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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: DECEMBER 5-9, 2022 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponent, and integers
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply knowledge of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponent, and integers in mathematical problems and real-life situations
C. Learning Competencies / Describes the exponent and the base in a number expressed in Gives the value of numbers expressed in exponential notation.
exponential notation. M6NS - IIf -147
M6NS - IIf -146
D. Objectives Describes the exponent and the Describes the exponent and Holiday Know and understand the Know the steps in solving the
base in a number expressed in the base in a number exponential form problem
exponential notation. expressed in exponential Gives the value of numbers Gives the value of numbers
Solve the problem correctly notation. expressed in exponential expressed in exponential
Appreciate teamwork Give the value of numbers notation. notation.
expressed in exponential Being observant Develop critical thinking
Solve patiently
II. CONTENT Exponent and base exponential notation Evaluating expressions involving


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K to 12 MELCs with CG Codes in K to 12 MELCs with CG K to 12 MELCs with CG Codes in K to 12 MELCs with CG Codes in
Math 6 p. 40 of 63 Codes in Math 6 p. 40 of 63 Math 6 p. 40 of 63 Math 6 p. 40 of 63
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Power point presentation, tv, Power point presentation, Power point presentation, tv, Power point presentation, tv,
laptop, video presentation tv, laptop, video laptop, video presentation laptop, video presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson Let the pupils describe the How to read this? Drill In 5⁴, what is the base?
or presenting the new lesson pattern shown. 12⁵ Game: Think and Try exponent?
What is the base? Can you find a pair of numbers How to get the answer?
exponent?factored form? whose sum is equal to their
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Example: 2 + 2 = 2 x 2 = 4
Let them draw the next figure in Expected Answers:
the pattern. 3 + 1.5 = 3 x 1.5 = 4.5
How many squares are there in 5 + 1.25 = 5 x 1.25 = 6.25
the 2nd figure? in the 3rd figure? 11 + 1.1 = 11 x 1.1 = 12.1
Discover the rule in finding the
next figure?
How many squares will be in the
fifth figure?
B. Establishing a purpose for a) Show pictures of the There are 5 kids who went Ask: What are the different
the lesson map of the Philippines and of to the bakery store to buy dreaded diseases? (TB, cancer,
General Emilio Aguinaldo and let some breads. A piece of etc.)
them read the following bread cost 5.00. If each one Today we are going to read
sentences. of them bought 5 bread. something about cancer cells.
1) General Emilio How much did they pay in
Aguinaldo is the First President of all?
the Philippine Republic.
2) The Philippines is in
Southeast Asia.
3) Most Filipinos celebrate
Christmas in the 10th month of
the year.
b) Ask them which
sentence is true or false. Let
them tell why.
c) If sentences can be true
or false, in mathematics there are
sentences that are either true or
C. Presenting Activity 1: Present this problem Let’s try to solve this one. Present the selection below
Examples/Instances of new Rhoda has to sew a tablecloth 9 Do you have any idea how In a particular clinical research,
lesson dm by 9 dm for their square- to solve this? a special type of cancer cells
shaped table in the living room. What is the base? affecting the skin was
How big is the area of the exponent? Factored form? discovered to exist as a pair in
tablecloth? exponential form? the beginning and was found
What is the standard form out to double every 24 hours.
or the answer? The table shows the listing of
the number of cancer cells
present for the first 10 days.

