the lines y = ± ab x, if the equation is −x2 /a2 + y 2 /b2 = 1,

so for our hyperbola they are the lines

32 3 40 4 40
y = ± · ·x+ =± x+ .
9 8 9 3 9
Alternatively the slope of the asymptotes can be found from the polar equation: we
need (5/4) sin θ = −1, or sin θ = −4/5. Then,
sin θ −4/5
tan θ = ± p =± = ±4/3.
1 − sin2 θ 3/5
Problem 7: A clothesline is tied between two poles, 8 m apart. The line is quite taut
and has a negligible sag. When a wet shirt with a mass of 0.8 kg is hung at the middle
of the line, the midpoint is pulled down 8 cm. Find the tension in each half of the
Hint. The force due to the gravity acting on the shirt is of magnitude 0.8 g N , where
g = 9.81m/s2.

Figure 7. Picture for Problem 7.

Solution: We present the situation and notation in Figure 7. It is not to scale.

The weight of the shirt is equal to F = 0.8·9.81N = 7.848N. tan α = 0.08/4 = 0.02,
which gives α ∼ 0.01999733397 and cos α ∼ 0.9998000600 and sin α ∼ 0.01999600120.
Since the situation is symmetric, the lengths of vertical Tv and horizontal Th compo-
nents of both tension vectors T1, T2 are the same. Let denote a = |Tv | and b = |Th |
and c = |T1| = |T2|. Then we have a = c · sin α. Since the tensions have to balance
the weight we have 2a = |F | or

2c · sin α = 7.848,

c= ∼ 196.2392360.
2 · 0.01999600120
We also have a ∼ 3.923999999 and b ∼ 196.1999999.

Answer: The forces of tension are equal 196.2392360 N each. In standard notation
the tension vectors are

T1,2 = ±196.1999999 · i + 3.923999999 · j.

Problem 8: A sled is pulled along a level path through snow by a rope. Force of 30 lb
is acting at an angle of 40◦ above the horizontal moves the sled 80 ft. Find the work
done by the force.

Figure 8. Picture for Problem 8.

Solution: See Figure 8. The horizontal projection of the force F has length
|Fh | = |F | cos(40o ) = 30 · cos(2π/9) = 22.98133329 so the work done by it is

80 · 22.98133329 lb · ft = 1838.5 lb · ft.

Problem 9: If r = hx, yi, r1 = hx1 , y1 i, r2 = hx2 , y2i, describe the set of all points such
that |r − r1 | + |r − r2 | = k, where k > |r1 − r2 |.
Solution: We guess that the curve is an ellipse. To prove this with a minimal
effort we will make some shifts and rotations which do not change the shape of the
curve. Let 2c = |r1 − r2 |. Let us first make a shift

hx̄, ȳi = hx − x1, y − y1 i.

The point r1 moved to the point r1 = h0, 0i and the point r2 to r2 = hx2 − x1, y2 − y1 i.
Now, we will rotate the system around the origin in such a way that the point r2 will
go to the x-axis. We are looking for a matrix (matrix of a rotation)
cos θ − sin θ
sin θ cos θ
such that

sin θ · (x2 − x1) + cos θ · (y2 − y1) = 0.


y2 −y1
We need tan θ = x2 −x1
. After this rotation the point r1 stays where it was and the
point r2 goes to the point h2c, 0i. Now, we make a shift by the vector h−c, 0i. Points
r1 and r2 move to the points h−c, 0i and hc, 0i, correspondingly.
We have to show that the curve satisfying |r − h−c, 0i| + |r − hc, 0i| = k is an ellipse.
We have
p p
(x − c)2 + y 2 + (x + c)2 + y 2 = k,
p p
(x − c)2 + y 2 = k − (x + c)2 + y 2,
(x − c)2 + y 2 = k 2 − 2k (x + c)2 + y 2 + (x + c)2 + y 2.
Simplifying, we obtain:
2k (x + c)2 + y 2 = k 2 + 4xc,

