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(JUNE 2022)


1. ____________ and rapid economic growth in recent years have put a large
and increasing stress on the water resources and environment in Ho Chi
Mint City, Vietnam.
a. Increase population
b. Increased population
c. Increasing population
d. Having increases population
2. Foods rich in folate, a form of vitamin B ________ reduce the risk of stroke
and heart disease.
a. Help
b. Helps
c. Helped
d. Is helping
3. Over the years economic growth ________ of greater concern than
environmental preservations.
a. Has been
b. Had been
c. Have been
d. Having been
4. A history of depression, denial, injustice and abuse ________ the greatest
detriment to people of color.
a. Has been
b. Had been
c. Have been
d. Having been
5. ________ should help you be better informed about potential risks, but it
should not be a source of alarm.
a. Know your family history
b. Knowing your family history
c. To have your family history known
d. Having your family history know
6. A website is limited ________ you to other websites where you can access
for more information and discoveries.
a. Until it linking
b. Because it links
c. Since it linked
d. While it link
7. The legalization of divorce, until such time, has been ________ in our
a. A hotly- contested issue
b. The hot-contested issue
c. A hotly-contesting issue
d. The hot-contesting issue
8. Richard pleaded ________ his teacher in becoming late at school.
a. To
b. For
c. With
d. and
9. _____ player…
a. 6-feet
b. 6 feet
c. 6 foot
d. 6-foot
10. Today, neither of the twins ________ going to the beach.
a. Is
b. Were
c. Are
d. Was
11. Leni _____ out against the president Duterte’s drug war, which
saw the killings of suspected drug dealers in the slum of Manila.

a. have spoke
b. have spoken
c. has spoke
d. has spoken
12. Horses used 90% of their feet which _____kneecap.
a. Is
b. Are
c. Were
d. Was

13. _________ a book is her pastime…

a. To browse
b. Browsing
c. Browse
d. To browse

14. Filipinos are fortunate ___________ the country has natural

a. when
b. hence
c. because
d. despite
15. Exercising is done _________.
a. from doing varied activities
b. in doing varied activities
c. by doing varied activities
d. with doing varied activities

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