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An Interactive File Handling System for

IBM mainframes

Submitted by
Ramaswamy Uppala

September 2004
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................3
1.1 About File-AID....................................................................................................3
1.2 System Environment............................................................................................3
2. Basic Functions............................................................................................................4
2.1. Browse.................................................................................................................4
2.2. Edit.......................................................................................................................5
2.3. Utilities................................................................................................................8
2.4. View...................................................................................................................13
3. Appendix....................................................................................................................14
3.1. Acronym............................................................................................................14
1. Introduction
1.1 About File-AID
File-AID is an interactive, full-screen system for editing, browsing, defining, copying, reformatting,
comparing, and printing VSAM, IAM, ISAM, PDS, BDAM, and sequential files under TSO/ISPF.

File-AID/Batch is a data manipulation program that consolidates the functions of most standard
IBM utilities – such as:

 Copy records or portions of records from one dataset type to another

 Print record data in four formats
 Change records of any length on any type of dataset (that is, enlarge data fields, add new
data fields)
 Process datasets selectively to display or update information
 Recognize logical JCL continuations
 Accumulate totals to verify reports
 Reformat records
 Read all VSAM and sequential datasets forward or backward.

Use File-AID/Batch to run jobs requiring selection instead of specialized selection programs.
After execution, File-AID can print a report that shows the number of records read and written,
and the number of records processed by the various functions within File-AID.

1.2 System Environment

File-AID/SPF and File-AID/XE operate in the IBM Time Sharing Option (TSO) environment under
Version 3 Release 5 or above of the Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program
Development Facility (ISPF/PDF).
Compuware recommends running File-AID in a minimum region size of 4 MB. If File-AID is
installed in the LPA, it requires a minimum region size of approximately 2 MB.
File-AID/Batch requires an IBM MVS/SP, MVS/XA, or MVS/ESA operating system. Running File-
AID under ROSCOE requires the installation of Release 5.4 or above of the ROSCOE product
with the ETSO option.

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2. Basic Functions
 Browse - to browse the dataset
 Edit - to edit the dataset
 Utilities - set of services like creating New Files, Copying etc…
 View - to view the layout of the file

The main options panel to navigate in to the functions and explore the system

File-AID 8.8.1 ------------- Primary Option Menu ----------------------------


0 PARAMETERS - Specify ISPF and File-AID parameters USERID - XXXXX

1 BROWSE - Display file contents PF KEYS - 24
2 EDIT - Create or change file contents TERMINAL – 9999
3 UTILITIES - File-AID/SPF extended utilities TIME - 07:20
5 PRINT - Print file contents JULIAN - 04.243
6 SELECTION - Create or change selection criteria DATE - 04/08/30
7 XREF - Create or change record layout cross reference
8 VIEW - View interpreted record layout
9 REFORMAT - Convert file from one format to another
10 COMPARE - Compare file contents
C CHANGES - Display summary of File-AID changes
T TUTORIAL - Display information about File-AID
X EXIT - Terminate File-AID and return to ISPF

Use END to terminate File-AID

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Copyright (c) 1982 - 2001, by Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved.

Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
Type LEGAL on the command line for Copyright/Trade Secret Notice.

2.1. Browse

File-AID lets you display record data stored in most DASD datasets without restrictions on file
type, file size, or record size.

Three data display modes are provided to make it easy for you to work with your data:

 Character : like display of data permitting standard scrolling and FIND

 Formatted : using COBOL or PL/I record layouts to display records by field.
 Vertical : A full screen ISPF-like display using COBOL or PL/I record
layouts to format the data in columns with column headings.

Formatted & Vertical Display modes require that you supply source record layouts by completing
information in the Specify Record Layout and XREF Information section of the Dataset
Specification entry screen.

Standard File-AID selection criteria lets you efficiently process data as you need only look at
those records you want to see.

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File-AID Browse is like a window into a collection of records. The records will be ordered in the
sequence in which they exist on the file.