4k 2 (x2 + 2xc + c2) + 4k 2 y 2 = k 4 + 8k 2 xc + 16c2 x2,
4(k 2 − 4c2 )x2 + 4k 2 y 2 = k 2(k 2 − 4c2 ).
Since k > 2c we obtain
x2 y2
+ √ 2 = 1,
k 2
k2 −4c2
2 2

which represents the ellipse with vertices (±k/2, 0) and the maximum and minimum

of y at the points (0, ± k 2 − 4c2 /2). Thus the original curve was also an ellipse with

foci at points r1 , r2 and the semi-axes equal to k/2 and k 2 − 4c2 /2.
Problem 10: For any vectors a, b, c and d show the following:

(1) a·(b × c) = b·(c × a) = c·(a × b) ;

(2) a × (b × c) = (a · c) b − (a · b) c ;

(3) a × (b × c) + b × (c × a) + c × (a × b) = 0

(4) (a × b) · (c × d) = (a · c)(b · d) − (a · d)(b · c) .

Solution: (1) Since it is easy to see that

a1 a2 a3

a·(b × c) = b1 b2 b3 ,
c1 c2 c3

the equalities (1) follow by the properties of the determinants.

(2) We have

i j k

v = b × c = b1 b2 b3 = hb2 c3 − b3c2 , −b1c3 + b3c1 , b1c2 − b2c1 i,
c1 c2 c3
i j k

a × v = a1 a2 a3 = ha2v3 − a3v2, −a1v3 + a3v1, a1v2 − a2v1i,
v1 v2 v3
a × (b × c) = ha2 b1c2 − a2b2 c1 − a3 b3c1 + a3b1 c3, −a1b1 c2 + a1 b2c1 + a3b2 c3 − a3 b3c2 ,
− a1b1 c3 + a1 b3c1 − a2b2c3 + a2 b3c2 i.
On the other hand

(a · c) b = ha1 c1 b1 + a2c2 b1 + a3c3 b1, a1 c1b2 + a2c2 b2 + a3c3 b2, a1c1 b3 + a2 c2b3 + a3c3 b3i,


(a · b) c = ha1 b1c1 + a2b2c1 + a3b3 c1, a1 b1c2 + a2b2c2 + a3b3 c2, a1b1 c3 + a2 b2c3 + a3b3c3 i.

Identity (2) follows by comparing the above formulas.

(3) Using (2) we can write
a × (b × c) + b × (c × a) + c × (a × b)
= (a · c) b − (a · b) c + (b · a) c − (b · c) a + (c · b) a − (c · a) b = 0,
since the dot product is commutative.
(4) Using formula (1) we can write

(a × b) · (c × d) = c · (d × (a × b)).

Using formula (2) we write

d × (a × b) = (d · b)a − (d · a)b,

and thus
(a × b) · (c × d) = (d · b)(c · a) − (d · a)(c · b),
which is what we wanted since the dot product is commutative.
Problem 11: If c = |a|b + |b|a, where a, b, c are nonzero vectors, show that c bisects
the angle between a and b.
v·w c·a
Solution: We know that cos(^(v, w)) = |v||w|
. It is enough to show that |c||a|
(c · a)|b| = (c · b)|a|,

[|a|(b · a) + |b||a|2 ]|b| = [|a||b|2 + |b|(a · b)]|a|.
It is easy to see that we have the same expressions on both sides of the equation.

Figure 9. Parallelogram and Parallelogram Law.

Problem 12: Show the Parallelogram Law

|a + b|2 + |a − b|2 = 2|a|2 + 2|b|2

and give a geometric interpretation of it.

Solution: We need to check that

(a + b) · (a + b) + (a − b) · (a − b) = 2(a · a) + 2(b · b).

Using associative and commutative properties of dot product, we obtain

LHS = (a · a) + 2(a · b) + (b · b) + (a · a) − 2(a · b) + (b · b) = RHS.

