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Families 1: The Cat Sat

1. cat 猫
This is a cat.
2. rat ⽼⿏
This is a rat.
3. hat (有边的)帽⼦
This is a hat.
4. mat 垫⼦
This is a mat.
5. the 这(个), 那(个) (⽤在指称前⾯已经出现过的⼈或事物)
The rat sat.
6. sat 坐 (sit-sat)
The rat sat.
7. this 这,这个
This is a cat.
8. is 是 (动词原型:be)
This is a cat.

9. a ⼀……,⼀个……
This is a cat.
10. on 在…之上
The rat sat on the mat.
11. look 看
12. too 1. 太,过于,(2. 也,也是)
The cat is too fat!
13. fat 肥胖的
The cat is too fat!

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Word Families 2: Sam Has Ham

1. jam 果酱
Sam has jam.
2. ham ⽕腿(⾷物名称)
Sam has ham.
3. has 有 (she has, he has, it has)
Sam has ham.
4. this 这,这个
This is Sam.
5. is 是 (动词原型:be)
This is Sam.
6. cat 猫
Pam is a cat.
7. she 她
She is a fat cat!
8. fat 肥胖的
She is a fat cat!
9. no 没有
Pam has no ham.
10. do (do not……)不……
Do not jump up!
11. not 不是,不...
Do not jump up!
12. jump 跳跃
Do not jump up!
13. up 向上,往上
Do not jump up!
14. now 此刻,现在
Now Pam has ham.

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Word Families 3: Dan Ran

1. pan (有把⼿的)平底锅
Dan ran to a pan.
2. can 能,会
Dan ran to a can.
3. fan 扇⼦,电风扇
Dan ran to a fan.
4. man 男⼈
Dan ran to a man.
5. ran 跑 (run-ran)
Dan ran.
6. this 这,这个
This is Dan.

7. is 是 (动词原型:be)
This is Dan.
8. to 向,往,到
Dan ran to a man.
9. and 和,及
Dan ran and ran and ran.
10. then 然后
Then . ..
11. his 他的
Dan ran to his mat!
12. mat 垫⼦
Dan ran to his mat!

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Word Families 4: Dad is Mad

1. sad 悲伤的
Jan is sad.
2. mad ⾮常⽣⽓的
Dad is mad.
3. dad 爸爸
Dad had a fan.
4. bad 坏的,不好的
" Bad cat!" said Dad and Sam.
5. is 是 (动词原型:be)
Dad is mad.
6. had 有 (have/has-had)
Dad had a fan.
7. fan 扇⼦,电风扇
Dad had a fan.
8. then 然后
Then he had no fan.
9. he 他
Then he had no fan.
10. no 不,不是
Then he had no fan.
11. ham ⽕腿(⾷物名称)
Sam had ham.
12. jam 果酱
Sam had jam.
13. said 说,讲 (say-said)
"Bad cat!" said Dad and Sam.
14. and 和,及
"Bad cat!" said Dad and Sam.

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Word Families 5: We Tap on a Map

1. cap 帽⼦,棒球帽
He taps on his cap.
2. map 地图
We tap on the map.
3. nap ⼩睡,打盹⼉
I like to nap!
4. lap 膝盖
I tap on my lap.
5. we 我们
We tap, tap, tap.
6. tap 轻拍
I like to tap.

7. on 在…之上
I tap on my lap.
8. I 我
I like to tap.
9. like 喜欢
I like to tap.
10. my 我的
I tap on my lap.
11. he 他
He taps on his cap.
12. his 他的
He taps on his cap.
13. pan (有把⼿的)平底锅
We tap on the pan.

14. hat (有边的)帽⼦

We tap on the hat.

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15. dad 爸爸
We tap on Dad.
16. but 但是
But Dad is mad.
17. mad ⾮常⽣⽓的
But Dad is mad.
18. no 不,不是
No, Sam!

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Word Families 6: Tag on a Bag

1. bag ⼥⽤包包
Sam had a big bag.
2. rag 破布,碎布
Sam had a rag.
3. tag (写有⼈名或物品名的)标签
Sam had a little tag.
4. wag (狗)摇尾巴
The dog wagged its tail.
5. on 在…之上
He put the tag on his bag.
6. had 有 (have/has-had)
Sam had a big bag.
7. put 放置,安置(在某处)
Sam put the rag in his bag.
8. his 他的
Sam put the rag in his bag.
9. map 地图
Sam had a map.
10. little ⼩的
Sam had a little tag.
11. he 他
He put the tag on his bag.
12. now 此刻,现在
Now his bag was fat!
13. fat 肥胖的
Now his bag was fat!
14. do (do not……)不……
"Sam, do not lag," said Dad.
15. not 不是,不...
"Sam, do not lag," said Dad.

