Cu - P2 - Mp&ob - S - Chethan - Kumar

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Question 1

Talking about the big five personality traits for the three people in the

Karan Singh High/Low

Openness LOW

Conscientiousness HIGH

Extraversion LOW

Agreeableness LOW

Emotional Stability HIGH

Since Karan tends to work alone many people are hesistant to approach
him which will leads to his lack of approachable behaviour. He always
tends to be true and honest towards his tasks within the given time and
also apart from it he also improves himself in his work ethics.

Since he tends to work alone so many of the colleagues wont take his
company which shows that Karan is low in extravesrsion. When he
disagrees with the promotion of the Maya even after her good
performance which shows that it is very tough to get his approval and one
can get demotivated if he is at high authority. Since Karan is one of the key
guy for taking decisions so definitely he has good good emotional stability
as he is very professional in nature.
Prateek Gupta High/Low

Openness HIGH

Conscientiousness HIGH

Extraversion LOW

Agreeableness HIGH

Emotional Stability LOW

Prateek tends to be easily approachable which makes him an open
personmality but at the same time he keeps thing to himself that shows his
extraversion as low. He understands the value of the team work and
support required fot the tasks so he is Conscientious about his dealings
which makes him dependable.
His agreeability is as per the performance of the person like Maya which
shows that he has good rapport on making someone agreeing to a
decision but at times also agrees with others if they are correct.
He is quiet emotional in nature which shows that he had clashes with Karan
when the promotion of Maya was on hold which shows that at times he
may exceed his limit which is not good for any company decision making

Maya Kapoor High/Low

Openness HIGH

Conscientiousness HIGH

Extraversion HIGH

Agreeableness HIGH

Emotional Stability LOW

Maya being very lively and friendly shows that she is open to any person
and since she is very focussed and creative on her work which makes that
she is very dependable thus very Conscientious in nature. Since she is very
lively on social gatherings which shows her extraversion and she trust
people on the way if they point out some setbacks just how Prateek helped
her in dealing with her clash with Karan but its agreeableness which sorted
the entire matter.
When been sidelined by Karan on her promotion Maya becomes quiet sad
thus got demotivated easily which is not a good thing because ups and
downs are part of life which shouldnt be taken to the extreme point thus
her emotional stability is less.

Question 2

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy:

In case of Maya she is delaing with the Esteem needs as she started thinking
that her value in company is going below. She felt as the company is not recognising
her works in a good manner which was earlier. When Karan started doubting her skills
even when her performance is well upto the mark and even exceeded whih shows that
her self esteemed is being questioned.
Due to this her Social needs also gets affected as she will slowly end up switching
the company which will lead to big impact on comapnys performance.

2. Two Factor Theory

When it comes to hygiene factor the company is very good because it gives an ideal place for
all employees to work hence we can concluse that Maya is not dissatisfied when it comes to
Hygiene factor. But due to bad administration Maya is dissatisfied of her work as people at high
positions dont recruit capable persons at right places.
But for the motivation factor Maya is highly demotivated because inspite of her good
performance she is been sidelined and still her capabilities are at doubt which shows that her
Motivation scale is mostly demotivated.

Question 3:
XYZ should make itself employee friendly, adapatable to change with, should have good
customer and client orientation.It should be well focussed on employee satisfaction which itself
would help in outcome orientation. When all the above things are at place then integrity comes
into picture which would bind the teams and organisation together and helps in dealing any
future challenges.

When it comes to organisational structure XYZ should hire that person that is open to any ideas,
have good communication with all horizontal and vertical chain of commands so that no
employee or manager felt left out and this brings a positive change otherwise we have seen the
result between karan and May. XYZ should follow a hybrid of both mechanic and organic model
so that all kinds of employees will gel together to give a better outcome. Also the structure
should be simple but formal.

Question 4
In my opinion Karan has transactional leadership because he is very goal
oriented and time specific which makes other of it colleagues to match with
his speed. Also he maintains order and efficient command chain which
would help him in achievig his goals within specific time.

While Maya has a charismatic effect on Seerat as she started seeing as a

good manager and tus her only objective is to perform well as she knew
Maya will be there as her support. Also it makes seerat to improve herself
everytime after getting commendation from Maya.
Prateek motivated Maya because she is able to transform but unwilling as
she is completely demotivatedwhich leads to the Prateek to motivate her to
perform even better. So Prateek uses 4th quadrant of situational leadership

Question 5

The process of conflict between Maya and Karan can easily be explained
through the 5 stages.

Stage 1 - Antecedent Conditions

Due to difference in communication or company structure Karan was not
able to communicate his vision to Maya due to which the conflict arises.
Also the personal variables The company structure also leads to the conflict

Stage 2 - Cognition and Personalisation

Maya if not have taken this concern to Karan as a feedback then many of
the people in organisation comes to know about the situation. Since Karan
is at authorative level who makes decisions which will lead to more tense

Stage 3 - Intentions
Also when the intentions of the both parties are competing or non
accomodating that leads to the conflict like how Karan is hesitant to grant
just a promotion to Maya and that leads to conflict.

Stage 4 – Behaviour
When both the parties bring their conflict in their behaviour that is visible
like talking negative about each other but still not able to come to a

Stage 5 - Outcomes
When the outcome is non negotiable to one party as other feel defeated
like how Karan and Prateek were competing with each other Maya as the
decision is stuck for just a promotion.

Question 6

1. _Transactional_________ Leadership

Reason: Maya needs to do a lot more exploration about herself

and more mature on taking decisions for a good vision.

2. ______Legitimate power____ Theory

Reason: As a senior head of the company Karan has a power and

rank that leads to the decision making.So as per his gut feeling he
decided to carry on the decision of non promoting Maya for senior
3. ___Reward power______ Theory

Reason: If the performance of Maya is well and good there is

more chance that Karan can give her a more responsible job to handle.

Question 7

Maya should have reasoning and relating tool to give the feedback.
She should have used the logical approach that shows how well she
handled the previous projects and clients that leads to the good image
building of her in front of panel.Because numbers make a logical sense
on the minds of the decision making people. Also Maya should have
given feedback on positive way but keeping her image and work in a
more suitable way.

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