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Table of Content

No. Title Page No.

1. Introduction 2

2. Detailed explanation on what is Child Maltreatment 4

or Child Abuse

3. Detailed explanation to show statistics of Child abuse 5

cases in Malaysia

4. As a Welfare officer, what are the steps/solutions you 7

can think of to prevent Child Maltreatment or Child
Abuse in Malaysia

5. Closure 9

6. References 11

7. Rubric 12

8. Interview Video Link 13



Child abuse is when a child is purposefully injured by an adult or another child; it can happen
repeatedly or just once. Physical, sexual, or mental harm may result, and it may take place
offline or online. Neglect can also refer to the absence of love, care, and attention. There are
different types of child abuse such as Physical abuse, Emotional abuse, Sexual abuse and

First and foremost, Physical abuse. When parents or other adults intentionally hurt a child
physically, this is referred to as child abuse. A child may be physically abused by being struck
with hands or objects. Physical abuse also includes intentionally hurting a child by burning,
biting, or restricting them physically. In homes where domestic violence is prevalent or when
children are reared in poverty, there is also a higher likelihood of violence. The same is true
when a youngster grows up with a stranger as a parent or has more than two siblings living
with them.

Second of all, Emotional abuse. Even though this kind of abuse might not necessarily be
physically harmful, it nevertheless hurts. A parent or caregiver degrades, terrorises, isolates, or
takes advantage of a child when they engage in emotional abuse. When a child is raised with
little support or love, they frequently face criticism, threats, rejection, or other negative

Speaking of sexual abuse, the forced involvement of children in sexual actions is referred to as
sexual abuse. Additionally, it could entail trying to trick a child into performing sexual actions
that they do not completely comprehend. Children who are subjected to this abuse could also
be made to perform sexual activities they do not fully understand. While sexual abuse often
involves sexual contact, abusive behaviour that doesn't include contact is also sometimes
considered abuse. This includes subjecting a child to sexual activity or photographing them in
an inappropriate way.

This occurs when a parent or other adult fails to provide for a child's most basic requirements.
About multiple of reports to child protective services are filed due to concerns about child
neglect, making it the most typical type of child abuse. When a child is not taken to regular
schedule doctor's appointments or is refused access to health care by a guardian, it is considered
to be an act of neglect. This type of abuse is also visible when children are exposed to dangerous
substances like drugs or when they do not receive the proper nutritional treatment.


To conclude this, Child abuse is a disturbingly common type of abuse. Children who have
experienced abuse are subjected to many ripple effects in a variety of forms. Healing is
possible, even if recovering from a life marked by physical assault, sexual violence, or neglect
can be challenging. Child abuse can be effectively managed by enrolling abused children in
therapy or giving them medication to control negative results. Reporting suspected incidences
of abuse to the appropriate authorities is also necessary to put an end to this mistreatment of
children. (


Detailed explanation on what is Child Maltreatment or Child Abuse

Child abuse is a serious global issue with life-long consequences. Child abuse is also known
as child maltreatment. There are a few types of child abuse which are physical abuse, emotional
abuse, neglect abuse, and sexual abuse. Physical abuse happens when parents or other adults
whom the children depend on hurt them physically. Physical abuse includes hitting, choking,
burning, and so on. Emotional abuse happens when a child has been treated in a negative way
which impacts their emotional development. For example, yelling at the child, criticizing the
child, or using unnecessary words toward the child. These kinds of actions might hurt the child
emotionally which may lead to stress or depression.

Moreover, neglect abuse happens when parents are not providing the child’s basic needs such
as food, a clean environment, adequate clothing, and many more. Then, sexual abuse happens
when an adult force child into sexual activity. It’s often done by someone the child trusts. Child
sexual abuse includes inappropriate touching, taking sexual images, and so on.

