Unit 02 Networking Reworded 2022 Ahmed Mushtaq

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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Mr. Kavindu Chethiya

Assessor Internal Verifier
Unit 02: Networking

Assignment title LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS

M.M.A. Mushtaq
Student’s name
List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction
the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N

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justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive? Y/N
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria? Y/N
• Identifying opportunities for Y/N
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• Agreeing actions? Y/N
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Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if required)

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Internal Verifier
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1|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID M.M.A. Mushtaq

Unit Title Unit 02: Networking

Assignment Number 1 Assessor Mr. Kavindu Chethiya

Date Received
Submission Date
1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date

Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1

LO2 Explain networking devices and operations.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 D1


LO3 Design efficient networked systems.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M3 D2

LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 P8 M4 D3

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

2|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Date

Student Date

3|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 02: Networking
Assignment 01

4|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous
page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
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4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

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6. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
7. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you
may apply (in writing) for an extension.
8. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will then
be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation and
a reference list.
11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be
reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course

5|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as
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Student’s Signature: Date: 13/11/2022
(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)

6|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number M.M.A. Mushtaq / COL00125215

Unit Number and Title Unit 2: Networking

Academic Year 2021/22

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title LAN Design & Implementation for SYNTAX SOLUTIONS

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission format

The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style
using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and
subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard
referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing system.
The recommended word count is 3,000–3,500 words for the report excluding annexures,
although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols.

LO2 Explain networking devices and operations.

LO3 Design efficient networked systems.

LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems.

7|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

Assignment Brief and Guidance:


SYNTAX SOLUTIONS is a privately owned, well-known Software company located in Colombo. The
Management of SYNTAX SOLUTIONS has purchased a 3-story building in the heart of Matara. They
are planning to make it one of the state-of-the-art companies in Matara with the latest facilities.

It is expected to have nearly 150 employees in Matara branch.

Department Number of Users

Customer Care 10

Sales and Marketing 20

Finance 25

Legal 5

HR 10

Developers 55

Network Team 5

Server Room Servers +ISP connections

Foll ow i ng r equir ements ar e g iv en by the Manag ement.

• All the departments must be separ ated with uni que subnet and sho uld no t
communicate with each o ther unless ther e is a speci al r equir ement .

• 19 2.16 8.10. 0/24 is giv en and sho uld be used fo r all the departments except the
server room . IPs sho uld assign usi ng DHCP .

• ERP and CRM Sy stems need to be im plem ented in M ata ra branch in local serv ers.

• N umber of s erv ers requir ed for the S erver r oom need to be decided by the

8|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

Netwo rk designer and sho uld be assigned with 10.25 4.1. 0/24 subnet. (Uses static
I Ps )

• Hig h l ev el of r edundancy is expected in netwo rk design to eliminate si ngle po int

o f failures and traffic bottle necks.

• S al es and Mar keti ng Team need to access Netwo rk reso urces usi ng WI FI
co nnectiv ity .

• Pr oper methods fo r netw or ki ng monitoring and tr oubl eshooting need to be


• All possible netw or k sec ur ity mechanism s sho uld be im plemented.

Assume yo u have been appo inted as the new netwo rk co nsultant o f SYNT AX S OLUTI ONS .
P repare a netwo rk architectural design and im plement it with yo ur suggestio ns and
recommendatio ns to meet the com pany requirements.

(No te: Cl ea rl y state you r a ssump tion s. You a re allow ed to d esign th e n etwo rk a cco rding
to you r a ssump tion s, bu t main requi remen ts sho uld n ot b e viol ated)

Ac tiv ity 01
• D iscuss the benefits and co nstraints o f different netwo rk system types that can be
im plemented in the Matara branch and the m ain IEEE Ethernet standards that can
be used in above L AN and WLAN design.

• D iscuss the im po rtance and impact o f netwo rk to po lo gies and netwo rk proto co l
suites while com paring the main network to po lo gies and netwo rk proto co l suites
that are used in netwo rk design using exam ples . Recomm end suitable netwo rk
topolo gies and network proto co l suites fo r above scenario and justify yo ur answer
with v alid po ints.

9|Page Ahmed Mushtaq

Ac tiv ity 02
• D iscuss the o perating principles o f network dev ices (Ex: Ro uter, Switch, Etc.) and
server ty pes that can be used fo r abov e scenario while explo ring different servers
that are available in to day’s m arket with their specificatio ns . R ecommend
server/ servers fo r the abov e scenario and justify your selectio n with v alid po ints .

• D iscuss the inter -dependence o f wo rkstatio n hardware with networking so ftware and
prov ide exam ples fo r netwo rking so ftware that can be used in abov e netwo rk design.

Ac tiv ity 03

• Prepare a written network design plan to meet the above mentioned user
requirements including a blueprint drawn using a modeling tool. (Ex: Microsoft
Visio, EdrawMax).
Support your answer by providing the VLAN and IP subnetting scheme for the
above scenario and the list of devices, network components and software used
to design the network for above scenario and while justifying your selections.

• Test and evaluate the proposed design to meet the requirements and analyse
user feedback by using a User feedback form.

• Install and co nfigure Netwo rk services, devices and applications (Ex: VL AN,D HCP ,
D NS,Pro xy , Web, Etc.) acco rding to the pro posed design to accom plish the user
requirements and design a detailed M aintenance schedule for abov e Netwo rk.

*N ote: - Scr een s hots of C onfig ur ati on scri pts shoul d be pr esented.

Ac tiv ity 04
• Im plement a networked system based o n yo ur prepared design with v alid evidence s
and recommend po tential future enhancements fo r the networked system with valid

10 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
justificatio ns to yo ur recommendatio ns. Use critical reflectio n to critically evaluat e
the design, plan, co nfiguration, and testing o f yo ur network while justifying with v alid
co nclusio ns.

• D evelo p test cases and co nduct verificatio n (Ex: Ping, extended ping, trace ro ute,
telnet, SSH, etc.) to test the abov e Netwo rk and analyse the test results against the
expected results.

11 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
12 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 : Examine networking principles and their protocols.

Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types
and standards.
Explain the impact of network topology, communication and
bandwidth requirements.
Compare common networking principles and how protocols
enable the effectiveness of networked systems.

LO2 : Explain networking devices and operations

Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and
server types.

13 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with
relevant networking software.

Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a
server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and
performance optimization.

LO 1 & LO2
D1 Critically evaluate the topology protocol selected for a given
scenario to demonstrate the efficient utilisation of a networking
LO3 : Design efficient networked systems

Design a networked system to meet a given specification.
Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and
analyze user feedback.

14 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Install and configure network services and applications on your
Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked
LO4 : Implement and diagnose networked systems

Implement a networked system based on a prepared design.
Document and analyze test results against expected results.
Recommend potential enhancements for the networked
Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid

15 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Ahmed Mushtaq Masood


16 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
It is indeed a great pleasure to have got this opportunity for me to do this project work and complete it within a specified period.
Although it was a Herculean task at the beginning, I took it as a challenge, and it was a good experience for me. I am very glad that I
benefitted greatly by doing this project. There are a few people who really involved in helping me with this project. It is with great
enthusiasm that I extend my gratitude to ESoft Metropolitan Campus for giving me an opportunity.
My gratitude also is extended to my lecturer Mr.Kavindu Chethiya, for his encouragement and guidance at all times.
Secondly my colleagues for their support and cooperation to complete this project.
A big Thank You to all of you.

