CU - P2 - Statistical Analysis - S.chethan Kumar

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Project 1: Statistical

Quantitative Methods
Answer 1a

Carefully construct and label a bar chart of these data on excel and attach the image to the

Bar Chart








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 1b

Find the mean, median and mode for the ungrouped data.

Mean 111.4
Median 109
Mode 113
Answer 1c

Find all the measures of dispersion for the given data.

Measures of Dispersion
Q1 101.25
Q2(MEDIAN) 109
Q3 120
IQR 18.75
Standard Deviation 12.83476
Variance 164.731
Coefficient of Variance 11.52133
Answer 1d

Comment on the data, given the shape of the histogram and the measures which you have

So, the standard deviation is 12.8 mg/dL for the given data. Standard deviation tells
us about the variability of values in a data set. It is a measure of dispersion, showing
how spread out the data points are around the mean. The mean is 111.4 mg/dL,
hence, the standard deviation states that the glucose level deviates around 12.8
mg/dL from mean approximately.
The coefficient of variations is low which states the consistency of the data, the lower
the value, the more precise the estimate.
Answer 2a

Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the given data.
Type of
Private 778500
Private 375000
Private 264000
Private 312000
Private 597000
Private 312000
Government 80000
Government 25000 Sample Mean 287821.2
Private 413000
Private 258000 Sample SD 216329.9
Private 73200
Private 495000
Government 69000
Government 60744
Government 16280
Government 41000
Private 312500
Private 476200
Private 275000
Private 523000
Answer 2b

According to a reputed Indian educational web portal report, the average fee of an
undergraduate degree in management in India is greater than or equal to Rs. 4,10,000. Check if
this claim is statistically valid at a 5% level of significance.

Null Hypothesis µ = 287821.2

Alternate Hypothesis µ > 287821.2

Reject Null Hypothesis if z > 1.645

Z = 2.5
Z < 1.645
Hence, we accept the null hypothesis.

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