Furthermore, child abuse as a child may have a wide variety of consequences in adulthood.
Child abuse not only leaves scars, but it may also have long-term health effects. Child abuse
has been linked to higher levels of depression, anger, shame, and anxiety. People who
experience child abuse may have a higher risk of experiencing anxiety disorders such as post-
traumatic disorder and personality disorder. There may also be a link with low self-esteem.
Low self-esteem can affect many different areas of their life such as their relationships, career,
and even health. The victim of child abuse has depression to be feeling down much of the time
and having suicidal thoughts. Moreover, the effect of child abuse can damage the relationship
between parents and children. Hence, there are many types of child maltreatment that should
take action to prevent from happening.

Last but not least, according to international studies, children aged 2-4 years are subjected to
physical punishment or psychological violence at the hands of their parents and or other adults
whom the children depend on. Every year, an estimated 40 150 children under the age of 18
are homicide victims, some of whom are likely victims of child maltreatment. Thus, child
maltreatment or child abuse must be considered a serious issue because the impact of child
abuse gives long-term consequences. (


Detailed explanation to show statistics of Child abuse cases in Malaysia

Number of physical abuse










Johor Sabah Kuala Lumpur Selangor

Number of physical abuse

What are statics? Data analysis is the scientific method of gathering, pre-processing, and
applying a set of statistical techniques to uncover insights or underlying patterns in data. With
the rise in cheap data and cumulative data usage, we now have a massive amount of data from
multiple sources. Along with the necessity to acquire and maintain this massive amount of data,
one big challenge is dealing only with noise and converting the information into a useful
format. To address the problem, statistical analysis generates several data methodologies and

Firstly, we see what is child abuse? A child is harmed when he or she is abused. It happens
when a child is harmed or neglected. The abuser is frequently somebody who kid knows. It
could be a parent, a family member, a caregiver, or a close family friend. The statistics above
shows the number of physical abuses that happened from 2020 until 2022. The statistics that
shown here was took from FRM (FREE MALAYSIA TODAY) platform. According to Siti
Zailah, who is also the Rantau Panjang MP, Selangor had the highest number of abuse cases
from 2020 to 2022, with 4,256. It is a highest case that happened in Selangor. Apart from that
the most second highest was Kuala Lumpur which is stated 2131 cases. The third state which
is Sabah stated 1239 cases. The last state which is Johor stated 1155 cases totally.


1,348 sexual abuse cases involving children were recorded

in the first six months of the year,
700 641





100 47

Rape Geng Rape Incest Unnatural Sex Molest

1,348 of cases
sexual abuse…

This is extra information. There is a lot types of child abuse such as physical abuse. Physical
abuse is defined as any type of physical harm done to a child. This can be done by family
members, teachers, or a third party, and it is frequently carried out for the purpose of trying to
teach the child proper behavior. Apart from that, emotional abusing frequently verbal,
involving insults, constant criticism, harsh demands, threats, and yelling. By Sexual are rape,
incest, fondling, indecent exposure, using a child in pornography or exposing a child to
pornographic material. In medical also Intentionally trying to make a child sick or not treating
a medical condition.

The above statistics is about 1,348 sexual abuse cases involving children were recorded in the
first six months of the year. The highest case is rape case that stated was 641. Quite high case
that we found in these statics. The second one is molested which is 438 cases totally. Thirdly
is incest. what is incest? Incest is sexual relationships between people who are too close to
marry each other. Unnatural sex is stated as 95 cases. And lastly you can see the lowest one is
47 cases which is gang rape.


As a Welfare officer, what are the steps/solutions you can think of to prevent Child
Maltreatment or Child Abuse in Malaysia

Without a question, the government plays a crucial role in preventing abuse and neglect. As
a result, regulations protecting children have been passed in the majority of nations. Regarding
Malaysia, several laws offer protection for the abused child. In Malaysia, where the rights of
children were openly acknowledged by the government, the Child Act brought about
significant reforms in the law relating to the protection of children. Children were
acknowledged as a significant part of society in the beginning of the Act, and since they are
still developing, they should be protected and given extra attention.

As a welfare officer, we must limit all media coverage and publications. Any news story
about a child whose custody is sought under the Child Act must not reveal the child's name,
address, or place of attendance, or contain any information that could be used to identify the
child, whether as the subject of the story, the subject of the action being taken against them, or
as a witness to the action. This is done to protect the child's interests and welfare. No
newspaper, magazine, or other electronic medium may print or transmit the image of any
affected child or any other person, place, or item that could help identify any affected child.

