Report and Prescription 2

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)R. NI.

H .S), KOl
-_A. M S {W.8.U Ph : 9748341464
Gtnr ral PhY5tdan & Healt h Consuf tant 891084775?,,v ,,
R~. No. - 12S53 (P.8 .A.P.) =
Resid ence : Arabt nd~ PaUy
House Physician of P•tipu kur TB Hosp ital Dutta pukur , (N) 24 Pgs.
(At~hed with J.8 Roy St.lte Ayerv ed ic Timing : 6 P.M to 8 P.M
Medic al Colle gf & Hosp ital)
At Home (Exce-pt -Tuesday}
Forme rly "ttached with Howrah Dist rict Hospi tal

Name : .................$.1';ffh::.~':-c.. i2.t:2. . . ...... . .......... ...... ... .. . .............. ... ... .. . . ... ..
Address : ........ ......~ .ltt rr! ~~ ~-··· ···· .. ········ ······........ ........ ........ ................
Age : ...........7...1:t.J-~............... Sex : ...c_gµ..................... Date : .... l.f/ .?j.t.?..........
.... .
B.A MS (W.8 U .H .S), KOL
GPneraf Physicia n & Health Consulta nt Ph : 9·7483414 84
Reg. N o . ·· 12 S53 ( P.B.A .P.} 891084 775 7
H ou se Physicia n o f Pati puku r TB H o spital Residenc e : -Arabinda Pally
(A ttachf"d with J.8 Roy State Ayerved ic · Duttapu kur, (N) 24 Pgs.
Medical College & H o spital) Timing : 6 P.M t o 8 P.M
Formerly Attached with Ho wrah District Ho spital At Ho m e (E xcept -Tuesday )

Name : ............................ ~~~J.:(1.6...........~ ~ .r.:~ ...... ... c:2!.~ .... . ........ .

Address : ............................ ~ 0..ct.. .. .~ .............................................................. ..
Age : .............UJ.. ya. ....,......,..
Sex : ... .. .. . ..... ,............ Date : .:. ·&/·I·f·~···········

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Ph . 974 83A 14184
• Gene ¥i\l Phy~JC 1an & Heall .,_ Consu ltant 891 0847 757
~~g N o . 125',3 (P 8.A P )
Res1dence . Arab1 nda Pallv
Hovs; ~ Ptty~1 tta n of Pa.t1putur TB Ho spital Outt;1pvkur (N ) .?4 Pg_s
(Atl.a, h~d w l t h J.8 Roy St.t~ Ayerv edi.c Timm g · 6 PM to 8 P.M
Med• coJ Colle ge & Hosp tt•t> At Home (Exc~p t Tu~~dcly)
f orme rty• cfl&d w ,th H ow rah Oist rlc1 Ho.spi tal

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Date .. .../."f9 .81't;J.J. ...................

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s.A.M.S (W.B.U.H.S), KOL Ph : 9748341484
General Physjcian & Health Consultant
Reg. No. - 12553 (P.8.A.P.) 8910847757
Hoose Physician of Pat ipukur TB Hospital Residence : Arabinda Pally
(Attached with J.B Roy State Ayerved ic Dutt apuku r, (N) 24 Pgs.
M edical College & Hospital) Timing : 6 P.M to 8 P.M
Formerly ~ttached with Howrah District Hospital At Home (Excep t -Tuesday)

Name : .................. ~;..,.JJ..p.b......... ~~ ......0.~....... .. .... ... .............. . ......

Address : .......................................... ... .. ..... . .. . .......................... ...........................
Age : .............2. l.f. t!?w.l..·~.. Sex : .... ® ·........ ........
Date : ....fu:i(.f.f(. 2.-r................ .

