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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province

First Periodical Test for TLE 6


TEST 1. Choose the letter of the best answer then write it on your paper.

1. A substance in the air that is given- off by trees and is beneficial to human beings.
a. carbon dioxide b. carbon monoxide
c. erosion d. oxygen

2. Kim wanted to gain more profit in selling his seedlings from his nursery by piece. What
method of marketing seedlings Kim used?
a. cooperatives b. middleman c. retail d. wholesale

3. This is one of the products of trees made from fiber and harvested from wood pulp.
a. paper b. rubber c. turpentine d. wood

4. The following are some importance of marketing seedlings. Which among the choices are
I. to ensure the physical condition of seedlings
II. to preserve the quality of seedlings
III. to decrease the number of plant species
IV. a way of increasing the production of trees and fruit-bearing trees
a. I, III, IV b. II, III, IV c. I, II, IV d. I, II, III

5. Processed wood from planted trees that is used to construct houses for man and animals.
a. lumber b. paper c. pulp d. rubber

6. __________ are erect plants with single woody stem and it plays a very important role in our
ecological balance.
a. flower b. shrub c. tree d. vine

7. The following are benefits in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees except one.
a. They serve as valuable wildlife habitat.
b. Trees cause erosion.
c. They prevent lake and river sedimentation.
d. They provide shade and fresh air around the house and along the
streets and surroundings.

8. Trees take in _____________from factories and motorized vehicle emissions.

a. carbon dioxide b. oxygen c. soil erosion d. sulfur dioxide

9. The root system of the trees holds water in the soil that prevents ____________.
a. carbon dioxide b. noise pollution c. soil erosion d. strong winds

10. Trees are valuable to people and community. Which of the following is not a product from
a. food like fruits, vegetables, and nuts
b. fiber to produce pulp and paper
c. wood used as fuel for cooking and heating
d. chemical products such as pesticide and insecticide
11. A well-known orchard that celebrate “MARADULA FESTIVAL “located at Talisay City, Negros
a. JKN Fruit Farm b. Nica’s Farm
c. Rosa Mango Farm d. Villafranca Fruit Farm

12. Inform your survey participants about its purpose and how these data become useful in
improving the activities, products or services you have. What step in conducting online survey is
being described by the statement?
a. Analyze and Act Upon the Results b. Communicate the Survey’s Purpose
c. Identify your Target Audience d. Prioritize your Questions

13. Usually done through picking when it is mature enough and ready to be sold to the market
fresh and in good condition.
a. Harvesting Fruits b. Marketing Fruits
c. Planting Seedlings d. Seed Germination

14. A way of transferring seedlings from one seed box to another to provide more space for
proper development of seedling is called _______________
a. Hardening b. Pricking c. Thinning d. Weeding

15. It is the development or growth of a seed into a young plant that influence harvest and the
quality of tree products. This process needs water or moisture, warmth, oxygen, and sunlight
for seeds to grow in either a seed box, plastic container or other wrappers.
a. Hardening b. Pricking c. Seed Germination d. Transplanting

16. To care for the fruit trees seedling, we should do the following except one.
a. Grow the seedlings preferably in a partially shaded area.
b. Remove the grass or weeds around the base and cultivate the soil.
c. Water the sown seeds thoroughly.
d. Use chemical pesticides.

17. What group of fruits are usually grown in a nut orchard?

a. Cashew, Coconut, Pili nut b. Guava, Peanut, Pili nut
c. Jackfruit, Lanzones, Santol d. Rambutan, Mango, Coconut

18. Seed should have been managed or maintained in seed orchard for what reason?
a. to improve seeds b. to gain more profit
c. for mass production d. all the above

19. A plant propagation which the reproduction of plants is done through seeds germination.
a. asexual propagation b. plant propagation
c. sexual propagation d. none of the above
20. ______________ are any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on
something or someone under certain conditions at work
a. Diseases b. Hazards c. Pollution d. Infestation

21. A highly intelligent and emotional animal that affects the lives of common raisers.
Interacting with this animal is one of the most stress relieving activities.
a. Carabao b. Goat c. Hog d. Horse
22. Very popular animal raised by families because they require low capital investment, fit the
small hold farm condition, and multiply fast.
a. Carabao b. Goat c. Fish d. Horse
23. An animal commonly found in rural areas. This variety feeds on palay and meal leftovers of
the family. They feed on grounds as they simply loiter in the backyard.
a. Exported Variety b. Crossbreed Variety
c. Imported Variety d. Native Variety

24. Which of the following are the reasons why many people culture tilapia?
a. It is easy to raise, slow-growing fish, can survive any bodies of water and environment.
b. It is easy to raise, fast-growing fish, can survive any bodies of water and environment.
c. It is easy to raise, slow-growing fish, can’t survive any bodies of water and environment.
d. It is easy to raise, fast-growing fish, can’t survive any bodies of water and environment.