Second solution is getting a child to a temporary custody. A protector or police officer has
the responsibility to place a kid in temporary custody and secure housing. Protector in this
context refers to the Director General, the Deputy Director General, the Divisional Director of
Social Welfare, the Department of Social Welfare, the State Director of Social Welfare of each
state, or any other social Welfare Officer designated. If the guardian or police officer believes
with good reason that a kid need care and protection, they may temporarily take control of the

Next is report abuse to the appropriate authority. The medical officer or medical professional
is required to notify authorities if they have cause to think that a kid they are examining or
treating has been sexually assaulted of the child, has been mistreated, neglected, abandoned, or
has been exposed. Failure to report is a crime that carries a maximum punishment of RM5,000,
a maximum sentence of two years in prison, or both for the child, depending on the
circumstances. The provider of child care and the kid's family are also subject to the need to
report. This is different from the Child Protection Act, which simply required medical
professionals to comply.


Last but not least, improving attitudes towards child maltreatment. To stop child abuse, it is
important to raise community understanding of issues including early childhood development,
quality childcare, childhood trauma, the effects of child abuse, and children's rights. A
supplement to a welfare approach might be a child rights approach.



In this assignment, we were required to shoot a video in the criteria of interview or

documentary. We have chosen to do interview as it will give us experience on interviewing

Gowri a/p Manogar has chosen Mrs Morisha, who is a parent. The question she asked was
about, what do you think about Child Abuse nowadays? And, as a parent, do you think parents
should hit their children physically if they made a mistake? As she interviewed this interviewee,
she learned that as parent we should take good care of our children in many ways and must not
push our stress on them. Also, child abuse is really an unacceptable matter and it should be
stopped. Children also deserved to be treated as usual as the adults.

Shahmany a/p Kaviarason has chosen to interview Ng Yong Yi, a youngster. The questions she
asked was about, what is child abuse and from your point of view how can we prevent child
abuse? As she interviewed this interviewee, she learned that children are not a subject, they
also have feelings. She also learned everyone should show give attention on child abuse cases
so we can know the causes of child abuse and can prevent or take precautions earlier.

Kamari Atul Arrifah Abd Razak has taken the opportunity to interview a parent, named Pn
Nurul Farizan Supaat. The questions she asked are mainly about - as we know recently cases
of child abuse in Malaysia are becoming widespread and increasing year by year. In your view
as a mother and guardian of children, can you share about this case of child abuse and also
what causes it to happen? And as an adult and also a parent, what advice would you like to give
to people who do such things? As she interviewed this interviewee, you must be prepared for
any obstacles you may encounter as a parent. additionally get psychologically and emotionally
ready to deal with the children's exhaustion. Additionally, in order to be able to control
emotions and prevent releasing the nature of wrath to children, it is important for parents to
retain their religious beliefs and their relationship with God.

Durgalaksmi a/p Ganesan has uniquely interviewed a teacher, named Tavamanni a/p
Subramaniam. She asked questions about- from your point of view, what are the causes of child
abuse? And, as a teacher, have you noticed child abuse signs among your students? In the
meantime, she learned that a perspective of a teacher is different. It can be seen in another angle
as well. She also learned that there are different types of understanding for the Child Abuse


Joanne Ruth a/p K. Jayarathan has interviewed a teenager, named Jayshryn. She took the
opportunity to ask questions regarding do you know what is child abuse, what do you think
about child abuse and did you study at school about Child Abuse. At the end of the interview,
she learned that the student’s have the knowledge about Child Abuse. They have the ability to
think what is right and wrong. They also can identify the differences of Child Abuse.

We mainly chose the parent category to know what is the perspective of the parents regarding
the current cases and also happenings regarding Child Abuse in Malaysia. We also choose the
school category which is teacher and students to know their point of view regarding the Child
Abuse that is happening in current generation.



emotional-abuse/. (n.d.). (n.d.). (n.d.). (n.d.).




Interview Video Photo



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