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16. lag 落后,拖延
"Sam, do not lag ," said Dad.
17. ran 跑 (run-ran)
Sam ran with his bag.
18. with 与,和
Sam ran with his bag.
19. to 向,往,到
He ran to the van.
20. van 有盖⼩货车,箱形客货两⽤车
He ran to the van.

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Word Families 7: A Hot Pot

1. hot 热的
The pot is hot.
2. pot 锅
I see a pot.
3. cot 帆布床,吊床,可折叠的(简易床铺)
I see a cot.
4. see 看见
I see a pot.
5. said 说,讲 (say-said)
"I see a pot," said Dot.
6. what 什么
What is in it?

7. in 在...⾥
What is in it?
8. it 它
What is in it?
9. look 看
" Look, Dot," said Mom.
10. not 不是,不...
It is not jam.
11. ham ⽕腿(⾷物名称)
It is ham!
12. got 得到,获得 (get-got)
Dot got some ham.
13. some ⼀些
Dot got some ham.
14. was 是 (am-was) (动词原形:be)
The ham was hot.
15. I 我
I like ham.
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16. like 喜欢
I like ham.
17. a ⼤量地,许多地
lot I like ham a lot!

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Word Families 8: The Dog and the Log

1. dog 狗
This is a dog.
2. log 原⽊
They jog to a log.
3. fog 雾
They jog in the fog.
4. hog 1. (长⼤了的)猪,(2. 独霸,独占)
They jog by a hog.
5. jog 慢跑
The dog can jog.
6. with 与,和
The dog can jog with Dan.
7. they 他们,她们,它们
They jog in the fog.
8. in 在...之内
They jog in the fog.
9. by 经过
They jog by a hog.
10. van 有盖⼩货车,箱形客货两⽤车
They jog by a van.
11. man 男⼈
They jog by a man.
12. to 向,往,到
They jog to a log.
13. but 但是
But the log is too big!
14. too 1. 太,过于,(2. 也,也是)
But the log is too big!
15. big ⼤的
But the log is too big!

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16. look 看
17. jump 跳跃
The dog jump s over the log!
18. over 在…之上
The dog jumps over the log!
19. good 1. 乖的,听话的,(2. 好的)
" Good dog," said Dan.
20. you 你,你们
You can do a lot!
21. do 做……
You can do a lot!
22. a ⼤量地,许多地
lot You can do a lot!

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Word Families 9: Hop, Hop, Hop

1. hop 单脚跳跃,(动物等)齐⾜跳⾏
I like to hop.
2. mop 拖把
I hop to a blue mop.
3. top 陀螺
I hop to a red top.
4. pop 砰的⼀声
5. like 喜欢
I like to hop.
6. up 向上,往上
I hop up.
7. down 向下,在下⾯
I hop down.

8. blue 蓝⾊的
I hop to a blue mop.
9. red 红⾊的
I hop to a red top.
10. big ⼤的
I hop to a big bag.
11. little ⼩的
I hop to a little rag.
12. rag 破布,碎布
I hop to a little rag.
13. hot 热的
I hop to a hot pot.

14. pot 锅
I hop to a hot pot.

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15. brown 褐⾊的,棕⾊的
I hop to a brown dog.
16. wag (狗)摇尾巴
Wag, wag, wag!
17. stop 停⽌,中⽌
18. away 离开,隔开...远
I hop away.

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Word Families 10: A Wet Pet

1. wet 湿的,潮的
Her pet is wet.
2. pet 宠物
Jan has a pet.
3. net ⽹
Jan has a net.
4. jet 喷射机
5. has 有 (she has, he has, it has)
Jan has a pet.
6. met 遇见 (meet-met)
I met her pet.
7. her 1. 她的,(2. 她)
I met her pet.
8. little ⼩的
Her pet is little.
9. blue 蓝⾊的
Her pet is blue.
10. get 抓住,逮住(⼈、动物等)
She can get her wet pet.
11. let 让,允许
She can let it go.
12. it 它
She can let it go.
13. go 去
She can let it go.
14. vet 兽医
Her pet has a vet.
15. fish 鱼
It is a fish!