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12 No. Rail Gate.Nandan Plaza, Noapa ra
North 24 Parga nas r
Ko lkata

Collected : 8/2/2021 8:23:00AM

Name Mr. SUDIPTA DAS : 8/2/2021 8:31 :56AM
Gend er: Male Reported : 8/2/2021 4:45:41PM
Lab No. 300148537 Age : 25 Years
Repo rt Statu s : Final
A/c Statu s p Ref By : DR. NILADRI BOSE

Bio. Ref. Interval

Test Name
IU/ml <100

Result Rechecked .
possibility of lgE dependent allergies as the
Note : 1. Normal levels of lgE do not rule out g,
time between exposure to an allerg and testin
sensitivity of the test depends upon elapsed
patient age and affected target organs.
lgE levels .
ted between severity of allergic reaction and
2. No close correlation has been demonstra

level of lgE is
trigger molecule for allergic information . The
lmmunoglobulin E (lgE) is the most important O years . As
ses with age and reaches adult levels after 1
low durin g the first year of life, gradually increa ation for
titative measurement can provide useful inform
lgE is a mediator of allergic response, quan Allerg ic
disease. Patients with atopic disea ses like
differentia l diagn osis of atopic and non-atopic
have moderately elevated lgE levels .
asthm a, Allerg ic rhin itis & Atopic dermatitis

lgE Myelo ma.

y, Hyper lgE syndrome , Parasitic infections ,
Increased Levels - Atopic/Non-atop ic allerg
states & Autoimmune diseases
Pulm onary Aspergillosis, Immunodeficiency

Uses se
y of allerg ies and early cl inical signs of disea
Evalu ation of children with strong fami ly histor
l ish the
of havin g allerg ic respiratory disease to estab
Evaluation of ch ildren and adult s suspected
diagn osis and define the allergens or wi th
to foods in patie nts with Anaphylactic sensitivity
T O confirm clinical expre ssion of sensitivity
p. sthma Ang ioedema or Cutaneous disease
specificity in
ens particularly as an a,d 1n defin ing veno m
To evaluate sens 1t1v1ty to insect venom allerg
those cases 1n wh,ch skin tests are equivocal
certain occupc:1t1onal allergens
T O confirm the presence of lgE antibodies to

P,tlJ" I ot 2
11111 ii WU It IU:J:H ti I fllJ.II!
• ' pi eM~ASA r
~,' RJ'' Gato Narida n P li'IZI. Noapar1 ,
, , H<'
,. )4 ra,g•" 11 "

8/2/2021 8 :23:0 0AM

Mr. SUDIPTA DAS 8/2/2021 8:31 :56AM
Name Received
Male 8/2/2021 4 :45:4 1PM
300148537 Age : 25 Years Gender: Reported
La b No
Report Status Final
Ale Statu s

Bio. Ref. Interval

Results Units
Te st Name

' Dr A~1tava Roy

MD B,ochem,stry
lncharge and Technical Lead - Clinica l
Chem istry & 81ochem1cal Genetics
KR L - Dr Lal Palhlab s Lid
Dr Sh,shrr Kum ar
MBBS, MD (81och e1111stry )
lncharge & Technical Lead - Clinical
KRL - Dr Lal PalhLabs Lid

- - - - - - - - E n d of r e p o r t -


d by the Laboratory
ent on the quality of the sample receive
en submitted *All test results are depend
*Test results released pertain to the specim ted by the Referri ng Physician *Samp le
should be clinically correla
to facilitate in arriving at a diagnosis and
*Laboratory investigations are only a tool may be delaye d due to unforeseen
reporting .*Report delivery
Referring Physician within 7 days post
repeats are accepted on request of ion of exact value. Kindly submit
at additional cost for derivat
d .*Certain tests may require further testing
circu mstances. Inconvenience is regrette Delhi shall have exclusive
variations .*The Courts/Forum at
g .*Test results may show interlaboratory
request within 72 hours post reportin legal purpos es • contact
*Test results are not valid for medico

ing the test(s) & or results of test(s).
jurisdiction in all disputes/claims concern
all queries related to test results .
customer ca re Tel No. +91 -11 -39885050 for
(#) Sample drawn from outside source .

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