The File-AID full screen character displays are specifically designed to resemble ISPF/PDF
Browse. Therefore, there are no line commands.

The COLS primary command is used to display a data ruler line at the top of the screen in

Primary commands are used to switch display modes (CHAR, VFMT and FMT) or display format
(HEX ON/OFF). Use the END command to exit from browse.

Browse is very much like Edit except that you cannot make any changes to the data. Thus there
is no OLD disposition option (datasets are always allocated SHR), nor is there an audit trail

The Browse Panel:

File-AID -------------- Browse - Dataset Specification ----------------------


Browse Mode ===> C (F=Fmt; C=Char; V=Vfmt; U=Unfmt)

Specify Browse Information:

Dataset name or HFS path ===> Give the dataset to be browsed
Member name ===> (Blank or pattern for member list)
Volume serial ===> (If dataset is not cataloged)

Specify Record Layout and XREF Information:

Record layout usage ===> s (S = Single; X = XREF; N = None)
Record layout dataset ===> Give the Copybook path
Member name ===> Copybook (Blank or pattern for member list)
XREF dataset name ===>
Member name ===> (Blank or pattern for member list)

Specify Selection Criteria Information: (E = Existing; T = Temporary;

Selection criteria usage ===> n M = Modify; Q = Quick; N = None)
Selection dataset name ===>
Member name ===> (Blank or pattern for member list)

2.2. Edit

The Dataset Specification panels for File-AID Browse and Edit are nearly identical. Edit provides
additional prompts for Disposition (OLD or SHR) and Create audit trail (to support the generation
of a report of changes made with File-AID). The Dataset Specification screen is composed of
several areas.

The following topics/areas in sequence:

 Browse/Edit Mode - Initial data display format (C, F, V, U)

 Browse/Edit Information section - Identify the dataset to be processed
 Record layout usage section - Identify source library usage
 Selection criteria usage section - Optional record selection

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 Browse/Edit Mode - Initial Data Display Mode

Four styles of data display are available when viewing your data file records:

C (Character), F (Formatted), V (Vertical format), U (Unformatted)

C CHARACTER - Full screen ISPF-like display of records, one record per line. Overtype
data to make changes. Use HEX command to view hex values. Use FMT command to
switch to formatted mode, VFMT to switch to vertical formatted mode, UNFMT command to
switch to unformatted mode. Use line and primary commands to work with data.

V VERTICAL - Requires a single record layout only. Like character, a full screen display of
data, one record per line, but data is normalized and arranged in columns underneath field
name headings described by the record layout provided. Use CHAR to switch to character
mode, FMT to switch to formatted mode, UNFMT to switch to unformatted mode. Use HEX
command to view hex values.

F FORMATTED - Requires a single record layout or XREF. Display of one record with each
record layout field on one line alongside of the record data for that field. Scroll DOWN to
see additional layout fields. Scroll RIGHT and LEFT to see other data records. Use CHAR
to switch to character mode, VFMT to switch to vertical mode, UNFMT to switch to
unformatted mode. Use primary commands only to work with data. Special commands are
provided for formatting "segmented" records by using different layouts for each section of
each record.

 Browse/Edit Information section

The Specify Browse/Edit Information section of the screen is where you identify the dataset,
or HFS file, you want to access. The last dataset you referenced with any File-AID function
appears as a default. If the dataset is partitioned you may specify a member name. If the
dataset is partitioned and you don't specify a member, PDS Processing Options (PPO) are
activated to let you generate a member list based on member names, ISPF statistics, and
(optionally) selection criteria. If the dataset is not cataloged, enter the Volume serial number.

 Record Layout Information Section

The Specify Record Layout and XREF Information section of the screen is where you indicate
your usage of record layouts and supply source library dataset and member names and an
optional XREF member.

"RECORD LAYOUT USAGE" indicates whether a single record layout (usage "S"), an XREF
(usage "X"), or no layout (usage "N") is to be used to format record data.