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Word Families 11: Hen in the Pen

1. hen 母鸡
There is a hen.
2. in 在...⾥
One man is in the pen.
3. pen 1. (动物住的)栏,圈,(2. 笔,钢笔)
I see a big pen.
4. men 男⼦ (单数:man)
Two men are in the pen.
5. ten ⼗,10
Ten men are in the pen!
6. see 看见
I see a big pen.
7. big ⼤的
I see a big pen.
8. one ⼀,1
One man is in the pen.
9. two ⼆,2
Two men are in the pen.
10. are 是 (动词原型:be)
Two men are in the pen.
11. little ⼩的
I see a little pen.
12. hog (长⼤了的)猪
One hog is in the pen.
13. look 看
14. there 有(⼀个)
is There is a hen.
15. oh 哦(感叹词)
Oh no.

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16. no 不,不是
Oh no.
17. get 抓住,逮住(⼈、动物等)
Can Ben get the hen?
18. yes 是的
Yes, Ben can get the hen!

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Word Families 12: A Red Bed

1. red 红⾊的
It is a red bed!
2. bed 床
It is a red bed!
3. fed 喂养(动物) (feed-fed)
He fed the red hens!
4. look (仔细地)看
at Ted, look at that!
5. that 那,那个
Ted, look at that!
6. it 它
It is a red bed!
7. hen 母鸡
He fed the red hen s!
8. brown 褐⾊的,棕⾊的
I see a brown hat!
9. peg 钉⼦
He has a red peg!
10. yellow 黄⾊的
11. jet 喷射机
12. where 在哪⾥,哪⾥
Where is Ted?
13. see 看见
I see a brown hat!
14. now 此刻,现在
Now I see Ted.

15. he 他
He fed the red hens!

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Word Families 13: Pig in a Wig

1. pig 猪
A pig in a wig.
2. in 在...⾥
A pig in a wig.
3. wig 假发
A pig in a wig.
4. fig ⽆花果,⽆花果树
He has a fig.
5. big ⼤的
He is big.
6. look 看
" Look !" Ted said.
7. he 他
He did not like his jig.
8. has 有 (she has, he has, it has)
He has a fig.
9. did 做 (do-did)
The pig did a jig.
10. jig 吉格舞(通常为三拍⼦的快步舞)
The pig did a jig.
11. not 不是,不...
Ted did not like the pig.
12. like 喜欢
I like the pig!
13. got 到达
The pig got down.
14. down 向下,在下⾯
The pig got down.
15. went 去 (go-went)
He went to Ted.

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16. yes 是的
" Yes !" said Jan and Sam.
17. and 和,及
Said Jan and Sam.

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Word Families 14: Can It Fit

1. can 能,会
Can it fit in a pit?
2. it 它
What is it?
3. fit (使)适合
Can it fit in a bag?
4. pit 洼坑,凹处
Can it fit in a pit?
5. sit 坐
Can it sit on my bed?
6. hit 打,打击
Can it hit a ball?
7. for 为了...
It is for you.
8. you 你,你们
It is for you.
9. bag ⼥⽤包包
Can it fit in a bag?
10. what 什么
What is it?
11. ball 球
Can it hit a ball?
12. my 我的
Can it sit on my bed?
13. bed 床
Can it sit on my bed?
14. dad 爸爸
"It is for you," Dad said.
15. and 和,及
And it can fit here!

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Word Families 15: A Sip, A Rip

1. sip (饮料的)⼀⼩⼜
I want a sip.
2. rip 裂缝,破洞
A big rip!
3. want 要,想要
I want a sip.
4. please 拜托
5. let 让,允许
Please, let me have a sip.
6. me 我
Please, let me have a sip.
7. have 有,拥有
Please, let me have a sip.
8. my 我的
A little sip on my lip.

9. lip 嘴唇
A little sip on my lip.
10. too 1. 也,也是,(2. 太,过于)
I want a sip too!
11. we 我们
We want a sip!
12. us 我们
Please let us have a sip!
13. tip 倾斜
Ted, do not tip it!
14. big ⼤的
A big rip!
15. hip 屁股,臀部
A big rip on my hip!

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Word Families 16: What Did the Kid Do?

1. what 什么
What did the kid do?
2. did 构成疑问句,表疑问 (do-did)
What did the kid do?
3. kid ⼩孩
What did the kid do?
4. lid 盖⼦
The pot had a lid.
5. hid 躲藏 (hide-hid)
The kid ran and hid.
6. ran 跑 (run-ran)
The kid ran and hid.
7. where 在哪⾥,哪⾥
Where did the kid go?
8. go 去
Where did the kid go?

