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Data Type Name Definition Samples

Stores whole numbers, without

int Integer decimals. 9, 21, 24, 13,

Method of representing a 'real

number' in a binary form. A positive or
float Floating-point negative whole number with a decimal 5.5, 0.25, and -103.342

Represents a wide dynamic range of

double Double floating numeric values by using a floating 134.64534 and 45E12
point radix point. Also used for exponentials.

a display unit of information

char Character equivalent to one alphabetic letter or
'A', 'D'

wchar_t Wide Character has a size greater than the traditional 127, 255, or that occupies
8-bit character. more than one byte

bool Boolean variable can only have two possible bool b1 = true; bool b2 =
values false

checks whether the string is empty or

void Empty not. void printHi()

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