If you intend to use the Formatted (or Vertical) display modes, you must specify RECORD
LAYOUT USAGE of "S" or "X". You must also supply a RECORD LAYOUT DATASET and
either a layout member (Usage=S) or an XREF DATASET and MEMBER (Usage=X, built
with function 7 XREF).

Note: XREF is not allowed with Vertical mode.

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If you are going to use the Character mode only, you may specify RECORD LAYOUT
USAGE of "N". If you specify "N" for LAYOUT USAGE, no validation of the record layout or
XREF datasets or members is performed.

 Selection Criteria Usage Section

In the lower section of the screen, you indicate selection criteria usage:

N - None. Process all records. Do not validate Selection dataset.

E - Existing. Process selected records based on the specified selection criteria dataset
member. Use option 6, Selection, to create criteria.

T- Temporary. Dynamically access the selection criteria utility screens to define conditions for
record selection. Temporary criteria may be saved by issuing the SAVE command from the
criteria menu.

M - Modify. Dynamically access the selection criteria utility screens to review or change a
specified selection criteria dataset member.

Q -Quick. Dynamically access the selection criteria utility unformatted field criteria screen to
define temporary conditions for record selection. END command processes your selection
immediately. Records not selected are indicated in the Character and Vertical display
modes by an information line. You may set a default "Display records not selected" in your
0.1 System Parameters to suppress the display of the "not selected" information lines.

If you use existing (E) criteria, processing is immediate. Otherwise, you will be taken
through the appropriate Selection utility screens to create temporary (T), create quick
unformatted (Q), or modify (M) your selection criteria before applying it.

A valid selection criteria dataset and member are required for usage codes E (Existing) and
M (Modify). If member name is left blank a member list is presented. Selection dataset is
ignored for options N (None), T (Temporary), and Q (Quick).

Note: In existing (E) selection criteria, the DCB and LRECL of selection data set must be VB
& 300.

When the dataset to be processed is partitioned (PDS), File-AID provides special processing
options and capabilities to give you better control over the list of members to be accessed.
Members can be listed by name mask, name range, last modified user ID range, last changed
date range, and create date range.

If selection criteria is specified, only members matching both the PDS processing ranges and the
selection criteria are listed. When you Select (S) a member from the member list your Copy/Edit
Entire member default is examined to determine which records of the PDS member are
displayed. Either all records in the member (Edit Entire

Member=YES), or only the records matching your selection criteria (Edit Entire Member=NO) are

If a member name of * (asterisk) is specified, (Ex. DSN=FROM.PDS (*)) the PDS processing
options screen is not shown and all members are considered for processing.

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File-AID --------------- Edit - Dataset Specification -----------------------

Edit Mode ===> C (F=Fmt; C=Char; V=Vfmt; U=Unfmt)

Specify Edit Information:

Dataset name or HFS path ===> GIVE THE DATASET TO BE EDITED
Member name ===> (Blank or pattern for member list)
Volume serial ===> (If dataset is not cataloged)
Disposition ===> OLD (OLD or SHR)
Create audit trail ===> N (Y = Yes; N = No)

Specify Record Layout and XREF Information:

Record layout usage ===> S (S = Single; X = XREF; N = None)
Record layout dataset ===> GIVE THE COPYBOOK PATH
Member name ===> COPYBOOK (Blank or pattern for member list)
XREF dataset name ===>
Member name ===> (Blank or pattern for member list)

Specify Selection Criteria Information: (E = Existing; T = Temporary;

Selection criteria usage ===> N M = Modify; Q = Quick; N = None)
Selection dataset name ===>
Member name ===> (Blank or pattern for member list)

2.3. Utilities
File-AID extended utilities gives powerful dataset management capabilities like defining, copying,
browsing, and on-line updating for all types of datasets. Also provides enhanced library
maintenance facilities, enhanced catalog processing, a VTOC utility for finding files and DASD
management, and interactive access to the capabilities of File-AID/Batch.