9. pot 锅
The kid hid in a pot.
10. had 有 (have/has-had)
The pot had a lid.
11. saw 看见 (see-saw)
Sid saw the kid.
12. with 与,和
Pip hid with the kid.
13. then 然后
Then Sid got the lid!
14. got 得到,获得 (get-got)
Then Sid got the lid!

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Word Families 17: In the Tin Shop

1. in 在...之内
Let's go in.
2. tin 锡
Dot saw the Tin Shop.
3. shop 商店,零售店
Dot saw the Tin Shop.
4. saw 看见 (see-saw)
Dot saw the Tin Shop.
5. let's 让我们 (=let us)
Let's go in.
6. go 去
Let's go in.

7. went 去 (go-went)
Dot went to a bin.
8. bin 箱⼦,容器
Dot went to a bin.
9. fin 鱼鳍,鳍状物
She saw a fin.
10. did 做 (do-did)
He did not see the bin.
11. not 不是,不...
He did not see the bin.
12. see 看见
He did not see the bin.
13. some ⼀些
He saw some tin cans.
14. can (⾷物)罐头
He saw some tin cans.
15. win 得胜,赢
I win!
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Word Families 18: Pug Can Tug

1. tug ⽤⼒拉(或拖),拖曳
Pug can tug.
2. rug ⼩地毯,⽑⽪地毯
He can tug on a rug.
3. bug ⾍⼦
He can jump over a bug.
4. hug 拥抱
I hug him a lot.
5. my 我的
Pug is my dog.
6. dog 狗
Pug is my dog.
7. jog 慢跑
Pug can jog.
8. mug (筒形有柄的)⼤杯
He can jog to a mug.
9. jump 跳跃
He can jump over a bug.
10. over 在…之上
He can jump over a bug.
11. beg 请求,恳请
Pug can beg.
12. some ⼀些
He can beg for some ham.
13. ham ⽕腿
He can beg for some ham.
14. sit 坐
Pug can sit.
15. good 好的
He is a good pet.

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16. pet 宠物
He is a good pet.
17. him 他
I hug him a lot.
18. a ⼤量地,许多地
lot I hug him a lot.

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Word Families 19: A Cut and a Nut

1. cut 1. 伤⼜,(2. 切,砍)

I have a cut!
2. nut 坚果(核桃、栗⼦等壳⼦硬的树果⼉)
I see a nut!
3. hut ⼩屋
There is a hut.
4. but 但是
But Ted did not run fast.
5. see 看见
I see a nut!
6. ran 跑 (run-ran)
Hun ran fast to the nut.
7. fast 快地,迅速地
Hun ran fast to the nut.
8. run 跑
But Ted did not run fast.
9. fell 摔倒,跌倒 (fall-fell)
Ted fell.
10. have 有,拥有
I have a cut!
11. leg 腿
My leg is red!
12. red 红⾊的
My leg is red!
13. there 有(⼀个)
is There is a hut.
14. bad 坏的,不好的
My cut is bad.
15. cannot 不能 (=can not)
We cannot run.

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16. was 是 (am-was) (动词原形:be)
Ted was sad.
17. sad 悲伤的
Ted was sad.
18. not 不是,不...
But Ted did not run fast.
19. here 这边,往这边,在这边

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Word Families 20: Fun with Hun

1. fun 趣味,乐趣
I have fun with Hun.
2. with 与,和
I have fun with Hun.
3. sun 太阳
We nap in the sun.
4. run 跑
We like to run.
5. bun ⼩圆⾯包,⼩圆糕点
Then we eat a hot bun.
6. we 我们
We like to run.
7. like 喜欢
We like to run.
8. park 1. 公园,(2. 停放(车辆等))
We run in the park.
9. van 有盖⼩货车,箱形客货两⽤车
We run to the van.
10. hut ⼩屋
We run to the hut.

11. pen 1. (动物住的)栏,圈,(2. 笔,钢笔)

We run to the pens.
12. kid ⼩孩
We run with a kid.
13. eat 吃
Then we eat a hot bun.
14. then 然后
Then we eat a hot bun.
15. hot 热的
Then we eat a hot bun.
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16. nap ⼩睡,打盹⼉
We nap in the sun.
17. a lot 许多的
of I have a lot of fun.

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