As shown in Figure 9 the parallelogram with sides a and b has the diagonals a + b
and a − b. The Parallelogram Law says that the sum of squares of the lengths of
sides is equal to the sum of squares of the lengths of the diagonals.
Problem 13: Find the equation of the plane P passing through the points

A = (1, 0, 1) , B = (3, 2, 1) , C = (4, 3, 2) .

Find the area of the triangle ∆ABC.

Find the distance between the point D = (1, 2, 3) and the plane P.
Find the volume of the parallelepiped whose four vertices are points A, B, C, D.
Find the line L of intersection of the plane P and the plane Q defined by x + y + z = 3.
Find the point of intersection of L and the plane x = z + y.

−→ −→
Solution: Let v = AB = h2, 2, 0i and w = AC = h3, 3, 1i. The plane
P passes
i j k

through point A = (1, 0, 1) and its normal vector is v × w = 2 2 0 = h2, −2, 0i.
3 3 1
The equation of the plane is

2(x − 1) − 2(y − 0) + 0(z − 1) = 0,

2x − 2y = 2.
The area of the triangle ∆ABC is 1/2 of the length of v × w or
1√ √
4 + 4 + 0 = 2.
The distance of a point (x1, y1 , z1) from the plane ax + by + cz + d = 0 can be
calculated from the formula
|ax1 + by1 + cz1 + d|
dist = √ ,
a 2 + b 2 + c2
so in our case we have
|2 · 1 − 2 · 2 + 0 − 2| √ √
dist = √ = 4/(2 2) = 2.
The volume of the parallelepiped formed by vectors v, w, u is equal to |u · (v × w)|.
Let u = AD = h0, 2, 2i. We have

|h0, 2, 2i · (v × w)| = |h0, 2, 2i · h2, −2, 0i| = | − 4| = 4.

Line L of intersection of planes P : 2x − 2y = 2 and Q: x + y + z = 3.

We need a point and a directional vector: Point (2, 1, 0) belongs to both planes.
The directional vector lies in both planes so it is perpendicular to both normal vectors:

i j k

vL = h2, −2, 0i × h1, 1, 1i = 2 −2 0 = h−2, −2, 4i.
1 1 1
Thus, the line L can be described parametrically as

(2, 1, 0) + th−2, −2, 4i = (2 − 2t, 1 − 2t, 4t),

or by symmetric equations
x−2 y−1 z
= = .
−2 −2 4
Intersection of L and the plane x = z + y:
We need 2−2t = 4t+1−2t or 1 = 4t which gives t = 1/4. The point of intersection
is (3/2, 1/2, 1).

Problem 15: Show that the lines

x−3 y+1 z−2
L1 : = = ;
2 4 −1
x−3 y−2 z+2
L2 : = = .
2 1 2
are skew. Find the distance between them.
Solution: The normal vectors are v1 = h2, 4, −1i and v2 = h2, 1, 2i so they are
not proportional, i.e., the lines are not parallel.
Do they intersect? Their parametric equations are: L1: (3 + 2t, −1 + 4t, 2 − t) and
L2 : (3 + 2t, 2 + t, −2 + 2t). For intersection we would need

3 + 2t
 = 3 + 2s ;
−1 + 4t = 2 + s ;

2 − t = −2 + 2s.
From the first equation we obtain t = s. If we substitute this to the second equation
we obtain t = s = 1. Then, the third equation gives a contradiction (1 = 0). Thus,
the lines do not intersect. They are skew lines.
As skew lines L1 and L2 belong to two parallel planes (P1 and P2 , correspondingly)
and the distance between the lines is the same as the distance between these planes.
The common normal vector is perpendicular to both directional vectors so it is