17 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Activity 01: Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network system types that can be implemented in the Matara branch
and the main IEEE Ethernet standards that can be used in above LAN and WLAN design. ............................................................. 25
1.1 What is a Network? .................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
1.2 Advantages of computer network: ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
1.3 Disadvantages of computer Network: ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
1.4 What is a LAN (Local Area Network ) .................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.5 What is a WAN (Wide Area Network) .................................................................................................................................................... 30
1.6 What is a MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) ........................................................................................................................................ 32
1.7 What is ISO / OSI Model ......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
1.8 TCP/IP Model .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
1.9 IEEE Ethernet Standards:......................................................................................................................................................................... 41
1.10 IEE Standard Association- ..................................................................................................................................................................... 42
1.11 ISO Standard Association – ................................................................................................................................................................... 42
1.12 W3C Standard Association- ................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Activity 01.1: Discuss the importance and impact of network topologies and network protocol suites while comparing the main
network topologies and network protocol suites that are used in network design using examples. Recommend suitable network
topologies and network protocol suites for above scenario and justify your answer with valid points. .............................................. 43
1.13 What are the differences between Physical and Logical Topology? ..................................................................................................... 43
1.14 Hybrid Topology .................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
1.15 What is Ring Topology .......................................................................................................................................................................... 46
1.16 Different types of Protocols and its uses ................................................................................................................................................ 48

18 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
1.17 HTTPS Protocol - (Hypertext transfer protocol secure) .................................................................................................................... 48
1.18 How does HTTPS works........................................................................................................................................................................ 49
1.19 For what reason is HTTPS significant? What occurs on the off chance that a site doesn't have HTTPS?........................................ 49
1.20 Advantage of using HTTPS ............................................................................................................................................................... 50
1.21 What is DNS (Domain Name System) .............................................................................................................................................. 50
1.22 How does DNS work?........................................................................................................................................................................ 50
1.23 Advantages of DNS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 51
1.24 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)? ............................................................................................................................................................ 52
1.25 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ................................................................................................................................ 53
1.26 Why should we use (DHCP) .............................................................................................................................................................. 54
1.27 Benefits / Advantages of using (DHCP) ............................................................................................................................................ 54
Activity 02: Discuss the operating principles of network devices (Ex: Router, Switch, Etc.) and server types that can be used for
above scenario while exploring different servers that are available in today’s market with their specifications. Recommend
server/servers for the above scenario and justify your selection with valid points. .............................................................................. 55
2.1 What are network devices? .................................................................................................................................................................. 55
2.2 Types of network devices .................................................................................................................................................................... 55
2.3 What is a HUB ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
2.4 What is a Router ................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
2.5 What is an Access Point ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58
2.6 What is a Bridge ................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
2.7 What is a Repeater ............................................................................................................................................................................... 60
2.9 What is a Server? ................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
2.10 Below are several types of Network Servers: .................................................................................................................................... 62

19 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
2.11 Database Server: .................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
2.12 File Server: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
2.13 Types of File Server: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 64
2.14 What is a DHCP Server: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 65
DHCP Specifications: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 67
2.15 What is a DNS Server: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 69
2.16 DNS Specifications: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 70
2.17 DNS Hardware Specifications: .......................................................................................................................................................... 71
Activity 02.1: Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with networking software and provide examples for networking
software that can be used in above network design. ...................................................................................................................................... 73
2.18 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. ............................................................ 73
2.19 VMWare WorkStation Pro Installation Guide: .................................................................................................................................. 76
Activity 03: Prepare a written network design plan to meet the above mentioned user requirements including a blueprint drawn
using a modeling tool. (Ex: Microsoft Visio, EdrawMax). Support your answer by providing the VLAN and IP subnetting scheme
for the above scenario and the list of devices, network components and software used to design the network for above scenario
and while justifying your selections. .......................................................................................................................................................... 91
3.1 Blueprint Diagram using (Draw io) software ...................................................................................................................................... 91
3.2 PC, Switch and Router Configuration.................................................................................................................................................. 92
3.3 IP Address allocation table for the redesigned network. ................................................................................................................... 102
3.4 Feedback Form:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 103
3.5 Maintenance Schedule ....................................................................................................................................................................... 113
Activity 04: Develop test cases and conduct verification (Ex: Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet, SSH, etc.) to test the above Network
and analyse the test results against the expected results. ............................................................................................................................. 114
4.1 Ping Test & Config ............................................................................................................................................................................ 114

20 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
4.3 As the Network Engineer ................................................................................................................................................................... 126
4.4 Future Enhancements ......................................................................................................................................................................... 126
4.5 Network Intelligence .......................................................................................................................................................................... 126
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................................. 127

21 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Figure 1:Computer Network .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 2: LAN ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 3:WAN................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 4:MAN ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 5:ISO/ OSI MODEL ........................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 6:TCP/IP MODEL .............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 7:IEEE STANDARDS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 8:HYBRID TOPOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 9:SINGLE RING TOPOLOGY.......................................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 10:DUAL RING TOPOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 11:INTERNET PROTOCOL ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 12:FTP ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 13:DHCP ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Figure 14:HUB ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 15:ROUTER ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 16:ACCESS POINT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 17:BRIDGE ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 59
Figure 18:REPEATER ................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 19:DATABASE SERVER ................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 20:FILE SERVER .............................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 21:DHCP SERVER ............................................................................................................................................................................ 65
Figure 22:TECHNICAL SPECS .................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 23:TECHNICAL SPECS .................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 24:DNS SERVER ............................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 25: DNS SERVER SPECS ................................................................................................................................................................. 70
Figure 26:DNS HARDWARE SPECS .......................................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 27:DNS HARDWARE SPECS .......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Figure 28:DESKTOP SERVER & WORKSTATION .................................................................................................................................. 74

22 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Figure 29:SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 30:VMWARE STEP 1........................................................................................................................................................................ 76
Figure 31:STEP 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 32:STEP 3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 33: STEP 4 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 34:STEP 5 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 35:STEP 6 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 36:STEP 7 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 37:STEP 8 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 38:STEP 9 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 39:STEP 10 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 40:VMWARE INTERFACE -STEP 11 ............................................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 41:STEP 12 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 42:STEP 13 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 43:STEP 14 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 44:STEP 15 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 45:BLUEPRINT ................................................................................................................................................................................. 91
Figure 46 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 92
Figure 47 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 93
Figure 48 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Figure 49:CREATING VLANS..................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Figure 50 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 96
Figure 51 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97
Figure 52 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 98
Figure 53 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 99
Figure 54 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Figure 55 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 56:FEEDBACK FORM .................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 57 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 104

23 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Figure 58 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 59 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 60 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 61:USER RESPONSES .................................................................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 62 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 63 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 64 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Figure 65 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Figure 66 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
Figure 67:PING TEST ................................................................................................................................................................................. 114
Figure 68 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 69 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 116
Figure 70 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 117
Figure 71 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 118
Figure 72 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Figure 73 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 74 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 121
Figure 75 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 76 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 77 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 124
Figure 78 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125

24 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Activity 01: Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network system types that can be implemented in
the Matara branch and the main IEEE Ethernet standards that can be used in above LAN and WLAN

1.1 What is a Network?

A computer Network is a collection of autonomous computing devices that are interconnected in various ways in order to exchange
information by common conventions, called protocols, over a shared communication medium.

Figure 1:Computer Network

25 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
1.2 Advantages of computer network:
➢ Information sharing – Authorized users can use other computers on the network to access and share information & data.

➢ Hardware sharing – One device connected to a network, such as a printer or scanner, can be shared by many users.

➢ Software sharing – instead of purchasing and installing a software program on each computer, it can be installed on the server. All of
the users can then access the program from a single location

➢ Collaborative environment – users can work together on group projects by combining the power and capabilities of diverse

1.3 Disadvantages of computer Network:

➢ The security of a computer network is challenged on a daily basis.

➢ System may crash or system failures may occur if there are not enough network team or experts to handle the server.

➢ Hackers can break through the network if our connection is not secured or monitored using a virus guard.

