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VIJAYA DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE Tee [wisavn | Ena: intoa vinyaopnostic com sew shdigmostis com LABORATORY TEST REPORT. Regn Date: 06/11/2020 OFT Sample Collstion ; 96/11/2020 09:48 ‘Name ‘MR. MOHAMMAD Print Date 07/11/2020 11:41 Regn No + 1020211433 ‘Age’ Sex 1 a0 Years / Feoate Ref By; Dr. CGHS ON PAYMENT Regn Cente Himayatnagar Sample Type + Serum Ref to HIV1 £2 Antibodies ‘TESTNAME RESULT 101 WAL HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies + Nonteactive (0.09) Nonreactive : <1.0 SiO Reactive :>/=1.08iCO ‘Matto : Cheroinscen Micrparicle Inmena Aseep (CMI) for HIV 1 & 2 antibodies. Reactive Specimen is Positive for HIV - 1 annibodies. Specimen is Positive for HIV antibodies (HIV-1 and HIV-2; or HIV-2 alone) ‘Confirmation of HIV-2 sero-status at identified referral laboratory through ART centres. (Gs per the NACO guideline test result is considered positive only when all 3 test are reactive) Collect fresh sample in 2-4 weeks and repeat the testIf the sample continues to be {indeterminate send the sample for Western blot or PCR. for confirmation [All Values are in §/CO units = Ratio of sample Relative Light Units to the Cutoff Relative Light Units A nonreactive result does not exclude the possibility of HIV infection. Levels of HIV antibodies may be undetectable in the Li ae ecu oem PAE DR.ANKITA PORWAL eecteke POUR OUE MEN * Suggested Clinical Corcelaton, I Necessary Kindly Discuss with signatory NABL Accreited VIJAYA DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE [WisAvA | ai: info wayaagmte som wv. sigaigmosti oan LABORATORY TEST REPORT Regn Date 06/11/2000 09:41 Sample Collection ; 06/11/2020 09:45 Name > MR MOHAMMADI Print Date + o7/ny2020 m1: Regn No: 1020211433 ‘Age/Sex 1 30.Vears / Female Ref By + Dr. CGHS ON PAYMENT ‘Rega Centre ; Himayatnagar Sample Type" = Serum Refno : atitis B. face Anti IBsAy TEST NAME RESULT H ERY, TBsAg (Qualitative) + Nonrcastive (0.20) NA Method Cherminescomt Meropartcle Imouno Assy (CME Interpretation : Nomresctive <1.0S/CO Specimen is negative for HBsAg or Hepatitis B virus surface antigens ae a a undetectable level Reactive >/= 10S/CO Results are reported as S/CO units (tatio of Sample Relative Light Units to the Cut off Relative Light Units) + This testis for the qualitative detection of Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBSAg) in human serum, This testis a highly sensitive screening assays it should not he used as a sole entrion for confirmation of Hepatitis B infection. Its result should be confirmed by other supplementory tsi. ‘Test results should be interpreted in conjunction with pstient history and other HBV serologic markers (eg, anti-HBs Ab, anti-HBe Total and anti-HBs IgM, HBeAg & Anti HBe Ab) ~ Individuals, who recently received Hepais B vaccination may have transient positive HBsAg tet results because of the large dose of HBsAg used inthe vaccine, + Anomalous results may be observed in patients who have routine exposure to animals or to animal serum products! who received preparations of mouse monaelonal antibodies for therapy, @ sae DR.ANKITA PORWAL Conifeate#NEC-857 CONSULTANT MICROBIOLOGIST * Suggested Clinical Comelation, If Necessary Kinly Discuss with signatory cai reach neo) VIJAYA DIAGN DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE [WIAA] Ena: infovispadagnostic com own. padi omy LABORATORY TEST REPORT. Regn Date 96/11/2020 O91 “Sample Collection : 06/11/2020 09:45 Name MR. MOHAMMADI Print Date (07/11/2020 11:11 Regn No > 1020211433 Age! Sex 3Vears / Female Ref By = Dr CGHS ON PAYMENT Rega Centre Hiimayatoagar Sample Type = Serum Ref no jepatitis. C Virus Antibodies (Anti HCV STNAME RESULT BIOLOGICAL REFERENCE INTERVAL ‘Anti Hepatitis C Virus Antibodies + Nonreactive 0.95] NA Method: Chemiinecent Micrpartise Imo Ase (CEA) Interpretation: Noa Reactive <1.0S/CO Specimen is negative for HCV antibodies or antibodies are at an undetectable level Reactive ~=1.0S'CO Specimen for HCV antibodies. Results are reported as $/CO units (rato of Sample Relative Light Units to the Cutoff Relative Light Units) This tests for the qualitative deteetion of antibody to Hepatitis C Virus in human serum. ‘This testi only a sereening assay; it should always be used in conjuction with clinical history and exposure risk for HCY infection. “This test should not he used asthe sole eriterion for the confirmation of HCV infection and itis recommended to test farther for HCV RNA detection and quantification by PCR. * A Nom-teactive screening result docs not exclude the possibilty of exposure to or infection with HCW.. es DR.ANKITA PORWAL : Corin 02657 CONSULTANT MICROBIOLOGIST * Suggested Clinica Correlation, if Necessary Kindly Discuss with signatory ee ees NABI Accredited

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