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Choral Reading 1

Choral reading allows students to practice reading together with the teacher. It helps
students build their fluency, self-confidence, and motivation in reading. This strategy can
be conducted with individuals, small groups, or the entire class.

Your students are mid-intermediates. They have been reading simple books
independently for a while. They know many sight words and have a good vocabulary.
They should know most of the words in this text. You want them to practice things like
retelling , phonemic awareness, and phonics

1. Like a read-aloud, you need to prepare them to read. You need to plan for this. It
only needs to be about 1-2 minutes.
a. You could ask questions about the topic.
b. You could show some pictures or a short video.
c. Only do one thing to prepare them.
2. Explain what ‘choral reading’ is and read.
3. Ask some CCQs during and after reading.

1. Choose a book or passage that works well for reading aloud as a group:
a. Patterned or predictable (for beginning readers)
b. Not too long
c. At the independent reading level of most students
2. Use a large book, the screen projector, or give each student a copy of the text so
they may follow along.
3. Ask for a volunteer student to read the first line together with you at the front of
the classroom. (after reading the first line, the volunteer may sit down.)
4. Point to the screen with a pointer as you read. Ask the students to follow along
with the text as they read (if they have their own book)
5. Read each page together with the students at the same time.
6. After something important happens in the story, have students turn to a partner
and retell the story so far.
7. Read the entire passage this way using CCQs occasionally to check students’
understanding and have students retell the story to a partner after important
8. After reading, ask students to retell the story to a new partner.
9. Ask students if there were any words from the story that they did not know. If
there were any, model the correct pronunciation and context clues to understand
the meaning.

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