➢ Equipment malfunctions and system failures may be caused by natural disasters such as storms, floods or fires and electrical

26 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
1.4 What is a LAN (Local Area Network )

Figure 2: LAN

➢ Virtual LAN is a gathering of PCs that are parceled while interfacing with the switch. Assume you have a switch and there are 4 ports
joined and 4 PCs are associated with the ports. Presently one PC is gathered as the HR division. Furthermore, three PCs are gathered
as administrations office. This implies there are two virtual LAN in the switch. One is the HR gathering of virtual LAN and the other
is administrations gathering of virtual LAN. Presently the advantage of this parcel is that on the off chance that any gathering
broadcast, that might be reached to that division. So the HR division will communicate to just HR office PCs. This is a virtual
division of PCs in the LAN. Virtual LAN likewise assists with shielding the divisions from programmers. On the off chance that any
gathering is gone after by the programmers, another division will be protected from the programmers since that has a place with one
more gathering in virtual LAN.

27 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Local Area Network can be either wired LAN or Wireless LAN.

➢ Wired Local Area Network

Wired LAN is otherwise called Ethernet LAN association. In this kind of association, wires are utilized to associate the PCs. It is a
quick association and idleness is low in a wired association. Idleness implies when you move information then in how long it is gotten
to the objective. So information arrive at time is low in wired LAN. In enterprises, Ethernet LAN is utilized in light of the fact that for
this situation information isn't lost and every client gets a committed line for moving the information. Ethernet speed is around 1Gbps.
Various sorts of hardware are utilized in wired LAN for example modem, switch, center, switch, coaxial link is utilized to make wired
LAN association.

➢ Wireless Local Area Network

Remote LAN is otherwise called a Wi-Fi association. It has low speed when contrasted with wired LAN. The speed of Wi-Fi is under 1
Gbps. Wi-Fi keeps IEEE 802.11 guidelines. The idleness rate is high in remote LAN that implies information move time from one area
to other is high. There is a high opportunity that your information breakdown with different information for example the transmissions
might crash into one another in the event that numerous gadgets are sending and getting information remotely. On the off chance that
you are intrigued to mess around, I recommend you utilize a wired association since it has a low dormancy rate when contrasted with
Wi-Fi. You can involve a Wi-Fi area of interest to associate various gadgets in a remote LAN. There are no wires expected to make a
remote association. The hardware used to make the remote association is a remote modem, remote switch, remote organization card.

Advantages Disadvantages
Resources Sharing- Sharing of assets, for example, hard disk Malware Spreading- Appearance of infection in a LAN based
drives, DVD drives and Printers are made simple in Local Area framework is profoundly hazardous. On the off chance that one
Network. For a model every one of the assets can be associated the connected PCs are impacted with an infection, it can
with one single PC with an organization so that at whatever point undoubtedly spread to the excess PCs present on the
there is a need of assets it tends to be imparted to the associated organization.

28 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Software Sharing- One more sort of sharing made simple here is Server Crashes - Focal server which is available on the LAN
the software sharing. A solitary PC with the authorized design deals with every one of the appended PCs. In the event
programming can be divided between different clients in the that in the event that the server experiences any issues every one
organization. There is compelling reason need to buy individual of the associated PCs are impacted as well. For a model on the
permit for every single PC in the organization. All can be worked off chance that the records on the server gets debased, no more
under one single permit. information on the appended PCs can be open.
Convenient Communication - Utilizing LAN clients can trade Security - Since it is fairly simple to get close enough to
messages and information in a helpful manner. Since the programs and different kinds of information, security concerns
information is put on the server it tends to be gotten to whenever are a major issue in LAN. The sole liability to stop unapproved
by the LAN clients. Each and every LAN client can do this with access is in the possession of LAN directors. The LAN head
others on the organization. Thus, this not just saves bunches of needs to ensure that the unified information is appropriately
time, it guarantees that messages get conveyed to the ideal gotten by carrying out right arrangement of rules and security
individuals. strategies on the server.
Improved Security - Since information is put away on a local Implementation cost - Despite the fact that LAN sets aside loads
server, it very well may be destined to be secure. In the event that of cash as far as asset sharing, the underlying expense engaged
the information on the server is refreshed, just all the LAN clients with setting up the organization is very high. This is principally
can get to them. Likewise, the host has the capacity to deny or because of the prerequisite of an extraordinary necessary
permit clients in a specific organization so extra security programming to make a server. Notwithstanding that buying of
estimations can be forced. equipment types of gear, for example, switches, center points,
switches and links are expected interestingly arrangement.
Internet Sharing - LAN has the ability to divide web association Policy violations- Since every one of the information of the
between all the LAN clients. One single PC with a web associated PCs are put away inside a focal server, unapproved
association imparts web to every one of the associated PCs. This clients can see all the perusing history and downloads of the
sort of framework should be visible in Workplaces and Netcafes. multitude of associated PCs. Particularly the LAN manager has
the power to really look at individual information of every single
LAN client. Consequently, this can prompt Arrangement

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1.5 What is a WAN (Wide Area Network)

Figure 3:WAN

➢ A wide area network is a huge organization of PCs that isn't associated with a solitary spot. Through a WAN supplier, WANs license
correspondence, data sharing, and more between gadgets around the world. Since the web is the world's biggest WAN, WANs are
basic for global organizations and fundamental for ordinary use.

Specialist co-ops habitually assemble these organizations and afterward employ them to organizations, schools, states, and the
general population. Despite their situation, these clients can use the organization to move and keep information or speak with
different administrators; up until this point, they have an association with the laid out WAN. It is feasible to concede availability
through joins, including remote organizations, virtual confidential organizations, web access, or cell organizations.

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WANs empower global gatherings to execute their key ordinary exercises without interference. Laborers overall can interface with an
organization's WAN to share data, speak with colleagues, or remain associated with the organization's information asset point.
Qualified network experts assist organizations with keeping up with their interior WAN organization and other basic IT framework.

➢ What is the purpose of using WAN(Wide Area Network)

There is no such thing as on the off chance that Wan availability, foundations would be limited to explicit areas or geographic locales.
In spite of the fact that LANs empower organizations to work inside their own homes, expanding to different regions, like various cities
or even countries, would be unrealistic since the necessary base would be very expensive for some organizations. As organizations
grow and turn out to be progressively worldwide, WANs empower them to cooperate between workplaces, share data, and remain
related. For instance, WANs permit workers to get to the data expected to execute their positions while out and about. One more
utilization of a wide region network is to impart data to clients and accomplices. Conversely, WANs offer a significant assistance to
general society. For instance, college understudies can utilize WANs to see library databanks or do explore. Individuals use WANs
everyday to convey, shop, bank, and so forth.

Advantages Disadvantages
Quick delivery of messages - We have seen expanded WAN- Troubleshooting issues- A WAN organization covers
based gadgets with upgrades in LAN and the Web of Things enormous geographic regions, making it hard to determine an
(IoT). Along these lines, correspondence is quicker utilizing issue inside the organization.
famous applications like WhatsApp and courier.
Increased bandwidth- Corporate LAN regularly utilizes rent Requires antivirus and firewall software- You should initiate
lines to frame an organization spine. With this, it implies it the firewall on the gadgets since information programmers can
gives more data transfer capacity than standard broadband get to and alter information sent through the web. These
associations. Subsequently, involving WAN in an association programmers can introduce an infection on your machine. In
helps increment transfer speed. this way, it requires antivirus and firewall programming for its

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Centralized sharing of data - Utilizing a wide region Costs of installation- Because of their geographic inclusion,
organization (WAN) permits you to share information to every WANs are modern. Subsequently, they are exorbitant to set up.
one of the gadgets on the organization. For example, you can In this manner, you should purchase switches, switches, and
lay out an administrative center server and trade information all security answers for set up a WAN.
through the workplace areas. Accordingly, there is compelling
reason need to purchase separate records, messages, or
reinforcement servers. On the other hand, you can rely upon the
administrative center server for full reinforcement and backing.
Wide Coverage- For the most part, WAN covers a huge Maintenance issues- Making a WAN organization is a full-time
topographical region. Accepting your organization's workplaces job that requires recruiting innovative organization supervisors
are fanned out all through the nation, WAN makes it simpler to and trained professionals.
easily associate these workplaces. Network access Suppliers
(ISPs) can offer rented lines to accomplish this reason.