 Dataset
 Copy
 Vsam
 Search/update

Extended Utilities:

File-AID ------------------ Extended Utilities -------------- Invalid option


1 LIBRARY - Display and modify directory entries; display load

module CSECT maps; browse, delete, rename PDS members
2 DATASET - Display dataset information; allocate non-VSAM datasets
and GDGs; catalog, uncatalog, delete, or rename datasets
3 COPY - Copy entire datasets; copy selected records; copy PDS
members based on name, statistics and/or content
4 CATALOG - Display generic catalog entries or VSAM datasets on a
volume in list form and do dataset list processing
5 VSAM - Allocate, display, delete, modify, or rename VSAM clusters,
alternate indexes, or paths; manage IAM files
6 SEARCH/UPDATE - FIND and CHANGE across PDS members. Search for and/or
update data globally in any type of dataset.
7 VTOC - Display and process datasets on a volume(s)

8 INTERACTIVE - Execute File-AID/Batch

9 BATCH SUBMIT - Build batch jobstreams

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G XMLGEN - Generate an XML tagged document from data file

Copyright (c) 1982 - 2001, by Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved.

 2 - Dataset

Allocate any non-VSAM dataset or GDG, display information, catalog, uncatalog, rename,
delete datasets, free space

File-AID -------------------- Dataset Utility -------------------------------


A - Allocate SEQ/PDS dataset D - Delete dataset or HFS file

B - Allocate BDAM dataset R - Rename dataset or HFS file
C - Catalog dataset U - Uncatalog dataset
I - Allocate ISAM dataset F - Free unused space
G - Define generation data group S - Dataset information (short)
M - Enhanced dataset allocation (SMS) BLANK - Display dataset information

Specify Dataset or HFS Path Information:

Dataset or path ===> Specify the Dataset name on which operation to be made
Volume serial ===> (If not cataloged)

Specify Model Dataset Information:

Dataset name ===> Specify the modal data set

Specify Catalog to use if other than Default System Catalog:

Catalog name ===>
Catalog password ===> (If catalog is password protected)
For dataset allocations only, the optional model dataset is used to
prefill the allocation information on the allocation panel. This
dataset is not mandatory for dataset allocations.

This is similar to the allocation process done using the ISPF Primary Options Menu.
During allocation process, enter a model dataset name if the new dataset is to have the same
allocation characteristics as an existing dataset. The model dataset must be cataloged and
must be accessible through a normal catalog search. If no model is specified, attributes from
the last data set information display or allocation are used.

It will then show the "Allocate New Sequential/Partitioned Dataset" panel, on which some of
the input fields will have been filled in by File-AID. Like regular ISPF, File-AID/SPF
remembers these values from your most recent use of either:
o dataset allocation, or
o dataset information display, or
o model dataset specification.

You may either leave these values as displayed or modify them.

Note: DIRECTORY BLOCKS for a Partitioned data set field specifies the number of 256-byte
directory blocks to be provided from the primary quantity.

 Set this field to zero to allocate a Sequential data set.

 The number of member entries that fit in a directory block is as follows:
- for a dataset with PDS statistics : 6 entries per block.
- for a dataset without PDS statistics : 21 entries per block.
- for a Load Module dataset : 5-7 entries depending upon attributes

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 3 - Copy

The File-AID Copy utility allows copying selectively or non-selectively any type of dataset
including HFS file with any record format to any other dataset including HFS file with any
record format.

Copy Utility Panel:

File-AID --------------------- Copy Utility ---------------------------------

Specify "FROM" Dataset or HFS Path Information:

Dataset or path ===> Give the from data set
Volume serial ===> (If not cataloged)

Specify "TO" Dataset or HFS Path Information:

Dataset or path ===> Give the To data set
Volume serial ===> (If not cataloged)
Disposition ===> OLD (OLD, MOD, NEW)

Specify Execution Information:

Process online or batch ===> O (O = Online; B = Batch)

Specify Selection Criteria Information: (E = Existing; T = Temporary;

Selection criteria usage ===> E M = Modify; Q = Quick; N = None)
Selection dataset name ===> Give the Selection Dataset
Member name ===> CRITERIA (Blank or pattern for member list)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The File-AID Copy utility lets you selectively copy data from one file to another. The simple
entry screen lets you specify the FROM file and the TO file on one screen.

