Chapter - 5 (Poverty)

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Happy convent public secondary school Class 12th commerce economics worksheet (1) Chapter -5 [ Poverty ] ______ of the world’s poor live in India. (B) one-third (Relate iaca) (D) one-fifth Q2.Which of the following is the poverty determination measure? (A) Head Count Ratio (B) Sen Index (C) Poverty Gap Index (D) AU of these Q3.Those who regularly move in and out of poverty are called (A) Chronically poor (B) Churning poor (C) Occasionally poor (D) Transient poor Q4.In 2011-12, poverty line was defined worth _ consumption per person a month for rural areas an eee (A) 3816 and 31,000 (B) 31,012 and 21,210 (C) 3550 and 3860 (D) 860 and 3673 Q5. Which of the following is an action adopted under the provision of minimum basic amenities to the people? (A) Prime Minister's RozgarYojna (B) Swarna Jayanti Shahari RozgarYojna (C) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojna (D) National Rural Livelihood Mission Q6. NFWP was launched in: (A) November 2004 (B) December 2003 (C) November 2002 (D) December 2005 Q7. Absolute poverty in India is measured through : — a) Poverty line b) Education c) Health d) None of these Q8. The concept of poverty line in India was introduced in a) 1981 b) 1979 c) 1973 d) 1975 Q9.MNREGA offered employment for a minimum period of a) 150 days b) 200 days c) 100 days d) 120 days Q10. Which approach is used by the government to overcome the issue of fore a1A Na a) Growth Oriented Approach b) Poverty Alleviation Programme c) Meeting the Minimum Needs of the melelg d) All of these Worksheet (2) Q1.List the initiatives undertaken in post-independent india to work out a mechanism to identify the number of poor. Q2.Why is the calorie requirements in rural areas are considered to be higher than urban areas? Q3.Discuss the objective of growth-oriented approach of poverty alleviation. Q4. “Without the active participation of the poor, successful implementation of any programme is not possible.” Elaborate. Q5. Explain the self-employment and wage generation approach of the government for poverty alleviation.

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