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Breakfast: 2 Starch, 1 Fat, 2 Meat, 1 Milk, 2 Fruit

2 slices of toast (2 starch exchanges) with 1 tsp. butter (1 fat exchange)

2 scrambled eggs (2 meat exchanges) made with 2oz whole milk plus 6oz of whole milk on the side to
drink (total-1 milk exchange),

4 oz of orange juice & 1/2 cup fruit salad (total-2 fruit exchanges)

Lunch: 2 Starch, 2 Vegetable, 3 Meat, 2 Fat, 1 Milk

Grilled cheese sandwich: 2 slices of bread (2 starch exchanges), 2 tsp butter (2 fat exchanges), 3 slices of
cheese (3 meat exchanges)

Tomato soup (1 cup tomato soup condensed-2 vegetable exchanges) made with 1 cup whole milk (1
milk exchange)

Dinner: 4 Starch, 3 Meat, 3 Fat, 2 Vegetable, 1 Fruit

1 cup cooked pasta (2 starch exchanges)

2 pieces garlic toast (2 starch exchanges) + 2 tsp butter (2 fat exchanges)

3 oz of ground beef or turkey (3 meat exchanges) browned in 1 tsp olive oil (1 fat exchange)

½ cup tomato sauce with ½ cup cooked broccoli (2 vegetable exchange)

1 orange (1 fruit exchange)

Snack #1: 2 Starch, 1 Milk

1 large muffin (2 starch exchanges)

1 cup whole milk (1 milk exchange – half & half could be added for more calories)

Snack #2: 1 Fruit, 1 Milk

½ banana (1 fruit exchange)

1 cup whole milk yogurt (1 milk exchange)

Snack #3: 1 Meat, 2 Starch, 1 Vegetable, 1 Fat

1 tsp peanut or almond butter (1 meat exchange)

2 bread slices (2 starch exchanges)

1 cup raw carrots (1 vegetable exchange), 1 oz hummus (1 fat exchange)

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