During the copy, you can apply selection criteria by specifying a standard File-AID selection
criteria dataset and member or by dynamically creating temporary selection criteria.

Member selection capabilities and processing options are provided when processing PDS
datasets to copy members from one dataset to another.

You can set the Process Online or Batch option to perform your copy in the foreground or to
generate and submit JCL for background batch processing.

Generating JCL lets you repeat your copy again and again if needed - just save and resubmit
your JCL.

 5 - Vsam

The 3.5 VSAM utility allows allocating, deleting, renaming, reallocating, attribute modifying
and displaying of : VSAM clusters, alternate indexes & paths and also IAM files. In addition,
new alternate indexes can be built and VSAM data spaces may be allocated and deleted
(non-ICF catalogs only).

VSAM Utility Panel:

File-AID --------------------- VSAM Utility ---------------------------------

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A - Allocate cluster D - Delete

S - Allocate dataspace DR - Delete/Define
X - Allocate alternate index T - Delete dataspace
B - Build alternate index P - Allocate path
BLANK - Display dataset information R - Rename component
M - Modify component
Specify Dataset Information:
Dataset name ===> Give the data set on which operation is to be done
Volume serial ===> (Required for options S & T)

Process Online or Batch ===> O (O = Online; B = Batch)

Specify Model Dataset Information:

Dataset name ===>

Specify Catalog to use if other than Default System Catalog:

Catalog name ===>
Catalog password ===> (If catalog is password protected)
For dataset allocations only, the optional model dataset is used to
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

File-AID uses its own catalog and allocation routines for most of the VSAM utility functions,
and supports all catalog structures.

An option is provided (Process Online or Batch) to let you perform your request online or in
batch. If batch processing is chosen, File-AID generates JCL for execution of the IDCAMS
utility including all control statements needed to complete your request.

The JCL may be saved and re-used as needed.

File-AID automatically recognizes Innovation Access Method (IAM) datasets by the presence
of $IAM as a node of the dataset name or as the owner ID. Special information displays are
presented for IAM files.

When allocating VSAM datasets for use in testing where performance is not critical, the
standard allocation options may be selected and the remaining options allowed to default to
the system defaults. When allocating production datasets, or where performance is an
important consideration, the Extended allocate screen provides access to many additional
attributes for VSAM cluster definition.

To perform a VSAM utility function, follow this general procedure:

1) Place the desired action code on the OPTION line (or leave blank to display dataset
information for any dataset).
2) Fill in or verify the Dataset Name according to standard File-AID rules for entering
3) Set the Process Online or Batch switch (O=Online, B=Batch).
4) If allocating a new cluster, use the optional Model Dataset name.
5) Press Enter.
6) Additional screens are then presented to display information or capture your processing
7) Press Enter to perform your action. If process Online is selected, processing occurs
immediately. If process in Batch is selected, a screen appears to assist you with JCL
8) The END command returns you to the utility entry screen without performing any further

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 6 - Search / Update

The File-AID Search/Update utility enables to view records in any dataset type containing any
record format. This will also apply direct global updates to those datasets. Option M will, for
PDS, Panvalet, and Librarian datasets, build a partial member list consisting of those
members matching your selection criteria. From that list, you can perform FINDs and
CHANGEs (PDS only) across all members or you may select individual members to browse
or edit. Option B lets you view all or selected records from your dataset. Option U lets you
specify and apply global changes to any dataset, and to preview those changes before they
are applied. When accessing a PDS, you may search or update all or selected members in
one step, including logical JCL processing.

The File-AID Search/Update utility lets you selectively view (and change) records (or
members) in any dataset.