1.6 What is a MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

Figure 4:MAN

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➢ MAN or Metropolitan area network covers a bigger region than that of a LAN and more modest region when contrasted with WAN.
It associates at least two PCs that are separated however dwell in something similar or various urban communities. It covers an
enormous geological region and may act as an ISP (Network access Supplier). MAN is intended for clients who need fast network.
Paces of MAN range regarding Mbps. It's difficult to plan and keep a Metropolitan Region Organization.

➢ A metropolitan region organization (MAN) is an organization which covers a city or an enormous college grounds. MAN interface
clients inside an area bigger than Local area network (LAN) however more modest than a wide region organization (WAN). MAN is
made with a mix of a few LAN through highlight point associations. MAN typically includes association of fiber optics wires to help
information move speed.

Advantages Disadvantages
Less expensive - Connecting MAN with WAN is more Hackers attack- In MAN there are high possibilities going after
affordable. MAN gives the great effectiveness of information. In programmers on the organization contrasted with LAN. So
MAN information is effectively overseen in a concentrated information might be spilled. Information can be gotten yet it
manner. needs high prepared staff and security apparatuses.
High speed than WAN - MAN utilizes fiber optics so the speed Internet speed difference- MAN can't deal with conventional
of information can without much of a stretch reach upon 1000 telephone copper wires. In the event that MAN is introduced on
Mbps. Records and data sets can be moved quick. copper wires, there will be extremely low speed. So it expected
the significant expense to set up fiber optics interestingly.
High Security- MAN has a high-security level than WAN. Difficult to manage- On the off chance that MAN increases, it
becomes hard to oversee it. This is because of a security issue
and other additional setup.
Sharing of the internet - In some establishment of Monitors, Technical people required to set up- To arrangement MAN it
clients can share their web association. So different clients can requires specialized individuals that can accurately arrangement
get a similar rapid web. MAN. The specialized individuals are network chairmen and

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1.7 What is ISO / OSI Model


➢ OSI represents Open System Interconnection. It has been created by ISO - 'International Organization for Standardization', in the
year 1984. It is a 7 layer design with each layer having explicit usefulness to perform. This large number of 7 layers work
cooperatively to communicate the information starting with one individual then onto the next across the globe.
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1. Physical Layer (Layer 1):

The most reduced layer of the OSI reference model is the actual layer. It is answerable for the real actual association between the
gadgets. The actual layer contains data as pieces. It is answerable for communicating individual pieces starting with one hub then onto
the next. While getting information, this layer will get the sign gotten and convert it into 0s and 1s and send them to the Information
Connection layer, which will assemble the casing back.

The elements of the physical layer are as per the following:

➢ Bit synchronization: The actual layer gives the synchronization of the pieces by giving a clock. This clock controls both source
and beneficiary accordingly giving synchronization at bit level.
➢ Bit rate control: The Actual layer likewise characterizes the transmission rate for example the quantity of pieces sent each
➢ Actual geographies: Actual layer determines the manner by which the unique, gadgets/hubs are organized in an organization for
example transport, star, or cross section geography.
➢ Transmission mode: Actual layer additionally characterizes the manner by which the information streams between the two
associated gadgets. The different transmission modes conceivable are Simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex.

2.Data Connection Layer (DLL) (Layer 2):

The information connect layer is answerable for the hub to-hub conveyance of the message. The primary capability of this layer is to
ensure information move is blunder liberated from one hub to another, over the actual layer. At the point when a bundle shows up in
an organization, it is the obligation of DLL to communicate it to the Host utilizing its Macintosh address.
Information Connection Layer is partitioned into two sublayers:

➢ Sensible Connection Control (LLC)

➢ Media Access Control (Macintosh)

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The parcel got from the Organization layer is additionally partitioned into outlines relying upon the edge size of NIC (Network
Point of interaction Card). DLL additionally epitomizes Source and Collector's Macintosh address in the header. The Collector's
Macintosh address is acquired by setting an ARP (Address Goal Convention) demand onto the wire inquiring "Who has that IP
address?" and the objective host will answer with its Macintosh address.

The elements of the Information Connection layer are:

➢ Framing: Outlining is a component of the information connect layer. It gives a way to a source to send a bunch of pieces that
are significant to the recipient. This can be achieved by appending extraordinary piece examples to the start and end of the
➢ Physical addressing: Subsequent to making outlines, the Information connect layer adds actual addresses (Macintosh
address) of the source or potentially collector in the header of each edge.
➢ Error control: Information connect layer gives the component of blunder control in which it recognizes and retransmits
harmed or lost outlines.
➢ Flow Control: The information rate should be steady on the two sides else the information might get adulterated in this way,
stream control organizes how much information that can be sent prior to getting affirmation.
➢ Access control: When a solitary correspondence channel is shared by different gadgets, the Macintosh sub-layer of the
information connect layer assists with figuring out which gadget has command over the channel at a given time.

3.Network Layer (Layer 3):

Layer's employer the transmission of information from one host to the next situated in various organizations. It likewise deals with parcel
directing for example determination of the most limited way to communicate the bundle, from the quantity of courses accessible. The
source and beneficiary's IP addresses are put in the header by the organization layer.

The elements of the Organization layer are:

➢ Steering: The organization layer conventions figure out which course is reasonable from source to objective. This capability of
the organization layer is known as steering.

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➢ Logical Addressing: To distinguish every gadget on internetwork particularly, the organization layer characterizes a tending to
plot. The shipper and recipient's IP addresses are set in the header by the organization layer. Such a location separates every
gadget remarkably and all around.

4.Transport Layer (Layer 4):

The Transport layer offers types of assistance to the application layer and takes administrations from the organization layer. The
information in the transport layer is alluded to as Fragments. It is liable for the Start to finish Conveyance of the total message. The
transport layer additionally gives the affirmation of the fruitful information transmission and yet again sends the information in the event
that a blunder is found.
Next to sender: Transport layer gets the organized information from the upper layers, performs Division, and furthermore carries out
Stream and Mistake control to guarantee appropriate information transmission. It likewise adds Source and Objective port numbers in its
header and advances the fragmented information to the Organization Layer.

The administrations given by the Transport layer:

➢ Association Situated Help: It is a three-stage process that incorporates

– Connection Establishment
– Data Transfer
– Termination / disconnection

5.Session Layer (Layer 5):

This layer is liable for the foundation of association, upkeep of meetings, verification, and furthermore guarantees security.
The elements of the Session layer are:
Session foundation, support, and end: The layer permits the two cycles to lay out, use and end an association.
Synchronization: This layer permits an interaction to add designated spots which are viewed as synchronization focuses into the
information. These synchronization guides help toward distinguish the blunder so the information is re-synchronized appropriately, and
finishes of the messages are not cut rashly and information misfortune is stayed away from.
Discourse Regulator: The meeting layer permits two frameworks to begin correspondence with one another in half-duplex or full-duplex.

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6.Presentation Layer (Layer 6):

The presentation layer is additionally called the Interpretation layer. The information from the application layer is extricated here and
controlled according to the necessary organization to communicate over the organization.
The elements of the presentation layer are:

➢ Interpretation: For instance, ASCII to EBCDIC.

➢ Encryption/Decryption: Information encryption makes an interpretation of the information into another structure or code. The
scrambled information is known as the ciphertext and the decoded information is known as plain text. A key worth is utilized for
encoding as well as decoding information.
➢ Compression: Decreases the quantity of pieces that should be communicated on the organization.

7.Application Layer (Layer 7):

At the actual top of the OSI Reference Model heap of layers, we find the Application layer which is carried out by the organization
applications. These applications produce the information, which must be moved over the organization. This layer likewise fills in as a
window for the application administrations to get to the organization and for showing the got data to the client.