25. Although beneficial to people, fish culture also poses adverse impacts on environment,
people and the community. Which of these impacts is caused by conversion of agricultural
land to ponds?
a. Decline in local food crops b. Displacement of native species
c. Loss of mangrove ecosystem d. Water and soil salinization

26. Overfishing can endanger the population of stocks of some species in the wild. How does
fish farming help in preventing the depletion of wild stocks from the sea?
a. Fish farming provides more hiring possibilities and more jobs.
b. Fish farming provides extra income to supplement the earnings of the family.
c. Fish farming provides alternative sources of fish instead of fishing the same species
from the sea.
d. Fish farming buffer zones that protects the rest of the sea from pollution.

Direction: Answer the following questions based on the collage of layout

design of orchard then write your answer in a your paper.
27. ______________ This is the simplest and easiest system of plantation.
28. ______________ In this system, the trees are planted at the corners of an
equilateral triangle.
29. _______________ It is essential for life; it is one of the most important requirements for plant
30.________________ It is the capital needed to produce goods and services in order to purchase
assets and maintain operations.

Direction: Arrange the following scrambled letters inside the box to form a word or words
base on the given definition above it, and then write it on your answer sheet.
31. In this farm, trees are grown for the purpose of fruit production.

Triuf drohcra
32. It is where nut trees are grown for a massive production of nut.

Ntu rdcraoh
33. An intensively managed or maintained plantation of trees to produce genetically improved seeds
resulting in mass production.

Sdee hcroadr

34. It is an area where fruit-bearing trees or shrubs are suited to be planted and it is greatly managed or
maintained for production.

Dcroarh mraf

35. Locating the position of trees, roads and buildings in the orchard are being established.


36-40 – Give 5 benefits in planting trees or fruit-bearing trees
41-42 – Give 2 things to be considered in putting up an orchard.
43-45 – Give the 3 basic necessities of plants

B. Identify the way on how plants propagate:

46._______________ 47.__________________ 48._______________

C. Label the illustration as to scion or rootstock:



Prepared by:


Teacher III



Principal I
1.d 26.c
2.c 27.rectangular system
3.a 28.contour system
4.c 29. water
5.a 30. money
6.c 31. fruit orchard
7.b 32. nut orchard
8.a 33. seed orchard
9.c 34. farm orchard
10.d 35. layout
11.a 36.Food like fruits, vegetables, and nuts which
are essential to our health and of great help even
in the economy
12.b 37. Firewood used as fuel for cooking and
13.a 38. Construction materials that are necessary in
the building industry such as lumber, plywood,
and board.
14.b 39.Fiber which are needed to produce pulp and
15.c 40. Chemical products such as resin, rubber, and
turpentine that are used as raw materials in the
production of varnish, adhesives, tires and paint
16.d 41. time
17.a 42. money
18.d 43.water
19.c 44. energy
20.b 45. carbon dioxide
21.d 46. budding
22.b 47. grafting
23.d 48. marcotting
24.b 49.scion
25.a 50.rootstock

Competency Knowledge Comprehension Application Synthesis Evaluation

 discusses the importance 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9, 7 36,37,38,39

of planting and 10 ,40
propagating trees and
fruit-bearing trees and
 uses technology in the 11,13,14,15 12
conduct of survey to find
out the following:
- elements to be
observed in
planting trees and
fruit-bearing trees
- market demands
for fruits
- famous orchard
farms in the
country TLE6AG-
0b- 2
 conduct a survey to 17,18,19 16,31,32,33,34,35,
- types of orchard
- trees appropriate
for orchard
gardening based on
location, climate,
and market
- proper way of
ng trees and fruit-
bearing trees
- sources of fruit-
bearing trees
- how to care for
seedlings TLE6AG-
0c- 3
prepares layout design of 20,21
an orchard garden using
the information gathered

 propagates trees and 22,23

fruit-bearing trees
using scientific
- identifies the
appropriate tools
and equipment in
plant propagation
and their uses
- demonstrates
scientific ways of
propagating fruit-
bearing trees
- observes healthy
and safety
measures in
propagating fruit-
bearing trees
performs systematic and 27,28,29,30
scientific ways of caring
orchard trees/seedlings
such as watering,
cultivating, preparing, and
applying organic fertilizer
 markets fruits and
seedlings TLE6AG-0f-7
 develops plan for
expansion of planting
trees and seedling
production TLE6AG0g-
 conducts survey to find 20,21,22,23
- persons in the
community whose
occupation is
animal (four-
legged) /fish raising
- kinds of four-
legged animals/fish
being raised as
means of livelihood
- possible hazards
that animal raising
can cause to the
people and
- ways to prevent
hazards brought
about by raising
- market demands
for animal/fish
products and by
- direct consumers
or retailers
 benefits that can be 24,25,26
derived from
animal/fish raising
stories of successful
entrepreneurs in
animal/fish raising
plans for the family’s
raising project
 implements plan on
animal/fish raising
monitors growth and
progress keeps an
updated record of
one’s knowledge of
animal/fish raising
using the Internet
 manages marketing of
animal/fish raised
discusses indicators for
demonstrates skill in
animal/fish prepares
marketing strategy by
asking help from others
or using the Internet
markets animals/fish
computes the income
earned from marketed
products (Gross Sale –
Expenses = Net income)
prepares plans for
expansion of animal-
raising venture

Prepared by:


Teacher III



Principal I

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