i j k

n = 2 4 −1 = h9, 6, −6i.
2 1 2
We can use a parallel vector instead n = h3, 2, −2i. The equation of the plane P1 is
3(x − 3) + 2(y + 1) − 2(z − 2) = 0 or 3x + 2y − 2z − 3 = 0. Point (3, 2, −2) belongs to
P2 . The distance between this point and the plane P1 is the the same as the distance
between these parallel planes and can be found from the formula used in Problem 13.
|3 · 3 + 2 · 2 − 2 · (−2) − 3| 14
dist = √ =√ .
9+4+4 17
Problem 16: Determine whether the planes x + 2y + 2z = 1, 2x − y + 2z = 1 are
parallel, perpendicular, or neither. If neither, find the angle between them.
Solution: The normal vectors are n1 = h1, 2, 2i and n2 = h2, −1, 2i. They are not
proportional so the planes are not parallel. We have n1 · n2 = 2 − 2 + 2 = 2 6= 0 so
the planes are not perpendicular. The cosinus of the angle between them is
n1 · n2 2 2
=√ √ = .
|n1 ||n2| 1+4+4 4+1+4 9
Thus, the angle is ∼ 1.346703235 ∼ 77 .

Problem 17: Find parametric equations of the line through the point (0, 1, 2) that is
perpendicular to the line x = 1 + t, y = 1 − t, z = 2t and intersects this line.
Solution: It is easy to see that the point P = (0, 1, 2) does not belong to the given
line L. The directional vector of L is vL = h1, −1, 2i. Point A = (1, 1, 0) belongs to
L. We consider the vector w = AP = (−1, 0, 2). Its projection on the vector vL is

w · vL −1 + 0 + 4 1
u= 2
vL = vL = vL = h1/2, −1/2, 1i.
|vL | 1+1+4 2

The projection of point P on line L is the point B = A+u = (1, 1, 0)+h1/2, −1/2, 1i =
(3/2, 1/2, 1). The line LP we have to construct passed through points P and B. Its
directional vector is m = BP = h−3/2, 1/2, 1i. We can use a proportional vector
instead: m = h−3, 1, 2i. Note that vL and m are perpendicular as we wanted.
The parametric representation of LP is

P + tm = (0 − 3t, 1 + t, 2 + 2t),

and its symmetric equations are

x y−1 z −2
= = .
−3 1 2

Figure 10. Hyperboloid of two sheets of Problem 18 a).


Problem 18: Use traces to sketch and identify the surfaces:

a) − x2 + 4y 2 − z 2 = 4 ;
b) x2 = y 2 + 4z 2 ;
c) y = z 2 − x2 .
Solution: a) −x2 + 4y 2 − z 2 = 4 We see that for −2 < y < 2 no points satisfy the
equation, i.e., the surface consists of two separate parts. It is a hyperboloid of two
sheets with the axis equal to y-coordinate line, Figure 10. For each y0 with |y0 | > 2
the trace on the plane y = y0 is a circle. The traces on the planes x = x0 and z = z0
are hyperbolas.

Figure 11. Cone of Problem 18 b)

b) x2 = y 2 + 4z 2 We see that for x = 0 (y, z-plane) the only point of the surface
is (0, 0, 0). For y = 0 we have x2 = 4z 2 or x = ±2z, i.e., two intersecting lines.
Similarly, for z = 0. It is a cone with x-axis as the axis, Figure 11. The trace on any
plane x = x0 6= 0 is an ellipse.
c) y = z 2 − x2 For each y = y0 6= 0 the trace is a hyperbola. For z = z0 the trace
is a parabola open downward, for x = x0 the trace is a parabola open upward. It is
a hyperbolic paraboloid (saddle surface), Figure 12.
Problem 19: Find an equation of the surface obtained by rotating the parabola y = x2
about the y− axis. Identify the surface.

Figure 12. Hyperbolic paraboloid of Problem 18 c).

Figure 13. Elliptic (circular) paraboloid of Problem 19.

Solution: For a fixed y = y0 > 0 the trace will be a circle of radius y0 . Thus,the
equation is y = x2 + z 2 . It is an elliptic (actually a circular) paraboloid with axis
equal to the y-axis, Figure 13.
Problem 20: Find an equation of the surface consisting of all points that are equidis-
tant from the point (−1, 0, 0) and the plane x = 1. Identify the surface.

