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On the outskirts of a big city, there is a glorious and very well-known high school.

That school is
a private school that really prioritizes their quality of learning. On the outside, the school looks
structured and prestigious but not so much on the inside.

Around the school area, there is a gang of students that always cause a lot of trouble. That
gang is a 4 member gang called “The Wolf”, consisting of Roziqin, Luthfi, Ook, and Fahri. Their
rival gang is a gang from the other school, called “No Counter” that consists of Gabe, Azka,
Reza, and Ade.

One day, “The Wolf” Gang intentionally takes the “No Counter” Gang’s basecamp.

Luthfi : “Where should we hang out tonight?”

Fahri : “The last place was boring, we should find a new place to hang out.”
Ook : “But where? Does anyone have any ideas?”
Roziqin : “Okay here me out, last night I found a cool place that we can turn into our own

While “The Wolf” were figuring out their new hang out place, someone from the “No Counter”
Gang overheard their conversation and told his gang about it.

Azka : “Who do they think they are? Using my basecamp as their hang out place! I should tell

Azka : “Guys, “The Wolf” use our basecamp as their hang out place!”
Gabe : “We can’t let this happen!”
Reza : “We should pay them a visit tomorrow at their school, to teach them a lesson.”
Ade : “Yeah, we should show them who they are messing with.”

The next day, “No Counter” Gang decided to go to “The Wolf” Gang’s school to confront them.

Ade : “There they are, should we talk to them?”

Gabe : “Yeah, yeah we should.”

And there was a dispute between the two gangs.

Azka : “What’s your problem, man? Claiming our basecamp as your own.”
Reza : “You think you can mess with us?”
Fahri : “Your basecamp? Last time I checked, this was a public place. Everybody can use it.
Unless you have prove that this place is yours.”
Gabe : “Just shut your mouth!”
In the middle of the fight, Azka – one of the members of “No Counter” – fell and Roziqin quickly
stabbed his rival off guard until Azka was badly injured. And while the fight was happening,
there were witnesses that saw everything and reported it to the police and security guard.

Rahma : “We can’t let this happen.”

Vera : “And there is someone who is injured, the situation is getting out of hand.”
Adel : “Let’s split up, I will report it to the security guard. Rahma, you should call the police. And
Vera, take a picture of the scene for evidence.”

Not long after that, police arrived at the scene and fired a warning shot to break up the fight.

Reza : “Run! The police are here!”

Students : “Did you hear that? Is that a gunshot from the outside?”

There is a chase between the police, the security guard, and those 2 gangs.

Security Guard : “Hey you, stop running!”

Police 1 : “We should not let them run away!”
Police 2 : “I will go this way and you should go that way.”
Police 3 : “Yes, sir.”

The “No Counter” Gang tried to escape, but they failed and the police arrested them in an

Roziqin : “Let us go, we did nothing wrong, they are the one who started all of this.”
Reza : “Just wait for our revenge.”

Meanwhile, Azka was brought to the nearest hospital for intensive care by one of the teachers
from that school.

Both gangs were arrested and brought to the police station for questioning. The police also
called the headmaster, the homeroom teacher, the boys’ parents, and also witnesses to the
police station.

Police 1 : “Bring the witnesses to the station and call the kids’ parents and their teachers to also
come to the station.”
Police 3 : “Yes, sir.”

At the police station, police started to interrogate the 2 gangs and the witnesses.

Police 1 : “I need you to be cooperative and tell me everything.”

Gabe : “They started this, they took our basecamp.”
Ook : “They went to our school and came after us.”
Police 2 : “Okay, I think it’s best for both of you to stop quarreling. I need the witnesses to tell
me about what happened at the scene.”
Rahma : “So we saw “No Counter” Gang went to our school and started to argue with our
friends, then they suddenly attacked them. The fight started to happen and then one of our
friends was injured.”
Vera : “So we split up to report the incident to authorities.”
Police 2 : “Thank you for your testimony.”

After that incident, the headmaster decided to give them suspension as their punishment, and
the headmaster decided to expel one of the gang members that hurt one of the members of the
rival gang until he ended up in the hospital.

Parents 2 : “Sir, I’m begging you not to arrest my son.”

Parents 1 : “Yeah sir, Please don’t arrest my boy.”
Parents 1 : “You can give them other punishments, but please don’t arrest our son.”
Parents 2 : “Please, they are just kids, sir.”
Police 3 : “Okay, I won’t arrest them, but I will give them a suspension so they will learn from
their mistake and so they won’t put their school to shame.”

After that incident, both of the gangs were suspended and one of the members was expelled
after hurting one of the members of the rival gang.

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