RT6 Midterm I

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History of Board of Radiologic Technology in the Philippines

• The board was created on Feb. 27, 1992 by virtue of Republic Act No. 7431 also known
as the Radiologic Technology Act of 1992.

• The first chairman of the board is Mr. Fortunato C. Gabon Jr.

• The rules and regulations governing the examination, registration, licensure and
practice of radiologic and x-ray technology was promulgated on Sept. 20, 1993.

• The board conducted its first fully computerized licensure examination on Dec. 27,
1993, the results were released on April 9, 1994.

• The second chairman of the board is Mr. Nicomedes M. Gopez.

• The present chairman of the board is Mr. Reynaldo Apolonio S. Tisado.

• Members: Dr. Orestes P. Monzon, Mr. Bayani C. San Juan and Ms. Ma. Jesette B.
Canales, Mr. Roland P. Conanan.

Qualifications of Board Members

 Each member of the Board shall at the time of his appointment:

(1) Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines;

(2) Be of good moral character;

(3) Be at least thirty (30) years of age; and

(4) Is neither a member of the faculty, whether full time, part time or lecturer, of any
school, college or university where a regular course in radiologic technology is taught,
nor has any pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, in such institution during his term
of office as a Board member.

 Three (3) members of the Board, including the Chairman, shall at the time of their

(1) Be radiologic technologist; and

(2) Have at least ten (10) years practice as radiologic technologists prior to their
appointment; Provided, that the three (3) radiologic technologists appointed as
members of the first Board shall be deemed automatically registered as radiologic
technologists upon assumption of their duties as members
 One (1) member of the Board shall at the time of his appointment:

(1) Be a radiologist; and

(2) Has at least ten (10) years practice as a radiologist prior to his appointment.

 One (1) member of the Board shall at the time of his appointment:

(1) Be a medical physicist; and

(2) Has at least ten (10) years practice as a medical physicist

Removal of Board Members. — Any member of the Board may be removed from office by the President
upon the recommendation of the Commission for neglect of duty, incompetence or unprofessional,
immoral, or dishonorable conduct, or commission or toleration of irregularities in the conduct of the
examinations, after having been given the opportunity to defend himself in a proper administrative
investigation conducted by the Commission.


We, the Radiologic Technologist/X-ray Technologists, having agreed to organized an association

in order to embody our ideals, establish cooperation among ourselves, the physicians,
radiologists, hospital authorities and other paramedical professions, to ensure and promote
common bond of love for a better health service to the public.


I solemnly pledge myself before God and to the presence of this assembly, that we may
serve humanity with fidelity, honor and objective of the Radiologic Technology profession
to the best of one’s ability and render service without any mental reservations to the
practice of Radiologic Technology.

Local and International Organizations in Radiology and Radiologic Technology

1. Philippine Association of Radiologic Technologists (PART, Inc.)

 Jose L. Cervantes, RRT (The first president of PART, Inc.)

• Founded on May 1954

• To practice Radiologic Technology in the Philippines, aside from passing the licensure
examination, one must be an active member of PART, Inc.

• In 1969, PART became the 36 th regular chapter member of the International Society of
Radiographers and Radiologic Technologist.
• Accredited by the PRC in Sept. 1992.

2. Philippine Federation of Professional Radiologic Technologists (PFPRT).

• Founded on Dec. 1993.

• This federation is composed of 3 sectoral organizations namely the PSGRT (Phil. Society
of Government Radiologic Technologists), SPERT (Society of Privately Employed
Radiologic Technologists), and PSRTP (Phil. Society of Radiologic Technology Professors).

3. American Registry of Radiologic Technology (ARRT)

• Founded in 1992 by the Radiological Society of North America, with the support of the
American Roentgen Ray Society and the American Society of X-ray technicians.

• The worlds largest credentializing organization that seeks to ensure high quality patient
care in medical imaging, interventional procedures, and radiation therapy.

• They test and certify technologists and administer continuing education and ethics
requirements for their annual registration.

• The registry was incorporated in 1936 as the American Registry of X-ray Technicians.

• Forty years after its founding, the Registry expanded its program of examination and
certification and changed its name to American Registry of Radiologic Technology.

Designation awarded by ARRT

 An ARRT certificate confers upon its holder the right to use the title “Registered
Technologists” and its abbreviation “R.T. (ARRT)’ or “Registered Radiologic Assistant “
and its abbreviation “R.R.A. (ARRT)’’ in connection with his or her name.

 Unauthorized used of any of these registered trademarks constitutes trademark

infringement and is subject to damages and court injunction.

 The category designation should be inserted between the “R.T” and (ARRT).

1. (R) for Radiography

2. (N) for Nuclear Medicine

3. (T) for Radiation Therapy

4. (MR) for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

5 (S) for Sonography

For example: Cheska Antoinette A. Radoc, R.T. (R)(S)(ARRT)

4. International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISSRT)

 Fifteen (15) national societies formed the ISSRT in 1962. In 2006 it has grown to 80
member societies.

 The main objective of the organization is to assist the education of radiographers and to
support the development of medical radiation technology worldwide.

 The first president of ISSRT is Ms. D. vn Dijk.

 15 founder member societies nominated one person from its country to be their
Council Member.

Physician-Patient Relationship
 The physician-patient relationship is central to the practice of healthcare and is essential for the
delivery of high-quality health care in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
 The doctor-patient relationship forms one of the foundations of contemporary medical ethics.
Most universities teach students from the beginning, even before they set foot in hospitals, to
maintain a professional rapport with patients, uphold patients’ dignity, and respect their privacy.
 A patient must have confidence in the competence of their physician and must feel that they can
confide in him or her.
 Some medical specialties, such as psychiatry and family medicine, emphasize the physician-
patient relationship more than others, such as pathology or radiology.
 Michael Balint pioneered the study of the physician patient relationship in the UK with his wife
Enid Balint resulting in the publication of the seminal book “The Doctor, His Patient and the

Patient’s Rights

 Every patient should be treated with consideration of his or her worth and dignity.
 Patients must be provided confidentiality and privacy.
 They have the right to be informed, to make informed consent, and to refuse treatment.

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