Solution: In the x, y-plane the trace will be the parabola with focus (−1, 0) and
the directrix x = 1. By the equal distances condition its equation is
(x + 1)2 + y 2 = (x − 1)2 , or x2 + 2x + 1 + y 2 = x2 − 2x + 1, or x = − y 2.
The surface is obtained by rotating this parabola about the x-axis. We obtain the
x = − (y 2 + z 2 ), x ≤ 0.
It is a circular paraboloid with x axis as the axis. It looks similar to the surface of
Problem 19.
Problem 21: Let r(t) = ht, et, e−t i. Find r0(t), T(t), r00 (t), r0(t) × r00(t). Find the
tangent line at r(1).
Solution: We have
r0 (t) = h1, et , −e−ti;
h1, et , −e−t i
T(t) = √ ;
1 + e2t + e−2t
r00(t) = h0, et , e−t i;

i j k
0 00
r (t) × r (t) = 1 e −e = h2, −e−t , eti.
t −t

0 et e−t
We have r(1) = (1, e, 1/e) and r0 (1) = h1, e, −1/ei. The tangent line at r(1) is
1 1
1 + t, e + e · t, − · t .
e e
Problem 22: At what points the curves r1 (t) = h1, t2 , t3i and r2 (t) = hcos(t), sin(2t), ti
intersect? Find their angle of intersection to the nearest degree.
Solution: To find the intersection points we solve the system:

1 = cos s ;

t2 = sin(2s) ;
t3 = s.

The first equation implies that s = 2kπ, k = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . . Then, the third equa-

tion implies that t = 2kπ. For all k 6= 0 this implies that t2 > 1 so the sec-

ond equation cannot be satisfied. The only solution is t = s = 0. The corre-

sponding point is (1, 0, 0). We have r01 (t) = h0, 2t, 3t2 i, r01 (0) = h0, 0, 0i. Also,
r02(t) = h− sin t, 2 cos(2t), 1i, r02 (0) = h0, 2, 1i. We should calculate
r1 (0) · r02 (0)

arccos ,
|r01(0)||r02 (0)|

but unfortunatelly it is not possible since one of these vectors is a zero vector. The
angle with a zero vector is not defined.

Problem 23: Let r(t) = ht, t2 / 2, t3/3i, 0 ≤ t ≤ 10. Find the curvature of this curve.
Find the center of the osculating circle at point (0, 0, 0).
Solution: We have

r0(t) = h1, 2t, t2i,
√ √ 2i
with |r0(t)| = 1 + 2t2 + t4 = 1 + t2. Thus, T(t) = h1,1+t
2 and

h−2t, 2(1 − t2 ), 2ti
T0(t) = .
(1 + t2)2
p √ √
|T0 (t)| 4t2 + 2(1 − 2t2 + t4) + 4t2 2 + 4t2 + 2t4 2
κ= 0 = 2 3
= 2 3
= .
|r (t)| (1 + t ) (1 + t ) (1 + t2)2
Alternatively, we can calculate

r00(t) = h0, 2, 2ti,

i j k
√ √ √

r (t) × r (t) = 1 √2t t = h 2t2 , −2t, 2i.
0 00 2

0 2 2t
Then, √ √
|r0(t) × r00(t)| 2t4 + 4t2 + 2 2
κ= 0 3
= 2 3
= .
|r (t)| (1 + t ) (1 + t2 )2
The center of the osculating circle at point r(t) is the point r(t) + κ1 N(t), where
N(t) = |T0 (t)|
T0 (t)
is the unit normal vector at point r(t). We have
√ √ √
(1 + t2 ) h−2t, 2(1 − t2), 2ti h− 2t, (1 − t2), 2ti
N(t) = √ = ,
2 (1 + t2)2 (1 + t2)
and the center of osculating circle is
√ √
√ 3 (1 + t2)2 h− 2t, (1 − t2 ), 2ti
c(t) = ht, t / 2, t /3i + √ .
2 (1 + t2 )
For t = 0 we obtain
c(0) = √ (0, 1, 0).

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