Standard File-AID selection criteria usage is provided except for the global update option "U".
For option "U", you are prompted to define temporary selection/change criteria similar to the
standard File-AID record selection options and unformatted field selection criteria.

When processing PDS datasets, powerful member selection capabilities and processing
options are provided. You can set the Process Online or Batch option to perform your search
or update in the foreground or to generate and submit JCL for background batch processing.
Generating JCL lets you repeat your request again and again if needed - just save and
resubmit your JCL.

The File-AID Search/Update Utility options allow access to any type of dataset. The options
which may be entered are:

M Requests that member selection panels be displayed to allow for selective member list
building based on member name, ISPF statistics, and/or record content. Standard
selection criteria options are provided and when processed, a selective member list is
displayed. Members from that list may globally processed with FIND and CHANGE
commands or may be individually browsed or edited. Option M supports PDS, Panvalet
and Librarian datasets.

B Requests that standard File-AID selection criteria be applied to any dataset. If the dataset
is a PDS, a member selection panel is also presented to let you control processing. This
option allows you to view only the records you select from a dataset. The selected
records are copied to a work file which is then displayed using ISPF browse. File-AID
inserts informational lines into the work file to identify the dataset, the member, and the
individual records (Include record information = Yes). Found records may be printed.

U Requests screens to be displayed to allow for defining your changes. The selection of
records to be changed is then based on your record selection options and change

A preview of your changes will be presented in a temporary file – the original dataset is not
actually updated yet. When you are satisfied with your change specification, you can confirm
and apply your changes. You may optionally print your changes with or without updating the
file. If you perform the update, you may request an audit trail report showing the before and
after image of each changed record.

When you specify a PDS library without a specific member name, File-AID can update all or a
selected subset of the members of the

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The File-AID Search/Update function is designed to let you specify standard selection criteria
for options M (Member) and B (Browse). (Exception: with option M, when batch processing
is selected, selection criteria usage is restricted to FIND and CHANGE commands only.)

When you specify option U (Update), change criteria screens are automatically presented.
For other than PDS, Panvalet, and Librarian datasets (i.e. VSAM, ISAM, BDAM, sequential)
the Selection Criteria Options screen appears first to capture your record selection
processing controls. Then, when you finish with the Options screen, the Search/Update
Change Criteria screen is always displayed.

2.4. View

The purpose of this function is to view record layouts as File-AID has interpreted them.

The tow major functions:

 specifying the dataset name and member, if any, of the record layout to be viewed
 viewing the layout

On the DATASET SPECIFICATION screen enter the dataset name and member, if any, of the
record layout to view. also enter the END, RETURN, or a jump command to leave

After the DATASET SPECIFICATION screen, the VIEW RECORD LAYOUT screen is displayed.
This screen displays the field number, level, data-name, picture, starting and ending positions,
and length for each item in the record layout.

The LEVEL NUMBER and DATA-NAME are presented in a format similar to edit formatted. The
PICTURE column shows the format of the field while the NUMBER column indicates the system
assigned field number. The starting and ending position and length are shown for both
elementary and group items.

View Panel:
File-AID --- View Record Layout - Dataset Specification -----------------------

Specify Record Layout Dataset to View:

Dataset name ===> GIVE THE COPYBOOK PATH

Member name ===> COPYBOOK (Blank or pattern for member list)

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3. Appendix
3.1. Acronym

BDAM - Basic Direct Access Method

DASD - Direct Access Storage Device

FMT - Format (Horizontal Format)

GDG - Generation Data Group

IAM - Innovation Access Method

ICF - Integrated Catalog Facility

ISAM - Index Sequential Access Method

ISPF - Interactive System Productivity Facility

JCL - Job Control Language

MVS - Multiple Virtual Storage

PDS - Partition Dataset

TSO - Time Sharing Option

VFMT - Vertical Format

VSAM - Virtual Storage Access Method

VTOC - Volume Table of Contents

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