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1. What was the speaker’s project/idea?

Multitasking and how boredom can inspire our most original ideas were the topics of the
speaker's project and idea.

2. How did the speaker come up with the idea?

The speaker developed this concept as a result of her curiosity about how boredom affects
creativity and how technology might change the brain. The speaker then came up with a
number of experiments for the audience to try based on her own challenges, like uninstalling
the most frequently used app on our phone and not using it for a day.

3. Was her project informative? List down all the information you learned from her TED talk.
Yes, because her project shows us that while boredom isn't always enjoyable, it often has
positive effects like encouraging us to think of new ideas and solutions. While boredom can be
counterproductive because it makes us think, it can also serve as a catalyst for productive

4. How frequently do you use your phone? Can you see yourself doing the speaker’s challenge?
Every minute, I use my phone. It's a bad idea for me to use it to avoid boredom because it allows
me to waste time. But as time goes on, I start to notice and think about how I use my phone
every day. It helped me realize how crucial it is for me to lead a busy, healthy life and how doing
nothing could be disadvantageous.

5. What are the possible implications of multitasking? Do we finish more, or do we complete

fewer tasks than focusing on one (1) task at a time?
The effects of multitasking include increased difficulty focusing on difficult or important tasks,
memory loss for new information, trouble picking up new information, and higher levels of
stress. Due to the simultaneous thinking of our minds, we complete fewer tasks. Because you
aren't concentrating on just one subject, it takes a lot of time.

6. According to the search engineer at Google, why is the technology built to trigger social media
users an itchy feeling if they are not with their phones?
According to the Google search engineer, because we rely on technology, like phones, as a
means of social interaction, social media users experience discomfort when away from their
phones. We want to remain as active on social media as we can because it is where we interact
with others most frequently. We occasionally feel anxious, which leads to us checking our
phones occasionally because we don't want to fall behind on various social issues.

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