D. Discussing new concepts and Answering questions about the Complete the following: What do you notice about the Let us study this table.
practicing new skills #1 problem F b e E r St cancer cells from day 1 to day
How will you find the area of the a a x x e a 10? (They are doubled each
table cloth? ct s p p a n day.)
What number sentence will be o e o o d d How is this obtained?
used to solve the problem? r n n ar (The number of cancer cells in
Are the two quantities equal? o e e d a given day is obtained by In general, if N is the number of
Write the equation about the r n n f multiplying the number of days the cancer cells have been
problem. (9 x 9 = 81) e t ti o cancer cells present on the present, then the expression for
How many times did you multiple x al r preceding day by 2 since the the number of cells present
9 to get 81? The product 9 x 9 p n m cancer cells double daily.) during the nth day is 2n. The letter
can be written as power of 92 a o If we try to rewrite this product n is called an exponent of base 2.
where 9 is the base and 2 is the n ta in terms of the number of In 22, what is the exponent?
exponent. d ti cancer cells present on the first What is the base? In 23? 24? etc.
e o day, we will have the following What does the exponent
The exponent tells how many d n table: indicate?
times the base is used as a factor f (It indicates the number of
to form a product. o repeated multiplication.)
The base is the factor which is to r
be multiplied by itself the m So, what does 23 mean?
number of times indicated in the 4 (It means 2 x 2 x 2.)
exponent to obtain the product. x How is it read? (“two to the third
4 power” or “two with the
In the problem, how big is the x exponent three.” (Give some
tablecloth to be sewed by 4 more examples).
Rhoda? x
Write the equation for the 4
problem in exponential notation x
of the problem. 4
Valuing: 8
a) Who has to sew a x
tablecloth? 8
b) Where will she put the x
tablecloth? 8
c) If you were Rhoda, will 1
you also sew a tablecloth? Why? 2
E. Discussing new concepts and Pair-share: Activity 2 Pair-share Let us focus our attention on
practicing new skills #2 The side of a small cutout square A certain book has 2⁴ pages. the expression that describes
is 7cm. What is its area? What is the exponential the number of cancer cells in a
Write an expression about the notation? given day in terms of cancer
problem. What is the base? cells present on the first day.
What is the equation? exponent? Factored form? This is seen in the second
standard form? column of table 2.
Can you write 7 x 7 in another What can you say about how
way? How? the expression is written?
What do you call 7 in 72? 2 in 72? Why? (It becomes tedious
What is the exponent? base? because we write the number
It is for this reason that in
1637, Rene Descartes, a French
mathematician, introduced a
system of writing numbers
indicating repeated
What can you say about Rene
Descartes? Do you want to be
like him someday? Why?
F. Developing mastery Group Activity: Give the base and Work by pair. Group Activity: Group Activity:
(Leads to Formative the exponent in each of the Directions: Write the Let us have 2 learning stations. Do the activities as fast as you
Assessment) following orally. exponential notation and Do the activity in each learning can.
1.25 2. 42 3. 73 solve for the answer. station by group. Once you
4. 18
5. 64
1. What is seven to have finished an activity, go to
Complete the equation. the fifth power? the next station and do the
2. 2. What is the sum activity indicated there. Do the
of 3⁴ + 23? activities as fast as you can.

G. Finding practical a. Rewrite each of the following In solving a problem, what Based on tables 1, & 2, how Based on table 3, how many
applications of concepts and using exponents. Determine the characteristics are you many cancer cells have grown cancer cells have grown on the
skills in daily living numerical value. going to possess? Why? on the fifteenth day? fifteenth day?
1. second power of 7
2. fourth power of 5
3. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
4. 8 x 8 x 8
5. 15 x 15
b. Write the >, < or = in the box
to make the statement true.
1)52  25
2)72  3  2 (70) + 3
3)2(32 + 22)  82
4)32 + 32 + 32  3 (32)
5)6 (2 + 3)2  3 + 72
H. Making generalizations and What is an exponent? base? What have you learned The exponent tells the number What have you learned today?
abstractions about the -The exponent tells how many today? of times the base is used as a
lesson times the base is taken as a factor.
factor. The base is the number used as
The base is the bottom part of a factor.
anything. It is the number used as
the factor.
I. Evaluating Learning A. Evaluate Complete the following Give the value of the ff:
1.) 6  22 + 7 sentences: 1)63 = __ 4)92 = __
2.) 3  72 + 5  52 1) In 53, _____ is the base and 2)45 = __ 5)74 = ___
3.) 92 - 72 + 10 ______ is the exponent. 3)27 = __
4.) 25  52 - 3 2  43 2) 62 is the exponential form of
5.) (10 + 2)2 - 102 6 x _____.
3) 144 is the ___ power of 12.
B. Find the value of n to 4) 22 means 2 multiplied by _.
make the statement true 5)74 means _____ is multiplied
1.) 2n = 16 by itself four times.
2.) 4  5n = 4  125
3.) 73 = n
4.) 2  10n = 2 000
5.) 3  2n = 192
C.Write the base, exponent,
value, equation, and the meaning
of the following expressions.
Number 1 is done for you.

J. Additional activities for Evaluate Read and understand your Fill in the blanks. Enjoy
application and remediation lesson 1) 9 = 3 x 3 = 3_ Relax
2)16 = _____ x _____ = _____2 Bond with your family
3)8 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 2-
4)102 = 10 x 10 = _____
5)103 = _____ x _____ x ______
= _____

Write the equation for this

Olive has some cookies. If she
gave 5 cookies each to some girls,
she would have 14 left. If she
gave 9 cookies each to some girls,
she would be short of 14 cookies.
How many girls did Olive give the
cookies to? Ans. (5 x n) + 14 = (9 x
n) - 14
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher III School Principal I

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