EX: Application - Programs, Skype messenger, etc.

The functions of the Application layer are:

➢ Network Virtual Terminal.

➢ FTAM-File transfer access and management.
➢ Mail Services.
➢ Directory Services.

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1.8 TCP/IP Model


The OSI Model we just took a gander at is only a reference/consistent model. It was intended to portray the elements of the
correspondence framework by partitioning the correspondence method into more modest and easier parts. Yet, when we discuss the
TCP/IP model, it was planned and created by Division of Safeguard (DoD) in 1960s and depends on standard conventions. It represents
Transmission Control Convention/Web Convention. The TCP/IP model is a brief rendition of the OSI model. It contains four layers, not
at all like seven layers in the OSI model. The layers are:

➢ Process/Application Layer
➢ Host-to-Host/Transport Layer
➢ Internet Layer

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➢ Network Access/Link Layer
Difference between TCP/IP and OSI Model:

TCP alludes to Transmission Control Protocol. OSI alludes to Open Frameworks Interconnection.
TCP/IP has 4 layers. OSI has 7 layers.
TCP/IP is more reliable OSI is less solid
TCP/IP doesn't have extremely severe boundaries. OSI has severe limits
TCP/IP follow a level approach. OSI follows an upward approach.
TCP/IP utilizes both meeting and show layer in the application OSI utilizes different meeting and show layers.
layer itself.
TCP/IP created conventions then model. OSI created model then convention.
Transport layer in TCP/IP doesn't give affirmation conveyance of In OSI model, transport layer gives confirmation conveyance of
packets. parcels.
TCP/IP model organization layer just gives association less Connection less and association arranged the two administrations
services. are given by network layer in OSI model.
Conventions can't be supplanted effectively in TCP/IP model. While in OSI model, Conventions are better covered and is not
difficult to supplant with the adjustment of innovation.

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1.9 IEEE Ethernet Standards:


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1.10 IEE Standard Association-
➢ IEEE Principles Affiliation (IEEE SA) is a main agreement building association that sustains, creates and propels worldwide
innovations, through IEEE. We unite an expansive scope of people and associations from a great many specialized and
geographic starting places to work with principles improvement and guidelines related cooperation. With cooperative idea
pioneers in excess of 160 nations, we advance development, empower the creation and extension of global business sectors and
assist with safeguarding wellbeing and public security. By and large, our work drives the usefulness, capacities and
interoperability of a great many items and administrations that change the manner in which individuals live, work, and convey.

1.11 ISO Standard Association –

➢ ISO is a free, non-legislative global association with an enrollment of 167 public guidelines bodies.
Through its individuals, it unites specialists to share information and foster intentional, agreement based, market important
Worldwide Guidelines that help development and give answers for worldwide difficulties.

1.12 W3C Standard Association-

➢ W3C is driven by Tim Berners-Lee, innovator of the Internet and Chief and Dr. Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C Chief. They are upheld by a
staff of specialized specialists who assist with organizing innovation improvement and deal with the tasks of the Consortium.
W3C Evangelists address W3C in different areas and are an expansion of W3C's Business Advancement Group. They are
answerable for recognizing and selecting new W3C Individuals, running neighborhood occasions, advancing W3C Preparing and
cultivating Sponsorship. An Evangelist might cover all W3C innovations in a specific geographic district or be liable for a
specific Vertical Industry inside a doled out geology.
W3C Individuals and welcomed specialists from the general population give energy to the gatherings that compose W3C's
Internet guidelines.
The more extensive Web people group additionally assumes a significant part in exploring and giving contribution on details;
there are numerous ways of taking part in W3C even as a person.

42 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Activity 01.1: Discuss the importance and impact of network topologies and network protocol suites while
comparing the main network topologies and network protocol suites that are used in network design using
examples. Recommend suitable network topologies and network protocol suites for above scenario and justify
your answer with valid points.

1.13 What are the differences between Physical and Logical Topology?
• Logical Topology -
It tells about an organization that ought to be designed for the exchange of data. This is unique in relation to actual Topology as it
doesn't make sense of the actual wiring of an organization, however all things being equal, it portrays the progression of information,
data, and back, starting with one framework then onto the next and the courses it takes.

A few instances of Logical topology are as per the following –

➢ Logical Star Topology − Utilizations legitimate transport geography to move information among gadgets.

➢ Logical Ring Topology − One hub is permitted to move information in an organization at a time. This is carried out by utilizing a
symbolic framework so only each is permitted in turn.

• Physical Topology -
A Physical Topology makes sense of about how network gadgets are truly associated or how gadgets are really connected to one
another, for instance links, remote availability and the sky is the limit from there.
It is an outline which shows the construction of how gadgets are associated truly inside an organization. It alludes to how an
organization looks and works.

• The types of physical topology are as per the following −

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➢ Linear Bus topology − A solitary wire link that interfaces with all organization hubs straightforwardly.

➢ Star topology − It is a solitary passageway topology; it implies all hubs are associated straightforwardly at a certain point.

➢ Tree topology − It is the mix of star and bus topologies. It has various passages that are associated with bus topology while
others are associated with their individual passageways.

The significant contrasts between Physical topology and logical topology are given underneath –

Physical Topology Logical Topology

Physical Topology implies the actual design of the organization. Logical Topology implies how the organization gadget design
For Ex − Ring, Bus, Star, and Mesh section. will be shown and the way that the information will be moved.
For Ex − Ring and Bus.

In this Topology, we are worried about how information will be This Topology is worried about the undeniable level portrayal of
moved from the genuine way. the information move.

According to the prerequisite, we can change the format of the There is no change acknowledged.

It can influence cost, transmission capacity, versatility and so It can influence information conveyance.

Kinds of physical topologies are star, mesh, bus, and ring. Kinds of legitimate topologies are logical bus, and logical ring.

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1.14 Hybrid Topology


• This topological innovation is the blend of the multitude of different kinds of topologies we have concentrated. It is utilized when the
hubs are allowed to take any structure. It implies these can be people like Ring or Star topology or can be a mix of different kinds of
topologies seen previously. Every individual topology utilizes the convention that has been examined.

➢ Benefits of this topology:

This topology is entirely adaptable.

The size of the organization can be effectively extended by adding new gadgets.

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Can use this topology as a backup when one topology/network goes down, we can start working using the other
topology/network since this is a hybrid topology there would be no data or time loss until the other one is fixed.

➢ Issues with this topology:

Planning the design of the Crossover Network is testing.

Centers utilized in this topology are pricey.
The framework cost is exceptionally high as a cross breed network requires a ton of cabling and network gadgets.

1.15 What is Ring Topology

There are two types of Ring Topologies –
1.Single Ring Topology
2.Dual Ring Topology


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Single Ring Topology - In a ring organization, each gadget has precisely two neighbors for correspondence purposes. All messages
travel through a ring in a similar bearing (successfully either " clockwise" or " counter clockwise ").

Dual Ring Topology - Dual Ring topology information passes around the circle in one course. as it arrives at every PC, the PC inspects
every bundle and decides whether the objective location matches its organization address. in the event that it isn't, the PC sends the
parcel on to the following PC in the ring. in doing as such, every PC goes about as a repeater, resending the bundle and in this way
helping the sign. at the point when the bundle arrives at the objective PC, it eliminates the parcel from the organization. Information
passes around the circle in one course.


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1.16 Different types of Protocols and its uses


1.17 HTTPS Protocol - (Hypertext transfer protocol secure)

What is Https?

Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) is the solid variant of HTTP, which is the essential convention used to send
information between an internet browser and a site. HTTPS is encoded to build security of information move. This is especially
significant when clients communicate touchy information, for example, by signing into a ledger, email administration, or

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medical coverage supplier. Any site, particularly those that require login accreditations, ought to utilize HTTPS. In current
internet browsers, for example, Chrome, sites that don't utilize HTTPS are stamped uniquely in contrast to those that are. Search
for a lock in the URL bar to imply the site page is secure. Internet browsers view HTTPS in a serious way; Google Chrome and
different programs banner all non-HTTPS sites as not secure.

