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Factors Contributing to the Risk

When assessing risks employers should also identify the factors that may be contributory to the risks,

1. Work environment - The work premises and the working environment, including their layout and
2. People - The capability, skill, experience and age of people ordinarily undertaking work
3. Work Processes or System - The system of work
being used
4. . the range of reasonably foreseeable conditions
Persons Involved in managing Risk
1. In every endeavour, commitment is very important to
2. Effective risk management therefore starts with a
commitment of the management to health and safety from
those who operate and manage the business or
3. The following are ways to show management commitment:
a. Getting involved in any health and safety issues
b. Investing time and money in any health and safety matters
c. Ensuring health and safety responsibilities are clearly understood by everyone
Factors in the identification of the Nature of Impending

The degree or veracity of the impending risks could be determined by taking into consideration the

1. Reason for the happening of the risk;

2. The frequency of the occurrence of the risk;
3. Duration of the risk;
4. Speed of onset;
5. Scope and impact;
6. Potentialities to destroy;
7. Criteria for determining the necessity of risk treatment;
8. Criteria which is acceptable and tolerable;
9. Whether the combinations of the negative and
positive risks will be considered;
10. How the combinations of risks will be considered.
A good risk manager does not give an abrupt decision to solve a problem.

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