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Software Project Management

Lab Sessional Report Submitted to
Amity University Kolkata

Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering Department

Submitted by
PRANJAL SHARMA(A91005219165)

Course Faculty
Dr. Anirban Mitra
Department of Computer science
Amity School of Engineering and Technology,
Amity University Kolkata,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
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Sl. No. TOPIC Page No. Signature
1. Different types of diagrams used. 2
2. Gantt Chart of Internship Project 3
3. Class Diagram of Railway Reservation System 4
4. Use case Diagram of Railway Reservation System 5
5. sequence Diagram of Railway Reservation System 6
Collaboration Diagram of Railway Reservation System
6. Activity Diagram of Railway Reservation System 7
7. State Chart Diagram of Railway Reservation System 8
8. Component Diagram of Railway Reservation System 9
Deployment Diagram of Railway Reservation System
9. DFD Level 0 and Level 1 of Railway Reservation System 10
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Date: 30/08/22
Assignment 1
Gantt Chart
Generalized Activity Normalization Time Table (GANTT) chart is type of chart in which series
of horizontal lines are present that show the amount of work done or production
completed in given period of time in relation to amount planned for those projects.

Class Diagram
The class diagram depicts a state view of an application. It contains class names, attributes
and functions in a separate compartment that helps in software development.

Use Case diagram

A Use Case diagram is used to represent the dynamic behaviour of a system. It contains
actors and use cases with different relations.

Sequence Diagram
The sequence diagram is used to represent the flow of message in the system. It is also
termed as an event diagram.

Component diagram
A component diagram is used to break down large object oriented system into the smaller
components, so as to make them more manageable. It models the physical view of the

Deployment diagram
The deployment diagram visualizes the physical hardware on which the software will be
deployed. It involves the nodes and their relationships.

State Chart Diagram

This diagram is a polymorphic form of activity diagram in which the representation is
different but application is same. It looks similar to a finite state machine.

Collaboration diagram
This diagram is a polymorphic form of the sequence diagram in which representation is
different but application is same. The collaboration diagram depicts the architecture of the
object residing in the system. It is based on OOP concept.

Activity Diagram
It is used to demonstrate the flow of control within the system rather than the

Data Flow Diagram

It is a traditional visual representation of the information flows within a system. It shows
how data enters and leaves the system, what changes the information, and where data is
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Date: 06/09/22
Assignment 2
Q. Draw the Gantt chart for your Internship Project.

Duration of Internship - 6 weeks

Week one – Learnt all the concepts of object oriented programming.

Week two – Learnt C# ASP.NET
Week three – Studied the concept of learning management system
Week four – Worked on database management and backend part of the software development
Week five – worked on API development in dot net programming language.
Week six – worked on the testing of the software with the help of front end developers.
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Date: 13/09/22
Assignment 3
Q. Draw class diagram for Railway Reservation System.

-Railway System
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Date: 20/09/22
Assignment 4
Q. Draw use case diagram for Railway Reservation System.
Super Admin Entity: Use cases of Super Admin are ManageTrain, Manage Ticket, Manage
Booking, Manage Customer, Manage Payment, Manage Train Route, Manage Train
Manage Users and Full Railway Reservation System Operation
System User Entity: Use cases of System User are ManageTrain, Manage Ticket, Manage
Booking, Manage Customer, Manage Payment, Manage Train Route, Manage Train Schedule
Ticket Agent Entity: Use cases of Ticket Agent are Book Tickets, Search Vacant Seats, Collect
Customers Entity: Use cases of Customers are Search Trains, Book Tickets, Make Payments
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Date: 27/09/22
Assignment 5
Q. Draw sequence diagram for Railway Reservation System.

Q. Draw collaboration diagram for Railway Reservation System.

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Date: 11/10/22
Assignment 6
Q. Draw Activity diagram for Railway Reservation System.
User Login
Search train for customer
Check Ticket Availability
If Available, then book the ticket
Fill and Submit required details
Pay and print the ticket
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Date: 18/10/22
Assignment 7
Q. Draw state chart diagram for Railway Reservation System.
Valid Login
Check if train is available and book ticket Print Ticket when Booking successful
Initial Node->Validation (Login)
Validation->Availability Check
Availability Check->Booking Ticket
Booking Ticket->Printing
Printing->Final Node (Logout)
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Date: 20/10/22
Assignment 8
Q. Draw component diagram for Railway Reservation System.
 Train Schedule Component
 Ticket Component
 Booking Component
 Customer Component
 Payment Component

Q. Draw deployment diagram for Railway Reservation System.

Systems Used:
Passenger 1,2,3 for login and search purposes of the passengers
Railway Reservation Web server to check train availability and filling details and booking Mcket
Application Server for successful booking and payment, connected to railway web server
Database Server for updating ticket details and train availability
Printer for printing the ticket.
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Date: 01/11/22
Assignment 9
Q. Draw DFD Level 0 for Railway Reservation System.
Level - 0
The Level-0 DFD, also called context diagram of the result management system is shown in
fig. As the bubbles are decomposed into less and less abstract bubbles, the corresponding
data flow may also be needed to be decomposed.

Level - 1
In 1-level DFD, a context diagram is decomposed into multiple bubbles/processes. In this
level, we highlight the main objectives of the system and breakdown the high-level process
of 0-level DFD into subprocesses.

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