1.18 How does HTTPS works

• HTTPS utilizes an encryption convention to encode interchanges. The protocol is called Transport Layer Security (TLS), albeit
previously it was known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This protocol gets correspondences by utilizing what's known as a
asymmetric public key infrastructure. This kind of safety framework utilizes two different keys to scramble interchanges between two

The private key - this key is constrained by the proprietor of a site and it's kept, as the peruser may have estimated, private. This
critical lives on a web server and is utilized to decode data scrambled by the public key.

The public key - this key is accessible to every individual who needs to cooperate with the server in a manner that is secure.
Data that is scrambled by the public key must be decoded by the confidential key.

1.19 For what reason is HTTPS significant? What occurs on the off chance that a site doesn't have HTTPS?

• HTTPS keeps sites from having their data communicated in a manner that is effortlessly seen by anybody sneaking around on the
network. At the point when data is sent over standard HTTP, the data is broken into parcels of information that can be without any
problem "sniffed" utilizing free programming. This makes correspondence over an unstable medium, like public Wi-Fi, profoundly
powerless against interference. As a matter of fact, all correspondences that happen over HTTP happen in plain text, making them
exceptionally open to anybody with the right devices, and defenseless against on-way assaults.

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1.20 Advantage of using HTTPS

Gets your information on the way.

Safeguards your site from Phishing, MITM and different information breaks.
Assembles trust on your site guests.
Eliminates "NOT Secure" alerts.
Assist you with further developing site positioning.
Assist you with supporting income per client.

1.21 What is DNS (Domain Name System)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Web. People access data online through area names, as nytimes.com or
espn.com. Internet browsers cooperate through Web Convention (IP) addresses. DNS makes an interpretation of area names to IP
addresses so programs can stack Web assets.
Every gadget associated with the Web has a novel IP address which different machines use to track down the gadget. DNS servers
dispense with the requirement for people to remember IP locations, for example, (in IPv4), or more complicated fresher
alphanumeric IP locations, for example, 2400:cb00:2048:1::c629:d7a2 (in IPv6).

1.22 How does DNS work?

The course of DNS goal includes changing over a hostname, (for example, www.example.com) into a PC accommodating IP address,
(for example, An IP address is given to every gadget on the Web, and that address is important to track down the suitable
Web gadget - like a road address is utilized to see as a specific home. At the point when a client needs to stack a site page, an
interpretation should happen between what a client types into their internet browser (example.com) and the machine-accommodating
location important to find the example.com website page.

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To comprehend the interaction behind the DNS goal, it's essential to find out about the different equipment parts a DNS inquiry should
pass between. For the internet browser, the DNS query happens "in the background" and requires no collaboration from the client's PC
separated from the underlying solicitation.
1.23 Advantages of DNS

DNS is the main framework permitting on the web clients to utilize and peruse the web.
DNS servers assist you with tracking down the site with the utilization of your internet browser (like Chrome, Safari, Firefox,
Web Voyager) by composing the name of the site.
You don't have to retain numbers. Rather than IP addresses or a series of numbers, you can enter the space name or URL, which
makes looking through significantly simpler.
DNS servers make online exchanges conceivable, even with the utilization of creative highlights like man-made intelligence
based look and chatbots.
DNS servers empower you to distinguish the information administration's specialized usefulness, characterizing the DNS
convention, definite information structures particular, and information correspondence trades. DNS adds an additional layer of
Adaptation to internal failure and legitimate burden conveyance of web facilitating administrations to different servers empower
various hostnames comparing to a solitary IP address.
DNS upgrades the security of DNS foundation, which is fundamental for dynamic, secure updates.
Your perusers or clients experience more dependable, secure, and quicker online exchanges while visiting your site.

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1.24 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?

Figure 12:FTP

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a client/server convention utilized for moving documents to or from a host PC. FTP might be verified
with client names and passwords.
Unknown FTP permits clients to get to documents, programs and different information from the Web without the requirement for a
client ID or secret key. Sites are here and there intended to permit clients to utilize "unknown" or "visitor" as a client ID, and an email
address for a secret word. Freely accessible documents are many times tracked down in a predefined catalog and can be effectively
moved to a client's PC.
FTP is the Web standard for moving or moving records starting with one PC then onto the next utilizing TCP or IP organizations.
Document Move Convention is otherwise called RFC 959.

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1.25 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Figure 13:DHCP

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client/server convention that naturally gives a Web Convention (IP) have with
its IP address and other related setup data, for example, the subnet cover and default entryway. RFCs 2131 and 2132 characterize
DHCP as a Web Designing Team (IETF) standard in view of Bootstrap Convention (BOOTP), a convention with which DHCP
shares numerous execution subtleties. DHCP permits hosts to get required TCP/IP setup data from a DHCP server.

Windows Server 2016 incorporates DHCP Server, which is a discretionary systems administration server job that you can send on
your organization to rent IP addresses and other data to DHCP clients. All Windows-based client working frameworks
incorporate the DHCP client as a component of TCP/IP, and DHCP client is empowered as a matter of course.

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1.26 Why should we use (DHCP)

Each gadget on a TCP/IP-based network should have an exceptional unicast IP address to get to the organization and its assets. Without
DHCP, IP addresses for new PCs or PCs that are moved starting with one subnet then onto the next should be designed physically; IP
addresses for PCs that are eliminated from the organization should be physically recovered.

With DHCP, this whole interaction is computerized and overseen midway. The DHCP server keeps a pool of IP locations and leases a
location to any DHCP-empowered client when it fires up on the organization. Since the IP addresses are dynamic (rented) as opposed to
static (for all time relegated), addresses as of now not being used are naturally gotten back to the pool for redistribution.

1.27 Benefits / Advantages of using (DHCP)

➢ Solid IP address setup. DHCP limits design mistakes brought about by manual IP address arrangement, like typographical blunders,
or address clashes brought about by the task of an IP address to more than one PC simultaneously.

➢ Decreased network organization. DHCP incorporates the accompanying elements to decrease network organization:

Brought together and robotized TCP/IP arrangement.

The capacity to characterize TCP/IP designs from a focal area.

The capacity to dole out a full scope of extra TCP/IP setup values through DHCP choices.

The productive treatment of IP address changes for clients that should be refreshed regularly, like those for versatile gadgets
that transition to various areas on a remote organization.

The sending of introductory DHCP messages by utilizing a DHCP transfer specialist, which takes out the requirement for a
DHCP server on each subnet.

54 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
Activity 02: Discuss the operating principles of network devices (Ex: Router, Switch, Etc.) and server types
that can be used for above scenario while exploring different servers that are available in today’s market with
their specifications. Recommend server/servers for the above scenario and justify your selection with valid

2.1 What are network devices?

Network gadgets, or systems administration equipment, are actual gadgets that are expected for correspondence and
communication between equipment on a PC network.

2.2 Types of network devices

Access Point

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2.3 What is a HUB

Figure 14:HUB

Hubs associate various PC organizing gadgets together. A center likewise goes about as a repeater in that it enhances flags that weaken
in the wake of voyaging significant distances over interfacing links. A hub is the least difficult in the group of organization interfacing
gadgets since it interfaces LAN parts with indistinguishable conventions.

A Hub can be utilized with both computerized and simple information, gave its settings have been designed to plan for the organizing of
the approaching information. For instance, in the event that the approaching information is in computerized design, the hub should pass
it on as parcels; notwithstanding, in the event that the approaching information is simple, the hub passes it on in signal structure.

