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1. What are the social issues in the Huckleberry Finn?

(at least 500 words)

- Slavery, robbery, and the racism are social issues in here. When it comes to

black people, the ones who have the money or white people when they saw a

black people they just going to sell the black people into a slavery. Slavery and

treatment of black people in general. Jim, who is a black slave, is treated like a

piece of property. Miss Watson's use of slaves and Christianity shows that

despite their shortcomings, people back then believed they were good and

devout. The conflict between the shepherdsons is proof of this. This is further

illustrated by the n-word usage by those who identify as religious. Slavery and

murder reveal the culture's hypocrisy and the lengths to which people will go in

order to violate their values and ideals. These topics are brought up in The

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to show how much society may be influenced by

its own troubles. For murdering its just a normal thing for them. Example for each

other because of the conflict and slavery, also. For stealing the slavery they will

just steal anyone who is black people that they think are runaway to the owner.

The robbery are the one of the common social issue to the story. Example of tom

and finn they use robbery because they are bored and of course to get the

money from people who are powerless. For characters that had issue to black

people one of them is aunt sally. Aunt sally disregarding black people directly

influences Huck and his beliefs about black people. Aunt sally explicitly shows

how little black people matter to her that even their death has no importance to

her. Also from what I observed to hucks perspective is that Huck feels as though
society has rejected to him he just want to go somewhere and wanted to be in a

change environment to feel free just like jim that wanted to be free to feel that he

have his own lives.

2. What can you learn from the characters of Huckleberry Fin and Jim? (at least

500 words)

- There’s a list that I learned from Huckleberry Fin. First, Always keep your word.

Fin always a man to his word especially to the part when he said to jim that he is

going to go back to him just wait to him to go check if there is anyone who is

dangerous when it comes to jim the slave because for a fact that when someone

saw jim, they will just go to jim and sell jim to the slavery or they will became the

master. Second, Sometimes, you just have to accept social courtesies and play

along. Fin are a amazing pretender when it comes to new people that they

encounter. I realize this when the part of they encounter the “duke” and the “king”

the pretender. Fin know along that they are a fake but little did not they know that

the pretender king will sell the fake information about jim when they got into the

town that is why the pretender jim are sober when they saw him. Third, Being a

part of this world requires some lying skills. Finn knows how to lie when he

realize that the people he encounter are not good and just after for money.

Especially when finn suddenly knows the king and duke are just pretending to be

in a high position. Fourth, Having a get-away place is a good thing. Fin always

find a good get-away place is like freedom to him and jim. Last, Life gives us a

hard time, but it’s a good thing. If you keep repeating the same actions, you will

not only grow bored but also become mired in the current situation. Fortunately,
life makes sure that you never get comfortable and that nothing ever goes

according to plan. Trials and temptations come our way, but this is for the best.

- As for Jim. Jim is portrayed as a loving man that no matter if the people are bad

to him, he is still kind to them and he is always smiling to jim and to the other

people that he did not know. He is a hard working man through out the story just

to help himself and jim to escape from the bad people that are chasing them. Jim

stand as a father to finn in my opinion. He always looking for finn if finn are alright

and if he is hurt.

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