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Raegan Maloy

Professor Burris
EDU 221
October 5, 2022

Lesson Topic: ELA Grade level: 11th-12th

Length of lesson: 75 minutes

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Content Standard(s):
11-12.RI.7-Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different
media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in print in order to address a
question or solve a problem.

Understanding (s)/goals Essential Question(s):

Students will understand:  Who was Martin Luther King Jr.
 How to integrate multiple sources,  What did Martin Luther King Jr.
of different media, on the life and believe in?
legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. to  What impact did he have on the
answer a question world?
 How to evaluate multiple sources,  How can you use the provided
of different media, on the life and sources to write a summary on the
legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. to life of Martin Luther King Jr?
answer a question

Student objectives (outcomes):

Students will be able to:
 Analyze multiple sources, of different media, to answer a question
 Evaluate multiple sources of a different media to answer a question
 Compose a summary of the analyzed and evaluated information from multiple
sources of a different media to answer a question

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s): Other Evidence:
 Student integrates textual evidence
 Complete the Martin Luther King Jr. from the provided sources
scavenger hunt and answer all  Students evaluate and take notes
questions on the provided sources in order to
 Compose a two-paragraph answer the proposed questions
summary on the life, beliefs, and
impacts of Martin Luther King Jr.
from the provided sources

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

 Have students complete a K-T-W chart on Martin Luther King Jr, identifying what
they know, think they know, and want to know.
 Have students compare their charts with their tablemate
 Upon arrival, have the students grab/pull out their laptops and access the class
Canvas page. Instruct the students to click on the “MLK K-T-W chart”.
 Allow 8-10 minutes for the students to fill out the chart, then an additional 3
minutes to discuss with their tablemate. Call on 2-3 students to share with the
class something from their discussion
 Instruct the students to click on the provided link within the chart to the MLK
Scavenger Hunt website.
 Inform the students to complete the scavenger hunt in its entirety using the
notes and answer sections on the provided Word document.
 After completing the scavenger hunt, have student write a 2-3 paragraph
summary, using textual evidence, on the life, beliefs, and impact of MLK
 Have students turn in their “MLK K-T-W chart” with its attached notes, answers,
and summary to its assigned Canvas location.

 Laptop
 Paper copies of MLK Scavenger Hunt and MLK K-T-W chart
 Headphones
Extensions & Enrichment:
 Ask students “what impacts has MLK had on your life?”, “what was something
new you learned?”, “did anything surprise you?”, open the floor for discussion to
encourage peer collaboration.
Differentiated Instruction:
 Allow students to work with peers in order to complete the “MLK K-T-W Chart”
and work together to write one summary.
 For ESL students- provide headphones and recorded audio for the printed
 For
 For Low Vision students- provide a printed copy in an enlarged font of all printed
sources and charts
 For students with Autism- allow to work with a peer and/or a printed copy of the
scavenger hunt
 Computer to access video’s, websites, class Canvas page, virtual turn in box, and
 ADE AZ State Standards
 DO.IT.
 MLK Scavenger Hunt-
Reflection following Teaching

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