Hubs don't perform parcel separating or tending to capabilities; they simply send information bundles to every single associated gadget.
Hubs work at the physical layer of the Open Frameworks Interconnection (OSI) model. There are two sorts of hubs: basic and numerous

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2.4 What is a Router

Figure 15:ROUTER

Routers assist with communicating parcels to their objections by outlining a way through the ocean of interconnected systems
administration gadgets utilizing different organization topologies. Routers are wise gadgets, and they store data about the organizations
they're associated with. Most routers can be arranged to work as bundle separating firewalls and use access control records (leg
tendons). Routers, related to a channel administration unit/information administration unit (CSU/DSU), are likewise used to make an
interpretation of from LAN outlining to WAN outlining. This is required on the grounds that LANs and WANs utilize different network
protocols. Such routers are known as line routers. They act as the external association of a LAN to a WAN, and they work at the line of
your network.

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2.5 What is an Access Point


While an access point (AP) can in fact include either a wired or remote association, it usually implies a remote gadget. An AP works at
the second OSI layer, the Information Connection layer, and it can work either as a scaffold interfacing a standard wired organization to
remote gadgets or as a switch passing information transmissions starting with one passage then onto the next.

Wireless access points (WAPs) comprise of a transmitter and collector (handset) gadget used to make a remote LAN (WLAN).
Passages ordinarily are discrete organization gadgets with an inherent radio wire, transmitter and connector. APs utilize the remote
framework network mode to give an association point among WLANs and a wired Ethernet LAN. They likewise have a few ports,
giving you a method for growing the organization to help extra clients. Contingent upon the size of the organization, at least one APs
may be expected to give full inclusion.

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2.6 What is a Bridge

Figure 17:BRIDGE

Bridges are utilized to interface at least two has or network fragments together. The fundamental job of extensions in network
design is putting away and sending outlines between the various portions that the scaffold associates. They use equipment Media
Access Control (Macintosh) addresses for moving edges. By taking a gander at the Macintosh address of the gadgets associated
with each fragment, extensions can advance the information or block it from crossing. Scaffolds can likewise be utilized to
interface two actual LANs into a bigger intelligent LAN.

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2.7 What is a Repeater

Figure 18:REPEATER

➢ A repeater is an electronic gadget that intensifies the signal it gets. You can consider repeater a gadget which gets a signal and
retransmits it at a more elevated level or higher power so the signal can cover longer distances, in excess of 100 meters for
standard LAN links. Repeaters work on the Actual layer.

Different types of Servers in Networking:

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2.9 What is a Server?

➢ A Network server, today, is a strong PC that gives different shared assets to workstations and different servers on an
organization. The common assets can incorporate plate space, equipment access and email administrations. Any PC can be a
"network server," yet which isolates a server from a workstation isn't the equipment, but instead the capability performed by the

As a general rule, a workstation is any PC utilized by a unique individual to play out their work obligations, while an
organization server is any PC that furnishes clients with admittance to shared programming or equipment assets.

Servers are generally worked with additional strong parts than individual workstations. For instance, a server will normally have
more Smash introduced than a workstation or will utilize a more vigorous working framework intended to run day in and day
out. While this might build the cost of the server comparative with a solitary workstation, the general expense can be
fundamentally lower to an association.

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2.10 Below are several types of Network Servers:

2.11 Database Server:


A database server is a machine running data set programming committed to giving data set administrations. It is a vital part in
the client-server processing climate where it gives business-basic data mentioned by the client frameworks.
A data set server comprises of equipment and programming that run a data set.
The product side of an information base server, or the data set occurrence, is the back-end data set application.
The application addresses a bunch of memory designs and foundation processes getting to a bunch of information base
documents. The equipment side of a data set server is the server framework utilized for data set capacity and recovery.

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Information base jobs require a huge stockpiling limit and high memory thickness to productively deal with information. These
necessities imply that the machine facilitating the information base is typically a devoted very good quality PC.

2.12 File Server:


The central server in a PC network that is liable for the capacity and the executives of information records is known as a
Document Server. In a Record Server, clients access a focal extra room that goes about as a medium to store the inner
information. The clients can share data over an organization without having to move documents truly. The server director has
given severe guidelines that which clients have the admittance to the documents. These standards incorporate opening, shutting,
adding, erasing, and altering a record. Aside from getting to the records by means of a neighborhood organization, clients can
likewise profit from remote access. This incorporates getting to and saving the ideal record on the server in any event, when
clients are in a hurry. It makes a remote record framework open to clients. The Document Servers can likewise be utilized as a
Reinforcement Server and Respiratory for programs which implies the records are open to different organization members.

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2.13 Types of File Server:

Dedicated File Server: Devoted Document Server exclusively offer types of assistance to different PCs. This can be in a specific
neighborhood or having an appropriately approved admittance demand related with a PC framework. It is committed to one
intention being a Record Server. A committed Document Server offers adequate extra room for the site. Likewise, it is safer.

Non-Dedicated File Server: The capability of a Non-Devoted Document Server resembles whatever other workstation that
licenses it to use itself as a workstation. These Document Servers can be utilized at the same time as a workstation, likewise for
regular undertakings. A Non-Devoted Record Server offers less extra room for the site. It is less secure and can be undermined
by a fraudster.

• Features of File Server:

Different clients can get to documents at the same time.

Conventions are set for approval.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) are involved over the web for getting to documents.
Impeding various clients from altering a similar document simultaneously is called Record Locking.
One can utilize a download server for ease.

Advantages Disadvantages
Helps in asset and data sharing. Expensive arrangement.
Helps in central capacity of information. The gamble from infections and malware.
Assists in associating with various PCs for sending and getting It needs autonomy.
data while getting to the organization.
Quicker critical thinking. Calls for investment for steady organization.
Boots Capacity Limit. It needs Strength.
Profoundly adaptable and dependable.

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2.14 What is a DHCP Server:
A DHCP Server is an organization server that naturally gives and doles out IP addresses, default entryways and other organization
boundaries to client gadgets. It depends on the standard convention known as Powerful Host Design Convention or DHCP to answer
broadcast inquiries by clients.

A DHCP server naturally sends the necessary organization boundaries for clients to convey on the organization appropriately. Without
it, the organization overseer needs to physically set up each client that joins the organization, which can be bulky, particularly in
enormous organizations. DHCP servers for the most part relegate every client with a remarkable unique IP address, which changes
when the client's rent for that IP address has lapsed.


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• The Benefits of a DHCP Server:

A preferable methodology over attempting to utilize DHCP on your switch/switch is to utilize a concentrated DHCP server. This is
especially valid for network conditions that need help of both DHCP for IPv4 and DHCP for IPv6 simultaneously. Basically all DHCP
server merchants support the two conventions so you can involve a similar administration interface for IPv4 and IPv6. There are a few
advantages that make it profitable for an undertaking to utilize DHCPv6.

Having a DHCPv6 server that is incorporated into your IP Address The executives (IPAM) framework for IPv6 gives
perceivability to the IPv6-empowered client hubs.
You additionally would need this equivalent usefulness for IPv4. As IPv4 address space turns out to be progressively compelled,
you will need to monitor your DHCP scopes and decide whether your rent time is satisfactory with the plenty of BYOD
frameworks joining your organized climate.
DHCP servers give logging and the board interfaces that help chairmen deal with their IP address scopes. Your association will
need a bookkeeping of what is on your organization paying little mind to IP rendition being utilized.
DHCP servers can give overt repetitiveness and high accessibility. Assuming that one DHCP server were to fizzle, the clients
will safeguard their ongoing IP addresses and not cause an interference for the end-hubs.
Associations will incline toward a DHCPv6 server that has been attempted and tried. For instance, The Infoblox DHCPv6 server
has been ensured as "IPv6 Prepared" by the USGv6 accreditation lab.

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DHCP Specifications:


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2.15 What is a DNS Server:

Figure 24:DNS SERVER

• The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Web. At the point when clients type area names, for example, 'google.com'
or 'nytimes.com' into internet browsers, DNS is liable for finding the right IP address for those destinations. Programs then utilize
those locations to speak with beginning servers or CDN edge servers to get to site data. This all happens thanks to DNS servers:
machines devoted to noting DNS questions.

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2.16 DNS Specifications:


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2.17 DNS Hardware Specifications:


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Activity 02.1: Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with networking software and
provide examples for networking software that can be used in above network design.

2.18 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.

A network document server is a PC framework utilized to deal with the record framework, the network printer, taking care of network
correspondence, and different capabilities. A server might be devoted is such case its handling power is all distributed to organize
capability, or it perhaps non-committed which implies that a piece of server capabilities dispensed as a work stations or DOS based

The Server and Workstation fill the totally unique need, a server is devoted equipment and programming which go to clients demands
and creates a legitimate reaction. Then again, a workstation can be a client-side PC which solicitations admittance to the LAN and
switch benefits and answers the solicitations from the switch. At the end of the day, a server offers types of assistance to the clients
while workstations are reasonably strong PC well known among business, logical and designing applications.

Network operating system: it is stacked into the servers' hard plate along with the framework the board apparatuses and client
utilities. At the point when the framework is started, NOS boots and other server go under its control.

Workstations: workstations or hubs are appended to the server through the network interfaces card and the link; workstations are
normally intelligence frameworks, like the IBM pc.

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Definition of Server: In the systems administration, a gadget is utilized to deal with network assets which is known as a Server. Like a
record server, is essentially a PC expected to store the documents, to where the clients on the organization can store records. The
committed servers are utilized to perform just those undertakings that are recently characterized for the server. Dissimilar to the overall
PC, the devoted server can't execute a few projects on the double.
In less difficult terms, we can characterize a server as an associated network giving information to more than one clients at the same time.
The Internet utilizes the client/server model which allows various clients to get to sites from one side of the planet to the other. There are
different sorts of servers: application servers, web servers, mail servers, intermediary servers, FTP servers, etcetera.

Definition of Workstation: The workstation is a PC fills in as an independent framework. Beforehand, these were intended for the
singular clients like a PC however are more proficient and quicker than it. It was produced for a similar arrangement of the crowd as
UNIX Working framework. Moreover, the UNIX working framework is otherwise called the workstation working framework. The
primary use of workstation is in the business and expert field rather than individual or home use. At first, Hewlett Packard, Sun
Microsystems, IBM and DEC are the organizations fostered the workstations.
The idea of workstations is chiefly carried out in little designing, illustrations planning and engineering organizations and association
where the quicker chip, gigantic Slam, moderate figuring power, fast designs are fundamentally required.

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Comparison Chart between Server and Workstation:


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2.19 VMWare WorkStation Pro Installation Guide:

VMware Server is a virtualization thing that makes it conceivable to segment a solitary physical
server into various virtual machines. VMware server works with Solaris, Windows, Linux
furthermore, Netware, any or which can be in every way utilized simultaneously on a comparative equipment.

Figure 30:VMWARE STEP 1

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Figure 31:STEP 2

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Figure 32:STEP 3

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Figure 33: STEP 4

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Figure 34:STEP 5

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Figure 35:STEP 6

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Figure 36:STEP 7

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Figure 37:STEP 8

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Figure 38:STEP 9

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Figure 39:STEP 10

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Figure 41:STEP 12

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Figure 42:STEP 13

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Figure 43:STEP 14

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Figure 44:STEP 15

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Activity 03: Prepare a written network design plan to meet the above mentioned user requirements including
a blueprint drawn using a modeling tool. (Ex: Microsoft Visio, EdrawMax). Support your answer by
providing the VLAN and IP subnetting scheme for the above scenario and the list of devices, network
components and software used to design the network for above scenario and while justifying your selections.

3.1 Blueprint Diagram using (Draw io) software


91 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq
The above Blueprint shows the Networking structure of Syntax Solutions company. there are seven departments (HR Department,
Network Team, Developers, Finance department, Legal, Sales & Marketing and Customer Care). the company has a server room which
is fully secured. It is using the latest firewall protection for the Network.
3.2 PC, Switch and Router Configuration

✓ Assigning IP Addresses to Routers.

Figure 46

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Figure 47

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Figure 48

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Figure 50

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Figure 51

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Figure 52

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Figure 53

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Figure 54

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Figure 55

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3.3 IP Address allocation table for the redesigned network.


A 5 Customer Care 255. 255. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168 192.168.
255.248 10.1 10.0 10.1 .10.6 10.7
A 10 Sales & 255. 255. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168 192.168.
Marketing 255.248 10.9 10.8 10.9 .10.14 10.15
A 15 HR / Finance 255. 255. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168 192.168.
255.248 10.17 10.16 10.17 .10.22 10.23
A 20 Developers 255. 255. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168 192.168.
255.248 10.25 10.24 10.25 .10.30 10.31
B 25 Server Room 255. 255. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168 192.168.
255.240 11.1 11.0 11.1 .11.14 11.15
B 30 Network team 255. 255. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168. 192.168 192.168.
255.248 11.17 11.16 11.17 .11.22 11.23

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3.4 Feedback Form:


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Figure 57

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Figure 58

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Figure 59

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Figure 60

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Figure 62

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Figure 63

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Figure 64

Figure 65

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Figure 66

✓ Above are some feedback responses given by users.

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3.5 Maintenance Schedule

A maintenance schedule should be maintained in each and every organization so problems can be identified out before they can take
place and we can take necessary steps/actions to avoid unpredicted collapses and also can come up with better recovery solutions in
future or emergency situation.


Hardware Maintenance
Update Processor 1 Time per year 22:00 - 24:00 Every January Week Technical Team
Update PCs and Laptops 3 Times per year 10:00 – 15:00 Every 4 Months Week Technical Team
Update RAM 2 Times per year 10:30 – 13:00 Every 6 Months Week Technical Team
Update Hard Disk 1 Time per year 9:00 – 12:00 Every December Week IT Admin
Software Maintenance
Update Application 1 Time per year 18:00 – 23:00 Every January First Technical Team
Software week sun day
Update server OS 1 Time per year 18:00 – 23:00 Every January Second Technical Team
week sun day
Update Antivirus 1 Time per year 18:00 – 23:00 Every April First week Technical Team
sun day
System Backups Monthly 18:00 – 23:00 Second Week of the Network Engineer
Deleted Backups Monthly 18:00 – 23:00 Last week of the Month Network Engineer

113 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq

Activity 04: Develop test cases and conduct verification (Ex: Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet, SSH, etc.) to
test the above Network and analyse the test results against the expected results.

4.1 Ping Test & Config

Figure 67:PING TEST

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Figure 68

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Figure 69

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Figure 70

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Figure 71

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Figure 72

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Figure 73

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Figure 74

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Figure 75

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Figure 76

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Figure 77

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Figure 78

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4.3 As the Network Engineer

I got much experience in building this network system. I also updated my knowledge of the networking components and technology of
these days in the networking field. I just want to say that I did this work in my whole knowledge and maximum work capacity. I wanted
to build a network in the Syntax Solution Company with modern and more facilities than the old network system. Also, I wanted to build
the network, depending on the needs of the company. Hope I did that successfully.

4.4 Future Enhancements

Install monitoring tools such as Wireshark.

Install Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
Hardware firewalls.
Better cabling systems should be implemented such as fiber optic cable, which will increase the speed and has a better life span.

4.5 Network Intelligence

In the Past, the network systems were not that much secure & good. But in this present world, the network systems are in a very good
position. But the Upcoming years can be a terrific for the technology and network. In Old times, the security system of the network was
less. But now the securities are in a high by creating passwords and encryptions. The Networks are easy to use by anyone in the past. But
nowadays hackers are major threat for the network. Hackers are the biggest challenge for this modern world. Network devices or
Network Software are in big hype for the upcoming generation. Mover the future of the network is in a better position.

126 | P a g e Ahmed Mushtaq


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